Misc FanFics: MSTs |
Here you will find all the MSTs grouped into one page. MST is a critical review of fan fiction. They generally point out the faults in stories generally in jest. Several entries in this section are MSTs of lemons and contains mature content. Please go here if you would like your works published. |
AAA-PhuckNut (viperz00@winfire.com)
Agent_grey (eskar_the_pirate@yahoo.co.uk)
Akodo X (AkodoX@worldnet.att.net)
Garrett Albright (albright@mac.com)
Andrew (c621358@showme.missouri.edu)
Aniko Jugamagidor (Aniko820@AOL.com)
Anjiru (crowman_x2@superdeformed.com)
Assassin IvyRose (Ivysaur8500@aol.com)
Marty Van Assche (Tenchiken@juno.com)
Heather Babcock (hb453567@uni.edu)
Lance Bechard (WhiteLancer21378@Excite.com)
Glyph Bellchime (babcoch2313@uni.edu)
Paul "IrrCapT" Bernard (pmbernard@usa.net)
Chris Bozeman (nelfier8@earthlink.net)
BoneparteOzaki (Makoto_chan@elHazard.net)
Jackson "Jackson, Canadian God of Science" Brantley (JackdadyZ@aol.com)
Brian the Dark Lord (dark_masters01@webtv.net)
Buckeroo (buckfloyd@yahoo.com)
The Bumblebee (mysteriousbumblebee@angelfire.com)
Brian Burke (Tenchii@hotmail.com)
Travis Butler (Tbutler@tfs.net)
Kevin Byrnes (wffan1@aol.com)
Caligula (Caligula@satanism.org)
The Lemonade Stand
Ryoko and Sasami go to Washu for help when their lemonade stand proves
unsuccessful. 5KB -8/1/2001
Mr. "Cap" Twister (mistatwista@hotmail.com)
Christine "Naiad " Case (ceclkl@flash.net) & Lawrence "Lorentz" Lo
Carl (r_astley@hotmail.com) & Katy (divine_aphrael@hotmail.com)
Cav (cav@wpi.edu) and Thomas "009" Doscher (doscher009@hotmail.com)
Chewy (Billriddle1@attbi.com)
Elwin B. Coldiron (bigkwell@juno.com)
Jason Corona (kwoleson@g2a.net)
The Crane (The_krane@hotmail.com)
Alber Crombie (Gopher@venus.net) and Peter L. Ward (Falcon@best.com)
Alex "The Semi-Great Enigma" Curtindolph (enigma@iamdstudents.com) and DeathGiver (deathgiver2000@yahoo.com)
Kyle "Smugs" Danicek (cdanicek@aol.com)
Dargonis (KS1Dragon@aol.com)
DarkTemplar (squirtle92@hotmail.com)
Trista Decker (GOOSE20693@aol.com)
Defiler Bob (Defiler_Bob@yahoo.com)
Defiler Bob (tormentors_of_the_damned@yahoo.com) and Jerry the Juicer
Demonicuss (Dwendorf@usa.net)
James "Tonberi" DeYarman (Dekcdj@Earthlink.net)
Tonberi's Tenchi Muyo MSTing of "Decisions"
Tonberi MSTing of "Decisions" Part 1. 14KB -1/16/2000
Tonberi's Tenchi Muyo MSTing, 2nd Phase
Tonberi and gang MST "Decisions" Part 2a and both part of
"Inevitabilities". 35KB -9/18/2000
Kurdt Dharma (Eye8haggis@aol.com)
Dreddnott (dreddnott@yahoo.com)
Droggen (droggen@excite.com)
Eien (sasami@starmail.com)
Elena (SammyHChan@aol.com)
Don Euclid (Euclid@nwrain.com)
Rick "The Mirror Knight" Everts (MirrorKnight@collegeclub.com)
Mike Fenton (mpfenton@hotmail.com)
C. F. Ferret (CruciFictionFerret@msn.com)
Trevor "Ultima Havoc" Flickinger (tsaiyan@bellsouth.net)
Justin "J.P. Gibb" Gibb (gibbj1977@iwon.com)
Graffito Tag (graffitotag@hotmail.com)
Hakyo (hakyo_ryutei@hotmail.com) and Nodin (nodin_brishen@hotmail.com)
Trinity "ty" Heidemann (swayside@hotmail.com)
Hellknight (radnarudolf@earthlink.net)
Adam "Raid" Holton (holton.c@worldnet.att.net) and Justin A. "Craeyst Raygal" Porter (Craeyst@aol.com)
Christina "Ryoko_Masaki_4_eva" Horton (plastic_penguin22@hotmail.com)
Kevin "Crusader" Hughes (crusader_esper@hotmail.com)
John "CrowBar" Hurst (MakoReno@aol.com)
Insane (ShaneInsane@aol.com)
The StarShip TeaCup Chronicles
A riot on a prison ship means that for the renegades to return home,
they must MST fanfics. (Multipart) -10/8/2001
Isamu Dyson (m_stevens20@yahoo.com) and Kusanagi Mamoru
Jaiq da Goose (GOOSE20693@aol.com)
Jake the Goose (wildeyak2069@hotmail.com) and Luna (the_american_shingami@hotmail.com)
Jamie Jeans (Xwing@uniserve.com)
Jamie Jeans (Xwing@uniserve.com) and Timothy McLees
Jamie Jeans (Xwing@uniserve.com) and Michael Surbrook (susano@access.digex.net)
Jenny The Demon (DemonJen@aol.com)
Intro to the Bandit Crew MSTs
'The Bandit Crew MST a short fic, first in what hopes to be a long
line. (Multipart) -5/4/2002
Jim Ohki (JimOhki@aol.com)
Jusenkyo Guide (Jusenkyoguide@hotmail.com)
Karlmarks (markskarl@hotmail.com)
Kenshi (Kenshi@myexcel.com)
Ksawarrior (Ksawarrior@aol.com)
Ksawarrior (Ksawarrior@aol.com) and Peter Suzuki.(peter_suzuki@hotmail.com)
Marshall "The Biscuit" Leach (WillNilesborne@aol.com)
Toxic "Duke Of Nuclear" Lion (ToxicLion@aol.com)
Little Washu (MoonPrincezz@altavista.com)
Lord Jukeula (jukeula@hotmail.com)
Benjamin Lynx (PrototypeSpam@aol.com)
Shawn "ryu???" Lyons (rubynall@hotmail.com)
Michael MacDonald (KNIGHTSABR@aol.com)
Magus the Dark (magus_the_dark@hotmail.com)
Cyrus Marriner (rowsdower@seanbaby.com)
Othniel "OThni" Martinez (othni_g_x_dbzgt@hotmail.com)
Steve "Psycho Steve" Matter (psychosteve999@yahoo.com)
Mblow0t5 (Mblow0t5@hotmail.com)
M-chan (mchan@otakumail.com)
Mitch (wells17@gte.net)
Charles Morgan (ventrra@yahoo.com)
Rick R. Mortis (rickr@one.net.au) & Jinas
MST Master Mike (Registry309AR78@aol.com)
Murmur the Fallen (Harijubal@aol.com)
Kenneth Nelson (Ken008@aol.com) and Alex Fritz (Ekens007@aol.com)
Nicknetnak (Nicknetnak@aol.com)
Mystery Science Tenchi 3000
A MST of "No Need for an Enemy" 11KB -9/18/2000
David "Kthardin" R. Nolen (Kthardin@geocities.com)
Nullstate (nullstate@nullstate.com)
John P. "Nic42p" Oristian (johnlynnnick@usadatanet.net)
Clayton Overstreet (Clayton_n@hotmail.com)
Joachim "StOriKami " Pfeiffer (JoPf.mz@t-online.de)
PHaw410653 (PHaw410653@aol.com)
Nick Proferes (proferes@erols.com)
The Psychomatic Poet (psychomatic_poet@hotmail.com)
Ran Hakubi (trocketjason2@hotmail.com)
RKoren "Spencer" 1030 (RKoren1030@aol.com)
John "The Incredible Dancing Quatre" Robertson (dancingquatre@gundamwing.net)
ROBO-Satan (Pepper4099@aol.com)
ROBO-Satan (Pepper4099@aol.com) and Joe "JS Smitty" Smith (Whazzup316@cs.com)
Christian A Rogers (Mxjk67c@prodigy.com)
Bryan "DarkTemplar" Ryberg (Squirtle92@hotmail.com)
Ryoko "The Kat Goddess" Masaki (ryokogirl@pcez.com)
Ryouko's Twin (bunny@btclick.com)
MST of an MST : "Erotic Torture Chamber
An MST of an MST of a lemon fic. 35KB -12/29/2001
SayjinPride (dbzarchive@angelfire.com)
Holly Schafer (powder96@hotmail.com)
Shade (rowan-phoenix@usa.net)
Dolphin "Newjersey" Silverwolf (DolphinSWf@aol.com)
Joe "JS Smitty" Smith (Whazzup316@cs.com)
Smolken (smolken@spacemoose.com)
Spider (spider256@hotmail.com)
Star Struck (starflash64@hotmail.com) and Silver Dragon (silverdragonsilverwolf@hotmail.com)
Amber "Devil Caller" Stilton (Pikachu_Chan@Email.com)
Leland "Harry" Streeter (Ssj4trunks2021@aol.com)
Peter Suzuki.(peter_suzuki@hotmail.com)
Takana (CopperCreekLodge@att.net)
Talarin (talarin@xoommail.com)
Hajamari "Genesischan" Tamashii (Genesischan@hotmail.com)
Loden Taylor (loden_t@hotmail.com)
Tenma-Chan (tenma_chan@hotmail.com)
David Thompson (uuplaku-mail@juno.com)
Toxic "Duke Of Nuclear" Lion (ToxicLion@aol.com)
Trowa Masaki (tenchi221@yahoo.com)
Tseng the Demon (Tseng15@aol.com)
Turbo Magnus (turbomagnus@excite.com)
Timothy Turner (juraijin@aol.com) and Mark Rothlisberger (jedimax7@aol.com) and Paul Clark (pac16@hotmail.com)
The Unknown DJ (theunknowndjendz@yahoo.com)
Washu Hakubi (Washu_Hakubi@mailcity.com)
Grace "Ryoko-chan" Wasserstein (grace_face_87@hotmail.com)
Joshua "Kartman" Wayne (FirstDraconan@msn.com)
Mike "Gale_drake" Weaver (urdslove@aol.com)
Bryan Weber (drummondtype2@hotmail.com)
Bryan Weber (drummondtype2@hotmail.com) and Glyph Bellchime (glyph_bellchime@hotmail.com)
Weepinbell Number Seventy (weepinbell70@yahoo.com)
Yakuza (tenchimyou@hotmail.com) and Y2S (Y2S_the_game@hotmail.com)
Yamabushi (KinjiruSan13@aol.com)
MST of "Love in the Furryiest of
Spiritual superhero Ronin and four anime characters MST a Ryo-ohki
lemon. 15KB -11/27/2000
MST of "Picture Perfect"
Ronin and his anime allies MST a Clayton Overstreet lemon. 45KB
Ronin and the Anime Allies- MST #3 :"Mihoshi's
The Phoenix Knight and friends MST their third lemon. 30KB
"Zardian" (hcr@zardian.de)