Some Useful IRC Commands |
Here are a few IRC commands you can use in #TenchiFF. |
Command | Example | Description |
/me <action> | /me smiles at Ryoko. | Command to show an action |
/nick <name> | /nick Seriou | Command to change your nick. |
/join <room> | /join #TenchiFF | Command to join a chat room. |
/part <room> | /part #TenchiRPG | Command to leav a chat room. |
/whois <name> | /whois GenSao | Get a short description of who a person is. |
/msg <name> | /msg GenSao | Sends a short message to a person privately. |
/quit <last words> | /quit Bye, bye, cruel world! | Quits and allows you a final message before quitting. |
/msg nickserv help | /msg nickserv help | Help on the Bot incharge for nick registration. |