MST #1 : "Kanashii No Imi"
A bunch of characters with absolutely nothing in common come together
with one see whether they can survive a Dark Lemon. 104KB
MST #2 : "My Little Baby Cabbit"
Remember how you should never give the fanfic author ideas? The MSTers
of NERV wish they'd known that sooner. 44KB -4/23/2001
MST #5 : "Tales of Adam 02: Adam's
Adam's back...and the rant/riff ratio suddenly jumps. Will the NERV
MSTers survive? Who will get voted off the fic? 87KB -7/16/2001
MST #6 : "Hackyman"
It's the MSTers of NERV against the ever-popular target of the MST3K...the
lemon fanfic. 32KB -12/29/2001
MST #8 : "Lemon Fighters: The Best in the
To think authors sometimes request their works to be MST'ed. By Agent
Grey's request, and the fact that this one hasn't been done before, NERV
tests a new group. 70KB -2/25/2002
MST #9 : "Shift Error"
A Lemon turns out not to be what they thought...and the Causality
Hole gets worse. 42KB -3/11/2002