AnimePort#9 MST. MST#1 The MST of: "No Need for a Long Patrol! Part 2: Underneath the Stars." DISCLAIMER: My following apologies to the following people and/or companies for borrowing and/or creating parodies of their characters, and stories; Rumiko Takahashi, VIZ video, AnimEigo, Pioneer LDC, AIC, U.S. MANGA corps, Kosuke Fujishima, Nintendo, Creatures Inc., GAME FREAK Inc., Best Brains Productions, My third grade math teacher, and all others who would be insulted by this MST (Original FanFic writer, optional.). ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Somewhere in the vastness of the multiverse, there is a certain focal point of the worlds. A place where our reality and those of our favorite comic books meet, and are able to cross. At this place was constructed a huge station, technically advanced in ways that surpass even the most futuristic of realities. In this place research is conducted on the fictional stories that are created by the ever adoring fans of the comics. FAN-FICTIONS. One man from our reality, a sponsor of the station, has been given the task of leading the research on the stories, by bringing together the most unique group of people from the anime realms. The place is "AnimePort#9". These are the reviews. . . Technical note: MST'd by the following group of people and/or characters. PETER SUZUKI. PRISS ASAGIRI. RANMA SAOTOME. AYEKA JURAI. Documentation made by the following; B-KO DAITOKUJI. Begin recording of research documentation. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ It was a rather boring night in the lounge. Since getting drunk was not allowed on the station, Ayeka and Priss had to make due with coffee. Ranma practiced a complex kata, and Peter was reading a book on video games. B-ko steeped out of the control booth, and addressed the waiting group of researchers. "It's almost set up. Just give me a few more minutes." She then reentered the metal door. "Didn't she tell us that two hours ago?" Priss said, in a disgruntled tone. "Hey, it's our first job." Ranma pointed out. "Just be happy that we are finally going to do something instead of wasting away in this lounge." Ranma then turned toward Peter. "You're excited about that, aren't ya Peter?" Peter looked up from his book. "Huh?" Ranma shook his head. "Never mind." "THE FIC IS ALMOST READY FOR VIEWING, EVERYBODY." B-ko's voice boomed in, over the intercom. "YOU'VE ALL BEEN WATCHING TV TO GET YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR UP, RIGHT!?!" The MST group twitched in pain from the onslaught of noise. "Y-y-yes-s-s we d-did, and y-you have-e t-t-the volu-u-ume up to-o-o high, B-ko-o-o-o." A shaky Peter managed to stutter out. "Sorry." B-ko sheepishly replied, after adjusting the volume. "Still don't have all the bugs worked out, huh?" Ranma said, as he checked his ability to hear. Then the signal to start, blared. *DING!* "Attention K-Mart shoppers, special on guavas in isle five." ". . ." All four had large sweat drops on their heads. "You know, normally sirens would sound, instead of that." said Ayeka. "Since when are WE normal?" Said Peter, already heading toward the theater door. "Good point." Ranma and Priss both said in unison. They all entered the theater. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (The group enters the theater. Four seats lay in the center, in a row. Ayeka takes the far left seat, Ranma sits in the next one, Priss sits next to Ranma, and Peter sits in the last seat on the right.) PRISS: This had better be good. PETER: If I had known it would take this long to get the first Fan Fic up, I'd of called you guys later. >No Need for a Long Patrol! PRISS: No kidding. >Part 2: Underneath the Stars RANMA: Hey, what happened to part one? PETER: I don't know. I'll ask. (Turns toward the projection booth.) Hey, B-ko! B-KO(From the booth.): You B-ko'ed! PETER: Why are we doing part two first, instead of part one?! B-KO: Sorry, this is the one I found! Watch it anyway! > >A Tenchi Muyo! fanfic by Keiichi Masaki RANMA: Who? PETER: A Fan Fic writer. Writes parodies almost as bad as I do. AYEKA: How bad is that? PETER: Let me put it this way. The worst parodies get recognition in the most terrible way possible. PRISS: They get MST'd by their _original_ writers? PETER: Uh-huh. >(, AYEKA: Why are their two mailing addresses? PETER: Because he had 'Two mailing addresses', DUH. >Tenchi and company belong to AIC and Pioneer--which is just as well, I suppose. RANMA: Because, why? PRISS: Do the rest of you have this sudden feeling of dread? (Others nod.) >Warning: this is a lemon. PETER: That's why. >Not only is it a lemon, ALL: It's worse than that!?! > but it is the long-awaited >sequel to the >original No Need for a Long Patrol!, the first Miho-Kiyo lemon ever written (or AYEKA(large sweatdrop): Miho-Kiyo, lemon? RANMA: Hey, Peter. Since you're to closest thing we have to a Fan Fic expert, why don't you tell us what the FIRST story was about. (Peter glares at Ranma, but then pulls out this huge black folder, and starts skimming through the pages. Peter then finds it.) PETER: Lets see. . . "No Need For A Long Patrol". . . Mihoshi and Kiyone have spontaneous lesbian sex in the bathroom, then on a bed, and then talk about seducing Tenchi. (Realizes what he just said.) Uh-oh. AYEKA(left eye twitching): Talk. . . about. . . seducing . . . TENCHI!?!?! (The others back away from Ayeka the best they can.) PETER: N-now calm down, Ayeka. It's based on the TV series. It doesn't happen in your world, okay? AYEKA(angry): It is close enough!!! >that I've >seen online). As if that weren't enough, this chapter throws Tenchi into the >mix. (Thank-- (Ayeka starts getting a faint blue aura that Ranma is all too familiar with. The others experience the early stages of panic. Unknown to all of them, B-ko is putting on a set of earplugs to block out the eventual temper tantrum, that will occur.) >or blame--Kthardin for this; if he hadn't sent me those doujinshi scans, I might >never >have written this.) So, sit back, and....heh....enjoy. PETER: Kthardin!?! So, my arch nemesis is the cause of this! Must he thwart my efforts at every turn?!?! RANMA: You're WAY too paranoid about that guy, you know. > >(Cue opening theme: "2 Become 1" by the Spice Girls ^^) PRISS(angry): Stupid 'Spice Girls'! Why can't they just die like everyone else? AYEKA(forgetting her anger for a moment): What did they ever do to you? PRISS: You would think that fads would die out in the future, but Noo! > > Tenchi hefted his duffel onto one shoulder and took a long, appraising >look >around the cockpit. "Wow. Thanks for bringing me along with you two!" > "No problem," Kiyone answered. "We're always glad to help." She smiled >at >Tenchi, prompting a smile in return. > Behind them, Mihoshi giggled. RANMA: Giggled about what? PRISS: Isn't it obvious. AYEKA(getting angry again): All too much so! > Tenchi turned around, an inquisitive look on his face. "What's so funny?" PETER(panicky): They're planning to seduce you! Get out while you still can! > "It's nothing," assured Kiyone, almost too quickly. Fortunately, Tenchi >hadn't >noticed. "So, which.... heavenly bodies.... do you want to.... study?" RANMA: Uh-oh! This is bad. (Glances at Ayeka) Really bad. > Once again, Tenchi completely missed the entendre. He was too busy PRISS: He can't be THAT dense. No one can be THAT dense. RANMA: You know someone like Peter, and you think that there is no one that dense? PRISS: Okay, you got a- (Priss and Ranma notice that Peter is now holding a bazooka near their faces) PETER(dangerously): Care to finish that thought? >digging >through his school bag for the assignment sheet. "Where is that stupid--ah, >here we are." >He studied the paper. "All the planets of the outer system--Jupiter, Saturn, >Uranus--" AYEKA: Why did earthlings name that planet that, anyway? PETER: The ancient Greeks didn't know that it would be used in THAT expression. >unnoticed by him, both detectives almost burst out laughing at that planet's >name "-- >Neptune, and Pluto." > Kiyone nodded in understanding. "Ah. Good thing you have a break right >now, (Peter was about to pipe up with a witty comment, but when he looked at Ayeka he decided against it.) >and this isn't due till after it. We can do a very.... thorough.... study of >everything." > "Right. Um, where do you want me to....?" > Kiyone slapped her forehead in chagrin. "Damn! I knew I was forgetting >something! I'll show you to your room." > Soon, Tenchi was settled into Yagami's spare room. When he tried to >protest, >Kiyone had shushed him, telling him that it would be no problem for Mihoshi to >bunk >with her for a few days. PRISS: Doing lord knows what. > "Now remember, Tenchi," she told him before she left, "if you need >anything-- >anything at all--let us know." She winked at him playfully and left the room. AYEKA(trying to calm down): At least they are out of character. If they were in character, that would be bad. At least they are out of character. That means that it could not really happen. At least they are out of character. > Tenchi watched her walk away for a few moments, then turned and reentered >his >room. Flopping down on the bed, he sighed. > Here I am, on my way to the edge of the solar system....I'm gonna have the >best >report of anyone in my class....and I'm all alone on this ship with two >beautiful women... RANMA: Those kinds of thoughts are bad. VERY bad. (Priss, Ranma, and Peter turn toward Ayeka, and notice that she is glowing blue in anger.) PRISS, RANMA, & PETER: Very, VERY bad!! >He chuckled at the thought. Control yourself, Tenchi. PETER: Yes, please do. > He took a look >around the >room, and his eyes fell on what looked like a small TV screen mounted on the >nightstand. >What the heck is-- PRISS: It's a TV, stupid! RANMA: Good, watch 'Sesame Street'. That'll keep your mind off of women. PETER: And keep Ayeka from going insane. > His eyes widened as he saw the tantalizing sight playing out on the screen >(convenient, you say? Well, this is a fucking lemon! What were you expecting, >Harlequin Romance (although I can do those as well) ?!). ALL: OH, SWEET LORD, NO!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!! CHANGE THE CHANNEL!! >Apparently, Yagami came with a security camera system. >At least, that was the only explanation that Tenchi could come up with for this >image of Kiyone in the bath. >Kiyone was stripping off her casual clothes--shorts and a T-shirt. Tenchi's >eyes >widened even more--and he got the most painful erection he'd ever had--as he saw AYEKA(mad as hell): And just what are you staring at!?! >what >she was wearing underneath: lace panties and no bra. >Oh my god, he thought. She's so fucking sexy--she's only wearing those skimpy >little panties, and those breasts, they're so big--those nipples are hard--Then PETER(chanting): Mother of God. Mother of God. Mother of God. >Mihoshi >entered the frame. All she wore was a sheer silk robe, and her bronzed skin >showed >clearly through the translucent material. Her happy smile grew--was that >lustful?!--as RANMA(pleading with Ayeka): Now Ayeka, we're your friends remember? Don't kill us, please! AYEKA: Crush, maim, DESTROY!!! PRISS: I think she's beyond words now. PETER: HELP!!! >she saw Kiyone. > Tenchi gaped at his first surprise of the night: Mihoshi and Kiyone >kissing each >other hungrily. > (This was, however, not to be his last.) PETER: Please don't let the next surprise be what I think it is. > Mihoshi's robe came off quickly. Tenchi noted--with what detachment he >could >muster--that she was a natural blond. The blond detective then dropped to her >knees in >front of Kiyone and tugged the panties down with her teeth. > Tenchi's detachment completely evaporated as he saw that Kiyone's hair >color >was natural too. > By now, Tenchi's member was the length of Tenchi-ken, and he eased his PETER: If a lightsaber blade comes out of there, I'll scream. >zipper >down. His pants puddled around his ankles, followed by his boxers. > Mihoshi was now on her knees, and buried her face between Kiyone's thighs. >Kiyone arched her back, her cheeks flushed and her heart racing. "Mi.... >Mihoshi.... oh >god you're so good...." >Oh dear god.... PRISS: Please give us strength. RANMA: Please don't let this go where we think it's going to go. PETER: Please don't let Ayeka take out her frustrations on us. >Tenchi gave up his self-control and started to stroke, AYEKA(angrily): You see what they are doing! They are making Lord-Tenchi have a stroke!! (Others gain large sweatdrops on their heads.) PETER & RANMA: It's not that kind of a stroke. >moaning >loudly. His vision was growing blurry, but he could still make out the trysting >pair on the >screen. > Mihoshi had Kiyone spread-eagled on the floor, quivering and moaning, as >she >kissed around her erogenous zones--her thighs, her nipples, her lips.... > "M.... Miho.... Miho-chan...." Kiyone was actually stuttering. "G-g- >get.... y-y-you >know wh-what...." PETER (Mihoshi): Okay. . . Which what? > Mihoshi placed a last kiss on Kiyone's left nipple, and rose, walking >away. > She reappeared about a minute later, carrying a long, thin case. > Tenchi paused in mid-stroke, curious. He watched Mihoshi open the >snaps.... and PETER(storyteller's voice): Let loose all of the evils of the world, and only hope remained. (The others stare at him) What? >draw the device out.... > This was the first time he'd ever seen a double-headed dildo. PRISS: Well there's surprise number two. AYEKA: Interesting choice of words. > Mihoshi whimpered as she slid one end into herself. "Mmph...." After PETER: "Mmph?". . . Is it in her mouth, or something? OTHERS(flatly): Wrong end. >wiggling it >around for a few seconds, to get it settled and herself good and aroused, she >smiled at >Kiyone. "Here I come, Kiyone!" PRISS(Kiyone): Mihoshi, the thing's not real, remember. PETER: I don't think she meant 'come' in that way, but. (Mihoshi impression) Oops, silly me. I forgot. > With that, she thrust the other end into her partner. RANMA(Kiyone): OUCH!! WRONG HOLE!! WRONG HOLE!! PETER: I think something similar was said in a 'Ranma ½' lemon, before. RANMA: Who? Ukyou, and Mousse? PETER: No. . . Here's a clue. It features a certain lost boy, and a RED-hared girl. RANMA: Is it something I'd rather NOT know about? PETER & PRISS: Yes. > "Ahh!" Kiyone arched her back, her low moaning replaced by frantic >panting. >"Oh.... yes, don't stop...." > Mihoshi soon settled into a rhythm, her lips curving upward as she saw the >effects >of her actions on her partner. "Ooh.... you're good tonight, Kiyone.... so nice >and tight...." PETER(confused): And she can tell this, how? > "Ungh.... oh, god, Mihoshi.... so good...." Kiyone's eyes were squeezed AYEKA(Kiyone): Mihoshi, get your hands off of my face! PRISS(Mihoshi): But I'm loosing my balance! >shut, and >her breaths came in quick bursts. >Tenchi threw off his shirt RANMA & PETER(covering eyes): I'm blind!! (Priss looks confused. Ayeka starts to get angry.) PRISS: What was that about? PETER: Lack of chest hair. RANMA: Guy joke. >and shifted his position on the bed, his eyes >glued to the >monitor. > "Oh.... Mihoshi, I'm.... don't stop.... so close, I'm.... oh, god, >Tenchi!" (Ranma, Priss, and Peter all get large sweatdrops on their heads. A faint whistle can be heard as steam starts pouring out of Ayeka's ears.) PETER(praying): Please, oh please let that have been a typo. PRISS: What a way to start our first Fan Fic. We're going to be killed by our supposedly most docile member. > Tenchi's jaw dropped, but his hands, unfazed by Kiyone's outburst, >continued on >their merry way. RANMA & PRISS(singing): Stroke, stroke, stroke your member, as quickly as you can. PETER(singing): Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily. . . AYEKA(angrily): NOW CUT THAT OUT!!! > Kiyone was now screaming, her body quaking as the orgasm slowly made >itself >felt. "Oh, Tenchi.... oh god don't ever stop.... make me come, my Tenchi.... oh >Tenchi!!!" PETER(Mihoshi): But Kiyone, I'm not Tenchi! I'm Mihoshi remember? Tenchi is in the other room watching us on camera doing (Peter nervously looks at a glaring Ayeka) stuff to each other that the beautiful and talented Lady-Ayeka would not like Tenchi to see us doing, because we could not win his affections over her pure and radiant beauty, otherwise. AYEKA: Much better. RANMA(whispering to Priss): He's using the "Flattery Will Get You Everywhere" technique. PRISS(whispering back): I wouldn't want to get on her bad side either. > And she came. PETER: And there was much rejoicing. ALL(bored): Yaaay. > At the moment that Kiyone had first cried out his name, Tenchi's hand had >started >stroking faster and faster and he had felt the building inside of him and he >closed his eyes >and saw Kiyone before him, his member buried deep inside of her, the folds of >her >womanhood hot and wet and tight around him, and thrusting and thrusting and her >panting and moaning and crying out his name as if the very word could make her-- PETER: The writer is making it seem like guys only think with their pelvic region. PRISS: Well you do. PETER & RANMA: No we don't! PETER: It points us in a direction sometimes, I will admit. But most guys can control it. PRISS & AYEKA: Prove it! PETER: Men have at least a dozen erections each day, and have to put up with each and every one. RANMA: If what you think is true, we'd die of dehydration before the end of the day! > Suddenly his vision was seared with a blinding white as his body buckled. PRISS: With a blinding white, what? RANMA: Damnit! He marched into traffic while masturbating again. That's the third time this week. > When his vision cleared again, there was a small pool of off-white on the PRISS(Mother): Is that your cum all over the bed, young man!?! That's why we can't have nice things in this house!! PETER( Tenchi as Foghorn Legghorn): Fortunately, I keep my sperm numbered for just such an emergency. >back of >his shirt. The contrast between the dark-red garment and the pool of.... >fluid.... was >almost contemptuous. > He lay still for a few moments, reality still catching up with him. RANMA(Reality): Hey, wait up!! I can't run that fast!! > > * * * PETER: Looks like some of his cum hit the wall, too. AYEKA: Will you stop talking about his CUM!! I think I am going to be sick. PRISS: What's with her? RANMA: Tenchi had an orgasm, and he wasn't thinking of her. > > Kiyone and Mihoshi were sprawled across the floor, still catching their >breath. AYEKA(Kiyone): Stop running around! PETER(Breath): But I gotta catch up with Reality! He's already got a head start on me! >Finally Mihoshi managed to prop herself up on one elbow and smile at Kiyone. RANMA: Smile, you're on, not so, candid camera! >"That.... >Kiyone, that was incredible." PETER: Yeah, Ayeka managed to NOT go 'postal worker' on us. > Kiyone was still short of breath. "You.... you thought so too?" She >winced >slightly as she sat up. "I haven't had an orgasm like that since.... since...." AYEKA: Since this stupid atrocity of a story, started. > "Since the first night we were together, right after you'd just met >Tenchi?" >Mihoshi teased lightly. PETER: I thought those two were up to something. RANMA: What are you talking about? PETER: I bought the entire TV series, in order to figure out what the plot was. PRISS: Did it help? PETER: No. > Kiyone blushed slightly. ".... yeah." > "You really do like him, don't you?" AYEKA: Kiyone said that Tenchi was too young for her! > "As much as I do you," Kiyone replied softly. Shifting her tone to a more >playful PETER: See, this proves what I said earlier. If this was biased on the OAV's, then Kiyone would never say something so cruel about Tenchi. >one, she commented, "Think he got an eyeful?" PETER: I don't think he was pointing it in that direction. (Others stare at him. Even the characters in the Fan Fic seem to be looking nervously at him) What? > "I'd say so," Mihoshi agreed. AYEKA: You would. > > * * * RANMA: Gee, Tenchi has good range, doesn't he. AYEKA(very angry): IT IS NOT HIS CUM, NOW STOP IT WITH THAT JOKE!!! > > As Tenchi prepared for bed that night, he reflected over everything that >had >happened during the day. RANMA(Tenchi): Wow, Ayeka and Ryoko will kill me if they find out about this. AYEKA: You got that right. >He had been a little wary of showing up for dinner-- >for good >reason. PRISS: Wow, he is smart, isn't he. AYEKA: And if he stays smart, he will stay in there until he gets back to Earth. PETER: Don't you mean, if he want's to stay ALIVE, he will stay in there until he gets back to Earth? AYEKA: That too. >Kiyone and Mihoshi had been wearing rather immodest night wear (Kiyone >in a >sports bra--under an open shirt, at least--and shorts abbreviated enough to >almost be >panties; Mihoshi in that same see-through robe), and.... well, he'd had no idea >that the >most innocent phrases could be turned into such come-ons, however subtle. PETER: Ranma, you've had experience with this problem. Care to evaluate for us? RANMA(proper): Of course, my good man. >The >one that >had taken the cake was when Kiyone had leaned over in front of him, virtually >pressing >his face between her breasts, and asked in a sweet voice, "Hungry?" RANMA: This tactic has been used by Uc-chan almost daily since the incident at my first wedding. PETER: I still don't understand how you could forgive her, after what she tried to do. RANMA: I forgave Shampoo for about the same thing, so why not forgive my best friend as well? > ("I am!" the Mugen Tenchi Muyo! Tenchi cried out. His Kiyone responded by >pulling him into the other room--the room with a spare bed. Moving on with this >story....) AYEKA(eye twitching): "Mugen Tenchi Muyo"?!? PETER: Pleeeeeeease don't let us do a MST on THAT fic!!! > The thoughts of what he'd seen on the monitor earlier were still haunting >him, PRISS(Tenchi): Make it stop, mommy! Make it stop! AYEKA: Yes, please do. >and >he was still hard from it. Still, that wasn't the only reason it was haunting >him. AYEKA: They were obviously seeking revenge for you betraying me, like that! > Tenchi cared a great deal about the girls who lived with him, but he was a >guy, >and a teenage guy at that, so impure thoughts were something that he had to live >with PETER: Wow, Ayeka was right. >(except about Sasami and Washu, of course. He was a teenager, but in no way a >pedophile). (A chorus of angels [no, not the EVA ones] appear above the others, and start singing "HAAAAL-LE-LU-JAHH!!!") PETER: I take it that this guy doesn't like Sasami lemons. AYEKA: You would know ALL about that Mr. 'Passion Satisfying, Ground Shaking, Glass Breaking. . .' PETER: I was making fun of bad ideas for lemons that included Sasami!! Why don't you believe me!?! > But was he really in love with any of them? PETER: Well. . . > Sasami? No. She was the little sister he'd never had. She would be very >pretty >when she came of age, but he could no more see her that way than he could his >mother. RANMA: With that movie where he went back into his mother's past, I'm surprised they haven't made a lemon-Fic where he DOES have sex with his mother. PETER: Don't give them any ideas, Ranma. PRISS & AYEKA: Ranma! How can you even say something so disgusting!?! RANMA: I've been put in lemons where I have sex with MY mother! Think of how I feel. > Washu? God in heaven no. (Once more with the chorus of angels) "HAAAAL-LE-LU-JAHH!!!" PETER: Knock it off!! > Ryoko and Ayeka.... that was a toughie. He didn't want to hurt either of >them.... ALL: Because they would kill him otherwise!! >but he could never be sure how much of their professed "love" was real, and how >much >of it was just one more bone of contention in their never-ending fights. There RANMA: Granted the fights are usually about him, yes. But they have proven time and time again that they do NOT need him to contend with their never ending fights. PETER: Well put, Ranma. Ever think of writing Fan Fiction as a hobby? RANMA: No, and I'm proud of that. >had been >many a time where he had simply walked out of the room during their fighting, >and >neither of them had noticed. AYEKA: We were too busy fighting, that is why! PETER: You mean that he WANTS to be included in the fight?!? >He would climb up onto the roof and just lay back, >watching the stars, trying to figure out how he, of all people, got thrown this >incredible >curve. RANMA: I got news for you. You're not the only one with women troubles. PRISS: Yeah, Ranma has women troubles in a way you would never have thought of. RANMA: Yeah. . . Hey! > And, almost invariably, Kiyone (sometimes alone, sometimes with Mihoshi) >would come up to see if he was all right. He would say as much, and they would >end up >talking for hours about nothing and everything. Of all the girls--except for >Sasami, of >course— RANMA: Of course. >he felt the most comfortable with those two. Am I in love with them? I ALL(three for different reasons then Ayeka, but still saying the same word): NO!!! >don't >know.... but they're the two I think that I could. RANMA: Shampoo thinks that she can win my heart by killing Akane too, but you don't see that working, now do you? > And now he knew that the feeling was mutual. (Ayeka starts glowing blue again, this time her head ornament starts glowing as well) >So what do I do now? PRISS: Get the hell out of there. >he thought. I guess the only thing to do.... is to >let things >happen. He settled in for sleep, and snickered as a final thought occurred to >him: I >wonder what Dad would think of having two daughters in law.... PETER: He'd ask you to share them with him, probably. AYEKA: That was sick! PRISS: But he does have a point, you know. > > * * * PETER(Narrator): And so Tenchi walked back to his room. What he did not know was that Kiyone was following him, and she was being followed by Mihoshi. PRISS: Well, that was pointless. > > "Tenchi, we're in Neptune orbit," Kiyone called out. > 'Thank you, Kiyone." Tenchi swiveled his chair just in time to see Kiyone >rising >from hers and bending over to check some readings. She was wearing very brief >shorts, AYEKA(sarcastically): Thank you sooo much for pointing that out to us. PETER: Well, looks like Kiyone will be getting Tenchi, first. PRISS(whispering to Peter): Don't say those things near Ayeka. PETER(whispering): D'oh! Sorry, I forgot. >and he felt himself rising in reaction. Easy, easy.... PETER & RANMA: Down boy! Heel! Heel! Sit! Stay! PRISS: I'm not even going to ask. >"Can we see the planet?" PRISS(Kiyone): Well, you can see a 'moon' from here. PETER(whispering): Didn't you just tell me NOT to say those kinds of things near Ayeka? PRISS: D'oh! > "Of course." Kiyone remained in her bent-over position, and Tenchi could >make >out the panty lines through the flimsy fabric. Hmm.... bikini-style.... PETER: We DON'T need to know that. > "See something interesting?" Kiyone asked coyly. AYEKA: If he does, he is in trouble. > "Actually, I do," replied Tenchi in the same tone of voice. The first >night out, he >had decided to reciprocate, and had spent the past few days flirting back and >forth with >them. (Peter notices something new in the theater that was not there before.) PETER: Priss. PRISS: What? PETER: Were all those logs floating around before we got in here? PRISS: Um. . . no. PETER: Then I think we're the ones in trouble. >"Mind if I come over there.... take a closer look?" RANMA(to Priss, and Peter): Um, guys? Why are there pieces of wood flying around in the theater? PETER: Remember that 'shield' trick I told you that Ayeka can do? RANMA: Uh, yeah. What about it? PRISS: And you called Peter the dense one? > "Please do," she replied, shifting her position slightly. It might have PETER: No, please DON'T! AYEKA: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! >been >perfectly innocent, but he knew better, and he responded appropriately. He came >up right >behind her, as if to peer past her to look at the display, but instead pressed >himself against >her rear end. RANMA: What's that buzzing noise? PETER: Buzzing? (Listens) Uh-oh. > "Ahh...." Kiyone's eyes half-closed, and her sigh sounded like a desert >wanderer >who had found an actual oasis. She pressed herself back against Tenchi, coming >upright >in his grasp. His lips sought out her collarbone and began to nibble softly. >"Mmm.... >Tenchi...." (The 'Buzzing' becomes more audible as Ayeka becomes more angry.) AYEKA: How. . .Dare. . .They!! PETER(panicky): Mayday! Mayday! Abort, B-ko! Abort! (Notices that B-ko is no longer visible in the booth.) Oh-shoe. We've been abandoned!! PRISS & RANMA: We've WHAT!?! > Tenchi's right hand worked it's way around to her front, unsnapping the >button on >her fly and easing the zipper downward. His hand then dipped inside the >waistband of >Kiyone's panties, drawing another moan of pleasure from her. He was gratified (The "Logs" start glowing as they electrify.) PRISS: Hit the deck!!! (Peter, Priss, and Ranma duck under their seats. As the crouch down they notice that a large majority of the shield units are also close to the ground, and respectively their faces as well.) RANMA: Got anymore bright ideas? >to feel >her arousal, and he responded by pressing himself harder against her. >For her part, Kiyone was enjoying the sensation of his erection pressing into >her, >separated from her by only a few flimsy layers of cloth. It had a long time >since she'd >been with a man--with anyone other than Mihoshi--and Tenchi was proving to be >everything she'd hoped.... >She turned around and pressed her lips to his for the first time. >But not the last. > When they broke away from each other, their eyes met. (Energy starts flying from log to log, and is beginning to surround Peter, Priss, and Ranma.) > (Warning! Warning! Those of you not in favor of a Tenchi-Kiyone romance >back out now! Wait.... there's still more sex.... well, try to stomach the >idea, okay ^^?) RANMA & PRISS: YOU'RE A LITTLE LATE ON _THAT_ ONE!!! PETER(Brick Bazooka): MEDIC!! > Tenchi's hand came up and caressed Kiyone's cheek. "I wish we'd done this >a >long time ago," he whispered. > Kiyone, her eyes glistening with more than mere lust now, nodded. "Me >too." > Tenchi met her eyes, and Kiyone's heart leapt to see the softness that >Ryoko and >Ayeka tried to kill each other for.... directed at her. In confirmation, he >said softly, "I'm >not just talking the.... you know.... either." (The electricity finally erupts, sending lightning of the most powerful variety cascading throughout the theater. Peter, Priss, and Ranma are all electrified, while Ayeka yells in anger, too mad to even notice if the shocks did hit her. The three unfortunate ones who were electrified, did jumping jacks, the 'Dancing Baby' routine, the 'Macarena', the 'Moon Walk' spin, and finally collapsed.) PETER(burned to a crisp): I could'a been da contenda! > "Nor am I." Kiyone sighed happily. A thought occurred to her, and she >asked, >"Tenchi.... can I call you Ten-chan?" ALL: NO!!!!!!! > Tenchi looked happily surprised. "Please do.... if I can call you Kiyo- >chan." (Energy starts cracking through the logs again.) PETER: Help me! Help me! PRISS: What I wouldn't give for my hardsuit right about now. > Kiyone blushed, and giggled in a very un-Kiyone-ish way. "All right.... >but that >wasn't what I wanted to ask. Is it.... is it just me that you feel this way >about?" > "You're asking if I care for Mihoshi in the same way I care for you?" > Kiyone nodded. > "Yes." (Ranma and Priss try to scoot away from the electrified pieces of wood. Peter is being shocked by a unit that was behind his back.) PETER(being shocked): OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW-OW!!! > Kiyone sighed in relief. "Good." Her smile became mischievous. "I >wonder >what your dad would think about having two daughters-in-law...." PETER(finally got away from the shield unit): We already answered that. > "The thought had occurred to me," Tenchi replied. He picked Kiyone up in >his >arms and began to walk, as if a groom carrying his new bride across the >threshold. "Back >to your and Mihoshi's room?" RANMA: End the Fic! Please end the stupid Fic!!! > Kiyone nodded. "She's already there, waiting for us." She relaxed and >let Tenchi >carry her to the bedroom that she shared with Mihoshi. > Mihoshi was indeed waiting there, lounging on the bed in a white lace >teddy. Her PETER: Somebody just shoot me!! >tanned face lit up as she saw her lover and her crush walk into the room, >kissing hungrily. >"Don't use him all up on yourself, Kiyone! I want some!" PRISS(Kiyone): Don't worry, we have a ten year supply. AYEKA: That was MY ten year supply!! PETER(to Priss): Does she even know what that means? PRISS: Apparently not. > Tenchi almost burst out laughing. "I'm not a sandwich, you two!.... RANMA(Tenchi): Even if you are going to gobble me up so to speak, and I'm going to be flattened like a pancake if Ayeka and Ryoko get ahold of me after this. >though I >wouldn't mind being in one...." He set Kiyone down on the bed and pulled her top >off. >>From the bounciness of her bosom, he had assumed that she wasn't wearing a bra. PRISS: TWO of those things? Is somebody ELSE doing an MST on us? RANMA(looking nervously at the still angry Ayeka): If they are, they're probably looking upon us with pity. PRISS: More like laughing at us. PETER(Bugs Bunny): Do you ever have the feeling you was being watched? > He was right. > Kiyone's lovely breasts bounced invitingly as she smiled at Tenchi. >"Would you >like to touch them?" she inquired. (Energy starts going again, but at a lower level. Instead of one HUGE shock, there is just one LONG shock.) > "S-sure." Tenchi gulped as he reached out a nervous hand and gently >caressed >Kiyone's left breast. It was soft yet firm to the touch, and his hand felt like >it fit there >naturally. RANMA(being shocked): Ssssttttoooopppp tttthhhheeee ddddaaaammmmnnnn ffffiiiicccc!!! > "Mmm.... that's good, Tenchi...." Kiyone smiled hungrily at him. "Why >don't >you get a little closer?" Her eyes darted down to his crotch, and her girn >widened. "Let's >get you comfortable." PRISS(being shocked): Ssssttttoooopppp tttthhhheeee lllleeeemmmmoooonnnn sssscccceeeennnneeee!!! > Tenchi looked down, saw the sizable bulge in his pants, and blushed. > "Don't worry, Tenchi!" Mihoshi was behind him now, and she was easing >down >his zipper. "We'll get you.... comfortable." Both she and Kiyone giggled. >Tenchi was >unaccustomed to hearing Kiyone giggle, but it was certainly a sound he could get >used >to.... PETER(being shocked): Ffffoooorrrrggggeeeetttt tttthhhheeee ssssttttuuuuppppiiiidddd ffffiiiicccc!!! Ssssttttoooopppp AAAAyyyyeeeekkkkaaaa!!! (Upon hearing her name, Ayeka looks toward Peter. This also abruptly cuts off her 'shield'.) AYEKA: You say someth-lands sakes!!! What happened to you three!?!?! (Peter, Priss, and Ranma all have their hair standing on end, and have smoke coming off of their heads.) OTHERS(angrily at Ayeka): Wouldn't YOU like to know!!! B-KO(back in the booth): Hey, anything happen while I was gone?! PETER(angrily to B-ko): I'll speak to YOU later!! B-KO(large sweatdrop): Oh, poo. > He suddenly became aware of Mihoshi working down his pants, and his >shorts, >and suddenly her fingers were wrapped around him.... > "Ohh, Kiyone, you've gotta feel it! It's so big!" > Kiyone was too busy kissing Tenchi, rubbing her swollen nipples up and >down his >chest. > "Mmm...." If there's any such thing as heaven, thought Tenchi, I must be >there >right now.... AYEKA: If Tenchi ever pulled that for real, he would end up in heaven all right! > "Come on, Tenchi!" Mihoshi suddenly let go of Tenchi and started rubbing >herself against his back. At first he was feeling her nipples through the lace >of the teddy, >and then he heard the quiet rustle of cloth, her bare nipples rubbing against >his spine. PETER(noticing that some of the units are appearing again): Ayeka, don't!! AYEKA(calming down): Sorry. > "Ten-chan...." Kiyone whispered as she was nibbling on Tenchi's earlobe. AYEKA(to herself): Control yourself. Control yourself. >" >ready?" PRISS: Please say no! > "H-hai...." PETER: L-low…. RANMA: So much for wishful thinking, eh Priss? PRISS: Shut up. > "Good." Kiyone stood up on the bed, her thighs level with Tenchi's face. PRISS(Kiyone): Hungry? AYEKA: Lets not start that again! >Her >panties were soaked with both sweat and arousal, and since they were already PETER: We didn't want to know that. >sheer white >to begin with, Tenchi could see the wet thatch of blue-green under the wet PETER: Is it just me or is the only difference between Earth humans, and space humans are the life spans, and the more variety in hair color? AYEKA(trying to forget what she is seeing): I have often wondered that, myself. >cotton. >Licking his lips, he eased the panties down far enough for inertia to take over. PETER(woman's voice): Inertia is a property of matter. PRISS(sweatdrop): Uh. . . what was that about, Peter? PETER(clutching forehead): I've been watching too much 'Bill Nye, The Science Guy'. > The wet panties puddled around Kiyone's ankles, and Tenchi felt himself >grow >harder as he gazed at her sex. Gently, as if afraid of breaking her, he leaned >forward and (Peter makes a glass breaking noise. This gets even a chuckle from Ayeka.) >started to lick around her gateway, lapping up her juices whenever possible. > "Ahh!....oh, Ten-chan...." Kiyone was getting lost in the sensations, and >her >balance was starting to fail. She didn't give a damn. PETER: And she fell over, broke her neck, and ended the Fic. The End. AYEKA: I wish. > "Mmm.... Kiyo-chan, you taste good...." Tenchi wasn't just pillow-talking, RANMA(Tenchi): Mmm. . . . Tastes like chicken. >either. >he couldn't quite identify the taste, but it was certainly a pleasant one.... > By now, Mihoshi had resumed pumping his shaft, and was delighted to feel >it PRISS(Hippie): Feel the grove, man! PETER(Jamaican person): Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, come on guys, it's (Notices Ranma and Priss telling him "NO" and Ayeka glaring in his direction.) Uh, never mind. . . >growing in her hands. PRISS(Rita Repulsa): Magic, make my monster GROW!! PETER: Hey! Didn't you just convince me not to do stuff like that!?! > "Kiyone, I'm getting him ready for you...." RANMA(Captain Kerk): Mihoshi, ready frontal torpedoes. PETER & AYEKA (for different reasons): Et tu, Brute'? > "Oh, god.... thank you, Miho-chan.... can't.... take.... it...." PETER(Kiyone): Loosing….my….strength…. Can't….complete….sentences…. AYEKA(ditto): Must….talk….like….Captain….Kerk…. > All at once, Kiyone collapsed onto the bed. (Ranma makes bomb drop noise as Kiyone falls. Round of giggles,) > Tenchi looked up from between her legs, now wearing a concerned look. >"Kiyo- >chan? Are you okay?" PRISS(dazed Kiyone): Kiyo-chan? Who's Kiyo-chan? PETER(ditto): I'm Batman! (Gets nervous stares from even the readers of this MST.) What? > "Hai, hai.... T-Ten-chan.... in. Now." RANMA: Must be taking speech lessons from Shampoo. > Mihoshi released Tenchi's quivering member at that same moment. > Tenchi gulped and began to ease himself into Kiyone. An involuntary grunt >escaped his lips as he was suddenly surrounded by her; she was as hot and wet >and tight >as he'd fantasized. "Oooh.... K-Ki-Kiyo-ch-chan.... s-so t-ti-tight...." (No one speaks. They just watch in horror.) > "Ten-chan.... you're so big, Ten-chan...." Kiyone's eyes were squeezed >shut, and AYEKA(Kiyone): Not you too! Get your hands off of my face!! RANMA: And back onto her chest where they belong. (Gets bonked on the head by Priss and Ayeka.) Ow! What'ya do that for!? PETER: For doing what Akane hits you for as well. >her breath was escaping in quick gasps, punctuated by contented moans. "Fill me >up, >Ten-chan.... fill me up...." AYEKA(Gas station attendant): Regular or unleaded? (Peter makes gas-pump 'dinging' noise.) > Tenchi nodded and started thrusting faster. Kiyone's moans started to >become >louder and wilder. "Yes.... oh, Ten-chan....oh.... anata.... yes.... don't >stop...." AYEKA: No! DO stop, Tenchi! >Tenchi didn't stop, AYEKA: Corn foddle! (Others glance nervously at Ayeka, but don't say anything.) >and Kiyone felt it coming on. It had been a long time >since >the last man she'd been with--in all honesty, she'd only been with a couple of >men PETER: I was wondering why Yosho and Nobuyuki were always so happy to see her. (Gets bombarded by mini versions of Jurian guardians, little stuffed P-Chans, and 'Nightsaber' action figures.) Ow-ow-ow!! Quit it!! Cut it out!! >before deciding that she liked women better--and she'd almost forgotten what it >felt like >when it was a man inside of her. (Priss, Ayeka, and Ranma get large sweatdrops on the back of their heads. Peter doesn't notice.) > She was remembering fast, though. > "Tenchi.... Ten-chan.... almost there.... just like that....almost.... PETER: But not quite. >don't stop don't ALL: Please stop, please! >stop harder harder yes yes yes yes yes YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She came with PRISS: Absolutely no comas in that last sentence. >an >almost >painful intensity; she almost missed it when Tenchi grunted inside of her and >achieved >his release. PETER & RANMA: Head for the hills! It's a tsunami!! AYEKA(looking at the screen carefully): I do not see her anywhere. PETER: Not THAT tsunami. >Tenchi looked down at her, and smiled, not with lust, but with tenderness. "Ai >shiteru, ore no megamisama," PRISS, RANMA, & AYEKA: Say what? PETER: Oh, that's right. The translators we were equipped with, don't let us understand Japanese in the stories. Just the English. PRISS: You know, you could have told us this before hand. >he whispered, and kissed Kiyone's lips. >"Ai shiteru, anata," she responded. AYEKA: Whatever. >"What about me?" mock-pouted Mihoshi. PETER(Mihoshi): I want to say Japanese gibberish too! >Tenchi sat up and hugged Mihoshi. "Oh, Mihoshi, I love you too." >"Yay!" Mihoshi started covering Tenchi's face with kisses. RANMA(Mihoshi): I have no idea what you said before that, but I'm glad you said that now! (Ayeka glares at Ranma. Ranma shuts up.) >"Hey!" Kiyone started to do the same. "Don't hog Tenchi, Mihoshi!" >"You're not one to talk, Kiyone! You had him first!" >"Girls, girls, please don't fight! Now, Kiyo-chan, Miho-chan's right; you had >me >first, so it's Miho-chan's turn." PRISS(Mother): Play fairly now. >Kiyone pouted, prompting Tenchi to give her a kiss. >"You can join in if you want, Kiyo-chan!" prompted Mihoshi. (Ayeka suddenly bursts into tears. Ranma and the others try to comfort her, till she stops crying.) >Kiyone smiled. "Thank you, Mihoshi, but it's your turn with Tenchi. Next >time...." She giggled. "We'll share him." AYEKA: If the story ever leads to that, you all have my permission to kill me. >"Okay, that sounds like a good idea!" AYEKA: No one asked you! >Mihoshi looked hungrily at Tenchi, and >then down at his member, which was recovering from Kiyone, and pounced on him >without warning. (Priss makes a 'Cat pouncing' noise. Ranma winces.) RANMA(to Priss): Please don't do that. >He was inside of her almost immediately, and he found her to >be much >like Kiyone is terms of tightness and wetness and--Don't do that, he chided >himself. ALL: Thank you, Tenchi. >Comparisons like that aren't fair to either of them; just say 'they're both >incredible,' >okay? PETER: Got it, got it. No need to get excited. AYEKA: I wish the story was named that. >Mihoshi immediately assumed the on-top position, and straddled Tenchi, crying >out as she slid up and down on his member. Later on, in a more.... >intellectual.... PETER: She's been WAY too intellectual this entire Fic. AYEKA: So you have notice that to? >moment, he would note that the two girls' behavior during sex were almost the PRISS: Oh, it was Tenchi who was being intellectual. PETER: Come to think of it, he's been kind of stupid this entire Fic. AYEKA: Normally I would hurt someone for making that comment, but I have to agree with you in this instance. PETER: Um. . . thanks? >exact >opposite of their behavior otherwise. PETER: Their behavior is ALWAYS opposite. >Kiyone was very submissive, enjoying >being >dominated--not S&M-style, but she was more than happy to let Tenchi take control RANMA(Tenchi): Now _I_ have control! >and >set their pace. Mihoshi, on the other hand, was very much the type that liked >to be on >top. ALL BUT AYEKA: We've noticed. AYEKA(crossed): All to well. >Not that he had a problem with either type. RANMA(Kuno): I desire them both! AYEKA(dangerously): Please refrain from doing that. >Mihoshi came with a loud cry, and as she did, she abruptly constricted around >Tenchi. The sudden extra tightness took him by surprise, and he grunted as he >shot his >seed into a girl for the second time in....How long has it hour? I >think so.... PETER: He's just planting himself everywhere, isn't he. (Peter is suddenly pelted by mini Jurian guardians, little P-Chans, and "Nightsaber" action figures.) Ow-ow-ow!! Cut that out!! >Now tired, he gently pulled out of Mihoshi and fell back on the bed. "Oh.... >wow.... that was.... wow....zzzz...." PETER(Ringside announcer): And the champ is down for the count. (Others glance at Peter nervously.) >Kiyone and Mihoshi exchanged glances, giggled, and pulled the sheets up around >Tenchi. They then slipped under the sheets and snuggled up on either side of >him. PETER: And there was much rejoicing! AYEKA(interrupting the usual line): No there was not!! > >Tenchi stretched and yawned. "Ah! That was a great breakfast, Kiyo-chan!" RANMA: If that "Hungry?" joke had anything to do with this, I'm going to scream. >"Arigato, Ten-chan," Kiyone responded shyly. She giggled as Tenchi wrapped an >arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. PRISS: Well, at least he didn't grab her- AYEKA: DO NOT SAY IT!! RANMA: You're taking this Fic way to personally. PETER(to Ranma): Just wait until we do a "Ranma ½" Fic. >Mihoshi snuggled up on Tenchi's other side and sighed happily as Tenchi >wrapped his free arm around her. "So, Ten-chan, what are we doing today?" PETER(Tenchi): We're going to sit here and antagonize the MST group. >Tenchi thought on that one. "Well, I still need some information on Pluto.... >but >aside from that, I'm all yours." PRISS: Just then, Ryo-oh-ki shows up, and Ryoko and Ayeka blast the three to smithereens. The End. (Notices the others staring at her nervously.) Did I say something wrong? >"Good," remarked Kiyone. "There's something we want to try after Pluto. Hope >you don't mind taking the long way home." RANMA(Kiyone): We want to stay safe from Ryoko and Ayeka, for as long as possible. >Tenchi leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I'm all yours." > >"....and that's it." Tenchi hit the last key, and the computer whirred to >itself RANMA(AOL voice): You've got mail. PETER(Tenchi doing a impression of the AOL voice): I've got mail. > as it >sent a copy of the report of to be printed. This had to be the most >comprehensive report >anyone at Okayama High had ever produced on the planets of the solar system, and PETER: I thought Tenchi's home was located in Kyushu? AYEKA(confused): That is what I thought as well. I guess the TV series is based in Okayama. RANMA: Okay. . . PETER: ama. >he >was sure to get good marks on it. >And it's all thanks to Kiyone and Mihoshi--I mean, Kiyo-chan and Miho-chan. I ALL: Would you please stop calling them that. >never expected this to happen, but I'm glad it did. The only hard part will be >explaining >this to the other girls.... RANMA: I hope you're insured. >"Ten-chan...." >Tenchi suddenly became aware of a very nice pair of breasts pressing into his >back. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck, and a soft voice whispered, "You >done >yet?" PETER: Tenchi then turned around to see a floating pair of breasts, a pair of hands, and a mouth. (Others stare at him nervously.) What? >Tenchi craned his head back and smiled up at Kiyone. "Hai, Kiyo-chan. Now, >what was this thing you wanted to try?" He suddenly realized that she was >wearing a >very short-skirted version of her GP uniform, without tights, and that the >hemline was >hiked up enough for a peek of white panty. PRISS: Must the writer be THIS descriptive? >Kiyone grinned and held up a pair of handcuffs. RANMA(Tenchi): What? I'm being arrested now? AYEKA(Kiyone): That is correct! For betraying the love of princess Ayeka of Jurai, you are now under arrest! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!! (Even the Fan Fic characters stare at Ayeka.) What? Did I do something wrong? PETER: Yes, but it's too late to stop it now. >Now Tenchi was worried. "Ano....Kiyo-chan, I'm not into S&M...." ALL: And WE aren't either!! >"Neither are we," she assured him. PETER: Looks like the vote is unanimous! OTHERS: Will wonders never cease. >"Just lay back, and let us take care of >everything....." >(I think I'll just let imagination take over here, and skip ahead to the end, >ne?) PETER(happily): Praise the spirits of truth and justice!! A cop-out at a GOOD time!!! RANMA: Almost makes up for what happened during the Fic. . . Almost. > >Epilogue: >Tenchi's report was very well-received, and he got very high marks on it. He PETER: And there was much rejoicing. ALL(bored): Yaaay. >graduated high school with excellent marks on his college entrance exams. The >next day, RANMA: He got a response from the college's that quickly? AYEKA: Must of had Washu send it to them. PETER: And here I've been doing it he hard way, when I could've had the super genius that lives under my staircase send it to the college of my choice. >he was married to both Kiyone and Mihoshi by his grandfather. AYEKA: Traitor!! >Soon thereafter, >he >contacted the Jurai royal council, and informed them that he would take the >throne if they >agreed to recognize his two wives as his empresses. They agreed. AYEKA(getting angry): I have been betrayed by my own people! RANMA(deadpan): Oh, the humanity. PRISS(deadpan): The horror. PETER: Why do I have this feeling we are not going to like the way this Fic ends? PRISS: I don't know. Why? PETER: I don't know either, that's why I was asking you. >Tenchi now >has two >daughters and a son with Kiyone, a daughter and a son with Mihoshi, and has >adopted >Sasami and Mirei. AYEKA: Who? PETER: Mirei's a ghost that appeared in the TV series. Don't worry, it's not that important. >The entire family divides their time between Earth and Jurai. >Ayeka and Ryoko took the news of Tenchi's decision with surprising calm. PETER: I don't like the way that sounded. PRISS: I'm having that overbearing sense of dread, again. RANMA: You too? >It >was soon revealed that the two of them had been participating in their own >lesbian >relationship PETER, PRISS, & RANMA: UH-OH!! (Ayeka starts glowing purple, and her headband glows white.) PETER: Looks like the spaghetti hit the fan!! RANMA: What? PRISS: Never mind! If this gets any worse we'll be spaghetti! (Ayeka finally screams.) AYEKA(mad): IT WAS JUST ONE TIME, AND WE HAD DRUNK TWELVE BOTTLES OF SAKE EACH!!!!!!! (The others stare shocked at her, because of what she just said. Ayeka pulls her whip from her sleeve, and makes sure that the others can see it while she looks, dangerously, at them.) You did not hear a word of that, understand? OTHERS(nervously smiling): Hear a word of what? > and had snuck off to Hawaii to get married while Tenchi had been >gone. (Others are still quiet, nervously eyeing Ayeka's whip.) >They split their time between Jurai and Earth. >Washu married Nobuyuki. PETER: My deepest sympathies. RANMA: The poor guy. >Katushito remained single. ALL: Lucky bastard!! >Keiichi Masaki has finished his fic and has gone out for dinner. PETER: He didn't want to read this either. >Where is Joe Merchant?^^;;;;;;;;;; PRISS: He left around the time when Ayeka was electrocuting us. > >OWARI PETER: Same to you, buster! > >(Cue closing theme: "I Wanna Sex You Up" by Color Me Badd) ALL: What? Who? > >Well, here it is. I hope you weren't expecting anything brilliant. RANMA: Because it wasn't. >I'm also >sorry if >it seems that I just lost it at the very end. PETER: Don't worry. I know what that is like. >C&C is expected, as always. AYEKA: Oh, I will give you some C&C!! >Arigato. ALL: Whatever. (The group gets up, and leaves the theater.) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Group assessment. To Fan Fic writer. PETER: Not bad writing, for a lemon. You made the characters WAY too out of character, though. Also, please don't write about things that will make Ayeka homicidal. I work with her, you know. PRISS: Lemon scenes, not too bad. Needs a little work on who's included though. Also, try to put the characters IN character for once. And don't write about things that get Ayeka angry, okay! RANMA: I hope you're insured, cause Ayeka's talking about finding you, and doing stuff to you that she wouldn't even do to Ryoko. AYEKA: Somewhere, when you least expect it, like the great white falcon of justice, I shall swoop down from the heavens and destroy you for this one. That I swear. End of documentation. AUTHOR'S NOTES: Well, here's my first MST. What do you think? Well, I'm going to do more, so you may as well get used to it. Oh, and don't worry, Ayeka managed to control herself enough that she decided NOT to kill the writer of that Fic. Well that's all for now. . . Oh, by the way, I'm writing my OWN story where Ayeka gets paired with Ryoko. Shhh! Don't say it too loudly, Ayeka may hear me! Anyway, it is NOT a lemon. . . You don't have to sound THAT relieved about it. Until next time, Sobakawa! Peter Suzuki.