Warning: This is just a fan-fic, it is in no way a real documents on the series, it also may contain explicit content!Oh, and the characters in this fic are not mine(with the exception of one) and belong to the tru creators of Tenchi Muyo and other animes. This story is in no way real or a fact or even a miniseries on the tv show, it's just fanfic for CHRIST'S SAKE! So please, don't anybody sue me, I have absolutely no financial resources! And the character in this story, who I claim is mine(named SHOKU) is my own creation(if anyone japanese has this name, due forgive me, I don't know everyone's name you know!). Tenchi Muyo 3:The final chapter The Scene: It was normal thursday when tenchi and thegang awaken to the smell of a delicious breakfast. Sasami is in the kitchen getting everything ready, while the rest of the gang are in the living room,(save Tenchi's dad Nobuyuki, who is at work in the city, and his grandfather who is at the sthrine). This is where it starts. "Hey you guys, guess what I've been up to?," Washu says. "What have you been doing down there?" Sasami wonders as she brings in the food. "Well, I've been studying on the at-----," Washu is cut off by loud splash outside. It is Kiyone and Mihoshi returning from there jobs at the galaxy police station. Both Mihoshi and Kiyone come in with delightfull grins on there faces. Everyone wonders why Kiyone is smiling. "What's up guys, we're hungry and off duty, and since we were in the neighborhood, we decided to stop by. "Sure join us," Tenchi exclaims. "So anyway, I've been studying some strange occurances on my space sattelite." Washu states. "Ive been seeing some things on my radar," Washu continues. " What are they, and how many?" Ayeka asks bluntly. "They appear to be spacecrafts of some kind, and there are three of them. The closest one was heading straight toward us, so I assumed naturally it was Kiyone and Mihoshi, in which I was right," Washu says proudly. A few moments after they finish they their meals, they begin to hear a loud whistling sound. "What's that?" Ryoko asks as all of them rush outside. As they look up they see another space ship crashing down in the woods. Curious of what it is they all rush over to where the spaceship is. Smoke is rising from it, and Washu discovers that it has strange words on the side of it, in both japanese and english. "What do you think it could be," asks Sasami. "Could this be one of the aircrafts you detected Washu," Mihoshi says. "Possibly," Washu says. Just as they circle the ship and discover a door, they start to hear a strange voice from inside, like somone moaning in pain. "What was that?" Tenchi wonders. As he says this the door opens and they hear a computerized voice saying, "we have now landed Mr. Shoku." They all marvel at the sound of hearing the ship speak. "I'm going to take a look you guys," Ryoko says. "Be careful Ryoko," Tenchi yells. "Don't worry," she says as she turns her head and winks. Just as she does that something falls out of the ship and lands on the ground in front of them. They all gasp as they realize what it is. A young man who looks about Tenchi's age lays sprawled on the ground. He is covered with scrapes, bumps, bruises, and bleeding cuts on various parts of his upper body. "Who is this young boy," Ayeka wonders. "And what happened to him," Kiyone asks. "I don't know," Sasami says, rushing over to his aid, "but we can't just leave him like this." "She's right," Tenchi says, "let's get back to the house." As they carry him inside, something falls out of his torn and tattered pants. Kiyone realizes its a wallet of some sort and bends down to get it. As she opens it she sees a drivers i.d. and a some money, as well as several pictures of strange people and also some trojans. "What's all this doing in here," She wonders as she peaks at the i.d. "Hey guys, get a look at this," Kiyone exclaims outloud. Everyone turns as she reads what's on the i.d. It reads: Shoku Shinyoku, ht:6ft, wt:167 lbs. "So his name is Shoku," Ayeka says. "It says here that he's only 17, who would seen someone so young into outer space all by themselves," Kiyone wonders, scratching her head. Ryoko grabs one of the pieces of paper and unfolds it to read it. As she does she begins to eye the young man with suspicion. "Get a load of this," Ryoko says as she reads the paper out aloud. "My journey has just begun, and yet I already miss my home. This new universe is so big, much like my own. I've just arrived here and am looking for a suitable planet to land on to refuel my ship, stock up on food(this training has made me a starvin marvin!), and get some other types of help. Hopefully I will be able to explore this new universe and do what I've come here to do. Afterwards I will hopefully be able to make it back home. My name is Shoku, and I know your saying "what is a boy his age doing out alone in space???", let me reassure you I CHOSE to do this. I felt as if an adventure would give me the strength I needed to return home a changed man. This is Shoku signing off." "Ah, so that explains some of it," Mihoshi declared. "Yeah, but still there are some other questions that still need to be answered," said Ryoko,"like why would he volunteer to go into outerspace?" "And what other universe was he talking about?" Washu said rubbing her chin. "And how did he get so banged up?" Kiyonne added. Two weeks later, Tenchi walks in from school to see the young man sitting on the couch, surrounded by everyone. "So are friend is finally up and about huh?" Tenchi says. "Come have a seat Tenchi?" Sasami says, "he's just about to tell us his story." "Yes Tenchi come sit right here!" Ryoko and Ayeka say at the same time as they get into another shoving match. After they calm down Tenchi sits next to Sasami as Yosho begins. "So, tell us your story young one." he says. "Tell about your journeys in space." "Well first allow me to introduce myself, my name is Shoku." he declares. "Well I am Yosho, and this is my son Nobuyuki Masaki, and my grandson Tenchi Masaki." he says pointing. "Hi how you doing?" Nobuyuki says. "Please to meet you," Tenchi follows. "And these are our friends Ryoko the space pirate, Washu the greatest scientist in this universe, Princesses' Ayeka and Sasami from the planet Jurai, and Kiyonne and Mihoshi from the galaxy police department. "Hello Shoku!" everyone says in unison. He waved back at them. "I'm from a another universe parallel to this one," he says as everyone gasps in surprise. "I came here through a black hole which I used as a worm hole to get here. I came here to help some people who I soon became good friends with. I had just come from their planet when I was knocked off course by a solar explosion from a nearbye sun. My ship still remained intact but I was knocked unconcious when the shockwaves hit as I was training." "Training for what?" Ayeka asks. "Training to protect my own universe from the evil that was beginning to follow me, I lost it during the bumpy ride." "Is that why you were all beat up and bloody?" Kiyonne asks with a look of worry on her face, trying not to let anyone see it though. "Not from the explosion I'm afraid, but from my training." "Well that answers a lot," Yosho says," you'd better get some more rest, you can stay with Tenchi in his room untill you feel your ready to leave." "Thank you so kindly for your hospitality, here's something for you troubles." Shoku says handing him 650 yen. "Why thank you," Yosho says smiling as he walks out. "Well I'd better get going to catch my flight, see you guys later." says Nobuyuki following right behind him. "Let me show you upstairs," Tenchi says. "Why thank you, and goodnight everyone," he says as he turns and waves. "Huuuuummmmmm," Washu says puzzled. "Well guys this sword of his is amazingly and ingeniuosly made and crafted. It seems are friend here is also a skilled fighter as well as a space explorer." "Is that right?" Ryoko says. "Yes, and my studies on him while he was unconcious indicate that he is also a pretty strong young man as well. See here, his energy level is very high, beyond normal human standards." she says pointing to a chart. "So what does it mean?" Ayeka says. "Let me put it to you in lamens terms," Washu says sarcastically," If he were to unleash all this energy at once, he could destroy entire mountains or even this planet possibly!" "Yeah, but I don't think he would do that," Tenchi states as he looks out the window at Shoku, who seems to be concentrating really hard. "We stayed up talking for awhile last night and he seems like a very kind person." "Well we still don't know that for sure, I can't get close enough to study him further since he has woke up." Washu states. "All I know is what he told us and what my cpu studies have found out so far, including that he is quite HUGE in the mens department," Washu says jokingly as she holds up a picture of his anterior and posterior. "Oh my goodness" Tenchi yells trying to shield his eyes. "Looks like I have 2 guinea pigs now!" Washu says triumphantly. Meanwhile the scene cuts to another spaceship which has recently landed. Two dark figures say "I'm coming for you prince of Jurai!, ha ha ha h ah ah ha" he gloats. The next two days were hectic as Shoku and Tenchi suddenly got along quite nicely, and started training together, which was ok accept for the fact that the girls seemed to be keeping their eyes on both of them suspiciously. "This new guy seems evenly matched with Tenchi as in their sword fighting skills." Ayeka comments. "Yeah and to make it worse he's not badlooking either," Sasami says giggling. The next night a festival is held for valentines day. There at the dance recidal, Tenchi and Shoku take turns dancing with every single on of the girls twice in a row. "Whew I'm beat,"Tenchi says as he flops down in a chair next by the refreshment table. "Yeah so am I," Shoku says as he flops down right beside him. "Don't these girls ever give it a rest," Tenchi asked. "Yeah, and why have they been acting so strange towards me lately?" Shoku asks as well. "Now that you mention it, they have been acting a little funny lately, even towards me," Tenchi agrees. "You know they've all given me this strange look while I've been dancing with them," Shoku states. "They've been doing the same to me to, I wonder what's going on." Tenchi replies. They continue two joke and laugh untill the girls scoop them up and dance with them again, before they all leave. Later that night at the house, Washu creeps into Tenchi's room while everyone is asleep, holding a shot needle in her hand. "There now he won't wake up long enough for me to complete my research on him." She says as she barely picks him up to carry him to the lab. "Boy you weigh a ton," she says sarcastically. Down at the lab she undresses various parts of his body as she studies him. "Are friend here is very strong indeed, his muscle capacity is at a weightlifters level, yet he's only 17 years old," she says staring at him,"what kind of training have you been doing." When she undresses his pants she notices a big bulge in them. "Wow, you do come prepared," She says stripping him completely naked. As she continues to study him she is overcome with temptation. "Well I suppose it has been awhile," she says,"and what better time than now." Before she went any further she noticed the 2 letters tattood on his dick, the letters D and J. "Who the hell is D.J.?" she says. Figuring she would ask him later, she slowly slid his dick in her mouth. He stirred for a moment but then settled back down. She did it again, this time she kept going a little faster as she rolled her tongue around his head. As she began to go even faster she felt something grab her hair. She looked up to notice that he was wide awoke and pleased with what she was doing. "No need to stop, once you have started," he says smiling. She begins again for 10 min until he stops her, lifts her onto the table he was lying on, and begins to lick her cunt while sliding his two fingers into her, only to here her moan at the sight of pleasure. He to began to go faster and his pace quickened as she neared her climax and her muscles tighten. Bam, she let out a nut right on the table, and then he stood up and said,"allow me to introduce you to D.J." Just then he slid da dick in her and she moaned again at the sensation. Again his pace quickened, then slowed down, then sped right back up, untill a short while after her 3rd nut, he took D.J. out and let loose a nut all over her buttocks. Then he got dressed and went back upstairs. Meanwhile Tenchi was walking down the hall when Ayeka came out in front of him. "Goodevening Lord Tenchi, why are you up so late?" she asked. "I'm just getting some milk," he said. "Oh that's just where I was going, so why don't I join you," she asked. As they walked down the stairs, Shoku walked by them. "Good evening princess, good evening Tenchi," he said as he strolled by them. Tenchi gave him a little wink as if he new of Shoku's activities just earlier. He thought nothing of it though. Meanwhile in the kitchen, Tenchi opens the fridge and grabs the milk while Ayeka grabs two glasses. "So Lord Tenchi how are things between you and Shoku, what do you think of him?" she asked with suspicion. "Oh I think he's a great guy, almost like me," he stated with pride. "Finally a friend who doesn't torment me, but instead can relate to my hysteria," he continued. "Well you two seem to be getting along quite well,"she added. "Yeah its to bad he'll have to leave soon though." Tenchi stated with a frown. "What do you mean, have to leave," Ayeka said with shock. "He told me his universe may be in danger and he must go to make sure nothing happens to it." Tenchi said sipping his milk. "That's going to be very disappointing to Kiyone, she seems to be taking a liking to him," Ayeka tweaked," all she does is wonder where he came from, why he's been alone for so long, and if he'll be ok." "It seems as if she does care for him," Tenchi said as he finished his glass. "Almost the same way I care about you lord Tenchi," she said quietly. Tenchi looked up with a face as if to say "how did I know she was going to say something like that just now." "I mean that I have drempt of the day we married Tenchi and I would have you all to myself," Ayeka said with childlike eyes. "I've waited so long for this opportunity Tenchi," She said getting all up on him. Just as she leaned forward to kiss him a voice from behind them said,"so what do you think your doing," stood an angry Ryoko with a look as if she was about to kill someone. "Well what do you think we're doing," Ayeka says defensively as she moves in front of Tenchi, "We are having an intimate moment if you don't mind." The two stand face to face untill Tenchi moves in between them. "Hey you guys, quit fighting damn it," he says with anger. "Man I wish you two could just share anything for once in your life besides the bath." Ayeka and Ryoko look at each other strangely as thoughts begin to run through their heads, each other thinking the same thing. The concept of them sharing anything besides the bath, let alone a man, had never once crossed their minds. Slowly, as Tenchi was in the fridge with his back turned, they began to undress themselves. Tenchi turned to see a sight he never thought he'd see in a lifetime, Ayeka and Ryoko stood right in front of him butnaked. Before he could say anything or put up struggle, Ryoko was dragging him into the living room while Ayeka stripped him of his clothes. Ryoko and Ayeka had childlike smiles on their faces as they stared at Tenchi's wang which lay there right in their faces. They slowly began to lick the sides of it until Ryoko went to the head. Tenchi, who now lay powerless to stop them, could only groan in pleasure and take it like a man. Meanwhile Ayeka was now leaning up and kissing Tenchi while Ryoko went to work. Tenchi began to go with the flow as he could do nothing to stop this. Slowly he worked his way downtown like a patriot as Ryoko now sat on top of him and started riding him. "Uh oh goodness, oh goodness," Ryoko kept chanting. Ayeka moaned in pleasure as she became overwhelmed by Tenchi's tongue now wrestling with her cunt. Ryoko kept riding him for half an hour until she sat up and slid his wang out and started shaking it. Tenchi moaned again as he let out a huge nut all over Ryoko's leg. Ayeka and Ryoko then switched places as Tenchi was now face first in Ryoko's cunt, while Ayeka began riding Tenchi's wang. "Oh GOD, Oh GOD," Ayeka now began screaming. Ayeka came 20 minutes into it, and shortly after Tenchi let out another nut, this time on Ayeka leg. The two girls fell asleep as Tenchi snuck up stairs. Before Tenchi got upstairs, Mihoshi came out of their room and caught Shoku offguard. The two talked on the way back to Tenchi's room, and when Shoku was going into the room and turned around to say goodnight when Mihoshi gave him a big wet one on lips, catching him completely offguard as her tongue probed his mouth. She pushed him into the room and began to undress him. She ripped off his pants and draws(he had left his shirt downstairs, stupid Shoku, why attract so much attention), and then undressed herself as Shoku helplessly watched, still stunned from the kiss. He feasted his eyes on Mihoshi's nakedness and strangely became excited by the view he had. "So what do you think," she said. "I think I'm going to kill you," Kiyone exclaimed from behind. "Calm down Kiyone," Mihoshi said as she walked towards her. "It'll be okay you, why don't you join us," she said as she began rubbing on one of Kiyone's breast. As Shoku saw Kiyone give into the pleasure, he walked over and began to help her with her shirt while rubbing on the other breast. Soon after that Kiyone's lower region was being explored by Shoku's tongue, as Mihoshi was rolling his head around the inside of her mouth. She then began to pull it in and pull it out, and then quickened her pace. 10 minutes later she was sitting on top of him getting herself a ride. Half an hour later she stopped, pulled his wang out, and started shaking it, lettin the nut go all over her legs and abdomen. Afterwards she rolled over and fell asleep. Kiyone then looked up as Shoku leaned down and kissed her. Meanwhile Tenchi was coming up the stairs and heard Sasami moaning for help. He rushed into the room to see Sasami twisting and turning in her sleep, another nightmare he thought. He squatted down beside her and shook her to wake her up. "Oh Tenchi its you," she said with relief as she sat up to hug him. "I was having such a terrible dream, but it seemed so real." "Well everything will be alright," he said as he looked down at her. With sudden surprise she leaned up and kissed him. Tenchi was astonished to see Sasami do this kind of thing. She slowly began to undress herself. "Tenchi I have to confess, I've loved you just as much as Ayeka and Ryoko have, maybe even more." She then removed his clothing, and said "take me now, I beg of you." Tenchi giving in to temptation, he kissed her back, and the two began to roll around on the floor, with Tenchi ending up on top of her. "Uh OH oooohhhhh," Sasami began repeating, as Tenchi went in and out of her love tunnel. Meanwhile in the opposite room, Shoku too was on top of Kiyone, the two kissing each other as he had decided to give her his Barry White special. Kiyone moaning at every push, her moans soon became mild screams as she reached her climax, and began wetting the comforter they were lying on. Sasami soon was doing the same to the comforter she and Tenchi were on, and soon, Tenchi joined her in the comforter wetting game. After that they slept on the bed, both to tired to get up. Shoku soon busted a nut, but unlike the others, he got to wrapped up in his excitement and didn't pull out. The next morning everyone joined in the living room, no one speaking a word, and everyone looking at one another as if nervous to speak. Soon they heard a loud crash outside. When they rushed outside, they saw Kagato and Cain standing right in front of them with grins wide on their faces. Tenchi and Shoku dove out of the way of a blast let out by Cain that knocked down everyone else. Tenchi and Kagato drew their swords and began attacking each other as Shoku squared off with Cain. As Kagato and Tenchi's swords struck, electricity shot out from them, hitting and knocing down nearbye trees. Meanwhile Shoku threw punches and kicks at Cain, who knocked him back, only to see Shoku throw a small ball of energy at him. It hit, but Cain still stood, and the two threw blasts at each other and began a power war. The two blasts continued sway back and forwards, while Ayeka enclosed everyone in a shield to protect them. Tenchi swung at Kagato only to miss him and get blasted from behind into a tree. "Tenchi nooooo," Ryoko screamed. Kagato then blasted Shoku from behind and sent him flying right into a clothesline from Cain. Kiyone then fired her gun at Kagato who had his sword raised in the air, ready to strike. Cain shot another blast at them, this time it hitting Kiyone and injuring her in the shoulder, close to the heart. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooo," Shoku yelled out loud with tears in his eyes. He looked around to see Ayeka and the others kneeled down beside Kiyone, all injured, Kiyone bleeding. He looked over to Tenchi, who was leaning up against the tree he hit. He then remembered the message his computer sent him this morning, telling him that his planet in his home universe was nowhere to be found. He thought about everyone he'd ever known, and everyone he knew now, all layed out. He then looked up at Kagato and Cain, who were taunting him with laughter. Slowly he got up to his feet and let a loud scream of rage and anger, followed by an immense burst of energy that began to surround him. The ground beneath them began to crack and shake as Kagato and Cains grins had disappeared. He then looked down and noticed that Kagato had stepped on and crushed his sword. His yell got louder as his rage and anger built. Everyone then looked and noticed Shoku standing there, with an expression of anger on his face, and a sky blue glow surrounding his entire body. He bent down and picked up Tenchi's sword and said,"you mind if I use this." Tenchi replied knodding his head. He turned to Kagato and said,"that sword was a meaning of honor to me, and you disgraced it, then you attack and hurt my friends. Now your both going to die." He then activated the sword, much to everyone's surprise seeing as how he was not a discendent of Jurai. He charged at Kagato, who swung and missed as he phased out and appeared behind Cain. He turned to see Cain swing and blocked it with one hand. Shoku the gave him a stiff kick to his gut, an uppercut to his face, and then topped it of by folding his hands back and shouting "Shinryouken" as he jumped in the air. He let loose the blast and blew a surprised Cain into pieces. Kagato then tried to swing with his sword, but was blocked by Tenchi's sword, and then was blown away to as he tried to turn and run. Shoku then helped Tenchi and everyone else back into the house. Over the next couple of months everyone gradually recovered, and when everyone was healed, Shoku packed up and decided that it was time for him to go back home. "But you said your home was destroyed, why go back," Tenchi asked. "If I use the time machine device on my ship, I should be able to go back and save my people," he replied. "But why won't you stay here with us, and with me," Kiyone said with tears in her eyes, pleading with him not to go. "Kiyone I have to go, I've been gone to long," he said. "But you can't go," she said. "And why not," he asked. "Be-because I'm-I'm pregnant!" she burst out into tears. "Kiyone someday I will return, you know that," he said wiping the tears from her eyes. "Remember, its like Ryoko said, the circus always comes back to town." he said convincingly. He turned and got on his ship, and before he lifted off, turned and said"Goodbye my friends, I love you all." The ship then lifted and took off as he waved goodbye. THE END Written by:Kphard34@aol.gte, in the year 2000.