Disclaimer: By popular demand, I give you the sequel to MST presents Ultima Anime Massacre! Oh yeah, the characters will not be OOC, but they will use more profanity than usual. MST presents Let's Thrash That Bitch Sakuya --------------------------------- By Ultima-Trev In a theater, three people are sitting in there chairs... (Shinji: Asuka, shouldn't we be preparing for third impact rather than watching this piece of shit movie?) (Asuka: I've heard the main character is in fact the CEO of Ultima Tech who was murdered.) (Shinji: So?) (Asuka: I think he's cute.) (Shinji: * I don't know which I want more, to fuck her or to kill her. *) (Rei: [whispering in Shinji's ear] Shinji-kun, don't think such vile thoughts.) (Shinji: ..................?) Setting; Okayama, Ultima-Trev and Nemesis are about to engage in a major battle. Nemesis: "Time to feel the pain of my tentacle slicing through your head!" Ultima-Trev: "Shit, judging by this incredible turbulance I'd say his power surpasses my own!" Nemesis then spears Trev with his tentacle. The tentacle makes impact on Ultima-Trev's left arm, leaving a big cut... Ultima-Trev: "It's time Nemesis gets a taste of my iron chef skills." Ultima-Trev draws his katana, then charges Nemesis... Nemesis: "ROAR!" Nemesis lashes at Ultima-Trev with his tentacle once again. This time the blow makes contact with his abdomen. Ultima-Trev drools mad blood... Ultima-Trev: "Too... Fucking... Powerful..." (Trev is now out cold) (Asuka: Poor Trev!) (Shinji: It's just a movie.) (Asuka: Shut the hell up ass face!) (Shinji: * And she says I'm immature, bullshit! *) Adrian: "DIE YOU BASTARD!" Adrian now charges Nemesis with his claymore. Nemesis sidesteps Adrian's attack and deliver's him a round house kick to the back of his head... Nemesis: "ROAR! I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL!" Trell: "Eat this you bitch!" Trell launches a ki blast that Nemesis easily absorbs... Nemesis: "Let me show you how it's done." Nemesis charges Trell and delivers a KO in one punch... Nemesis: "ROAR!" Nemesis then marches over to Ultima-Trev's KOed self and proceeds to stomp on his head to deliver... Tenchi: "Oh no, they were our only hope!" Nemesis: "So long sucka!" Sasami: "Wait, you have to spare them!" Alexia: "Nemesis, you wil do no such thing." "Come on Alexia, we shouldn't finish off out pre so quickly." Nemesis and Alexia: "Lady Sakuya!" Both Nemesis and Alexia step up to Sakuya and bow to her... Sakuya: "Come now my faithful servants, in order to achieve universal dominance, we must absorb the beast, the shrue, and the innocence." Alexia: "What ever do you mean lady Sakuya?" Sakuya: "Princess Sasami is the innocence, and you two are the beast and the shrue. And of course my loyal servents, I'll have to absorb you first." Nemesis: "We'll let you do no such thing!" Alexia: "Well Sakuya, do you think you're any match for the two of us?" Sakuya: * Damn it, the spell is losing power. I'm screwed! * Nemesis: * Her scorpion tale must be her absorbing tool. * Nemesis then teleports behind Sakuya, rips off her scorpion tail, and beats her with it... (Asuka: Holy shit, this is what I call classic comedy!) (Shinji: * This is what I call the shittiest movie ever made *) Sakuya: "Ouch, that hurts damn it!" Alexia: "Nemesis, give me a chance will you?" Nemesis: "ROAR!" Though Nemesis wants all the fun to himself, he throws the tail to Alexia anyway... Alexia: "My Nemesis, you're quite the gentleman." Sakuya: "You'll pay for this treachery!" "Do not worry lady Sakuya, I will save you!" Alexia: "That can't be!" "But it is." Sakuya: "You fools, you really think I didn't forsee this?" Nemesis: "Damn it, the bitch had a back up plan." Alexia: "I knew I smelt your stench around here somewhere, Wesker." Something about Wesker sets something off in Nemesis's head... Nemesis: "STARS!" Wesker: "You're shit compared to me." Nemesis: "ROAR!" Wesker does his super sonic dash, knocking Nemesis back around 17-20 feet. (Shinji: Wow, I wish I could do that!) (Asuka: I believe it, seeing how you're the weakest person on Earth!) (Shinji: * She's right, I should be ashamed of myself *) (Rei: [speaking to Shinji telepathically] Shinji-kun, a lack of physical strength is alright. You are in fact the strongest emotion person I know, and that's all that relly matters.) Shinji: * HUH? *) Tenchi: "Not good." "Annihilate!" Sasami: "Who are they?" Ryouko: "I sure hope they're friendly." The Protoss Infantry (composed of Zealots, Dragoons, Templars, and Archons) has arrived... Zealot commander: "There is the legendary evil known as Sakuya!" Dragoon commander: "KILL HER!" Archon commander: "Kill that worthless scum!" Wesker: "You're fools if you think you can beat us." Zealot Commander: "Commnce attack!" Wesker: "EVA series, come forth!" Archon Commander: "What's this?" Sakuya: "I have made a deal with SEELE, so they sent their EVA series incase we ran in to trouble." The Protoss Infantry then engage EVA units 05-13. Since the battle goes on for hours, I'm not going to get in the details of that. Let's get on with the battle of Nemesis and Wesker... Wesker: "Answer me Nemesis, were you impress by the speed of that attack?" Nemesis: "STARS!" Wesker: "I've been training for quite some time since the Antarctica incident. I think that helped" Alexia: "Really?" Wesker: "Of course, and that attack displayed only a 20th of my speed." Alexia: "How Absurd." Sakuya: "It's true. Wesker, show Nemesis this power of yours." Wesker: "Now to end this pointless battle! KAIOKEN X20!" Alexia: "How can his power be so great?" Wesker: "Now Nemesis, fell my unbridled wrath! KAMEHAMEHA!" Nemesis is blown away to nothingness. All that remains is a red crystal... Sakuya: "The crystal of the beast is mine!" Sakuya walks up the the crystal and absorbs it... Sakuya: "Now for Alexia!" Wesker: "Hurricane Fist!" (from Fatal Fury) Nothing remains of Alexia but a yellow crystal, let's not forget about the insta-gib either... (Shinji: Oh my god, is so much gore necessary?) Asuka: Yes it is you damned idiot.) Sakuya: "The crystal of the shrue is now mine. Sasami, come to me!" Sasami (under a spell): "Yes ma'am." Aeka: "Sasami!" Tenchi: "What have you done to her?" Ryouko: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ryouko charges foward with her beam sabre, but Sakuya counters... Sakuya: "Fire Axe!" (A spell from Magic the Gathering) The axe explodes, and Ryouko is down... Aeka: "Ryouko!" Sakuya: "Sasami, in ordeer for me to complete my evolution, I'll need to merge with you. In order for us to merge, we need to make love." Sasami: "Yes ma'am." Oh-no! That bitch Sakuya has possesed the ever adorable Sasami! Damn it, If only I could wae up from my knap. Damn it Nemesis, why the fuck did you have score a KO? Tenchi: * Sasami, she's the only one I truly love. She's about to be absorbed by a pure evil monster, NO! * "Sasami, I won't let that Bitch Sakuya absorb you!" Tenchi then goes Berzerk... (Berzerk turns his eyes pure red and his strength increases 5 fold) (Asuka: Ya know, Tenchi is almost as scrawney as you.) (Shinji: Damn it, let's go outside and have a sufest right now!) (Asuka: Have you already forgotten I can lift 50 lbs more than you?) (Shinji: I'll form the perfect strategy to whoop up on people stronger than me, just you watch.) (Asuka: * It's not even worth my time arguing with this scum bag. What a fucking dumb ass. *) Sakuya: "Wesker, watch over Sasami. I have some business to attend to." Wesker: "But you haven't completed your evolution!" Sakuya: "It's okay, the power obtained from from Alexia and Nemesis' crystals is all I need." Tenchi: "Let's see how your actions measure up to your ego!" Though Berzerk Tenchi may be very powerful, he's only powerful enough to bring down Wekser. Sakuya is now in a leage of her own. If she merges with the innocent sasami, the universe will witness the most vile of intentions... Sakuya: "I can't believe my power, it feels amazing!" Tenchi (chraging with the Light Hawk Sword): "Tell me how this feels!" Sakuya catches the LHS with her hand, yanks it from his grasp, and breaks it over her knee. Tenchi then lets his power Berzerk go away. Tenchi now realizes that Sakuya is unstoppable... Tenchi: "I've failed. Beating her is impossbile. She's like God, only evil." Sakuya: "That's exactly what I am. I am the Lord-almighty, only evil." Tenchi (crying): "Sasami, please forgive me. I'm unable to stop her..." Sakuya: "Wesker, finish him off." Wesker: "With pleasure." Wesker then does his super sonic dash, knocking Tenchi out... (Asuka: I'd probably beat the crap out of you just like that!) (Shinji: Now you're full of shit.) (Asuka: * Such a Pathetic child. *) Sakuya: "Now Sasami. let us continue." Sasami: "Yes Ma'am." Sasami then strips off her clothes. Aeka can't stand the thought of her sister being both mentally and physically raped... Aeka: "Azaka, Kamedake! Prepare the Ultra Jurai blast!" Azake: "Anything but that!" Kamedake: "Is such force necessary?" Aeka: "YES IT IS, DAMN IT!" Azaka and Kamedake: "Yes Ma'am!" Meanwhile in Ultima-Trev's dream... "Trev, you must get up." Ultima-Trev: "No, it can't be." "It is I." Ultima-Trev: "Israpheal?" Israpheal: "It is I, the Guardian of Forever." Ultima-Trev: "But I thought you have abondoned us for good!" Israpheal: "I guess I exargerated about never meeting again, for I am here on vacation." Ultima-Trev: "Oh." Israpheal: "Listen, you must destroy sakuya at all cost. If she merges with Sasami, she'll be even stronger than the Lord-almighty." Ultima-Trev: "But how?" Israpheal: "With your transmission locked into Berzerk, there's nothing that can stop you." Ultima-Trev: "Okay I'll give it a shot." Israpheal: "I also have the keyword to victory for you. The keyword is LILLITH. Asorb her power and the fight is yours." Ultima-Trev: "Yes sir!" Israpheal: "Later my friend." Ultima-Trev: "Later." (Asuka: Yes! the cute one is conscious once again!) (Shinji: * That's it, ihe bitch must die! *) (Rei: Shinji-kun...) (Shinji: oh yeah...) (Asuka: .............?) Back at the battle with Aeka and Sakuya... Aeka, Azaka, and Kamedake: "Ultra Jurai Attack!" The blast (as expected) doesn't even phase Sakuya's supreme power. After the smoke clears... Aeka: "Oh no!" It's too late. Sakuya and Sasami are surrounded by a massive AT field while they make passionate love. As Sakuya rubs her fingertips on Sasami's clitoris, her evolution comes closer to being complete. Sasami then orgasms, spewing out girlcum. Sakuya then realized that this was the time to merge... (Shinji: Damn, that's what I call hot sex!) (Asuka: What a fucking Hentai!) (Shinji: Aren't all guys hentais?) (Asuka: No, just 90 percent, but you're the Hentai king for sure) (Shinji: * Hell yeah bitch! *) (Rei: You're mistaken, commander Ikari is the Hentai King) (Asuka: Oh yeah, I forgot about that sick fuck.) Sakuya: "Here it goes!" Sakuya and Sasami combine to make an incredibly evil and powerful Sasami. Sakuya is now without a doubt on the same level as the Lord-almighty... Sakuya: "I am no longer Sakuya, I AM NOW GOD II!" Wesker: "Yeah!" God II: "Wesker, I apreciate your support, but you are no longer needed." Wesker then burst into spontaneous combustion... God II: "Well-well." Ultima-Trev: "Looks like I've returned from my nap." God II: "Does it matter? I am your God now." Ulitma-Trev: "No, the original God is still living." God II: "He won't be for long!" Ulima-Trev: "How unfortunate that I've found a way to beat you." Aeka: "Huh?" God II: "Let me hear our story." Ultima-Trev: "The guardian of forever pointed out someone known as Lillith." God II: "And?" Ultima-Trev: "Lillith is the origin of Life. If I absorbed her power, I would become God III." God II: "Too shay." Ultima-Trev: "Aeka, wake the others. We have a lnog journey in front of us." God II: "I'm inspired by this tale. I will give you a month to find Lillith and absorb her." Ultima-Trev: "You're too kind." The End... Asuka: "It's over already?" Shinji: "Thank fucking God." Asuka: "Oh well, I guess that's that." As they exit the theater, they are greeted by EVA units 14-16... Asuka: "No way!" Shinji: "I thought KEEL was dead!" Rei: "No, he just evolved to a higher existance." Asuka: "Like Trev?" Rei: "Not exactly..." Shinji: "Our days of EVA piloting ended over a year ago, so what will we do?" Asuka: "Run." The new EVA series teleported in a form that was surrounding the young teens... Asuka: "Fucking shit!" Shinji: "Fucking shit is fucking right!" All of the sudden, they are approached by Wing Gundam Zero... Trev (The new pilot of Wing Zero): "What up? 3 mechs to pick on 3 children? Now that's uncalled for." Asuka: "Hey, would you mind opening your hatch and tell us what the hell is going on?" Trev: "What up peeps?" Shinji: "Hey, I thought you were dead!" Trev: "I was. I broke out of Hell and killed some dickless bastard named Heero Yuy for this bitchin' ride. I though it would make a great playmate for that bitch Ernie." Asuka: "I can't decide who's sexier, Trev or Shinji!" Shinji: "Wha?" Asuka: "Oh my god, did I just say that outloud?" Shinji: "Asuka?" Asuka: "I guess there's no hiding it anymore. I love you Shinji." Asuka then grabs Shinji and buries her tongue in his mouth, exploring every contour... Shinji: * I can't believe it, I thought she hated me more than anyone, but she's frenching me at this very moment! * Asuka: "Shinji, do you truely love me, as you've been saying for the past year ana one half?" Shinji: "Hell yes, you're the damned sexiest woman in the world." Rei: * It's good to see them at peace for once... * EVA series unit 16: "Who the hell is this guy, my sensors are picking up massive energy levels from him." EVA series unit 15: "I think he's the guy who brought Earth to salvation in 2009." EVA series unit 16: "Let's get him from behind." The super charged EVA series then teleport behind Wing Zero... Trev: "Kids, I'd take this opportunity to hide if I were you..." Shinji: "Good point." The former EVA pilots take cover without question... EVA series unit 14: "In the name of the allmighty SEELE, I here by execute you!" EVA unit 14 threw a punch, but Trev and Wing Zero quickly evaded the mighty fist... Trev: "Let's see how you bastards like the power of my twin buster rifle!" Trev then blows EVA units 14-16 to hell... Trev: "They obviously possessed no skills what so ever. What a bunch of shit for brain losers" Shinji and the others take a peek to see what the hell just happened... Shinji: "Well I'm be damned yet again..." Trev (teleporting out of nowhere like the mighty prick I am): "Ya know, I've seen some of your battles on video before. I was wondering if you'd like to have an Mech duel on day?" Asuka: "Shinji here is the best, so duel him." Shinji: "Asuka, I though you were the best?" Asuka: "Are you kidding? I only had a fucking sync rate of about 20k." Shinji: "Admitting I'm the best pilot?" Asuka: "Of course silly." Shinji: "You want a duel? I got no fucking mech." Trev: "No fucking prob, I can have my technicians at Ultima Tech build you a new and improved EVA unit 01." Shinji: "I that's true, kick ass. I'm all for it." The Fucking End! Now that I've MSTed the two major fanfic series of mine, what should I do next? I dunno, I'm shit out of ideas. Anyhow, see you the fuck later!