Lemon FanFics: S - Z

This section includes Lemon FanFics and are not appropriate for minors. So please do not download them, unless you are the appropriate age. Some stories in this archive are not purely lemon,but, since some part of the story DOES contain lemon ideas, they are placed here. Please go here if you would like your works published.

New * A-C * D-J * K-R * S-Z

Lets play dress upS

S4S (SuicideForSatan@yahoo.com)

Patrina Sampath (ryoko_125@hotmail.com)

Rick "Hackyman" Schain (hackyguy@hotmail.com)

Scribbler (scribbler@phlebas.demon.co.uk) and Ty Kalos (ryokos.acolyte@btinternet.com)

Serpent (HWF666PREZ999@hotmail.com)

Seto of Jurai (SetoofJurai@aol.com)

Shadow Guyver 007 (Shadow_Guyver_007@yahoo.com)

ShadowX (ShadowX@emaila.nu)

Shinji Ikari, The 10 o'Clock Assassin (tyree3@pacbell.net)

Shy Girl (Stlunatiq@aol.com)

Stephen "Insane" Shipley (badjedidude@yahoo.com)

Val "KiyoneKatz" Shrum (mihokiyo@galaxypolice.com)

Smartyrea1 (Smartyrea1@aol.com)

Joe "JS Smitty" Smith (Whazzup316@cs.com)

Kevin "Locknear" Smith (washu@saiyan.com)

Space Pirate Ryoko-chan (SpacePirateRyoko@eudoramail.com)

Space "Virgin" Cabbit (spacevirgincabbit15@yahoo.com)

Karmin "Sephiroth" StJean (Trakal@map.com)

James St. John-Smythe (targeter@otakumail.com) and Kazam (kazam@otakumail.com)

Jason Stahl (moo4u69@hotmail.com)

Amber "Devil Caller" Stilton (Pikachu_Chan@Email.com)

StrikesTwice (StrikesTwice@hotmail.com)

Matthew "Neko" Struck (NekoTamamichi@gmx.net)

Peter Suzuki.(peter_suzuki@hotmail.com)


Hajamari "Genesischan" Tamashii (Genesischan@hotmail.com)

TankCop (tankcop@mediaone.net)

Akito Aganan Tenkawa (akira@neons.fsnet.co.uk)

Tracer (Tracer1200@aol.com)

Marc "Eucep" Tuijtelaers (eucep@yahoo.com)

Tuxedo Callisto (tuxedocallisto@hotmail.com)

Sean "Dark Jurian IV" Twombly (sptwombly1987@hotmail.com)


Evan "Paladin" Ulven (max_sterling83@yahoo.com)

Universal Escape (UniversalEscape@aol.com)

The Unknown DJ (theunknowndjendz@yahoo.com)


Valie (VBatch6@aol.com)

Vechilius (Eldar_14@yahoo.com)

Michael "Caddyman" Vidrine (honkycaddycat@yahoo.com)

Daniel " Truly Mad" Vittery (Cephirio@aol.com)


Warp Zone (warpzone32@hotmail.com)

Washu (Washu@naughtytentacles.com)

Washu Hakubi (Washu_Hakubi@mailcity.com)

Washu Hokibi (cute_little_washu_2000 @hotmail.com)

Wazupmetal (Tennesseetopdog@aol.com)

Timothy Alan Weaver (weaver_sas@yahoo.com)

Bryan Weber (drummondtype2@hotmail.com), Glyph Bellchime (babcoch2313@uni.edu), and REBB01

Raquel "Lenny Quites" Wells (ryokel@coralwave.com)

Doug Whiddon (turk187@crosswinds.net)

White Knight of K.O.M.E. (vze2v6vq@verizon.net)

The White Spirit (pwszl@aol.com)

WWF_Fanatik (tstd_98@yahoo.com)


Xanatos (Voyager878@AOL.com)


Ben Yunik (kecleon23@yahoo.com)

Yvone (InocentBystandr1@msn.com)


Zack (Veggiechan32@aol.com)

Michael Zalar (m_zalar@hotmail.com)

Zanakin (ZanakinAK@aol.com)

Zero Cool (BMScaife@aol.com)

ZM (zm06@webtv.net)

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