MSTer's note:Since we are MSTing a Tenchi fic and the Tenchi cast are MSTingThe example ::name:: sign are the MST characters. The Fic will be "'ed.Thank you. In the very distant future where demons run amok, There was a man, Tenchi Masaki,who is a real shmuck. Forced to read fics by doctor clay, Who has a stupid beard that's really gay, He threw his curlers in a purse, and persued him in a Rocket across the universe. I'll send him crappy fanfics, The worst I can find "la la la" He'll have to sit and read them all to torture his puny mind "la la la" Keep in mind he can't control when the fics will be sent He'll try to keep his sanity with the help of his horny friends Stalker roll call!!! Ryoko:Rock On Washu:I'm a genius Ayeka:TENCHI Ryo-ohki:MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW If you are wondering how they eat or breathe, or other science facts, Repeat to yourself it's just a fic and you really should relax, For Tenchi Muyo theater 4000 TTTTTTTTTTWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG (Inside Starship-Ryo-Oki) :Tenchi, Ayeka, Ryoko are sitting around a table: :Tenchi is reading Penthouse forum: :Ayeka Twiddeling her thumbs: :Ryoko is gazing at Tenchi Wide Eyed and anxious, while her double is under the table seeing if Tenchi is being aroused from the Penthouse forum. I like these fics better then the one's clay sends us! :With all of them being bored outta there skulls, the Ryoko under the table is fighting off the urge to grab Tenchi's crotch: :A grin appears on Ryoko's face that goes from ear to ear: :Tenchi and Ayeka looking over at Ryoko with bewilderment: HE-E-E-E-EY, Tenchi, wanna play a game? :Tenchi raises his arm bringing his hand to the back of his head: Well i dunno ryoko, ummmmm... What do you think Ayeka? Sure, for once you finally have a good idea. Well okay, what's the game? It's a earth game, Very popular I've noticed. :Then she pulls out a Twister box, and holds it in front of herself with a smile on her face: :She puts the box on the table and lifts off the top of the box: :Tenchi grabs the mat and brings it to the floor, spreading it out: What should i do? :Ryoko hands her the spinner: Why don't *you* be the spinner? :Totally oblivious to whats going on Ayeka agrees, she takes the spinner from ryoko's hand: The mats set up. I'm the spinner or what ever that is. :Tenchi thinks to himself "I sure hope Ryoko hasn't got the nerve to do what i think she's gonna do with Ayeka in here.": :Tenchi re-thinks what he just thought and mutters under his breath..."This is Ryoko we're talking about, Of Course she has the nerve": :After playing for a while, and Ayeka noticing a few strange occurances on the spinner, Ryoko is in the middle of the mat facing up with her hands and legs spread out in in opposite directions and Tenchi facing down with both hands on one side and his legs right beside Ryoko's when he realizes 'Oh no. One more move and a fight might break out.': :He then looks up to see a grinning Ryoko. His eyes go wide when it hits him and he whispers "We didn't end up in this position by chance did we?" And Ryoko's grin fades to a smile.: *inoccently replies* What are you talking about? Thought so :Ayeka is now a little pissed off due to some of the positions that Tenchi and Ryoko have been in so far: LORD TENCHIIIII, I Demand to know what this beast has conned you into! :Tenchi tear drops: Why do I always get blamed for what Ryoko does? C'MON SPIN THE ARROW ALREADY :Ayeka thrusts her nose upward in her usual fasion: :Clay appears on a translucient screen: Ryoko's got you in a bit of a bind again hasn't she, boy? It isn't so bad LORD TENCHI!?!? *like Homer Simpson* DOH! :Smacks himself in the forehead: :Ryoko couldn't help but giggle at Tenchi's remark: shut up you insolent fools, this fic is should i say, freightening, disturbing, and disgusting. Enjoy. :the translucient screen fades away along with a evil laugh: Just another day at the office. :Washu pops in from the door: WE HAVE FIC SIGN!!! :The usual Fic sign choas: :Tenchi, Ayeka, and Ryoko Dash into the Theatre Orignal Author: akito ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Twisted tenchi and girls* Disclaimer First things first I don't own any of these characters pioneer and AIC do also the things that happen in this fic are pure fiction that escaped my twisted mind.. this story also is rated 17+ for a reason trust me its not about lil girls running in flower fields and playing tag ok.. enough of this enjoy this fic and please read and review send all other comments Negative and positive to my email at ^_^ It was a typical day at the Masaki shrine Ayeka and Ryoko are fighting by the lake and tenchi sasami and the rest the girls already went through their good morning routines and they all had breakfast , except washu who has been in the lab for 3 days working on some new invention.. yes a very normal morning with very abnormal people all except tenchi who is fairly normal that is until his secret comes out in the open.. today we get to see the odd side of tenchi and the girls.. (Tenchi) Well now that im done with break fast im going up to the shrine to um er (tenchi swallows a lil nervously) take care of some business.... ::Tenchi::UH OH, This doesn't sound good ::Ayeka & Ryoko:: Giggling madley (Sasami) Ok tenchi ill just be down here cleaning up after break fast ^_^ ::Tenchi::OH yes who doesn't like those stupid anime faces! tenchi then puts his shoes on and walks out of the house and starts for the shrine when ayeka comes up behind him ::Ayeka::(as fic Ayeka) Don't forget your mastercard (ayeka) TENCHI!!! are u going up to the shrine now? tenchi gets startled and turns red for a second.. Ayeka looks at him oddly (tenchi)yes im going to the shrine but why'd you wanna know? ::Ayeka::(As fic Ayeka)because i am a anal retentive skitzo (Ayeka) well u see lord tenchi id like to just spend some time with you today and well maybe i could watch u practice swords with grandfather? Tenchi gets surprised at this and starts to talk in a very uncontrolled voice (tenchi) Listen Im not d d d doing anything weird with grandpa or anything ::Tenchi:: (as fic Tenchi) Like whoring off Sasami (ayeka) TENCHI WHAT ARE U TALKING ABOUT?? ::Tenchi::I'm sick to my stomach already (Tenchi) Listen me and grandpa don't have any se........... ::Tenchi::..seeds to plant!, oh god let it be that, PLEASE!!!!! just then Tenchi realized ayeka didn't know his secret and regained his composer (Tenchi) listen ayeka u cant come to the shrine with me because when me and grandpa practice swords he doesn't want any one stealing his fighting techniques so u really cant come ok please stay here for me... *Tenchi shudders* "Not another one" ::Ayeka & Ryoko:: 1,2,3 whakka-pakka-whakka-pakka ::Tenchi::Dear god make them stop (ayeka)alright lord tenchi i understand ill stay here and help the others wash clothes *ayeka then walks away and goes into the house* ::Ryoko::This author clearly flunked English class Tenchi breaths a sigh of relief and then walks up the steps to the shrine where his grand father is waiting for him... tenchi enters to see yosho sitting there drinking tee ::Ayeka::Tee? he is drinking golf tee's? ::Ryoko::Ouch (tenchi) well im here grandpa (yosho) you are late aren't u BOY? (tenchi) yes im very sorry but ayeka held me up and slowed me down (yosho) ok it doesn't matter because u know its time for u too ........WAX MY BANISTER!!!!! ::Ryoko::Come again? Just then yosho jumped up from the table where he was drinking tee and throws his pants off revealing his hard old man cock... ::Ryoko:: What horrible things did this authors parents do to him?! *Gagging sounds fill the theatre* :Ryoko glances over in the darkness to see Tenchi tossing his cookies" (tenchi) grandpa please not now im not in the mood i wanna tell u something and .....*tenchi gets cut off by yosho* ::Tenchi:: (as fic Tenchi) I'm pregnant *Ryoko & Ayeka choke for air* (Yosho) LISTEN BOY I DON'T CARE WHAT U WANT TO TELL ME .. U LET ME BLOW A LOAD OF SEED IN YOU AND THEN U TELL WHAT U WANT TO SAY GOT THAT BOY!!!!! ::Ryoko:: Well you said to ayeka "i had to go plant some seeds", be careful what you wish for. ::Ayeka::giggling uncontrolabley ::Tenchi::and i regret every word (tenchi) Yes i understand (yosho) GOOD and after yosho said "GOOD" he grabbed tenchi's head and shoved it over his old wrinkly cock *Tenchi curls up into the fetal position* *Ayeka in a suductive voice* ::Ayeka::Now now Lord Tenchi, i'll make you forget all about the horrible fic. *Tenchi glances over at Ayeka* ::Tench::This is making you arroused isn't it? ::Ryoko::Well that can be expected with incest being your thing and all ::Tenchi:your a very sad little women. *Ayeka slumps her head down and mutters* ::Ayeka::I know (tenchi) mmmmmmm (Yosho) That's right boy let me paint the inside of your mouth white *yosho then slides his hand down tenchi s pants and put a finger in tenchi's ass and starts to rub it back and forth* ::Ryoko::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Tenchi::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Ayeka::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *Washu pops her head into the theatre* ::Washu::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *and behind from the door sasami, kiyone, and mihoshi are yelling AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (yosho) Oh YEAH BOY THAT'S STILL A TIGHT ASS ::Ryo-Okki:: (the space ship) MEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH tenchi meanwhile keeps sucking his grand dads dick and suddenly feels it go very hard and tense in his mouth ::Ayeka::Like fine whine, gets better with age ::Ryoko & Tenchi:: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW (yosho) OH TENCHI IM GONNA CUM MM MAKE SURE U DRINK IT ALL DOWN!!!!! *Tenchi face faults, with one eye lid twitching* ::Tenchi::this is when I wish jurian blood had a self destruct mode yosho then sprays a load of cum into tenchi's mouth and tenchi did what he was told.. about 15 minutes later they both felt like talking again. *Ayeka does a impression of fic tenchi while saying* ::Ayeka::It's like giving mr.ed peanut better to make his mouth move ::Ryoko::You know tenchi was right when he called you a sad little women *Ayeka lowers he head again* ::Ayeka::I know (yosho) so tenchi what is it u wanted to tell me before i sprayed my cheese in your mouth ^_~ (tenchi) first of all that's old cheese *tenchi says a lil angrily* and i wanted to talk about our having sex. ::Ayeka::Cheese & Whine is the best *While giggling* *Tenchi bangs his head into the theatre seat like a mental patient* (yosho) what about it i like it just fine especially when that noboyuki gets into it... (tenchi) well the reason we do this is cuz we are three guys living alone and we need to get off right ::Ryoko::New from sexco, the tenchi sex doll 2000, with real organic fluids and... *Tenchi cuts her off with a evil wide eyed gaze* ::Ryoko::okay okay (yosho)right yes that's why. (tenchi) well we've got a bunch of girls here now and we don't need to do it like this anymore i mean really all those hot girls like ayeka and ryoko .... GRANDPA I WANT A GIRL DAMMIT!!! (yosho) NO I LOVE OUR GAY BUTT LOVING NO GIRLS WILL BE INVOLVED *clears his throat and stops yelling* in fact tenchi i want to have your ass right here and right now! (tenchi) NO I REALLY WANT A GIRL ANY GIRL AT ALL IT DOESNT MATTER!! ::Tenchi::AH HA i knew this author didn't sour my character (yosho) ABSOLUTELY NOT NO GIRLS JUST ME DAMMIT *thinks for a sec and then stops yelling* wait u said any girl right tenchi? (tenchi) yes i said any. (Yosho) well then i want sasami we can rape her together tenchi .... and ill bet she's got a tight ass and also she's so young we can keep her as a slave girl or something he he. *Sasami pops her head into the theatre* ::Sasami:: GODDAMIT (tenchi) you've gotta be kidding she only like 8 and well she may be cute but what about the others wont they stop us? (yosho) i can handle the others and sasami is the one i want to fuck the most .. SHE WILL BE THE ONE WE SCREW OR ILL PULL OUT THE 12 INCH DILDO AND RAM IT UP YOUR ASS BOY!!!!! *All 3 face fault then collapse like dead corpses, still twitching from the shock of the fic* tenchi terrified at this agreed to yoshos terms and then they walked down to the house below.. as they walked down they saw yagami take off and go into space (of course mihoshi and kiyone went on patrol).. after a few min they reach the house .. (yosho) ok now ill wait in the shed you lure sasami there ok. (tenchi) ok grandpa ~_^ tenchi then walks in the house to see sasami sitting on the couch playing with ryo ohki sasami then looks up at him. ::Ayeka:: (as fic sasami, and in a deep berry white voice) Love is in the air (sasami) hello tenchi you are back earlier than usual (tenchi) well um er well u see we need some things from the shed and i cant find them (sasami) oh I see u need my help then (tenchi) yes that's right (sasami) ok ill help then they both walk out toward the shed and ryo ohki follows.. as sasami rounds the corner and goes into the shed tenchi stops in front of ryo_ohki... ::Tenchi::when did sasami start narriating the story? ::Ryoko::No you dope, the illiterate author forgot to his enter on the key board ::Tenchi::oh (tenchi) ryo ohki there's a whole truck load of carrots waiting for u at the shrine... after hearing this the lil cabbit runs off toward the shrine.. mean while sasami enters the shed alone as she enters she notices it is very dark and then turns the light switch on only to see grandpa standing there .. a few seconds later tenchi walks in and shuts the door behind him .. (sasami) so what did u guys need for me to find? (tenchi)*looking at sassmi smiling* well what he need is *tenchis voice goes dark* we need THIS!!! *tenchi then puts his hand in sasami's pants and starts to rub her lil pussy.. sasami tries to escape of course but tenchi grabs her arm and twists it making her feel pain ::Tenchi::so i thought this author didn't let my character go sour (sasami) AHHHHHHHHHHHHH why are u doing this?? neither of them responded .. yosho pulled his pants his off and walked over to sasami... *sasami bursts through the theatre door, screaming and running around inside the theatre frantically* ::Sasami::MAKE IT STOP MAKE IT STOP, I'LL NEVER LISTEN IN ANY MORE JUST STOP IT MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *she is finally stopped by not paying attenion and running into a wall, knocking herself out cold (yosho) oh come here u tight lil thing u suck my cock? (sasami) NOOOOOOOOooooooo *starting to cry*!!!! (yosho) Yes u will *yosho grabs her by the hair and forces her down on it sasami not wanting to feel any more pain starts to suck it slowly as tenchi on the other side of her starts to pull of her panties and the rest of her clothing*... (tenchi) ok grandfather are u done yet? (yosho) ahhhhhhhhhhh *blows a load of semen into lil sasami s mouth* yes im done boy *yosho then lays down on the ground with his cock facing up*... ::Ayeka::Is it going to tap dance too?? (tenchi) ok i want her pussy got it gramps" (yosho) yes *putting lotion on his dick* tenchi slide her ass on top of my cock then u can fuck her pussy ok.. (tenchi) ok i will *licks his lips* ... ::Tenchi::as interested as i am now, i still think this fic is a abomanation (sasami) NOOOOO PLEASE DON'T ??*starts to cry even more) tenchi doesn't listen to sasami's plea for them to stop and like grandfather told him to do he slid sasami's tight lil ass on his lubed up cock ... sasami of course screamed in pain and even more so when tenchi slid his massive cock into here lil pussy.. (sasami) STOP PLEASE STOP TENCHI STOP I DON'T WANT THIS OH GAWd IT HURTS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo???? *Sasami regains a little bit of composure* ::Sasami:: (sounding dazzed) Any one have the home address of this author? i am about to pulla JFK on his ass (tenchi) didnt listen as he drove in deeper... Yosho) oh yeah *keeps doing her in the ass * oh ahhhhh yeah *yosho moans as he feels his balls touch tenchi's* [mean while on the good ship yagame another odd thing will happen] ::Ryoko:: odd? what a ODD word to use in a fic like this! kiyone is very angry now her partner mihoshi just let one of the universes most notorious criminals escape and as a the result they are now both getting pay cuts ... and possibly being demoted to security guards at the local mall at planet yebisu .. any way kiyone is very pissed now and really wants to kill mihosi ::Ayeka::well they'll be visiting planet yuri is this goes where i think it's going (kiyone) i cant belive that stupid mihoshi I HATE HER SHE RUINS EVERY THING AND NOW ILL KILL HER!!! *as she said that she pulls a GP standard laser rifle and heads up to the bridge where mihoshi is watching cartoons. (mishoshi) oh hi kiyone what are u doing (kiyone) IM GONNA KILL U LIL BITCH I HATE YOU YOU RUIN EVERYTHING I WANT U TO SUFFER!!!!! ::Tenchi::YEHAAAA BIOTCH, I'M GONNA BUSTA CAP IN YUR ASS! ::Ayeka:: WORD TO YA MOTHA ::Ryoko::YEAH HOMEY 'G (mihoshi) calm down kiyone its alright..... (kiyone) NO IT ISN'T ENOUGH TALK IM GOING TO BLOW U AWAY *points the gun at mihoshis head* ITS TIME FOR U TO DIE HA HA HA! ::Ryoko::well the bright side is that she'll live up to her nick name: scatter brain But suddenly kiyone remembers something from about a week ago they were watching a TV show together where a young school girl got lesbian raped by her teacher.. and kiyone also remembers that mihoshi said that would be most horrible thing ever and that mihoshi would rather die then get lesbian raped.. because of this though kiyone gets a very sinister idea.... ::Ayeka::Planet Yuri here we come (kiyone) HA HA HA MIHOSHI I KNOW HOW TO MAKE YOU SUFFER AND GIVE MY RIPE LIL PUSSY A WORK OUT AT THE SAME TIME !!!!! kiyone then throws mihoshi to the floor and pulls her pants off and then her shirt ..kiyone just stands there and looks at her lil body ... *Ryoko notices Tenchi on the edge of his seat with a little drool dripping from the corner of his mouth* ::Ryoko::(with many emotions)does thsi interest you Tenchi ::Tenchi::I'm a guy, remember? ::Ryoko::OHHHH YEAHHHH, i know all too well by that bulge in your pants. *Embarrased Tenchi glances down and thinks to himself* 'dear god no i have provoked the beast' (kiyone) ahh this will be great i cant wait to fuck you mihoshi HA HA HA! (mihoshi) NOO DON'T KIYONE? (kiyone) HA HA HA YES I WILL... kiyone then pulls out her hand cuffs and binds mihoshis hands together ... then kiyone strips her self down totally nude and comes up to mihoshi... kiyone slides mihoshies panties off slowly and sticks her finger in mihoshi's pussy feeling it spread apart her inner walls ..kiyone chuckles to her self as she feels mihoshi quiver a lil as she slides her fingers in between mihoshis vagina ... ::Tenchi::TOUCHDOWN *Tenchi grabs a fan flyer from underneath the theatre seat that reads "KIYONE RULES" and starts waving it around wildley* (kiyone) ahh u are so wet hmmmm.. ::Tenchi::(says under his breath)so am i *Ryoko over hears him and starts developing a plan to get Ayeka outta the theatre* (mihoshi) STOP KIYONE WE ARE FRIENDS DON'T DO THIS TO ME? (Kiyone) BLAH i CANT STAND YOUR ANNOYING VOICE *tears a peace of mihoshis shirt and ties it around mihoshis mouth very tightly*. Kiyone then put her hand on mihoshi's pussy and spreads it apart .. kiyone notices how wet mihoshi is and then slowly put her tongue into mihoshi's slit and begins to lick her... as kiyone licks and sucks the juices from mihoshi's tight lil slit.. mihoshi starts to squirm around from the pleasure and also cuz she wants to escape as she squirms her cuffed hands bump into yagames course input screen and suddenly the screen flashes [new course set for the planet yebisu ] and then the screen flashed a warning saying [there is no landing beacon on planet yebisu manual piloting is required for landing] of course kiyone didn't know this and she continued to lick mihoshi's tight lil pussy and also started fingering her own vagina.... ::Ayeka::GODDAMNIT, RIGHT WHEN I WAss..........errrrrrrrr I mean when LORD TENCHI WAS GETTING INTERESTED [back on earth] tenchi and yosho are still raping poor lil sasami only now sasami is bleeding from her ass and her pussy .. and now as techi does sasami in the pussy for the 3rd time yosho gets behind tenchi and shoves his cock into tenchis hard ass .. all three moan together (of course poor lil sasamis is moaning in pain) but as grand father blows yet another load of sperm in tenchis ass ayeka heres a noise coming from the shed and starts walking toward it ... ::Ryoko:: the sperm bank called they want tenchi and yosho's number *Washu had been over hearing the thoughts in Ryoko's head and pops into the theatre* ::Washu::SPERM!? YEAH, i need some....ummmm for samples of course ::Ryoko::MOM, you got yosho, i want tenchi's.....umm as you would say for "Samples" of course *After her secret has been dicovered by her daughter, Washu sticks her head outta the theatre in a slow comotose manner* (ayeka) i could of sworn i heard a strange scream a few minutes ago... this is very odd indeed i hope nothing else bad has happened today... *ayeka then gets a sickened face and frowns a lil* hmmm after all that ryoko has been talking of having sex with tenchi all day and quite frankly its pissing me off even more than usual *ayeka continues to talk to her self as she nears the shed* and well i know i want t have sex with tenchi as well and id be more perverted when i flirt with him but..... well i know a nice boy like tenchi would never under stand my secret... i guess thats why i have to act so humble and nice but really on the inside im more like ryoko or even worse yet noboyuki. oh boy well it doesnt matter. *ayeka is now standing in front of the shed and she heres some moaning but to her she thinks it sounds like more like two people moving a large object... at any rate ayeka unknowingly opens the door .. (Tenchi) Oh lil sasami your so tight and so wet from all the blood gushing from your clit oh i never thought i girl would be soo gooooooooood.. ::Ryoko::(In Yosho's voice) WHO'S YOUR GRANDADDY!?!?!?! *Tenchi gives Ryoko a Psycho like stare* ::Ryoko::ummmm.....sorry (yosho) hey tenchi *still pumping tenchis ass* what about me don't just talk love talk to sasami talk about me. (tenchi) oh come on grand.........*just then the door starts to swing open* as ayeka goes into the room she heres squishing and moaning much more louder and they are certainly not sounds of people moving heavy objects like she thought before but as soon as the door slid open ayeka just stood there looking very surprised... i mean she comes in too see tenchi screwing her sister in the pussy and tenchi' s father doing him up the ass of course she was surprised and so was tenchi ... tenchi knows it will be all over if ayeka totally loses it...yosho doesnt even really notice ayekas entrance because he is climaxing and again filling tenchi with cum (tenchi) look ayeka i can explain..... (ayeka)ha ha ha ha*starts laughing* u don't mind taking it up the ass do u tenchi? ::Ryoko::You would not beleive how happy i am for that fact i am not in this fic. ::Tenchi::I still want it to stop ::Ayeka::Tenchi are you gonna answer the question? *Tenchi jumps on Ayeka grabbing her collar and raises his fist then notices she was just joking ::Tenchi::OH NO, sorry Ayeka, i am on my last nerve. ::Ayeak::thats alright Lord Tenchi, I am enjoying myself *right then Ryoko hears thats and yanks tenchi off of her, and yelling HE-E-E-E-E-E-EY in her face* ::Ryoko::WHATS THE BIG IDEA? *Ryoko threw Tenchi harder then she thought and he ended up putting a body print into the wall, then slid down the wall to the ground (tenchi) well i kinda like it ^_~ (ayeka) and u like pussy too dont you ?HA HA HA (tenchi) yes i love it . (sasami) HELP ME AYEKA PLEASE THEY ARE HURTING ME AND TEARING ME UP REAL BAD? (ayeka) shut up u lil bitch you just take that dick for a few seconds longer then ill have it and maybe you too.... ::Ayeka::This is like some horrible domonatrix porno flicks. ::Ryoko & Tenchi::how do you know? *Ayeka lowers her head yet again* ::Ayeka::Cause i am a sad sad little women ::Ryoko::That explains pretty much all of it (tenchi) ayeka u dont mean that your gonna wanna fuck me too? (ayeka)oh yes tenchi i want u bad...and now i know that my lil secret wont bug you.. ::Ayeka::You mean me watching old domonatrix porno flicks in Noboyuki's study? *Tenchi & Ryoko's jaw's drop to the floor* *Ayeka turns a red that would make a cherry jelous* tenchi then pulls out of sasami and then rips away from yosho and walks over to ayeka .....leaving sasami on the ground crying still and panting heavily ...yosho then after tenchi pulls away goes and puts a strap on dildo on sasami then sits on it letting the dildo ride up his arse {EWWWW hey i may be the one writing this but it grosses me out too} ::Tenchi::ALL THE MORE FUCKING REASON TO STOP!!!!!! (Tenchi) *looking at ayeka and then glances at yosho with the dildo* man i wanted you to use that dildo on me ayeka. ::Ryoko::I love not being in this fic sooooooo much ::Tenchi::Too bad I can't be everyone's favorite character ::Ryoko:: what's that suppose to mean? ::Tenchi:: well since you the favorite character few go to the other side and use you as a lemon toy. (ayeka)oh there's no need for that tenchi ive got something that will work. (tenchi) oh brought your own strap on? (ayeka) no well erm um ill just have to show you.. ::Ayeka::erm? Whats a "erm" Lord Tenchi? ::Ryoko::You know Ayeka, to act like such a intelligent, your almost as illiterate as this author ::Tenchi::COOOOOOOLDDDDDDDD, I see steam raising. ::Ryoko::Much like the bulge in your pants Tenchi? *Tenchi lets out a scream of embarressment that resembles homer simpsons scream* as of that tenchi watched ayeka take her shirt off then her bra and tenchi saw two plump lil tits flop out... then ayeka started to take her pants off and her panties as well and then tenchi saw that ayeka had something wrong with her when..... when.......a long floppy dick popped out of her panties as she slid them off!!!!!!! ::Ryoko::I thought I noticed a little bulge in your dress over there Ayeka. ::Ayeka::HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING *Tenchi puts both hands infront of his face to sheild to shield himself ::Ryoko::Wow Ayeka, judging by the reaction I must be right. Ayeka lowers her head slightly and mutters* ::Ayeka::If only (tenchi) you have a dick oh my gawd all the times ive dreamed of fucking you and you had! (ayeka) well not just a dick *then ayeka bends over revealing a pussy under the dick and very small pair of balls above that*.. (tenchi) oh my gawd! u have both parts JESUS! ::Ryoko:: he see's jesus inbetween her legs? (ayeka)yes i know im a freak but you know both parts do work fully.. (tenchi) oh my gawd i want you so much now .. ::Tenchi:: nor the few hours reading this nightmare and so ayeka bent over and tenchi rammed his dick into her virgin slit and while he did that he jacked off her dick at the same time .. ::Ayeka::take a little ya give a little, so forgeeeet bout it! [mean while out in the front yard] azaka and kamedake were just sitting there letting the birds shit all over them as they stood their watch over the masaki residence it was silent except the moans they heard every min or so ....but azaka decided to break the silence.. ::Tenchi:: The birds hear of a new BMW down the road, and fly outta there like us when this fic is done (azaka) oh kamedaki ill bet one of those girls finally got it on with tenchi (kamedaki) oh im so glad maybe we can finally leave getting tired of just sitting here collecting bird shit. (azaka) I know how you feel ... but off the subject don't u think its great how those humans have sex? (kamedake) yes I think its very neat. (azaka) well in that case why dont we have sex I mean us guardians need to reproduce too.. ::Ryoko:: Right when you thought it was at it worsts we are proved wrong once again (kamedake) oh yes i think it is about time we do that (asaka) "enter sex mode" (and with that command below the small glass eye cube a wooden shaft pulls out and gets very hard and stiff it also has a small hole on it where um the cum goes out.. ::Ryoko:: author with your mind, I am so glad you painted a picture for us (kamedaki) HEY HOW COME I HAVE TO BE THE WOMEN???? (azaka) because you have the sissy sounding voice u were programmed with that voice so u could be my bitch and have my baby.. (kamedaki) oh i see well then lets gets started "enter sex mode now" *then a slit opens on kamedaki below his eye peace. ::Tenchi:: peace, this fic is far from having peace........god(s) make it stop, I bed of you!!!!!!! then azaka rams his wooded log into kamedakis wooden hole they both cry out in pleasure and there lil glass eyes start to blink rapidly ......... [back in the shed] ::ayeka::ALRIGHT, back to the good stuff!! ::Ryoko:: umm hey princess, what do ya mean by that? ::Ayeka:: oohhhh nothing really... tenchi just blew cum in ayeka for the second time while ayeka sucked sasami dry .... but at that moment a car pulled with noboyuki driving it.. (Noboyuki) hey all of u guys come here I got something to show you. back in the shed yosho and tenchi both yell (yosho+tenchi) HES HERE WITH THE PLAY MATE!!!!!! ( tenchi) lets put sasami in the living room and then we will go see what noboyuki brought us. everyone nods ok and a few minutes later they all are waiting at noboyukis car ... noboyuki opens the trunk to reveal sakuya tied up with a big bruise on her eye. ::Tenchi:: I bet all you fans out there are just SOOOOOO pleased to read that aren't cha??!! (yosho) so this is the one we are gonna torture and rape? (tenchi) *looking at sakuya* oh gawd its that sakuya slut I cant wait to mess her up real good. ::Ryoko:: yeah bitch I wanna mess her up too!! ::Ayeka::Now it's time to play women's prison sakuya (noboyuki) so you finally fucked sasami grand father and ayeka let everyone know she had both parts eh? (all except noboyuki) un yeah but how'd u know? (noboyuki) well u see every time me and grandfather fuck he always screams out "OH SASAMI" and well one time ayeka got real drunk and said she wanted sex so I tried to fuck her but then found out her secret ...of course I screwed her anyway and let her screw me a lil.. ::Ayeka:: the rule of thumb of sex, give a little get a little (ayeka) You stupid dick you wernt suposed to tell anyone! (yosho) Oh well lets get some sex toys and torture devices and carve sakuya up together. and hell we might as well have an orgy too. ::Tenchi:: I bet with the right viewing equipment, If you were to view the amount of sex hormones floating around, there would be just a bright blinding light (all except yosho) THATS A GREAT IDEA LETS GET READY AND GETWHAT WE NEED TO THIS ^_~ after this they all walk into the house where sasami is laying [back on yagami] kiyone has been forcing mihoshi to lick her pussy and her ass hole.(basically they've still been fucking) ::Ryoko:: thank you so much for clearing the air author, ya sick fuck! (kiyone) oh mishoshi watching u sufer really gets me off *kiyone then gets a real evil idea ... ::Ryoko::for those who read this fic this far I SALUTE YOU! (mihoshi) stop OH GAWD Kiyone then smiled as she pulled out her GP gun and started ramming up into mihoshis clit watching the blood spill from it. (kiyone) HA HA HA DIE U STUPID WHORE *shoves it even harder. ::Ryoko:: it's like clock work, it just gets WORSE and even more worse (Mihoshi) NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OH GAWD * starts to pass out* (Kiyone) oh no if u pass out u cant feel pain well I guess I better end this ive gotten off anough as it is. Kiyone then pulls the gun out and pointed it as mihoshi's leg and fired {BANG} a laser blast pierces through mihoshi's leg and blood spurted every where. then kiyone pulls the trigger again but this time shoots her in the arm witch actually tears it off . the tearing of the arm sends blood everywhere . (kiyone) HA HA HA HA HA *looks at mihoshi knowing she will pass out soon* I HAVE TO FINISH U OFF NOW WHILE YOU CAN STILL FEEL THE PAIN. MWHAHAHAHAH!!!! Then kiyone pulled the gun to mihoshi's chest and shot her several times and finally pointed the gun at mihoshi's head and fired laughing insanely as blood and cranial fluid flew all over the bridge of the ship..... then kiyone calmed down and passed out on the deck next to mihoshi's carcass she then said... ::Ayeka:: well for those of you who has a hard on before, I am sure its long gone, if not SEEK HELP! (kiyone) the night mare is finally over now im Freeeee! Of course kiyones freedom was only for a breef a moment. as the ships warning system came on... (yagame) WARNING WARNING SHIP WILL CRASH ON THE SURFACE OF PLANET YEBISU IN 60 SECONDS PLEASE TAKE MANUAL CONTROL OF SHIP!! (Kiyone) OH SHIT IVE GOTTA LAND !! (yagame) ESTIMATED DAMAGE FROM CRASH TOTAL ..NO SURVIVORS (kiyone) OH NO but i can handle it ive got planty of time.. Kiyone walks over and grabs the controls and types the needed commands to get the flight board up so she can steer the ship... kiyone waits for the control panel to pop up so she can steer but notices it doesn't come out .... (kiyone) WHAT THE HELL WHY WONT IT WORK? *kiyone brushes blood off the control panel making sure she hit the right keys* hmm nothing happened.. (yagame) 30 SECONDS TILL CRASH ALL HUMAN PERSONAL GET TO ESCAPE PODS.. (kiyone)OH NO it doesn't work cuz mihoshis blood and brain matter have caused the key board to short circuit ...... great ive gotta leave my ship ::Tenchi:: is that even possible? Kiyone then turns and runs down the hall to one of the escape pods and hits the switch to activate it But..... the pod doesnt activate a small screen in the pod reads .out pod malfunction please try pod two.. (kiyone) Dammit i cant believe this! *she then turns around heading across the hall to the second pod.. but as kiyone nears the door it shuts on her making a slamming noise*.. (Kiyone)What the hell this shouldnt close now i cant believe this *but just then the hall lights turned off and came back on glowing red kiyone startled by this just looked at it in awe* what the heck? *then a voice spoke (voice) U THINK I WILL LET U ESCAPE AFTER WHAT U DID TO ME .. AND I THOUGHT U WERE MY BEST FRIEND (kiyone) NO IT CANT BE yo you you your dead !!! (voice) I KNOW I AM BUT WHEN YOU SHOT ME TO DEATH SOME OF MY BRAIN MATTER GOT INTO THE SHIPS COMPUTER AND NOW IVE POSSESSED IT !! ::Ayeka:: I hate to admit it, but that was a sorta brilliant unexpected twist, but author, your still negative 1,000,000,000,00 points on the good sex fic score board (kiyone) No its impossible? (mihoshi) No it isn't when u torture a person like that making them bleed so much you make there spirit vengeful and want to destroy the destroyer. (kiyone) NOOOOO WHYYYY MMEEEE????????????? (mihoshi) now u will be the one too see the blood kiyone.... and after those words the walls began to bleed red blood curdling down the walls and gathering on the floor flooding the small halls with red warm blood.. (kiyone) OH MY GAWD ive gotta get out of here!! (yagame)15 SECONDS UNTIL CRASH !! kiyone then dashed around the corner slipping on some blood but finally made it to the end of the hall and opened the door to there living area.. where the last escape pod is and this pod does not have a door in front of it.. kiyone stood there for a second (kiyone) HA HA HA ill get away with this and mihoshi you will burn up on the planets surface Ha ha ha *as she turns to get into the pod* (mihoshi) oh really but how will get in that pod if your legs are broken" right after that a table flies up and smacks kiyone in the legs breaking them instantly... the sound of her legs snapping could be heard throughout the ship... (mihoshi) HA HA HA YOU WILL DIE NOW!!! (kiyone) NOOO!! *trying to crawl into the escape pod* (mihoshi) you wont escape .. then mihoshi appeared in a transparent form behind kiyone. mihoshi lifts her hand out and points to a small rack of personal items .. immediately after she points at it all the stuff floats in the air and starts flying at kiyone books start smashing into kiyones head and pencils fly and stab into her legs.. blood starts spitting out of kiyones mouth as a barrage of objects smash into her shredding and ripping her apart.. (kiyone) I MUST GET AWAY!!! (mihoshi) its to late now.. (yagame) 5 seconds till impact all escape pods shut down *suddenly the pod next to kiyone deactivates* (Kiyone)noooo!! starts to cry as she is being beaten with all the stuff in the room... (mihoshi) its to late now you shall die.... (Yagame)3 seconds... (Yagame)2 seconds.. (Kiyone) *a small tear forms at kiyones eye* im sorry mihoshi please forgive me? (mishoshi) kiyone you and i will be together forever once you too fall into darkness.. you will never be able to escape me here kiyone (kiyone) OH NO AN ETERNITY WITH MIHOSHI (Yagame) 1 second. (yagame) Zero seconds impact imminent Then the space ship yagame hit the planet yebisu blowing to bits nothing was left just a crater and a few red pieces of scrap metal ...(all in all kiyone deserved a worse death but mihoshi just couldnt be that cruel) ::Tenchi::viewers, I am sorry we didn't say much, but we we're lost for words [back at the house] they got sakuya tied up and were beginning the torture show (tenchi) ok lets fuck this bitch up now im so sick of her. ::Ryoko & Ayeka:: DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT (yosho) ok *grabs a whip and starts whipping sakuyas naked body* (Sakuya)ARGHHHHHH NOOOO!!! (noboyuki) he he he now make sure u dont hit me*noboyuki then shoves his huge cock into sakuya and laughs as she screams! but then tenchi throws him out of the way* hey whats the big deal???? ::Ryoko:: aww yes how I do so like to see those words -then Ryoko gets a sinister grin- (tenchi) this slut is mine dad go screw some one else.. (noboyuki) how about u son? (tenchi) NOOOOO *tenchi then rams his cock into sakuya ::Tenchi:: AUTHOR DO YOU HAVE NO MERCY FOR THE READERS (noboyuki) YEESH oh well how about u ayeka or maybe I can play with sasami or grandpa maybe? (Ayeka) NOO IM TAKING MY SISTER TO PAIN AND PLEASURE WORLD ALONE THIS TIME.... ::Ayeka:: ahh yes pain and pleasure world, they have the bets rides outta all the parks -hehe- (yosho) sorry noboyuki but my ass is really sore so I don't think i can let u do me (noboyuki) so no ones gonna have sex with me at all yeeesh that sucks ....WAIT how about washu or ryoko ::Ryoko:: Better watch it author, you might have a mob of angry fans of mine knocking down your door for desicrating my well edged beautiful character {^_^} (tenchi) those two locked them selves in the lab who knows what they are doing [washus lab] washu and ryoko are watching the orgy that's going on up above and it got them so hot they started to lick and caress each other and before u know it washu had a robot out called mecha tenchi with all his features and the two of them have been letting it fuck them on and off sense the very beginning of the fan fic ... and of course one of washus lil pets got it on with them too some lil dog like creature is fucking ryoko right now ::Ayeka:: well ryoko, looks like you have a bit of jurian blood in you as well {he he i was feeling lazy and i didnt wanna elaborate too much on ryoko and washus love making... sorry if u were looking forward to them doing more in this} ::Ryoko:: ahhhh damn it, I was so looking forward to that -sarcastic tone- ::Ayeka:: yeah, I hate it when they cut out the good parts ::Ryoko:: Watch it Princess!!!! [back at the house] well tenchi is doing sakuya in her tight lil slit now while Noboyuki is still having no luck at all finding someone he can screw .. and of course yosho is still beating the hell out sakuya with that whip.. hes making her bleed all over the place.. and as for ayeka she is sucking all the cum out of her lil sister sasami.. -Ryoko starts licking the tip of her left fang, with a accompanying evil smirk- (noboyuki)dammit! this is insane i want some sex now!!!! *just then he sees lil ryo ohki come running over and gets an idea* ::Ayeka & Tenchi:: GOD WILL THE INSANITY NEVER END!? ::Ryoko:: HEEEEEEY what you got against cabbits gett'in some???? Noboyuki dashes in front of the lil cabbit and rams his cock into the lil thing.. ryo ohki starts to bleed out of its pussy right away butt noboyuki just shoves his man hood in even harder .. ::Ryoko::Weeeelllll maybe I was wrong [tenchis house still but about 30 minutes later] A large space ship comes crashing through the clouds the space battle ship sohja and the being known as kagato emerges from it at tenchis house.. (kagato) im here now they will pay *as he rubs his super cock* ::Ryoko::-Starts luaghing madley- SUPER COCK EH? I thought the apit of these fics was when the authors kept saying man piece Well in that thirty minutes time everyone got tired of fucking sasami woke and is just standing there dazed not knowing why she had to suffer.. ::Ayeka::yeah that little bitch always complaining about suffering for my sexual desirerrrrrrrrr.....i can't say myself can I? ::Ryoko::not a chance in hell pricess ::Tenchi::-shaking head- nope not this time and well noboyuki tore pore lil ryo-ohki in half and fucked her literally until his dick shot in her stomach .... yosho beat sakuya to death with a stick and is now sleeping in the corner cuddled up with ayeka and tenchi the only one who was awake was the one to see the sohja crash through clouds and land out side his house... ::Tenchi::-As fic Tenchi- yes me, and my manly stamina remained awake WHO HHAHAAHA ::Ryoko::-face faults at tenchis remark- ( Tenchi) oh my gawd kagato is here shit everyone wake up get out side!! everyone went out side ::Ayeka:: well author, you didn't put no more thought in that one did ya? (kagato) Well its nice to see you all...and i see that u are all to weak to fight me even ryoko is to week {ryoko and washu are still in the lab by the way} witch means i get to................................... ::Ryoko::-Shouts- MAKE THIS FIC EVEN MORE LAME!!!!! (kagato) FUCK U ALL AND PLANT MY SUPER SEED IN YOU ALL HA HA HA HA HA!! ::Ryoko & Ayeka::-Start giggling while whispering the word super seed ::Tenchi:: -screams- STOP IT YOU TWO! (Yosho) hes gone mad .. ::Ayeka:l:: Like this author of this fic perhaps? ::Ryoko::YEAH!, hey author when did they allow mental patients to use computer at the metal ward? (tenchi) no way.. (Ayeka) WE WONT LET YOU!!!!!! (sasami) ................ ::Ryoko:: this author is like the war general who would double cross and shoot off his own men, what ahard ass ::Tenchi:: I still think the authors parents who too abusive (HEHE) (kagato) well well im sure you know of the legend that when i the one who escaped the darkness of the universe fuck all the heroes who defeated me the universe shall be destroyed.... -Washu pops in- ::Washu:: you know that's actually a legend, wrong culture though -Washu pops back outta theatre- (all except sasami the poor thing is mute now) That's CRAZY ITS NO REAL LEGEND!! and besides well just run away.. -Washu pops in again- ::Washu:: HA HA Fooled you! ::Ayeka:: Mrs. Washu, you haven't been in here the entire fic, so please DON'T FUCKING JERK US AROUND! ::Ryoko::-falls back from the shock wave of ayeka hidious voice (kagato) ahh i don't think u will run anywhere *clicks a button and a large jurai barrier covers the house and some of the surrounding area kagato pulls out his foot long cock* NOW I SHALL SCREW U ALL TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ::Ryoko:: how inovative, author ::Ayeka:: -As fic kagato- ARRRR me matee's, I be the infamous long dong silver after hearing this every one runs off into different directions except sasami who is just in a daze ... (kagato) so princess sasami you will be the 1st to go then *kagato flies down next to sasami and feels her sore bleeding clit a with his hand* aren't you gonna say some thing? (sasami) ............ ::Ayeka:: I hate it when my sister does that after rapings ::Ryoko:: princess, please ::Ayeka:: my anger therapist says it healthy to be truthful ::Ryoko:: not for my stomach it isn't princess foo foo! (kagato) oh i see they hurt you allot didn't they *sasami nods a yes* well then ill make this fairly painless.... Kagato SHOVES his mighty man stallion into sasami so hard by the second time he thrust in her it ripped her in two ... kagato laughed a lil as her lil 12 year old body hit the ground in a bloody heap.... then kagato moved into the house and ripped open the lab door where he saw ryoko and washu sleeping next each other ::Ryoko:: viewers if you would like to make this fic at home mix the following ingediants 1:blood, 2:sex, 3:mindless dribble called dialog, 4: extremely poor grammer, 5: and a sick mind, and BOOM ya got yourself a amazingly shitty fic! (kagato) well well now ladies I think my man cock will tear a huge hole in you and it will be wonder full... (ryoko) what noooooo *turns to run* But it was to late kagato rammed his cock into her ass ,,ryoko screams as the now 2 foot long cock breaks up into her intestine ripping and shredding her apart from the inside in seconds ryoko was dead and no more than a pile of cum and muscle tissue .... then kagato turns to washu who was to afraid to run and smiles.. ::Ayeka:: Lord Tenchi ummmm does every mans "Piece" grow over time? ::Tenchi::-a smirks streaks across tenchi's face- wanna find out ::Ryoko:; HEY PRISSY!, tenchi darling why do you even consider a women like ayeka, knows nothing about sex, which means she knows nothing of how to please a real man like yourself ::Tenchi::oh brother (kagato) well if it isnt professor washu ha ha ha.... (washu) NOO DONT DO IT U MAD MAN!!! ::Ryoko::Washu is gonna pay if she EVER makes a kagato robot but kagato didn't listen and rammed his whole fist into washus body then he slid his dick up her ass and simultaneously tore her up with his fist and his dick ... in a few minutes washu was nothing more then pulp.. kagato left the house knowing that yosho would be at his shrine at the top of the mountain,... in few moments kagato was there and yosho was standing there waiting for him.. (kagato) so u are waiting for me how amusing? (yosho) oh u know me I've been gay for years so I welcome a large man cock like yours kagato ~_^ ::Tenchi:: I never knew ::Ayeka:: what do you call them marks on you neck when you get back from your chores at the shrine ::Tenchi::-SCREAMS- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then does a back flip of surprisement into the row of seats behind them (kagato) well that's no fun I want you to be scared of me when I screw you.. (yosho) ha ha ha whatever *bends over and lets his ass face kagato ::Ayeka:: if he is still in his old form that's gotta look worse then kagato (kagato) well that's no fun hmm *looks at a large tree* well then u just wait yosho... (yosho) OH I well I cant wait till u shove it in me.. (kagato) oh ill shove something in you *kagato uses his power to pull a tree from the ground with lighting quick speed and accuracy he fires small blasts at the tree witch tears all the limbs off of it and makes a nice huge big log with a rounded point at the end (yosho) Hurry GIVE IT TO ME? ::Tenchi::my stomach feels so sick right now -glances over to his left to see ayeka sitting on the edge of her seat, he yells- SICKLY WOMEN THAT YOU BE! (kagato) shut up old fool......... Then kagato lifted the tree with his powers and slammed it into yosho's ass very hard .. yosho screamed in pleasure and in pain as it rode up into him and loud squishing and smacking noises were roaring out of yoshos ass .... ::Ryoko:: Roaring? When noboyuki and yosho were playing of mice and men did they shove a lion up there? ::Ayeka:: no it was just all dem beans the old fart knocker ate before the excellent raping of sasami ::Tenchi:: SICKLY WOMEN!!!!!! ...... the noises were so loud that every one in Japan could here them but soon those noises stopped and only screaming was heard .and soon after the screams turned to the sounds of bones crunching and .splitting apart and. very soon after that nothing was heard at all except sadistic laughter kagato then heard ayeka yelling "let me out" at the edge of the barrier he put up and he walked over to ayeka who was now cringing in fear. (ayeka) please don't do to me what u did to the others? (kagato) im afraid im gonna have to. (ayeka) ill tell u where tenchi is if u leave me alone. (kagato) ok ill agree with that seeing as how u didn't really do anything to defeat me in our battle on jurai...... now where is he? ::Tenchi::-looks at Ayeka- nice going monte hall ::Ayeka::-gets a huge grin and says- LETS MAKE A DEAL! (ayeka) you will find a room in the house that looks like a normal bath room but it really leads to another dimension where out hot spring bath is located he is in there hiding in the water. (kagato) ah very well young lady you may go now..*kagato opens the barrier a little bit for ayeka to get out through *right after he opens it ayeka crawls to the other side.. (ayeka) thank you.. (kagato) no thank you young lady oh and *pushes a button on his wrist .. a small jurai ship comes from the sohja s main hold*u can take this ship back to jurai ayeka and live a normal life there ayeka left in the ship and kagato went into the bath to greet tenchi ::Tenchi:: when did I become the most powerful bomb in the universe? (tenchi) no stay away from me (kagato) i dont think so *kagatos dick then transforms into a snake like cock about 8 feet long* (tenchi) NOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!! tenchi turns and tries to escape from kagato but kagatos huge man snake cock flew at tenchi and tore right into his ass tearing and making him bleed.. the dick went so far into him and snaked its way all the way through part of his intestines and soon after tenchi fell over dead. (kagato) HA HA HA HA IVE DONE IT ! NOW THE WORLD WILL END *but nothing happens* hmm oh no one more must die and that last one is myself because by causing the incident that originally made tenchi and friends have to kill me was my fault so I defeated my self/. (kagato) BUT NO MATTER NOW I SHALL DIE!!!! and at that kagato swung his cock up and rammed it up his own ass until he tore himself so much he died by bleeding to death... ::Tenchi::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Ryoko::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Ayeka::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Ryo-Okkie::MEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ::Sasami::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Washu::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Dr.Clay::AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ::Ryoko:: NO NO NO WAIT, THAT IS GOOD FOR TWO REASONS, kagato is dead, and so I is this fic..........YEAHHHHHHHH ::All of the group slowly quites down:: -the theatre looks like a WWII site, smoke every where fires burning, dead bodies every where, Tenchi, Ryoko, and Ayeka, are all clothed in army out fits with black face paint on and machine gun cartridge straps around them with holes in the cloths and bandannas on. They all start parting each other on rhe back and hugging ::Tenchi:: you girls are alright, I was sure we were gonners back at the kagato's arrival. ::Ryoko::TENCHIIIII you made it through -Ayeka them steps beside them, and ryokos grins turns to a frown- ::Ryoko:: too bad I couldn't say differently for you princess foo foo ::Ayeka:: Lord Tenchi please tell this hethan to stop that -Ryoko and Ayeka start fighting while in this WWII setting, Tenchi bends down and grabs a AK-47 and puts it to his and pulls the trigger -CLICK- ::Tenchi::?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! -CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLI, CLI, CLI, CLICK ::Tenchi:: Gods hates me -and they continue to fight while tench is there mopping, hoping for the grim reaper to accept his future appointment early [epilogue] well after it was all over there wasn't much left ..although the universe wasn't destroyed by kagatos stupid legend all of the TM cast was dead.almost of course .he GP was disgraced that there officers would kill each other like that.. now for azaka and kamedake they had there stupid baby guardian but were so into sex that they just let it die right away but alas as time went on with no humans around the guardians collected to much bird shit. they eventually got so caked in bird crap they no longer could move anymore and they become statues... as for noboyuki he moved to the city after the incident and got him self a little operation just like ayeka had and now noboyuki is a stripper named TU TU BOY.. and then there is ayeka who returned to jurai alone and lived a few years in despair and misery for betraying her lover tenchi.. and as things progressed in her life the only thing would screw her was her father and some14 year old boys she kept tied in her room.. but even with these pleasure toys she eventually gave in to her depression and one day sat down in her bath tub pulled out a razor blade and slit her wrists. and then she was gone... The end {notes from the buffoon who wrote this story} well im sure some of u are gonna be pissed and are gonna hate me ....hell this story did make me kinda sick to write .. but it should be kept in mind this was a fictional story based on fictional characters any way im not really sure what to make of my own story it was just insane. but oh well and for all intensive purposes people that suffered alot like sasami are some of my fave characters and i really love tenchi muyo alot (i hope i dont think about some of the stuff i wrote in there when i watch tenchi from now on) thats about it this is my 1st fic by the way ill prolly write another but im not sure please review this and if u want email me at ^_^ oh one last thing if your real offended by this I gave good enough warning and if u don't wanna read fucked up shit don't read anything with the 17+ rating DUH ^_^ AKITO ::MST Author:: well author I applod the twist the Kiyone and Mihoshi, but other then that man seek help.......i enjoyed making fun of the fic. But as a warning to you, don't write stupid shit if you don't want it MSTed, plus I felt it wouldn't be bareable for other to read with out some MST, now if you enjoyed my MST e-mail me at I tried my best to get he characters reactions and dialog as close as I thought I could. This is my MST, no rude e-mail (send that to the author he deserves it more then me, lmao) anyway I'm out l8er The Lion (MSTer)