Misc FanFics: D-J

This section is dedicate to other works that are losely considered fan fics. This page holds poems, spam fics, short fics, song fics, and many other tangental works. Please go here if you would like your works published.

New * A-C * D-J * K-R * S-Z * MSTs

Hiwa TakahaskiD

Rameela "Ryoko_RD" Dalaten (ryoko_rd@hotmail.com)

Damien (damien_searight@email.msn.com)

Dark Jezter (dark_jezter@hotmail.com)

Dark Ryoko-2 (darkryoko2@yahoo.com)

Dead Akane (jmft@rocketmail.com)

Death (dandude87@yahoo.com)

Carmen "Blue-Haired Goddess" de la Cruz (bluehairedgoddess@tenchiclub.com)

Demigodess Ryoko (d3migodd3ssryoko@yahoo.com)

Kenneth LeRoy Dicke (kennethdicke@hotmail.com)

Thomas "009" Doscher (doscher009@hotmail.com)

Dot Warner (dot_warner17@my-dejanews.com)


Nicholas Eckert (nicholec@nstate.nscc.cc.oh.us)

Empress Galaxia (fluffywoodchuckqueen@hotmail.com)

The Entry Plug (lateralus_metatron@hotmail.com)

Eralc2000 (ERALC2000@aol.com)

Vincent M. "Max Raven" Eskilsson (_8thlegion_max@mail.bip.net)

Vincent M. "Max Raven" Eskilsson (_8thlegion_max@mail.bip.net) and Henrik Persson (egrim@hotmail.com)

Don Euclid (Euclid@nwrain.com)

Jenna Evans (Spacegirlmimi@aol.com)

The Evergreen Cortex (the_evergreen_cortex@yahoo.com)

Evil Asian Genius (cori_ohki@hotmail.com)


The Fallen Gamekeeper (Gamekeeper@shawhan.net)

Jon Farber (Sabreb@erols.com)

Mike Fenton (mpfenton@hotmail.com)

Mark Ferrer (mabli@idirect.com)

Chris "GumGirl" Fields (jacfield@rcn.com)

Firebird (firebird1919@attbi.com)

Foxanime (Foxanime@aol.com)

J.D. Freeman (j_delight@hotmail.com)


Geno Calamari (genox27@hotmail.com)

The Ghost of 'lectricity (lectricity@email.si)

Dade "Argus Cromwell" Gifford (cubone41@yahoo.com)

Max Gilliland (Ryoko39655@aol.com) and Rhys Doyle (Blugoon@aol.com)

Graffito Tag (graffitotag@hotmail.com)


Happosai (happosai@subdimension.com)

Thrythlind Hardwulf (thrythlind@yahoo.com)

Jeffery Harris (JLHOnami@mchsi.com)

James Harrisson (anime_fan_93433@yahoo.com) and George Gurchinoff (gsslll@hotmail.com)

Matthew Harrison (musko_no_kaji@hotmail.com)

HaZaRDx (trancechild85@aol.com)

Samantha Heartless (wicked_lady@godmail.com)

Ryan Hill (umhillrr@cc.UManitoba.CA)

Thomas Holmes (Pokemario@aol.com)

Jennifer "Boo" Holochwost (BooHolochwost@msn.com)

Steve 'n' Hotaru (sfe_otaku@hotmail.com)

Kevin "Crusader" Hughes (crusader_esper@hotmail.com)

John "Crowbar" Hurst (MakoReno@aol.com)


The Ice Falcon

Illjwamh (illjwamh@yahoo.com)

Ismaphael the Fallen Archangel (ismaphel@hotmail.com)


Jaf (JuggaloJaf@aol.com)

Jaiq da Goose (GOOSE20693@aol.com)

Jake the Goose (wildeyak2069@hotmail.com)

Jayman (JAAAg18@aol.com)

Jenny The Demon (DemonJen@aol.com)

The Jetset (jetset@ntlworld.com)

JL (tenchii@hotmail.com)

Joe (Holmesdri@aol.com)

Ben Jonas (insaneben@yahoo.com)

Huw Jones (ryokos.acolyte@btinternet.com)

Jurgan (jurgan4@home.com)

Jusenkyo Guide (Jusenkyoguide@hotmail.com)

Jwhitman (jwhitman@grnco.net)

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