MSTers's note:Since we are MSTing a Tenchi fic and the Tenchi cast are MSTing The<> sign are the MST characters. In the very distant future where demons run amok, There was a man, Tenchi Masaki, who was a real shmuck. Forced to read fics by doctor clay, Who has a stupid beard that's really gay, So he threw his curlers in a purse, and persued him in a Rocket across the universe. I'll send him crappy fanfics, The worst I can find "la la la" He'll have to sit and read them all to torture his puny mind "la la la" Keep in mind he can't control when the fics will be sent He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his horny friends Stalker roll call!! Ryoko:I did it all for the nookie Ayeka:Y...M...C...A Mihoshi:Ayeka, that's not how you spell "Macys" Washu:They misunderestimeted me. -((MSTer's note: Actual quote by President George W. Bush.)) Kiyone:Welcome to D Burger, may I take your order please? Sasami:The cat will be late Ryo-ohki:MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW If you are wondering how they eat or breathe, or other science facts, Repeat to yourself it's just a fic and you really should relax, For Tenchi-Muyo theater 4000 TTTTTTTTTTWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG. On Ryo-Ohki, or the sattelite of carrots. ::Tenchi is in his quarters reading "Foundation VII", when Sasami walks in.:: Hey, Sasami. Hey, Tenchi, do you know if we have any toilet paper. I'm not sure. ::Ryoko walks in.:: Don't worry Sasami, I found the toilet paper. Really? Where was it? ::Ryoko points to Paper Mario who is sticking to the bottom of her boots.:: Waht deed Mario dooo too deezerve diis? Itsah me, Mario! No. You didn't... You bet I did. Awww, Ryoko, nasty. Hey, Tenchi, what're you reading? Oh, I'm reading Founda...- ::Ryoko grabs the book and begins to read.:: android android.....robot robot robot....WHOA THERE!!!Android robot umm.....hehe. ::Tenchi turns bright red.:: ::The others stroll in.:: We are being called by the octopous bearded freak. ::A screen appears with Clay on it.:: Hello, bubbleheads. This is an exceptionally bad fic from an exceptionally bad author. Enjoy. NOT! ::The screen de-materialized.:: WE HAVE FANFICTION SIGN!!! ::Tenchi, Ayeka, and Ryoko run to the theatre. During the run, Paper Mario fell from off Ryoko's boots.:: AH waitah for meee. Does no one ah love papah Mario? Itsah me, Mario! The Night Author: TRJamesGal14 Tomb Raider James gal 14? Whatever. Okay this was writen to be between me and ...the computer, Then why must it be posted? HIYA! Abra! Go away damn you! Oh come on TRJ?::gives TRJ puppy eyes:: Abra...::Abra's eyes get bigger::...go to hell.::Abra goes cussing under her breath:: What the heck is going on here? ::shrugs:: Well this is stupid and well read and R&R. So we should read this fic twice? There's no way we're reading this twice. Note: This is my FIRST really shippy J&J fic, so bear with me. Shippy? Is there going to be a boat in this fic? She means 'rocketshippy.' It's what fans of team rocket apparently call themselves. Oh, I thought she meant shitty. "Jessie?" James awoke seeing his sleeping partner next to him. 'She's so beautiful...' He thought gently running a handthrough he rlong crimson locks. (as James)Ow! I think I've got a splinter! "James.." Jessie moaned in that half awake half asleep mode. "Uh, nothing." James said laying back down in his sleeping bag. Huh? Uh, nothing. Already, the light of incommpedence is shining upon this fic. "James is Meowth back yet?" Jessie said now fully awake. James looked around the room, "No Jessie. Man, I wonder where he went to get milk the farm where it came from!" he responded as Jessie giggled at the joke. What the fuck? Umm......Whatever. "James?" Jessie asked nodging over towards him, "Yes." James was busy moving away from the approaching Jessie. "James would you tell me something? Like if you're a virgin?" Jessie was now drawing circles and patterns on James's chest. "Yes." So yes he'll tell her if he's a virgin, or yes he's a virgin? Who cares? Yeah, really. "So am I. Wouldn't it be weird if you lost it to someone that you were still friends with..." "Jessie...NO!" (James)God, can't you see that I flame at about 1500 degrees F? Juraian gaydar never lies. Don't ask, don't tell. "What I wasn't trying to do anything. I was trying to ask you about V..." "I'm not going out with Victor! I'm NOT gay!" But there's always a first time. . . In a fic like this, all bets are off. "Yes, I known that but I meant Vicki." James's green eyes flung open, at the thought of this. "Jessie, are you crazy?" (Jackie Chan)That's crazy! You crazy! Hee hee, I love it when he does that. Jessie shock her haed and went to sleep singing the following song under her breath: "Vicki and Ja-a-ames Sittin' in a tree," "Shut up Jessie..." "K-I-S-S-I-N-G," "Jess please stop that," "First comes love the comes marriage," "Jessica....." Rabbit Please, lets get out of here. I second it. I third it. ::Ryoko, Tenchi, and Ayeka exit the theatre.:: You know, Ayeka, we havn't watched the Marty show in awhile What? Why the heck would we want to watch that? Why not? It was kind of cool. What!?! "Oh, I'm a bad teen, I don't listen to my parents. Oh no, now I have to do pushups while a drill sargent yells in my face" NO! Not the Maury Show! The MARTY show!!! THE MARTY SHOW!!!!! Oh, Hahhahahahahahahahha Very good. Where's paper mario? I have to take another big dump. Oh no! Itsah me, Mario! Why don't we just go buy some toilet paper? Ok. Oh, wait, we can't. We're trapped in space. Darn. ::Ryoko grabs paper mario:: Be back in a second. Oh sheet! Itsah me, Mario! Um, can it wait? We have to go back. Oh, I guess so. ::Ryoko drops Paper Mario and she, Tenchi, and Ayeka go back into the theatre:: "THEN comes James with a baby carriage!" "JESSIE!!!! STOP THAT NOW IT'S ANNOYING AND NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!" "I know but what about me?" (James)You're also annoying and not true!!!!!!!! "What?" "I mean about me. Do you like me that way?" Jessie flipped over on her side. (Jessie)I. . want it. . . thaaaaat. . . wayyyyy You like backstreet boys? They suck! They don't even write their own music or play instruments! Yeah, the only instruments the backstreet boys play are each other's dicks. You're mean! "Yes I do Jessica and I love you." Jessie's eyes got watery at the word, "James, I love you too." James gave Jessie an embrace which she gladly excepted and returned. I think she meant 'accepted.' Oops. This whole fic is oops. As they kissed, never breaking from their embrace, they begain thinking... "James?" "Yes, my love?" Jessie raised an eyebrow at her mate as he got the idea. But I thought a second ago he said no to. . . oh forget it. ************************************** Three hours later ************************************** Meowth was walking down the dirt path back towards the Rocket Safe cabin. It had takin' him an extra FOUR hours to get the groceries, because of the store closing early. As he neared the cabin he saw that the wondows were foggy. "Meowth wonder how dat happened?" Meowth used his key to open the locked door. "Howed tis get locked..." That's not meowth, it's a gungan in disguise. "JESUS CHRIST ON A MOTACYCLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Really! Cool! Where? (Meowth)Made ya look. James and Jessie's were scattered all over the room...a few yards away lay their owners. So Jessie and James' passion created hundreds of little versions of themselves all over the room? No. Who were as bear as the day they were born. So they grew hair all over their bodies and like honey? Yes. "James, do you hear something?" Jessie asked her sleeping partner grougaly before drifting back to sleep. 'Oh, well it had ta happen sometime.' Meowth thought heading towards the kitchen.. (Meowth)Oh well, I guess James had to dump me sometime. . . Only to find Jessie's bra sprawled accross the sink facet. Wait a second. They went into the kitchen? No, it's just supposed to be funny. Why was this rated R? Because there's a bra in the sink? "Tis is going ta take some gettin' used ta..." Meowth sighed going into the bedroom which lay untouched, for a cat nap. "Meowth'll let dem two's get ta it." He mumbled off to sleep...with dreams of Jessie and James's kids, and him being their uncle. ******************************************************************************** Man, did that suck! I'll do better but if you want more out of me then click on my name. It's up there some where.....R&R!!!!!!! Wow, what a piece of shit! Yeah, really. I think I speak for all three of us when I say, "I hate this fic, and I hate TRJamesgal 14. A lot." Agreed!!! Original fic by TRJamesgal 14 (Though after this humiliation, I'm not sure they want that credit anymore.) MST by Hellknight Stinger clip:James and Jessie's were scattered all over the room...a few yards away lay their owners. Who were as bear as the day they were born.