In order to increase the quality of fanfic submitted,
should there be a quality filter?
Yes (1116)
No (300)
Don't know. (120)
How long have you been visiting the TMFFA?
This is my first visit (388)
A few days (81)
A few weeks (85)
A few months (640)
Over a year (1198)
A few years (647)
Since its inception, 1997 (289)
If the TMFFA changed its color scheme, which do you prefer?
Red (168)
Orange (62)
Yellow (Current) (352)
Green (922)
Blue (1110)
Purple (319)
Brown (111)
Black (238)
No Opinion (66)
Have you Seen Tenchi Muyo GXP (3rd TV Series)?
Yes 269 (15%)
No 1431 (84%)
What is the highest level of education you have
None (424)
Elemantary/Primary (99)
Jr, High/Secondary (340)
Sr. High (288)
Some College (290)
Technical/2-year Degree (81)
4-year Degree (134)
Graduate Student (35)
Masters Degree (51)
Doctoriate Degree (143)
Are you looking forward to the Third Tenchi OAV Series?
Yes (2872)
No (761)
Undecided (125)
How often do you visit the TMFFA?
A few times a year (93)
A few times a month (280)
A few times a week (872)
A few times a day (31)
Who is your favorite Tenchi (manga only) character?
Asahi Takabe 193 (7%)
Hiwa Takahashi 89 (3%)
Minagi 1311 (54%)
Yume 251 (10%)
Goghei 202 (8%)
Ibara 376 (15%)