DISCLAIMER: I Don't own these characters. They belong to their respective owners. Please don't sue because I don't have any money. Besides I don't think the Big Bosses on Japan read this stuff anyway. NAME: FRANCISCO J. ALONSO E-MAIL: franciscojalonso@prw.net TITLE: TO BE LOVED LEMON SYNOPSIS: Tenchi, Ryoko, Mayuka et all against Tokimi plus a Mihoshi-Kiyone story. TIME LINE: A little after the first ova including the Time and Space Adventure from TV plus the episode where Tenchi and Ryoko go on a date from Shin Tenchi Muyo. The picnic had been planed for weeks everybody had made time for this occasion. Although, the time had been moved for a little past midmorning because of, you guess it, Ryoko. She isn't a morning person in fact she probably never will. Tenchi had chosen the spot if only to avoid a fight among the girls as to where would it take place. Sasami had Mihoshi graciously agreed to take care of the preparations. Ayeka didn't have any trouble with this picnic except she wished for a two person picnic. Grandfather had agreed to take the morning away from his duties at the shrine. Poor Nobuyuki was swamped with work and couldn't take time off. As for Washu at first she refused to take time from her experiments but the night before she changed her mind without any explanation. Tenchi helped Sasami put everything they needed on the van. Ayeka looked as if she was about to be crowned queen of Jurai, a bit overdressed if you asked Sasami. Mihoshi had chosen a light pink shirt with khaki pants. Washu full of energy this morning said to Ayeka. "You know I have a really good feeling about this day." "What kind of feeling?" "Something good, something really good." "Well that doesn't sound very scientific." "Well if you calculate this day with probability and randomness equations you will see . . . " Suddenly Washu fell silent she could see that she had lost Ayeka at the fourth word of the answer to her question. Being a genius can be so frustrating sometimes, nobody that could understand your discoveries or event to follow a stimulating conversation. The day picked by Washu of course was perfect. The spot Tenchi had piked was not that far from the house. Ryoko pretty much slept all the way. Mihoshi was very happy since this was the first time she had done anything like this the reason being that there wasn't anything like that on her home planet. Ryo-ohki was playing with Sasami. Since Ryoko had actually begun to snore Ayeka thought that she may as well use this time to talk with Tenchi. He was polite as always but Ayeka could not find any hints of Tenchi's feeling. The ride was uneventful. The picnic started without a hitch. Ryoko still half asleep at what she considers an ungodly hour to be awake tried to keep herself entertain by thinking of all the things she wanted to do with Tenchi. After a few minutes of interesting ideas she felt her blood pressure rising. Awake and a little aroused she tried to come with a plan to win the love of her life. If the direct approach had not worked perhaps a more indirect way would work better. Washu was sitting eating some of the delicious food that Sasami had prepared. Tenchi had hoped for a quiet and normal day. Ayeka noticed something odd on the sky. Suddenly there was a blinding light It wasn't lightning since there was no noise. They all saw an opening in the sky similar to the one that would appear when dimensions ruptured. Sasami ran to Ayeka's side. Tenchi was the first to notice someone coming out of the rupture. The figure pulled about 500 feet from the opening and launched an attack with a powerful blast of energy coming from her hands. The first blast nearly collapsed the opening still a human hand was discernibly coming out. The second blast did destroy the rupture. A heat wave was felt by those on the ground. The lone figure started to lose altitude then stepped on the ground. A young girl approached them. She passed everyone else without even looking. She walked toward Ryoko. Upon reaching her she bowed and said. "Mother, My name is Mayuka and I need your help." Ryoko turned all the colors one could possibly turn. When she recovered she ignored her newly found daughter and instead wanted to talk to Washu alone. They could see a heated discussion but could not hear what was being said. Sasami approached Mayuka. "Hello Big Sister." said a smiling Mayuka. Sasami looked puzzled. "How can you call me big sister if I am younger than you are?" "It all makes perfect sense since I come from the future" With those words Ryoko and Washu stopped arguing and looked at Mayuka. Tenchi did not know what to think. Ayeka wonder if this new visitor could really be Ryoko's daughter. Mihoshi and Sasami looked at Mayuka trying to discern any features that could belong to Ryoko. Tenchi's Grandfather then suggested. "Perhaps we should return to the house and let our guest explain herself." This they all agreed to do. Before boarding the van Tenchi wanted to talk to Ryoko. "Are you all right?" "Yes I'll be all right." Tenchi could pick a slight annoyance in her voice. Instead of comforting her he was now upset. He had never seen Ryoko like this. On the way back everyone was quiet. By the time they reached the house it was noon. They hadn't had much to eat since their picnic had been cut short. They took the picnic food and sat down to eat while they waited for Mayuka to explain herself. "I am here because . . . " "Who is your father?" interrupted Ayeka. Mayuka was a little startled. She did not expect such an impolite interruption. "I am sorry but I cannot talk about that." she then continued. "I am here because I need Mother's help in fighting Lady Tokimi in this time." Washu's face turn pale as she heard the name of her sister. A few ideas of what would happen in the future popped in her mind. None were too pleasant. Sasami asked. "Why can't you tell us who your father is?" Mayuka looked pleadingly toward Washu. She sighted and said. "Because it may change the time line." Tenchi's grandfather asked. "Who is this Lady Tokimi?" This time Washu said with a melancholic tone in her voice. "She is my sister, a being so powerful that you could think of her as a goddess." All the attention turned to Washu this was the first time she had mention anything about a relative. "So she finally did it." Mayuka continued to explain. "Shortly after unlocking all the knowledge in her possession, that's the reason why Lady Tokimi sent Doctor Clay to kidnap grandma Washu." This reference to Doctor Clay they all could easily grasp. The failure of Doctor Clay had only postponed the plans of Lady Tokimi. "Lady Tokimi has gone on a rampage across the galaxy. Her thirst for power knows no bounds. Whole worlds had been destroyed." "And Jurai?" asked a concerned Ayeka. "Jurai is the only source of resistance but all that it is doing is buying time for me to take this trip." replied Mayuka. Washu had lower her head and closed her eyes, she was in deep thought. Then asked Mayuka. "A Fourth dimensional attack?" Mayuka looked surprised. "Grandma Washu from the future took much more time to devise that strategy." She then handed her a cube with all the details. Mayuka told them that it all came down to attacking Lady Tokimi at two different time periods with the equivalent amounts of energy. There were many thing to consider in the meantime it was agreed that she could stay with them. All this happening on what Tenchi wanted to be a tranquil day. Strangely enough Ryoko has been quiet all this time. Washu took the cube and went to her laboratory with Mayuka following her. Tenchi went back to his chores. Ayeka watched as Ryoko teleported to parts unknown. Sasami decided to go out and play with Ryo-ohki. In her dimensional lab Washu wonder if the story Mayuka was telling was true, If it would be the correct thing to help those who wanted to attack her sister and if future Washu actually liked to be called Grandma. Mayuka stood beside her as she activated the message. On the screen the adult version of Washu appeared saying. "The answer to your three questions is yes." "Well at least my memory still functions perfectly." said Washu chuckling to herself. As Washu listened in the lab Ayeka went to look for Ryoko. They were rivals but she was curious as too why she had been so quiet as Mayuka explained. After a while she found her near the steps that lead to the shrine. Ayeka directly asked Ryoko. "Ryoko what do think of all this?" Ryoko remained silent. As Ayeka was about to ask another question Mayuka appeared. "Mother I been looking for you. Grandma Washu told me to look for you, she said that you would tell me what my chores would be as long as I stay here." Ryoko just said. "Go out and help Tenchi." Mayuka went to look for a broom and started to clean the mountain stairway from the bottom as Tenchi worked from the top. Ayeka said to Ryoko. "Well she doesn't seem to take after you. She seems quite a responsible young lady." Ryoko remained quiet. Ayeka had a nagging feeling. Mayuka reminded her of someone. Before the word Tenchi formed in her mind her subconscious got there first and instantly her body felt pained. Ayeka paled as the implications of what was happening formed in her mind. Ryoko did not notice as Ayeka went back to the house. As the hours passed Tenchi worked his way down the stairs while Mayuka did the same in opposite direction. Tenchi could see that they would meet halfway. He considers what he could say to the newest member of the Masaki house. Unknown to him Mayuka had the same problem. Tenchi could see Mayuka just seven stair steps away nervously he said. "So you are Ryoko's daughter." "Yes." answered an equally anxious Mayuka. They nervously laughed. Tenchi sat down while Mayuka did the same still keeping her distance. There were so many things she could not talk in fear of possible changing the time line. Tenchi was just curious about the future. "Tell me, is your mother happy in the future?" "Yes F. . . . Tenchi" Mayuka had to restrain herself from saying the word father. Tenchi did not notice. They had some small talk just enough to assure him that everyone was well in the future at least until the time when Lady Tokimi arrived. As they talked, it was getting dark. Sasami met Tenchi and Mayuka as they made their way to the house. When dinner was ready everyone was there even Washu which constantly missed dinner for her experiments. Tenchi sat with Ryoko and Ayeka at his side. Mayuka was immediately in front of him with Mihoshi and Washu by her side. Sasami had picked a space besides Ayeka with Nobuyuki and Grandfather at the heads of the table. The first thing Mayuka did was to move the salt shaker to Ryoko's side. She put the sugar in front of Tenchi. This caught his eye because the way Sasami set the table he always did the exact same thing. As they started to eat Washu talked first. "I have analyzed the information in the cube and believe that Mayuka is telling the truth." With those words Ryoko's rage exploded. "What the hell are you talking about Washu, you know that can't be true!" Mayuka stood up and said. "Mother I assure you everything I have told you is the truth!" With great anger and almost shouting Ryoko continued. "Look I don't know who the hell you are or where do you come from but you can't be my daughter!" With an aggrieved voice she said "I can't have children." Then with sad, moisten eyes she looked at Tenchi then added. "I'm sorry Tenchi, I would have told you eventually." Mayuka looked at Ryoko then took off a small scarf and the two wristbands she had been wearing. There was a gasp. Washu nearly choked on a piece of food. You could plainly see three jewels imbedded on her body. One on her neck and one on each on the inner part of her wrist. "Just like you can see into Ryo-ohki you can look into me." Ryoko walked toward her. "Just one warning, If you look into my mind the experience will be much stronger because you will see a lifetime of memories." Ryoko had never back down off anything and this time would be no exception. Mayuka put her right hand on Ryoko's neck while at the same time putting her left hand on Ryoko's shoulder. Ryoko did the same. A red energy stream leaped from the jewel in Mayuka's wrist the one in Ryoko's neck. The exact same thing was happening at Mayuka's neck. Soon the jewels resting on both their shoulders started to glow and more streams of energy appeared. A vortex had formed enveloping mother and daughter. Tenchi panicked the moment he saw tears flowing from Ryoko's eyes. He started to move forward intending to separate them when Washu jumped him shouting. "Don't do it Tenchi it is too dangerous to separate them." Just as she finished those words the energy field collapsed. Ryoko looked stunned she looked around for a moment then vanished. Later it was decided that Mayuka would sleep in Mihoshi's room. Around midnight Mayuka heard Mihoshi going outside. She got up and looked through the window. She could clearly see the moon. Mayuka wondered where her mother could be when she saw someone stumble and fall on the patio. Mayuka laughed, she could clearly see Mihoshi leaving the house. She seemed to be walking toward her ship. Mayuka thought to herself. "What could be so important to be awake at this time of night?" Seeing that Mihoshi didn't return she went back to sleep. Before going to sleep she thought that things didn't seem to have changed much. She was surprised to see Mihoshi alone. She wonders where Kiyone was. She searched her memory. "Oh yeah the planet Kema incident." Mayuka did not sleep well. She was worried. Before sunrise she was already awake. She went to the kitchen and looked inside the refrigerator. After a few seconds she found what she wanted. Sasami entered just in time to see Mayuka leave with the biggest bottle of sake that was in the house. After searching in the cave and around the shrine Mayuka found Ryoko on a branch of Funaho. Mayuka appeared and lobbed the sake bottle to Ryoko. She easily grabbed the bottle midair and drank half before speaking. "Is your father happy?" "Of course he is Mother." Mayuka asked herself if her mother could handle all the life experiences she had given her in an instant. She decided to remain quiet until spoken to. Ryoko didn't seem to be affected by the alcohol after all Washu had designed her not to be adversely influenced just a nice buzz without a hangover of any kind. In fact her body could take the alcohol and use it for energy. Mayuka felt better seeing Ryoko. One thing that didn't seem to have changed much is the intensity of those golden eyes. Finally and with a hint of a smile Ryoko said. "Let's go and have breakfast." Mayuka and Ryoko went to the house. Almost everyone was surprised to see Ryoko awake so early in the day. As they started to eat Washu asked Ryoko to come to her lab for something she wanted to show her. There wasn't much of a conversation as everyone was thinking of what Mayuka has said the day before. Tenchi who on this day was late hurriedly left the house. Mihoshi was even more tardy than usual for her patrol. After finishing breakfast Sasami and Mayuka went to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Ayeka followed as she had a few questions. Ayeka wasn't sure of Mayuka. In Ayeka's mind Mayuka was so unlike Ryoko that she suspected her motives. "Thank you Mayuka for helping me with the dishes." "You are welcome Big Sister." It was a strange sigh to see someone who evidently is older than Sasami call her Big Sister. "Could you please tell me about the future?" "Well Sasami . . . " Mayuka tried to think of something that couldn't possibly affect the time line. "Some day you will grow up to be a beautiful young woman who will have many suitors." Sasami blushed at the idea. Ayeka then asked. "Could you tell me anything about Tenchi?" Mayuka thought for a minute and said. "I am sorry your highness but there is nothing I can tell." In the laboratory Washu was explaining to Ryoko a mistake in her calculation. Ryoko's eyes had glazed five minutes ago. Unwilling to wait any longer she asked. "Bottom line Washu?" "You can have children." Ryoko grabbed Washu. "That is not what you said the last time we had this conversation." "I didn't take into account the changes your body would go through if you had all three jewels." That answer seemed to satisfy Ryoko. After Ryoko left Washu went back to her calculations. She wonders why her future self had taken the adult form she had rejected for so long. During lunchtime Tenchi wonder about the events of the day before. Mayuka seemed trustworthy. He thought to himself. "If Mayuka is telling the truth that means that Ryoko had found someone." Tenchi felt discomfort at the idea that Ryoko could be with somebody else. He tried to consider possible futures but after a while the reward for his efforts was the biggest headache in a long time. Ryoko had disappeared once again. Mayuka spent the rest of her day helping around the house. Ayeka tag along trying to find more about Mayuka. At work Nobuyuki was uneasy at the new visitor. He felt she may endanger his only son. Grandfather did have similar thoughts all day. Sasami quickly took a liking to Mayuka. She could clearly see that Mayuka did not mean any harm. Dinner came interrupted only by Mihoshi. The G.P. managed to overturn the table halfway through dinner. "I'm so sorry everyone." Mihoshi said apologizing profusely to everyone. "Really Mihoshi how did you manage to become a G.P. member?" asked Ayeka "It was easy." Ayeka's confidence in the G.P. dropped a few notches with that statement. Washu immediately said to Mihoshi. "Is that so?" Washu's interest had been picked. "Really Washu, It's easy when you have perfect memory." Washu nearly passed out. In all her life she had never met a being with such capability. At the science academy there had been heated discussion regarding the possible existence of perfect memory and now before her was the living proof. That would be the only possible explanation for Mihoshi lengthily reports which of course Washu intercepted and read. Mihoshi added proudly. "You know just because you are a little clumsy does not mean you are stupid." The next day was similar to the one before. Tenchi was returning to his home after the bus had dropped him when he heard the clash of energy swords. His heart rate went trough the roof. He quickly ran toward the source of the sounds there he saw Ryoko on one side and Mayuka at the other end of the field. Tenchi rushed to stop the fight. He started to shout. "Stop, Stop it Ryoko." As he reached the spot he continued to shout. "Mayuka, you too stop right now." Both women looked at him. Tenchi had stopped just a few feet from Ryoko and Mayuka when he heard a voice coming from behind. "Tenchi, What are you doing?" Ayeka asked. As he looked behind him, he saw his entire family assembled. He instantly knew that he got it all wrong. It turned out that Ryoko had asked Mayuka to demonstrate her powers. Tenchi was so embarrassed he did not know what to say. When Ryoko saw his predicament she walked toward him. She then threw her arm on his shoulder saying. "It's all right Tenchi, I appreciate the thought." Ayeka was about to object when Mayuka said to Tenchi. "Please Tenchi let me demonstrate my powers." Mayuka did show her powers. Her enthusiasm was that of a child that wants to show off for her parents. She could make an energy sword. She could fly. But she didn't have teleportation. She did have something called a time stretch. When she used it she could stretch time by a factor of ten. If Ryoko made an attack she could counter it because for every second that Ryoko used on her attack Mayuka has ten seconds to respond. All were very impressed although Ryoko didn't show it. During dinner Washu explained the details of the plan. The idea as was said before consisted in attacking lady Tokimi at two different times. One in the future the other in the past. Hoping, since she is not only connected through an unknown number of dimensions but also trough time, that a sufficiently strong attack in the past would fully and instantly weaken her in the future. Now all this was good and well the problem for everyone started when they knew the requirements for this mission. As Washu continued to explain. "For this to work Tokimi must be attacked by at least two light hawk wings." "Wait, wait, wait, Mayuka asked me for help but I can't make light hawk wings." Said a very confused Ryoko. Washu then looked at Mayuka. "Mother, you should be able to generate them if you have all your jewels." Everyone was startled at this news. Ayeka was the most surprised of all. She shuddered at the though of someone like Ryoko with that kind of ability. All the while Tenchi remained silent. The decision as to whether or not help Mayuka had come. Ryoko, Washu and Tenchi were on the side of helping Mayuka. Nobuyuki, Mihoshi and Grandfather decided against. They proposed that now they know of Lady Tokimi preparations could be made for her future arrival. Sasami wanted to vote but they said that she was too young. "That is not fair!" Sasami said. She then angrily went to her room. Ayeka was surprised to be the tie breaker. After a while all she said was. "I need more time to make my decision." Mayuka said with somber tone. "With or without your help I will attack Tokimi this Friday that is my deadline." Washu added. "Mayuka can only stay until this Friday then she will automatically will be pulled back to her time." Tenchi asked. "What if the time line has been disrupted?" "I will vanish instantly the second I return." That night Tenchi asked Ryoko to come to his room. Ryoko was sure he wanted to have sex with her. How big her disappointed was when Tenchi announced that he was ready to give Ryoko the two jewels that remaining in the sword hilt. Once again they stood one in front of the other. Tenchi pointed the sword toward Ryoko after a few seconds the jewels appeared on Ryoko's wrist and neck. As Ryoko was about to leave Tenchi said. "Ryoko." "Yes." "Eventually, I would have given you back the jewels." Sensing he wanted to say more Ryoko stayed. "I was hoping for a special occasion to do this." Ryoko thought for a moment then said. "My, you can be quite the romantic when you want to!" Tenchi blushed then looked down. Ryoko realized he was serious. "Thank you for trusting me, Tenchi." He looked up and smiled. As she left the room she wonder what kind of special occasion Tenchi hand in mind. Before going to sleep her mind went back to the day he gave her the first jewel. It had been on his room just like today. It had to be more than a coincidence. Speaking to herself she said. "Yes, you can be a romantic when you want to." The next few days would impact the rest of their lives. From the top of the house Ayeka could see Ryoko and Mayuka leave before breakfast. She feared that the father of Mayuka was Tenchi. She didn't have any proof of that just a feeling. Still, she could slowly feel Tenchi getting beyond her grasp. It did not happen in an earth shaking moment but slowly. Day by day she could see it happening. The more she tried the further he seemed to be. She thought of Ryoko and all her awkward attempts seemed to be more fruitful than hers. At first she tried to contain her feeling but it didn't work. A single tear could be seen falling across her face. Sasami had not awakened yet. Ayeka heard a voice coming from behind her. She turned and saw Tsunami. Ayeka then asked Tsunami. "Does it ever become easier losing the one you love to somebody else?" "When you open your heart to someone there is always the chance that the other person will not correspond." "Then what is one to do?" "Try to put yourself together and go forward. That is all one could ever do." "Does it always hurt so much?" "Look at Washu, Why do you think she rejected adulthood." "How is Sasami doing?" "She is worried for you. She can sense the coming changes." "Would you do me a favor Tsunami?" "Of course." "Please explain to Sasami that I will be all right." Not far from there Ryoko pointed to a tree and said to Mayuka. "Now, hit that tree over there." "Come on that is too easy." "Very well then." Ryoko flew to the side of the tree and pointed to a single leaf. "Hit this." Mayuka lifted her arm then shot an energy blast which cleanly hit the leaf. Ryoko was very impressed. "How did you get so good?" "You taught me everything I know." Ryoko laughed then asked Mayuka to follow her. They flew to about a thousand feet. Ryoko pointed to a small island. "Hit that island with all your power." "Mother that would be too dangerous." Mayuka protested still Ryoko insisted. "Very well mother but only with one percent of my powers." With only one blast the small island vaporized. The blast was so powerful that it left in tatters their clothes and had to go back to the house to change. Tenchi was on his way home when he saw a light followed by what sounded like thunder. He had a bad feeling. Tenchi was bemoaning the fact that with somebody else in the house his privacy was minimal. On his way home he stopped by Ryoko's cave. He hadn't been back there since Ryoko had been freed from her imprisonment. He went back to the innermost part of the cave, to the spot where Ryoko had been dormant. The cave still had that eerie glow. Ryoko had seen Tenchi and out of curiosity had followed him. "What is he doing here?" She had followed him trying not to be detected. Halfway into the cave she had guessed where he was going and phased there first. She saw him enter the place that holds so many bad memories. Tenchi could be seen walking around the pool that held her body. Every once in a while looking to the entrance making sure he had not been followed. Ryoko curiosity grew by the minute. "I wonder what he is thinking?" After a while Ryoko saw Tenchi waking toward a corner of the cave. "Nah, It can be what I am thinking." From the top of the cave Ryoko got more than she expected as Tenchi proceeded to pull down his pants. Ryoko's blood pressure shot through the roof when after all this time she could take a look at his hard cock. "My, My." Is all Ryoko could say before she started to touch her breasts. She wished Tenchi could understand how badly she wanted him. To Ryoko it was not only desire but also love that motivated all her actions. She finally could have a good look at the part of his body she was most interested. Ryoko felt her breast hardening the more aroused she got. She wanted to make love to him. She wouldn't have mind it would be in that cave which she hated but she had decided to try and go slow with him. Popping out of nowhere would only get him mad. Then something Ryoko would not expect on the most daring of her daydreams happened Tenchi started to call her name. It would take every ounce of her will power not to go to him. She could see by his movements that he was about to come. When Tenchi's face looked at the ceiling Ryoko saw her opportunity. She phased to a spot in between his legs and opened her mouth just as he started to come. Ryoko took every drop of come Tenchi had shot then phased out of the cave thinking. "So that's how he tastes." When dinner came Ryoko spend the whole time with a stupid grin on her face. She didn't make any lewd comment and behaved herself. All Tenchi could think is how unpredictable Ryoko could be sometimes. Ayeka was lost in thought and didn't notice anything. Sasami still wished she could vote. Washu was the first to speak of the coming battle. "The way I see it, A fight on the here and now provides us with the best opportunity to defeat Tokimi." Tenchi asked Washu. "You said that at least two light hawk wings were required." "Yes." answered Washu "Then wouldn't three light hawk wings provide us with an even better chance." "Again yes but." "Then I too want to help Mayuka." Washu did not argue with Tenchi's logic. With tree light hawk wings in the past while the future counterpart of Ryoko and Tenchi attacked then their chances were good indeed. That plus the help of the Juraians may tip the scales. Tenchi's offer to help did not change any vote they were still deadlocked. After more arguments Ayeka voted to help Mayuka. The only one who came close to understanding the reason for her decision was Tenchi's Grandfather. Tenchi spoke again. "So that there are no recriminations in case we do not succeed I believe the decision should be unanimous." "That is something very wise for someone your age Tenchi." said Grandfather After a few hesitant looks around they all agreed. Mayuka was ecstatic. This was the last full day she would be around them so Ryoko decided to show Mayuka the nearby city. Sasami wanted to go and after asking permission from Ayeka the three of them went out. Tenchi's curiosity got the best of him and went to Mihoshi's room looking for something that would give him a clue as to who is Mayuka's father. He excused himself early. When he saw that everything was clear he went to Mihoshi's room. There he saw the spot where Mayuka slept. Not much there except for the armbands. Some clothing Mayuka had borrowed. He almost missed among some tattered clothes a photograph. His eyes widen as he saw who were on the photograph. You could clearly see little Mayuka with Ryoko on one side and Tenchi on the other. He recognized the photograph as the type taken during the festival that takes place on November 15 . By the height of Mayuka Tenchi guessed it was taken when she was 7 years old. He was amazed, he had a similar photo taken when he was 5 during the same festival. Tenchi had many things to think before going to sleep. He knew that the future is not unchangeable. He wondered what a future with Ryoko would be like. After a while he fell asleep. The next day Mayuka tried her best to explain to Ryoko how to form light hawk wings. In a few hours she would be going back. She politely said goodbye to Tenchi. He did not know what to say. For a second he thought of saying that he knew but it would only provide a distraction to Mayuka. Mihoshi had agreed to scan the Earth from her ship for a particular distortion that would appear when Lady Tokimi materialized. The information from the future provided a rough estimate of her location. Washu at her lab with Mihoshi's information would provide them with the pinpoint location. Sasami was in tears as she said goodbye to Mayuka. "Don't worry Sasami someday we will meet again." "And have a great time?" "It's a promise." Mayuka turned to Washu. "Goodbye Grandma Washu." "No!, no!, no!, It's little Washu!" They both smiled. At that very same moment Mihoshi picked the signal she had been looking for. Washu now at the lab informed Tenchi, Ryoko and Mayuka. The place Lady Tokimi had chosen was surprisingly close. Ryoko put an arm around Tenchi the other around Mayuka then phased to the spot indicated by Washu. They would have only a few seconds to react. When arrived there was nothing. "Washu I don't see her!" "She is there Ryoko!" Without waiting Tenchi deployed the light hawk wings. He hit something. Ryoko now saw an outline against the sky. She tried to form the light hawk wing but nothing happened. By now Lady Tokimi was aware of an attack. She started to materialized while at the same time launching a counter attack against Tenchi. Ryoko panicked. "No!" Then instantly Ryoko managed to form the wings. The second attack did take Lady Tokimi by surprise. It was impossible, there could not be two light hawk wings at this time on earth. She had barely finished the though when the third wing hit her. Her body could not be destroyed that easily. Then a terrifying realization seized her. As her body started to dissolve, she knew what was happening. She could feel the attacks on the past and future at the same time. There was only one person on the universe who could have planned this. "Goodbye, My sister Washu." There was no anger on her mind as her existence came to an end. As Tokimi's body vanished Mayuka turned to see her mother and father. They were safe. She turned to say. "Farewell Mother, Farewell . . . " She did not have time to finish her sentence. In what looked like a whirlwind she return to the future. Tenchi looked at Ryoko. "Do You Think she will be all right?" "I hope so." As the days passed they all felt Mayuka's absence. Ayeka and the rest of the family wished for the best. Tenchi had been dejected at the possible loss of a daughter he never knew while Ryoko again started to disappear. Tenchi would go to the Funaho tree looking for her. She didn't seem troubled but then Ryoko is Ryoko. On the morning before the attack Mayuka gave Ryoko the only memento she had brought from the future. It was the very same photograph that Tenchi had found. Somehow she found comforting the sight of Ryoko, Mayuka and Tenchi on the Photo. Tenchi was still acting morose when Ryoko came looking for him. He should be cleaning the stairs. When Ryoko appeared, he was sitting on the steps lost in thought. She said in sing song. "Tenchi." "Oh, Ryoko." He smiled then turning serious once again he asked. "I hope she is happy were ever she is." "Tell me Tenchi if she had been your daughter would you had been proud of her." "If she had been my daughter, I could not be prouder." Those words gladden Ryoko's heart. They sat there for a long time. Several weeks later the house has returned to the usual routine. Sometime changes are not obvious and with people it is even harder to tell. It was a nice breezy afternoon. Upstairs Ryoko was sweating, she wanted Tenchi so bad her body would shake in tense anticipation. Her mind recalled with complete details what she had seen in the cave. She could take it no more. "To hell with the go slow approach." Ryoko knew Tenchi would be taking a bath around this time. She phased naked. As he lay with eyes closed on the bathtub Ryoko appeared. He remained unaware. What had happened made Tenchi think of the possibilities. Ayeka loved him. She would gladly make him an emperor but he didn't want power. In the end his mind always came back to Ryoko. Either way he wished he could find a way not to hurt either one. "Hey Tenchi." Tenchi recognized the voice. In monotone he said. "Ryoko, please leave." Ryoko hated when Tenchi rejected her advances. In a low voice she said. "I guess you really want me to leave." "I don't want you to leave." Ryoko was confused. Tenchi looked at the naked Ryoko. He asked her to wait outside. Somehow he didn't felt embarrassed to be naked in front of Ryoko. After he finished bathing they went for a walk. As a nearby quiet spot was reached they sat down then Tenchi said. "Ryoko, you don't have to try so hard." Ryoko remained quiet. "Do you think that I am not flattered when you make a move like the one you did today?" "But then why did you want me to leave?" "Ryoko, do you really think that I didn't want you to stay that I don't want to hold you in my arms and make love to you." Ryoko could not see what he was trying to explain. "Sometimes what we want and what we must do are different things." "Ayeka?" "I do not want to hurt you or Ayeka." "Sometimes it can't be avoided, Tenchi." Now it was clear. Ryoko knew that whatever happened it would be Tenchi's decision and he would not be pushed into choosing. "Could you at least hold me? I don't think Ayeka would mind." Tenchi thought for a moment and did so. It all began on planet Kema. The preparations had been finished. Nothing could go wrong. It does not happen every day, that is for sure, that a new planet enters the Galaxy Police League. Officer Nobeyama otherwise known as Mihoshi's boss was glad he could get away from his desk job and this ceremony which essentially became a party later on was as good an excuse as they come. The league worlds are an association whose sole purpose is to fight crime that is taken for granted the devil is in the details. First there is the sharing of information, Second new members of the G.P. could be recruited there, Third travel rights through member worlds would become G.P. regulated. All the speeches were spoken only the last part of the ceremony was left which is mostly symbolic. Nobeyama was getting ready to leave, the idea of all the partying appealed to him quite strongly even if he didn't look the part. The connection between planet Kema's computers and the G.P. were activated. Normally a quiet exchange of information is all that happened but this time alarms started to blare. Nobeyama did not like this, the next thing he knows he is staring at Ryoko's face on all the monitors around him. But it was worse than he could imagine within minutes he was getting messages from the G.P. Marshall and Planet Jurai. No, the life of spies ain't easy. As fate would have it Ayeka and Ryoko were watching T.V. at that very same moment. Ayeka had insisted on watching the news. As far back as she could remember there has been some kind of misunderstanding between the people of Kema and the Juraians. No one knew the reason, only that no Juraian was welcome on Planet Kema. Ayeka hoped to find some clue for their behavior. The fact that Kema was situated deep in G.P. territory and that there has never been any direct contact between the two peoples made the whole situation even more baffling. Ryoko was bored. She only sat there waiting for Ayeka give up the T.V.'s remote control. The name Kema sounded vaguely familiar to her. Nothing important had happened when Ryoko and Ayeka heard the blaring of alarms. That sound made Ryoko remember something that had happened long ago. "Planet Kema." Ryoko stood up and said to Ayeka. "Please, say goodbye to everyone for me." Ayeka did not know what Ryoko could be thinking. Then something caught her attention. She saw Ryoko's face on T.V. The moment the computers from Planet Kema and the G.P. had connected an automatic warrant for arrest had been issued. As the details followed Ayeka learned that space pirate Ryoko had been the first alien to make contact with the people of Kema. There she claimed to be a royal princess from the Planet Jurai. For nearly a year she lived there using her position as the first contact with beings from another world to buy on credit many expensive and unique artifacts. When the Kemans became impatient with the unpaid bills Ryoko bolted. In fact the word Jurai had become a synonym for swindler. Ayeka was speechless then a few seconds later. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" If Ryoko was to escape she had to act quickly. There was only one reason she had stayed on Earth. By this time of the day Tenchi would be leaving school. Ryoko materialized as close to the school as was safe to do so. She waited nervously. As soon as Tenchi saw Ryoko he knew something was wrong. Ryoko quickly explained what had happened. "Then you are leaving?" "Yes." Tenchi saw that he didn't had much time. Ryoko had come only say goodbye. Tenchi knew that he may never see Ryoko again. He said. "Take me with you." "Tenchi." Ryoko was charmed by his offer. Her face became serious. "You may never get to see your family again." He thought for a moment. "I know." Tenchi asked Ryoko to stop by his room one last time. She threw her arm on his shoulder then after a brief pause appeared on his room. Tenchi sat down to scribble a letter. A minute later he had finished. Another minute had passed when he could see the earth below him. In the control room of Ryo-ohki Ryoko was trying to come up with a plan. Tenchi wanted to help and asked for a display of the areas covered by the G.P. A tridimensional map of the galaxy appeared. On the outer third arm the Earth was marked as a blue point of light. To the left side in green the Juraian empire lay. It covered about two thirds of the arm. To the right covering about the same area lay the G.P. That part of the map was colored yellow. Ryoko said. "There are only a few inhabitable planets on the outer part of the galaxy. So few that a systematic search for us is possible." Tenchi said. "That only leaves the interior of the galaxy." "So we just fly to the interior of the galaxy across millions of light years of Jurai and G.P space?" "Why not?" Ryoko smiled. She had always liked his daring. On Earth Tenchi's letter was about to read. As Nobuyuki read as everyone paid close attention. Everybody sorry that I am not with you to explain my decision. I wished there had been more time but things did not work out that way. I could not stand to see Ryoko leave alone. Please tell Ayeka I'm sorry I can't correspond her feelings. Sasami take good care of your sister. I'll try to take care of Ryo-ohki. As for Mihoshi I wish that you find the happiness you deserve. Finally father I hope that you understand my motives better than anyone else. Take care of Grandpa. Tenchi Everyone remained silent for a while then Tenchi's Grandfather said. "Irresponsible boy." In his best laid back attitude Nobuyuki responded. "Actually, I understand what he did." Grandfather felt as if he had been challenged. "So you think it will be easy for him to survive out there?" "What I'm trying to say is that if it had been Achika in trouble I would not have hesitated." Touche, Nobuyuki may not win many verbal spars with the old man but this one was without doubt his greatest victory. They did not talk for a while. On the Ryo-ohki after many hours of plotting a course that kept zigzagging between Juraian and G.P. space Ryoko and Tenchi had gone to their bunks. The bunks were located below the bridge with enough space for one bunk on either side of the room. Ryoko wasn't sure if she should try to seduce him one more time. On her bunk she had an idea. She communicated telepathically. "Ryo-ohki would you do me a favor?" "Yes Ryoko." "Would you lower the temperature?" Ryo-ohki agreed to do so. After a few minutes Ryoko felt a tremendous cold. She did not like low temperatures. It reminded her the cave. The cold woke Tenchi then after a few more minutes he started to shiver. "Ryoko are you cold?" "Yes Tenchi." Tenchi considered his options. "Ehh . . . we could use one bunk." "So we can share blankets?" "And heat." Ryoko's heart stared to beat furiously. Her little plan had worked. She walked no more than three steps then jumped on Tenchi's bed. Then they both covered themselves with the two blankets at hand. Tenchi could feel Ryoko's breath on his face. He found the sensation pleasing. After a few more minutes he kissed her. The first sensation Ryoko experienced after kissing was his hand gently squeezing her right breast. She had waited for so long now her prayers had been answered. She had only one more question to ask. "When did you choose?" "Remember the night you awoke when you asked for your jewels?" "Yes." "For a brief instant you looked at me in a special way." Ryoko tried to remember while Tenchi continued to talk. "That was the precise moment I fell in love with you. Even before I ever met Ayeka or the others you had won my heart." Tenchi kissed her again. "I could lose myself in your eyes." Ryoko could not contain herself. She moved on top of him all the while kissing him. Still under the blankets Tenchi could not see much. He could feel Ryoko's clothing dropping on the bed. Ryoko then felt Tenchi's mouth licking her right breast. She could also feel his penis hardening even though he was still partially clothed. The first thing he took off was his shirt. She lay on the bed helping him take the rest of his clothes. The next thing Ryoko felt was Tenchi's tongue softly licking her pussy. She felt him lick her outer lips then the inner lips moving toward her clitoris. Tenchi could not believe how lucky he was. Not only did Ryoko love him but her body was perfect. After a few more minutes his erection was becoming all too distracting he had to insert his cock. He carefully moved on top of her. He slowly penetrated her. Once inside the first thing he could plainly feel was how hot her pussy was. After a few thrusting motions the next sensation was how wet she was. Ryoko could feel him deep inside her. A sea of sensations accompany every thrust he made. She could feel him trust faster and faster. Trying to prolong their lovemaking they changed positions. Ryoko now on top started to move slowly. She could hear his deep breaths then her mind would wander to the feeling of his hands on her breasts. Intermittently Tenchi would open his eyes but the sight of a naked Ryoko on top of him would start to make him lose control. A few more minutes Ryoko knew that Tenchi was about to come. She could feel his hand tightening around her breast. Tenchi just hoped he had made a good effort this being his first time. He feared disappointing Ryoko. Then it happened as he came inside Ryoko his hand pinched Ryoko's tits even harder. A stream of white milk shot off her tits. Tenchi never expecting this screamed then fainted. Ryoko has puzzled by his reaction. "Mmm . . . Not bad for his first time." thought Ryoko She came when Tenchi was licking her pussy so she was quite satisfied. She just wished that it had been her first time. Officer Kiyone of the G.P. was about to finish her patrol and return to the outpost she was station when an urgent message flashed on her computer. She read the short message. Her orders were to report immediately to commander Nobeyama. Upon reaching Nobeyama's office her mind had a handful of questions as to what were the reason for the urgency of her recall to G.P.H.Q. "Please sit down officer Kiyone." said Nobeyama Kiyone sat down hoping this was a promotion she had been expecting for some time. Commander Nobeyama was reading service records. Finally he said. "I see that you served with Officer Mihoshi Kuramitsu for a short time." Kiyone's stomach ached at the mention of Mihoshi. Politely she said. "Yes sir." She already had a bad feeling about all this. "Sir, if this is about something Mihoshi had done I can assure you I hadn't any contact with her since she left me marooned during our last mission together." Nobeyama looks back at his records. "Then I can suppose you wouldn't have any loyalty toward her." Kiyone thought to herself. "What kind of mess has Mihoshi gotten herself into?" After a brief pause. "None whatsoever." Kiyone finally answered. Nobeyama smiled. "Good, this would be much easier on you this way." Kiyone still had no idea what was going on. Her commander finally explained. "We have reason to believe that Officer Mihoshi may be a spy." Kiyone was aghast, somehow she could not possibly put togther the words Mihoshi and spy together in the same sentence. Nobeyama studied her face carefully. He searched the desk and handed two envelopes. "This are your orders." Kiyone accepted the envelopes, she saw that the second envelope was addressed to Mihoshi. "Your orders are to watch her carefully and report any call outside of the chain of command." "And Mihoshi's orders?" asked Kiyone "Mihoshi's order while legitimate their main purpose is to provide you with an opportunity to trip Mihoshi into revealing whom she really reports." Nobeyama added that all the details are in the papers handed to her. A little skeptic of this whole spy thing she left to board the cruiser that would take her to Earth. When Tenchi woke up he saw Ryoko admiring his penis with great interest. With eyes half closed he said. "Good morning Ryoko." "How can you do that?" "What?" "Have an erection while sleeping at the same time?" Tenchi thoroughly explained to Ryoko that it just something natural that happened when a man sleeps. "So you will have at least one daily hard on just for me for the rest of your life?" Said Ryoko with the biggest grin he had ever seen on her face. Tenchi was scared of the implications of that last statement. He then tried to apologize for fainting. "When milk came out of your breasts, I wasn't prepared for something like that." "Well, what then is supposed to come out of my tits?" Tenchi was amazed that Ryoko could not understand what he was trying to explain. "Earth women have milk in their breast only for a short time during and after pregnancy." "Don't they feel empty the rest of the time?" "I wouldn't know about that." Ryo-ohki interrupted their conversation to tell them that they were approaching the destination set by Ryoko. They needed some currency to buy provisions. Ryoko remember one of the three burial spots for the treasures she had collected during her pirate days. Another desolate planet loomed on the viewing screen. Tenchi knew that Ryoko had been picking desolate out of the way planet for their landings. They had tried to avoid populated planets as much as possible. This one didn't even have a name. As soon as they landed Ryoko asked Tenchi to follow her. Ryo-ohki would stay behind to rest. At the side of a mountain she moved a huge boulder that covered the entrance to a cave. To Tenchi's amazement a tunnel extended as far as the eye could see. On the left side of the cave thrown without any care were the treasures looted by Ryoko the space pirate. Tenchi asked. "How deep is this cave?" "Mile and a half." Tenchi thought of asking Ryoko to use all this money to try to get out of their current predicament. Another look at Ryoko and he knew she would not do it. Her pride would not let her do it. She had never been ashamed of her days as a pirate. She would rather die than apologize. Ryoko flew to the back of the cave looking for something. Tenchi started to look for some food that had been frozen to near absolute zero that way it could last almost indefinitely. This he did as he was finishing unpacking the food he heard footsteps behind him. When he turned he saw Ryoko dressed in a breathtaking blue evening dress. Tenchi said. "You look lovely." Tenchi thought of Ryoko as one of the few persons that would look elegant in anything. "You know how to flatter a girl Tenchi." Ryoko moved forward to kiss him. Tenchi stood there. She waited for a flinch but there was none. As Tenchi felt Ryoko's tongue in his mouth he thought of the night before. He took Ryoko by the hand and took her to a nearby seat. Ryoko sat while Tenchi kneeled in front of her. She was curious of what Tenchi had in mind. Tenchi attentively slide her dress exposing her breasts without completely taking off the dress. He started to lick noticing how supple her nipples were. He then started to suck her left breast. The warmth milk coming from Ryoko tasted great. Ryoko found pleasing the sensation of her breast being sucked. After a while he moved to suck the other breast. He heard Ryoko taking deep breaths. Tenchi sucked Ryoko's tits for as long as there was space in his stomach for all her milk. Ryoko was getting anxious to do something for Tenchi when he stood. Ryoko pulled down his pants and stared to suck his cock. This relaxed Tenchi. She then moved to lick his balls. After a while the sided of his penis. Just as it had happened in the cave she listened to his breathing. Again she sucked the head of his cock. She could feel the tip of his cock hardening even more. When Ryoko heard Tenchi calling her name she knew he was about to come. "Ryoko, Ryoko, Ryoko take my milk." And just like she had done in the cave she swallowed all his come. She knew perfectly well how much that means to a man's ego and Tenchi would not be different in that respect. On her way to Earth Kiyone had time to replay her encounter with Mihoshi. Yes, she had planed in her mind over and over how it would be. First she would slap her face. "What was that for Kiyone?" Mihoshi would ask. "That is for leaving your partner stranded in space." She would chew her with some choice words, some she had never dared used herself until that day and moment. She then would list all the inadequacies in Mihoshi's records. She then would tell her that she wants a transfer as soon as possible. Slowly the Earth came into view. Nothing remarkable thought Kiyone. Through the ship's speaker Kiyone heard her name being called. She would be dropped in a one way disposable pod. On the way down before making planet fall Officer Kiyone replay on her mind her orders. She still could not see her former partner as a spy still the orders she had received were legitimate. The thing she found fascinating is how the person she knew a year ago could be so different from the service record. She studied at the academy the same time as Mihoshi. She didn't actually saw her, all she remembered was a string of outrageous stories. Kiyone couldn't put the commendable record, with all the top grades and citations, with the person she knew. It was as if there were two different persons. "20 seconds to planet fall." announced the pod with a female voice. There were many things to find out thought Kiyone as the pod landed. The door opened. She could smell clean mountain air. She steps out and immediately activated the standard issue crystal cube. A few turns and it had been set as a locator homing on the nearest G.P wristband. She was close. On the way in she began to notice the riot of colors on the trees. Kiyone's mind drifted back to her childhood memories as they began to coalesce the beeping of her cube cut short her remembrances. She has found her. The night before Mihoshi had come home late from her patrol. The mood in the Masaki residence had not been the same since Tenchi and Ryoko had abandoned Earth. Mihoshi has been depressed for weeks now but she would not tell anyone why. After a while Grandfather and Nobuyuki did mend things between them. Mihoshi entered the house just as dinner was nearly over. Ayeka, Sasami, Nobuyuki and Grandfather were there. Mihoshi quietly sat down. She took a bowl of rice and ate a little more than two mouthfuls before putting it down. This raised eyebrows it isn't like that for Mihoshi to be so dispirited. Grandfather looked at Sasami she nodded then asked. "Is there something wrong Mihoshi?" Mihoshi looked up with watery eyes she answered. "Tomorrow is the first anniversary of losing my partner." The sorrowful way she answered certainly dampened the mood already present. She stood up and left. Nobody could think of anything appropriate to say. She slowly walked to her room. She took her jacket off and sat in front of a small drawer with a mirror in front. She looked through the shelves until she found the photograph. She stared for a long time. On the picture you could see Mihoshi and Kiyone dressed in their best uniforms with their patrol ship as the background. She remembered fondly those days. A smile always on her face even if her partner seemed to be perpetually obsessed with the next promotion. Then her thoughts wander toward their last mission together. She had replayed the mission countless times trying to figure out what went wrong. In the end all she could see is Kiyone falling into the void. Then silent tears would start to fall. "Oh Kiyone I wish it had been me instead of you." Mihoshi looked at the mirror, always the same words. "I wish I could have told you how I felt." "Even if you weren't interested at least you would have known." Mihoshi stood up and went to bed still with the photograph at hand. She went to sleep. She had tried to keep herself busy but it hadn't worked. She would wonder if it would be the same year after year. At least this is what she thought there was no way she could know of the great surprise awaiting her the next morning. When morning came Mihoshi was so depressed that she had decided to stay home. She walked toward the back of the house which overlooked a peaceful lake. Ayeka and Sasami had been awake for hours. Ayeka did not have the heart to scold Mihoshi for waking up so late, not after what she had said last night. Nobuyuki had one day off which he intended to enjoy at its fullest. Mihoshi had dozed at the back porch for a little while when Ayeka saw someone in uniform approaching. Sasami excitedly shouted. "Look Ayeka she is wearing a Galaxy Police uniform!" It was true. On a seedy bar at the outskirt of known space two strangers entered a nondescript bar. They carefully seated themselves at the back of the bar. No one paid much attention. The counter was situated on the left side of the entrance sitting there was a customer getting more and more boisterous with each drink taken. Everyone started to pay attention the moment he started to claiming to be the greatest space pirate in the whole universe. Tenchi softly put his hand on Ryoko's shoulder she looked back at him smiling. She understood perfectly well that if they were to reach the territories they had to keep their presence unknown. The guy at the bar made just one mistake. He called on everybody to hail him as the mightiest pirate. Everyone at the bar did, nobody at the bar wanted trouble beside he was buying free beer for everybody. The man noticed those two at the back who hadn't cheered. He called out loud. "Hey you at the back!" Tenchi tried to ignore him. "Why don't you cheer?!" Ryoko looked at Tenchi unsure what he was thinking. Tenchi stood up and looked at the man saying. "I don't think that you are the greatest pirate." A nervous laugh rang throughout the whole room. Now everyone was paying a attention. "Then who do you think is the greatest?" he asked mockingly. "Pirate Ryoko." he answered without hesitation. "Well I don't think she will be able to help you when I cut you in half." Ryoko stood up then turned. There was a collective gasp. Many knew that she had recently reappeared after being missing for so long but to actually see her in person that is something else. The man could not make his mind as to whether to faint or run out. Finally he chose the latter. Either by fear or admiration someone shouted. "To Ryoko the greatest space pirate ever." The others joined as Ryoko floated to the bar and sitting on the counter took the biggest glass of beer she could lay her hands on. Tenchi walked over to her then raising a glass of beer cheered. "To Ryoko the greatest pirate ever!" Ryoko smiled hearing those word coming from him meant everything to her. Back on earth Kiyone stood at the back of the house ready to smack Mihoshi. In her mind she had gone countless times through this meeting. Ayeka and Sasami went to greet their visitor. Sasami thought better first wake Mihoshi. She groggily woke up. Her back toward Kiyone. Ayeka did not have time to greet Kiyone as she was about ten feet from her. Sasami at Mihoshi's side simply pointed toward Kiyone. Kiyone expected Mihoshi to laugh and say some something inane. Mihoshi stood there for about 30 second before tears started to stream from her eyes. Kiyone did not expected this. Mihoshi slowly walked toward Kiyone, finally embracing. Kiyone did not know what to do. Every time she tried to talk Mihoshi would became even more agitated. She could fell Mihoshi's cheek pressing against her face. No one had ever shown such intense feelings for her. There was an ever constant flow of warm tears. Finally all Kiyone could say was. "There, there Mihoshi everything will be all right." Mihoshi pulled away just enough to see her friend's face. "I looked so hard for you Kiyone." this was all she could say before breaking down once again. Kiyone thought how carefully laid plans always seem to crumble in life. Having left hastily from the last planet trying to keep one step ahead of the G.P. Tenchi and Ryoko landed on a planet which she assured was uninhabited. After landing Tenchi found a small pool of water at the bottom of a cascade. He wanted to take a bath since there were only two person and a cabbit there wasn't any need to worry of being caught naked. He walked toward the pool of cool water without a worry in mind. After the bar incident he felt he could trust Ryoko completely. The water was refreshing as it was clear. He guessed that Ryo-ohki would be sleeping now trying to recuperate for the final leg of their journey. His mind drifted toward thoughts of his family back on earth. He wonder what they were doing, his father hard at work, Grandfather taking care of the shrine, Ayeka and Sasami possibly still on earth and Mihoshi as care free and chipper as ever. Still, they were all safe which is all that counts to him. Reclined against a nearby rock with his body still half submerged he closed his eyes. A familiar sound was soon heard. "Hello Ryoko." said Tenchi without opening his eyes. "How did you know?" "When you phase there is a unique sound." "Does that mean I won't be able to surprise you?" "You can always try." Tenchi opened his eyes and saw Ryoko in her birthday suit flying a few feet in front of him. He reached and pulled her toward him. With a loud splash she landed getting her hair slightly wet. He smiled with a puzzled look on her face she said. "You used to blush every time you saw me naked." "I blushed because there would always be people around, there never was any moment the two of us were alone." "Like today?" "Like today." then he kissed her. He could feel her tongue in his mouth, his was as deep inside hers as he could manage. He breathed through his nose so he could prolong this feeling, His hand explored her soft body. His hand settled on her breast. Softly squeezing, pulling and tugging. He was in awe of her perfect body and wonder if she knew. He moved behind her while all the time never stopping to play with her breast. Ryoko had a good idea of what he wanted she then bend forward. She was apprehensive and hoped that Tenchi knew what he was doing. He carefully spread her ass then tried to insert the head of his cock. He expected that the water would provide the lubrication necessary for insertion. He put the tip of his cock against her asshole and slowly trusted forward. Ryoko panted excitedly but as he was trusting his cock a grunt that sounded to Tenchi as if she was hurting completely killed his erection. Ryoko looked back and said. "Keep going I can take it!" Tenchi with a disappointed look on his face said. "I can't, not if there is any pain to you." Ryoko looked at his penis realizing that what he was telling her was true his erection was entirely gone. She turned around and kissed him but the mood was gone. After kissing a while she said. "Don't worry tomorrow we can try again and I guarantee you that it will be everything you had ever dreamed." He wondered what tomorrow would bring. Again he thought of his dear family. He pondered if Washu knew everything they were doing, after all who knew how far their psychic link would still work, hoping in the meantime that her experiments don't collapse the cosmos. After minutes of heartbreaking crying Mihoshi calmed down enough to talk. Ayeka persuaded Mihoshi into going inside the house so she could collect herself. In the meantime Sasami would show Kiyone around. Sasami was in awe of their newest visitor. "Such an elegant and confident Galaxy Police officer." she thought. The first thing that came into her mind was the adventure Mihoshi had told them. She decided to ask "Are you the same Officer Kiyone that worked with Miss Mihoshi on the Ultra Energy robberies?" Kiyone's eyebrows shot up. "What has Mihoshi been telling?" Sasami retold the story to Kiyone which she agreed was more or less true except for a few small embellishment here and there. She wondered how many times Mihoshi had started to blabber cases to civilians. "I guess she didn't forget me after all this time." "Oh no, in fact she had been thinking of you a lot." "Why would she do that?" "Well, Today is the first anniversary of your disappearance and poor Mihoshi thought you had died that's why she was so shocked to see you." Kiyone realized that one whole year had passed since she last saw Mihoshi. Sasami then added. "Last night she nearly started crying during dinner." Ayeka walked toward Kiyone and Sasami they were at the lake's shore. "Hello, My name is Princess Ayeka from the Planet Jurai." Kiyone was taken by surprise there was nothing on her orders that mention Juraian royalty of Earth. Kiyone looked at Sasami. "I guess then that you must be Princess Sasami." Sasami just blushed embarrassed, she liked to be treated like anybody else. Ayeka then spoke. "Officer Mihoshi has calm down, you can talk to her now." Everybody went into the house. Sasami told Ayeka that this was the very same Kiyone Mihoshi has told them about. On the living room Mihoshi awaited, Nobuyuki and Washu were there already trying to find out what was the commotion all about. Kiyone walked in and sat in front of Mihoshi. Everyone was quiet. "How are you Mihoshi?" said Kiyone noticing her weepy red eyes. Mihoshi smiled then quietly said "I am fine Kiyone." Mihoshi was overwhelmed, she never expected to see her partner again. Kiyone waited for Mihoshi to say something else but she just sat there. She looked at her face. She had not changed that much. Her face was still marked by the trails her tears had left. Kiyone took her handkerchief and carefully cleaned her face. Washu knew instantly what was going on. If you get to live for as long as she had many small details that people don't usually notice can be very telling. Nobuyuki with the prospect of another attractive girl living in the house quickly offered Kiyone a place to stay. Mihoshi wanted to ask Kiyone why she hadn't appeared sooner on Earth but decided that could wait. The first thing she asked was. "What are your orders?" Kiyone had been beaten to the punch. She handed an envelope with Mihoshi's name on it. She eagerly read the orders. Then in confusion asked Kiyone how long she can stay. With inordinate strength Mihoshi told Kiyone to follow her. They once again went outside while leaving everyone puzzled as to what this was all about. They walked for a while returning to the spot Kiyone had so admired on the way to the Masaki residence. Mihoshi was the first to talk. "Kiyone who gave this orders?" Kiyone was surprised because this was the first time seeing Mihoshi leery of an assignment. "Commander Nobeyama." "Oh." said Mihoshi almost beginning to laughing. Kiyone felt as if there were missing parts to the riddle she was in and wished someone from special operations had taken this spy case. Mihoshi informed Kiyone that their orders are to stakeout the Masaki residence in case Ryoko returned. Apprehend if possible, terminate if necessary. Kiyone did not like the way Mihoshi said the word terminate there was something very cold in the way she said it. There was enough time to go on patrol that day so they went out. Kiyone was again surprised because Mihoshi remained very quiet during their patrol. Once in a while she would turn to look at Kiyone smile then return to monitor the screens on her side of Yagami. When they got back, it was late at night. Mihoshi took Kiyone to the kitchen and both sat down to eat. Sasami had left food for them. They ate quietly. After finishing dinner they went to Mihoshi's room then made space for Kiyone. Before going to sleep Mihoshi asked. "Kiyone why didn't you came to Earth sooner?" Kiyone rather than lie preferred to remain silent. Mihoshi did not press for an answer. Tenchi wonder if Ryoko had been disappointed with what had happened the day before. She hadn't mention anything. He wondered if she would try again. It was the middle of the afternoon when he went to the cascade to bathe. Ryo-ohki was rested so this would be the last day on this nameless planet. He was trying to imagine what lies ahead when Ryoko appeared holding a small capsule. Tenchi asked "What is that?" "Lubricant." Ryoko said with a grin on her face. Tenchi has seen this expression before and knew it could only mean one thing. "Is that how are we going to avoid what happened last time?" asked Tenchi "First let me put this on your cock." Ryoko then proceeded to do this while softly kissing him. The feelings of her hand around his cock quickly got him excited. Ryoko said. "My, My what a sensitive boy you are!" She then turned bending a little while at the same time spreading some more lubricant all over her ass. There is only so much Tenchi could take and this show Ryoko was putting was all he could take. Without any foreplay Tenchi grabbed Ryoko by the hips and started to introduce the tip of his cock up Ryoko's asshole. Ryoko helped by guiding his cock with her hands. Tenchi introduced himself as slowly as he could then halfway in he could feel it was getting easier. Ryoko again started to breathe faster she thought. "There goes the last virgin hole in my body." This time it was someone she was sure she could have a long term relationship. If she could not have been a virgin for him at least Tenchi would be first on that part of her body. Once he was inside, he studied the sensation for a moment. What has been speculation on his part was true it felt different. He tried to compare the sensations but how does one compare pleasures. Then he started to pump. Ryoko noticed that he wasn't pumping very hard; barely an inch in and out of her body and that she liked. There was a mixture of contradictory impressions. The nearest he came to coming the faster he started to move still getting his cock no more than an inch out of Ryoko's body. She could feel his balls hitting with every thrust made. Turning her face she looks him in the eyes while tightening her ass muscles. Tenchi looked into her amber eyes and started to lose control. Finally he could not hold any longer and came, she felt his warm liquid deep inside her. Without pulling out she raised herself and turned her face to look onto his face for a second she was worried that is how spend he seemed. Not far away all the noise had attracted the attention of a curious little cabbit. Back on Earth Tenchi's family had convinced Washu to modify the living room's T.V. to receive all the transmissions of the Galaxy Police. What they where really interested was trying to get any news of the chase. A routine had developed where everyone would take turns watching. That night before dinner Sasami shouted that there was news of Tenchi and Ryoko. The whole family went in to see what was being said. As Ayeka entered, she caught the introduction of the G.P. news. "While conducting surveillance of a bar frequented by known criminals the G.P. cameras caught a glimpse of the fugitives." Ayeka felt that this must be a mistake for she was sure Tenchi would not go to such a place. Nobuyuki just hoped for a glimpse of his only son while Grandfather ponder how his grandson was faring. Washu although sure of Ryoko's invulnerability was worried for Tenchi after all she had a knack for getting him in all kinds of trouble. Little Sasami was worried sick for the three of them. "Here you can watch the scene as our undercover agent entered the bar." The family saw in amazement as Tenchi cheered Ryoko as the greatest pirate ever in a dingy bar in an obscure inner corner of the galaxy. The room was silent for a while until Grandfather finally said. "Well he seems to be doing well." "How could you say such a thing?" Then Ayeka fell silent as she remembered whom she was talking to. She was upset not with the grandfather but at seeing how well the person she loved and her rival were doing. Ayeka felt ashamed, instead of wishing for a safe journey she had stared to worry about what she wanted. She stood and left for her room. She wondered if there was anything she could do. Sasami and Washu looked at each other then Sasami went after Ayeka to see if she wanted to talk. What little information she had seen was enough to tell Washu where Ryoko and Tenchi were heading. She decided to keep quiet now that there were two G.P. in the house. Nobuyuki was full of joy. He had been so worried but now that he had seen Tenchi safe and content. Grandfather said to himself. "Since when Tenchi could feel comfortable at a seedy bar?" In the background the t.v. blared. "If you have any information contact your nearest G.P. outpost." Kiyone could not sleep her internal clock was shot to hell. Around 2:30 Mihoshi left the room then the house stealthily moving toward Yagami. Kiyone quickly followed. Close to the ship she could clearly hear Mihoshi talking. "I believe she is ready." "Tomorrow then inform Officer Kiyone of our proposal." She had her. With her testimony and the computer records of the conversation this case could be closed. Kiyone pulled out her gun and barged in. "Officer Mihoshi Kuramitsu you are under arrest for spying on the Galaxy Police." Kiyone's face turned white when she saw who was on the screen. She turned and saluted the Galaxy Police Marshall. All that Mihoshi could say was. "Oh my." There was an awkward silence that seemed to last for an eternity then the Galaxy Police Marshall spoke. "Well dear granddaughter you have your orders." then looking at Kiyone he added "Officer Kiyone Makibi, My little one thinks highly of you I am sure you will be an excellent partner for her." Kiyone was speechless all she could do was turn to Mihoshi. "What is going on?" "Tomorrow, Kiyone, Tomorrow, I promise I will tell you everything." On the last part of their journey to the territories that lay beyond Jurai and the Galaxy Police Tenchi and Ryoko began to notice a pattern to their pursuit. While on Jurai territory the ships would attempt to pursue them at the slowest possible speed. Ryoko guessed that they were not really trying only giving the impression of a pursuit. While on G.P. territory, Now that was a real pursuit Whatever was really happening there seemed to be a lot of friction between the two sides. While preparing for the final part of their escape in a hushed tone of voice Ryoko asked Tenchi. "You can still turn back, you do know that don't you?" Tenchi did not respond. Ryoko continued. "If you want to return to your family, I could drop you on any planet of the Juraian empire. From there they would provide you transport as you are a prince among them." Tenchi remained silent this time Ryoko waited for his answer. "And miss the greatest adventure with the woman I love." Ryoko's eyes moisten with his answer. She then proceeded to jump on top of him. Tenchi said that they have a lifetime to explore each other's body and thatthere is no need for rush. Then it happened, when they were just 50 light years from freedom both a Juraian and the G.P. fleet boxed them. There was no possibility escape. The surrender message was brief and to the point. Back on the Ryo-ohki Ryoko looked at Tenchi. He knew that Ryoko would be willing to surrender if that would mean he would be safe. But that would mean that he probably would never see her again. Tenchi shouted an order to ryo-ohki. "Ramming speed!" Ryoko could only smile. "I knew it! I knew you had the heart of a pirate in you!" As their ship was about to collide the impossible happened. The Juraians ship turned back toward the home territory while the Galaxy Police nonchalantly announced that the warrant for Ryoko had been rescinded. Ryoko and Tenchi would never know how many string were pulled to get them out of that mess. The next day Kiyone waited for Mihoshi in the secluded spot of the forest that she had grown to relish. The morning coolness was giving way to the heat of the new day. She was getting impatient with Mihoshi tardiness. Eventually her partner appeared. "Where were you?" "Well I was having breakfast then Sasami asked me to help with the dishes and then" "O.K., O.K. forget I asked" Kiyone was getting impatient. "Very well, I'll explain everything!" "You will answer all my question?" an incredulous Kiyone wanted to make sure she would now have all her questions answered. "All of them!" "Who are you?" "Officer Mihoshi Kuramitsu of the special operations division of the Galaxy Police." Kiyone did not know whether to be astounded or to laugh! This was just too much, she had to sit down on the grass. Kiyone felt that this mission was getting more unbelievable by the minute. "Why are you on Earth?" "To make sure space pirate Ryoko do not leave earth." "Well you didn't seem to have made a good job Mihoshi." Kiyone said dryly. "That's not fair Kiyone, by the time I received orders form my Grandfather they had already left Earth." "Look Mihoshi why this thing is so important that the Chief of the Galaxy Police had to intervene personally?" "In the end this situation has to do with certain unofficial agreements we have with Jurai" The more Mihoshi talked the less sense all this made. "As long as Ryoko was on Earth she was out of reach of the G.P. the moment she left Earth she was within our right to apprehend her." "So, What is the problem?" "Ryoko is involved with Tenchi, a Jurain royal, that means that if we go after her we are dealing with the Jurain empire directly." Kiyone could start to see how all the pieces of this puzzle fitted together except her part on this plot. "How does commander Nobeyama fit on all of this?" "Now Kiyone, a good detective like you should be able to figure it out." She sounded a bit disappointed. After a few seconds she observed "This can't be right what you are saying would mean that Nobeyama is a spy" "For Jurai." finished Mihoshi. Kiyone was so confused her tidy world has crumbled all thanks to her colleague. "What better way to keep track of spies than to supposedly work for him" "While all the time reporting to the Marshall." finished Kiyone. "See is not that hard once you have all the facts." Mihoshi started to leave when Kiyone said. "Not so fast Mihoshi I still have some questions." "When did you become a special operative?" Mihoshi looked hesitatingly into Kiyone's eyes then said "Kiyone could I rest my head on your lap all this explaining is making me tired?" Kiyone rolled her eyes but agreed if only to keep Mihoshi talking. "My days at the academy were not happy ones, being the granddaughter of the Marshall meant a lot was expected of me. A few years after graduating from the academy I was paired with a fellow officer on a difficult mission. We succeeded then he revealed to me that he was an operative and asked if I wanted to join special operation. When they finally called, I was trilled until I found out that the person being replaced in the ranks was the very one that had recommended me. He had died in a mission shortly after I last saw him." "Is that how all operatives are recruited?" asked Kiyone without seeming to notice that she had started to caress Mihoshi's hair. "Yes." Mihoshi closed her eyes while continuing to explain. "Your evaluation was over, I was about to ask you to add your name to the list to become an operative." Kiyone did not understand why she had to wait on a list. "Have I ever told you about my childhood?" Kiyone tried to remember but could not recall a single instance where Mihoshi had done so. "No." "When I was a little girl Father used to take me to see Grandfather at his official home. There he would take me to the gardens to see an obelisk in memory of those who had died in the service. He would tell me of their missions. Looking back I guess he was trying to discourage me. But it had the opposite effect. Do you know what I remember the most from my visits to grandfather?" "What?" "On the sunrise side of the obsidian obelisk in golden letters were written the names of the special operatives. You could see their names sparkle with the first morning rays. Later I learned what a difference they had made." "Why a list?" Kiyone was intrigued Mihoshi was totally committed to her job. "The reason there is a list is because agents are recruited as needed" "Meaning?" "Death or retirement." Kiyone knew that this was meant to discourage her. "There are no desk positions, no glory or recognition and always danger." Mihoshi opened her eyes then stood up "Would you like to become a special operative for the G.P. Officer Kiyone Makibi?" Kiyone seemed pensive for a second then said. "Yes." Mihoshi smiled at Kiyone. "I knew you would say that." Mihoshi started to walk toward the house while Kiyone remained. Kiyone said she wanted some time alone to think. Mihoshi would walk five or six feet then turn to look back wondering if Kiyone knew exactly what she was getting into. Before Mihoshi was far away Kiyone said almost offhanded and without turning to face her. "One last question Mihoshi." There was a brief pause interrupted only by a small gust of wind. "Do you love me?" Mihoshi was stunned of all the questions asked this was the only one that had taken her by surprise. She blushed. "Yes." Was all she could answer. That afternoon Tenchi and Ryoko returned to earth. Kiyone saw the streaking ship as it approached Okayama. Everyone came to greet them as they landed. Everyone except Kiyone. She was still by the mountain side reflecting on the last words Mihoshi had said. She knew Mihoshi cared for her, but love? Looking back it all made sense all the little things that had happened between them. It was getting dark by the time Sasami found Kiyone. Dinner was ready and they all were expecting her. Kiyone apologized for making everyone wait. Mihoshi sat beside her. Ryoko did not like the idea of another G.P. on the house. Tenchi told the story of their adventure in space omitting certain facts of course. Sasami was glad that Ryo-ohki was back now they could play all day. Washu did appear for dinner and would occasionally get red because Ryoko would unconsciously fill the blanks in Tenchi's story. Grandfather was happy that his grandson has returned but did notice a slight difference. On the way to their room Mihoshi told Kiyone that she officially a special operative the promotion had arrive that afternoon and if she wanted could remain on Earth with her. Kiyone thought how kind Mihoshi has always been to her even after she would shout at her. She agreed to stay this made Mihoshi unbelievably happy. They also made two reports, one fake for commander Nobeyama another real for the Marshall. Kiyone pointed to Mihoshi that her report to the Marshal was getting too long but Mihoshi replied that Grandfather had always commended her for making the most complete reports of all the G.P. Kiyone asked if all their reports to Nobeyama would be fake. Mihoshi replied that depending on the circumstances they would range from total fabrication to total truth. A truthful one, with the Marshall approval of course, in case one needed Jurai know something. On her room with the Guardians at either side Princess Ayeka was about to finish her message to Planet Jurai. The Guardians were projecting two beams of light that intercepted just in front of the princess creating the perfect likeness of Queen Funaho. "I want to thank you Lady Funaho for your intercession on my behalf." "I hope you understand that we are now indebted to the G.P. Marshall himself." "I fully understand and appreciate." Lady Funaho curiously asked. "Ayeka, You could have used this situation to get rid of Ryoko and win Tenchi." "If I am destined to loose Tenchi then let it be with honor." Lady Funaho was surprised to hear those word. Ayeka sounded so mature. The Queen only wished that her sister's daughter did not get hurt, there are so many pitfalls when you are in love. The moonlight shone through the window. Kiyone could not sleep, not after her talk with Mihoshi. She had asked Mihoshi if she loved her. She had answered with a simple "Yes." There was no doubt, no fear or hesitation on Mihoshi's voice. She crawled toward her partner's futon without any idea of what to do. She just gazed at Mihoshi's body, although she would not admit it she was a little jealous of her figure, especially her breast. There has been times that she would find herself staring suddenly turning away before Mihoshi was aware of what was happening. But it is true, her desire just to be able to touch her just for a second has recently become so very strong. On this night she had to do something even if it was only sitting beside her. It had been a very warm day and Mihoshi went to bed naked. "Mihoshi you are so beautiful." said Kiyone almost in a whisper Mihoshi opened her eyes and looked at Kiyone saying "You too Kiyone." She was so embarrassed. Kiyone turned her back looking away from her. "Kiyone what is wrong?" said Mihoshi putting her hands on Kiyone's shoulders. "Sorry Mihoshi I didn't mean to wake you." Mihoshi just without saying a word had slowly embraced Kiyone. In Kiyone's brain a thousand thoughts raced through her mind, was this a come on or just Mihoshi's usual way of saying that everything was all right. She could feel her partner naked body, her nipples softly touching her back, God this feels good is all she could think. Kiyone's body was getting excited her pussy was quickly getting soaking wet. Mihoshi just kept pressing their bodies closer. She lowered her head and inhaled deeply. "I love the way your hair smell Kiyone." With those word Kiyone lost it, she just let a quiet whimper and said. "Oh Mihoshi I love you." Kiyone did not have time to react. Mihoshi moved in front of her and without saying a word kissed her for a long time. Kiyone looked up and there was Mihoshi standing up in front of her just a couple of inches separating them. Mihoshi looked deeply into Kiyone's eyes. "I have waited so long to hear those words my love." with her usual smile she added "Do you like what you see?" Kiyone looked at Mihoshi body in a purely sexual way. She blushed. "Yes." Mihoshi looked at her friend and saw the culminations of her longings. For so long she had dreamed of being loved by what she considered the loveliest woman in the whole world. "Your voice seems a little shaky." "This is the first time I had been with a girl." "Look at my pussy, do you like what you see?" "Yes." "Do you want to eat me?" "Yes." Kiyone's mouth was watering just at the idea of eating her, now she leaned forward and did just that. How good her lover's pussy smelled! How good it tasted! Mihoshi stood there for several minutes until she could not stop herself from jumping on top of her newfound lover. Kiyone could feel her right breast pressed between Mihoshi's breast she could not believe how good it felt. Mihoshi once again kissed Kiyone and without pausing started to rub their crotches. Kiyone could feel her inner and outer pussy lips rubbing against Mihoshi's wet crotch. Mihoshi had moves so her singing nipples would gently rub against Kiyone's nipples. A few more minutes of this and with all the swelling on their genitals they had to changed positions. With Kiyone laying on her side, Mihoshi rested her head on Kiyone's legs. Mihoshi savored every inch of Kiyone's pussy. Since this was Kiyone's first time she tried to copied Mihoshi as best as she could. Mihoshi then had the first of two orgasms that night. Kiyone could see Mihoshi's hips moving and she guessed what had happened. Mihoshi pulled out then asked Kiyone to lay on her back. She then moved between Kiyone's legs while at the same time masturbating. After licking Kiyone's pussy for some more time they both had their respective orgasm. Mihoshi noticed how passive Kiyone became the longer the sex lasted. So this is the way it would be. In the daytime everything would remain the same while at night it would be Mihoshi's turn to be in charge. The next day Kiyone wanted to think. She looked for the clearing near where she first landed. With so many things happening at once she wanted time alone to figure out where her life was going. She deeply loved Mihoshi that was certain. Her career would now take a new and different direction now that she was a special operative. Her mind went back to her childhood days trying to recall the exact reasons for becoming a policewoman. She remembered a gray world so very different from this secluded spot on Earth with all the multicolored trees that surrounded her now. Mihoshi had talked about making a difference in life; becoming a bureaucrat pushing papers all day did not seem to be the best way of doing that. As the sun slowly set on the sky Kiyone marveled at all the colors she could see. For the first time in her life she was at peace with herself. A moment of clarity had taken place, for a brief moment she could see how everything that had happened in her lifetime was connected. Where she had come from, where she was now and where she was going. Lost amid all this reflections she heard the rustling of leaves. She quickly recognized those footsteps. Mihoshi stood beside Kiyone without saying a word. Kiyone gently looked at Mihoshi then returned to watch the sky. Mihoshi was puzzled seeing her so quiet then she felt Kiyone lovingly hold her hand. Mihoshi deeply loved Kiyone and Kiyone truly felt the same. Silently they watched the sunset. To be loved..................................................................... .....................................and in the end isn't what we all want. EPILOGUE As for what happened to everyone: Ayeka would become Queen of Jurai. She never took a King as was her right, she did take a succession of lovers. The talk among those in the palace, at least those who would talk, is that the Queen longed for an unrequited love. The Queen's lovers would sometime hear a name foreign to Jurai. Sasami, on the day one becomes an adult on Jurai would, asked to be known as Tsunami. She got married and had children. Her grandchildren one day would inherit the throne of Jurai. Tenchi and Ryoko got married and a few years later Mayuka was born. In the end it seems the time line was not that distorted after the Tokimi incident. As for Mihoshi and Kiyone they disappear while on pursuit of a most wanted criminal. The G.P. found the wanted man's ship drifting there was a great deal of damage to the ship. A big battle no doubt. He was dead, still at the helm of the ship. A catastrophic decompression had finished him. Mihoshi and Kiyone's ship was never found. The G.P. did an intense search without any results. In death their fates still seem to be intertwined, their names were added side by side on the special operatives face of the monument at the backyard of the official G.P. Marshall residence. They had become a legend and as with any legend there were stories that they had crashed landed on some uninhabited world. There were even rumors that they were lovers with the supposed existence of a tape. Indeed there was a tape, but the few who saw it did not believe it was real since no one had that level of spy technology on the universe. The End Well kiddies here is my little Magnus Opus. I had considered making a two part story but it could work just as well as one big piece. Yes, There is another Mihoshi-Kiyone lemon but who can resist, they make such a cute couple.