How to Write a Fan Fiction |
The following document has been written and copyrighted by StrikesTwice ( |
A Guide to Writing a Fan Fiction
This report gives specific advice in the creation, editing, and submitting
of a fan fiction using standard approved formats. It details the common
problems associated with fan fiction writing for experienced as well as novice
writers and gives helpful suggestions on how to solve those problems.
Finally this report goes into detail on ways to receive feedback on a submitted
is the a story written in by a fan fiction writer.
Lemons are a mature fan fiction usually rated
at NC-17. Named after the famous hentai series Cream
Limes are a mature fan
fiction usually rated as being around R, the milder form of a lemon.
MST are a type of
fan fiction where a story, normally a lemon, is made fun of by a cast of
characters reading the fic.
Named after the TV series that made fun of old movies Mystery Science
Theater 3000.
OOC or out of character,
a circumstance when a non-original character does not act in a normal way
defined by the
original series,
they are taken from.
S.I. Fics or self-insertion fics, this
style of writing features a character created in the image of the writer.
What is Fan Fiction?
Ever wondered what happened to a favorite character after
the series ends? How the story would have turned out if something had
been just a little different? What the character would have done on a
vacation? Answering these questions, and many more, is what makes up
Fan Fiction. An author using an existing world, created through any
medium of entertainment, expands that world just a little more and then shares
that expansion with others. A community of people, embellishing
a tale, likes the bards of yesteryear.
Fan Fiction has become so popular that cons usually
have fan-fiction panels presented by well know authors (Poitras, 2001,
p. 82). As well as numerous web sites dedicated to posting the fics
and reviewing them. It is a constantly growing medium with its own
set of rules and policies.
What is the Problem?
Todays fan fiction has been on a downward spiral
recently from the easy availability of fan fiction sites and a lowering of
the common standards that used to be prevalent in the fan fiction
community. There has also been a deluge of new spam fics, short pointless
stories, usually ranging in size of a page or two that are more tokens to
authors egos then actual stories.
The Solution
A standard guide on how to write fan fiction is
needed in todays environment. A simple how to manual explaining
the different kinds of fan fics and detailing commonly recognized standards
in the community.
Step 1: Deciding on the Series
Know the series
A particularly common problem for inexperienced fan fiction
writers is choosing a series that they know little about. A good rule
for a writer is to never write a fic about a series that the writer has not
seen completely. This helps prevent a number of problems, the most
obvious being OOCs or Out Of Character. A writer is trying to take
characters that have already been developed in a series, the readers expect
these characters to act in certain ways. When the characters do not
behave in that manner it is one of the quickest ways to have a reader stop
reading the writers fic. Even experienced writers have problems with OOC,
one of the best ways to really prevent OOC is to have proofreaders specifically
check a writers fic for OOC.
Know the Audience
The second part of choosing a series to write is to choose
the audience to write for. A writer who is writing a fan fiction is
writing a story about another world and as such the readers must be familiar
with that world as well. A story about a world that is not well known
will have a smaller audience. This rule also works in reverse as a
series that is extremely popular and well known will have a large audience
but will also have a lot of other fics competing for readers, and may lower
the number of times an authors fic is read.
Step 2: Deciding the Type of Fic to Write
Perhaps the most well know the Regular fic
deals with the characters in their
native environment. Most often these are stories that continue where
the main story left off. They are also stories that take place during
interludes in the main plot, these stories must take in careful consideration
character development after the interlude, and as such these stories are
usually harder to write.
On average, regular fics are the most common and easiest
to write for the beginning fan fiction writer. But because of their
commonality they also can be one of the hardest to write original stories
for, since in most cases the plots have been already done numerous times.
One of the ways to see if the story a writer is thinking of telling has already
been written is to look around at other fan fictions on the market.
Another good idea is to check an acronym list (see appendix A), a list that
categorizes the most common types of stories and then creates an acronym
for them to help reviewers.
Crossovers and Fusions
The next style of fan fiction writing is the crossover.
The idea behind a crossover is what would happen if a person from a certain
series was to meet someone from a different series. The problem is
that merging two series, never meant to be merged, can result in one
overshadowing the other, or unintentional OOCs. A good question a writer
should ask before starting a crossover is can I see these two worlds
co-habitating? If the writer has a hard time answering that question
so will the reader.
Another common problem that a writer looking to write
a crossover may have is the audience. While a reader may be familiar
with one of the series in the crossover, the reader may not be familiar with
both series, lowering the number of potential readers for a fic. It
should also be noted here that having a cameo appearance of a character or
two does not make a fic a crossover, and there are numerous regular fics
that make good use of cameos from other series.
A fusion on the other hand is where the cast of characters
is dumped into a different world and forced to follow the plot of that
world. A good example would be the cast of Star Trek forced
into playing the roles of Scooby Doo, and go around solving
Lemons and Limes
Named after the famous adult show Cream Lemon,
(McCarthy, 1998, p. 42) lemons live up to their namesake by dealing with
adult content. They are the hardest of the types of fan fictions to
write well do to OOCs. Since most entertainment series dont deal
with adult content and leave it either untouched or behind closed doors,
almost anything written by a writer could be considered OOC with out careful
thought about the characters involved. The main way most authors attempt
to solve this problem is glossing over story resulting in, on average, terrible
fics where plot is removed to make wake for the lemon
content. Even worse, a number of authors fail to even to do that,
creating poorly thought out scenarios, OOC, bad grammar, and a fic that is
usually ignored by everyone except MST writers.
The main key when writing a lemon, is that plot counts.
Too many writers forget this crucial point. A good plot will help to
save any story in any category and that goes for lemon writing as well.
The second major point when writing a lemon is that treat it like any other
fan fic make sure it gets proof read, checked for OOC, and finally the
lemon content should be read for impact. If all three of
these items are observed a lemon can be as good as any other type of fic.
Limes are a milder version of lemons usually dealing
with R content compared to a Lemons NC-17
crowd. On average they deal more heavily with romance for their story,
then a lemon would, and are usually better written then lemons.
MST stands for Mystery Science Theater 3000
a show that made fun of old cheesy movies. In the same way a MST fics
makes fun of bad fics. MSTs are almost always written in script format,
basically the name of the character and then their dialog, instead of standard
narrative. This is done for two reasons, the first is it makes it easier
to write quickly, and the second reason is that it allows the reader to easily
understand what is part of the fic being MSTed and the actual MSTing.
When writing a MST there are certain rules that should
be observed. The first rule is that when deciding to MST a fic the
writer should always get permission from the author of the original fic before
MSTing it. The second rule is never to directly attack the writer you
are MSTing, there is a fine line between making fun of a fic and actually
being insulting. This can result in both irritating the author of the
original fic, and if the MST is too bad irritating the reader as well.
Spam Fics, Poems, and Song Fics
That which doesnt fit in the previous categories
is known as a Spam Fic. These fics range from everything from a top
ten list to a poem about a character. They are usually small short
fics with out any real meaning.
Difficulty to Write
Crossovers and Fusions
Lemons and Limes
Spam Fics, Poems, Songs
Table 1: Types, Difficulty, and Style of Fan Fics
Step 3: Writing the Fic
At this point the writer should have a good basic idea
of the type and style of fic the writer wishes to write. There are
a number of good resources that go into how to write an actual story
successfully, as well as a number of plans used to outline and design a story
and are out of the scope of this report. This report though will touch
on a few normal problems specific to fan fiction writing, going over the
problems of OOC, and the hazards of SI fics, but before reaching that point
it is necessary to give the proper header to the new fic.
Every fan fic should start with a header, identifying
specifically the series used in the story and the owner or owners of that
series. It should be noted in this heading that the writer of the fic
does not own the non-original characters as well as the world they normally
The header should also contain the name of the writer,
the name of the fic and in a longer series the chapter number and chapter
name. Most writers also include acknowledgment to people who helped
the writer in this section, such as pre-readers and editors.
Disclaimer: Tenchi Muyo! is the are property of AIC and Pioneer. Tenchi Muyo! and all its characters were created by Masaki Kajishima. The Velveteen Rabbit was created by Margery Williams. The author of this fan fiction therefore only owns the writings. This copyright is 2001 under Devin A. Brown. The Velveteen Cabbit by Incantrix |
Figure 1: Sample Disclaimer (used with permission by Incantrix).
S.I. Fics
One of the more common failings when writing fan fiction,
is the S.I. fic or Self-Insertion Fic. An S.I. fic is where the author
adds a new character to the world he is writing about that is an avatar of
the author. These characters are usually much more powerful then the
main characters in the fics world, they are perfect in everything,
and easily over shadowing the other characters. On average, they ruin
a fic, quicker then anything else that a writer can do.
There are a few ways to make a self-insertion fic
successful. The first and most important is that the S.I. character
can not be more powerful then the other characters in the fic. Remember
that the readers are reading the fic to read about their favorite characters
in action again. They are not reading a fic to read about the writer.
Another good idea for a writer doing an SI fic is to make sure that an SI
character has a defect, this is actually a good idea for any character.
No one loves a perfect person, the same goes for fictional ones, try to make
a personable character with a convincing back story, and a reason for
existing. A good SI character should have all of these properties,
reasonable abilities, a weakness, and a background story, before a writer
should even consider writing an SI fic and even then it is not recommended
for new writers.
Preventing OOC
There is really only one way to prevent OOC. The
writer must at each point in the fic stop and think, is this what the character
would do, given these circumstances. The writer must be aware that
his interpretation of a character may not be the same as the next persons,
so even what the writer feels is not an OOC, could very well be in the opinion
of the readers.
Step 4: Editing
Now that a writer has the story written the next stage
of writing begins, attempting to make the story readable to the readers.
The first thing that a writer should do is put the fic through a good spell
and grammar check. The writer should also repeat this step after every
edit until a final version of the story is ready.
Pre-readers and Editors
Pre-readers are a writers last defense against
OOCs. They carefully read the fic examining it for OOCs and when they
locate one bring it to the attention of the writer. A good writer will
take these suggestions and thank the pre-readers and either fix or in some
cases disagree politely with their pre-reader and continue on.
After pre-readers, editors are also a good idea before
a fic is finally submitted. A good editor will double check over the
writers editing and fix anything that escaped them. Finding editors,
can be a rather hard challenge for most writers, and the best suggestion
that this report can give is that networking is a must. Anyone can
be an editor, and the more editing that a fic gets the better that a fic
will be.
Step 5: Submitting the fic
When the fic is finally finished, the next step is submitting
the fic to sites. To receive feed back on a fic the writer should submit
the fic to as many sites as possible. Normally, that is a generic fan
fic site such as and a specific fan fiction site
that is specializing in the world in the fan fic is set in. There are
two basic types of sites on the web. Automated sites, where once the
fic is submitted it is immediately added to the site or manual sites that
depend upon the operator of the site to add the writers fic.
Tag Lines
Both sites though, give tag lines to allow the writers to give a short summary
of their fic. Most tag lines are just about two sentences long, giving
a brief description of the world, the main character being explored and the
brief summary of the plot. If a writer is looking to receive reviews,
it is best to make their tag line very descriptive and concise, it is also
a good idea to ask readers to review the fic in the tag line.
After Submitting
After a writer submits a fic, the writer should immediately
check the fic to confirm that there werent any formatting problems
with the submitted file. A quick way to make sure that a writers fic
doesnt get read is multiple page lines, created by the .txt format.
Most sites now will accept an HTML version of a fic instead of a .txt file,
alleviating this problem and allowing the writer a chance to exactly format
their fic before submitting it.
A standard format used by most writers when submitting
fics using HTML is to add an empty space after each paragraph. This
makes the fic easy to read and helps show where each paragraph ends and begins,
especially with the problem that most paragraph indention is removed while
using the HTML format.
Step 6: Getting Reviewed
Local Reviews
Reviews that are on the actual site where the fic is posted
are known as local reviews. They usually help other readers choose
whether or not to read the writers fic. A few good reviews can
insure that the writers fic will be well read. The main way to
ensure that the writer is reviewed in this manner is covered in the section
on Tag Lines.
Remote Reviews
Remote Reviews are reviews of a fic done on a remote site
by a group of fan fiction reviewers. The sites are usually designed
in either a formal literary review style or a shortened MST style.
A large fan base usually reads these sites and a good review, secures that
the writers fic will be read, conversely a bad review may have the
opposite effect. The best way to get reviewed on these sites is to
ask the reviewer, though some sites dont do requests, most would be
happy to help out writers.
The Fan Fiction community is a large growing group.
That is always glad to welcome a new writer who is willing to follow a few
basic conventions with their writings, writers that are willing to take a
close examination of their writing and constantly on alert for OOCs.
Who know the basic rules that are involved with fan fiction writing and willing
to continue a good story.
Works Cited
Incantix. The Velveteen Cabbit. 2001.
<> (28 Feb. 2002).
Little Masa-Ohki, Irresponsible Captain T, & Ken-ouki. The
Taffy List. Fic Talk.
<> (28 Feb. 2002).
McCarthy, Helen & Clements, Jonathan (1998). The Erotic Anime Movie
Woodstock, NY: The Overlook Press.
Poitras, Giles (2001). Anime Essentials. Berkley, CA, Stone Bridge
Appendix A: Sample Acronym List
Used with Permission from
The full version of The Taffy List, can be found at that site.
This acronym list is for the Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction community.
KAY: Katsuhito Always Yosho. Referring to when everybody calls Katsuhito
Yosho. Technically they might, but he's left that life behind. He's
Katsuhito now.
SIRRA: Saintly, Insightful Ryoko Rides Again. 'nuff said. Ryoko is kind and
sagely, understands that fighting leads to nothing, and understands exactly
what Tenchi needs to do to move ahead in his life, which always (surprisingly)
includes him choosing her.
DEBARA:Damn! Evil Bitchy Ayeka Rides Again. Yup, Ayeka has either become
a total
scheming bitch, an evil super villain, or both. Just remember, when
you're reading a bad fic, chances are you can sigh and say "KAY SIRRA,
DESRRA: Damn! Evil Slut Ryoko Rides Again. The rarer, but just as evil,
counterpart to
ARK: Always Ranting Kiyone. Ever seen a fic where Kiyone wakes up, does nothing
complain all day, then goes to sleep and probably complains some more in
her sleep. Well, that's an ARK arc.
SMACK: Stupid Mihoshi Always Crimping Kiyone. Aptly named because you want
to SMACK the author. The name says it all, and these are normally paired
with ARK.
SAC: Sasami Always Cooking. Explains it all, so let's SAC the author.
KOKIRI: Kagato Or KAIN Inevitably Resurrected Indiscriminately. No, it's
not Link, it's one of these two overused villain coming back with no
RATTA: Ryoko And Tenchi Together...AGAIN?! For a reference to all those pointless
Ryoko and Tenchi pairings, done through inane plot events that have been
AATTS: Ayeka And Tenchi Together...Stupidly! Much less an affront than RATTA,
these are just as lame, but not as frequent.
SMART: Stupid Mihoshi, Ayeka, Ryoko, and Tenchi. We give this ironic title
to any fic where the entire cast all act like morons.
SILO: Self Insertion Loved by Others. I think this one explains itself. Some
new guy comes in, is welcomed by all, normally beats Tenchi, and has at least
one of the girls fall for him.
BRAY: Bitchy Ryoko/Ayeka Yelling. Aptly named, this one refers to Ryoko or
Ayeka laughing like a donkey at the others misfortune after winning the Tenchi
GAYHAP: Go Away You Hentai Abnormal Pedophile.
NEH: Nothing Ever Happens. Ever read a fic that was like ep 7 of the OVA's
without the jokes? If you have, just shrug and say "NEH"
HEYNEF: Hello?! You're Not Even Funny. Probably the most important award,
this goes to all those fics that THINK they're funny, but aren't.
WARFIELD: Warning! Ayeka and Ryoko Fight In Extreme Levels of Destruction.
Masa's personal favorite TAFFY. This is for all those fics where Ayeka and
Ryoko are each a U.N. recognized Nuclear Power and routinely fight each other
and blow up the house, the fields, or Hiroshima before breakfast.
ISP: Innately Stupid Plot. No it's not a webaddress. It's just a lame plot
arc which has probably been done at least a million times. And if it hasn't
been done before, there's a reason.