Disclaimer: I do not own Mystery Science Theater 3000 they are property of best brains inc. I am just borrowing their idea please dont sue (you wont get much i make 6$ an hour) I also do not own Tenchi Muyo as he is propety of Pioneer entertainment. any other product's are property of their respective owners. and now on with the mist ( you can wake up now ) The masaki family line is property of Argus Cromwell A.K.A Dude Gifford And he's welcome to it this is all in fun so please don't be mad Mystery loser Theater 3000 In the not to distant future next sunday i think Dr.Forrester and T.V's Frank were hatching an evil scheme They saw 3 guy's who worked at night just some regular joe's they did'nt like Their experiment needed a good test case so they bopped them on the noggin's And shot'em into space!!(let is down!!) We'll send them cheesy fanfic's the worst we can find (lalalala) They'll have to sit and read em all and we'll moniter their mind's now keep in min they can't control where the fic's begin or end Because they used those special part's to make 3 king sized bed's (Loser Role call) Preston:The hell!? Jason:Where's the beer!? James:Where's my gun!? cambot:.... If your wondering how they eat and breathe and other science fact's Just repeat to yourself it's just a fic i should really just relax For Mystery Loser theater 3000!!! The scene open's up and we see preston sleeping in what appears to be Joel's room Preston(waking up):Ah man what happend? (You see Preston holding his head as he sits up) Preston:I feel like i just worked 3 triple shift's back to back. Preston:Where's my smoke's?(look's around) Preston:Ah here they are...... (you see him looking around to see the smooth walls of the satelite) Preston:Where am i? The scene shifts to Jason and we also see him just waking up in what appear's to be crow's room Jason:Aw man i feel like i just partied for 2 week's straight. Jason(Grabbing a empty pack next to his bed):look's like i'm out time to bum off Preston again (you see jason gettin up to notice all the trekie stuff that crow has) Jason:Am i in hell? The scene now shift's over to james and we see him just waking up in Tom's room. James(just gettin up holding his head):damn i feel like i stood to close to the artillery range. You see him sittin up in his bed to take notice of the boxer's on the wall James:Uh oh i think i'm in Kansas anymore! (The scene now shift's over to the room we all know and love the bridge you see all 3 gathering in back of the desk similar to Joel's position with the bot's) Preston:I see i am not alone but do you guy's know where we are? James:Not a clue. Jason:Hey you got a ciggarette Preston? Preston:Man you gotta get your own man! but i guess so. Jason:Thank's man and no i have no clue where we are either. (suddenly the main screen comes to life and we see DR.Forrester smileing evily) (Deep 13) DR.Forrester;Good morning my little lab rat's. (sol) James:And you are....? (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:I am DR.Clayton Forrester but you may call me master! (At this point you see DR.forrester begin the standard evil villian laugh) DR.Forrester:Mwa ha ha ha ha! (sol) Preston:man this guy's nut's! (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:And let me introduce my idiotic assitant T.V's Frank. T.V's Frank:hi (sol) Preston:I am.. (you see him gettin cut off by DR.Forrester) (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:I know who you three are i was the one who put you there! (sol) James:Well where are we? (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:That's simple my little guinee pig's. DR.Forrester:You are in space! (sol) All:In space! James:How did you manage to get us up in space with no one detecting us ?! (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:Well we all have our little secret's now don't we.? (sol) Jason:But why us? (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:It's quite simple you see you three made Frank feel good about himself and for that i condem you three to be loser's.! (sol) Preston:O.k well what do you want with us? (Deep 13) DR.forrester:It's quite simple i am gonna send you up bad fanfiction until i find the one That's so bad it drive's you insane. DR.Forrester:And then...i will unleash it on a unwiting internet and then i will rule the world! (sol) Preston:You know the odd's on something like that actually working are slim to none.? (Deep 13) Dr.Forrester:Yea right stop trying to lie you little cretin! DR.Forrester:Your experiment today is a steaming little nugget called the Masaki family line. Dr.Forrester:Send them the fic Frank! T.v's Frank:as you wish. (sol) You see alarm's and klaxon's going off and you see the 3 guy's just standing there!) (Deep 13) DR.Forrester:You three better get in that theater now or i will kill you! (SOL) All:AHH WE GOT LEMON SIGN!! (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) You see the three come in the theater and take a seat from right to left it's Jason-Preston-James >Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they are owned by Pioneer and >such, so please don't Jason:Shoot me? >take legal action. This was done, as a matter of fact, >out of appreciation >of the amazing show and characters that they developed, so I >feel it's a tribute, of sorts. Preston:To porn? >Yes, this is a Lemon fanfic, which means it includes explicit ideas or >situations, so if you're too young, or just don't like this kind of stuff, don't >read it. REMEMBER, YOU WERE WARNED. >Well, that was boring. James:uh oh we are in trouble if the author is misting his own work Jason:I think this is gonna hurt! Preston:James Don't flame the author! Tenchi Muyo: The Masaki Family Line By Argus Cromwell a.k.a. Dade Gifford Jason:A.K.A too much time on my hand's. Preston:Not you Too! stop it now or i get the tape!!! James and Jason:Noo!!! we'll be good >It was yet another day in the Masaki household. As usual, Tenchi was out in the >fields, tending to the carrots. Ryo-ohki ran up to Tenchi with a carrot in her >mouth. Tenchi heard a muffled "myaa" and turned to look. >"Ryo-ohki, can't you at least wait till I've....oh, whatever." Preston:RYO-OHKI you could at least wait till Sasami get's here then we can start making "in the carrot patch: okay.? Jason(in really bad Ryo-Ohki voice)Myaaa!!! James:What's In the carrot patch"? Preston:Imagine that gay porn that we accidently rented? James:Yea so? Preston:That get's three times worse! >He sighed, and carried a basket full of carrots back into the house. As usual, >Sasami was making lunch. Jason(in really bad Sasami voice)Anybody want some fried cat? James(in equally bad Ryoko voice):Nooo!!!!! >"Ohayo, Tenchi!" she said, full of cheer. "Oh, you can just sit those carrots >right there," she said, indicating the table next to where she was working. >Tenchi sniffed deeply, and decided that she must've been making Misao >soup. cook like she does...> thought Tenchi. Preston:I know this point has been brougt up before but where did she learn to cook and clean i mean she's a princess! Jason:Calm down it's just anime >He sighed and flopped onto the couch. >He then realized how he smelled, and decided to head for the onsen, towel on >hand. He stepped through the portal door, and removed his clothing. He stepped >slowly into the water, and relaxed. sensitive door...> >Just then, Nobuyuki walked in. >"Hi, dad," said Tenchi. >In a blur, Nobuyuki was on the ground, and Ryoko was inside. Seeing this, >Nobuyuki whipped out James:Ahhh i'm having flash back's to the bad porn again!!! Jason:Yea we still get weird look's from that lady every time we rent something! Preston:Hey i told you guy's to check the tape. >his camera and closed the door. He wasn't sure what this >was all about, and that fall had hurt, but Ryoko in the men's bath could only >mean one thing: she was after Tenchi. This was exactly what the camera was for. >Ryoko dashed at Tenchi. Preston(in really bad announcer voice):Ryoko's at the 30 the 20 the 10 Touchdown Ryoko!!!! (you see the three doing the wave) >He didn't even get a chance to scream. Ryoko flew on >top of him, making a colossal splash. They were underwater. Nobuyuki saw some >blood on the surface. >He smirked, remembering all those times his nose bled, until he gained more self >control...maybe too much. >Tenchi popped up first, gasping for air. It seemed Ryoko momentarily >forgot that Tenchi had to breathe. Jason:Yea that's kinda impotant Ryoko. > Blood was still dripping from his nose, from >the minute he got a good view of Ryoko's cleavage, even after she put her >breasts on either side of his nose, so that he got poked in the eyes. >"Ryoko! Get out!!" he said, trying to coax his nose to stop bleeding. James:You mean he got off. Preston: doesen't do anything for me. Jason:MMMM.. boob's in face. work's for me James:Me too >Ryoko turned, with a hurt look in her face, a look that made Tenchi feel >guilty. But he remained steadfast as Ryoko went through the door. He looked at >the blood in the water, and sighed. He had SUCH an erection that it wasn't >funny. Preston:Yea all three inches! >And now he had to drain the water, too. So much for relaxation, anyway. >His dad, sensing that Tenchi was about to ask him why he shut the door behind >Ryoko, stealthily made his way back out. Tenchi turned just in time to see the >door shut. "Nuts." >That was the same thing on Ryoko's mind, too, as she laid on her beam, >thinking. hint? Can't he see how much I love him?> >"Ryoko, dinner's ready!" Sasami called. she thought. >Aeka walked in just as Ryoko phased at the table. They glared at each >other. Tenchi walked in, looking a bit harassed. >"Ohayo, Lord Tenchi!" said Aeka, rather cheerily. ALL:hiya >"Ohayo, Aeka," said Tenchi. He took his place at the table and picked up his >chopsticks. Jason:Then Ayeka grabbed the chop stick's and stabbed Ryoko in the eye! the end >He was just about to start eating, when he noticed Aeka and Ryoko's usual >bickering about to start. He cut them off at the pass. >"Now, don't you start!" he said. They both looked rather downcast. Again, he >felt a pang of guilt. >hurt their feelings...> >Sasami placed a few plates of takenoko gohan. James:Hey Gohan's here Jason:Cool is he gonna KA-MAE-HA-MAE-HA this fic? All(in unison): do it do do it > Tenchi picked at his food >idly, thinking about what he should do. Ryoko shot stoic glances in Tenchi's >direction, still feeling hurt and confused. She ate, but still couldn't figure >out why Tenchi didn't like her. She'd done everything she knew of to get a >man's attention. Jason:You did'nt try lap dancing >And to no avail. Maybe it was some other problem? Maybe >Tenchi just didn't want her? But Ryoko refused to believe that. Preston:It's called denial Ryoko. >Tenchi finished first, complemented Sasami on the delicious meal as usual, >and made a discreet exit. As soon as he was gone, Aeka and Ryoko shot venomous Jason:liquid from her mouth killing ayeka the end! >glances at one another. Tenchi, meanwhile, lay flat on his back in his bed. He >looked at the blank, nondescript ceiling, and thinking about the pangs of guilt. >"Why can't they just get along?" he said aloud. "That would make my choice so >much easier." Ryoko had been phasing through the floor, out of Tenchi's line of James:Cause then there would be no series. >sight, when she heard this. Coincidentally, or maybe just arranged by the >powers that be, Aeka was passing by his room, and overheard this from Tenchi's >room, through his thin door. A thought burnt into her head for a minute. if....?> she thought. display my true feelings for Ten-chan.> Jason(in bad Aeka voice):Maybe Tenchi's gay >Ryoko, who had stopped mid-phase, as well >thinking thing for me to do?> But they both vowed to at least consider it. >Tenchi fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about a woman. >A woman that was a mixture of Aeka and Ryoko. Jason:It's called a wet dream tenchi. >She had violet hair that spiked >wildly upwards. She had a well developed bust, almost an orange-colored iris, >and perfect complexion. "Tenchi" she called, with a mix of both voices. Soft, >like Aeka's, but seductive, like Ryoko's. Tenchi smiled in this dream. Preston:As he realized the lemon scene was almost here >He made >love to the woman, who was not insistent, but not meek, either. A very lovely >woman. Tenchi couldn't tell if the feelings he felt in his dream were the >feelings one undergoes during sexual intercourse, because he didn't yet know >them. James:Hey Ryoko's offered to teach you so many times! >Tenchi woke up the next morning, after several dreams about the same >woman, a mixture of Aeka and Ryoko, but each time the mixture was somewhat >different. He couldn't decipher what the dream meant, Jason:IT MEANS YOUR HORNY YOU BLOCK HEAD!! :but he wanted the utopia >of his dreams so badly. He took a shower, and made his way downstairs. Sasami >was the only one down there. "Hey Sasami, where's Aeka and Ryoko?" Preston(in real bad Sasami voice)I don't know last i saw them they said something About barhopping to find a real man. >"I don't know, Tenchi. Aeka wasn't there when I woke up." >"I hope nothing bad has happened" >"Me too" >Tenchi feared they had gone off to fight again. Meanwhile, Aeka and Ryoko >were elsewhere. >"You heard it too?" said a surprised Aeka. >"What do you think we should do about it?"questioned a sheepish Ryoko, who >feared the proceedings. James:As this seemed like the setup for a lesbian lemon! >"I think if we want Tenchi as badly as we have demonstrated, then we need >to find a way to...." Aeka just couldn't say it. Neither could Ryoko. "Well, I >know I want Tenchi," finalized Ryoko. >"As do I," said Aeka. >They both sat in silence for a moment, unsure as of how to proceed. Aeka >and Ryoko both seemed very shy at the moment, but they finally locked eyes. >Slowly, painfully, but surely, Ryoko raised her right hand. Aeka looked at her >for a second, unable to do anything. Preston:Boy thay are really out of charecter > She knew her love for Tenchi was >incredible, but this was too much. Jason:Yea 200$ that is a little to much >Make friends with the demon that had plagued >her for so long? If Tenchi wasn't involved in this, she would have thrown that >out as soon as it entered her mind as absurd. Totally rediculous. But the >thought of Tenchi loving her openly, even if it was shared love, was just enough >to make the thought linger in her mind. They had both heard it, so it wasn't a >mistake, because they both knew the exact word he had said. >Aeka finally looked over at her, and very shakily, raised her right hand. >It moved only very slowly at first, too slowly. But eventually, Aeka's hand >brushed Ryoko's. She shivered at Ryoko's touch, Preston:Wow james you can call em Jason:yea you called that one >like it was unclean, but to >still her nerves, she thought of Tenchi. She opened her eyes to see herself >shaking Ryoko's hand. She looked in Ryoko's eyes again, and sighed. She knew >it would only be a shaky friendship at first, but it would build over time. It >would have to build. James:A better reason for a lemon than this! >They went back to the house, side by side, which provided >some difficulty in getting through the door, until Ryoko just decided to phase >through it. >Tenchi saw them come through the door, side by side. This, he knew, was >unusual. "Where have you been? I've been worried." Sasami, hearing him speak, >looked over her shoulder. "Aeka! Ryoko! Are you all right? You almost missed >breakfast." >"Um, Tenchi?" questioned Aeka. "We have something to talk with you >about." James(in Ryoko's voice):Yea it's about those dream's you have been having Preston(in bad Aeka voice):We want in them! >Tenchi looked up nervously. "Uh, yeah, sure." >They lead Tenchi into the den. "Tenchi," began Ryoko. "We heard what you >said last night." >Tenchi showed his surprise. "We've decided to give it a shot. It's not >going to be easy, but we'll try. For you." Tenchi was moved, at first. Then a >thought clicked into his mind. He pinched himself. He didn't wake up. So he slapped himself. Preston:Wow tenchi's his own pimp! >Same deal. He refused to believe that he wasn't dreaming. >Everything was just too unreal. He began to see faults in this room. Yeah, >that couch wasn't there... was it? He could not comprehend this. "Why won't I >wake up?" he said loudly. Sweatdrops formed over Aeka and Ryoko. "Excuse me, >Lord Tenchi?" asked Aeka. "You're not dreaming..." said Ryoko. >Tenchi looked up at them, emotion filling him. "You mean, you're REALLY >going to try this? Get outta here!" said Tenchi. All:O.k youre the boss (you see the three get up and start walking out of the theater Dr:forrester:SIT BACK DOWN YOU MORONS James:damn so close >"No, we're serious!" said >Aeka. "No, I mean, it, get outta here, I have to think this through!" said >Tenchi. Aeka and Ryoko face-faulted. But they left. Tenchi sat down, buried >his head in his hands, and began to think. So this is what that dream meant. >But how? They were mortal enemies. Jason:CAUSE THE AUTHOR WANTED IT THAT WAY! >About an hour later, Tenchi called them back into the den. "I've thought >this through, Preston:And yes i wanna get laid >but still don't understand why." >"For your love, Ten-chan," replied Aeka. Tenchi looked thoughtful. He >smiled, and hugged them both. At first, he could sense them cringe at such >close proximity to one another, but they relaxed. Tenchi was feeling a bit >relieved at the thought that the fighting would end, but a little embarassed at >his change of character, i.e., the sudden hug he gave them. He longed for a >mate, James:But the blow up dolls costed too much for him >and he knew it, but he also knew that he loved them too much to choose >just one. He could now dwell in bliss, but he decided to keep an eye out, just >in case. Sasami saw them hugging, and joined in. Ryo-ohki did, too. Tenchi >sweatdropped. Preston:ahhh it's the making's of the world's worst lemon! James:Dear god noooo!!!!! Jason:preston please if that start's kill me?! >That night, Tenchi had the same dream, exactly the same in all respects. >And he decided to get up and get some water. But he found himself unable to >move. Jason:As Aeka and ryoko are into bondage > He opened his eyes and looked. Not just Ryoko, but Aeka, too, were both >in his bed, asleep and clinging to him. His nose began to bleed. He looked >around for something to suppress his nosebleed, but found nothing. He slipped >out from under them. He heard twin moans, and saw both of them wake up. He >couldn't move. Or didn't, either one. They looked at him and saw the >nosebleed. Ryoko giggled. Aeka blushed. Tenchi gulped. "What about Sasami? James:If she's in this one i am outta here >He said. "Don't worry, I explained to her that we'll be a bit....occupied >tonight.." she said, shyly. "So you explained...?" "Oh, don't worry, not that >explicitly, you naughty boy." Jason(sittin up and spanking himself)I'M a naughty boy naughty naughty >Aeka looked at him pleadingly, and Ryoko watched expectantly, waiting for >Tenchi to come back. Tenchi spoke. "I'll have to ask Washu for a bigger bed." >At this, they both smiled from ear to ear. Tenchi settle back in bed, between >the two of them. His nosebleed continued, but Aeka pulled out her obi to wipe >it with. Her obi? Preston:then her Obi wan kenobi taught her to use the force >Tenchi glanced quickly at her attire. She wasn't wearing >anything. Same with Ryoko, Jason:Isn't that conveinant! >although Tenchi had grown to expect that. Aeka >kissed Tenchi on the lips, and backed off, blushing. Tenchi pulled her close, >with much hesitation, and she resumed the kiss. Why do I always have to be so damn shy when these women have gone to all this >trouble to do exactly what I always wished they had?> He quickly moved his >tongue onto her lips. She gasped, and blushed ever the more. But she continued >as well. Ryoko, feeling left out, began to caress Tenchi, making it clear that >she desired him. He pulled her in closely. >He kissed her deeply, as Aeka moved closer to Tenchi, closer than before. >He slipped his tongue across Ryoko's teeth, letting them hesitate on her fangs. Jason:and then bit him in the neck draining all his blood the end! Preston:A little dark today? Jason:Just a bit >She entwined her tongue with his, as Aeka slipped her hands under Tenchi's >shirt, feeling his muscular physique. She sighed happily, as Tenchi turned to >meet her lips with passion. The heat between their bodies was immense, and >Ryoko began to remove Tenchi's clothing. She massaged his crotch for a moment, James(in ryoko's voice):Umm tenchi could you at least get aroused? >relishing the touch of it, that Tenchi was letting her, not like how she always >had to fight for it. Tenchi let her remove his pants, while Aeka slipped his >shirt off. Tenchi put his right arm around Aeka and massaged her soft, silky >breasts. Aeka moaned and urged him on. >Ryoko was busy with his underwear. She slipped them off slowly. Tenchi >blushed, but allowed her to continue. His erection was very suddenly freed. Preston:Freedom!!! >Ryoko gasped in triumph, Jason:And then began laughing at seing how small it was >and kissed it on the head. She licked it, and Tenchi >moaned deeply in his throat. Preston:Why is Ryoko the one alway's giving head in lemon's? >Her tongue flicked lightly over it several times. >She clamped her mouth over it tightly, and Tenchi sighed deeply. Aeka was >getting much pleasure at the hands of Tenchi, both of which were both occupied >at the moment. One was massaging her left breast, the other holding her >tightly. Jason:since Tenchi didn't know what he was doing he accidently popped her boob! Preston:Wrong female it's Aeka not Ryoko.jason look before you leap o.k? >Nobuyuki, hearing these curious noises, awoke. He listened in silence for a moment, then snapped fully awake. >A bright smile, as well as a tear, came >forth onto his face. He grasped his camcorder and snuck into the dimensional portal that he had Washu create about two months ago, just for such an occasion. Preston:wow now thats a plot device! James:Hey i want one of those! >He could see the outside world, but it couldn't see him. He could step through >walls and the like. So he casually stepped through a few walls, and set up the >camcorder. He left it running there in that dimesion, facing the bed, and >decided to give them at least some measure of privacy. He left for bed, not >able to contain his excitement, and his eagerness to see that video. Jason:Nobuyuki then sold the tape to pink pineapple and soft cell and made a fortune. >Tenchi shuddered as he neared climax, Ryoko sucking noisily on his penis. >He had begun to massage Aeka's crotch, and she was moaning ever so lightly, >almost sounding like she was crying aloud, but from a good distance away. >Tenchi inhaled sharply and sighed deeply as he came. Ryoko swallowed every last >drop of it. Preston:then realized what she was doing and spit the stuff out >Tenchi kissed Ryoko deeply, even as Aeka sat on top of him, and >looked in his eyes eagerly. She positioned herself over his (very) firm member, >and began to lower herself onto it. It split her labia, and pressed against her >hymen. She gasped. But she didn't go down all the way. Preston:as she realized going down was ryoko's area! >He looked in her eyes. She was afraid of the pain. He looked at her with >love, a full, passionate gaze. She swallowed deeply and then lowered herself. >She felt her flesh give slightly, then more, until a sharp pain filled her. She >bit her lip, trying not to cry out. She lowered her self all the way, letting >Tenchi fill her. Preston:ever notice how most anime charecter's never use protection? >Tears formed at the corners of her eyes. For the first few >thrusts, she felt pain, but on the fourth, a warm, amazing feeling filled her. >Tenchi's eyes widened. She was so warm, so moist. James:Is she a brownie? >Ryoko began to feel left out. Tenchi wasn't able to notice, because Aeka >was bouncing lightly on him, with slight squishy noises as her lubrication >allowed his penis to move in more quickly, more easily. Ryoko knew her turn was >next, regardless, but she grabbed Tenchi's left arm and guided it to her crotch. >He noticed then, and pressed his fingers past her labia. She sighed happily. Jason:As she realized that this lemon was almost over >Tenchi was surprised to find that she was rather tight. Ryoko, a virgin? That >was almost unbelieveable. He massaged her, brushing his fingers over her >clitoris. She felt every nerve in her tingle. Aeka was bouncing faster and >faster, her breasts bouncing, crying out loudly, in her high pitched voice. Her >back arched, and she gushed her cum onto Tenchi. James(to jason):It's that easy Jason:not really >Tenchi was nearing his climax, his breath coming in quick gasps, the bed >creaking wildly. Aeka couldn't believe that this was it, she was finally having >Tenchi, and it was so worth the wait. preston:Yes all 2 minutes! >Tenchi, feeling the building excitement >as he got closer and closer, could only wish this had happened sooner. He cried >out loudly, "AEKA!" as he climaxed, his cum filling her with a spreading warmth. James:That's when Tenchi realized he put some ben gay on before he went to bed! >Aeka cried lightly, feeling this, feeling his love for her. Tenchi turned his >gaze toward Ryoko, who had orgasmed several times during the course of Aeka's >session. James:that's when tenchi charged her 50 bucks >He smiled, and moaned, "Ryoko.." Aeka laid by Tenchi's side, very >tired, and very satisfied. The feelings were incredible. >Ryoko wasted no time in mounting Tenchi. Jason:Yehaw ride'em Ryoko! >His penis tore her hymen >violently, and she did cry out, in a mix of passion and pain. But she had >handled worse pain before. She bounced wildly, urging Tenchi to go faster. >"Yes! Ohhh.....oh TenchiTenchiTenchiTenchiTenchi....Ahh...Ohh.." she gasped. >She had waited for what seemed like years for this. And it was happening. Tenchi massaged her breasts as she bounced, finding them irresistible. She was ecstatic. She orgasmed three times at once Preston:Hey is that possible? Jason:I don't know james:Me either >gushing all the fluid she had, >flooding his member. "Ryoko...oh god...ryoko..."Tenchi neared his climax. >"Ry...Ry....oh....uhnnn......RYYOOOKOOOO!!" Preston:MY LUNCH!!!! >She sighed, and slid off of him to his left, where she had lain before. JASON:now that's one helluva kata >Tenchi gasped for air several times, and looked at both of them. Aeka kissed >his cheek, and whispered, "I love you, Ten-chan..." Ryoko licked his ear. >Tenchi kissed Ryoko, then Aeka, and drifted off to sleep. He had the same dream >yet again, but it meant little compared to what had just happened. Secretly, >Noboyuki slinked in through his portal, and retrieved his camcorder. He >spirited the tape away, to keep Tenchi from finding out. He wouldn't >understand, anyway.... James:Hey i really want one of those! Preston:We know we know END PART ONE All:yay >So, what did you think? Preston:it was kinda good Jason:it sucked James:it did the hoover humm > Was it impressive? All:No! >I might make more parts to it, if >anyone reads it and finds favor in it. Respond to cubone41@yahoo.com, and tell >me how you felt about it. You see, I figured I wanted Tenchi to have both of >them, and for neither to miss out on anything.... Well, anyway, tell me how you >felt. Thanks! Preston:That's that! Jason:yea let's go i feel dirty. James:let's go exit theater sequence well that's all for now if you want me to write more r+r or e-mail me droggen@intercomm.com or droggen@excite.com anything will be accepted flames or otherwise if people liked this i will write more