Moon MST
By Chris Bozeman (
#1 : "No need for a Super Saiyan"
Chris MSTs his first fic, which leaves 6 people dead. Can you guess who? 20KB -11/11/2001
#2 : "The Dimensional Crisis"
Chris's second MST, if you didn't guess from the title.This time only three people die. 21KB -12/20/2001
#3 : "DBZ Muyo"
Old faces and new deaths. 30KB -1/8/2002
#4 : "Aeka out of the Closet?" and "No Need for an Exclamation Mark!"
My fourth MST, this time with two small stories. Death Count : only one. 9KB -12/20/2001
#5 : "Washu's Schoolgirl Experience"
My fifth MST. This time, Chris is forced to confron his mental issues. Somewhat. 17KB -3/27/2002
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