Scene opens with Ty and Ryoga meeting Goku at the theater. “Hey Goku, you’re third to make it here, now were just waiting for Asuka.” Said Ty. “Cool,” said Goku, “ so what have you heard about this fic?” “Well,” replied Ty, “I read a review, and they said it was not the best.” While they were talking, Ty’s cell phone went off. He had programmed the ring tone to play “You’z a Hoe”. He answered it, “Yo, talk to me.” It was Asuka. “Listen, dunkoff, Misato told me, that since I’m on permanent stand by, I can’t just go down there and do this with you guys, because an angel might attack at any time.” Ty replies, “So, this means…what?” “That either I can’t come or you have to come down to NERV to watch the fic.” In a reluctant tone Ty replies, “Ok, we’ll be there in twenty minutes.” Then unmasking his true feelings about the situation after he hung up, he turned to the others and said, “WE GET TO GO TO NERV!!! C’mon let’s go!” In about fifteen minutes, they were at NERV’s front door. They hit the button on the side of the door, and asked to speak with Asuka. Asuka told the guards that they were legitimate, and they were granted access. Holding their excitement, they followed Asuka into Central Dogma. Asuka told them that they were going to be using the main screen to view the fic. Ryoga asked Asuka how she got permission to do this. “I did the commander a favor.” She replied offhandedly. Ty, taking advantage of the obvious double entendre, said “And what kind of ‘favor’ was that?” Making little quotation marks with his fingers. Asuka, outraged by this remark, grabbed the nearest thing to her, Ryoga, and hurled him towards Ty. “Pervert!!!”. Ryoga managed to stomp his foot on the ground, causing him to flip over Ty. Asuka just folded her arms and made an indignant ‘hmph’. Just then a sound only window popped up and said, “Warning, angel detected.” Asuka, looking at a computer monitor nearby which indicated the presence of no angles whatsoever, looked over her shoulder and screamed, “GOKU!!! GET AWAY FROM MELCHIOR!!!” Goku, who was leaning on a keyboard, jumped, and started apologizing claiming to not know what he had done. When Asuka turned her back, Goku winked at Ty and Ryoga, who gave him a thumbs-up. Asuka then asked them if they were ready to begin, and they all nodded their heads. The screen that usually shows coordinates and status of the Eva pilots switched to a wide screen movie window with the touch of a button near Asuka. The lights went out and the fic started. Our Hearts --- Goku – is this one of those chick-flick fics? I never understand those. --- Ty – I think it is, dude. Don’t worrry we’ll explain the stuff you don’t understand. --- Ryoga (whispering)- are you sure? He’s kinda thick. --- Ty- (to Ryoga) that’s what makes it fun. Ryoko let out a soft and tired sigh. She had been listening to Noboyuki and Yosho talk, ---Ryoga- (as Noboyuki) what up dawg!!! ---Ty-(as Yosho) hey man, hows it hanging ---Ryoga- (as Noboyuki) short and shriveled, always to the left. about something, --- Ryoga- (as Noboyuki) do these pants make my butt look big. ---Ty-(as Yosho) yep, makes it look like it’s saggin’ to the backs of your knees. ---Asuka- would you two shut up! That was just stupid. ---Goku-(in a fit of childish laughter, barely able to speak)) oh c’mon Asuka *SNORT* how can you ---not think that’s funny! ---Asuka- (in a tone that both expressed her dislike of Goku and her disapproval of his invitation) ----he is thick. about someone, about Aeka, ---Ty-(as Yosho)- did you see the back end on that one? --- Ryoga- (as Noboyuki)- she’s a brick (dun na na na) house. --- Asuka- that’s it!!! I draw the line at disco!!! Tenchi, --- Ryoga- (as Noboyuki)- I can’t believe that spineless jellyfish is my son. ---Ty-(as Yosho)- sometimes the gene pool just deals you a wild card. ---Asuka- that’s better, I guess. And herself. They were saying that Tenchi need ed to choose. ---Ryoga-(as Noboyuki)-I’m tellin’ you, he can’t stay indifferent. ---Ty-(as Yosho)- It’s the Gators or the Seminolees! There is no in-between! ---Asuka had had enough, she stood up and filled her lungs with as much air as possible, intent ---on shouting at Ty and Ryoga, but before she could, Commander Ikari walked by… ---Commander- Hello Asuka. Shall I be seeing you again tonight? ---Ty and Ryoga had a hard time controlling their laughter as Asuka flushed red. When she ---nodded the commander walked off, and she sat back down. ---Ty- what kind of favor was it that you did for him, again? ---Asuka- I’m just cleaning his apartment for him. ---Ryoga- yeah. That was obvious by him looking you up and down and motioning to his- ---Asuka (cutting Ryoga off)- let’s just watch the fic, ok? ---Goku- what are you guys talking about? - --Ty- never mind it dude. ---Ryoga-(whispering to Ty)- doesn’t he have two kids? ---Ty- After sshe heard that, she teleported to the roof. If only they knew, Tenchi already did, but she did not know who. That was her problem. She needed to know! NOW! ---Ty (as Ryoko)- How the hell do they get those frikkin’ m‘s on the M&M’s?!!! She let out a few sobs, for herself, for Tenchi, for wether or not she was going to lose Tenchi. She shivered at the thought of loseing him. All of a sudden Ryoko remembered when Kagato came, when Dr. Clay came, then Yahzuka, then Kain, and last but not least,Hanerah. ---Asuka-it’s Haruna, and what do they have to do with anything? "Dinner!" Sasami chimmed. ---Ty- (narrating) -everyone crams into the room like wild dogs. Ryoko was startled, ---Asuka – by Sasami?? but soon recovered, ---Asuka- what? Did she go into shock? and went down to the table. When she got there, Tenchi, Sasami, and Washu were already there. That was surprising, Washu always eats in her crazy lab! Oh well. "Well, hello there, Little Ryoko! Aren't you going to come and eat with us?" Washu smiled. ---Ty- (as Ryoko) only if we’re eating Tenchi! ---Asuka- haven’t you had enough of those double ent endres? ---Ty- only after they drive you so crazy that you’re numb to them and everything else. ---Asuka- up yours! ---Ty- only if it’s up yours too. ---Asuka- (mumbles) "Well, hello there, MOM! I didn't acually think you cared!? You could at least stay out of my mind!" "But Little Ryoko? I'm your mother, I'm supposed snope in your thoughts! ---Ryoga- That’s pretty frightening. ---Asuka- She “acually” cares enough to “snope” in her thoughts? What an idiot. Anyways, you were thinking so much, I had a he adakce! Man, have you ever Cosiderd going to a MENTAL school!?" ---Ty – ouch! At this, Tenchi stoood up and tried to calm them down. "Ryoko, Washu, please ---Ty (as Tenchi)– get down on the table and- ---Asuka cutting Ty off- finish that sentence and so help me God I’ll boot up Eva! calm down? You shouldn't act like this! OK? Now, lets just try to have a normal dinner for once. ---all- HA HA HA !!! Sasami cooked this nice meal for us, so lets wait for grandpa, dad, Mihoshi, Kiyone, and Aeka. --- Goku – what a bout the bunny thing? --- Ty and Ryoga- Death to the cabb it! While he was talking, Aeka came in and heard enough to get at Ryoko. She smiled and walked in. "Yes Ryoko, stop being a rude, good for nothing, demon. You don't even treat your mother the way you should!" "That's Demoness princess, anyway, you should talk! You call your mother,MOMMY!" ---Ty(as Ayeka)- "Oh Mommy! Hold me! Hold me! MOMMY, I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!" Then Ryoko changed her voice to match Aeka's, and "Oh Mommy! Hold me! Hold me! MOMMY, I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!" ---rest of cast- 0_0’ Tenchi let oout a small, loud, moan. "There goes another dinner!" ---Ty (as Tenchi)- may as well get down on the table and- ---Asuka- ahem… ---Ty (as Tenchi)- umm…clean it off. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that night, Tenchi went down to the kichen to get a snack before he went to bed. But, when he got there, he wasn't the only one in the kichen. Ryoko was there drinking sake. She was probly drunk. ---Asuka- “probly”? what an idiot. ---Goku- you mean that’s not how you spell it? ---Asuka - oh shut up Or. so he thought. ---Asuka- and so he should assume. "Hi Ryoko. Are you OK?" "Yea, Tenchi. Hey, wanna ---Ty (as Ryoko) get down on the floor and- ---Asuka- don’t even! drink?" "Ah, you know, mabe I shouldn't, I still have to go to bed, ---Ty- (as Ryoko) can I come? and I have to wake up early so I can get a head start with chores tomorrow. K?" "Oh Tenchi, Please. It's just a small drink, pretty pretty please?" Tenchi looked at her, he couln't say no and look at her hurt face. ---Asuka- her face is hurt? "OK. I will, but only a small one, OK?" "Sure! Here's an extra cup. Here." She pured him a cup, he drank it and wanted more. So, she gave him more. ---Asuka- this is getting ridiculous. She “pured” him a cup ; "Ryoko?" He slurred. "Wanna goes outite and looook at the wake and dink paere, eaaassseee?" ---Ty – Tenchi was just taken 5 miles out of character. "Sure Tenchi. Come on Tenchi, lets go." ---Ryoga(as Ryoko)-sure,we can get down in the water and- ---Asuka- don’t you start! < PRE>-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < Ryoko was watching Tenchi as he laughed and laughed and laughed About a small joke, ---Ryoga- must have been talking about his- ---Asuka- will you shut up!!! that had nothing to do with anything he said. "come on Tenchi, lets get you to bed, come on, lets go." "tut Ryoko? ki wanna kay." After he finished he passed out, or so Ryoko thought. ---Ty- man! Tenchi is such a frikkin’ wus. ---Ryoga- I know! he’s like this big walking jellyfish who needs to return to the ocean from whence ---he came. ---Asuka- he’s just like-…well speak of the devil. ---as they were speaking, Shinji was w alking by, on his way to another sync test ---Ty- hey Tenchi! ---Shinji- I’m Shinji, not Tenchi! ---Ryoga- same difference. ---having heardd what they had said before, Shinji walked off with heavy footsteps. She didn't mean to make him drunk, she just wanted him to have a drink and to relax. ---Ty- yeah uh-hu. Date-rape city. Now she had to drag him to his room, and tuck him in. ---Ryoga- I doubt that’s all that’s going to go on. As Ryoko was laying Tenchi in his bed, she started thinking about What Yosho and Noboyuki were talking about. ---Ryoga (as Noboyuki)- what up dawg ---Ty(as Yosho)- nothin’ hows it- ---Asuka-don’t start that again! "Tenchi needs to choose." ---Ryoga(as Noboyuki)- I’m telling you. He can’t stay indifferent. ---Ty(as Yosho) it’s the Gators or- ---Asuka – I wasn’t kidding about Eva! ---Ty (whispering to Ryoga)- yees she was. She can’t just boot up Eva, I’ve seen the show. "Oh well" she whispered. As she tried to turn around and leave, something, or rather someone Stopped her from leaveing. "Tenchi? What are you doing? Come on, go to sleep. Let go, alright?" She whispered. ---Ty- Ryoko was just taken 5 miles out of character. After she was finished saying that, he pulled her to him, and kissed her forcefully, trying to g et more of her on the bed and trying his hardest to get on top of her. ---Ty- I don’t care if he’s drunk, he’s now 15 miles away from his character. ; "Tenchi!" She hollered and moaned at the same time. "...please...oh...Tenchiii. ...let...go..." She breathed. "Ryokooo, come on. Ryoko?" -Ty- did they just switch places or something? When he said that, Ryoko pushed herself off the bed and stared down at him, but after only five seconds, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her down to him...again. ---Ryoga- screw his character, go Tenchi! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The sun was shinning, the birds were chirpping, and Sasami was cooking better than ever. But, the sound of birds, the shine of light, and the smells of breakfast woke Tenchi up, and in-to a grumpy mood. He soon relized that he was having a hangover. “Man, I told Ryoko not to give me too much saki, now I’m late for chores!” He sat up and was on his way to get off the bed, when he noticed that he was not alone in HIS bed, he jumped when he started to have flash-backs of last night, in bed, with Ryoko. “Ahhh! Ryoko!? What are YOU doing in MY bed, ---Ryoga- (as Ryoko) you. and we both don’t have any clothes on!” ---Ty- Tenchi’s back! “Uh? What? Ahhh!” She screamed. She got the blankets and pulled them over her so that she could at least cover HER-self up, but not Tenchi. “don’t ask ME! I don’t kno ---Ryoga- on the other hand she is still out there ...uh, I think I’m gonna throw up!” Then she jumped out of his bed, phassed into her clothes, and ran to the bathroom. ; This left Tenchi alone and confussed. ---Ty (as Tenchi)– why is there a table in my room? He only rememberd flash-backs of what happened last night. “Well, Tenchi, you should hurry and put your clothes on before the others come and wonder what exatly all the yelling was.” “Washu, you won’t tell the others, will you?” “No! Of course not! ---Ryoga-(as Washu) I’ll just show them the tape. I’m not THAT cruel, am I?” “Thank you.” “you want to know why Ryoko puked?” “Well, it would be nice to know.” ---T y- (as Washu )she was disgusted by the diminutive size of your wang! ---Asuka- just like the time I walked in on Shinji while he was- uh- I mean, Enough with the double ---entendres!!! “She’s pregnet, with your baby, because of last night.” ---Ty (as Tenchi)- Ryoko’s such a ho, it could be anyone’s baby! ---rest of cast- JERRY!!! JERRY!!! JERRY!!! she looked over at Tenchi, who had a big sweat drop on his face, and a mouth opened, or rather dropped to the floor. “Tenchi, I’ll check on her for you, so you had better shower, dress, and get down to breakfast, and Tenchi?” “yes?” “HURRY!” “OK!” &n bsp; “Oh, and one more thing...” “Yes, Washu, what is it?” She smiled really sweet, and,... “DON’T GET MY DAUGHTER KNOKED UP AGAIN!” He jumped with a sweat-drop. “YES MA’AM!” ---all- JERRY!!! JERRY!!! JERRY!!! To Be Contiued... __________________________________________________________________________ Send me feed back! This is my first fic, so, tell me what’s wrong, what I need to do, and what you think, ---Asuka- just about everything, anything would help, and it was horrible! like if you like it! ---all- hahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I’m really haveing fun making this, and I’d like it if you gave me some idea’s, K? Part 2 coming soon! love ya! bye! e-mail at Chow! Oh, and don’t worry Aeka fans, There will be more of the other charactors in Part 2! Judy, Marcy “Demon” Wall ---Ty and Ryoga- AHRLI FOREVER!!! The lights came on, and they adjusted to the sudden brightness. While Ty was turning around, he said, “Hey Goku, you were kinda quiet, I was wanting to hear you crack a few good-”, Ty stopped as he looked at Goku. He was sound asleep. Asuka walked over behind Goku and smacked him on the head and said, “Wake up, dunkoff!” Goku sleepily opened his eyes and yawned. “Oh sorry, I couldn’t understand most of the fic so I sneaked out and grabbed something to eat, and came back to take a nap.” “Sorry about the whole chick flick thing, I’ll call you when I run across a normal one, ok?”, said Ty. Goku agreed as Asuka was pointing out that Ryoga missing. “Oh no, not again. Asuka, have all the exits shut off. Also, is it possible to do a person scan with the Nerv equipment?” asked Ty “One thing at a time… ok, got him, and he didn’t get too far away.” “Good. Can you zap him here?” “This is Nerv, not the Enterprise, besides, he’s just standing behind Caspar.” Ryoga walked out from behind Caspar, “What?”. “Never mind”, said Ty. Asuka made it known that she was going and take her leave after telling them the way out and telling a Nerv operative to show them to the door. As the three left Nerv, Goku bid his farewell and took off through the air. Ty looked to Ryoga and asked, “So do you think we left the author hurting?” “Well”, replied Ryoga, “she certainly left me hurting after all that!” - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mst info: Disclaimer: everything included in this mst that does not belong to me belongs to its owners. If it belongs to me, it belongs to me. (I hate disclaimers, don’t you) Author’s notes: My name is Trinity. I can’t say it wasn’t fun. I did most of it, but my brother had a hand in it. If you wish to compliment my mst, tell me how I screwed up, or wish death to me or my family, send all the like to . Mst-er to author: You should try to go against what people might expect. Sure, most of this fic was unexpected, but it wasn’t unbelievable. It’s good that you didn’t use an si character, I hate the whole “have to get to know a new character just to understand the frikkin’ fic” thing. Overall it was good, which is what brought out the worst in me. Good luck with future fics. MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here