THE FLASH POINT (The camera comes apon a base in a mountain range that looks a little like the Turbo Builder from Koukso Sentai TurboRanger [absolutly NO relation to PR: Turbo, mind you]. Okay, it looks a LOT like the Turbo Builder. Okay, okay, it IS the Turbo Builder! Deal with it.) (Anyway, inside the Turbo Builder is a theater dedicated to MSTing fan fiction and in this theater are Sakura, Trident, Zero, J.Bison and our host, Flashman.) Flashman: Good day to you all. Today, for some bizare reason, our boss has decided to torture us... Voice: I am NOT torturing you! If I wanted to do that, I'd give you an Oscar... and I DON'T mean an Academy Award, to borrow a phrase. (Everyone shudders.) Sakura: Todays MST is Book One of Turn the Page by Christopher "God Boy" Angel. Zero: Due to memory constraints on our Internet provider however, we're sending this out in three parts. Trident: Let us begin. _________________________ ***************** Turn the Page Book 1: Senshi Muyo! *** [Flashman: I think there's MORE then enough need for them. Sakura:(Puppy eyes) Do I count? Flashman:(Nervous gulp) Uhhh... ahhh... sure.] Part 1 *** When describing Usagi Tsukino, otherwise known as Sailor Moon, several words came to her friends' and loved ones' minds. Crybaby was one of those words. Weak, lazy, and stupid were often used as well. Of course, those were [F/S/T: HEY! Flashman: I can guess which filthy mouth the majority of THOSE words came from. (A red shield comes out of no where and smacks Flashman.) Trident:(Sighs) He forgot who we are dealing with.] usually followed by words such as sweet, compassionate, loving, and (sometimes) strong-willed. One word that was never used, mind you, was regal. It was this, more than anything else, that made it easy for Sailor Moon's daughter to treat her as a completely different person than Neo-Queen Serenity was. The latter was the absolute image of a queen; in every step she took, every move of her hands, and every word she spoke. The former was nothing more than a rather silly teenaged girl who, despite the fact she fought minions of evil on a regular basis always seemed to be exactly the same person. [Flashman:(Grumbled) It also doesn't hurt that the spore's a spoiled BRAT. Zero:(Whispered to the others) You hold him down, I'll get the prozac. ] The other Inner Senshi often wondered what happened to Usagi to turn her from the flighty girl she was into the queen she became. If they had known the truth, they probably would have been shocked. What made Usagi finally accept her future was a fear so great, so debilitating, that Mamoru sometimes spent hours trying to help Usagi deal with it. Usagi had seen her friends, or even people who weren't her friends, die for her sake once, and then almost die many times since. She was deathly afraid that her friends would die, and she wouldn't be able to bring them back. The scenario had played itself out so many times before - they would defeat the lesser minions of an enemy, and then when the final confrontation was at hand, her friends would almost die, just to give Princess Serenity her chance to defeat their enemies. Not Usagi. Not Sailor Moon. Princess Serenity. Their last great battle against Pharaoh 90 had finally convinced Usagi that it would just be easier to be Serenity all the time, so she could protect the friends who had protected her for so long - so they wouldn't have to risk their lives so much to save her. They had scared their little princess to death, and were going to get their reward for what they had wrought. [Flashman: Ya know, this makes sense. Sakura:(Nods) Good job God-Boy.] On the top of a nearby building, Tuxedo Kamen watched the argument escalate, and with it, Sailor Moon's anger. "Oh boy, are they in trouble." "Very true," Pluto agreed beside him. Tuxedo Kamen started a little in shock, and then shook his head ruefully. [(Everyone jumps at Plutos sudden appearence.) Bison: What's even more disconcerting is that she's not the only one in her family that... Flashman:(Whacks Bison) Quiet! That's not out yet!] Uranus almost growled in anger. "Why you little..." She trailed off as Neptune placed her hand on Uranus' shoulder. [Sakura: Does anyone else get the image of Uranus doing a Homer Simpson style choke on Venus after reading that? (The others give her a O_o look.) Sakura: Guess not.] "That is ENOUGH!" The arguing Senshi turned in shock to see Sailor Moon's flushed angry face. "I am SICK and TIRED of you two going on about how the great and mighty Outer Senshi must handle everything alone!" She walked forward, interposing herself between the Inners and the Outers, and looked Uranus in the eyes. She put her hand to her chest and fairly ripped her broach away. "Do you know what this is? Do you know what it means?" she demanded, shoving the broach into Uranus' face. [Bison: It means we now know that your bra has a crescent moon on each.... (Trident delivers a Plazma Bolt, Zero does a Kuuenbu, Sakura does a Raging Demon and Flashman does a Crown Final Crash.) Bison:(What's left of him) I... was... gonna... say... shoulder strap. ] "How are you going to make us?" Uranus questioned with a bit of a sneer, which was wiped away as the Ginzuishou flared with light and Sailor Moon was transformed into Princess Serenity. "A wielder of the Ginzuishou gave you your powers, Sailor Uranus," she said in that regal voice. "A wielder of the Ginzuishou can take them away." Uranus gaped at the glowing princess in shock. " CAN'T!" Just as suddenly as she had transformed into Serenity, she transformed back into Sailor Moon. She staggered a bit, drained, but then grinned evilly at Uranus as her anger once again sent adrenaline running through her system. "Try me." She gasped and whirled to Saturn. "And you! Don't you EVER become Sailor Saturn without me around!" [Flashman:(Waving little blue flags with gold crescent moons on them) YEAY USAGI-SAMA!!! Trident:(Whacks him) Please stop. That... unnerves me.] grimaced. *Kaneda was really a bad influence on me, I have a sudden urge to get some popcorn. This is far too much fun to watch.* He looked around [All: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!] It was a girl in her mid-late teens, with shoulder-length pink hair wearing a red summer dress. Her face was one he remembered well - it was the same face that Black Lady had. Three young men and another girl accompanied her. *Chibi-Usa?!* [Bison: She's not so "Chibi" anymore. (Everyone else readies their weapons.) Bison:(Pales) I wasn't gonna say anything bad... honest. Zero: Be sure to KEEP it that way.] "Actually, it's OUR job," the Senshi whirled to see the teenaged girl standing behind them with a smug grin on her face. A teenaged girl with a most familiar face, and pink hair a color they had only seen on one other person... "CHIBI-USA-CHAN?!" the Inner Senshi and Saturn chorused. Usagi grinned and nodded, then scowled and whirled on her companions, who were now starting to laugh. "Ch-ch-chibi," a handsome young man with spiky blue hair stammered though his laughter. He doubled over and began to hold his stomach as the laughs wracked his body. Beside him, a slender girl with a mane of spiky white hair giggled helplessly. "Chibi-Usa-chan," the shortest of the newcomers snickered. His body shuddered with suppressed laugher, and the hair of his large red mohawk shook in resonance. "I'll have to remember that one." The princess looked at her laughing friends with a dismayed look, then turned hopefully on the last one, a noble-looking man with a purple ponytail. "You understand, don't you Yosho-kun?" she asked in a plaintive sort of voice. "It wasn't my idea, they had to call me something..." she trailed of the young man walked up and put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a kind smile. "I understand, and I would never make fun of you for it," he said seriously, then paused as a twinkle lit in his eye. "Chibi-Usa-chan. " That was too much for his companions who completely lost all control over their laughter. [(The reviewers join the laughter.) Sakura:(Gasping between laughs) P-po...HAHAHA...poor Ch-Chi... HAHAHAHAHA! (She gives up.)] "Hai," she said with a sigh, and taking his cue, Yosho stepped forward and bowed deeply. The mohawked man swept a quick bow, and the third man merely nodded. "Lord Yosho, Lord Kesshu, and Lord Akuma of Jurai." The other girl stepped forward and curtsied quickly. "Princess Toraneko of Jurai." "We are honored, Serenity-ouhi," Toraneko said politely. Sailor Mars watched the proceedings with suspicion. As the girl made her greeting, she gasped upon noticing the girl's cat eyes. "Monster!" she yelled for the other's benefit. "BURNING..." [Flashman:(Deadpan) As friendly as always I see. (The shield makes another appearence and smacks him again.) Flashman:(Dazed) Look at all the little Tackle Boys. Sakura: Think he'll ever learn? Zero/Bison: NOT BLOODY LIKELY!] But the most dramatic reaction came from Small Lady, who threw herself at Sailor Mars and knocked her hands down. "NO! She's my friend!" "She's not human," Mars growled. "None of them are," Sailor Mercury said, looking up from her computer. "Not quite true," Kesshu corrected as he dumped his weapon in another hole. "Us guys are three-eighths human." Kesshu got a thoughtful look on his face and began ticking items off on his fingers. "Let's see, I'm also a half hyper-dimensional entity and an eighth Juraian. " Akuma looked at his brother with some surprise. "You're quite the mongrel, aren't you?" [All:] "So says the son of a genetically engineered woman," Kesshu retorted. "And what's wrong with that?" Toraneko demanded. "Otouchan's the same, you know!" "No offense, Tora-hime," Kesshu answered quickly. The girl in question sniffed and turned her head away. Yosho rolled his eyes and banished his blade and force-shield. His brothers followed suit. "No, Mars-sama, we are not completely human. That doesn't mean we are a threat to you or others." He frowned slightly. "Usagi-hime, where is your father? We really should report in to him." "My father?" the girl wondered, and then her eyes widened. "Oh no, Yosho-kun. He's not Endymion YET." Tuxedo Kamen leapt from the roof and landed beside Sailor Moon. "You wish to speak with me?" Yosho examined him with a suspicious look, and then nodded in satisfaction. "Endymion-ou," he said respectfully, and bowed deeply. Behind him, Kesshu followed suit. Akuma sketched a quick mockery of a bow while Toraneko curtsied. "You honor us with your presence." "I'd love to banter pleasantries," Mars interrupted, "but what are you doing here, Chibi-Usa?" As the princess winced, Mars added defensively, "well we have to call you SOMETHING." "Call her Usako," Akuma called in. He looked curiously at the now- blushing Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon, and princess. "What did I say?" he asked as the other Inner Senshi giggled. [All: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!] It was Akuma's turn to look sheepish as he placed a hand behind his head in embarrassment. "I've been calling her that in my head for months," he admitted, and then quickly regained his composure as Yosho opened his mouth to begin another lecture. "Stuff it, Yosho." Kesshu frowned and summoned his hyperspatial computer. "Uh guys?" "I think it's sweet," Sailor Venus chimed in from the group of Senshi. [Bison: She would. Zero:(Draws Z-Saber) And what's wrong with that?] "We're straying off the point," Mars reminded them. "Usako," she couldn't resist a slight smirk at the name. "Why are you here in this time? And why did you bring friends? To train?" "They're here to aid us with the creature you just fought," Sailor Pluto said, and several of the Senshi started at her sudden appearance. "Its presence threatens the future they have come from." She paused to frown at Sailor Uranus. "You really should have known better than that, Uranus," she scolded. "HEY! Is anyone gonna-" "What do you want, Kesshu?" Pluto asked peevishly. Kesshu banished his computer and calmly pointed into the sky. "I just thought everyone would like to know it's on its way back." All eyes went to where he pointed, where a small dot could be seen above the horizon, growing at an exponential rate. "Right," Akuma said in a businesslike tone. "Toraneko, go ship, now. " The cabbit-girl started and made to protest, but he overrode her. "Don't argue. Do. NOW!" Toraneko threw back her head and a sound - part scream, part cry, part roar, and totally inhuman - tore from her throat. She began to float off from the ground, and her body turned angular and crystal- like, and her legs and arms moved to form a four-pointed star, the tips forming a tetrahedron with three of the points in the sky. Her body seemed to be iridescent with the colors of the rainbow. [All: Ooooooooooooooo. Flashman: I've only seen that happen once in the Anime, so it's still pretty neat to me.] Akuma turned to the Senshi. "They get on, and you take them out of here." "WHAT?!" Jupiter screeched. "We're not running from some overgrown lizard!" [Flashman:(Snickers) Figures SHE would say that. Sakura: Well, she IS the tough one. Trident: That is not what he meant. S/Z/B: Huh? Trident: It was before your time, I will explain later.] "You are going to get on Toraneko and get out of here!" Akuma roared. "I'm not about to allow you to risk Usako's future on your bravado." He pointed to the starship. "Senshi of Silence or not, Ranma's girl or not," he [Flashman: THAT comment's gonna bring up some questions later.] "Why me?" Yosho asked the heavens, then paused. "Don't answer that. Ladies, we're trying to protect our future. That means we have to keep ALL of you safe, not just Usako-hime's mother and father. Some of you have children and/or husbands in the future," he explained, then paused and glanced over at Sailor Uranus. "Or a wife." He yelped as Pluto walloped him with her staff, while Uranus looked VERY confused. "Stop revealing things," she chided. [Sakura:(Looks up) Why don't YOU ever listen to that advice? Voice:(Whimpered) I TRY not to. I can't help it sometimes.] Pluto smiled enigmatically and led him over to Usako, who was looking with distaste at the broach in her hand. "I don't think you'll need that anymore, Small Lady," she said, holding out another broach. She pressed a button on the side, and it swung open, revealing a large crystal surrounded by ten smaller ones. "It is about time Sailor Chibi-Moon was retired." [Flashman:(Banging a beer bottle on a table) Hear hear!] "Chibi-Moon?" Yosho asked with a chuckle, then he looked a bit closely at the locket, and he gasped. "The Ginzuishou!" Usako hesitantly took the new broach from Pluto, and gave her the older one. She smiled as words formed in her head, and she raised the locket high. "Moon Eternal Power, MAKE UP!" Brilliant light exploded from the Ginzuishou, and pink and white ribbons wrapped around Usako's body as her clothes were banished. The ribbons tighten around her form, and began to melt together, becoming her uniform. First knee-high boots appeared around her feet, their color a red that matched Usako's eyes. Next, long red gloves appeared around her hands and forearms, ending in a white bracelet that wrapped just below her elbow. A white fuku with a black collar and a pink skirt finally appeared around her torso, and the broach settled high on her chest in the midst of a small bow that resembled wings. Finally, as the light around Usako began to fade, two great white wings like those of an angel burst from her back and beat the air once, and feathers swirled in the air. The three brothers watched the transformation in a mixture of amazement, joy and embarrassment. Wordlessly, Yosho reached his hand up first to one ear, then the other, and removed his earrings. Akuma pulled a ring off of his right pinky. The two men exchanged a glance, and handed the items into Kesshu's waiting hand. "How did you know pink was her natural hair color anyway?" Akuma asked him in a whisper. [Bison: And you people say I'M a pervert?! F/Z/S/T:(Weapons drawn) Yes.] "Usako?" Akuma called from behind her. The lone Senshi turned and glared at the man. "It's Sailor Moon, Akuma-kun." "Whatever," Akuma said dismissively as Moon and Yosho joined him and Kesshu. "Kesshu, your responsibility is data-gathering. Get as much info on this thing as possible. Yosho, protect Usa-er...Sailor Moon at all costs." Yosho and Kesshu nodded, and Yosho transformed into his Juraian battle gear while Kesshu summoned up his computer and another crossbow. Sailor Moon looked worried. "What are you going to do, Akuma-kun?" Akuma grinned and clenched his fist, and blue light exploded from the two crystals in his wrists, embossing his black skinsuit with dark blue flames. He formed an energy sword and jumped a little, floating a few feet off the ground. "Someone has to draw it away from your parents so that we can fight it." As he flew off towards the dragon, his final words floated down to her. "And that's me!" *** High in the air, a great green dragon with a long, sinuous body flew through the air. Its huge wings, with a span that seemed to fill the sky, barely moved as the creature soared. Suddenly it backstroked and slowed down; bringing up its long neck in a curled shape that might remind an observer of a question mark. [Flashman: Good description. Sakura: Just one question, is this a Chinese Dragon or a Europian one? ] Either its data was wrong, or someone was trying to interfere. Further consideration was halted as a dark flash came up from the ground below, passing before the dragon and leaving a stinging pain across its face. It roared in pain and tried to get a bearing on the attacker, but the insect had already flitted away. The dragon shook its head and began to chase after the prey. "Oh, no you don't," Akuma said from below the dragon, and transformed his sword back into an energy sphere. He began firing them at the dragon's belly, trying to make it focus on him. He frowned as he realized the dragon was ignoring him. "Time to get serious," he muttered, and began increasing the size and power of the blasts he was throwing. He sent another volley of spheres at the monster, and was gratified to see the dragon roar in pain and turn its angry gaze on him. "That's right, look at me, not them. I'm your problem." He never saw the dragon's tail whip around and slam into him, sending him flying at hypersonic speeds to the Earth below. [Sakura: He's not too good at this, is he? (Zero and Flashman shake their heads.) Trident:(Sighs) They will let ANYONE in these days.] "Kami-sama," Jupiter swore as Akuma flew through the air. "That's amazing!" "I'll tell him you said that, Lady Makoto," Toraneko said, her disembodied voice echoing through the room. Jupiter jumped at that, and looked nervously around. Mercury, sensing her friend's distress, spoke up. "Toraneko-hime, is there some way you could give us an image to talk to? Just having a voice to interact with is disconcerting." A giggle echoed through the ship. "You ARE looking at me, Lady Ami," came [Trident: You may want to add a return.] "Akuma!" Sailor Moon cried, and beat her wings powerfully, hoping to catch him. She was surprised to find Kesshu's hand gripping her arm almost painfully as he typed into his terminal. "Let me handle this, Sailor Moon," he said. "You try to deal with that dragon." He frowned a moment, then handed his energy crossbow to Yosho. "Here, this fires a net. You'll be able to use it better than me." With that, he released Sailor Moon and used both hands on the terminal, his hands almost blurring as he typed. "MOON ARROW STRIKE!" Sailor Moon cried, and once again beat her wings powerfully. This time, as they snapped forward, hundreds of small arrow-like projectiles streaked from them towards the dragon that flew overhead. As the attack met the dragon, it roared in pain and frustration and let out a burst of emerald fire at its attacker. [Flashman: I see Ch... "Usako" has been taking lesons from Archangel. ] "Nice move, Yosho," Kesshu said absently as he worked on his computer. "Come on, come on...yatta!" Underneath the falling Akuma, a hyperspatial hole suddenly opened, and the young man fell into it, only to be spit out of another hole, this time going back up. [(Everyones heads follow Akuma as he goes up.)] "One second," Kesshu delayed as he intently watched the data scroll across his visor. "!" High above, the unconscious Akuma had nearly reached the peak of his upward journey when another hole opened in the sky above him, which he flew into moments before he came to a standstill. The hole closed, and another opened at Sailor Moon's feet, dumping him out. "Fastest portals in the quadrant, thank you very much," Kesshu said smugly, blowing on his fingers. [(Everyone claps.) Zero: Impressive.] "I wonder if I can do that too," Sailor Moon hummed to herself, and then looked deeply into the crystal. "Those wings are so beautiful." Suddenly, as if sensing her desires, the Ginzuishou burst into brilliant light. Sailor Moon shrieked as the light bathed her and the other Senshi. Everyone whirled to stared at Sailor Moon, and then gasped as they were bathed in the warm glow coming from the crystal, blinding them. Suddenly, wings burst from Sailor Moon's back, then Sailor Mars', and soon the all of the Senshi had wings like princess below. The air of the ship was filled with swirling feathers. [Trident: I think you mean, "Like the princess below."] They were all stark naked. [Flashman:(Nosebleed) Usagi-sama.... Mako-chan Zero:(Sighs blissfuly) Mi-chan.... Bison:(Drooling) Naked... female... flesh.] "Well," she sheepishly tried to explain, "I saw the wings she had and I thought we'd look so pretty if we had them too..." she trailed off and looked around. "I didn't expect this, though." [Bison: Not that it's a BAD thi... (Sakura Sho-O-Kens him.)] Uranus snorted. "Nothing's impossible where Usagi's concerned." She gave the other girls appraising looks. "I think I like the new uniform, though," she said, then grunted as Neptune elbowed her. [Bison:(Quickly getting up) Me too! Flashman:(Nodding) Yeah yeah yeah! (Trident watches in confusion as Sakura procedes to beat the tar out of them.)] "Mamo-chan," Sailor Moon said, sidling up the man. "What do you think?" Tuxedo Kamen buried his face in his hands and groaned. "Sailor Moon, " he complained, "PLEASE change them back." He turned and grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing himself not to look down at her nudity. "We're married, remember?" Sailor Moon giggled. "But Mamo-chan," she whispered, "this would be such fun in bed..." [T/B/S/Z: Flashman:(Snorts) Been done. Sakura: YOU read Lemons? Flashman: Sometimes. With BOTH hands on the key board mind you.] Sailor Moon threw her wings wide, and a brilliant silver glow burst from the Ginzuishou on her chest and bathed the dragon in its light. She took a deep breath, and called out the words that summoned the attack's full power. "MOON PRINCESS TEMPORAL HALATION!" The Ginzuishou pulsed repeatedly, and the dragon slowly faded out of existence with each pulse, its furious roars fading as it did so. "Well, that was...anticlimactic," Yosho said, and then turned to his brother. "Akuma! You lazy good-for-nothing, get up!" He punctuated his final words with a light lick to Akuma's ribs, who sat up, yawned, and looked around. [All: ..... Sakura: EEEEEEEWWWWWWW! Trident: I pray you meant "kick to Akuma's ribs."] Yosho snorted in derision. "You were almost a grease spot. If it wasn't for Kesshu's quick work, we'd be picking you up with a scraper. " "I'm telling you, I was fine!" Akuma insisted. "I can more than take a little fall." "A LITTLE FALL?" Yosho yelled incredulously. "You were breaking the sound barrier!" "So? A REAL man can take something like that!" [F/Z/B:] Kesshu sighed, and banished his computer. "Guys, this really isn't the time for this..." "Shut up, Kesshu!" the two men shouted, and went back to their arguing. Kesshu scowled and pushed back his sleeves, about to re- summon his terminal when Sailor Moon placed her hand on his arm and shook her head. "Don't," she said. "It'll keep them out of trouble until Sailor Pluto arrives to take us to the next time period." "That's just it," Kesshu said. "She won't. Tiamat is still in this period." "Then the dragon...?" "I don't know," he admitted. "It has the signature that Pluto told me to look for, but I'm still detecting it in this time, and the timestream is still in flux. That means it's not over yet." *** Toraneko took herself down to the surface of the planet and allowed the de-transformed Senshi to depart from her body before morphing back into her teenaged self. They watched with no little amazement as Akuma and Yosho argued. Eternal Sailor Moon stared at them. "Why are you..." "Not in our Senshi forms?" Rei completed with a snort. "Ask your mother." "I'd...I'd rather not talk about it, Chibi-Usa-er...Usako-chan," Usagi said, blushing. [All:] "What started them this time?" Toraneko asked the third brother. Kesshu shrugged. "What else? Akuma's machismo." He turned to Usako. "Usako-hime, shouldn't we clear out of this area? I expect it won't be long before the police arrive." He winced as a roar of outrage and pain came from Akuma. "How do you plan on stopping those two?" Minako demanded. Usako and Toraneko grinned. "Oh, that's easy," the cabbit-girl said. "Ready Usako-chan?" The saccharine call rang out. "Oh boys?" [Flashman:(Shudders) And on THAT note... Trident: We will return shortly.] *** Part 2 *** "That's a problem I would kill to have," Minako remarked to Makoto as they watched the antics of Usako and her friends. "Choices, choices everywhere, and not a one to make." "Well, that Akuma guy is cute," Makoto mused. Minako grinned. "Does he remind you of someone? Your ex-boyfriend, perhaps?" She chuckled as Makoto sputtered in indignation. Ami, who had been trailing behind as she worked on her computer caught up with the pair. "Mou...Mako-chan, do you really want to wait a thousand years for a boyfriend?" [(A tanuki statue appears over Flashmans head and drops down on him. ) Flashman:(Rubbing his head and looks up) OW! What did you do THAT for?! Voice: Just making sure you didn't... break your New Years Resolution. ] Kesshu noted her irritation and decided to try and take her mind off of it. "Tora-hime," he began, "did you overhear that little conversation?" "Hai," she responded with a sigh. "I hope Akuma behaves himself." Kesshu chuckled. "I don't think that's much of a problem. I can't see Akuma really letting himself get involved with one of them, it'd be like going after your aunt." He paused and considered the matter further. "I think the problem is the other way around." They reached the front of Mamoru and Usagi's apartment, and the group stopped. "So now what?" Rei asked. "I wish Meiou-sama was here," Kesshu said with a grimace. "I really need to talk to her about what we can and can't do." "Your first concern, Kesshu-kun, should be finding a place to stay," the woman in question said. Kesshu started at her appearance and gave her a peevish glance. Noticing this, Minako laughed. "Speak of the devil and ye shall receive," she said, and blinked in surprise at the groans that she got. "You know," Akuma mentioned in a low voice to Usako, "it's kind of depressing that she STILL does that a thousand years from now." [Zero:(Shrugs) It's part of her charm. Sakura:(Shakes her head) He's GOT to get out more.] Several of the Senshi rolled their eyes, and Akuma sputtered indignantly. "There is NO WAY I'm going back to school!" he roared. "Four years under Washu-okaasan was four years too much." Yosho nodded his agreement while Kesshu looked both sheepish and amused. Usako laughed for a moment. "I don't think they drop tanuki statues on you for not paying attention in other schools, Akuma-kun." [(Everyone looks up.) Voice: It was just a coincidence, I swear.] "...statues," confirmed Yosho, rubbing his neck in memory of the pain. "Very large, very heavy statues. Washu-okaasama knows EXACTLY how to motivate a student." "That would have been a great school for you, ne Usagi-chan?" Minako giggled. [Flashman:(Frowns) I dunno. That sounds more like a Rei comment. (That darn shield pops up and strikes him again.) Bison:(Looking around) Where the heck is that thing coming from?] "Right!" Usagi said, all business. "Usako, you can come with Mamo- chan and I. Who wants to take the rest of them?" "We should probably aim for maximum coverage," Akuma mused. "It'd be more tactically sound." "One of you can guard all of the Outers," Hotaru helpfully supplied, and then wilted a little under Haruka's indignant glare. "I suppose Ami-chan and I could take one at our apartment," Makoto mused giving the men a predatory look. "Anyone mind sleeping on a couch?" [Flashman: I don't think that look makes me feel comfortable.... Zero: I don't think ANY male would.] "What about me?" Minako asked. "My dorm room is too small for another girl, and there's no way I can sneak in another guy." She looked Akuma up and down. "As much as I'd love to." "Well," Kesshu hummed with a smirk on his face, "can you sneak in a pet?" "Kesshu-kun!" Toraneko gasped, "don't you even think about it!" "It should be OK," Minako said, "as long as Artemis behaves himself." She looked around. "Where is that baka, anyway?" "Do you know how much I hate doing that?" Toraneko demanded of Kesshu. "Tora-chan," Akuma said sympathetically as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "do you have a better idea?" "Iie," she sighed. "One cabbit, coming up." As they watched, the girl shrunk, morphing into a small greenish-white mammal with large hind legs, big ears, a puff tail, a cat's face, and an aura of cuteness. [(Everyone shudders from Kawaii overload.)] A low whistle came from a nearby fence. "What. A. BABE!" Turning to look at the speaker, they saw Artemis hop down and quickly walk over to Toraneko, completely oblivious to Luna's angry stance. He made it to within a meter of the cabbit before he was picked up by the scruff of his neck. Akuma held the cat up to his face, and spoke in a very low, very dangerous tone of voice, an energy sword springing to life in his hand. "Listen carefully. You keep your paws off her, or I will see that females become the LAST thing on your mind. Understand?" [All: ........... Sakura:(Sweatdrop) My my. Quite the protective one.] *** There are some things that are so awful, so horrifying, they make strong men weak, a brave men cowards, and honest men liars. Those things have nothing on two women and a wedding album. [Flashman:(Dismisive hand wave) Bah! That's NOTHING compared to the horror of having to show your works from Video Arts Class in front of your entire family at Christmas. Now THAT'S torture.] "I can't believe 'Kaasama didn't let me come back for the wedding!" Usako complained as she opened the album. "Oh, Usagi-chan, your dress was so beautiful!" *Maybe I can make a break for the bar?* thought Mamoru. [Bison: Trust me buddy boy, surrender now. It won't hurt as much if you just bite the bullet. Sakura: And what's wrong with looking at a wedding album with your family anyway? Trident/Zero:(Confused) Yes, what? F/B: It's a human male thing. You wouldn't understand.] An awed whistle. "How on Earth did you get Haruka-san into a DRESS? " "Michiru-san, um, convinced her." [All: O_O] *Kuso, Motoki's in Hokkaido for the week.* His eyes drifted over to his books. *Studying?* a light gleamed in his eyes. *THINK, Mamoru, this has to be good.* "Usagi-chan...that red band Rei-chan wrapped on her arm, is that what I think it is?" A long sigh. "Hai, it's Kaneda's. I keep on telling her that mourning him isn't necessary, that she will find him again..." There was a long pause. {Flashman:(Sniff, sniff) That's sad.] "Mou..." Usagi cursed. "I don't want them to be alone, Usako-chan. They have so much love to give, more than they claim I do." She exhaled breathily. "Gomen nasai, I know, I know, you can't say anything." *Alright, Mamoru, it's now or never.* Taking a deep breath, he grabbed his backpack and headed into the living room. "Bye you two I've got an exam tomorrow. Ja ne!" He had almost made it out the door when Usagi's concerned voice stopped him. "Mamo-chan?" he stiffened and turned to look at her. "Tomorrow's Sunday." [All:(Imitating Mamoru) D'OH! Flashman: He's not gonna pull a vanishing act this time.] "Mamo-chan?" Usagi's sweet voice echoed into the room, and for some reason he felt a shiver go down his spine. "Come in here and look at pictures with us!" [All:(Hum funeral march)] *** "Artemis, come out of there," Minako commanded as she looked under her bed. "You have nothing to be afraid of." A disgusted snort was his response. "Yeah, right. I've got some crazy guy with a lightsaber threatening to neuter me and I've got nothing to worry about? I'm going to stay here until they're gone." [Flashman: Neutering with a lightsaber? Kinda brings a whole new meaning to coming to The Dark Side. S/B/Z:(Groan) Trident: Huh?] "Well excuse me, but better safe than sorry. I don't want to sing soprano." Minako sighed and flopped down on her bed beside Toraneko. "Artemis no baka. You can't even sing as it is." [Bison: Look who's talking. Zero: RYUENJIN! Bison:(As he's hit) ARRRRRGH!] *** Makoto felt very hot. She blotted her sweaty brow with a handkerchief. It wasn't the heat of the spring day. It wasn't the warm breeze that blew across her skin. It wasn't the bright sunshine that shone on her as she leaned out the window. It wasn't the heat of the tea she was sipping slowly. No, it was the rather well built young man who was standing shirtless in the yard behind her apartment building, practicing sword forms. The handsome young man with the bulging muscles that rippled as he moved, his skin glistening with sweat. His long pony-tail whipped around behind him as he moved from one stand to the next, his strong arms holding the bladeless hilt in a steel-like grasp. Those strong arms that she wished were encircling her...with an effort that made her wince, she forced her mind off of that line of thought. [Sakura:(Blushing) Ka...wa...ii. Flashman:(Snorts) He's not THAT good looking. Bison/Zero: Jealous? Flashman:(Nervous) Wh-wh-why would I be jealous? It-it's not like I actualy l-l-l-l...(growls and turns back to the fic.)] "Us," Makoto gasped. "Mooning after a guy from the far future, who's probably Usako-chan's boyfriend anyway." Ami blushed and smiled sheepishly. "It is a bit silly, isn't it?" She shrugged. "If guys can get their kicks out of looking at ecchi pictures of girls, I'm not going to feel guilty about looking at Yosho-kun train." She leaned out the window again and took a look around the side of the building, and giggled. "Besides, it looks like we're not the only ones." She sighed in dismay a moment later. "Oh well, show's over." [All: Flashman: Let me guess, you've seen that Coca-Cola comercial too.] "Call me Ami, Yosho-kun." "That would not be proper," came his automatic response, and the two girls sighed. He blithely continued on, not catching their reaction. "Has anyone considered starting up a Kendo school in this neighborhood?" Makoto and Ami exchanged a confused glance. "Why do you ask?" Ami queried. Yosho nodded his head towards the door. "On my way back in from my practice, more than a few women stopped to ask me if I would consider giving them private lessons." The two girls suddenly burst into laughter, and he cocked his head in a curious gesture. "Did I say something humorous?" [All: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!] Perhaps only Usagi understood why she always placed a carnation, and got mad when the others placed roses. To Rei, placing a rose was too much like saying goodbye. "Kaneda..." she whispered, and choked back a sob. It wasn't fair, not in any sense of the word. She had been with him for such a short time, a few short days, and he had taken her heart, her very soul with him when he died. Almost unconsciously, she began to sing the words of the song he had sung for her. "...My love for you, will never die. There is always a piece of you in my heart. My missing you, will never stay, The seeds of joy you sowed in my heart..." [Flashman:(Sobbing) I don't like Rei that much... but still..... (Cries on a highly confused Tridents shoulder.)] As she watched him speak, she caught a sort of wistfulness in his voice that she recognized from herself and the other Senshi. "You love Usako-chan and her friend like we love Usagi-chan, don't you? Not like those other two boys, it's different for you." Kesshu recoiled as if stuck and stammered "" He regained control of himself shook his head ruefully. "It hard to remember you're the same people I know, just a lot younger." He rocked back and stared out into space. "Yes, my brothers love Usako-hime and Tora-hime in a different way than me. They're...they're..." words failed him. Rei began to speak. "Your friend, your leader, your confidant, your parent, and your child all at once." She began to speak faster, the words coming out in a rush. "She's the most important thing in your life, the purpose that rules it. Harm to her is harm to yourself. You love her, but expressing it in a physical way seems wrong, but you know if she ever asked you'd say yes in a moment, and you love her more because you know she never would." She blushed suddenly as she realized what she was saying. [Bison: Don't worry about it, there are PLENTY of Lemons to support that fact. (You can guess what the others do to him by now, can't you?)] "Same father, different mothers," at Rei's aghast expression, he sighed. "It's a Juraian custom, Rei-san. The male-to-female birth ratio among the nobles is almost one-to-four. Monogamy is considered to be...well...perverted to our people." "Don't tell Mamoru about that," she said, shaking her head. "He might get ideas." [Flashman: All together now.... All: NOT BLOODY LIKELY! Trident: We shall return shortly.] The feeling in the air at the home of the Outer Senshi was grim. Akuma was slumped in one of the chairs in the living room, and practically growled at anyone who came near him. In the kitchen, there was a hushed discussion between the three younger women. Setsuna watched them silently as she sipped her tea. "This is ridiculous!" Haruka hissed. "I refuse to stay out of my own living room just because dark-and-stormy out there has his nose out of joint!" "I think it's sweet," Hotaru sighed. Michiru and Haruka looked at her in shock, and the frail girl giggled, her purple eyes sparkling. "He's acting just like Haruka-papa did when she thought Michiru-mama was breaking up with her." Setsuna smiled slightly. "From the mouths of babes comes wisdom," she murmured, too low to hear. [All: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!] "Doesn't make sense," Haruka disagreed, shaking her head. "He'd have never let that guy with the mohawk come near Toraneko then. Even if he trusted him that much, Akuma would've made sure he was beside her too. He was acting more like a guy who wanted someone else's girlfriend." "How do you know that?" Michiru asked, surprised. Haruka snorted. "Trust me, I KNOW how guys think." She frowned and looked inquiringly at Hotaru. "There's one thing I really want to know, though." "What's that?" Hotaru asked, feeling a little nervous under the scrutiny. "Who's Ranma?" [Flashman: Saw that coming? (Everyone raises their hand.)] Nighttime on campus. The air was full of the sounds of students heading back to their dorms, the hum of cars, and the chattering of crickets. Sentaro waited under the lamp-post like Sayuri had told him to. He impatiently checked his watch for the twelfth time. "Where the hell is she?" he demanded. "Sssentaro," a breathy voice hissed from the shadows. "I'm sssorry I'm ssso late." Sentaro peered out into the night, barely making out a humanoid form. "Sayuri, is that you?" "Come, Sssentaro," the voice whispered. "I have sssomething to ssshow you." [Trident: Why isn't he suspisious? Zero: Bit character in something like this tend to have low IQs.] "I'm sssorry, Sssentaro," the creature spoke, and then covered his mouth with a clawed, scaly hand and bit at the juncture of neck and shoulder. [Flashman: When Dracula gets crossed with Fing Fang Foom.] The lizardman stood tall, and looked into the other's eyes. "The Sssenssshi must be dessstroyed," he intoned. "No," the other one said. "Jussst Pluto and Moon. The ressst must only be dessstroyed if they get in our way. Now we mussst get more convertsss." [Flashman: Why does it ALWAYS have to be my two favorites who are the main targets? Sakura: 'Cause one's the title character and the others a Time Traveler?] The next morning, the Outer Senshi waited in the cafeteria at the university for the other Senshi to arrive. Conversation focussed on the rash of disappearances over the night. "Where is that twerp?" Haruka demanded. "For a guy who's supposed to be guarding us," she snorted in derision, "he's doing a pretty lousy job." "There is more than one way to guard a person, Haruka-kun," Setsuna said mildly. Hotaru nodded in agreement, then brightened and waved out the window. Looking to see what caught the younger girl's attention, they saw Ami in a rather foul mood, an embarrassed Kesshu at her side. "What's the problem, Ami-chan?" Michiru asked as the girl plopped down in the seat beside her. Ami pointed an accusing finger at Kesshu. "HIM! All through my physics and chemistry classes that baka was snickering, making snide comments, and making fun of the senseis! I've never been so embarrassed!" "I'm sorry," Kesshu said in a tone that implied he was tired of repeating himself. "I just couldn't help myself, it was so funny. Imagine how you'd feel siting in a class where they're teaching material that if it wasn't out of date, was just plain wrong!" He shook his head in dismay. "I honestly can't believe the narrow world- view they have in those classes. How could they turn a blind eye to so much?" "What are 'they' missing?" Haruka inquired. "Magic," Ami muttered, and grimaced as if the word left a bad taste in her mouth. Kesshu gave her a disgusted look. "Must you call it that?" he complained. "What you call 'magic' is nothing more than a different way of manipulating the universe. You treat it as magic merely because you're experiencing the end product, like a computer to a caveman. It's not like anything you can do with your...powers is really that different from a properly equipped person can do today, anyway." By that time, his voice had gained a lecturing tone. [Trident:(Sniffs) This man sounds like Xaiver.] Haruka began waving her hands to stop him. "Whoa! Hey, enough," she insisted. "I get enough of that in class already!" She caught a glance of something out the cafeteria window which made her sigh. "You boys are just great at getting into trouble, aren't you?" she chuckled, pointing out the window. There, heading towards the doors to the cafeteria was a group consisting of the remainder of the Inner Senshi, Mamoru, Usako, and Yosho. Yosho was in the midst of a heated argument with the Inners, while Mamoru, Usako and Toraneko watched with bemused expressions. Finally, Usagi stopped, whirled, and yelled at Yosho for several seconds, then stormed through the doors. "Honestly!" she huffed as she sat down beside Ami. "I can't see what Usako-chan sees in that baka!" "I'm sensing a trend here," Michiru murmured to Haruka. [All:] "What's wrong, Usagi-chan?" Hotaru asked worriedly. The others filed in silently. Seeing the lack of seeing space, Makoto and Minako quickly shifted over a nearby table. Mamoru sat beside his wife and shook his head in amused dismay. "That..." she pointed her finger at Yosho almost exactly the same way Ami had at Kesshu, "...BAKA sat in our literature class and argued for half an hour with the sensei!" Minako snorted. "Tell them what it was about." She continued on, overriding Usagi. "He sat there trying to convince everyone that creep Claudius was the real hero in Hamlet!" As Yosho opened his mouth to argue, she wagged a finger at him. "Not a word, you!" [Flashman: Oh BROTHER! Sakura: What IDIOT taught him THAT? (A tanuki statue drops on her head.) Sakura: OW! (Glares upwards.) Voice: I didn't do it.] Any further discussion was halted by a high pitched scream, and someone flying through the window to the cafeteria with a deafening crash. Yosho shot to his feet and placed himself between the disturbance and the Senshi, his sword in his hand but not activated. The person was facing away from the Senshi, but slowly turned, revealing a green scaled face and yellow eyes that burned with a feral gleam. A low hiss erupted from the lizardman's throat. "Sssenssshi..." [(Everyone wipes lizard spit out of their eyes.)] Kesshu's holocomputer snapped into existence, and he punched a few keys. With a muffled pop, a hyperspatial portal opened, and dumped out a handful of small gray spheres. "Transform!" he yelled, and threw the spheres out in an arc, surrounding the gathered Senshi. Where each one landed, there was a flash of light and a thick smoke burst into existence. A crossbow dumped out of the portal, he grabbed it. The Inner Senshi exchanged a glance and nodded to each other. "I hope we have clothes this time," Rei muttered. "Mercury Crystal Power-" "Mars Crystal Power-" "Jupiter Crystal Power-" "Venus Crystal Power-" "MAKE UP!" With that, the four women were surrounded with the familiar lights and phenomena that surrounded a transformation. The familiar sailor fukus formed, except this time the girls all had large ribbons tied at the small of their backs. Haruka scowled and shot to her feet. "Let's do it! Uranus Crystal Power-" "Neptune Crystal Power-" "Saturn Crystal Power-" "Pluto Planet Power-" "MAKE UP!" With the exception of Pluto, the Outers' uniforms were altered as well, but the ribbons on their backs were somewhat less pronounced and decorative than their counterparts. [Flashman: Nit pick here. I thought you said this takes place in SM:S. If so, the Senshi wouldn't have Crystal Power yet and the Outer Senshi didn't have Crystal Power anywhere in the series. Not even Stars.] "Moon Eternal Power, MAKE UP!" Mother and daughter were both transformed [Flashman: Now because "Usako" showed her how to do it, this is acceptable. S/Z/B/T: You have GOT to get out more. Flashman: Bite me.] The lizardman stared at the transformed duo, and hissed in confusion. "Two Moonsss?" It turned to another creature that had entered the cafeteria behind it. This one seemed to be somewhat more feminine. "Which one?" it demanded as the Senshi fled outside. Its companion looked at Sailor Moon, then the other, and shook its head fiercely. "Kill them both!" [Sakura: When in doubt, go for overkill.] He was wounded, his black and blue skinsuit torn and bloodied. Four huge gashes were on his upper left thigh, and blood flowed down from the wounds to form a puddle at his foot. His right hand was covering a deep wound on his left side, and he was frantically firing energy blasts from his free hand. "I guess we know where he was," Yosho began, and concentrated. Small logs appeared in the air around Akuma, and the other man shot Yosho a look of relief before collapsing. "Akuma!" Toraneko shrieked, and pointed her arms at the lizardmen surrounding him. The flesh became crystalline, forming into two long greenish white crystals. In between the two crystals, a large greenish ball of energy formed. "Leave him alone!" she yelled, and streaks of light exploded from the ball, smashing into the lizardmen and throwing them away from the man. [Flashman: Ouch. Sakura: Now THAT attack I like.] Kesshu knelt beside Akuma inside Yosho's forcefield while Toraneko fired blast after blast into the surrounding lizardmen. Information scrolled past his eyes on his visor, and he frowned. "Kuso," he swore. "You've really had the crap kicked out of you." "How is he?" Toraneko panted from outside the force shield. "He'll be OK, I think," Kesshu said, then glanced up at her, and then looked around. The younger Moon was surrounded by the lizardmen, and was battling them furiously, her Arrow Strikes sending lizardmen reeling. Yosho was at her back, using Tenchi-ken as best he could, considering that his weapon was behaving as little more than a bokken against their scaled enemies. The elder Moon was at the center of a circle consisting of the Inner Senshi, who guarded their princess against all attackers with grim determination. The Outers, who were fighting as a group of four, were also going reasonably well. [Trident: "Doing resonably well" works better then "going reasonably well".] As he watched, a lizardman was engulfed by an attack by Sailor Mars. Through the filter of his computer visor, Kesshu noticed the creature flicker for a moment between its collapse on the ground and its return to the battle. He quickly replayed the sequence on his visor, and paled at what he saw. "Tora-hime!" he yelled to the girl as she prepared a particularly powerful barrage of laser attacks. "Don't kill any of them. They're people!" The younger Sailor Moon stopped in the midst of her latest attack as the statement took her by surprise. "You mean they're-" she began, then shrieked as a lizardman grabbed her by the throat and threw her into a mass of others. "Yosho! Help me!" "Usako-hime!" he yelled, and jumped towards the group, but found himself blocked by more of the lizardmen. He tried to fight through them, but the uselessness of his sword made it impossible. A collective attack by the monsters found him restrained and the princess unconscious. A pair of lizardmen held her up while a third snatched the Ginzuishou from her chest, transforming her back to her normal self. "Usako," Kesshu and Toraneko yelled and began running towards the girl. The lizards redoubled their attacks on all of the fighters, hoping to buy enough time for their victory. Awakening, Akuma rolled over onto his front, and began to crawl towards the combat. "No..." On his forehead, a lone golden bar began to shine. [All: Uh oh.] "Lady Tiamat will be pleasssed," the creature grated, then turned to the girl. "And now, Sailor Moon, you will pay for the crimes done in your name," it proclaimed, and a roar of triumph rose from the lizardmen. "No!" Kesshu screamed, and fired his crossbow at the lizard. The monster hissed in pain, but otherwise ignored the attack. Kesshu swore and ran faster, not noticing the golden bar that gone from above his eyes. [Trident: That last sentance is alkward, fix it.] "Usagi-chan," Yosho whispered, and then threw his head back in an animalistic cry. "NOOOOOO!" On his forehead, a third bar shone through the skin. A burning golden aura rose form his body, and the lizardmen holding him were thrown off. Two rays of the golden light exploded from his body, impacting first Kesshu and then Akuma, who began to howl as well. Everything seemed to stop as their cries rose in volume, overwhelming everything. And in the center of the triangle the three young men formed, a star shone, expanding into a three-winged fan that shone with a blinding light. The fan began to spin with greater and greater speed, until it was nothing more than a golden disk of light. Then, with a burst of power, the wings flew off, each one towards one of the young men. Yosho threw up his arm, and the blade rotated in the air, the flat of the wing colliding with the limb. A light blue flame began to rush across it, converting it into an ornate shield that seemed to be hewed from living wood. The flame also flowed across his body, turning the Juraian battle armor into a pastel blue and white version of the uniform. The second wing stopped inches from Kesshu and hung in the air. He reached out his hand to touch it, and it reformed into a long thin staff made of some white material, each end shod with an intricate blue cap. His dark red skinsuit was suddenly made the palest red, and his ever-present labcoat was shortened into a sort of bomber- style shirt. His computer visor was suddenly made opaque from the outside, yet from Kesshu's actions it was clear he could see. The final wing flew into Akuma passing around his body like a window. His blue and black skinsuit was repaired as his wounds disappeared from his body, and he rose to his feet. The two crystals in his wrists exploded with light, and his suit was suddenly bleached, the pattern on it now light blue flames on a light gray background. He held out his right hand and formed an energy blade made out of golden light. "The Light Hawk Wings," Toraneko breathed as she stared at the men in wonder. "Kami-sama," Mercury whispered. She examined the men through her computer, "Their power is off the scale. It is on par with..." she turned and looked at Sailor Moon. "The Ginzuishou." [Flashman:(Scrunches his nose) Are you SURE the Light Hawk Wings are THAT powerful? Sakura: Flashman, they can overcome the gravitational pull of a Black Hole. Flashman: Yeah, but the Ginzuishou can effect an entire PLANET... then again, I am a bit biased... and I've never seen an effective demonstration of what the Wings can do, so I'm not so sure of their power level. (Growls to himself) Forget I said anything, this requires some research.] "Usagi-chan!" Toraneko cried as she reached the girl's side. Yosho looked impassively on before making a waving motion with his shielded arm. A white, featureless sphere surrounded the two young girls, and the three men then turned to face the remains of their attackers, now less than a dozen. The creatures watched the men warily, but did not spring to the attack. "HOLD!" The lizards froze, and then parted as a pale woman with thinly slanted green eyes and long black hair strode through them. She wore a translucent strapless white gown, and from her back sprung two white wings, like those of a bat...or a dragon. "You would use such power to save one such as her?" she demanded angrily. "You would risk destroying the very planet you are trying to save?" Yosho spoke, his voice cold and emotionless. "Usagi-hime..." "...and Tora-chan..." Akuma continued in the same dead voice. "...are of supreme priority." Kesshu finished his voice as cold as his brothers'. "Threats to them must be eliminated." [All:(Shudder)] "Why are you doing this, Tiamat?" Pluto asked wearily, a tone of sadness in her voice. "Why can't you let it go?" "Until you pay for his death, Pluto, this will never be over. Until you and Serenity pay..." she turned her cold gaze onto the elder Sailor Moon, who was looking on in confusion, and frowned. "She does not know, does she?" she said in sudden understanding. "You've treated her just like you treated everyone else, a pawn in your brutal game." She waved her hand, and the remaining lizardmen turned human and collapsed. "That changes everything," she said, and turned away. "Wait!" Sailor Moon yelled, and ran towards Tiamat, stopping several feet away as the woman turned to her. "Why? Please, tell me why..." "For the death of Bahamut," she said. "For the lives, she has twisted, and controlled, and changed for her own purposes, for the means she used to reach the end you all benefit from," she paused, and a harsh edge entered her voice. "I will punish her." She looked at the three men, who even now were watching her warily. "But this will come later, when I finished When they are in my debt, they will aid me, no matter what you do, Pluto." A green swirling portal opened behind her, and she stepped through. [Flashman: So, is she here to help? Sakura: Not bloody likely.] *** "I wish you didn't have to go yet," Usagi said tearfully as she and Usako embraced. The other Senshi were a few steps back, giving the mother and daughter some privacy to say their good-byes. "I don't want to either, Usagi-chan," Usako sniffled, "but I have to go. We can't just let Tiamat go, and I have to find out why she's doing this." Usagi nodded and gave her daughter one final squeeze before releasing him. "It would have been nice to get to know your friends a little better too, even Yosho" she sighed, and then giggled a bit, "but I think they're not too popular with the others." Usako smiled and turned to look at Yosho, who was waiting by the time gate with Pluto and her friends. "They can be a little hard to take, ne?" she said fondly. "I like him," Usagi said approvingly, and Usako blushed deeply. "Don't even try to deny it, Usako-chan." "I can't hide anything from you, and you're not even my mother yet," the pink-haired girl complained. [All: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!] Usagi turned her daughter and gave her a little push to her friends, then grabbed her arm and pulled her back to whisper in her ear. "Remind me to get the full story out of Setsuna-san in the future." [Flashman:(Singsong) Pluto's in trouble! Pluto's in trouble! Trident: MUST you be so imature? Flashman:(Shrugs) Go with what works.] "I hope it gets easier," Kesshu mused as he watched the others go through the portal, until only he and Pluto were remaining outside. He arched an eyebrow at her. "But I have a feeling it won't." [All: You can say that again.] Coming hopefully before Easter: Turn the Page Book 2: Wild Horses Couldn't....(tentative title) [(Everyone facefaults.)] _____________________________ Flashman: So, what did you think? Sakura: A good continuation of an excelent story. Hope you can meet your self inflicted deadline God-Boy. Unlike SOME people. Voice: Bite me. Sakura: No way, you'd enjoy that. Trident: There were a few minor errors, but none that took away from the enjoyment of this tale. Zero/Bison: Thumbs up. Flashman: There you have it. Until next time... May The Spirit Preserve You!