(Tsunami's Hourglass - Time and Space Adventures: Part Three) *A dusk morning is hallowed with the light of the coming dawn. it soon breaks over the sight of a misty haze, mixed within the smell of the deep woods, and dew covered hillsides. The light trickles ever so slowly and with much gentleness. it breaks the shadows of several tree tops, the tallest ones first. The trees soon share the light as a family member shares the bread, one by one, each tree drinks in the first light, knowing that it gives them life, and that these trees know, that they have life to give to those that call them brother or sister. The light then creeps ever so gently into the simplistic of abodes beneath these trees; each holding a simple family unit, most with mother and father to a son or daughter, sometimes to two or more, but not more. The clan has rules against too many mouths; the resources of the clan of Jur are limited by their meager technology, the bow, the crackling fire, the stone axe. But they have a different resource, one jealously guarded to keep outsiders from having to use this as a weakness to exploit, and for many thousands of moon cycles and changes in the temperature have this clan kept their secret ever so locked. They can hear the songs from the trees.. And as the light blooms fully upon this mysterious grove of the song, the song awakens many from their restful slumbers, and as such. so awakens one individual from his slumber; the only one not to have taken a mate. much to the chief's displeasure.. It is more of the song that keeps this person going. not mating. and not even the threats from the chief deters his actual purpose. not that THAT affects his love for his clan, he just believe differently. He is called Saih by the clan as a whole, and his main purpose is to simply understand the world he is in, even at the price if abrupting his gene pool. But.. He is also always the first to awaken to the song. not from caring why, but knows it's the one thing that he truly loves. This morning is no exception..* Sasami: IS that you Aleaic? Aleaic: *holding his breath* ..I. think so. Tenchi: This WILL be fun to watch. Kagato: Yeah right.. *WHACK!!* .WILL YOU STOP THAT MISAKI!!! Misaki: Then behave. twit.. Tsunami: Can we continue? Saih: *Quietly slides out from his abode, a simple hut made from mud packed tree branches and a butt-load of pine tree leaves* *Saih looks around to take in the morning light, and to breathe the air as always* Dasr: Morning Saih. Saih: Indeed. the place of paradise brings us something anew as always. *stretching* ..care to join me in a walk? Dasr: My apologies, but I must see to caring of the trees as you know I do. Saih: Indeed. I have heard rumors of new trees with the song past the hills behind that moon.. *pointing towards a soon setting moon, half crescent, and augmented with a single bright point near the opening of the maw. almost as if the moon was ever chasing a snack* ..and I intend to see to this question this day. Dasr: An excuse to keep away from the chief's summons I see. *looking about, as more members of the Jur clan awaken to the song of the morning* Saih: Who, me? *half bows towards Dasr, and heads to do some personal routines under the light of the morning* Dasr: *Under his breath* .rustic fool. *The way of the clan you say? It revolves around the trees, very special trees; they don't produce much in the way of substinance; but they produce one thing that a superstitious group of Stone Age individuals consider more important that food; the song. When sunlight strikes the trees of Jur, the trees for now scientific reason begin emitting sounds, sounds as beautiful as the sound of oiled water glasses, or the sonnet glass instrument that Benjamin Franklin would invent a few thousand years later. It is because of this sound that is so haunting, so moving even after a thousand times heard upon mortal ears, that a clan was formed to worship this gift, the gift of Jur, ever in the mortal vein of belief. The song is the gift they slave to, every morning for the past ten hundred moon cycles, the clan always feed water to the base of each and every tree in their grove, spanning over seven hill sides within the valley shadow of three majestic mountains: Tsu, Azus, and Jur, the namesake of the clan After the morning ritual, comes the taskings. Three hunting forays are sent to keep the clan fed, as several of the females are tasked with praying to the trees every mid-morning, as a wish to keep the song from fading. Afternoon, and the forays have returned with game to feast for the evenings, and the second foray is sent to gather fuels for the fires, and to gather the evening fruits; both from the lesser trees, and from the ground. Mid-Afternoon sees the clan of Jur send three of the elder females to pray to the three eldest trees in the combined groves, hoping that this will allow a proper feast, as well as the prayer that the evening song, sing to the children of the clan.. whom have spent most of the day learning the clan history.. albeit a simple one, that they receive the song's blessings to keep them healthy.. Most of the day sees the children also engaged in the upkeep of the huts, and of the respective family clothes; with the females of the clan not engaged in forays or the prayers. They also learn to interpret the song in their own ways, learning to seek the song for guidance when their hearts need such. There is also enough time set aside to seek play, knowing this is the nature of children, and many of the females engage in such as well. Though some of the play is directed to the need to learn the foray, and of the prayer. play is a good tool. Come abouts the evening dusks, and from there. the first of the evening song, carried far in the wind. This sends the clan to the evening meal. most reverently descended upon with the hunger built from the day. It is here. that the important functions of the well being and future foresight of the clan is made; mates and news of children are announced, the stock of the food stores, the health of the trees: both of the song and of the fruit. Also the news of the day from the chief is head, as well as his anewed views of what he felt was law, and how he thought of the gathered news.. also.. leading the leading of the combined prayer song, depending on the season, the song changes with the song of the trees. And this is the cue the clan takes upon to sing by. The only time of day this is done, by most anyway. Come the late evening, with the stars as the only light; the clan retires to the safety of the abodes, though some are invited to debate the health of the clan with the chief and his two wives, and three siblings (Two daughters and a son), along with their mates. Also the evening story time, mostly of the founding of the clan, are told with the final songs of the trees; as they sing to turn in for the night, many a young dream is seen within the calming soothe of the song. Sometimes insight of the clan for the future is seen, and sometimes stuff beyond reasoning. and thereby dismissed as too much of the ingested wine the clan produces. This is where the meaning of the story comes, as Saih returns to the clan with news of new trees with a new song, as well as a new foray herd seen past the three hills near the mountain Azus.* Saih: *After having explained of the herds and the new songs heard..* ..these new beasts hold at least as many head protrusions as my digits of my body, and I'm not talking just my hands and feet either, heh.. Chief: Come now. we've scoured the hills many a moon cycle.. these beasts must be the result of hearing the unfamiliar song, Saih. *An apparent distasteful chuckling is directed at Saih, this doesn't faze Saih, as he's felt this sting many a cycle now. And he's yet to be wrong when it counts, especially when food is the subject; his love of the clan ensures the truth every time. But the chuckling is seen more as an affront to Saih's lifestyle, and lack of mate.. as it is EVERY night, ever so subtly.. Fuasa: *First chieftain's wife* ..we know your truth of the matter is not in question, and you service as always is noted. Saih: *simply bows in his seat* Chief: So be it, tomorrow, we will send a foray to this area, and a special gathered to see to this new area of the song.. and upon doing so, we will know your truth. You will not mind leading this task will you not? Saih: It pleases me to serve, for the song is our all. To add to that would be a great event to witness. *bows again* Chief: Good. Now, about the question of mating.. Saih: (Not again..) ..you must forgive me, but the hour is late, and I must rest properly to lead the gathered search, as properly. If there are no objections? Misaa: Avoiding the question again lonely one? Saih: (Lonely, and that as always it seems. ) ..no.. but my place is not with being tied down, the song does not seek of me to do so.. not in the many moon cycles of the song have I heard this, this argument is not new my friends. Aya: Pity, the song does not bless you properly then, would it have to do with you not being a proper member, not joining us in the morning song of the trees, not joining the forays, not really wanting to be a member of this clan? *The words are meant to cut as deep as intended, it is a tough thing to endure with each visit to the Chief's abode* Saih: Possibly, but my place is still with the clan, and I don't hear the song telling me otherwise. Despite the harsh words, I will remain among you until my passing. NOT before. *Refrains from pushing any further, the words are not hollow* Chief: Very well.. to the morning with you Saih, hear the song and be well.. Saih: Hear the song and be well, indeed master. *bows and leaves swiftly* Yos: Do you need to press so harshly Sister? He does mean well.. Aya: Only to remind him of the flaw of being so different. Chief: No.. he will come when the time is right. Change is not a constant factor among our people. So.. what of the news of the Fungi clan? And what of the outside realms? *A long discussion follows, as the trade of local goods, as well as trading information and hints of things the clan of Jur may find of use; such as the mining of local stones for the tools the Jur need to process food, as well as the trade of fruits and song the clan of Fungi desire to keep their lives interesting. There is also new news, of outsiders interested in the valley, and news that these visitors do not intend to remain visitors for long. If rumors of hideous deeds a to be believed.. considering their.. alien.. nature..* Saih: *Walking to his simple abode* Dosa: *wife of Dasr* The song is good to us this evening Saih.. Saih: Indeed.. it is good to hear your new child is arriving soon, it's been a good number of moons I see.. *chuckling* Dosa: If you had a mate, you would know your own share of this joy. There is no substitute, or equal. *returns a giggle* Saih: That makes twenty-eight cycles into your birthing cycle, that you have inferred of me in a manner of such equal asking. *returns a heavy smile, knowing the truth is hard; not a part of his being anyway.. yet..* Dosa: My apologies, but.. *slides in close to whisper* ..there is a rumor starting to run around.. *looks around a bit* ..that you are not mating due to a inferior activity cycle.. if you know what I mean. Saih: *A dry look plasters his face* Be assured, that I can give pleasure as the best of any male of the clan, but my attentions are elsewhere.. *turns to go, but looks back* ..and I don't have the song to guide to whom I should mate with in such a manner. Good evening song to you. *bows, and finishes his trip* Dosa: *Sighs and shakes her head* Dasr: *Steps up* Didn't work too well it would seem.. Dosa: I fear he may be cast out, if the clan cannot solve the problem of the like of Saih. A pity to such a song follower.. Dasr: No, he will come; when he believes the song is telling enough. *wraps an arm around his very expanded mate* ..but I suspect that he is hiding the songs true meanings from us, as if he is hiding himself from us. Dosa: A shameful song indeed if true. Tenchi: Jeezz. sounds like your ancestor wasn't liked too much Al. Aleaic: Agreed, I never knew. Tsunami: Yes, and I fear that if what happened that very night had not come to pass, Saih would have been cast out of his own clan, one he loved dearly. Aleaic: Tell me, uhh.. us, where and when did this happen? Tsunami: About 52,000+ Earth years ago, around the time of the end of the Stone Age, around a valley of the middle of what you'd call New Zealand today. I'll even add some numbers. there was 546 clan members of Jur, with 17 unborn at that time.. the clan of Fungi had 832 members, a bit not as controlled in the birth rate as the Jur were. Azusa: And the names of some of the individuals, they follow the current Juraian naming schema. Tsunami: Indeed.. this was the format that your current names came from, as well as the link Trees that your ancestors were paired with.. Sasami: Wow, this is so cool. *miya miaa mia* Aleaic: I can see where my lonely streak comes from then. Mihoshi: I don't get it? Trees can sing? How come we don't hear singing trees? Tenchi: It's complicated.. can we finish the story? Tsunami: The story is only begun my friends. *guestures for the story to continue* *Dean of night, well past the time the trees should have finished singing, but.. something strange is happening. Though none are awake to witness it, one tree sings a strange song, mainly because a form has suddenly merged with the tree, in an attempt to save the entities life. At the same time, a second entity has taken hold with the nearby mineral deposits, and formed a large set of gleaming formation too beautiful to be natural. It is also here, in the infinite expanse of the single second, that this new entity inhabiting the tree it has chosen, learns of the history and customs of the clan of Jur, as well as sharing this information with the second entity inhabiting the minerals. Almost as immediately, and over a single hour, the two decide upon a course of action; and decide that the future well being of these two entities depend upon the inhabitants of the local area. The mineral entity decides upon a name to call itself, as well as a form to assume to better handle the nearby Fungi clan. It calls itself Gaia, after the earth it has taken root in. It decides to use the minerals of the earth to endow special powers into, using one of her elder Sisters techniques to infuse such powers, this third Sister would one day be called Washuu. The First Sister, decides to use the trees as a conduit for her powers; sensing a special quality to the trees inhabiting the entire forest. Also sensing the symbiosis of the lesser trees bearing fruit, and the clan of Jur's dealing with such reverence. This is a tool that this entity decides is of great use, as she is the worst of the four injured Sisters. The entity Washuu having been too imposing with her attacks, as well as the entity of Achika having shielded much of the attacks from the Sister called Tokimi, it was this last entity and the Gaia entity that had save the entity Washuu, and cloaked the descent from the high dimensions, a small infinitesimal cosmic spat having caused the near immolation of the known dimensional realm. As such, within the span of the seconds of infinite time to this entity, it healed it's wounds, and gained the memory of the world it was upon, at the same time that entity Gaia had learned her path to heal from. This entity decided to use the tools to create a power that could help stave off a second celestial spat. It learned that the trees could be a source of the power needed. And endowed them with new abilities. Namely the power of near infinite life, so long as the song from the tree was heeded properly, even entities had rules to follow. And to it's new subjects as well. Hence, it was from all this that the entity was the last to take a name, and a form. It looked into the dreams and memories of the ones it had chosen. And saw too many with conforming paths, this had the possibility of stagnation. A different mind was needed. And it was found. Because of this, the entity learned of the mortal called Saih. In his dreams and memories was a mortal of the unwant, and more of the giving rather than receiving. The perfect subject to introduce the new song of the trees to the Jur. This was passed to the Gaia entity, and jointly planned to do the same for the Fungi, though none was as inclined in the way that Saih was. And the consequence was that Saih, was chosen to become an Avatar of the new song, and of the new Gem. And the poor schmo had no idea of what was coming. The last thing to accomplish, was to choose a new form; and a way to convince the Jur in a gentle but direct manner. This was achieved by locating a group of barbaric hordes to just outside the realm of then song valley, as she called it. Yes a she. She decided this was logical, and her logic interred that these hordes begin attacking directly the lands of Jur and Fungi.. For if they can cause enough damage, then possibly, the new chosen of Tsu would and Gaia would act to listen to the Avatar she was about to create. The second part of this was the name herself to the Jur. She decided that the most imposing of the mountains: Tsu, would form the basis of her name, and because of this, plus her ability to see through portions of time for the tools she felt she wanted; she decided that her new name for the Jur would become: Tsunami. The impossible power of force. And to her chosen Avatar, this would mean so much more. But she and her Sister Gaia did not act immediately, despite the ever so infinitesimal amount of time it took to formulate this plan, it would not be acted upon for another month. Plans to gather in the chosen had to be made, watching and understanding were needed to make everything work smoothly, and to allow time for the tools to begin wreaking havoc upon the peaceful community. Ever so gently would the whole truth be known. Ever to serenely would Saih become her personal tool, to be a savior; as well as her Key to understanding how to interact with the people who would become one day, one of the most powerful Empires in Universal history. All grand steps start small, and the first step began with a silent dream. Guess within who.* Aleaic: Maaaaan, I've been hosed.. *WHAP!!* ..OWWW!! Tsunami: AL!! Your messing this up. Aleaic: Sorry.. Tenchi: I think you were lucky myself, I should be jealous.. Ayeka & Ryoko: HEY!!! WHAT ABOUT US?!! Tenchi: *Teardrop* Umm. Azusa: Let's just move on, shall we? *A loud whapping at Siah's abode entry flap awakens Saih from a strange dream, a VERY strange dream* Saih: Yes yes!! Coming. *It quickly dawns on him, that he overslept. OVERSLEPT!!* *Saih QUICKLY barges out from his abode, the morning is still early, but everyone else is already up; Saih notes that Misaa and Aya are the ones waiting for him, with a group of Jur females, and a few guards to accompany them* Aya: Some clansmen you are, oversleeping on all days.. Saih: *While settling himself in quickly with is attire* ..my profuse appologies, this is beyond my understanding how.. Misaa: Hold your song, it's not the first time someone has overworked themselves. I was wondering when this would happen to you. Saih: *Ignoring the chorus of chuckles directed at him* I assume this is about the new grove. Misaa: When you are ready. Saih: *Nods, taking note of the need to get thins rolling, and the sooner this is over, the better..* Let me grab my things. Aya: Just hurry it clansmen. *You can note the theme for the day, as the group heads out toward the mountains, leaving the comfort of the Jur village, Saih leads the less than appreciative group; less so Misaa; but the air is considerably unfriendly towards Saih. It takes most of the morning song to reach the area Saih has already inspected the previous two song cycles, an area with a grand view of much of the lower valley, as well as a large waterfall, one that can be seen easily even from their vantage point, almost a two song cycle journey from their current area. Upon reaching the discovered area, the group immediately forgets Saih's presence; and begin the task of making the new grove a part of their own expanse, first come the prayers from Misaa and Aya, as well as the sprinkling of the special water from the oldest of the Jur song trees, an act signifying that these trees are now welcome to join the current expanse of Jur trees. As this is happening, Saih leads a group of hunters to where the main foray packs of herds can be found, and they are MANY. Large beasts of massive bulk, as well as thick horns and strong bellows of the powerful. Truly majestic beasts, and truly excellent foray.* Saih: *Coming back from a foray discover party, he finds the main group of worshipers have broken for the mid-day meal; but he decides better of joining, since the party has for the most part been chilled towards him, he makes for the safety of a hill jutting out an outcrop towards the majestic display already seen earlier* ..by the song, so.. Beautiful. *Much of the mid-day meal is spent just watching the view, more watching than eating really.. This is until a rustle of grass snags Saih's attention* Saih: Who? Misaa: MY appologies, if I am disturbing you.. Saih: Hardly majesty of the song, rather I must more attend to my duties. Misaa: *Holds a hand in front of Saih, before he can continue moving* I must ask you something, will you heed my question? Saih: *A bit unnerved, but nods his head in trust* Please. Misaa: *Sits down on a large bolder nearby* I wish to know your true intentions with our clan, more of; how do you intend to live you life without a mate. Saih: *Narrows his eyes* Is it the life of my choosing, a side show to those with no need of such worries? Misaa: Your long service to the clan, well.. Is tempered with the fact, that everyone thinks of you as an off tuned song. Saih: That bad huh? *sighs and leans his head on a non descript song tree* Well.. I suppose I use the excuse of the song not tell me my path, more because I believe the path of the song is in my choice to make, not of the outside song itself. *notes Misaa's quisitive face* And.. To be honest, none of the available mates of the clan of Jur do not move the song in my being to act in such a manner, and not for a lack of trying Queen of the song. No.. I haven't felt my song within me moved enough, it's been more moved by just.. being.. Misaa: Being? Saih: Well.. I feel in my being the great expanse of Jur, and the valley. I feel more at home as a part of the whole, if not directly involved with it. I suppose I'm a romantic songdreamer, but I feel so more a part of being with the place here, rather than being held down by responsibility yet. And do not tell me that responsibility is the task of every clansmen, I have pull my share as anyone with the health of the song listeners. Misaa: You feel more at home out here, rather than with the clan? Saih: *Ignoring a tingling feeling in his back, instead trying to defend against sounding like a outsider* I feel more helpful to the clan out here, for the time being. There, yes, will be a day I must settle down, but that time is not upon me yet. And since I am as avid a song listener as anyone in the clan, I await for the song to help me decide. But not before, I feel no ill towards waiting. Misaa: You should know, and I suspect you already know. That our clan is dependent upon those to carry the meaning of the song into our collective coming cycles, for as long as the cycle can be heard by our clan into so many more yet to come. That is the greatest responsibility the song has given us, not to settle down, but to keep the song alive for our children. That is how the clan keeps strong, and how I always see what the song telling me. *shifts to look at the grand view* .your fellow clansmen see you as an oddity, one that they think the song has passed over. But even so, there are those that would openly take your song into theirs, if you would let them. *Looks at Saih* You should be careful, these open songs are not going to be there forever. You would easily have the respect of the community of the clan if you would join. And I do not think there would be any adverse objection if you continued you study of the outside world, so as long as you contributed to the song in the manner I suggested. Saih: *As Misaa looks back to the view of the great waterfall, he ponders all this for a moment; then before speaking, he scratches his back of the tingling sensation; then.* I suppose.. I could listen to the song more carefully, maybe I should be more open. Misaa: *Smiles* *Before anything can continue, a shrieking shout from below captures both attentions, and the duo head down to inspect the source* Misaa: Aya? Aya: Mother. LOOK!!! *Pointing* *The sight at the end of the finger is. scary. in the distance, about a bit to the right of where Jur is about, is several small, but very black plumes of smoke, something NEVER seen on the valley, and as they watch, another plume smoke starts rising from the forest, closer to the village itself* Saih: Those first ones, they look like they are about where the village of Fungi is. Misaa: Gather all to here immediately, we depart now! Forayer: At once song queen!! *As the group starts to leave, Saih is hit with a cold sensation in the small of his back, but heeds little mind as the group thunders hard back towards the village as fast as they can.* Ryoko: Oh yeah, more fun. All: SHH!!! Ryoko: Sorry. *The group returns to a village in an uproar, as clansmen run all about to extinguish fires set by an unknown assailant. * Misaa: What happened?!! Dasr: QUEEN! The village was attacked!! Aya: By who?!! Dasr: Strangers from the outside, they attacked us not to long ago, it took most of our warriors to fight off the strangers, they went after the abodes with children in them, but we drove them back. Misaa: Where's my husband?! Chief: Misaa!! *Runs up to hug his daughter and second wife* I prayed the song you would survive. Misaa: Who's hurt? What of the trees? What about.. Chief: For the most part no harm, except one I fear to tell.. Aya: Who father? *Most of the group is taken to the chieftain's abode..* Misaa: YOS!!!! *Falls to her shared son's side, as he is attended by several maidens, the wound is clearly seen in the left of his lower chest* Fuasa: He will live, but he is very weak right now.. Misaa: What happened? Chief: He pushed me away as one of the barbarians nearly hit me, taking a knife in the process. Aya: Ohh. brother. *sobbing* Saih: Do you know where they went? These strangers? Chief: They seems to have taken off in two directions, I suppose to gather again for an attack. Saih: If you will let me, I will take ten of you finest foragers, with spears to find where they went, and to see if they also attacked Fungi. I suspect we are not alone here. Aya: Do you not care for you own clan? Misaa: Aya! Chief: Agreed, take your warriors; find out who these strangers are, and we will see about shoving the song down their throat. Saih: May the song be with you all. *Quickly makes his way to the task* Misaa: Be well.. *Then turns her attention to Yos* *For much of the coming evening, Saih leads a strong group of twenty, rather than ten warrior foragers, to try and hunt down the attackers, but it doesn't take long to actually find them. For much of the night, the Jur warriors silently watch their new enemy until they grow tired of being awake.. but something else happens first, the song starts playing VERY mournfully, and it startles the strangers from their sleep. As well as makes them too edgy Saih notes this, as he leads his clan warriors into a surprise attack, using the force of the song to drive his fellow warriors forward* Saih: RIP THE SONG FROM THEIR BEINGS!!!! *LEAPS UPON AN UNSUSPECTING BARBARIAN, STARTING THE CHAIN REACTION OF ANGRY JUR WARRIORS UPON THE ENEMY* *The battle is bloody and fierce, as the Jur for the first time in their lives know of blood lust, as they hack down barbarian after barbarian in their vicious need of revenge, the Jur almost become barbarians themselves, as many a fleeing barbarian meets a horrific end at the hands of those they were doing the same upon earlier that day. The night battle ends with many a head torn asunder it is near the end of this battle that more barbarians descend upon the Jur, renewing the battle in the opposite direction, until a third party enters the fray* Saih: *After having been slammed into a tree, is about to buy it at the end of a spear, that is until a second spear stabs through the barbarian's throat, the result is obvious* .what? Fungi warrior: Can we join the party? Saih: By the song that is fine. *grasps the newcomers arm* Fungi warrior: The name's Kala, shall we? Saih: By all means!! *Both rejump back into the fray* *The addition of seventy plus Fungi warriors turn the tide quickly back in the face of the barbarians, as they too seek bloody vengeance; and the result is just that: bloody. ..and as quickly as the battle began, it is over. Over one hundred barbarians lay dead, along side six Jur and eight Fungi warriors. The night is spent cleaning up and tending to wounds, as well as discussion between Jur and Fungi warriors, a new bondship is formed between two clans on this night, one with an interesting consequence for the future events of the clans* Ryoko: WOW!!! That was something! Tsunami: I forget who the barbarians were, but they only came to take as any horde does; as you can see. My meddling had an interesting side effect from that one battle, one that would end up bringing something new to both parties, because before that battle, the two clans; even though they were only some thirty miles apart, never really saw each other as valued neighbors, despite that they were the two most civilized clans in the old New Zealand area. Aleaic: But that battle brought them together. clever, but how come Yos had to be hurt? Yosho: Not every story is a shade of white. Since the words are still the opposite color of the paper, so is a good story, these things just happen. Aleaic: I feel so much better. Tenchi: Come on, I want to see more. Tsunami: Okay okay, were starting to get to the good part.. *As you would expect, with Saih's return with the surviving warriors, as well as a group from Fungi, they are hailed as heroes of the clan. And in typical Saih manner, this embarrasses him to no end, as every available female in the clan start hitting on him for attention. But this is a side show, as the Jur find their neighbors to the east are much more valued as partners than first thought; this would lead to a mutual defense agreement, as well as expanded trade between the two clans. It is because of this agreement, that the two societies trade yet more information of what each is interested in, as well as in exchange of maidens of both sides to foster more learning of what makes each clan tick Also because of this, more and more song groves are discovered, as well as mineral deposits the Fungi wish to mine. Soon both sides begin to see great profit in the endeavors, as they allow the situation to blossom upon itself, it all seems to be too good to be true, soon it would be, but this also set in motion the environment that would foster the eventual exodus, not too long in coming.* Saih: *After having returned from a new exploration foray with Kala, his new partner, with a large foray party; trailing much new gains of food and locations of a new grove of trees; he simply heads to his abode to escape the lavish attention, not used to being a focus of so much attention. It is here that Kala finds him.* ..come in.. ugh.. Kala: *Enters the abode simply* Hiding again? Saih: Man girl, if I didn't know better, I was about to become married before I was ever told. Kala: Must be ill of the song for you. Saih: I'm just not used to this, since all I did was kill some barbarians. Kala: Those that are loyal will follow those that prove their loyalty, whether they like it or not. Saih: Great, that means my life will be complicated forever. By the song.. Kala: *Can't help but laugh at all of that, tossing her white/teal hair all about as she lays down, listening the now echoing song coming from the trees, as haunting as always* .how can you people be so lucky? Saih: Meaning? Kala: These songs, I hear them from a distance, and as beautiful as they are form my home, they are so gorgeous to listen to here, laying down, not worrying about falling asleep in complete silence. It must be so incredible.. I feel.. jealous. Saih: *Ponders this* Never thought of it that way, actually; I sometimes try to find a place where the song in not so strong. But I never find it. Even in caves far from the village, I always hear the song. *closes his eyes and smiles* I've never known life without the song, and until recently, I never knew the possibility of losing the song. I think that is why I fought so viciously at that battle, I felt the need to revenge the song, to hurt those that would try to hurt a gift such as the song. If I had some way to protect the song, and all my people at the same time, I would gladly give my life for such. *after a bit of more of this, he realizes he has a captive audience listening intently* ..uhh.. Kala: You know that you love your place here? *flipped over on her stomach, leaning as she converses; her legs curled behind her* As much as I thought you would? Saih: So I do. I always have, I just don't go for the common practices here. You know that just before the barbarians attacked, queen Misaa told me that I should try to open myself up more to mating? You know, to settle down, have young ones, all that. Kala: *Flutters her eyes once* Only if I met the right person. Saih: I.. huh? Kala: It's only been a couple of weeks, but I don't see a problem with what your queen said. Unless she has a problem with interclan relationships. *slides in close* Saih: Umm.. I wouldn't, uhh.. I.. well.. *It doesn't matter, as Saih is pulled into a deep kiss; and the rest is as they say is history, the 'feel good' kind* Ayeka: Whoa. Ryoko: Oh yeah! Aleaic: Oh come now.. Sasami: *Has her eyes covered by Ayeka, and covers Ryo-ohki's eyes* Aleaic: Can we continue? Jeez.. *It is late into the night, as everyone is asleep, minus a few guards nowadays* Saih: *Awakens in his abode, to find that Kala nowhere about; he has also awakened from another strange dream, and to the sound of a strange song in his head; one that seems to be coming from a certain direction* ..Kala? *Redresses and heads outside to see if he can find Kala, the sky is perfectly clear, and the air is warm for the night* ..where did she go? Huh? *The sound of song grows strong in his mind, as he asks one of the guards where Kala is, he then walks the village a bit, to look around, but all he finds is that the song is starting to pull at him from a certain direction It is not until he reaches an open area that he sees a soft teal light in the distance* Saih: Huh? Isn't that that one tree grove we were at? *Asking no one in particular, but as the strength of the song becomes ever so more heavy in his mind, he finally starts drawing himself towards the area; simply on foot as to not attract attention, but this takes a good while; around the same it took to reach the same area that eventful day a couple of weeks ago* *As he approaches the grove in question, the light is becoming more and more intense, as well as the song in kind. But neither is ever too impossible to approach, but the atmosphere is nevertheless incredible. Saih finally reaches the edge of the grove, only to see a familiar face* Saih: Kala? *The feminine figure floats further up the hill, as Saih finds himself drawn to investigate further. Bounding up past several trees, each giving off a strange song from each, as well as unique; Saih eventually catches up to whom he believes is Kala* Saih: Kala?! What are you doing... (what?) *The figure who turns to meet him is NOT Kala, and almost immediately; Saih feels the urge to flee!!* Saih: Excuse me! *Turns to bound back down, only to SMACK flat into a transparent.. thing.. this causes him to fall backwards in obvious pain* ..what in the song was that? Owwwwwwwww.. Glowing figure: ~ Do all mortals act so rashly? ~ Saih: (What the? That sounds like Kala?) *Looks sorta up from his flat position, to see a shimmering figure in front of him, he then rolls over to look better, to see..* (By the song!!) Figure: ~ By the song, what? ~ *The glowing figure is clothed in the same garments that Kala had been wearing, still is, something!!* Saih: Wha? Figure: ~ You are wondering where Kala went? Who I am? ~ Saih: Well, yeah.. I.. wait a minute.. Figure: ~ Do your eyes deceive you mortal, or must I teach you better? ~ Saih: What in the song is all this? ( I must have been drinking..) Figure: ~ I assure you, you did not. This is all quite real. ~ Saih: *Manages to stand, all the while trying to comprehend the sight before him* Kala? You can't be.. Figure: ~ I was.. until a short while ago, when I reached to my place back here, now I am back as my true self. ~ Saih: And that would be? (What the heck is all this?!?) Figure: *In a smooth motion, she throws her head back to laugh, as she does this, her hair suddenly changes from white/teal to a deep blue with teal streaks, she also changes her clothing to a more majestic kimono set-up, with a more advanced feel to it; also, her demeanor becomes very soft, and very awe inspiring* Saih: *Drops back to his knees* ..by the song.. *A tear drops out, from the sight of such pure beauty* .who.. who are you? Figure: ~ By the language of you world, I am called Tsunami, and this.. *pointing to a white haired, smiling head that appears behind her suddenly* ..is my Sister Gaia, I must express my appologies, but we both had taken the identity of the female you knew as Kala to study you up close, for our needs for you require that we know that you are the correct choice. ~ Saih: (Tsunami? Gaia? I don't.. What is all this?) Tsunami: ~ Worry not, you already passed our requirements; are you ready to become our Avatar? ~ Saih: WHOA!! Hold on a cycle.. heheh.. I mean, I don't even know what is going on here, who are you two, and what requirements? What is all this? Gaia: ~ Oh dear, I told you mortals are too much three dimensional ~ Saih: (Three what?) Tsunami: ~ He will understand, if he wishes his clan to survive the coming trials.. ~ Saih: SURVIVE!!? What in the song are you insinuating?!! There's nothing wrong with my clan?!! Gaia: ~ Are you still sure Sister? ~ Tsunami: *Sighs* ~ I and my sister are what you would call goddesses. do you understand? ~ Saih: No.. Tsunami: ~ How about, we are the power that causes your trees to make it's songs, does that work? ~ Saih: Yes actually.. but.. Gaia: ~ You know that's a half truth you told him.. ~ Tsunami: ~ I had to start somewhere Sister, now.. we have come because we have chosen you people, as well as you neighbors of the Fungi as our subjects to become our new people.. ~ Saih: Why? *Still confused* Tsunami: ~ It's because we.. ~ Gaia: ~ Sis.. not about her yet, it's too soon.. ~ Tsunami: ~ Why not, Tokimi will be a part of his life in the future anyway? Why not tell him? ~ Saih: (Tokimi? Future?) Gaia: ~ Because he isn't yet ready for that knowledge, let's be cautious.. ~ Tsunami: ~ You sure weren't back in that abode you know.. ~ Gaia: ~ Can't a celestial girl have ANY fun? ~ Saih: Um.. girls? Tsunami: ~ And about the idea to help in that battle, who's idea was that? ~ Gaia: ~ Yours!! I only acted upon it!! ~ Saih: Girls? Tsunami: ~ And don't get me started about who it was that sent us to this planet again! I nearly busted my powers getting us here! ~ Gaia: ~ I didn't say anything, now you're just trying to impress Saih here! ~ Saih: Girls! Tsunami: ~ And if it weren't for that comment you gave Tokimi, we wouldn't have been in that fight!! ~ Gaia: ~ YOU KNOW WHAT SHE WAS DOING! At least I had the guts to stand up to her! ~ Tsunami: ~ And look at what happened to poor Washu because of it!! Next time 'Sister', don't do me any favors!! ~ Saih: Girls!! Gaia: ~ Oh yeah!? ~ Tsunami: ~ Yeah!! ~ Gaia: ~ Oh yeah!? ~ Tsunami: ~ Yeah!! ~ Gaia: ~ Oh yeah!? ~ Tsunami: ~ Yeah!! ~ Gaia: ~ OH YEAH!!? ~ Tsunami: ~ YEAH!!! ~ Saih: GIRLS!! Both: ~ WHAT?!! ~ *That sends Saih tumbling backwards into a tree below them* Gaia: ~ Oh great, you killed him! ~ Tsunami: ~ Oh zip it Sis!! ~ Saih: (That's it, I'm leaving..) WHAA!! *A sparkling field levitates Saih back near the two goddesses* ..Can I go now!? Tsunami: ~ He's not going to cooperate quietly, too bad.. ~ Gaia: ~ Then we must show him.. ~ Saih: Show me wha.. WAAA!!!!!?? *Rather than more words, the sight around Saih changes to a supremely unfamiliar view of the space all around him, one that is filled with strange floating things upon a black sea of stars* Tsunami: ~ You see before you Saih, what your people is to become; and not too far into the future either; if you follow what I have to tell you, because you will be at the forefront of all of this. ~ Saih: *Awe is not a good word of what he feels right now, it is more than that* What is all of this? Is this a vision? Tsunami: *changes the view of the scene that Saih sees, to one of a sphere set in the middle of a rainbow of colors, of what appear to be clouds except for the very bright stars shining off these 'clouds'* ~ ..this will be the new homeworld of your people Saih, it is from here, that your people will learn to hear the song as a part of it, instead as a mere audience, they will know the power of extended life, to feel how to use that same power to defend yourselves with, and above all: your people will know of knowledge beyond anything they could ever imagine, as well as respect for who your people is. All this, if your people worship me, because I have a need of your people, for reasons I can tell you but not them. Do you understand all that I have told you? ~ Saih: Umm.. yeah.. sure.. Gaia: ~ I told you he wouldn't believe, and how does he get the Fungi to latch on to all this? ~ Tsunami: ~ That's your problem, but I foresee that whatever path we set for the Jur, the Fungi will partake themselves, we just need a way to convince them all.. ~ Saih: Uh, if you are expecting me to be the one to tell them, forget it; I don't have THAT much power in the clan! Tsunami: ~ You won't have to, right now, my trees are giving a new song to the Jur as they sleep; by the time they awaken, they will know that a change is coming; all you have to do is defend it when the time comes. ~ Saih: Defend it from what? Does this have to do with that survival thing? Tsunami: ~ Indeed, I fear that word of this area is spreading past your shores, within months I fear, this area will have more than just the simple horde you fought. And I am giving your people a chance to save themselves by joining with me, by becoming a part of my purposes, I truly believe that we all will benefit from this arrangement, because if nothing else, both your people, this land, and I will die without this arrangement.. ~ Saih: Die? Wha.. what do you mean die? *leans forward, but forgets he's still in the levitation field, and fall off of it* WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! *WHOMP!!* Gaia: ~ Ow.. ~ Tsunami: *Sees this, then breaks out into laughter* Saih: *Looking like a Mack truck hit him, if he knew what one was that is..* ..ooooooowwwwwww.. Tsunami: *Does something rather UN-deity like, by helping Saih up by hand, rather than by her powers* Saih: *When she touches him, all he can feel.. is how warm and silky her hand is, his heart nearly melts in that instant* (WHOA!! Hold it..) ..hold it!! *Scampers backwards into a tree, HARD!!* Tsunami: *This only serves to make her laugh even harder than before; almost to the point of making the land shake some* Gaia: ~ WHOA!! Sis.. not so hard! ~ Tsunami: ~ Sorry, I just don't know.. *giggle* ..what is coming over me! ~ *Struggles to keep from laughing* Saih: *Doubled over upside down* I'm glad I made you laugh.. Gaia: *Looks at Saih, then Tsunami, and back and so a couple of times* (~ Well, seems there's more at stake here.. ~) Saih: *Finally straightens himself out* ..now, what is it about this about dying? Tsunami: *Looks solemn at the ground* ~ My Sister and I used to belong to a special place, but we had to leave due to a conflict, and I need your people to help me live long enough to help repair the damage that was inflicted, *Looks at Saih with actual tears in her eyes* .it is something that I am not proud of, forcing myself to strike at a fellow Sister in anger, causing us all to split apart. I need time to figure out a way to make amends, but not unless I have a new pantheon, that is why I chose your people from all those in this dimension, because you people hold the same tenants about life that I do. I.. I just hope that your people will understand that I mean no harm, but that I WILL get what I want, period. I am DEFENITELY not used to the concept of no. That is why I am doing all this. Can you understand why.. ~ Saih: Yes.. I do.. Tsunami: ~ You do? ~ Gaia: *deadpan* ~ You do? ~ Saih: What are you, copycats? Gaia: ~ Only Sisters, close enough.. ~ Tsunami: *All glassy eyed* OHTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!! *jumping all up and down* Saih: *Sighs and shakes his head, what does he think he's doing, he thinks* ..so, what do I do to help? Gaia: ~ Only that you help defend, that is all.. ~ Saih: That's it? That's all? Tsunami: ~ It's not like you can do what were planning, but you sure do look good as a Knight. ~ Saih: A what? Gaia and Tsunami: *groan* *This starts a process if where the people of Jur awaken to the most intense song ever heard, one that the Fungi hear as well, a strange event to say the least. This is soon followed by actual sightings of Gaia and Tsunami by their respective chosen clans. Soon, the buzz is abound of the song that says their way of life is to change. Then things start happening to certain people in the village of Jur, namely that the trees are actually talking to certain people, as well as the effect of certain of the older and sicker of the clan becoming more youthful, and healthier within the span of days. Then come the lights, first from a distance, and then closer to the village. The trees start emitting beams of light, as the song starts in the mornings, and the evenings. And with each passing day, the beams start becoming in more tune with the songs that are emitted. As this happens, around the same time, the Fungi begin experiencing visions that are connected to the minerals that they mine, mainly the gemstones over anything else. This causes the Chiefs of the Jur and Fungi to begin gathering for the purpose of understanding what has been happening to their two clans. It is here that Tsunami and Gaia send in their new and improved messenger, one to introduce them properly, if at nothing least, to be the comedy relief. Except for the fact, that they have, over the past few days altered his being to include what would become the Jur power effect, or Jurai for the laymen types* Chief: You are a what? Saih: An Avatar.. (I don't believe I'm doing this!) ..and I'm the one that's going to introduce.. *turning behind him* I HOPE!! Misaa: Did you hear a bad song or something? Aya: I think it's more than that. Saih: Yeah, Like I chose all this, but I agreed to help them, and I can pretty much assume you can't explain what's been going on with the trees, and you.. *Pointing to the Fungi chieftain; by the name of Harsa* ..can't either can you. Harsa: Put in such a blunt way, yes. Aya: Whatever you intend to do, just do it. Saih: (Always the demure one..) Indeed, but I must call upon them through the trees, it is a special song that lets them know that the time is ready. Chief: *Waves his hand with less than enthusiasm* Then do it, the song has been delayed enough as it is. Saih: (I'm am so going to get you for this Tsunami, messenger indeed.. ugh..) *Smiles simply, and heads outside with the rest in tow* ..well.. lets try that tree, yes that looks good. *guestures to what is the eldest of all the trees in the grove, a set of groans follow* Fuasa: Are you well? That tree will never listen to you. Aya: What are we doing here? Let's just go back to discussion shall we? Saih: NO!! *That stops everyone in the local area cold* Chief: Excuse us? *Gives an indignant look* Saih: I gave my word that this would happen, and you WILL listen to this decree, if my blood has to be the price, the message WILL be heard!! *Suddenly turns to the chosen tree he's going to communicate with, and starts concentrating* *It takes a few tense moments for the first of the effects to occur, and it is VERY tense..* Harsa: Are we going to be here all cycle or what? Saih: *Ignoring, as the first communicate is linked to the tree* Aya: Mom, Dad, how much more? Saih: *The return communicate is felt* Misaa: I must concur with our daughter on this.. Saih: *The link is acknowledged* Chief: Saih, you have one more stroke cycle to make something happen, or.. Saih: (Here we go..) *Suddenly, with the Chief being stopped mid threat, a set of patterns on Saih's head begin glowing, the first mark of Jurai; and then all heck breaks loose* *The tree that Saih had been concentrating on begins emitting a set of glowing blue patterns, the first Jurai Tree Link mark, then all of a sudden a TON of light beams shower from the tree, and then SLAMS into the sky shortly after* Misaa: (HOLY SONG!!!) *The sentiment is shared by EVERY member of the clan of Jur, as well as the clan of Fungi very shortly thereafter* *It takes awhile for the display to reach it's crescendo, the torrent of light beams flood the sky ever more and more* Saih: (~ Doesn't this waste energy or something? ~) Tsunami: (~ Oh, hold your tree tune, we're coming ~) *..and it doesn't take long, as every song tree in the village begins to glow and sing in unison; making the way open for two beams of light make their way down from the sky, just for dramatic effect, as well the fact that the subjects of all this still consider drinking and cleaning their feet the height of court etiquette, so the two deities don't pull too much in the effects. The result is more than effective* Tsunami: *Appears in what will become the standard Juraian dress for the coming thousands of years* ~ I welcome you my people.. ~ Gaia: ~ As do I.. ~ *speaking generally to Harsa* Saih: ~ May I present the multi-dimensional beings Tsunami and Gaia, they are here with a message and proposition for the future, I do hope with all my song that you will listen; and heed.. all of our futures depend on it. ~ *makes good his leave of any attention* Chief: *Stammering for any words at all.* Tsunami: ~ I am truly glad for the opportunity to finally meet with you, it has taken me some time to fully understand how your peoples work, and I also am here to offer you a life, one that will surpass anything your dreams or songs could ever imagine. My only wish is to allow you the chance to understand what I have to offer. Please, tell me your real name Lord of Jur. ~ Chief: I.. *ahem* ..go by the name of Azs by the clan elders, as my family included. Tsunami: ~ Then your link Tree will go by that name as well.. as will you families names, their trees will receive similar names.. if you will allow me to explain, it will all be as clear as your songs are. ~ Gaia: ~ Lord Harsa, I have a similar proposition to you as well; shall we convene to a separate abode, as you call it? ~ Saih: *Retires to his abode, hoping for some piece, as his first ever use of the Jurai power has him quite drained* *Despite the huge excitement of what had happened, the rest of the day is quite dull, as much of the normal routines are reset into motion, but an ear is still bent towards what is turning our to be a doozy of a proposition. The main part of the deal concerns pretty much all the major aspects of current Jurai society, as well as discussion of how a song tree is to be melded with each member of the clan, as there is more than enough trees present, with about twice as many more yet discovered.. Also included in the deal is how the Jurai power is to be used, and as neither side really knows of how to make any real rules, much less understanding them as of yet. This is not foreseen as a problem, as the realm of experience will no doubt take care of such issues, but it also comes to pass that there is a problem with 'breeding stock'. This was dealt with by the Jur themselves, since a strong power such as themselves will no doubt attract attention, unless there is a way to express that power quickly. It is decided then that the multi-marriage rule be instituted as an option, not a mandatory one, but one that hopefully would allow the Jur civilization to expand quickly. And yes, as much as all that sounds repugnant to Terran standards, it assured the survival of Jurai. Not that at the time it was considered inappropriate, more as an excuse to release centuries of. 'frustration'.. As it were, but that's a different tale. Gaia relates a similar proposal, though not as straight forward, but one that involves using the minerals of their mining processes to gain access to tremendous energy, but about the same as the effect that the Trees would give the Jur, they would be called Gems, in the same vein that Washuu had created them, risky proposition at best. It took a great deal of discussion by both parties with their respective goddesses to solidify if nothing else, plain and solid trust, something still in short supply these days even. But it was the pleas from the goddesses themselves, set in as mortal a way as possible, the same that Saih had received from Tsunami; that allowed the dream of Jurai and Fungesia to start being believable. This is where the great spark came from. The shape of the universe is forever altered with a simple plea. Strange is it not? But it is the last request that stuns the heck out of everyone, and seals Saih's fate, for him, and for his prodigy. Tsunami beats Gaia to the punch with this one, not that she minds much. Saih WILL have a mate, and Tsunami is the one who will have him. Course Saih didn't know of this, as he was passed out in his abode, the news would break until at a certain time and place. The place was the place Tsunami and Saih had met, the time; right now.. because the same forces that had descended upon Jur and Fungi had returned to the valley, and there were simply too many this time, and neither are they directed by the goddesses. A week later, the process began..* Saih: *Stops near where Azs is, as he discusses exodus matters with the elders, now quite young in appearance* .my Lord, I am ready.. Azs: Then you be well with the song, and DO come back at the appropriate time. Saih: I will.. but if not, I wish for you to tell Tsunami something for me, just in case. I doubt the hordes will be kind to disengage my presence so easily. *Soon after, a combined warrior party of three-hundred plus heads for the lower valley, near the waterfalls, it takes a good day for the party to make it halfway, but by then, the hordes; about seven-hundred strong make their way into the valley. The consequences are obvious. At around the same time, the chosen site for the exodus to begin is starting to swell with clansmen from both camps, but the need for a suitable transport is what will take the most time* Misaa: Three cycles? Tsunami: I fear so, the need to use caution in gathering the trees, as well as appropriate the water, food, and oxygen generation apparatuses. If I do not act carefully, many of the younger trees may die, this is the same problem my Sister Gaia faces, and such an undertaking is not going to be light on my powers, I only hope I have enough left over to get us clear.. Azs: If this Link you profess is so powerful, would it be out of reason for us to pilot this.. whatever this thing is, ourselves? Tsunami: Impressive.. I will think of a way to make that possible, until then, I must ask your best females remaining to join me in helping construct this vessel, we will not have the support of the Fungi as they are to busy with their own vessel, so with this help, the minor details can be dealt with easily.. Fuasa: Tell us what to do. Tenchi: Wow, I never knew that this could have gotten so complicated. Misaki: You have no idea Lord Tenchi. Ryoko: I sense this is going to get messy. Washu: It's nice to know someone used my inventions without my permission.. *Pops in some popcorn for everyone* Tsunami: You were not a part of the equation at the time, so we took.. how do you mortals say it? Artistic license. Aleaic: Whatever works, were here aren't we? *WHAP* Tsunami: Don't give it away!! Aleaic: Sorry.. Kagato: *Dead asleep, the rest don't care* Azusa: Now for the final chapter.. Saih: There.. right there.. *pointing out to a trio of his troops, the line of barbarians passing about fifty yards away* .now, when they get nearer the hill rift over there.. *more pointing, a half-kilometer away* .we make a hit and run, then we pull back to point four, and hit them again as they try to charge, as I expect they will.. *The plan works quite well, as the raids take a decent toll upon the initial hordes they encounter, the same is reported around the valley, as many barbarians fall to their own lack of tactics. This goes on for the most part of the first day of the battle, as the hit and runs disrupts the hordes long enough to make preparations for more raids. Unfortunately, the hordes catch on to what is going on by the dawn of the second day, and a fresh attempt by a group of forty ends in a rout. And successive attacks begin to have difficulty in doing damage; but by then, the hordes have moved within the higher flat areas, and a new tactic is devised: Diversion. About midday, as the main portion of the horde army enters the main clearings, long range attacks are directed, as large Jur strike force slams into the center briefly, drawing the horde to try and encircle, this is countered by using a second group to hit the left side, by the time the horde reacts, the center pulls back quickly, using the long range element to cover them. The battle in the open flats ends with a use of an explosive mineral type, causing the hordes to flee the field in shocked surprise, this ends the days events with the Jur/Fungi warriors somehow holding the field, but at a cost of half their force, with about half of that wounded, they are pulled back towards the exodus point, with the rest trying to rest up, despite the knowledge that the battle that day would probably be their last. While all this was happening, things were quite as busy at the exodus point. As mentioned by Tsunami, the collection of the resources was intense, as Tsunami and the best song maidens she has chosen begin using, with Tsunami's tutelage, the Jurai power. They used it to expand their sight of the land they resided upon, they found the rest of the song trees, at least the ones still alive, as well as proper soil to prevent the trees from being in shock from the transfer. And then the need of water was met by gathering most of the freshwater sources from around the valley, and the rivers and snowcaps of the areas surrounding the valley. It was sure a sight to see, as the power of Tsunami gathered all the raw materials together by the end of the first day, while the maidens categorized the assets gathered, deciding where the resources could best be emplaced upon the vessel. While this was happening, the Fungi proceeded with their own vessel, it was more simple with the less need of resources to keep anything other than passengers alive. By the second day, their vessel was complete, and could have left right there and then. But this is where the alliance came to it's fruition. Most of those not maintaining the Fungi vessel, started helping the Jur. This is where thing s got strange. Gaia saw that as the second day started, the formation of the Jur vessel was becoming difficult to fuse properly, hence her contribution; she allowed the use of Gems in the Jur Trees. But this was kept a secret from most of the Jur and Fungi; mainly to prevent the combination of two power sources from being used unwisely. But the action DID help speed up the tree refusion, as it took a good ten minutes to fuse a tree into each slot assigned to it, as well as sustain it with a infusion of soil, and water for each tree, then each tree would have it's host assigned to it, but not linked; not until the it was time to go. By the end of the second day cycle, the Jur vessel was beginning to take form, in the sense of the biblical term, an ark of sorts started to take shape. With more trees starting to come in swiftly, the process took all night of the second day, taxing even the most disciplined of the maidens. Many were forced to rest, mainly to conserve strength for the time the vessel would depart, as well as to keep the subjects of the Linking as fresh as possible. By the dawn of the third day, the ship had been formed enough to start using Jurai power on it's own, using its own song to help power the vessel. It was here that things started to become strained, because early on the third day, the barbarian horde army attacked the defenders in full force, this shattered the defenders into pulling back a full kilometer before the Jur/Fungi could reform. Saih nearly bought it in trying to pull the warriors back, taking a vicious cut to the back by a sideswiping cutting weapon, before gutting the offender. Despite all that, the Jur/Fungi warriors were able to pull what was left of their forces to a narrow point between three tight hills. It was here that as they apparently foresaw their coming doom, and planned accordingly* *Exodus point* Fuasa: *Walking up to Tsunami, who is still concentrating very hard, along with Gaia; both whom are bathed in an intense light, but both remain open to communication.* Goddess, the last of the trees that we have chosen are now either emplaced, or about to be, I count another ten to go. Tsunami: ~ Then, have all of the remaining clansmen begin heading into their assigned areas on the vessel.. ~ *pointing to the now gargantuan form of the great Jur vessel. It has huge bow plane, a long and slender mid section with minor protrusions along its length. More towards the end, the vessel suddenly expands to twice its breadth, with large open area vent clusters. Along the mid area of the aft quarters, several directional vanes hover close to the main body, held up by the generated Jurai power from the trees inside. The great vessel equally rivals that of the already completed Fungi vessel, except for the fact that this vessel is more shaped like naturally grown crystals, hybrided to a large snowflake; though the bow of the vessel resembles that of a large sting ray, with the mid section slowly growing to match the crystalline aft* ~ ..I will give the signal to Saih and the others, now get aboard, and have everyone start concentrating to clear their minds; take a rest if needed. ~ Fuasa: I dearly do hope this works goddess. Gaia: ~ It will maiden, but I fear for those defending us.. ~ Tsunami: ~ They will make it, just trust me.. ~ Gaia: *Notes that this is more for the benefit of Fuasa than herself, Goddess of Light, is not the Goddess of Fate* ~ I know.. ~ *Three kilometers away* Jur Warrior Fas: *Tending to Saih's ugly wound* I hope you don't mind scars. Saih: *Wincing anyway* I will.. ow.. manage. Fungi Warrior Corisi: *Runs up quickly* Saih.. Saih: Spit it out! *Still wincing from the tending* Corisi: We have only seventy healthy warriors left, and about twenty- four wounded that can still fight. I do not think we can hold against another charge. *Jerks his head at the sound of chaotic shouting* Saih: Then it's time.. tell all those left, that they have my permission to use the hidden powers; we have to by the exodus more time, at least another half cycle.. *pointing to the massive vessel, clearly seen from their vantage point, taking a moment to smile at such craftwork.* ..for their sakes. And only for them, we WILL keep this spot, if we all have to go first. Fas: Tell me something? Saih: *Stopped cold mid thought* Yes my friend? Fas: This goddess, this whole thing, about a new life; tell me? How can you trust in this so much? How can we believe in something that not even the song understands? What if all this leads to our doom? With our children facing a.. what did she call it? A 'future'? And this future is filled with something other than what is promised? Why do you so blindly trusty her so? Saih: *Winces as he twists his body to face Fas fully* I saw the future, I saw something, not of the song; but as real as the song. A place where I truly believe we will become for the benefit of said children. I believe that they will see, as well as their own children, and beyond; that this future is a truth, a fact, a song already sung. And because from the first moment I saw Tsunami, they way she looked at me, the way.. well.. everything about her, said for me to trust her. *Pivots around towards the direction of the heathens* But most of all, it is the way.. that she pleaded to 'me' for my help. *Looks at Fas, and Corisi in turn* In all of my life, no one 'ever' asked for me to help them. And of all beings, for a goddess to do so, with such sincerity behind it. I.. I just couldn't think otherwise. *Steels his eyes towards the coming barbarians* ..and I WILL make this all a reality for her. Period. Fas: Then I will believe as you do. Corisi: As will I, till the death of the song for us... *The chaotic shouts grow closer, as well as the screams of the dying; as the scouts try to delay the hordes* Fas, take a group of troops, and tell them to set up a massive ambush. Corisi, follow me, WE *turning to his Fungi friend* are going to show the rest of the warriors the meaning of Jurai power.. COME ON!! *With this, two groups of warriors split up; with Saih leading the first to blunt the wretched foe; but before this..* Saih: *As the reach the forefront of the hill pass, he turns to quickly address his charges* MY FRIENDS, THIS IS THE MOMENT OF OUR GREATEST STAND; BEHIND US, NOT FAR FROM HERE, IS OUR FAMILIES. TO YOU MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN I, FOR I ONLY HAVE A DREAM TO HOLD ON TO, ONE GIVEN AS A VISION, AS A GREAT SONG THAT IS THE TRUTH FOR US ALL, AND YET; YOUR FIRST FEELING IS TO YOU FAMILIES. IT IS WITH THIS THAT I PLEAD TO YOU FOR WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW. IF THIS HAVEN OF EVIL PASSES US, YOUR FAMILIES WILL BE DESTROYED, AS WILL THE VISION I HOLD. So I plead with you, with the power invested by the song, STAND TO FORTH AND SEE THESE OF OUR ENEMIES, THAT THEY WILL NOT PASS, BUT THAT THEY WILL FEEL THE POWER THAT IS OUR FUTURE BIRTHRIGHT. FEEL INSIDE OF EACH OF YOU THE POWER THAT IS YOU FINAL WEAPON!! *Looks to the valley* ..Ignore my dramatics, and feel the power that is in you. It's form is that of your feelings of hoping to protect those you love, as do I.. as so by the holy song do I.. NOW FOLLOW MY ACTIONS, AND CONTROL YOUR CENTER; WE HAVE ONLY ONE CHANCE AT THIS!! *A righteous roar thunders from the gathered warriors, as Saih immediately begins concentrating. The warriors begin following suit, and soon a large surge of dimensionalized energy fills the pass* Tsunami: *SNAPS HER HEAD OVER TOWARDS THE LOWER HILL AREAS* ~ We're out of time Sister. ~ *As the first of the horde attackers appear, and as the Jur/Fungi allow the enemy to pull in close!* Saih: (...and... NOW!!) NOW!!!!!!!! *EVERYTHING SIMPLY BREAKS INTO A TORRENT OF CHAOS. Everywhere, the warriors slam an incredible amount of dimensional energy, namely the Jurai power; into a unfocused wave of burning energy; searing and ashing by the scores, the Hordes are history's first recipients of the Jurai Mega Wave attack. Lucky them huh? This is short lived however, as the power reserved in the warriors is a very limited source. Meant to be a one time use, at least safely; this drains much of the life spirit from the warriors that use it. This collapses many of the warriors from sheer exhaustion. Fortunately, the shock of the attack drives back the bulk of the barbarians; as the second warrior group slams into the shocked hordes. Within ten minutes of the attack, the scene quiets down fast. This gives time for the warriors to drag their exhausted brethren to safety. For the moment. Fas: BY THE SONG!! Saih!! What.. what was that.. that. Saih: *Struggles to sit up* The power of Tsunami. *Looks at Fs, than grabs his arm* ..that is the reason you were seeking my friend. *slumps* Fungi Warrior: *Strides up* Saih, Corisi is dead.. Saih: *Closes his eyes, and prays to Tsunami reflexively* ..we need to move back some, we need to move now, tell everyone. *coughs* ..we move to the old village of Jur, now.. we.. move! *The next partial cycle of daylight is spent in moving what is left of the warriors to the village, where a trap has been set up, the abodes have been loaded with a special compound from the Fungi mines, ones with.. molating properties to them. Scouts soon return with news that some elements are trying to slip past to their south. This causes Saih to send twenty warriors to flank them, and hold back the hordes. It is near late afternoon, that the warriors left are ready; but Saih orders the warriors that have not used their one shot powers to hold off, and wait till they retreat past the village. They would know when. It fell then to a small group of five warriors, all Jur; with Saih included, to say goodbye their most beloved home. Not soon after, the hordes came again. Saih: *Standing near his old abode; hearing the sounds of chaos grow close again* ..You know something Trani? Trani: Yes Saih? Saih: Where ever I end up next. I hope that it has a much softer spot to sleep in.. *kicking a post of his abode, a wooden pole holding up mud and tree branches* .rather than this thing.. *chuckles* Trani: *chuckles* I remember the times that your parents shared with you, how much they enjoyed it with you. Even as a child I saw this; and I wish that they could have lived to see the clansman that you have turned into.. Saih: *Gives out a large laugh, as the chaotic yelling suddenly runs up a couple of chords* Well then, IT"S TIME!! *Thunders to his chosen spot* Trani: HAI!! *Scrambles as well* *The sounds grow ever louder* Tsunami: *Straining from the amount of power being used in the preparations* Gaia: ~ Sister, I am done with the life-support systems, and the Link is about ready to be initiated! ~ *Noting the arrival of many wounded/exhausted warriors, being tended by the few maidens remaining, Fuasa one of them, Misaa as well* Tsunami: ~ Not yet, I have to finish sealing the trees to each other; only then will I begin the fusing Link.. ~ Gaia: ~ Then I must attend to the Fungi vessel's cryo-stasis cells; yell if you need anything Sis!! ~ *Phases to the Fungi vessel* Tsunami: *About to continue, when a HUGE EXPLOSION erupts from the area where the village was supposed to be!!* (~ SAIH!!!!!!!!!! ~) *A large amount of coughing comes from a large dust cloud; as it continues to shower debris all over in a large brown smudge* Saih: (I. think we used too much.) *coughing x30* Trani: SAIH!?! *coughing x23* Saih: Here.. I think.. Trani: *Appears and slumps near Saih* You think we used too much? Saih: *Looking back, as the dust settles away, to show a MASSIVE crater where the village once existed* ..what makes you say that? *In the midst of the laughing, the duo gather two more, with one missing. And with that, start heading towards the last defense line* Saih: *Reaches the line, with the remaining warriors; with a noticeable limp* What's the song? Fas: Only a hundred left overall, I fear this is it my friend. Saih: *Nods, then looks around at the ragtag defenders that are left* Well.. we have beaten the odds so far, we are not dead yet. *Turns to speak what is most likely his last speech, something he never expected to actually ever do.* MY friends!! It is time for the inevitable; I was told before all this four days ago, that I would receive a signal when the vessels are completed, and it was time to go. Well.. it hasn't come.. But I suspect that the vessel is so close to completion, that I feel we have one task before us. The trees are of our lives. The trees will save us, even if we die. So.. I ask you to join me in the final sacrifice, to allow the future to begin, so that we may die knowing our collective future is secure. What say you, IS IT A GOOD SONG DIE TO THIS CYCLE?!!!! *THRUSTS HIS SPEAR INTO THE SKY, LEADING A RANCOROUS CHORUS INTO THE GOOD DEATH THAT IS COMING* Trani: SAIH!!!!!!!!! *Everyone suddenly turns, as the Jur vessel is suddenly glowing nearly as brightly as the sun above, almost if a newborn star was forming. Soon, a second such light joins it, as the Fungi vessel also begins shining. Then it hits them.. the Jurai and Fungesian powers; it fills them all with true hope.* Saih: (You did it Tsunami, Gaia; excellent!!) Tsunami: (~ Saih!! ~) Saih: (~ YES?!! ~) Tsunami: (~ Not so loud.. Gaia is ready, but I need at least a half hour cycle to finish the Link, then the vessel is ready!! ~) Saih: (~ Yes I. ~) *IS RUDELY INTERRUPPTED BY AN ONSLAUGHT OF BARBARIANS AS THEY SUDDENLY APPEAR FROM OUT OF NOWHERE* (Oh ****!!) Tsunami: ~ Saih!? SAIH!?!!! ~ *sees a large cloud of dust start forming, as the battle below is becoming fierce* ~ GAIA!! ~ Gaia: ~ YES!? ~ Tsunami: ~ HELP ME FINISH THE LINK FAST!! FUASA, MISAA!! GET EVERYONE IN NOW!!! *The two maiden queens scamper into the vessel; as the goddesses literally pull all of their remaining powers into sealing the Great Link between the Jur subjects, and the trees they are paired with. This involves the process of using multi-dimensional power to take each individual, and literally tune each individual to the tree they are paired with. The process is quickened by the presence of the Gems in each Tree, but still; it is a very delicate process. As each Jur subject is tuned to the tree, they are shown how to learn to listen to the song within each one. It is from this that the harmonization is linked between the subjects involved. This starts a chain reaction, with more and more Links completed, the effect begins amplifying themselves on their own, and the major systems of the vessel spring to full power as each Link is made. Very soon, the last Link is completed, and the Full Link can be used as planned. Tsunami: ~ It is done!! Tend to your vessel Sister!!! ~ Gaia: ~ Not until ALL of those that can be saved are here!! NOT BEFORE!! ~ *With that, the attention turns to the desperate battle below; which has been growing steadily closer by the minute. It is now early evening, and everything is set; but at that moment, the line begins breaking. The Jur/Fungi warriors remaining having given their all. Except for one.* Saih: *Kicking off a barbarian, and stabbing another; he then knocks off a third from Fas* COME ON!! Fas: Thanks! DUCK!! *Spears an all too close barbarian* Saih: Thanks yourself!! *Leads the two into a quick hack and slash attack, then pulls back* Trani: *Avoids a slash, and reaches Saih* NOW WHAT?!! Saih: NOW I MUST ACT!! *IMMEDIATELY USES A LARGE AMOUNT OF JURAI POWER TO SHOCK BACK A LARGE GROUP OF HORDESMEN, this silences the battle for a quick moment; and causes Saih to nearly collapse* Fas: Saih!! *Drags Saih near a rock* Trani: Come on!!! Saih: *Forces himself to somehow get to his feet, when he shouldn't have* GET EVERYONE TO THE VESSELS NOW!! BREAK THE DEFENSE, BREAK IT NOW!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! *As many of the surviving warriors begin retreating at last* Trani: What about you!? Saih: I'll be behind, JUST GO!!! GO!!! Fas: I. LOOK OUT!! *PUSHES SAIH AWAY IN TIME, BUT PAYS THE PRICE; IN THE FORM OF A SPEAR THROUGH HIS CHEST* Trani: *SMACKS the offender with a wooden javelin* FAS!!!!!! Saih: DAMMIT YOU FAS!! *His turn to pull Fas to the rock* Fas: *Coughing heavily, with blood spewing* .Saih. are you.. alright.. Saih? Saih: I'm here.. Fas: Tell my family, that I loved them, and I will always.. hear their.. song, even through the.. song void. Please.. *COUGH* Tell them for me.. Tell them.. Saih: Tell them yourself.. (~ TSUI!!! ~) Tsunami: (~ YES!? ~) *A strained fear is noticeable in her voice* Saih: (~ HAVE GAIA AND YOURSELF GET THE REMAINING WARRIORS THAT ARE ALIVE TO THEIR VESSLES NOW!! PLEASE!! ~) *Nothing is spoken, but a large number of sparking fields pull the surviving warriors to their respective ships, but as the event happens, a large number of barbarians try to charge the vessels. This is stopped COLD as Saih forces himself to use the Jurai power a third time; frying more barbarians. This draws the full attention of two sources.* Tsunami & Gaia: (~ SAIH!!!!!! ~) Saih: *Falls thickly to the ground, as gravity takes him towards the lower portion of the hill* Tsunami: (~ SAIH, PLEASE SAIH!!! TALK TO ME!! ~) *A quiet moment..* Saih: (~ Tsui.. get the vessel going, please go.. it is over for me.. ~) Tsunami: (~ Saih!! NO, DON'T DO THIS!! PLEASE!! ~) *FEELS SEVERAL BARBARIANS ABOUT TO APPROACH* Saih: *Feels this at the same time, and drags himself up again; and is about to be swamped!!* *A massive beam strikes the barbarians near Saih, but miss the ones about to attack the vessel* Saih: (~ NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~) *HE LOOSES ALL SANITY, AS HE USES ABOUT WHAT IS LEFT OF HIS POWER TO DESTROY THE HORDES ON THE HILL CLOSEST TO THE VESSELS, this should have killed him.... but..* Tsunami: (~ Saih?!.... Saih? ~) *She gasps at what she feels next* *A LARGE SPIKE OF JURAI POWER ERUPTS OUT FROM WHERE SIAH IS, SOON AFTER; SIAH APPEARS, ENVELLOPED IN A FIELD OF PURE JURAI ENERGY. Saih then phases quickly to the side of the Jur vessel; still holding a spear-staff against any barbarians* Saih: ~ Tsunami, do not ask, and do not argue. But you and Gaia have to go now!! I'm using all than I am left to sustain this. Please for the love of the song flee now!! FORGET ME, NOW!! PLEASE! I AM EXPENDABLE DAMMIT!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~ Tsunami: ~ Saih.. ~ Saih: ~ Know that I love you, I do not understand why. But it is for that love that I ask you to leave me. Now.. I can hold them off for a good bit before I give out. Get the vessel moving. NOW!! ~ *Ashes several barbarians that have gotten too close* *At first in shock, but then with resolution; as Tsunami and Gaia begin having their charges join them in powering the engines of each vessel, using the energy of the Great Link. Soon the vessels begin levitating, then moving upwards ever so slowly; ever so agonizing, It takes a good five minutes for both vessels to start hovering high enough to protect from ground attackers. At the same time, Saih begins going medieval upon as many Hordesmen as he can encounter, searing many with energy blades, and flares of unfocused, but emotionally charged energy waves. Each use of power begins pulling a debt load of used energy, pulling it from a source that isn't his to use. But uses it he does anyway, already content to dying for the Great Link. Fifteen minutes into the launching, the vessels are now a half kilometer in the sky, and Saih begins to pay for his energy withdrawals. The cost is his body suddenly retching on him painfully* Saih: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *Bowls over heavily in excruciating pain!!* Tsunami: (~ SAIH!!!!!!!!!!! ~) Gaia: (~ OH POWERS!!!!!!! ~) Saih: *As he is about to be torn asunder by the last of the barbarians, now numbering only sixty plus* (~ ..it. is done.. ~) Tsunami: (~ Saih I.. ~) Saih: (~ It is done!!! LEAVE ME!!! ~) ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Tsunami: *Saih feels Tsui suddenly narrow her eyes* (~ LIKE HELL I WILL!!!! ~) *A SHINING TELEPORT BEAM STRIKES SAIH, GRABBING HIM JUST BEFORE THE BARBARIANS LEAP ON HIM* Saih: (~ What? ~) *His last before blacking out* *Despite a chorus of angry barbarians throwing spears fruitlessly, the two vessels float ever higher into the dark sky, soon merging with the very stars that the Jur and Fungi used to only see from the ground, around abode fires. Now, they are one with the stars. They have made it. The trail is over.* Aleaic: *After a bit, releases a long held breath; one that he didn't realize he was holding* .by the light.. *Everyone else (minus Kagato) is also silent, holding their breath; the Royals included* Tenchi: Well. that beats the pants off of the History classes at school.. Ayeka: Agreed.. Kiyone: *Awe* Mihoshi: *Awe, with a bit of giggling* Kiyone: Mihoshi?! Mihoshi: Sorry. I get this way with epics. Misaki: That may be an actual truth.. Aleaic: No, this is what started the epic. Tsunami: A number of them actually. The story doesn't end there though. Funaho: Indeed? Azusa: Sounds like. *scratching his head, as the all look at the two vessels, as they pass the orbit of the moon Luna; almost out of the Earth sphere* Aleaic: Then let's see what happens. Tsunami: *giggle* Okay.. Sasami: Alright, more!! *MIYA!!* *It is now three days since the vessels have left Earth, much of the time is spent recovering; as well as fine tuning the Links. Now that the two vessels have separated their crews, they can only communicate via the Link. But soon, the two will have to cease this as well, as the two goddesses have separate plans for their charges now. In tow separate directions. But most of the energy at first is used in healing those most wounded from all the fighting, as well as pairing the remaining Jur warriors to trees not linked yet. The Fungi warriors receive treatment from the Gems they are connected to. Also during this time, the song that once was of the ears is heard in the minds instead. Although the song would eventually fade away with time, and be replaced by the unfathomable power of the Jurai energy. But until then, the song would teach the Jur to treat this new link with great respect, as all new converts learn to do. The first order of business the Jur decide upon, is to create a celebration to honor the new role of history they are now living. They call the first ceremony: Startica, to commemerate their day of ascent to the stars. But there is something more important to the clan at the moment.. The well being of one of their own is of the attention of the Clan.* Saih: *His view of complete blackness, is hazed by a teal glow on the outside of his vision, it slowly grows to encompass his entire sight. This soon forces him to try and open his eyes. At first this is painful, but the eyes soon learn to adjust..* .whaaaa? *His view is blurry, but the sound is coming clearly first, as the sounds of several clansmen nearby tell him he is not alone.* Misaa: He's waking up. *This Saih hears* Aya: Impressive Goddess.. Yos: Did he take any permanent damage down there? Tsunami: ~ He will be perfect. ~ *As soon as Saih hears Tsunami's voice, he suddenly bolts up to his feet. And summarily falls flat from a complete lack of balance* Saih: *Flat* ..ow.. Fuasa: I think you scared him.. *giggles* Saih: Where.. Where am I? *Helped up to a sitting position by Fas and Yos* ..HUH? FAS!?!! Fas: As the song as my witness. *smacks Saih's back* *Looking around at everything, and everyone near him. The view he is greeted with, is nothing less than paradise. By the hundreds, Trees are lined up in sets of five trees; all embedded into the floor of the ship, later Saih Would learn that there was ten levels of these Trees set in such a pattern. With each level holding five hundred trees per level. Do the math. But it's more than just the sight of so many Trees set in water self- recycling gardens; it is the sight of the Moon itself standing off over to the starboard side; filling the most of the transparent screens over the Trees in that area. Also apparent, is the heavy power of the Link, almost too strong to be not noticed; like a thick layer of fog, except on the subspace level. And all about the vessel, clansmen of Jur wander about, preparing for the journey that awaits them, as well as coming to grips with their new reality.* Saih: We.. we made it. *feels a presence wrap around him* Tsunami: *Feels a mortal need to hug Saih* ~ Thank you.. ~ Saih: Thank me? Tsunami: ~ Your people now are safe, my existence is secured. And I can attend to the task of finding them their new home, but first, your people must go under stasis; the journey will be long, and I do not know the length of the distance we must trek. ~ Saih: I understand. And I am truly thankful that you helped our people. But they are NOT my people, I don't go for such lavishing. Tsunami: ~ Yes, but I suspect you know my intent. ~ *Turns Saih to face her fully, using her levitation power* ~ But first, we must attend to the problem of you Link. ~ Saih: Mine? I.. I didn't.. Tsunami: *Floats up suddenly* ~ A mortal that professes such a love for me deserves to share a part of me. If you have the guts for it mortal. ~ Saih: *Taken aback, and..* I fear nothing.. *...falls for the trap* Tsunami: ~ You will.. you and your ancestors will know to fear my love for your line. I will always have your line to love. Because you gave your mortal love to me willingly, on the field of battle; upon death. I heard this all too clearly. So. ~ *As she floats to the Tree Saih was laying upon, which happens to be in a special grove, of six Trees, a circle of five as the rest, but with a center sixth Tree; Tsunami's 0th Generation Tree. The Tree she approaches is a strong and elder tree, with a difference to it. It has a single glowing branch connected to the 0th Generation Tree.* ~ ..you will be mine to personally command, your chief Azs will give a child I will name Jurai. And he will be the first future Emperor. And you and your descendants will be my personal Knight of Legend. With these two arrangements, I will see that Jurai will be safely entrenched into the future, giving me time attend to my personal matters when the time comes, and in the meantime, you will learn to enjoy my presence Saih. because you will forever be know as Sai`Hon: The First Knight of the Great Link. And you will know my love. And together we will learn how much a power love really is.. and.. ~ Saih: *HIS EYES ARE WIDER THAN HIS HEAD* You. me.. what?! *FAINTS COMPLETELY OUT* Tsunami: ~ Mortals.. ~ Gaia: *Phases in* ~ Oh Sister, you made him faint! ~ Tsunami: ~ Oh hush.. are you going now? ~ Gaia: ~ Yes The last clansmen of Fungi have completed stasis procedures. *sigh* At least for now, we must part ways.. ~ Tsunami: ~ I bid you good journey, and await the time the pact can be sealed. ~ Gaia: *giggles* ~ I wonder which ancestor of Saih will end up with the Pact? ~ Tsunami: ~ That is conjecture, we will tend to that at the appropriate time. ~ Gaia: ~ Agreed, *turning to Azs, Misaa, Fuasa, Aya, and Yos* ..I truly wish you all a safe future, and a long life. ~ Azs: To you as well.. good song to you goddess. Fuasa: From I as well. Aya: Yes! Gaia: *Bows, but before she goes, she parts a good-bye kiss to an unconscious Saih; then phases away* Tsunami: ~ Come, we must perform the Link for Saih.. ~ *Soon, as Saih reawakens; his Link ceremony is done in the reverence of a hero, all it takes is the same process as the others of the Great Link. A slight twist is done, as Tsunami Links herself to Saih, now officially known as Sai`Hon to the clan at large. Then, soon after the Linking, Sai`Hon is lead by Tsunami in hand to a special section of the vessel, set in the deep aft. It is here that Sai`Hon encounters the core of the ship. A grove of a few sparsely embedded Trees, set in a rather dark place. The light for the room comes from the Trees themselves, in a heavy glow of teal blue. It is here that Sai`Hon is shown the great secret of the Jurai power, the immense power of the Multi-dimensional in nature; Wings of the Lighthawk. Tsunami describes to Sai`Hon the process and function of the Wings By nature, a material construct that can take many forms, but primarily for defense at it's most basic function. Even at this scale of power, defense is the nature of the Wings, not attack. But Tsunami professes that someday, she will encounter an individual that would be able to process the Wings; as a part of the natural course of evolution. Whomever is the person with this power would be able to rival that of the Goddesses themselves. And that Sai`Hon's descendants would be charged with protecting such an individual, for this would awaken the Second Phase of the Mortal Dimensional Being equation. But despite all this, Tsunami was more concerned with simply seducing the first of the Sai`Hon line. It was then that the Link between the two was consecrated in a most physical manner. Not to mention most enjoyably. After this, came the Great Sleep of the Exodus. All the clansmen were placed under stasis, and literally embedded within the Trees, to both strengthen the Link, and to nourish the passengers of the Jur vessel. Soon came the first of hundreds of lightspeed jumps, as the Great Unit vessel made it's long and boring search for a new homeland. At points of the journey, Sai`Hon would be awakened for a few weeks at a time, to act as a test vessel for fine tuning the Great Link, and to simply keep Tsunami company. Also, the two would share many celestial wonders; within the now dark levels of the now christened Tsunami Unit Treeship, coined by Sai`Hon; just for kicks. They would share much more, much much more. It went like this for a human two years, as many worlds were encountered for colonization. Most were well within suited limits, but failed due to their openness to space, and possible invasion. A place was needed that would properly hide the Jur until they were powerful enough to defend themselves. Plus Tsunami was a kind of private goddess, she was like that; go figure. It was while Tsunami and Sai`Hon; sharing a plorethra of stars, the Sai`Hon noticed a strange bright smudge down past the lower view of their vantage point. From there, it took only two full Jumps to reach the discovered area. A nebula. A short while later, inside the nebula; they encountered an impossible find: A System of seven worlds, enveloped in a thick dust of stellar matter; this matter somehow protected at least three worlds from lethal radiation. But of the three, the third world.. (go figure..) ..held the best prospects for survival of the young civilization. And yet again soon, the Treeship reached orbit around this very world. As sizes of planets go, this one was about the size of the Sol System planet of Neptune, yet it's rotational axis was both slow enough, as well as stabilized. Hence both a gravity constant only a but higher than Earth's, as well as a weather pattern and climate that was rather stable, with very little change in seasonal temperatures. It also held two large moons and a decent sized ring structure a.k.a. Saturn. This would cause a bit of tidal problems, so the Jur would have to be located more inland, but still close enough to water sources to add fishing to the diet of the Jur lifestyle. In fact, not much was over looked by the team of Tsunami and Sai`Hon; as they literally poured their souls into setting as much as they could before the Awakening. But all too soon, it did come. It took a full day for the Awakening to be completed, and the awakened soon encountered their prize.* Azs: Is that it. Sai`Hon: It is.. Tsunami: Who wants to name it? Sai`Hon: Name it? Misaa: Sentai.. Sai`Hon: Huh? Azs: Isn't that the name we chose for our next child? Misaa: Well. Since that has already been determined, we may as well use that name for a proper purpose; this seems fitting of the Holy Song. Tsunami: I like it.. Sai`Hon: Then that is the name of this world and System. Now and forever. *holds Tsunami close and tight* Tsunami: Then I christen this sphere Sentai. World of Powerful Dreams. Sai`Hon: Shall we descend to the surface? *This is where the Exodus ends. Three weeks into the landing, the people settled into creating a clone of their old village. But soon after, Sai`Hon began seeing dreams of where a seed could be placed, one that would create a grand Tree, both one for placing the clan of now the Jurai power, and of the Link Trees that now gave for all intensive purposes, near immortality. Another five months into the landing, the Tree itself existed, and the clan began using the Tree as a new home. Another year, and the problem of beginning to increase the size of the clan was solved, mainly because of the lack of males due to the great battle back on Earth. This involved using the multiple mate concept already used by the chief and his family. By the end of ten years, the first true city of the Jurai began to appear at the base of the Great Tree; now three times it's original size. At fifty years, the development of the Jurai power began, as the groundwork for Guardians, Knight's, and Royals were established, At seventy-five years, the Jurai began pushing their boundaries past the one-hundred kilometer line, seeking new expansion to a suddenly growing people, despite the short time frame. Two new enclaves were formed two years later. At one-hundred years, the first Heir of the Jurai as a Empire was born, and named Jurai under the auspices of Tsunami. Three years later, his first consort; by which Jurai would one day marry, was born. Funaho was her name. At two hundred, the Jurai had twenty cities under their control, on the northern continent they had chosen. All within five-hundred kilometers of the Great Tree. It all broke loose from there. By three-hundred, the sea was conquered. By five-hundred years would come the complete colonization of Sentai. At six-hundred and fifty would come the first seaborne assets, underwater that is. Then at the Jurai year of 876 AL (After Landing), came a group of explorers from space, luckily from the fledgling Space Academy. With them was a certain young scientist by the prophetic name of Washuu. At the year of 991 AL, the first independent forays into space were made by the Juraians. At 998, Jurai began rule as King of Jurai in the place of a weary Azs; who would last well into the 2500's. At the year of 1000 AL, the first Startica celebration was held, celebrating the conquering of a second world. Two colonies included. From there and on, for the next 25,000 plus years, the Jurai would know such prosperity, tragic war, glorious discoveries, and a slowly growing respect for the great power by a growing galactic body of worlds. Yet to come were the Second Exodus. The Severing between Tsunami and Sai`Hon. The rise of Mulhorand, the colonization of Jurai Prime. Also would come the Pirate period, before the second Great rise of the Jurai Power. The Exploration period. The rediscovery of the Fungi people as the Fungesian Empire, a number of wars. And a great explosion of the population that would eventually force the solidification of the class structure, one that would cause no end of eventual prejudice and strife. But also would come the growth of the Second and Third Generation Trees, the birth and passing of sixteen more Emperors of Jurai after the great Jurai himself, who aged to 9,078 years. Many other things would come, but they are part of the great universal story, yet to be read in other chapters. But for now, the story of the Foundation of Jurai is told. As best as could be. So.. if you ever need a path to follow, if others do not see the truth in your soul; or if you just need something to listen to, to guide your life. Listen to the song of the trees.* *A FINAL ALL ENCOMPASING LIGHT ABSORBS THIS REALITY* *Later that night, Aleaic lays with his beloved wife, in a soft bed. And in the distance, the wind blows past some trees. And almost, he can hear Funaho and Ryu-ou-oh... sing.. And Aleaic smiles. The perfect end to a honeymoon* (The End)