Spring 2000: Recored Votes |
Here is the list of all the recorded votes for the ninth season. Here you will find the comments people have made and their justifications for choosing certain stories. |
Possum - 06/01/00 06:02:07
My Email:possum@slip.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: With My Love Always
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ayeka Talk'n Dirty
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Paradise Lost
Zanakin - 06/01/00 02:45:16
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Happy Birthday Ryoko
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Take Two
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aikan Muyo
Those are the fics i voted for now you can tar and feather me as you wish.
Seriously though those are the fics i thought stood out amongst the rest
and i know i bitched about voting for old fics like Aikan but if it weren't
for happi i wouldn't even be wr ting myself well that my too cents
Bob Johnson - 06/01/00 02:41:00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: TM! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Tenchi Muyo: Empire
The Red Writer - 06/01/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: To love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryouko's Love
These are ALL great fics. There are plenty of others out there, and they
deserve recognition too. Good work, and keep it up!
Jessie (what, you were expecting a
James?) - 05/31/00 18:33:29
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo: Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Sum of All Memories
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: The Last Avatar
Geoduck - 05/31/00 14:05:46
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Heart and Soul
I'm only voting for fics that have been updated in the voting period, so
I can't vote for some of my favorites (Confess to You, Aikan Muyo). Still,
I found all five of these fics very enjoyable: "009" is rapidly becoming
one of my favorite fanfic writer .
ML - 05/31/00 09:12:54
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: If Wishes Were Cabbits
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: View from a cave
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Memory Of Your Smile
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Mucho!
Richard " HOUNDER" Hall - 05/31/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Muyo! Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: With All My Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Confess To You
I particularly enjoyed these fics. There are a great many more that I have
enjoyed, and that made it extremely difficult to narrow the choices down.
- 05/31/00 02:18:29
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heavan and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: A Very Tenchi Christmas
Sparky - 05/31/00 01:28:57
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Mucho!
They were really good and deserved my *ahem* expert opinion(and a lot of
others need it too,but i didnt feel like rating all of them and i hardly
have the time....etc. etc.).
- 05/31/00 01:23:57
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: TM!:Legends
its the only one that appealed to me in any way, shape, or form
Angela Lay - 05/30/00 23:18:45
My Email:nami779@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Princeless Bride
Alagon - 05/30/00 21:34:51
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo! H Adventures Series
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Mugen Tenchi Muyo
lets see more of that TM H adventure series. Mugen Tenchi Muyo Just
Hiroshi Yuzuma - 05/30/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Mucho!
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Twilight Dreams
Simon Rhodes - 05/30/00 13:40:38
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Night
I found Adorable Achika very entertaining. I've printed out copies and circulated
it among my non-computer owning friends and they agree, so I have no hesitation
in making this my first choice.
Jho`/Veggitto - 05/29/00 18:58:45
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Dark Jurian
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Dark Blade Saga
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: TM! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Destiny's Balance
Alex Ingham - 05/29/00 05:58:50
My Email:Kain155@aol.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Gentle sound of thunder
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Starica song
MrBobert - 05/28/00 05:45:25
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: What Might Have Been
All great fics...check em out..especially DoT^^
Sivus - 05/28/00 02:06:32
My Email:frenzy@tiac.net
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryouko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Happy birthday Ryouko
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: no need for sassami
.... For the first time since EDT wrote Ryouko's Love, I feel that I can
not vote it #1... I remember having a fight awhile back with someone in the
room about voting for newer fics, and to stop being one of those that dont
even bother to vote for anyone new, giving them a chance Holding to my opinion
that he was the best and rightfully I had good reason, I mean... he use to
win EVERY time, however as I started reading "Confess to you": bows to Literary
Eagle: ", "Happy Birthday Ryoko" -CAV, "Destiny's Ba ance" -Davner "damn
good show my friend!" HOW could I make EDT's fic first? THIS BY FAR IS NOT
A PERSONALY ATTACK ON EDT, he is a good friend of mine and I don't wish it
to be felt that it is.... It is a PUSH!. It is still my deep feeling that
"Ryouko' Love" should not suffer the fate of many other GREAT works of fiction.
. I understand the need for creative control and creative expansion however
I cannot sit and watch a Fic that once ruled the charts and was used as
inspiration for hundreds of other fanfic writers ^_^ . Go the way of the
do-do-bird..... I took the time to read Everyone's comments. : Points out
some important things from some: Charlie Godson - 03/16/00 01:33:10 Comments:
"I am a Ryoko fan and totally love Ryokos Love, but there needs to b more
to the story for the transition"
Wizard31 - 04/18/00 17:07:42 Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love Comments:
"I still think that evildrtran should finish writing the Alpha series of
Ryoko's Love. It is just plain wrong to Leave it unfinished, especially at
that point."
But on a better note, and keeping with the idea of voting for newer Fics
This year i make "Destiny's Balance" #1 #2 will be "Ryouko's Love" EDT makes
it Number one again! #3 will be "confess to you" :: bows deeply to lita"
#4 will be "Happy birthday Ryuoko" #5 will be "NO Need for Sassami" I wish
everyone luck this season
tzak - 05/27/00 05:10:51
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ever After
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Destiny's Balance
David Smith - 05/26/00 20:01:51
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: To Love and To hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
These are all great fics. Keep up the good work.
Lesell Charis - 05/26/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need for the Loves of Heaven and Earth
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Twilight Dreams
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Hands Of Fate
Well I tried to vote for newer fics this season unlike other times. Sheesh,
been so long voting I almost forgot how. ^^;;;; Anyway, I love all these
fics, Hands of Fate is so beautifully poetic, and Twilight Dreams-- so sad
but true. Needs a bit of techni al help, but it won me over anyway. Confess
to You, I don't think I need to say anything about that one ^_^ you all know
it. "No Need for the Loves of Heaven and Earth" Was very very nice. I read
this one a while ago and liked it, lots. "To Love and To Ha e" is my fave
of the new ones, it has *so* much potential. Moving... on... I haven't read
all of "Destiny's Balance" (it's so long...) but I'll get there. It won a
vote off me as soon as I started, sucked me right in! Cool setting cool plot,
cool romance! Good work Dav. Sad thing is, I wouldn't have started reading
this if I wasn't in it. (The length of it scared me at first). Yes everyone,
"Lezell Charis" is based on me... ^^;;;; Seeing the popularity of this fic
I feel the need to comment about it. "Leze l" is based on me, but only a
little because believe me, I am *really* a very very nice person. (No really,
ask Dav if you don't believe me.) "Lezell" is based on my "Evil" persona
(twin sis, actually) I used in #TenchiFF one night. I hope you all don't
t ink I'm some sort of b*&ch now or something, after reading "DB" because
really i'm not! ^_^;;;; Thats all. I thought I should say something before
I start getting hate mail or something or people start boycotting my fics...
^^; You might think i'm paranoi , but, I'm a bit weary since "Lezell" is
so evil that even I hate myself, almost ^^;;;;;; So keep in mind... it's
not really me! ;_;! Thanks. Thats all folks! Lesell (Not to be confused with
Lezell) Charis
SuperDribbs182 - 05/26/00
My Email:Kristin or
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Red Lanterns
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Aikan Muyo
Jason - 05/25/00 15:00:27
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Super Charged Series by Chris Engler
Excellent action. original ideas. great storyline (when not faultering to
overused jap. robot ideas). Great original characters. What more could you
ask for in a TMFF?
Kiara Frauchiger - 05/25/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Okay, well, my older sister voted earlier and caused somewhat of a ruckus.
I don't think she meant to put anyone down, she just wondered why four different
people voted for each others fics. And I don't think she meant it as a personal
attack on anyone's case. I know for a fact that friends vote for friends.
Whether they mean to or not. I apoligize on her behalf to anyone who was
Owen Kuhn - 05/24/00 17:54:32
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Two Guys, Two Girls, a Roshtarian Princess,
and a Magical Girl MST "The Switch"
Gensao should require that people vote for no less than three fics. That
way we'd discourage A) People who come in, read their best friends fic and
vote for it, and leave B) Ryoko Loves Fanboys who refuse to acknowledge the
fact that there are other good fics out there. Sure, Ryoko's Love is good
(I personally have some problems with the Alpha chapters, but I admit that
there is quality to the fic) but c'mon! You have si votes, and by only voting
for Ryoko's Love you are basically saying that no other fic is good. Now
for the fics Destiny's Balance is, IMHO, the best example of SI, I have ever
seen, and the only good SI gets a character ever. I think I know the reason
why too. Dav (and Cav and the rest) were not introduced as super characters,
but regular guys at a Mihoshi power evel (i.e. just guns) (except Ssedrey,
he's a bit more powerful). As for the getting Ayeka, there's a very simple
reason. Dav was NOT created to take Ayeka, he only got Ayeka because she
was made available by TF. So he is not defined by this fact, and e is a good
character. TO Love and To Hate. An excellent fic. Really dives into the
cahracters and gets a statement across. A) Tenchi really doesn't know what
he's doing, and might not even really know how the girls feel (sure, it's
easy for us to know, but he doesn't have a l the information). B) Any choice
is going to be filled with pain, and there is no "right" choice. It's a bit
(a bit???) dark, but I think it's going to lighten up soon (to a degree).
Heaven and Night makes another good statement. Tenchi is not going to chose
in a blink of an eye. Like any normal person, it is going to take time and
serious thought and catalyst, in order for him to make a decision. I know
some things about where the fic is going from the author, (which I won't
divulge) but if he didn't tell me, I'd be completely guessing. Confess to
You. What can I say? A magnificent, and beautiful fic. The love is brought
about beautifully, in a manner that many people have tried to copy, some
horribly butchering it too. Most importantly, Ayeka is neither forgotten
nor ignored. In fa t, Ayeka seems to be the most important character of the
fic, helping Ryoko and Tenchi prepare for the fight ahead. She even saves
Tokimi. Isn't that sweet of her. I absolutely love the reoccuring symbolism
of the butterfly. I can't wait for chapter 6 Daughters of Twilight. Again,
a beautiful and magnificent fic. It is more than just a "moment of weakness"
(one of the two most popular ways of Tenchi chosing), Ayeka and Tenchi are
brought to the threshhold of death. And once it's over, Tenchi is not damant
about what he said, he has to mull it over and determine if he really meant
it or if it was the intensity of the moment. Ryoko is handled well too. Dav
manages to bring out Ryoko's hurt without alienating the reader from Ayeka
and Tenchi. Finally, Two Guys, Two Girls, a Roshtarian Princess, and a Magical
Girl MST "The Switch" What can I say? This is simply the best MST that Cav
and Dav have done to date. I can't wait to see their next one (and I know
which fic it is, and it deserves to ie.)
Meg - 05/24/00 15:26:37
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Nihao
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: just
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: making
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: comment
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: already voted
hehe Someone pointed out that some people are voting for their friends....I
being one of them. I admit to that readily but tell you that it has nothing
to do with them being my friends. I voted for these people's fics because
they have the depth, emotion and i peccable writing skill that I most enjoy.
I that isn't what we are voting for then I am very sorry and I will gladly
have my vote stricken from the tally. I would also like to point out that
I DO read all of the fics that are submitted to the archive (and some that
aren't I might add) and I enjoy many of them to various degrees. I also try
to vote for the newest fics from each session instead of continually voting
for the same fic that hasn't been worked on in years (though I know that
life unfortunately D ES get in the way at times for the authors) Many of
the new fics are quite good, and if I had more spaces, I would have voted
for more of them but I couldn't so I chose the ones that struck a chord in
my heart the most, stimulated my mind to work overtime or what-have-you!
I don't vote on personal feelings but on the authors ability to strike a
bond between reader and character, and their ability to portray the backgrounds
and backstory and all the smaller interwoven strands that create a tapesty
that we c ll a story... Just wanted to clear that up since my name was
Meg! - 05/24/00 15:14:39
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: just
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: making
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: quick
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: comment!!
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: =-_-=
heh Someone pointed out the fact that a lot of people are voting for their
friends...That is true, I am one of them, but that is not WHY i voted! I
vote strickly for the quality, depth and emotion of the peice, not on my
own personal emotions! If the peices hat I voted for hadn't been so well
written, friends or not, i would NOT have voted for them. Next thing, I read
ALL of the fics posted whether I agree, disagree or can't make heads or tales
of it. I agree, there are some really great fics out there. Unfo tunatley,
I couldn't list them all when I voted, so I did what i always do, I chose
the ones that left a most memorable feel in my mind (and often my heart as
well!) I'm not saying that I wasn't touched by many others as well, but these
touched me the mos . I can't speak for everyone else, but I do know that
when I vote I vote fair and leave personal emotions-actually I should say
ATTACHMENTS- behind.... just wanted to clear that up since my name was
mention...hehe Truly-truly Meg * =-_-=*
Sheldon Burnham - 05/24/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destinies Ballance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: What might Have Been
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven And Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: For a Friend
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Something Less
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Echoes In The Mist
No particular order, the top six fic's I could think of for Pure Tenchi
Keiran Frauchiger - 05/24/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Daughter's of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Destiny's Balance
Okay, well, I'm just gonna say something. Number One, I notice that a lot
of people are voting for their friends. Like Cav, Dav, Ssedrey, Meg, etc
etc... Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that a lot of
the times people refuse to read new things that are really well written but
are collecting dust. Just check out Where No Fic Goes Unpunished, there's
a ton of fics with great reviews that I notice are pretty new and aren't
really being voted for. Hands of Fate is one of those. I checked it out on
K'th's review page, 5 S's and a SAMI award. Yet everyone votes for To Love
and To Hate or Heaven and Night. While I do agree that these are marvelous
fics in their own right, I believe that other ones deserve recognition too.
Second, (yes, there's a second) I voted for these fics because they are newer
and are really well written by people that do deserve the credit. I really
enjoyed Hands of Fate and know that it's just going to get better. It is
an original goddess fic that explores the emotions of each of the characters
with such grace and beautiful poetry. To Love and To Hate is a nice fic,
it makes you wonder who Tenchi is actually going to end up with! Heaven and
Night is good fic that explores the relationship between Washu and Ryoko.
Though that whole bet sequence was a little confusing. Daughter's of Twilight,
well, I'm not really an Ayeka fan, but I do love the way Ryoko expresses
her pain and emotions here. Destiny's Balance, well, you probably already
know how great this fic is. These are my votes.
Megami-Ryoko - 05/23/00 15:40:04
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Happy Birthday Ryoko-by Cav
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance-by Dav
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughters of trwilight- by Dav
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Confess to you-by Lita
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Last Avatar-by Dav
What can I say! I remain an ever loyal fan to these authors....If you haven't
read their works yet, you really need to go do so now! Meg!
MarvelBoy - 05/22/00 23:09:57
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: always be true to your heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Dark Juraian
Well all these Fics are fics that i come back and read over and over again
but a new one i have just read was "always be true to your heart" By Lesell
Charis i have never read the fic till a few days ago when looking thru the
archives when i stopped and r ad it i was really pulled in by it's plotline
and it was very well writtin and therefore i am putting it as one of my Favs
and i hope others will do the same (please read it first hehe^^ because i
don't know what you ppl like) but otherwise thats all i ha e to say!
StarCristal - 05/22/00 03:30:27
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven And Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need For Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Aiken muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: To Love and To Hate
I don't really know why i voted for these.I guess its because their so
enjoyable.I mean I'd like to vote for all of them but I cant.I love to read
and I read all of them.
Lisa Rock - 05/22/00 02:46:04
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Waiting for Goddess
I can't help it. I adore "Ryoko's Love"... and Waiting for Goddess is so
eloquently Sasami...
Brook "the Total Anime Nut" Kuhn
- 05/21/00 22:54:36
My Email:bkuhn@ucsd.edu
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight by Davner
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to You by Lita
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Red Waters by Masa
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Heaven and Night by Cav
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance by Dav
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Dark Juraian by Masa
These are really some great fics. First off, Daughters of Twilight. I'm just
glad to see an Aeka fic of such astounding quality. This fic is absolutely
beautiful. Confess to You is one of my original favorites, so wonderfully
written, now if only she'd update more often ^_- Red Waters is a great,
introspective work, dealing very realistically with a dark event sweeping
over the house. Heaven and Night is a very good piece of Ryoko-ite propaganda
(j/k) I really like the fic, as Cav goes to great length to portray the reactions
of the cast with astounding realism. This isn't just some 'Tenchi suddenly
realizes how much he loves her' fi , I'm not even sure if he's going to end
up with her! Destiny's Balance (I'll admit, I haven't read much) but its
a very good fic, and what I've read deserves a big fat vote. Not to mention,
I'm sure Dav will be able to keep this level of quality. Finally, Dark Juraian.
This is a rather well written Aeka gets Tenchi fic, probably the first really
good one out there (DoT being the only other one). The quality dropped a
bit in later chapters, but the first two were absolutely great, and all-in-all,
it's a good fic. Well, that's all, I considered plugging my fic, To Love
and To Hate, but I don't think I'll do that ^___^
Curtis Harmon - 05/21/00 21:05:30
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: A Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ever After
SevenLix - 05/21/00 20:26:22
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
She's my friend, I like her fic, so I vote.......
starfire77 - 05/21/00 16:38:17
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No need for Sasami!
Its great and still going, what more can I say?
Stephan Kutscher - 05/21/00
My Email:firefox@cmok.de
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: aikan Muyo
Heidi - 05/21/00 04:05:56
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: From the Blood of the Gods
I thought that this fan fic was really thought out and the characters were
really well developed. It didn't have, what I call, an "Idiot Plot" where
any idiot could figure out what would happen next. Twists left and right,
and it kept me glued. Four ( ou heard me, FOUR) thumbs up!
Ken-Ohki - 05/20/00 07:09:19
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: No Need for Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: I've Forgotten
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Kiyone's Birthday
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Love
Tuasmoi Yui - 05/20/00 03:58:36
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo! Revelations
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Hero of my Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Princessless Bride
Jeff Rayder - 05/16/00 14:58:06
Back to Past Results Page *
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Main Page
These fics are self explanitory. I also wanted to pick something good besides
Gannon - 05/20/00 03:50:16
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo! Revelations
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To the Order of Chaos
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Mayuka Get's It!
I like voting for new fics, and these are ones that I think are worth the
read if you haven't read them: Tenchi Muyo! Revelations is in my opinion
a great read. Kevin really knows how to take you into the world of his storys,
and he really knows what to do with it. Keep it kickin Kevin, your top-notch!
Next up, To the Order of Chaos wasn't bad at all- the au hor did a smart
job telling you things to come, then taking you back to how it happened.
Lastly, Mayuka Get's It was very crude but good for a playful laugh, I give
the author that. He did a good job in showing the obsenity of a lemon- especially
for Mayu a. It was fun to read, so I vote on that. PERSONAL NOTE: MY LATEST
D - 05/20/00 03:31:12
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hero of my Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo: So Anxious
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Eternal Heavens
As you can see, I wanted to vote for fics that people have seemed to overlook
and not give a try. "Confess To You" didn't capture me and wasn't written
like everyone claimed it was, so I've selected these. "Hero of my Heart"
was nicely written and was tru to what was going on in Tenchi's head without
the author using IS. To me, Gannon knew what he was doing and he made it
stay close to reality on what was going on in the Masaki household, also
creating the romantic afect without showing in signs of Tenchi falling in
love. Also Gannon's lemon, "Tenchi Muyo: So anxious was very humorus and
had that aspect that Tenchi had feared since the time everyone moved into
his house- that he would start liking them! His recent reviseof the fic,
REAL EDITION really adde on that bridgework the fic needed and explained
the power Tenchi's terapist had. It was like Star Wars: Special Edition!
Keep up the good work Gannon and I await chapter two of "Hero of my Heart!
Next up, Eternal Heavens was a good explanitory fic dispite the fact that
it was a lemon. He did a good job, keep it up.
Cori Jordan - 05/19/00 08:59:56
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Paradise Lost
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven And Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Mucho
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: I've Forgotten
All of these are great stories, and I'm avidly waiting for the next chapters
on To Love and To Hate, Tenchi Mucho, and Heaven and Night! Keep it up
Hajamari "Genesischan" Tamashii
- 05/19/00 08:32:40
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The bonds of sister hood
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Magical girl adorable achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Sasami a lime and tea
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: aiken muyo
I big shout out to all my fellow fic writers, keep the faith. Mindworks salutes
you! Hajamari "Genesischan" Tamashii Genesis Mindworks FF
replicant - 05/19/00 04:55:28
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Daughters of Twilight
Keep up the good work, Gen.
Bjoern Hoffmann - 05/19/00
My Email:bjoern@cor.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kanashii no Imi
The best fic I have read yet. Bachman style, but you sourpusses didn't get
that, ne K'thardin and consorts. Btw. GenSao, your site sucks and your last
word implies your committing copyright theft. Aren't you a naughty one? Regards,
Fred Durst - 05/19/00 02:50:57
My Email:fred@durst.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
These are cool!
Taybon - 05/17/00 20:43:13
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever isn't Long Enough
it is his first Fanfic, and I don't think he's doing too bad a job
Steven - 05/17/00 20:09:32
My Email:trunksus@cs.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever Isn't Long Enough
this should be the one picked
Chris - 05/17/00 19:59:04
My Email:Gohant
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever Isn't Long Enough
Corey - 05/17/00 19:56:49
My Email:Chibi
I really love this story
Miko Takehashi - 05/17/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need for Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ryoko's Love
It's that time again!! I really like Hands of Fate, it's an interesting series
and I hope it continues. It's deep meaningful poetry and flowing language
really sets the story. Don't believe me? Check out K'thardin's review page
and see for yourself. Destiny's Balance is a great fic with original characters
full of meaning and depth. It's great. Confess to You, well, you all know
this fic. A great one, beautiful, powerful words the set the genre apart.
No Need for Sasami is great fic. Sasami's relationship to Tsunami is not
often displayed with so much depth and humanity. Vacation Days is a great
Mihoshi fic. I wish it didn't have to end. Well, last but not least, Ryoko's
Love. The fic that gave us Yui Masaki, one of the most original characters
ever to hit the fanfiction world. I love all these fics and hope they continue.
And most of all, here's to the writers, keep it go
Kale-chib-ki - 05/17/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess To you
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: from the blood of the gods
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Dark Energy Trilogy
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Mihoshi Syndrome
Hey All! ^_^ You'll notice this vote has some newbies and some classics as
well ^^ if you know me well, this is a challenge to you to figure out why
i voted like i did, other than the fact that these are just great pieces
of fanfiction.
- 05/17/00 00:22:57
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: no need for sasami
Henrii - 05/17/00 00:09:00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Ok guys and gals, I have descided that I will vote on Destiny's Balance by
an excellent author named Davner. First of all his story flows very well.
I love this fic because it has a great plot. For those people who didn't
read it yet...read it now and ote for this fic! If read this fic then vote
for it! If you didn't vote for this fic you better have a good reason why!
I don't really want to see Ryoko's Love to be top again, because its old.
I want to see something else with the same quality as Ryok 's Love and that
happens to be Destiny's Balance.
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Bonds of Sisterhood
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Denstiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: From Jurai with Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: No Need for Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Princeless Bride
These are by far my favorites. I know most of these are older fics but I
love 'em to death. Just for the sake of everyone's feelings I don't really
consider these to be in any particular order. But if anyone reads this little
comments section to find o t suggestions of what to read I really recomment
anything by Thomas "009" Doscher. He doesn't waste words with his FF and
brings across a lot of really great stories taking different directions to
the same group of characters. If you have the time defin tely read some.
See ya!
Mystic651@aol.com - 05/16/00
My Email:April
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Heaven and Eternity
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Aikan Muyo
Radditz aka Kevin - 05/15/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: forever isn't long enough
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Happy birthday ryoko
I like it especially chapter 2 and i enjoy the second one.
Jon Davis - 05/14/00 20:38:43
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Samy^3
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo! Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Princeless Bride
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Every Lesson Learned
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Enviable Destiny
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Union
I hopefully feel that there will be more amazing Tenchi fics, in the future.
STRIKESTWICE - 05/13/00 01:19:37
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Muyo! Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Taifun
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Destiny's Balance
"Ok these are in no particular order." Strikes looks over his shoulder and
sighs in relief. "First off Magical Girl Achika by J-Pikachu this is a hilarious
fic that i almost died from laughing to hard while reading it. Next up is
To Love and To Hate tT n does a great job of torturing characters and I have
to respect him for it! Next up is Cav's "I can write too!" fic and god damn
he can with a good engrossing plot dealing with Ryoko and Washu relationship
in the OAVs something that has never been reall done well. Last up are the
"Dav is a great writter..." Looks over shoulder again. "He should marry aeka...Oh
Hi dav... no I'm not doing anything you can put down the..."
djwhitechocolate - 05/12/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Forever Isn't Long Enough
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: no
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: else
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: (end)
PINKY - 05/12/00 03:55:54
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Angels, Heaven and Earth
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: In This Moment
Kristy - 05/12/00 03:30:25
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Changing Agreements
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to You
hello! ::waves::
PIRATE RYOKO - 05/12/00 03:09:13
My Email:AlinkaM@msn.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Happy Birthday Ryoko
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: With All My Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Tenchi Muyo: Mind, Body, Hearts $ Souls
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Slim Tenchi
TENCHI MUYO IS JUST THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT TO
Cav - 05/12/00 03:00:33
My Email:cav@wpi.edu
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ever After
Well here are my votes for this season. The authors of these fics did a wonderful
job... well except that Dav character. I only voted for him because he payed
me... Anyways I will now read off a few of the comments Mr. Doscher prepared
for me to tell you bout his fics. "Destiny's Balance is the pinacle of Tenchi
TV fan fics. It's exceptional writing style mixed with great plot create
a tale for all ages. Especially wonderful about this fic is the Davner/Aeka
romance. Please remember to tell AIC that you s pport adding Davner to OVA
3 to marry Aeka." Ahem... *sorts through cards* "Legend of the Overfiend
is a..." Wrong card... Ah here it is. "Daughters of Twilight is one of the
few, if not the only, Aeka and Tenchi romance fic that matters. All others
are i ferior in comparison, due to the wonderful portrayel of Ryoko and the
cheap plot device known as that kid that I forgot the name of." Anyways,
now for some free thoughts of my own on the other fics here. TM! Legend is
one of the few next gen fics that is orth reading. It is extremely well written
and Yosho hasn't scored with all the girls yet, placing him several levels
above other author created characters. MG Adorable Achika is a wonderful
fic based on Pretty Sammy, and will have you splitting your side from the
non-stop humor and no I did not steal that line off of the back of a DVD
box... really... TL&TH is extremely evil, however very entertaining at
the same time... sort of like Bill Clinton's presidency.I can't believe I'm
actually voting for a fic by the author of "La Blue Sammy." Well, before
I sober up and realize what I'm doing, I'll hit the submit button. Hats off
to all the authors.
Erich Owens - 05/12/00 02:38:01
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughters of Twilight
Really enjoyed these.
Aaron - 05/12/00 02:25:34
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ever After
Does anyone know the words to the "Na-na-na" song?
Larry Freeman - 05/12/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
I love all of these !
Bob - 05/12/00 01:49:46
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: To Love and to Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Roadvan (don't ask) - 05/12/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyo: Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Mugen Tenchi Muyo
Just a newbie taking a stand.
Shawn - 05/11/00 10:00:04
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: ryokos love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: take two
Selphie - 05/11/00 04:03:01
My Email:slzr641@cs.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: No Need for Souls
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Dark Juraian
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Confess to You
For those of you who have played the game: BOOYAH!!!
Jennivie - 05/11/00 03:05:11
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Kiyo Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: The Memory of Your Smile
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Empire's Dusk
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Always Be True to Your Heart
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: No Need for Sasami
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: I'll Go With You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Red Lanterns
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Taifun
I just stumbled along here. Hello!!!!!!!!
Little Ryoko (aka Ryoke) - 05/11/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Ever After
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Heaven and Night
I don't think I really need to say why these fics are great. They pretty
much speak for themselves. I love Confess to You, I know a lot of you do
as well. Lita is a great writer and a pretty damn good artist too. ^_- Davner,
those fics were great!! Humorous, witty, powerful, and very sweet, I loved
all of them. I would have put more of your fics here but that wouldn't exactly
be fair. ^^ I like Ever After because of Sasami's POV, I like the writing
style and Sasami's new friends are interesting. Heaven and Night is a great
fic, I like it's depth and clarity. Hope that made sense. Well, I'll see
you all next season, vote for
May Camson - 05/11/00 02:24:55
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ever After
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Dark Trilogy
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance
I love Hands of Fate, I think it's a really good fic and hope it will continue.
I can see the writer is trying to show Ayeka's pain andemotions and still
gives attention to all the characters. Every one of these fanfics has created
a world of their own, a universe you travel to with each new story. I'm happy
to see people voting for some of the newer writers to enter the fanfiction
world. Keep up the go
Rene Chavez - 05/11/00 01:45:36
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heart & Soul
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Love & Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Mucho!
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: TM: Mind, Body, & Soul
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: That Time of the Month!
I have to give credit to Vacation Days. The author actually got a complete
story and stuck with it to the end. Tenchi Mucho is really funny. I do hope
the author keeps at it. Heart and Soul is a really stand out to me. I like
how he was able to tell brand new Tenchi perspective. All the authors here
and the rest are really great and have shown a lot of imagination. I look
forward to keep on reading more.
nik - 05/10/00 21:50:39
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Magical Girl Adorable Achika
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Destiny's Balance
Glad to see you are finishing RL Evil Doc T. MGAA was very funny. Good job.
I look forward to seeing the rest of H&N, Ca
Bob The Lukewarm - 05/10/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No Need For A Long Patrol!
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: No Need For Two Swords
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Sailor Dragon Muyo!
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Lily Amoungst Thorns
Lynn - 05/08/00 03:53:40
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughter's of Twilight
Davner - 05/08/00 02:41:39
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: I'll Go With You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ever After
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Mucho!
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Tenchi Muyo! Legend
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Father of the Prince
It's that time of the season again, and here are my votes. The theme this
season is originality. First up is Cav's "Heaven and Night." It's a third
OAV fic that places the emphasis on Washu and Ryoko rather than Tenchi and
Ryoko. "I'll Go With You," b Ammadeau is still one of my favorites. It's
a Mihoshi/Tenchi fic that I truly enjoyed reading. "Ever After," by STRIKESTWICE,
is a post OAV 3 story that revolves around Sasami as a teenager. Next is
Dave Menard's "Tenchi Mucho!" Washu's from every Te chi continuity gather
in one place. I can't wait to see where it ends up. "Tenchi Muyo! Legend,"
by Ssedrey is a 2nd generation fic. The characters are interesting and
believable, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of them. "Father of the
Prince, by Darwin Cruz is unique in one key way. It's a Ranma/Tenchi crossover
that I *like*. Not only that, it's an Achika fic, and good fics that deal
with Achika are hard to come by. I enjoyed the prequel, "The Girl Who Wasn't
and the Princess Who Was," an I'm glad to see that Mr. Cruz decided to continue
it with this sequel.
Vegeta711 - 05/07/00 05:03:45
My Email:Vegeta711
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Forever isn't long enough
Adam H. - 05/03/00 16:59:23
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryokos Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Forever isn't long enough
I love Ryoko
Literary Eagle - 05/02/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Empire's Dusk
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: To Love and To Hate
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Dark Juraian
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Daughters of Twilight
Please vote for newer fics, folks! We should try to encourage new authors
and give them a chance. Anyway, I voted for the above fics because they were
great stories with original ideas, good writing quality, and they didn't
have character bashing.
Danj - 04/29/00 02:43:29
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven and Night
duce_bishop - 04/27/00 03:34:18
My Email:duce_bishop
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikanmuyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Grass is Always Greener
I only have two that I read in this archive but they are really good!
Michael Robinson - 04/26/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo: Love and Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Dark Juraian
"Love and Life" is a fresh sweet story that deserves recognition. When it
comes down to it this story is the soul of Tenchi Muyo. LOVE. That's what
it's all about. I read the author's note in the voting archives. To all of
you who e-mailed him with hostil ty over Tenchi marrying all six girls I
would simply like to say that you should be ashamed. He wrote a story ( a
damned good one for only being his second attempt) that came from the heart.
It should not have mattered whether or not you agreed with his v ews. To
Garry I would simply like to say don't let those few narrow minded people
get you down. Don't give up your stories, cousin. *I* at least liked them.
Ayanokouji Ryoko - 04/24/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess to You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Tenchi Muyou! Heaven and Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: The Last Avatar
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Star of Jurai
Lita and "009" Doscher, you're my fave writers!!! Keep it up!
Chewy - 04/23/00 17:37:05
My Email:bil
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo: Love and Living
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: A Startica Song
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: MST of "Waiting for a Goddess
These are all excellent stories
Garry Robinson - 04/21/00 02:58:45
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Good-
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: -Bye
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: I'll
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Miss
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: You
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: All
I don't know if this will be posted or not, but I would simply like to address
one small issue. It appears that some of you are rather upset with my fan
fics "Mind, Body, Hearts,and Souls" and "Love & Life". I would like to
say to those individuals who d n't like them to just don't read them. These
stories were written more for me than you. It was something that *I* wanted
to see happen with Tenchi and his loves. These are *fictional* stories. Some
of you fail to realize that. I did not mean to upset anyo es image of Tenchi.
If it helps to ease anyones mind out there than I will be Man enough to say
"I'm sorry", although I don't know what I should be sorry for. I thought
that they were sweet stories. I enjoyed writing them *and* reading them,
but it appear that my work was futile. I did get three positive responses
and I'm most grateful for them. Those of you who didn't like them needn't
worry.........I will not write any more. Good bye. Garry Robinson
Daniel "Ssedrey" Powell - 04/20/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Heaven & Night
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ryoko's Love
Well, I suppose I'm a little early, but given that I'm pretty confident that
it'll take a miracle to change my mind (and I was just plain bored), I decided
I'd go right ahead and cast my votes. I'd also like to bow down before these
mighty authors. Cav s great at coming up with stories and has what I believe
to be the best actual writing style that I've encountered out of all the
fanfiction I read. Dav and his "Destiny's Balance" really keep the reader
going. I have yet to be able to keep from getting absorbed in any of Dav's
fics and actually take time to really look at it critically. As for "Ryoko's
Love", I know it's one of the older stories, but I just can't help but vote
for it. A great plot and an excellent use of words. And being the fanfic
t at got me hooked in here to start with, well I feel it's necessary to pay
hommage to it. To all you readers, I highly recommend these three. If you
read nothing else in the archive, read these. I'll be seeing you ^_^
Garrett Jax - 04/19/00 00:59:58
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Tenchi Muyo: Love & Life
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughter's of Twilight
"Love and Life" has got to be one of the greatest Fan Fics to come along
that keeps all the characters together in love and happiness. The author
is right when he states that the strength of this show lies in the fact that
the characters love one another eeply and that they belong together. If you
love Tenchi then read this story. It may only be this author's second story,
but it will definitely strike a chord in your heart. That's why I'm voting
for this fic first. Keep it up Garry7 your doing great.
Wizard31 - 04/18/00 17:07:42
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Happy Birthday Ryoko
i still think that evildrtran should finish writing the Alpha series of Ryoko's
Love. it is just plain wrong to leave it unfinished, especially at that
MiSZa44HEE - 04/15/00 23:07:19
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
the ryoko's love is tight! i really like it. ish so koo and all.
brianna - 04/11/00 02:58:15
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: love's labor lost
Mario - 04/07/00 02:21:14
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: In this Moment
I think that "In this Moment" By horse-w-no-name is the best fanfic that
I have read, and I really think that if you have not read it yet YOU SHOULD!!!!!
Really and truly it is VERY VERY GOOD!!!!! By the it is up to chapter 4.
Tsunami - 04/05/00 04:50:18
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Hands of Fate
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Destiny's Balance
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Daughter's of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi Muyo: Empire
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The Sum of All Memories
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: My Best Friend's Engagement
Okay, Okay, I know I'm early. Usually I vote around mid-season but I have
my picks now. Hands of Fate-I really really like this fic. I just wish Ryoke
would get on with Divine Offering. I can't wait to see that one. Hands of
Fate is very poetic and w tty and is original even for a goddess fic. Destiny's
Balance is a marvelous fic. It's funny, daring, witty, charming. I love the
idea of all the alien races and I just adore the character Davner. Sigh...^_^
Daughter's of Twilight is such a sweet Aek gets Tenchi fic. I had a copy
of The Simillarion for a long time but I never read it until I finished
Daughter's of Twilight, then it just seemed even better. Empire is GREAAAAT
fic!!! I love it so much. The Sum of All Memories, I really like the ide
that a man is nothing more than the some of his memories. It's really sweet
don'tcha know ^_^. And as for My Best Friend's Engagement, I thought that
the relationship between Tenchi and Aeka could have been developed al little
more and the fic itself c uld have been much more than what it was but it
was still very good none the less. Thomas Doscher man, I love you for these
fics!!! I hope you continue please !!!!!!!!
J-Pikachu - 04/03/00 09:49:28
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Happy Birthday Ryoko
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Confess To You
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Father of the Prince
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Daughters of Twilight
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: Vacation Days
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Ever After
Garry Robinson - 03/29/00 01:10:52
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Daughters of Twilight
I like Fan Fics that deal with deep emotion. This particular story does just
that. Although I am an advocate that believes that Tenchi should remain together
with all his loves.......after all that's where their strength lies...in
being together. This particular story was written well and filled with emotion.
You should be proud of this one GenSao, it's taylor made and fits like a
glove for that little challenge you put out a while back.
Rumiclord - 03/28/00 03:01:25
My URL:http://kiyone.com
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: For the Love of Kiyone
This is by far the best kiyone fanfic i have ever read!
Jonah Nagashima - 03/26/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Photographs
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Flickering Images
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: What if?
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Tenchi & Ayeka: Rediscovery of love
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: The One who understands
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: Beyond
W-chan - 03/22/00 05:00:37
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Sasami Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Sasami's little secret
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Ranma Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: Kanashii no Imi
???? I voted for the ones I read. They was good. Kanashii no Imi was too
graphic but needs more votes.
alexa lee - 03/21/00 12:26:15
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's love
- 03/17/00 18:34:23
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Kanashii no Imi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Fukanzen
Aikan Muyo is a beautifully done lemon -- I just glanced in and this one
stood out above the others. Kanashii no Imi deserves the vote because it
acurately depicts a Sasami lemon. It is the only one out there (apart from
Fukanzen) that really does it righ . I don't support the content, but it
needs a vote.
Charlie Goodson - 03/16/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Aikan Muyo
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Love's Labor Lost
These are all great fics but aikan muyo is well written and deals with all
of the characters. I hope that the author decides to come out with a few
mor of the chapters that he has listed. I am a Ryoko fan and totally love
Ryokos Love, but there needs to b more to the story for the transition. The
same goes for LLL. The story goes along with what I believe could happen
in the OAV universe. I wish that this story would continue by someone.
Strider Richards - 03/14/00
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: confess to you
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: the bonds of sisterhood
All cool fan fics
Sammy - 03/11/00 02:24:53
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: No need for virgins sasami and tenchi
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: no need fo virgins ayke and tenchi
Favorite Tenchi FF #3: Sailor jurih
Favorite Tenchi FF #4: none
Favorite Tenchi FF #5: none
Favorite Tenchi FF #6: none
Lemons rock
Carrie - 03/09/00 04:09:30
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Kelly - 03/03/00 00:35:39
Favorite Tenchi FF #1: Ryoko's Love
Favorite Tenchi FF #2: Aikan Muyo