Lemon FanFics: A - C

This section includes Lemon FanFics and are not appropriate for minors. So please do not download them, unless you are the appropriate age. Some stories in this archive are not purely lemon, but, since some part of the story DOES contain lemon ideas, they are placed here. Please go here if you would like your works published.

New * A-C * D-J * K-R * S-Z

Ryoko and TenchiA

AAA-PhuckNut (Viperz00@winfire.com)

Aaron Oefinger (aekasbitch@yahoo.com)

Randy "Ace O'Spades" Bates (Deltaflyerrtb1@aol.com)

AJ Powers (powers@peoplepc.com)

Alienboy 52 (alienboy52@hotmail.com)

Mr. Allan "Flipn0tizer" (flipn0tizer69@yahoo.com)

Francisco J. Alonso (franciscojalonso@prw.net)

AncientYUME (LordBlood@aol.com)

Android1821 (xanthun@hotmail.com)

Brandon Anderson (brandonblair@hotmail.com)

Angiesangel (ryoko_washu2222@hotmail.com)

Anjiru (crowman_x2@superdeformed.com)

Anyaku (Anyaku@hotmail.com)

Dusken "Demonknight" Archer (angelous@losh.net)

Around the Fur (Foxsmarty@aol.com)

Atticus Proulx (IchBinEineLeiche@aol.com)

Aviator (flyusa@yahoo.com)

Azathoth (bonhumm@yahoo.com)


Rob Baden (lightman@neumedia.net)

Patrick Baer (Pbaer41@yahoo.com)

Bartzero (DJ_Mapes@Yahoo.com)

Randy "Ace O'Spades" Bates (Deltaflyerrtb1@aol.com)

Michael S. Bearden (mbearden4@juno.com)

Tuor Beleg (tenchi_muyo@eml.com)

Beljustin the Sorcerer (MuadDi2001@aol.com)

Kris "Bizarre" Benfolio (BizarreTenchi@aol.com)

Bexi Hakubi (Madmangabexx@hotmail.com)

BGlanders (BGlanders@aol.com)

Bman (Ryanbman@hotmail.com)

Brandon (Kphard34@aol.com)

Brian Burke (the_krane@hotmail.com)

Brian Burke (the_krane@hotmail.com) and Kenn Sprinkle

Cameron Budde (matrixstyle@altavista.com)

Kevin Byrnes (WFFan1@aol.com)


C.3.3. (IchBinEineLeiche@aol.com)

The Cabbit Amber (MrsHankey@Hotmail.com)

Caligula (Caligula@satanism.org)

Wilhelm Canaris (Abwehr@otakumail.com)

Christine "Naiad" Case (cecase@mindspring.com)

C. D. Powers (POWERSGM5@Hotmail.com)

Rachel Ceolla (monkeygirlc33@talkcity.com)

Jesse "JRCNEO" Cervini (Spank62486@aol.com)

Darius Chan (dman_the_original@yahoo.com)

Adam Clark (desert_father@hotmail.com)

Meghan "Horny Honey" Corter (HorneyHoneyChik@yahoo.com)

Triny Crush (SkyGirl7891@aol.com)

Cyrus Marriner (rowsdower@seanbaby.com)

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