Fall 2000:  Recored Votes

Here is the list of all the recorded votes for the eleventh season.  Here you will find the comments people have made and their justifications for choosing certain stories.

Cutest Goblin - 12/02/00 13:38:52
My Email:Washuu-chan@quidditch.zzn.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo!: Culture Shock!
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Wag the Cabbit

Yeah, well all I have to say, is 009 is the best author out there. (Sorry Gitaro, I still love you, you're second!!!) Destiny's Balance is the epitome of all fanfic and if you haven't read it, then you either have brain damage or you're a liar. Go Davner!!!!!!

Megami Ryoko - 12/02/00 04:52:09
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Daughter of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Night


Nick - 12/01/00 21:24:40
My Email:Tenchi316@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Love and Stars

i'm a ryoko fan! Doh! I wrote some fics and submitted them a day ago, they not up yet. Oh well, more time to write the later fics in the series! -nick

Ruffin316 - 12/01/00 18:11:07
My Email:ruffin316@zapme.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo-- H Adventure Series
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchiballmoon
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Sasami's Quest


Michael Fitz-Gibbon - 12/01/00 15:53:29
My Email:MIKEFG883@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Until All the Stars are Dust
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Three Gems for Power

These are the ONLY intelligent fanfics that I've ever read in any catagory.

gabe ricard - 12/01/00 14:49:26
My Email:darksideblues_666@seanbaby.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A tenchi christmas
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Masaki Family Line
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No need for a rescue


Literary Eagle - 12/01/00 05:20:26
My URL:http://come.to/ayeka
My Email:literaryeagle@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Adagio
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: My Sisters Toreishi
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Gentleness and Strength
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Unforgivable Sin

There are lots of fics that I've enjoyed very much... here are six of them. ^_^ I hope all the authors keep up the great work! I'm especially impressed by the new author Firebird. Her fic "Adagio" is one of the best short introspections I've read in a while. Don't miss it!

Taloon - 12/01/00 04:50:08
My Email:taloon@privacyx.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Death of a Scientist
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Bonds of Sisterhood
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: My Best Friends Wedding
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Darkness and Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Devil and Miss Mihoshi

Waiting until the last minute as always, there is not enough time, or room to mention the good qualities of these fics. But I will mention that there are MANY great fics out there that don't get even near the top 10. Take a look around.

Calvin 49 - 12/01/00 02:51:12
My Email:c_49@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A change of state
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: "Star of Jurai"
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Legend of Fantaria
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Aiken Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Daughters of Twilight


Big D - 12/01/00 00:24:52
My Email:adamsd@wilkes.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Darkness and Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Eternal Heavens
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Hands of Fate

As promised, I'm limiting myself to fics released or updated during this season. I had originally planned to cover briefly why I loved each story, but I don't think I could do them justice in less than a couple of pages, so I'm just going to implore ever one to read them and find out why. While these may be my favorites for the season, they are by no means the only good ones that have come out recently; it was difficult indeed to narrow it down. There are many more good fics out there in the archives, n w and old; don't pass them by just because they didn't win the poll 3 or 4 times. You might be surprised at what you find.

Zero-San - 11/30/00 21:42:42
My Email:wing_zero@bignet.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Akian Muyo!
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: First Knight


Joxter - 11/29/00 23:33:05
My Email:Joxter@fanboy.org
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need For Grief
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Cabbit
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: MST Special #1 A lemon to be dealt with
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo: THE MOVIE
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Tenchi/Tommy Rock Opera

No Need For Grief *NEEDED* to be done. Its a required read. The Cabbit is an excellent spoof of Poe's classic. The MST of the Lemon to be dealt with is great due to sheer length. It takes on an entire lemon trilogy, rather than a measley 16 K story or something. Tenchi Muyo: THE MOVIE, while not much of a spoof of the Transformers movie, does have a good end gag. And the Tenchi/Tommy Rock Opera gets points for actually filking EVERY song in the opera!

Thomas E. Young - 11/29/00 22:09:23
My Email:youngster422@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For the love of Kiyone
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Mihoshi Incident
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ah! Megami-sama Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Chrono Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Cabbula
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Cabbit

I really do enjoy coming to this sight. I spend most of my time on the net at this sight. Keep up the good work.

Jeremy Taylor - 11/29/00 20:48:12
My Email:embrace_the_reaper2001@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

This is quite simply one of the best stories I have ever read. It kept my coming back to my computer for days! I sincerly hope that the author will write more for this series at some point. It was just incredible. I never would have thought that a lem n colud be so emotional and sorrowful. My hats of the to you sir/madam.

- 11/29/00 08:56:43
My Email:otakusama2001@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: no need for grief
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: blod red moon
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: first knight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: ma petite washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: brief taste of eternity

I feel strongly towards the views expressed by Bryan Weber and Glyph Bellchime in their self insertion "No Need For Grief" If you don't know what it is about and are a Sasami fan read and you will understand.

eva0101us - 11/29/00 04:41:13
My Email:eva0101us
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: dark rain saga

cant wait for chapter 3

Andrew Coel - 11/29/00 02:55:57
My Email:Fullcircle420@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Perfect Circle
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Legacy of Kain

Definatly a story that has promise. Fairly unperdictable, good grammar (given, usually), and good (but a little hasty) character designs. Best newer fic I've read in a while. The other I put in as my all time favorite (might as well give it a shot).

Godshatter - 11/29/00 01:42:39
My Email:dreamed_i_killed_god@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Darkness & Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Rikka Ven

I voted for these fics because, obviously i beleive they are the best. In my humble opinion as a GW author, I think that Aikan Muyo is by far one of the most intertaining fanfics that i ahve ever read. I voted for D&L because Ii lvoe the way Zyrean progre s his original character, Kova. As far as fics with original characters this one takes the cake. And as for the last one, it's one of the better "one shots", or one chapter stories that i have read and i loved the concept. Sadly i msut say that my own wri ings pales greatly in comparison to these three (especialy the first one)

Richard - 11/28/00 21:21:14
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aiakn Muyo


amy - 11/28/00 12:04:56
My Email:none
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: drakness and light

grand story that keeps on reading in wonder what will happen next

Megalomaniac - 11/28/00 05:13:14
My Email:weaselslave@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: darkness and light
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryoko's early life
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: lemon lampoon
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: death takes a smoke break
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: legend of the dark trees
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Aikan Muyo


Karlmarks - 11/28/00 00:37:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/electricdeity
My Email:markskarl@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Union
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Darkness and Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Yosho, The Old Man Who Rapes Teenage Boys
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Gentleness and Strength
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: To Love and To Hate

Well, 'tis voting day for the second time in as many weeks. And this time mine *matters*! Reasons for my votes are as follows-- TLA: Masterful construction, and the only new fic I can think of with a real chance of winning. Excellent writing style (near-perfect grammar, but that should be the norm, not the exception), intresting--though not "fascinating"--plot, and the usual Dosc er style make it an obvious choice. Union: Flat-out hilarious; the funniest fic I have ever read. A bit of every bad lemon ever written goes into what may be the best lemon ever. "Pure, innocent lust" is probably my favorite line. D+L: A good fic by an underappreciated author; Zy truly deserves recognition, but somehow I doubt it'll happen. "Keep writing"--though neither he nor anyone else will ever read this...why am I writing this again? YTOMWRTB: My "protest vote." The story was actually somewhat funny if you read it all; and it's affiliated with Seanbaby! But I do believe it more deserving of "the recognition" than, say, Ryoko's Love, superior in quality as that story may be. G+S: An excellent short fic in the author's "home field" as it were--isolated interpersonal scenes. I loved it, and though I know it won't win (like everything else I voted for), at least it'll get a few votes. TL+TH: I almost forgot about this--the maybe-it'll-win new-author-newfic! A good story that just may break TAN into the highest echelon of writers.

Sailor GoldenScout - 11/27/00 22:12:10
My Email:none (getting one this december)
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Princess Ryoko Jurai
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Whispers in the Wind
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Under the Cherry Blosoms

As you may have guessed, Ryoko is my fav. character. Anyway, Gensao, thanks for this great archive! Tenchi Fans Unite!

Van2783 - 11/27/00 17:13:51
My Email:van2783@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Dark Rain Saga


andrew - 11/27/00 01:40:48
My Email:seabiscuit69@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: destiny's balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: in this moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: follow your heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: from the blood of the gods

I think Ryoko is the best and she deserves Tenchi.

Geoduck - 11/26/00 04:38:45
My Email:Geoduck@altavista.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: My Sisters Toreishi
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Gentleness and Strength
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Scarlet Deluge

Another quarter, another vote. As always, I try to follow GenSao's encouragement to vote for newer pieces by limiting my votes to *only* those fics that are new or have been updated within the voting period. Thus, for the purposes of this vote, I consid red only the 240+ fics added or updated in the last three months. About my votes: "My Sisters Toreishi" is a very rare animal: a TM! crossover that is both well-written, worthwhile, and FUNNY! "Hands of Fate" tells a dark story with delicate, almost poe ic language. "To Love and To Hate" is a fic that is the opposite of WAFF: if anything can go wrong, it will. "Gentleness and Strength" is a brief but valuable portrait of characters we have seen far too little of. "The Last Avatar" is another of Davner s epic galactic/political tales, and thus, automatically worth reading. "The Scarlet Deluge" is brief, dark, and bloody, but again, written in sensitive, poetic terms. My congratulations to Seion, Little Ryoko, the Total Anime Nut, BGlanders, Davner, an Arca Jeth. Additionally, some advice to beginning writers: please use a pre-reader! Spell/grammar check is not sufficient to weed out all (or even most) errors. I'm shocked at how many fics have misspellings in their *titles*. Also, for those of you ho write crossovers: if at any point, you write a line of dialogue like "Hi, I'm Tenchi Masaki, and this is Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Mihoshi, and Washu," chances are your fic is going to be very bad. For writers of MSTs: please make sure that it is legibly ormatted, and that your comments are not stupider than the fic you are lampooning. Finally, a plea against character-bashing. Just because Ayeka appears to you to "be in Ryoko's way" does not make the princess evil. All of the main characters of Tenchi Muyo! have many admirable qualities. If you are unable to discern that for yourself, chances are you should watch some more of the anime so you can get a better understanding of the series, the characters, and the web of relationships therein. Okay, eno gh pontificating for now. See you in three months!

Dark_Jezter - 11/24/00 06:41:34
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Blood Red Moon
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need For Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Heaven & Night

So many stories here deserve recognition. It was hard to narrow my list of favorites down to a select few.

Robby Bevard - 11/24/00 00:41:52
My Email:MrNoying@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need For Grief

Far as I'm concerned, this story is so utterly deserving of the first spot I won't even bother distributing my vote to other fics. The fic that Bryan Weber, Glyph Bellchime, and REBB01 went through and fixed made me sick for weeks. The story Kanashii No Imi deserved what they did to it. They brought justice to the universe once more...

BLARK - 11/23/00 22:04:14
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: INCREDIBLE NIGHT
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: TENCHI VS. THE ANDROIDS
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: LOVE WITH HONOR


Kisaki - 11/23/00 06:23:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mooneternity
My Email:penpen_lover@penpen.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No need for Motherhood
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Memoirs of a Goddess
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ma Petite Washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Prince's Sorrow
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Three Gems for Power


Vrag Thgirw - 11/22/00 01:48:59
My Email:alexthe194@juno.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Sleepless Nights
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: NNF A Reality Check
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Same as it ever was

These are, in my opinion, really great stories. Sleepless Nights is truly "heartwarming", or something like that, NNF A Reality check was funny as hell, and I just liked Same as it ever was.

Angel - 11/21/00 23:21:41
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: What happens next?
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: call to arms
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Royoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ryoko's Gems
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Princeless bride

Love this site.[=)] Keep up the good work.

jenny - 11/21/00 05:36:00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: For a Princess
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Night


Dan - 11/21/00 03:22:18
My Email:eraser1976@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Mother's Day
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confessions


Jack - 11/19/00 15:39:59
My Email:fire34@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and Earth
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Aikan Muyo


StarFruit - 11/18/00 16:38:00
My Email:crystalscout@gurlmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko Saotom
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Gentle Sound of Thunder
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Regretful Messiah
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Princess Ryoko Jurai
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Whispers in the Wind

These are probably fav out of all the stories in this site!

Dade Gifford - 11/18/00 15:51:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cubone41
My Email:cubone41@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: MST of 10-chi clan's quickies by the Psychomatic Poet

Aikan Muyo is my inspiration. I know my fics will never come within a lightyear of comparing to them. I also wish that there would be more continuations of them soon. I know when there are good works, they take time, so I can wait, I just wish I knew t ey were being created. As for MST 10-chi, that had me laughing and falling off my chair (several times)

Erik Tuttle - 11/17/00 05:18:20
My Email:raven_575@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: "Unforgivable Sin"
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: "The Dating Game"
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: "That Time of The Month!"
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: "A Very Tenchi Christmas"
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: "Tenchi Muyo: Behind The Scenes"

OKAY I love this place, tmffa.com kicks my ass! Alright now lets get down to stuff. "Unforgivable Sin" was EXELENT! Jeeze what a great plot idea! I thought that OAV ep. #15 was suposed to be funny (i didn't find it funny) but man! What a PUNCH in the face If you haven't read it then got check it, "Unforgivable Sin", numero uno on me lista. Now I am going to place "The Dating Game," "That Time of The Month," and "Behind the Scenes," into one catagory. Humor! Man thank goodness people out there still write umorus Tenchi fan fiction (i try to add a little but all my atempts at alot just fall through. You funny people really are talented... and silly to:)! That was what first brought me into Tenchidom in the first place. All these beautiful girls arguing, sho ing, pushing, and pinching all over this poor tourchered earth boy! Ha! It dosen't get much better than that! I'll have to say that "A Very Tenchi Christmas" warmed my heart. It was good, real good. The author feels strongly about the characters in the wr ting he makes us feel soft inside. These are the characters we have all grown to love and to know as if they were our friends. I've writen songs for all of them, talked to them, and kissed them in joy (not Tenchi or any of the guys though). If I am soundi g like a lame nerd to any of you thats because you don't actualy KNOW these characters like we do. They are not actors or people who simply play a role. They truly are living persons who exist only in their own fantasy world. I love them and "A Very Tench Christmas" only brings them closer to me. I guess that takes up all the fics on my list. Have a nice holiday and vote for me next season! (Just kidding!:)........ [you can still vote for me if you want to!;)]

SailorNikkie - 11/17/00 04:11:53
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi's True Love

It's great that Tenchi is with someone else other than the girls off the series:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ben figgins - 11/17/00 02:53:55
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A call to arms


- 11/16/00 23:20:03
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: nintenchi


Madscientist - 11/16/00 02:21:51
My Email:Dr_Malpractice@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: In This Moment


Ksaz - 11/15/00 15:19:29
My Email:uoksaz@mail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Culture Shock! series

Its good stuff

MasakiKid13 - 11/15/00 05:47:05
My Email:masakikid13@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Touch of Insanity
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Miss You Always
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Love With Honor
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi's Choice...enter Kiyone
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ayeka Muyou!
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Sasami's Quest


joren - 11/14/00 01:29:40
My Email:joren7@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

A wonderful fanfic, and full of plot and emotion. Does anyone know if it's ever going to be finished? After reading it all this weekend, I'm addicted!

bryan weber - 11/13/00 05:20:18
My Email:bryan_weber@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Anime Deathmatch: Ranma 1/2 vs. Tenchi Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: If Wishes were Cabbits
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Take 2
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Sasami's Lemony Revenge
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: My Little One

I enjoy the sensitive or the comical fics. And I'm enjoy hearing from authors and readers on the quality (or lack thereof) of my own fanfics.

Paul Bernard - 11/13/00 00:53:14
My Email:pmbernard@usa.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Dark Jurain
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Magical Girl Adorible Achika


^-^Little Washu^-^ - 11/12/00 23:26:43
My Email:blackcat0907@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: "Ryoko's Love"

It was a great story full of love and emoction.

Duo Maxwell - 11/12/00 22:03:30
My Email:duomaxwell@inorbit.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Final Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Love's Labor Lost
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: First Knight


Amanda F. - 11/12/00 21:50:51
My Email:DontEmailMe@webtv.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: My Little One
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: In This Moment(?)

I agree with Sissy Sasami! But I guess not a lot of people read that story. I love it becuse it relates so much to Ryokos feelings towards Techi. A must read for the diehard Ryoko fan! The other one (I think that's what its called...) is okay... but I wanted to put more than one fic down ('cause I get so many choices!! ^_^)

Raymond - 11/12/00 18:33:17
My Email:StahlFaust@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Sleepless Nights
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: For the Blood God
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Culture Shock


Raymond - 11/12/00 18:33:10
My Email:StahlFaust@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Sleepless Nights
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: For the Blood God
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Culture Shock


Adira - 11/12/00 16:41:03
My Email:ldyadiira@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Cabbit Trouble
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Mihoshi Incident
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need for a Thing

Cabbit trouble needs sequels.. so does the Mihoshi incident.. lots and lots of sequels!!! I would especially like to see more Ryoko/catwoman crossovers. Thanks.

Hounder - 11/12/00 11:55:53
My URL:http://members.nbci.com/hounder01/houndershome.html
My Email:rhall3@elp.rr.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Muyo: Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: A Very Tenchi Christmas
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Magical Girl Adorable Achika

A few things to note here. 1) Yes, these wee all good fics. I did vote for a few of these before. The reason they are here again is that I still feel that are that damn good. 2) For you idiots out there who don't read the rules, this is not for voting on characters. If you want to vote on who the best character, then go make your own bloody page so you can do it. Gen has set this place up for fics. 3) For you who actually admitted to only have read one fic and voted for it: You need to read a few more fics. Just because you read one story does not mean that it is the best one out there. 4) For you people who are just voting because it is your friend who wrote the story: You know that that is wrong, just as bad as the above reason. If you have not read any of the other fics, then what makes you truly think that your "friend" really w ote anything that is worth it? 5) And finally, for those of you who are only voting for one fic: Please try to vote for a few others, believe me, a lot of people are getting tired of seeing a particular fic constantly getting voted for 1st place. First of all, that fic isn't even inished, and at the present time, probably never will. Two, There are more fics out than just that one, so maybe you should try to read something else. 3) Just because you think Ryoko is the greatest does not mean that those type of story's should be the nly ones that you read. Ayeka bashing is so idiotic ( and FYI, I happen to be a member of both Ayeka and Ryoko's fanclubs). Come on people, let's try to make the voting a bit more fair and actualyy start reading some of the newer fics. End of this particular rant.

Michael - 11/12/00 02:13:29
My Email:endevror@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A change of state
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Empires Dusk
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters Of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: I Forgotten
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Dark Jurian

I favor the Empires Dusk because It's a fic with a good length, about just the right size for my taste! Empires Dusk because both Ayeka and Ryoko get's Tenchi and everything is right with the world, well a war is always in progress sadly enuogh.

Zachariah - 11/11/00 04:25:09
My Email:wtucker352@earthlink.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo


KATIE - 11/09/00 23:53:37
My Email:cbrovont@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryokos Precious Secret
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destinys Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Red tears Salty Blood

Ryoko is the coolest. Shes the best charactor in the series. GO RYOKO!!! GO RYOKO!!! Every one else is cool to.

Kitana Mihiroshi Katasuka - 11/08/00 23:40:30
My Email:Mlewis2000@mediaone.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kanisha no Ima

I love every single one of them but my favourite is Kanishi no Ima ,created by leafchan. I think he *she?* Is a very talented artist. ^_^

Kyle "Wildcat" Pitts - 11/07/00 23:08:50
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need For Grief


Bill Lange - 11/06/00 20:28:39
My Email:rckfan92@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Forever Isn't Long Enough
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Sleepless(?) Nights

Aikan Muyo is the best fanfic I have ever read. There should be more parts to it.

Sara - 11/05/00 22:45:01
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Lover's Peak: Tenko


dr fan - 11/05/00 17:43:34
My URL:http://in the works
My Email:in the works
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: pokmyuo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: mosha in sakyer erith
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: tachi battles bssm

ive be robd i do,t anything about teachimyou here some ieadas croosovers no need for mosters tachimyuo team-up with mosrerrauncers hhhhhm techi&frinds jaionforce with caerdcaptors hhhm also digmyuo techi&frinds meet-up with digdseind hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm

anarchist iv - 11/05/00 10:33:37
My Email:anarchistiv@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko Saotome

Damn good story. Nothing like loss and redemption.

Ryoko's sex deamond - 11/05/00 08:14:05
My Email:ssj4_vegeta_jr@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi's True Love: "A Wedding Night"


Fox - 11/04/00 21:46:20
My Email:agilwindy@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Gentle Sound of Thunder


Aaron Oefinger - 11/04/00 18:58:51
My Email:theoverlord@animeinn.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No need for Virgins
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Galaxy police :lemon abound


The Cabbit Amber! - 11/04/00 18:44:08
My Email:Toxicqueen_23@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi on a plate of sashimi
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No need for Virgins

I thought both were funny and...interesting, I sort of wish that I could get rid of my writer's block so I could finish my story, Love n Loss....maybe then people would vote for it! lol. Thank you honorable writers, these stories are something else! =^.^= br>

Blood Lust - 11/04/00 07:13:24
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Love N Loss

I don't know....just something told me to vote for it....I wonder why the same author/story keeps becoming number one over and over again? Oh, and why their lemons....Love n loss was my first taste of a lemon, and it turned out not to have any lemony stuf in it....I guess theres some people who prefer hentai.......but I don't know, I'm dumber then Mihoshi on ice. any who, I thought it was an okay story, (atleast there will be ONE vote for this story...poor thing)

Jenny - 11/03/00 20:46:59
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: My Little One

Good fic by Kristina V. Look for it in the miscellaneous section!!! Big Ryoko Fan!!!

Raditz - 11/03/00 12:35:42
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Three Gems For Power by Erik Tuttie
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Something More by B.G. Landers
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Universe : Infity Series by ~Brain~Wave~
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo!: Behind The Sceans by B.G.Landers
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Tipical Tenchi Muyo! Fanfiction by B.G Landers
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: In The Begining by W.Showers

Cool Site

Amanda - 11/03/00 00:20:12
My Email:EternalyChibbles@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: My Little One

This is really good! And it's by my friend Kristina, who works really hard on writing. She deserves this!!!

J9 - 11/02/00 19:44:06
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Every Lesson Learned

Can't wait to see the rest of this.

Ray Jurai - 11/02/00 16:51:43
My URL:http://Ra-chan.tripod.com/index-6.html
My Email:Neflite_53@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Greatest Lemon Ever


jtapia - 11/02/00 07:19:43
My Email:jptc@pacbell.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: aikan muyo


cameron young - 11/02/00 04:07:28
My Email:LINDAYOUNG1@msn.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No need to be second
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryoko and tenchi: together forever
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Everyone hates mornings
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Heaven and night
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: No need for daydreams and preparations

Ryoko is the veryvery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Legacy - 10/31/00 20:30:24
My Email:LegacyChaos@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: sleepless nights
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: ma petite washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: heaven and night
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: duty
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Aikan Muyo


Dann - 10/30/00 21:06:31
My URL:http://ZWarriors257.Homestead.com/HI.html
My Email:eternaldragon257@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Something More by BGlanders


James Zale - 10/29/00 21:17:38
My Email:Goose20693@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo: So Anxious-Part 2: The Urge
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo!: Culture Shock-Chapter 4
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Muyo!: Culture Shock-Chapter 5
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need For Heavy Metal! Episode 2
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: No Need For Heavy Metal! Episode 1
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Love With Honor-Prolouge


Ryouko - 10/29/00 01:11:48
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryouko's heart 1-5
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi's true love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: no need for a weding part4
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: tenchi finds...1-3
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: many many others
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: much more

The lemon stories rock!

Lynn - 10/28/00 05:43:14
My Email:gdygdy12@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No Need for Vacations
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance


Mase - 10/28/00 04:18:08
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love

Ryoko's Love,by Long T. Tran, is the best FanFic I have evere read!

wilfredo torres - 10/28/00 00:27:38
My Email:opietron@al\ol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: wheen goddess attack
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: wrath of washu

these two lemons are like the funniest and best i've ever read

X - 10/27/00 13:46:14
My Email:kesshu@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Two Guys, Two Girls, a Roshtarian Princess, and a Magical Girl MST "The Switch"
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Darkness & Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: My Sisters Toreishi
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate


kenoto - 10/27/00 02:22:39
My Email:yeesh@alltel.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Fukanzen
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Eternity
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Confess to You


Teddy - 10/26/00 12:56:21
My Email:oceanhighs@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryokos Love

Hi I have only read one story so far and that is Ryokos love but they dont' finish the story!!!!

?*()*BLANK&@$^ - 10/26/00 04:18:37
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo


Carlos Corral - 10/26/00 01:02:06
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com
My Email:Heretic83@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess To You

In this moment (author:Horse_w_No_Name) is probably one of the best love stories between Ryoko and Tenchi that I have read so far. I like fics that end with Ryoko and Tenchi because if anyone deserves Tenchi, its Ryoko. She basically grew up with Tenchi (depending on which Tenchi Series you are watching). Ryoko's Love and Confess to You are 2 other stories that I highly recommend you all read as well.

Mike - 10/25/00 02:36:40
My Email:lighthawkknight@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Love and Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo: Mind, Body, Hearts and Souls
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Dark Juraian
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Gems

I really hate to be vindictive, but I voted for "Love and Life" first because I truly loved the story. The second reason why I voted for it was simply to spite the persons who drove away a prominent fan fic author. Yes, I know that we should vote for newe fics and authors, but for some reason it just eats away at me that the author of "Love and Life" got such a raw deal. I'm sorry. I promise next time I won't vote for it just for spite...... no, really.... I mean it!! ^_^

Elizabeth - 10/25/00 01:31:55
My Email:none
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Whispers in the Wind
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Princess Ryoko Jurai

Hello, my name is Elizabeth and I am a close friend of Yaoli. She wrote the two stories above, so I am voting for her. Besides, she introduced me to TMFFA in the first place. As a thank you, I wanted to see her on the top 10. Even though she is a Ryoko fa (I'm an Ayeka fan), I really enjoyed her writing, especially Whispers in the Wind. That's all I have to say ^_^!

Duo - 10/25/00 01:17:34
My Email:godofdeath_duo_maxwell@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo!
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Love's Lost Labor


Kenny Stiffler - 10/24/00 16:52:33
My Email:DukeNukem2006@netscape.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Culture Shock
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Darkness and Light
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need For Japan
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Scarlet Deluge
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Gems for Power
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryo-Ohki Saga


Wiegraf30 - 10/24/00 05:44:38
My Email:tjoy@jps.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Follow Your Heart


Miho-chan - 10/24/00 01:23:02
My Email:mihochan@galaxypolice.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate


- 10/22/00 07:21:20
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need for Sailor Scouts


Amanda - 10/21/00 23:55:18
My Email:xXx@nospam.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: This is totally cresent fresh
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: no need for heavy metal
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No need for a super sayan

I don't like your site's background.

Menace Washuu - 10/21/00 16:00:24
My Email:allyn.howey@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo!: Culture Shock!
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Shattered Mirror Mended
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Paradise Lost
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: No Need For Thinking of Me
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Code of Honor

Well, all of these fics rock, so what else can I say. Almost all of the authors belong to my list of fanfic gods/goddesses. Thank you.

Bill Lange - 10/21/00 08:13:19
My Email:rckfan92@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever Isn't Long Enough

I chose this because lemons are cool and in my opinion Ryoko should get Tenchi.

Chibi chibi Ryo-oki - 10/20/00 20:22:54
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Devil and Miss Mihoshi
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Devil Princess from Jurai

I loved 'The Devil and Miss Mihoshi', that person has talent! They wrote in jokes and copied Mihoshi's personality to a T! They even mentioned 'Moldiver' her favortite TV show in the OAV! This person deserves a prime spot in your archive, where everyone can read and enjoy it...it WAS ecchi at times,(rape monsters,*shutters*)other than that, a funny and adorable fic with an adorable heroine! PEACE, LOVE, AND CABBITS: Chibi chibi Ryo-oki! ^-^ "I want my 'Moldiver' tapes!"--Mihoshi, 'The Devil and Miss Mihoshi'---the greatest fic of ALL TIME! PS. the parody of a 50's B movie, 'The Devil Princess of Jurai' is another favorite of mine...my parents have seen every 50's B movie of all time (they grew up then)so when I read this to them, they burst out laughing, they said the fic was better then the original movie!!! Bu-BYE (for real now.) PEACE, LOVE, AND CABBITS!--Chibi chibi Ryo-oki! ^-^

Ayashi_No - 10/20/00 20:08:53
My Email:ayashikaiselera@icqmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Two Guys, a Girl, and a Giant Lizard
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aikan Muyou

I have to say that Mr. Doscher's works are getting my votes this season. His storylines are nicely 'paced' and manage to convey a necessary sense of suspense, as well as a convincing way of presenting the characters we've become familliar with in situatio s of his own design without them becoming overtly "Out of character"(IMHO). Well done Mr. Doscher. Keep up the good work!

Curtis - 10/20/00 05:06:01
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For the Love of Kiyone
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Valentine Tales:A Tenchi Muyo Story:Sasami Gets Tenchi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: A Typical Masaki Morning
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: A Tenchi Christmas Story: I saw Ryoko kissing Tenchi under the mistletoe
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: A Very Tenchi Christmas
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: At The Carrot Patch


Chrono - 10/20/00 02:29:57
My Email:crusader_3@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ma Petite Washu

'In This Moment' 0\/\/|\|2 J00!1!1!!111

John Smith - 10/19/00 23:06:07
My Email:blackisle@etoast.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Aikan Muyo


Chuck Rasin - 10/19/00 13:08:59
My Email:little_washu9@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: NO NEED FOR A SUPER SAYIN
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: NO NEED FOR STRANGERS


Garry Robinson - 10/18/00 23:25:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/anime2/4heavenandearth
My Email:N/A
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Dark Juraian
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Confess to You

It is in my opinion that "Destiny's Balance" is quite possibly the best fan fic out there. It's a beautiful story arc that involves all the main characters that we have grown to know and love, as well as originally created characters. Without a doubt, thi could quite easily be made into another Tenchi Muyo movie. Actually it would be the very last, and best, movie. Not that I didn't like "Tenchi Forever". It's just that it kind of ended with everything STILL in question. I wish someone from Pioneer could ead "Destiny's Balance", or any of the other high quality fan fics. They are ten times better than "Shin Tenchi". And to those of you who have e-mailed me with words of encouragement about my stories, I'd just like to say thank you........ but I'm not ready to start down that path again ....... yet {^_^}

Camikyra - 10/18/00 20:26:46
My Email:Team_Rocket5@excite.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Gems
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Gentle Sound of Thunder


Rowan Seven - 10/18/00 02:43:47
My Email:rowan_seven@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Villain's Crusade
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Faith and Consequence
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Kith and Kin
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: It's the Small Things that Matter
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Gems


Ryoko_rd - 10/18/00 01:43:55
My Email:ryoko_rd@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: ryoko's love

I really love this story it's so touching. I just cried reading it. (sobs) It's soo beautiful!

anton - 10/17/00 21:21:09
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: in this moment


Juan Chacon - 10/17/00 17:22:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/xsbooks/
My Email:xsbooks@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Onna-Tenchi Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Time's Vendetta


Bunnybuns - 10/17/00 17:01:29
My Email:none
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this moment

I love Tenchi and Ryoko stories and this one so far is just the best!!

fallen - 10/17/00 03:16:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sk/fallen13/
My Email:fallen_ange13@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment

^^ Go In This Moment~!

Amy - 10/17/00 02:27:19
My Email:Zabby42@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi and Ranma, Together Forever?
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Girl Who Wasn't and the Princess Who Was
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Family Trees

This is really out of any crossovers with Ranma in them, since that is all I ever read. There are possibly Tenchi fanficts that are better than these, but I haven't read them. I feel these three deserve recognition though, there weren't enough really good fanficts that did in the catagory I read.

Ryoko - 10/17/00 00:02:14
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: My little One
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Sleepless Nights
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Underneath the Mistletoe
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Trouble, With a twist of Lime
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Red Tears, Salty Blood
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: One True Princess

I really enjoy reading all the fanfics, (espiecally the ones about me) but I decided that one Ayeka fic was really good so I threw it in. I almost cried while reading "My Little One", and "Sleepless Nights". I really enjoy your page, Gen Sao!!!

Ryoko Fan - 10/16/00 23:32:41
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: For a Princess
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love

It's so hard to put these in order, because they are all so good! If you have not read these fanfics, do so because it is worth your while! And also, whoever wrote "For a Princess", please finish it! I come on this site just about every week to see if you have submitted another story! So if you haven't read these fics yet, you're missing out on some pretty good pieces of work. ^_~ bye for now!

Leotie - 10/15/00 20:00:33
My Email:imbalanced
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: sasami's lemon
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: the devil and miss mehoshi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ryokos love

There all cool!

Derek Fuller - 10/15/00 09:09:54
My Email:SethJhunter@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A Moment of Weakness

Very good fic, Madga has alot of potenial, and the fic could turn out to be a real page turner

Wes Lehmann - 10/15/00 07:04:29
My Email:Weshalu@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love

Sapriseingly good I had excpected all of the stories to be beyond bad. But this one and only this one was preety decent. The rest are as bad as I thought they would be.

WASHUULUVR - 10/14/00 20:41:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/richardtepp
My Email:cthtlt@francomm.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Silver Petals Are Really F***** Up

Yo, I like storys with lots and lots of people that arent just from anime

Ryoko - 10/14/00 05:39:23
My URL:http://??
My Email:LDuggy@SailorMoon.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For a Princess
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Tenchi Chronicals
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Come and Gong
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi's Revenge
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Tenchi's Decision
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Question

I love em all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moni-chan - 10/13/00 22:01:55
My Email:tanyaneko@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

Aikan Muyo rules! Even if it's a lemon, it actaully has a real plot and it's such a nice story!

brandon - 10/13/00 15:22:11
My Email:legacychaos@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: in this moment...
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ma Petite Washu


Mario - 10/13/00 02:35:56
My Email:tantio22@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: "In This Moment"

"IN THIS MOMENT" Is the only Tenchi fanfic that I can really think of because it is just so VERY, VERY GOOD!!!!!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, read this story, I truly think that you will LOVE it. Thank You, Mario (MNM) tantio22@aol.com

horse_w_no_name - 10/13/00 02:22:37
My URL:http://fortunecity.com/rivendell/elfin/311
My Email:horse_w_no_name@cheerful.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need for Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Worst Self Insert Ever Written
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Senile Shinto Priest

I had to vote not only because I like these fics, but because whoever voted below made a slight error, and it looks like I voted for myself. *crawls into a little hole* Please don't think that!!! Anyway, I recently read Confess to You for the first time, and it definately rules! Keep readin buds, and to the authors, I salute you!!! Keep writing!

- 10/12/00 20:11:53
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

This was a very well written fanfic, despite the fact that it was a lemon. I think that Happosai spent a very long time writing it and rewriting the mistakes. I hope that he keeps adding new chapters.

Magda Castillo - 10/12/00 16:19:46
My Email:RyokoMR@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Prince and the Pirate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Gentle Sound of Thunder

Wow, it's been a preeetty long time since I've voted. Many new authors have made their marks, recently (perhaps due to the Tenchi showing on CN), and I was pleased to see some really excellent work. First and foremost, certainly, is my absolute favorite fanfic in the regular sections, "Confess to You", by my pal Lita. One would be hard-pressed to find more romantic fanfic, with such an intriguing, intelligent plot. Second is a fic that kept me up until about 3 a.m., on an evening I should have been studying for an exam... the surprisingly awesome "The Prince and the Pirate". Two thumbs up to this very imaginative author, for taking a very interesting theme rarely d scussed in other fics. :) Next is "Hands of Fate", another recent, excellent fanfic, with a very interesting plotline. Also particular in "Hands of Fate", is the beautiful, almost poetic flow of words, especially apparent in the prologue.. wow. This is also used in my next favorite Tenchi fic, "In this Moment". There may not seem to be much of a plot as a whole, but this fic, not unlike the infamous Tenchi Muyo In Love 2, delves into the emotions and thoughts of the three main characters, notab y Tenchi and Ryouko, and it does a great job. Aaaand, it's very romantic. ;) The next fic, "The Last Avatar", is a good, solid piece of work. The plot is well written and intriguing. I can't wait to read the next chapter! I'm hoping to make a fan art of this fiction too, when I have some free time. Finally, I could not leave out one of my favorite fics of all time, the classic "The Gentle Sound of Thunder". Seems I always have to stick that one in somewhere whenever I do vote. ;) If you haven't read it yet... do it now. You won't regret it. It's al o fulfilling that this particular series was finished. Incidently, I left out a few of my favorite fan fics, because of the fact that they're in a sort of hiatus, and it gets tiring to reread the available chapters again and again. It's not entirely fair, to ignore the new people, who are doing such a great ob, after all. Hopefully, those authors, (and I'm sure they know who they are) will get motivated soon, and not abandon their awesome fanfics. :) Sorry for the long response... I thoroughly enjoyed all of these fics, and just had to say why.

Tom Ustanik - 10/12/00 02:49:21
My Email:lcleaners@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: tenchi muyo follow your heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: miss you always
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: in this moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: the last avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: college is life ever normal
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: ma petite washu

#6 best tenchi gets somebody but ryoko #5 great x- over #4 must read last line last chapter killer #3 what more can be said CLASSIC #1,2 part of fan fic must read AND TO THESE AND ALL THE REST!! take a bow you all earn it!! The time you GIVE IS enjoyed THANK YOU

Brian Arnt - 10/12/00 00:15:26
My Email:brian_arnt@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi's True Love Chap.1
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Forever Isn't Long Enough Chap.1
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Every Lesson Learned Chap.1

Great Lemon Fic Series

Garrett Jax - 10/11/00 21:09:18
My Email:juraianknight@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Love and Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo:Mind, Body, Hearts and Souls
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Dark Juraian
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Confess to You

C'mon Garry! I know you're still out there. Don't give up on your fan fic writing just because of a few narrow minded individuals. Your stories were good and could be so much more. Just one more story, good or bad, will show those bastards that they didn' get their way. Even if you write one more story and it turns out to be the worst fan fic ever written it will still show them that they didn't get away with silencing you forever. I greatly liked your stories, and would like to see a continuance of "Love and Life". Please don't give up. I've seen your newly created web site. It's nice to see that you haven't abandoned the world that is Tenchi Muyo entirely. Whatever you decide.... I wish you luck.

Matt Sweat - 10/11/00 21:01:11
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Culture Shock
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destinys Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryokos Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The last avatar

These fanfics and there authors are the best fancic writers and stories there are.

Danniel Cecava - 10/11/00 15:42:08
My Email:archon9@mailcity.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

Unquestionably THE Definitive Tenchi Muyo! FF ever conceived. This is how the Anime SHOULD have played out. In the tradition of Pioneer's/AIC's marketing of this franchise, AIKAN MUYO leaves you craving for more...More...MORE!!!

Jack Daniels - 10/11/00 10:23:53
My Email:mr.jack_danels@excite.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: House full of Ohki's
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Gentle Sound of Thunder
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aeka's Mirror
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Tenchi Mucho!

You can probably make an educated guess as to why I voted for these.

Bokuzo - 10/11/00 06:40:18
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love


Kiyone - 10/11/00 03:26:30
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Runaway Horses: The Kiyone Makibi Affair


Stephanie Robinson - 10/11/00 02:41:42
My Email:robinss@cc.wwu.edu
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and To Hate


Kris - 10/10/00 21:52:39
My Email:thewandererr@earthlink.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Very Tenchi Christmas
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Miss You Always
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Angels, Heaven and Earth
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Conspiracies By Candlelight
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Fear

There are more that I'd love to vote for, as there are more than a few extremely well written, and/or touching fics in this great archive. But for me, these are some of the very best.

Bob - 10/10/00 19:07:49
My Email:ErebdraugOrnbar@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this Moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Trouble, With a Twist of Lime
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ma Petite Washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ryoko's Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Fukanzen

Good stuff

AJ - 10/10/00 14:24:05
My Email:RoateA@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this moment
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: the prince and the pirate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: ryoko saotome
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: no need for sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: confess to you


Kiwi - 10/10/00 02:05:50
My URL:http://www.ppgworld.com
My Email:kawaiikiwi@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In This Moment

If you haven't read this 'fic yet, I suggest you go ahead and do so! It captures true emotion in the characters and I truly believe it is underappreciated for it's greatness. I'm not just saying that as a Ryoko fan, you understand... check it out yourself - the writing technique is quite unique in the Tenchi fiction community, and is a pleasant change. ^_^

Yun-Jung - 10/09/00 16:52:39
My Email:Don't Have One
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Whispers in the Wind
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Princess Ryoko Jurai
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Dawn of Freedom

Hi! I'm Yaoli's friend, the writer of Whispers in the Wind and Princess Ryoko Jurai, so I'm voting for her. Well, see ya!

erk bugger - 10/09/00 13:24:34
My Email:efbjammer@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Thorns


Patrina Sampath - 10/09/00 06:35:26
My Email:ryoko_125@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: All the part to EVERY LESSON LEARNED

I soo loved "Every Lesson Learned" I can't wait to find out what happens when Washu finds out about Ayeka and Ryoko...

joe louis - 10/08/00 22:36:08
My Email:amkwolek2005@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryokos love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: destiny balance

Ryokos love kept me reading all night longDestiny balance was the first fic I read. IT ROCKED!!!! confess to you is cool too, i hope the guy finishes it. Look at my fic "Legend of the dolphins pearl"

telling you - 10/07/00 02:36:33
My Email:zippo
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Darkness and Light


Carlos Corral - 10/07/00 01:51:31
My Email:Heretic83@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love

Awesome Man! I wish they could turn this into a movie or add it to the series!

Washu Kobayashi - 10/07/00 01:11:51
My Email:washukobayashi@masakishrine.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ma Petite Washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No need for a swap
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi and Ryoko forever
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Trouble, with a twist of lime
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: A very Tenchi christmas

This site rocks! And I luv any fics that concern Tenchi & Ryoko, or Tenchi & Washu. I hope to get my fics on here soon.

Wei Zhou - 10/05/00 16:36:31
My Email:Don't Have One
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Whispers In the Wind
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Princess Ryoko Jurai

This is the very first Fanfiction I have ever read, so, good or not, I will vote for them. Besides, they're really cool!

Risu Masaki - 10/03/00 22:59:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/onyxspirit2000
My Email:JadeTiger7@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Mind Triangle #1
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No Need To Stay
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi's True Love: A Wedding Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need For Virgins
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Day of The Carnaval
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Love At The Shrine

These were all great! Don't think I am hentai for loving the lemon fics! I to am an author.... however I write mainly Gundam fics! Love and Hugz Risu

- 10/03/00 00:27:01
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: for a princess
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: princess Ryoko jurai

i wish "for a princess" would get the rest of it's parts in. i'm dyin' here! p.s. gensoe how come u deleted that one where ryoko gets blamed for knocking out washu. but it was really ayeka and then ryoko tries to leave cuz tenchi yells at her. but before she can that prince captures her? i really wanted to hear part 2.

Will Z - 10/03/00 00:14:20
My Email:willz@iname.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Desiny's balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and eternity
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: devil and miss mihoshi
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Conspiracies by candlelight
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Bishonen muyo: ken ohki

Love all these fics! I just wish I could vote for mine *shameless plug mode on* Kimochi by willz *shameless plug mode off*

Kimberly - 10/02/00 21:00:00
My URL:I don't have one
My Email:moonergirl@seventeen.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Princess Ryoko Jurai
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Whispers In The Wind
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Dawn of Freedom
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: For A Princess
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Blood Red Moon
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Precious Secret

HI! I think that The Dawn of Freedom is a very cool and sad story, and also, I really like Princess Ryoko Jurai for it's unique and interesting plot. Blood Red Moon is great and so is For A Princess. See ya!

Wolfangel - 10/02/00 16:21:48
My Email:cheeze@ron.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryokos love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: shit


Pinky - 10/02/00 01:47:40
My Email:thepinkside@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Bishonen Muyo

Must have... more.... FANFICTION!!! Garrrrgh!!!!! Read these fics. Fics are good. Mmmmmm..... fics... Okay, in all serious, these two are so far my only favorites. So sue me. I have no time! I wish I could read all the delicious fanfics out there! But these have eased my hunger the most. Hands of Fate is one of my faves cuz it is DEEP, POETIC, COOL-ASS, MYSTERIOUS, and has just released a NEW CHAPTER soooo go read. Now! Bishonen Muyo is so funny I think I'm gonna keel. Hahahaha!! You want some humor, irony, and over all originality, read this. Yay to m

A Kagato Fan - 10/01/00 22:40:33
My Email:Zz600@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kagato's Revenge
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Avenger of his death
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Revenge on Ryo-ohki

I chose these three fanfics because they are my favorite and Kagato is my favorite character. YOU ROCK KAGATO!!!!!!

Kenny Stiffler - 10/01/00 17:28:09
My Email:DukeNukem2006@netscape.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: old foe, new foe

this was subbmitted in 1999, i have recently read it and e mailed the author for another and final chapter. I wonder if he forgot, hope not. Anyway, this is my vote.

Washu - 09/30/00 19:06:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/tenchi_zone
My Email:StarLight2001@sailormoon.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: To Love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko and Tenchi Forever
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Red Tears, Salty Blood
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: With all my Heart

As you can see, I'm reall into Ryoko and Tenchi Fanfics. But that doesn't mean that I Dis Aeka and Tenchi FF. I just haven't read any good ones yet, that's all. Please e-mail me the ones that you may really like. Well anyway, I really like all the Fanfics I've read so far and I really hope I'll be able to write one just as good someday! ( Yeah, like that's ever going to happen. but still.) I really enjoyed to writer's style! Well. I belive I've writen a whole lot now, wouldn't you agree? Cya then! And plea e come visit my Website.( Even though it's quite under constrution. MAJOR CONSTRUCTION! )

Chase - 09/30/00 09:39:05
My URL:I don't have one
My Email:duomaxwell24816@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

I simply love this series, and I will continue to vote for it until I die! . . . or until someone brings me a carrot. I'm really hungry.

A KAGATO FAN - 09/30/00 03:16:59
My Email:Zz600@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kagato's Revenge
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Avenger of his death
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Revenge on Ryo-ohki
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Devil and Miss Mihoshi

With "KAGATO'S REVENGE", "AVENGER OF HIS DEATH", and "REVENGE ON RYO-OHKI" I chose them because I am a KAGATO fan."The Devil and Miss Mihoshi", I chose because it was funny!!! P.S. KAGATO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nicole - 09/29/00 23:38:30
My URL:http://mirrorpool.homestead.com
My Email:nmnolan99@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For a Princess

I loved For a Princess, written by Heather, and I hope she finishes it.

Sean Shukoski - 09/29/00 16:17:36
My Email:none
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For the love of Kiyone
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Love and Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ma Petite Washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Mind, Heart, Body, and Soul
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: A Brief Taste of Eternity

My first two picks were chosen mainly because Kiyone got Tenchi either fully or partially in the end. The rest I picked because of the strong romantic atmosphere in each, despite the emotional and heartache that some of the characters went through, everyt ing turned out for the best in the end. Thank you for letting me express my opinions on these particular fanfics. I feel that the authors wrote these stories from a very mature and realistic point of view, and I am honored to been able to read and enjoy a l of these fanfics. I hope that the authors of these fanfics will continue to write and grace our screens with even more of their work in the near future. Good luck, and thank you.

Davner - 09/28/00 02:31:52
My URL:http://www.dragonsanime.com/cavdav/
My Email:doscher009@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Devil and Miss Mihoshi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Bishonen Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Gentleness and Strength
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: My Sisters Toreishi

Okay, usually I use this space to comment on the fics I've voted for, but this season I have a complaint. Why is it that outstanding new fics can't make it to the top ten? Why is it that people come here, vote for *one* old fic, and leave? Believe it o not, people, there are other fics besides Ryoko's Love. There are fics out there that are nothing less than *outstanding*. So how come they're constantly taking the backseat to fics that are years old and haven't been updated in several months? Take t e fics I voted for, for instance. These are great fics! And *GASP!* THEY'VE BEEN WRITTEN *RECENTLY*! We know Ryoko's Love and Aikan Muyo are great fics. Hell, they've been on the top ten for years now. How are we supposed to encourage new writers to write great fics if the only thing that's ever voted for are old fics that don't even have to be *UPDATED* to make it to the top of the charts?! I implore all of you to be responsible readers. Give some other fics a chance. There are some really good p eces out there, but they're constantly pushed out of the limelight by voters who only vote for one fic, or voters who vote for the same old fics all the time. Okay, end of speech.

LadyLunamis - 09/27/00 06:40:02
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko love


- 09/27/00 01:27:34
My Email:Magukarugo@AOL.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: It's the Small Things that Matter
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Princess Ryoko Jurai
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Hearth of a Demon and the Tear of a Mother
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Darkness

These have to be the best facfics there are exept Ryoko's Love and The Darkness I think needs to be finished.

- 09/26/00 20:29:14
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

I loved this fanfic because it really showed great detail. It was absolutely the VERY BEST fanfic I have ever read! Even though it is a lemon, it was still beautifully written and I loved it soooo much. Even though Tenchi and Ryoko are destined to be toge her, and Tenchi would most likely never choose both of them, it was still a wonderful idea for a story. If you don't like lemons, then you are missing out alot on not reading this story. I read this fic all the time and I will probably never get tired of t. Please, if you like great fanfics, then read this one! *sorry I didn't put my name*

Lord Tenchi Masaki - 09/25/00 14:35:02
My URL:http://zap.to/Tenchi_Muyo!_RPG
My Email:lordtenchimasaki@planetjurai.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need for Sasami


Divine Death Dragon - 09/25/00 04:41:52
My Email:ED KID 2L@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: ryoko's love

i must say that ryoko's love has got to be THE best ryoko/tenchi fic i have ever read.unlike most ryoks/tenchi fics,this storys goes in deapth.this truely is a great story in my opinion.but maybe it is just me or does it seem unfinished?but out side the f ct of that,this story is done very well.i hope the Auther will right more storys cuz this story was excellent.

David C - 09/24/00 05:42:08
My Email:Kevlar3500@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Arca Jeth's Every Lesson Learned (All Chapters)
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Arca Jeth's Fantasic Journey (Prologue and Chapter I)

I believe Arca Jeth has true talent. I've read most of the Lemon fics (most were cliche and boring), and roughly half of the Regular fics, and no one I've seen even comes close to Arca Jeth's. Arca Jeth's fanfics deserved to be placed into a novel somew ere. -David C

Serajadeyn - 09/24/00 03:36:23
My Email:serajadeyn@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love & To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Enviable Destiny
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Pirate Club

Pirate club is my absolute fave x-over fic. . i usually hate x-overs. Aikan has to be my overall fave but i gave my primary votes to the newer fics by Lita Eagle and Brook Kuhn cuz i LOVE their work! I very much respect both their works and hope to get my grubby mits on more chapters from these pieces soon

Kizoku - 09/24/00 00:36:42
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Dawn of Feedom

I beatiful piece of writing. Wow.

NeptuneDream - 09/23/00 17:48:04
My Email:NeptuneDream@n2sun.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Shattered Mirror Mended

It was sooo good! Blizzard, you are such a good writer! Huzzah! lol...^_~ Kudos to you! @_@ I'm messed up...

Alamacher675 - 09/23/00 13:23:32
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need for Terran part1
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No Need for Protoss part2
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need for Zerg part3

Starcraft rules! And for all the readers that like Warcraft, Starcraft is like like it, except for one thing, Starcraft is better! Starcraft has better graphics, story lines, and even the demo is better than Warcraft! So get Starcraft instead! Take it fro me, I've won it 50 times and I still love it. It comes with level editor, custom playing and multiplayer.

Hazel - 09/23/00 00:13:38
My Email:taintdsin1@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate

I abso-postivelyfreakin'-lutley love this fic. I love the writing style, the complexity of the characters, the cliffhangars (GAH!) and the way the fic creates such powerful imagery. Read it.

Drez"The Unholydragoon" - 09/22/00 15:57:55
My Email:unholydragoon@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance (Thomas "009" Dorcher
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Trouble with Twist of Lime

Destiny's Balance, in my humble opinion, is one of the best written, most concrete, and most thorough Tenchi fics ever written. The story is very believable, even if there is a hoard of new characters to deal with. Trouble with a twist of lime is a very ell thought out, humorous story that shows how the characters from the oav deal with situations that could have a serious affect on the entire dynamic. All in all, these are the best two story arcs that, in my opinion, deserve to be the top two TM fan fi s. -Drez

Batousaii Kawaii - 09/21/00 11:02:10
My Email:StoneColdSamurai@hotmail.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heavon and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Love Boat: Joe Higashi gets the girl (Well, Almost)
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ayeka Talk'n Dirty

Hehehe....Finally I voted. as you see, the most obvious fic I've voted is none other than "Destiny's Balance". It was just one great blast of a read!!! I know it's a bit late, but Congrats to Cav and Dav, Brook Kuhn, Literary Eagle and Seion Makibi for th Startica song, and those stellar writers that are still here!!! I just hope my fic turns out well =^.^= !!!! Sayonara!!!

Shin Akuma - 09/21/00 03:03:26
My URL:http://harunaforever.tripod.com
My Email:shinakuma@planetjurai.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Call me Mother

You need more stories with Haruna and tenchi.

Yatja - 09/21/00 00:30:36
My Email:yatja@excite.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo

This is my overall favorite fanfic for several reasons. First of all, I am very impressed with this fic because I can tell very clearly that the author, Happosai, took his time on it. Secondly, even though it is in fact, a lemon, that element of the sto y doesn't overpower the theme the fanfic portrayed: the very fact that Tenchi loves both Ryoko and Aeka equally, and that he wouldn't forsake one's love for that of the other. And third of all, the characters' personalities were identical to those of the television series. For example, Ryoko wasn't just a hentai after nothing but sex as I have read in other stories, and Aeka wasn't a half-lesbian searching for someone to carry out her fantasies with through using force like a couple of stories I have rea . Happosai took the characters' true feelings from the TV series and depicted them through the respectable characters in his fanfic. I beleive 'Aikan Muyo' by Happosai deserves recognition for those reasons as well as many others I have not yet stated in my comments.

Bob - 09/20/00 00:53:53
My Email:BobFromUO@earthlink.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ma Petite Washu

There are just not enough Washu fics out there, but this one is great, despite the really sad ending.

Mase - 09/19/00 23:25:33
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love

Ryoko's Love is the best fanfic I've ever read.

Tennohi - 09/19/00 20:21:20
My Email:mkaiou_nep@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo!
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Call me Mother!

i dont know, they were both so good...

ladora everett - 09/19/00 18:31:17
My Email:fataysia@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: ryokos love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: little demon
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: princess ryoko
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: ryokos gems
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: trials of motherhood
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: some place

these are the best ones

Kizoku - 09/19/00 15:15:17
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love

Well, here we go. I decided not to vote for my own story because it s**** bigtime. . .Oh well. Anyways, The Princeless Bride touched me so deeply that I swear, I will always remember it. . .wow. It deserves an award. Ryoko's Love was pretty good to. . .bu I still like The Princeless Bride the best.

Alex - 09/19/00 01:25:05
My Email:mangoyan@rcn.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: "Aikan Muyo"


steve - 09/18/00 14:59:19
My Email:steve0p110@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: tenchiMuyo:Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ive forgotten
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: a bref tast of eternity
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: What might of been
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: times vendeta
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: taifun

I wish some of these were acual anime! But I guess It's better than nothing.

A Kagato fan - 09/16/00 22:36:49
My Email:Zz600@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kagato's revenge

I do not read alot of lemon but anything with Kagato is fine with me.-T

Snowfox - 09/16/00 17:50:09
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Bonds of Sisterhood
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: To Love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ma Petite Washu
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Springer

When it comes to Ryoko and Aeka, I am with the school of thought that that Tenchi gets neither of them. These stories tend to reflect that feeling. They are also well written examples of the genre, and technically very tight. Nothing can ruin a good stor like continuous spelling and grammatical errors. Most of them were very exciting readings, amd Ma Petite Washu brought up a few good points. Such as, just how far would Ryoko and Aeka in a jealous fit of rage? How do they view Tenchi? And what does Ten hi want, rather than the usual story of who wants him. And Springer was just damn funny.

Brian - 09/16/00 07:55:27
My Email:bmaxian99@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Darkness & Light - No Need for Kova

A unique, romantic, well witten fic

Ronin - 09/15/00 23:54:02
My Email:KinjiruSan13@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Take two
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Devil and Miss Mihoshi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Legacy of Kain-Bloopers


Wufei - 09/15/00 23:28:06
My Email:slippknott4@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo


The Dark One - 09/13/00 04:20:59
My Email:tdoofsd@usa.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and Eternity
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No need or Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Powers that Be (if it gets finished. hint hint)

I think it would be a good idea to put some king of filter that bans people from postion only character's names, as i'm sure there are not many stories titled Tenchi or or Ryoko or even Ayeka...

Stephen Blount - 09/12/00 23:03:00
My Email:sblount@intiso.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Images of Tenchi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Dance of Shiva
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aeka Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ryoko Saotome


Travis - 09/11/00 21:00:33
My Email:bleedneulb@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever isnt long enough

Great story cant wait till next chapter

- 09/08/00 22:21:00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Valentine Tales: A Tenchi Muyo Story "Sasami gets Tenchi"

Its very very cute and deals with Sasami's love for tenchi.

Kilanirax - 09/08/00 12:08:38
My Email:zyraen@yahoo.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: A Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Bishonen Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight

As I haven't read that many fics, I thought voting would skew stuff, but what the hell, I'm voting ^_^. A Startica Song is *PERFECT*, really, and when I read the end I was listening to a song "From A Distance" and did that really create an atmosphere... g wd. Bishonen & MGAA are both funny, cool, with unique storylines, while DoT's premise & handling is very well done. I would have voted for Aikan Muyo but I think everyone knows its worth (priceless...), & should give new fics a chance so I shall abstain. TW, I'm new and I would appreciate all and any feedback on Darkness & Light, thanx.

Justin Buehner - 09/08/00 00:31:11
My Email:slade@angelfire.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Full Circle OAV


- 09/07/00 20:03:44
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Gay?!
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: A Flower Blooms
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: A Candle, A Flame
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Red Tears, Salty Blood
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Great Potato War


J-Pikachu - 09/07/00 09:14:03
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/jprpikachu/
My Email:jpikachu@ntlworld.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Eternal Heavens
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Standing Outside The Fire
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: My Sisters Toreishi

Hi, folks! It's that time of year again, so here are my votes. (Ooh, I'm actually writing a comment. Yay.) First up is Lita's Confess To You series, a great Ryoko+Tenchi fic that also addresses Ayeka in a way that doesn't demonise or otherwise persecute h r; this fic also has some great emotional

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