AnimePort #9 MSTs
By Peter Suzuki.(
#1 : "The MST of: No Need for a Long Patrol! Part 2: Underneath the Stars."
A MST of a Lemon fic. 57KB -11/14/1998
#2 : "The MST of Aikan Muyo. Chapter 1 - No Need For Fantasies"
A MSTing of Happi's lemon! 90KB -2/2/1999
#3 : "The MST of: Tenchi Gay?!"
A MSTing of another lemon! 25KB -2/2/1999
#4 : "The MST of: "Aikan Muyo" Chapters 2 & 3."
A MSTing of Happi's lemon! 115KB -4/20/1999
#5 : "MST Special #1 "Twisted Sasami Theater""
A MSTing of the lemon, "nightmare" 123KB -5/17/1999
#6 : "The MST of: "Jusenkyo Muyo!"
A MST of a X-over with a guest MSTer, Ksawarrior. 46KB -7/13/1999
#7 "The MST of: "10-CHI CLAN 'The Quickies'"
A MST of a lemon. 42KB -7/13/1999
#8 "The MST of: 'Pot' and 'Tenchi on a Plate of Sashimi'"
A MST of a lemon. 83KB -8/12/1999
#9 : "The MST of: '10-Chi Returns'"
A MST of a lemon. 47KB -11/7/1999
#10 : "MST Special #2 : 'Of Limes And Lemons.'"
A MST of several lemons and limes. 216KB -12/31/1999
#11 : "The MST of: 'Connections' and 'TENCHI! Master of His Domain!'"
A MST group reviwes a pair of fan fics. 125KB -5/17/2000
#12 : "The MST of: 'The Crew Of the JEDRI--- MST Log::::::::::::File 1 A Passion Satisfying, Ground Shaking, Glass Breaking. .'"
A MST group MSTs a MST group MST. 65KB -5/17/2000
#13 "MST Special #3 'Ratchet’s Initiation!'"
A new member is introduced. 110KB -5/17/2000
#14 "The Mihoshi Rant by Scion"
A MST of a rant. 22KB -3/5/2001
#15 : "The MST of: Tank Cop's 'True', and 'My Little Baby Cabbit'"
Two Tank Cop fics, in one! 37KB -7/18/2001
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