Trunks' Theory of Time And Space Part 1: Kiro to Brian It all started long ago, when magic was no myth, when people trained dragons, and when all was at peace. An old wise man named Tenninshian Muten predicted the era when many heros would come together to save the universe from devistation. The Master passed away, and no era such as he foretold came true. People had long since forgotten the Wise man's words. Now, this prophecy is coming true. This is the story of how the Z Warriors, the Musaki household, and a mysterious warrior that came from the Vortex bring back prosperity to the space time vortex. Let me first introduce the warriors: Son Gohan (Gohan): His father Son Goku was a saiya-jin, so he is only half human. He has the ability to turn super saiya-jin and his anger should not be tempted. Kuririn (Krillin): Krillin, as a child, was a very powerful monk. He had then since grown up with Goku, who was his best friend since he could remember. Krillin is a very powerful warrior that shouldn't be messed with. Son Goku (Goku): A minor of the story. A pureblood saiya-jin. Also Gohan's father. He also can become super saiya-jin. He is kind-hearted and an all round good guy. Raised by Master Gohan. Tenchi Musaki (Tenchi): A member of the royal family of planet Jurai. He weilds the mighty sword Tenchiken. Ryouko (Ryoko): Ryoko is a space pirate from the Jurai Region. She is very powerful and very beautiful. She can generate energy through her hands and form it into a saber of sorts. Washyuu (Washu): A scientist from the Jurai region. She has red hair the goes passed her thighs. She also has the ability to transform into a little girl. Kiyone (Kiyone): A top-notch officer from the galaxy police. She is long Teal colored hair and a deadly yoyo. Cute, but deadly. Kiro Mushanliaki (A.K.A Brian): Kiro was transported from the nether region from which the cataclysm had started. He is a mysterious warrior whom most of the team doesn't trust. He weilds a sword and supposedly has magic power of some sort. And so shall begin the story of all ages to come: Dragon Ball Dimension: Earth: It was a very sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky. Goku and Gohan decided to sneak away from ChiChi to go fishing. Now they were at the stream, sitting by their poles staring at the sky. "Boy, dad," Gohan said, smiling." I haven't seen a quiet day in a long time." "You're sure right," Goku said." I'm glad Cell is gone." Three years ago, Cell, a menacing android created by Dr. Gero, threatened the earth with total destruction. Fortunately, the Z fighters were there. They were all defeated by Cell when Gohan got angry. He turned into a SSJN2 and destroyed Cell. (Now, if you've seen the Cell Games, I bet you are wondering why I don't mention Goku dying. It is all based on Trunks' theory of time and space, which I'll mention later.) Well, they did not catch any fish, and when ChiChi found out, well, it's kind of obvious. They had to go out to the store a long time away and get some food to eat for dinner. After dinner, Gohan went up to his stairs to his bed. He crawled into the blankets and went straight to sleep. During the night, Gohan dreamt of a bad omen that was soon to threaten the z warriors. He also dreamt of a day when they would meet many strange beings. Vortex Dimension: Earth: Chaos. That's all anyone here is trying to prevent. Here on earth, a powerful ruler has taken throne. He has destroyed much, and only left the people for he wanted for army, pleasure, and entertainment. Although, there were still hidden cities in the galaxy that he hadn't discovered yet. The refugees in the hidden cities are fighting against the evil emperor. There are also a band of rebels that fought against both sides. They were the most important part, for they tried to make peace between both. " Listen," said a mysterious warrior from the rebels." The Etong Warlord from the Emperor's army is attacking City 3.141/B." "Don't you mean Camphor City, General?" said a messenger. "Yes, whatever it takes to make you understand." the general turned to the stellar map on the wall in front of him." I want you to protect City 3.141/B from Warlord Etong." The messenger turned toward the map," What strategy should we use?" The general turned to the messenger," Tell the Colonel to execute Operation MELEE, Corporal." " Yes, sir," the corporal saluted." Out!" The corporal turned and walked out the door. "Ugh," The general talked to himself." I hate to have to do this, but I guess I have to." The general turned around and pressed a button the map flew up, revealing a hidden door. The general went up to a pad with numbers one through five on it. He pressed them in a special order. The doors magnetic lock released and it's alarm turned off. The general opened the door. When the door closed, the lock and alarm came back on. The general walked down a long, dark hallway into a room with no windows and a small, refridgerator sized light bulb for lighting. " What do you need from me General," a voice from the shadows asked. " I know I can't trust you, Kiro, but I have a job for you," the general said. " What do you want me to do," Kiro said. " I need you to travel to another dimension to gather warriors for my army." " You know it's at least going to cost you 5,000,000 units." " What?! You'll settle for 50,000, and nothing more, understand?" " Well general, I suppose you'll be having to find another 'stupid' person like me. I'll settle on 2,500,000." " You cost too much, but fine. You can have the money when you get back." " Gotcha'." With that, Kiro stood up and used a teleportation to the Vortex II. The original vortex was used for military purposes. " God have faith in you, Kiro!" a soldier called as Kiro went up to the vortex. As Kiro left, he hurled a shuriken at the soldier that just spoke to him. Jurai Dimension: Earth The Musaki household was quiet as the morning sun rose from the east. Tenchi sat outside enjoying a cup of green tea as he watched the sun, knowing that his chores were already over and there was no school. Tenchi is an ordinary student from a rural area of Japan. Tenchi can also be considered not so ordinary though. He has the top six most beautiful women in the galaxy following him, hoping for marriage (or more). Tenchi cares for none of them though, without them knowing. Tenchi's dad ( just an older looking Tenchi) doesn't mind the girls' "company." Well, it was quiet, and Tenchi was quite surprised that none of the girls have woken up. " Oh boy," Tenchi said." I haven't experienced this quiet a morning since Ryoko first arrived." As Tenchi stared blankly at the hill in front of him, a large crash could be heard in the hills. Tenchi immediately looked toward the hill and saw smoke. "~YAWWNNNN~" 'Uh-oh' Tenchi thought, he didn't want to turn around, hoping it wasn't- " Hi Tenchi," Ryoko said." What have you been doing all morning?" " Staring," Tenchi replied. " Oh, well, what was that large crash I heard?" " I don't know what it was. I was going to check it out when you came out." Behind Ryoko and Tenchi, coming from the hills, a shadowy figure came stumbling up. It looked as though he was in a crash. He had a torn shirt from the gut down, his curly brown hair was strewn about as the wind blew it. His stomach was reletively large for his size, which he towered at 6 foot 2 inches. His muscles bulged as he tripped along the path. " Oh no!" Tenchi and Ryoko said, they immediately went to the man and helped him to his feet. " Thank you much, strangers," replied the man. " Do you think you could give me a dr~. The strange man passed out as he worded the sentence. " Let's take him to the house," Tenchi said. TIME PASSES... After everyone woke up and got properly dressed, the strange man started to tell his story. " Well, I was on my way to Earth looking for martial artists and soldiers to join the Rebel army. I suppose I'm on a very far away planet, aren't I?" " No," said Kiyone, one of the girls in Tenchi's ''harem''. " Last time I checked we were on Earth." " Well, I suppose I am on the right planet," he repled. " What's your name anyway?" Said Ryoko. " Yeah," said the rest of the girls. " You're real cute." " Uhhh," he thought. " My name is Brian." After the girls and everyone else were formerly introduced, Brian held his thumb to his chest. The girls looked in curiosity as he pointed to himself. " Would anyone like to join me on a quest to my planet?" All the girls nodded their head in a rhythimical manner as the stared at him. In conjunction to this, they all started squabbling on who would go with Brian. " I'll go," Tenchi said. " Good, anyone else?" Tenchi secretly pointed towards Ryoko. Without the others noticing, of course. " Umm, how about you Ryoko?" " Sure, Brian," Ryoko said. " Well, my other spacepod has room for only one other person, so I'll have to be wise in the last choice," Brian pointed around the room, ending on." Kiyone, how about you. You have the intelligence necessary to get back to my planet. And you're pretty cute, too." "Sure," behind her back all the others were secretly sticking there tounge out at Kiyone." But, I thought you said earlier that you needed Washu." " I already included her in the seating arrangement." Brian, Tenchi, Washuu, Ryoko, and Kiyone said there good-byes and took off for the hill from which Brian crashed. When they got there, they found a small rocket that looked perfectly new. " Well, here it is," Brian said." My rocket." " What?" Washu said." I thought you were in a wreck." " Well," Brian replied." This is a very powerful metal. It can't be destroyed very easily. And even if it is, it regenerates itself. Just one of the marvels from my home planet." " Ohhhhhh," Washu studied the vehicle." I'm going to have to do some tests on it some time." Nararator's Domain: ?????? So, Tenchi and the girls have met a mysterious warrior named Brian from a far away planet. And from the Nether Dimension, a fierce battle is starting up between the Emperor, the Rebels, and the Hidden Cities. What will happen next in this compelling story? Read the next section of the story to find out!