INTERLUDE Establishing Shot: TENCHI's sleeping face, in dim lighting. He awakens slowly, and yawns, before blinkingly sitting up in bed. He is wearing a pair of pyjama bottoms and no shirt, showing off his muscles. His expression grows bland as he notices something. Our view changes to include a bleary eyed RYOUKO who is sitting cross legged on the edge of his bed, staring at him. Slowly, TENCHI smiles, leans over, and kisses RYOUKO between her eyebrows. RYOUKO blinks, and comes to full consciousness. She blushes a bit. RYOUKO `Mom' is gonna kill me if she finds out you did that. TENCHI I don't think your mother is quite that vindictive. BEAT Ryouko, you don't have to stay up all night standing guard over me. We're in the most secure fortress on Earth -- RYOUKO You'll forgive me if I don't have a high opinion of Earth `security' at the moment. TENCHI gives a weary sigh, and stands up, stretching. There is the sound of joints cracking. RYOUKO Sleep well? TENCHI SHRUG More or less. I'm feeling my age this morning, though ... RYOUKO is instantly concerned. RYOUKO Should we have stayed at the shrine, like Ayeka wanted? TENCHI SHAKES HEAD No ... even the Funaho wouldn't make me feel young this morning. TENCHI walks over to the bedroom window, and looks out over Crystal Tokyo. Reversing the view, we pull back to show that he is in a room high in the central tower of the Crystal Palace, and that it's a rainy day, with clouds covering everything. Back in TENCHI's room. TENCHI It would have been her birthday, today. RYOUKO's face takes on its rarely seen sympathetic look, but TENCHI doesn't look back. TENCHI I'd always call her. Every year. She always took the time to talk to me, even when things were hectic at Headquarters ... she was always so ... happy. Happy to hear from me. Happy to be alive. BEAT I don't remember what I said the last time, though. I remember ... I remember the time after the last time. BEAT I called her office, and the new fellow answered. I apologized, and hung up. And then ... then I called her home. BEAT And nobody answered. RYOUKO Tenchi ... TENCHI The next thing I knew, Washuu was waking me up. I was back in bed. I remember somebody pulling me away from the communicator after I had tried for the fortieth time ... it must have been Washuu. She denies it though. RYOUKO appears to be EXTREMELY embarrassed to hear this. TENCHI I'd give just about anything to hear her laughing one more time. BEAT No. Anything. We pull back from TENCHI's window again, coming down to look at a memorial in Monument Park. On the monument we read: KURAMITSU MIHOSHI 1974-2078 "Be to her faults a little blind, Be to her virtues very kind." An Inevitable Outcome Feature Written and Directed by C. Richard Davies TOGETHER AGAIN 2937 Chapter Based on the works of Naoko Takeuchi, Rumiko Takahashi, Suzuki Toshimichi, Haruka Takachiho, Hiroki Hayashi, Yuuki Masami and various interpretations therof. Dedicated to Gryphon, MegaZone, and ReRob. ACT TWO Establishing Shot: A view from above of PRISS asleep in a double bed. The covers are messed up enough for us to see that she's wearing a tanktop and a pair of boxers. Her hair is spread all over, and she looks like she isn't sleeping peacefully. Her eyes suddenly flash open. PRISS GROGGILY The hell it will ... She gets out of bed, and shuffles out of the bedroom, going into a bathroom. We hear the shower running. Our view holds firm on the bedroom for a few minutes. The running water stops, and PRISS walks back into the bedroom, looking much more coherent. PRISS TALKING TO HERSELF `It's going to be all right.' Where the hell did that come from? Sylia never said *anything* like that when she came after me. PRISS shakes her head and walks out of the bedroom. She arrives in the living room, and stares at what is going on there. Dressed in a white blouse and red skirt, RAYE is practicing with a katana. The kata she performs are eerily familiar (especially if the viewer has seen "The Road We Walk" or "Apotheosis"), but would be very unorthodox to a practitioner of traditional kendo. They involve the use of her superhumanly fast reflexes to accomplish things that an ordinary fencer could never hope to achieve. Even so, some of the moves seem just a bit ... off. RAYE's face, while completely focused on the training, seems slightly troubled all the same. Finally, after completing an incredible maneuver -- involving a flying cartwheel across the length of the living room -- she halts, holding the katana in a ready position. PRISS Yo. RAYE turns to leap across the room and point the sword at the base of PRISS' neck before she realizes what she's doing. A look of shock crosses RAYE's face, while PRISS seems fairly unimpressed -- or at least she hides it well. PRISS And good morning to you too. RAYE embarrassedly puts down her sword, making it vanish without any special effects. Perhaps she hides it in the folds of her skirt. Perhaps not. RAYE Very sorry. But it's not wise to sneak up on someone in the middle of a -- PRISS Interesting form ... I think I saw some familiar elements, but there were more I didn't recognize. RAYE WIDE EYED You astound me. I didn't expect you to be a conoisseur of sword styles. PRISS heads for the kitchen, with RAYE following close behind. PRISS Well, I'm not. Linna practiced a bit of kendo, and she liked to show off. BEAT So'd Sylia, but she never showed off ... where'd you learn yours? PRISS starts hunting breakfast in the kitchen cupboards. RAYE Well, some of it's Jurain fencing, some maneuvers I picked up from the Mano clan -- PRISS Who? RAYE Nobody you'd have heard of. BEAT Most of it's ... PRISS finds what she's looking for, gets a box of "Overly Sugared Crisps" out of the cupboard, blinks as she realizes that RAYE hasn't said anything in a few moments, and turns to look at her. RAYE's eyes are very far away. PRISS Most of it's what? RAYE SLOW Most of it is a style that was developed by someone I wronged a long time ago. Before -- PRISS WEARY Before I was born ... You're starting to make me think the world turned boring in 2013 ... RAYE chuckles a bit while PRISS gets a carton of milk out of the refrigerator. RAYE I wouldn't say that. BEAT It was a slow year, but ... PRISS sighs as she pours herself a bowl of cereal, the cereal box in one hand and the milk in the other. PRISS Want some? RAYE I already ate. PRISS So ... thanks for letting me crash here last night. My new digs aren't s'posed to be ready 'til later today ... RAYE Want help moving in? PRISS Moving what in? I don't *own* anything yet. Besides, don't you have stuff you're supposed to be doing? RAYE Not really. PRISS What about that Izumi thing? RAYE Oh. *That*. A simple case of what happens when people get exaggerated ideas about their importance. PRISS I refuse to say `Huh'. RAYE Noa Izumi II is the chief of Crystal Tokyo's Patrol Labor Batallion. She is in charge of all the mecha -- labor is the term used for any mecha used on planetary surfaces -- PRISS SOTTO VOCE Where've I heard that name before ... RAYE -- while any spacefaring mecha are called mobile suits. Anyway, she's in charge of the mecha that the police use. They're mostly used for ceremonial functions these days -- PRISS Like the ones that were guarding the gates of the palace last night. RAYE Right. Anyway, last week somebody broke into police headquarters and stole a few of the patrol labors there. Including Chief Izumi's `personal, private labor' -- to which she displays a degree of attachment that borders on religious devotion. PRISS STRAIGHTFACED A real labor of love, huh? RAYE stares at PRISS, open-mouthed. Finally, she groans like one mortally wounded, and collapses into a chair, thumping at her heart. PRISS grins. RAYE Run for the hills, she's got a sense of humor! That was awful ... PRISS So what are you gonna do about it? RAYE I'm contemplating tickling you into submission. PRISS FLUSHES NOT ME, BAKA! What are you gonna do about this labor problem ... no pun intended. RAYE I'll probably contact one of the local private investigators -- it's really too unimportant to use one of our own agents on it. PRISS Okay, whatever. RAYE looks at PRISS consideringly for a few moments. RAYE Priss ... do you *want* the job? PRISS What gives you that idea? RAYE Well, you seemed to be showing an interest in it. If you want it, I can't order you to *not* investigate matters, and I'll back you up one hundred percent ... PRISS Well ... Serenity mentioned it to me when we were talking, and it seemed like she was stressing it for some reason. I -- RAYE holds up a hand. RAYE A word. Never ever try to second guess Serenity. Nobody understands how she thinks. BEAT I learned to not do that the hard way, recently, if you'll remember. Anyway, if you want the job, it's yours for the taking -- I can't order you to do anything, I can only advise you. And my advice is that this isn't really worth a lot of effort. PRISS SHRUGS It'll keep me off the streets. I'll go see Izumi later today ... RAYE Oh, that reminds me ... RAYE gets up from her chair and heads over to a message board on the wall. She takes a note down from it, and reads it. RAYE Dr. Bairessey, the Dean of History at the university, gave you a phone call this morning, inquiring as to whether or not you'd changed your mind about consulting with him. LOOKS UP What's this about? PRISS Oh, some fanboy-turned-scholar found out that you'd brought me back and asked whether or not I'd like to give my version of events so he could make his book on the `Crisis' as accurate as possible. Offered to let me see Sylia's journal if I did. RAYE Really? BEAT You know, taking a look at that journal might help you with your memory ... PRISS You think so? RAYE I don't know much about psychology or neurology, but it only makes sense that if you find a reference to events that you experienced in the journal, you might be able to make sense out of your memories of them ... PRISS I guess. BEAT Hell, what's the harm? It's just a little time, and I got plenty of that, right? RAYE True enough. Want a lift to the palace? PRISS swallows audibly. RAYE It's *perfectly* safe. PRISS Gimme a few minutes to get dressed, and we'll talk about it. PRISS gets up and heads for the living room. She pauses as she's about to exit, and turns to look back at RAYE. PRISS Why are you heading to the palace? RAYE's face grows somber. RAYE I have a memorial service to attend. Cut to a cramped room with bunk beds. YURI is lying on the top bunk, her eyes distant. By her side lies a device similar in size and shape to a walkman, the cord running up into her hair. The door to the room slides open, and KEI walks in, ranting. KEI --s the point? I mean, what IS the point? Video games do NOT teach you how to fire a gun, so WHAT IS THE POINT of using video games for target practice? THERE'S NO RECOIL, DAMMIT! KEI notices YURI's expression, hops up onto the top bunk, and waves a hand in front of her face. YURI blinks, picks up the `walkman', and taps the side of it. KEI Whatcha doin? YURI pulls the cord out of the datajack under her ear with an faintly audible pop. YURI Catching up on the last eight hundred years. BEAT Some bad shit has gone down ... KEI But it wasn't our fault. YURI SHAKES HEAD I don't know about that, Kei. I think ... anyway, do you wanna see for yourself? KEI Gimme the synopsis. YURI Okay. BEAT After we got `killed' and the Planet Pirate Ring got broken up, things started to change in the WWWA. First of all, Goulet had a nervous breakdown when the report about us came in. KEI He did? Gee, I guess he really did like us all the while ... YURI The disc said something about `convulsions of joy', Kei. BEAT Anyway, the fight against the Planet Pirates was pretty draining on WWWA manpower -- heavy casualties. There was a major recruiting drive started around 2150 that used our image extensively. A series of still shots follow, illustrating Yuri's commentary. First, a bunch of posters with Kei and Yuri's images in the familiar "I want YOU!" pose of Uncle Sam. YURI (V.O.) What this produced was a lot of new T.C.'s that wanted to be just like us. Various shots of Trouble Consultants in battle bikinis -- some of whom are male -- possibly including the "Kei" and "Yuri" of Dirty Pair Flash. They are all rushing into danger with no care for their own safety. YURI (V.O.) The problem was, they weren't us. The Trouble Consultants from before, but much worse off. Injuries, dismemberments, and fatalities abound. YURI (V.O.) They wound up getting into as much trouble as we did, but didn't come out of it as good as us. Actually, it was almost like a sick, twisted, nihilistic parody of us. Various buildings, cities and planets get blown up real good. YURI (V.O.) And the scary thing is, the Central Computer kept on ruling that it wasn't their fault. BEAT Just like it always had for us. KEI (V.O.) I don't like the sound of this ... A number of shadowy figures -- one of whom resembles Tenchi -- approach the bulk of the Central Computer. YURI (V.O.) Anyway, by 2160, United Galactica had had enough, and ordered a complete diagnostic of the Central Computer. The Central Computer begins to fire energy blasts at the shadowy figures, and the one that looks like Tenchi generates a force field to defend himself. YURI (V.O.) The Central Computer didn't take well to having its wisdom questioned I guess. Ultimately, they had to shut it down. The Tenchi-like shadowy figure -- by now the only one left -- slams an energy blade into the side of the Central Computer. YURI (V.O.) Permanently. BEAT That was the end of the WWWA. Some of the surviving T.C.'s founded new groups to pick up the slack, but none ever really measured up. Scenes of people yelling at each other across a parliamentary or congressional hall. Some of them are even coming to blows. YURI (V.O.) United Galactica kept right on growing, but without the -- the disc used the term `immune system' -- of the WWWA to solve problems before they got big enough to threaten multiple planets, the U.G. had to start interfering in the internal politics of the member planets. BEAT Which was a violation of the U.G.'s constitution. BEAT Which led to the collapse. Scenes of interstellar war. Dozens of starships clash at once. YURI (V.O.) There were several wars already started by the time the United Galactica formally disolved in 2188, and they just got bigger afterwards. Others started up. But put simply, it was a state of affairs that just couldn't last. Interstellar warfare is too expensive to maintain for any length of time, but a lot of the newer colonies had to go to the point of economic collapse before they realized it. A lot never recovered ... We cut back to KEI and YURI, sitting on the bed. KEI has curled up with her chin on her knees, and has an "Oh boy are we in trouble" expression. YURI Of those that did, they formed small confederations of maybe a few dozen worlds each. Maybe the largest was the `new' Jurain Empire -- the Jurains had always maintained a lot of influence over their old colonies and they managed to reform and even expand on their holdings, until they're larger today than they were when the Empire was formally broken up in 2100. BEAT Kei? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? KEI looks up angrily. KEI NO! Dammit, none of this is *our* fault! NONE! YURI BLINKS I was about to ask you if you wanted to go get something to eat. I'm hungry. Actually, I'm more thirsty than -- KEI groans and gently hits her head against her knees. Cut to a room with a bank of monitors against one wall. The center four show KEI and YURI from a variety of angles. The rest show various news and entertainment programs. The CHIEF is watching the monitors with a cold smile. Beside his chair is a YOUNGER MAN. CHIEF So now they know ... YOUNGER MAN Sir, just how accurate is that disc? CHIEF Oh, perfectly accurate, as far as it goes. But it was made around 2300, and neglects to elaborate on how much Galactic society was actually improved by the collapse of the U.G., since they didn't realize just how good things were getting. YOUNGER MAN Then it also doesn't mention Earth's re-entrance onto the Galactic stage two hundred years ago. Should I have another one prepared with sufficiently accurate lies about Serenity's reign? CHIEF No ... no, I think we'll go for the emotional appeal, rather than the rational one. We've got them right where we want them ... YOUNGER MAN Excellently done sir. CHIEF Oh shut up, Smithers. Cut to Mihoshi's monument. Five rows of chairs have been set up in front of the stone obelisk, and a portable lectern beside it. They are mostly unoccupied. LADY JUPITER, LADY MERCURY, ENDYMION, and RAYE have all taken up positions in the second or third rows. TENCHI sits in the center of the first row, with TSUNAMI and WASHUU on either side of him. AYEKA is seated beside RAYE. RYOUKO is sitting immediately behind TENCHI. SERENITY suddenly materializes a few feet to the side of the lectern, and walks to stand behind it. SERENITY I have been asked to speak today. BEAT I did not know Kuramitsu Mihoshi as well as some of those present. I met her only a handful of times between 1996 and her final passage more than eighty years later. But anyone who met her, even for a moment, could not help but be impressed by her tremendous love of life ... TENCHI bows his head momentarily, and WASHUU gently caresses his cheek. Behind them, RYOUKO flinches. We close in on her eye, as SERENITY's speech slowly fades out. Cut to a cathedral like structure, which is the throne room of the Emperor of Jurai. The throne itself is raised up above a large court, which is currently crowded with Jurains. RYOUKO is casually leaning against one of the pillars, grinning broadly. Several Jurain nobles pass by and give her sharply disapproving looks, which only make her grin wider. MIHOSHI comes stumbling into view. RYOUKO Hey! Mihoshi! Over here! MIHOSHI comes over to RYOUKO. MIHOSHI Wow, Ryouko, I never expected to get invited to a big party like this ... I don't know how to act! RYOUKO GRINS EVILLY Just be yourself, kid. SOTTO VOCE That should scare the hell out of 'em. MIHOSHI Ano? RYOUKO I said, if you think *this* is a party, you should see the one I'm gonna throw when me and Tenchi get hitched. Just as soon as Azusa and him work out the details ... I can see it now ... We start to close in on RYOUKO's eye. MIHOSHI (O.S.) But ... Ryouko, when Tenchi becomes emperor, doesn't he have to marry a Jurain? RYOUKO's eye clenches, and we return to a full view of the two of them. RYOUKO turns to look at MIHOSHI. RYOUKO Do you sabotage weather control devices before parades? MIHOSHI Huh? RYOUKO Yeah, I know I'm gonna have to ... *share* him. But. I. Can. Deal. With. That. BEAT I can even deal with it being ... you know who. MIHOSHI Who? RYOUKO ARE YOU JUST COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS OR WHAT? MIHOSHI flinches away from RYOUKO's fury. Tears begin to pool in her eyes. RYOUKO BEATEN Don't ... MIHOSHI starts to wail. Everyone is now staring at RYOUKO, but it's not a "why-is-that-creature-here" stare, instead a "look-at-what-horror-that- creature-has-unleashed" stare. RYOUKO is profoundly embarrassed. Suddenly, the large double doors at the back of the hall open, and AZUSA marches in, his face even more of a storm cloud than it is normally. He is followed by MISAKI and FUNAHO, a discreet distance behind, who stand on either side of white-robed TENCHI (FUNAHO is on his right). Behind them are SASAMI -- who has entered early adolescence (roughly fourteen years old, in human terms) and AYEKA, who has obviously been crying. Last to enter before the doors are closed is WASHUU, with a serious expression. The royal train proceeds through the court, stopping all conversation, with WASHUU stopping to stand with RYOUKO and MIHOSHI (whom she silences with a gesture), and the others proceeding up the stairs. FUNAHO, MISAKI, AYEKA, and SASAMI stop at the second landing, while AZUSA and TENCHI continue up to the throne. AZUSA sits on the throne, and when TENCHI looks like he is about to take the final step that will bring him up to AZUSA's level, AZUSA glares at him. TENCHI stays one step below AZUSA's throne, standing to one side and facing the crowd. AZUSA stares at his back almost angrily for a moment, then turns to face the court. AZUSA Due to the recent ... final passing of my son -- Yoshou -- I have been f-- I have *chosen* to declare that my heir -- the heir to the throne of Jurai and the Empire -- is Tenchi. BEAT Of Earth. There is a moment of silence ... and then the whispering starts. Some of the nobles in the crowd are staring with open hostility at TENCHI. RYOUKO is smiling wickedly. WASHUU's face is flat. WASHUU Daughter. RYOUKO turns to look at WASHUU, who doesn't meet her gaze. WASHUU In the days that are to come, remember. I did not want things to be as they are. RYOUKO blinks, and opens her mouth to ask what WASHUU means by that, when TENCHI breaks in. TENCHI Since the dawn of our people, the Emperor has had two wives. One to represent his eternal binding to the people of Jurai. The other to represent his committment to the Universe of which Jurai is a part. BEAT The Princess Sasami has consented to represent, for me, the people of Jurai. TENCHI smiles down at SASAMI, who smiles back up at him. Our view tilts to include AYEKA, who is looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. TENCHI's smile fades. Cut to a close shot of RYOUKO's face. She is VERY happy to hear this. RYOUKO WHISPERED All right! TENCHI pauses for a long moment, his eyes looking across the room. Finally, he settles on the trio of MIHOSHI (who is excited), RYOUKO (who is also excited), and WASHUU (who is downcast). He takes a deep breath. TENCHI Hakubi Washuu, will you consent to represent the Universe? Everything goes into very slow motion. RYOUKO blinks. She stares up at TENCHI. He's serious. She begins to shake. WASHUU slowly steps up to stand between RYOUKO and TENCHI. WASHUU SOFT I will. RYOUKO is shaking violently now. Tears are flowing from her eyes, which are glowing. Electricity is crackling from her hands. WASHUU slowly turns to face her daughter. Her face is in anguish. WASHUU WHISPER Do it. RYOUKO's face is clenched in utter hate. She lets out a horrid cry of rage, and shoots straight up, through the roof, and up into the atmosphere, where there is a sudden discharge of energy that is almost blinding in its intensity. Cut back to TENCHI, whose expression is nearly as downcast as WASHUU's. TENCHI SOTTO VOCE She took that better than I thought ... Cut to an exterior shot of the royal palace. RYOUKO is sitting on the edge of the roof, sobbing. She is utterly devastated. A trapdoor behind her opens up, but she takes no notice. TENCHI (O.S.) Ryouko? RYOUKO's sobbing abates a bit, and she turns to look at the open trapdoor, her expression seeming more outraged. TENCHI (O.S.) Can we talk? RYOUKO generates her blade. RYOUKO IF YOU COME UP HERE YOU'D BETTER BE READY FOR A FIGHT THAT'LL MAKE OUR FIRST GO-ROUND LOOK LIKE A FUN GAME OF TAG, YOU BASTARD SON OF A BITCH! There is a momentary pause. TENCHI (O.S.) Ryouko, please let me try to explain why ... just give me ten minutes. If I can't explain things to your satisfaction by then ... RYOUKO What?! You'll say to that pack of overbred shits, `Changed my mind, I'm marrying the demon pirate'? TENCHI (O.S.) No. I'll let you kill me. RYOUKO stares at the trap door, breathing heavily. RYOUKO You expect me to buy that? They'll just let me go after I kill the crown prince? What sort of an idiot ... TENCHI (O.S.) They will. I've just given orders to that effect, and Azusa's backing me on it. BEAT Which probably means he wants you to kill me ... but anyway, I give you my word that you'll be free to go. And you know that I always keep my word. RYOUKO stares fixedly at the trap door for a few seconds. Then she looks away. RYOUKO Get up here. And this had better be one hell of an explanation. TENCHI emerges from the trap door. He is wearing his usual outfit (the one he wore in the OAVs), and the Master Key is conspicuously absent from his belt. TENCHI I'm sorry that I hurt you ... RYOUKO NOT LOOKING AT HIM Cut to the chase. TENCHI sighs and looks at Jurai's setting red sun. TENCHI Azusa didn't want to make me his heir. He demanded that I be giving Jurai something more substantial than whatever gene or something that allows me to ... anyway, the only thing that I had to bargain with was Washuu. BEAT When she first met great-grandmother, Washuu said that she wouldn't help develop anyone's technology. That satisfied some of the cooler hotheads on the council -- if they weren't going to get improvements to Jurai's ships, at least nobody else would get any either. Stalemate. It satisfied some of them. But not all. BEAT I managed to talk Washuu into it. It was surprisingly easy. BEAT She loves me, Ryouko. RYOUKO chokes back a comment. TENCHI She said something about how she'd sworn to make me hers ... and I'd wound up making her mine. I didn't know what to say to that. BEAT Ayeka was nearly as broken up as ... RYOUKO I don't give two shakes of a shthazi ass how Ayeka feels, or why you're marrying Sasami instead of her! RYOUKO turns to look at TENCHI, her sword still out and blazing. RYOUKO WHY THE FUCK IS THIS SHITTY EMPIRE SO GODDAMN IMPORTANT TO YOU, THAT YOU'D *MARRY* THAT *HAG*?! TENCHI I don't care about the Empire! But Ryouko, they *know*. Those overbred shits, as you called them, know that there's something unusual about Earth, now. They know that a child of Jurain and human extraction can be potentially more powerful than a full-bred Jurain. The only way I can protect Earth from them is to take the throne. BEAT I don't want this, Ryouko! I don't want to marry Washuu! I don't even want to marry Sasami ... at least not *now*. BEAT But ... it's my duty. TENCHI looks away from RYOUKO's anguished face. TENCHI Washuu isn't happy about it either. She loves me, but she wanted me to *choose* her. That's why she was going to let you kill her ... she thought it might leave the way open for you ... RYOUKO This isn't how it's supposed to be! Why isn't this going like a love story should?! TENCHI It is, Ryouko. Many Japanese love stories have unhappy endings ... and if this isn't an unhappy ending ... RYOUKO looks like she's about to start sobbing again. TENCHI speaks without looking at her. TENCHI Well, Ryouko? Did I convince you? Or will you kill me? RYOUKO pushes herself up to a standing position. Her sword is still "unsheathed". She walks slowly to where TENCHI is standing, his back to her. RYOUKO Turn around. TENCHI slowly turns to face her. His face is bleak. RYOUKO Tell me that you don't love me. TENCHI No. I won't do that, Ryouko. BEAT I do love you. RYOUKO deactivates her sword. She closes her eyes. RYOUKO Damn you. I could never hurt you, Tenchi. I hate you. I love you. SHOUTED WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE LEFT ME IN THAT CAVE? TENCHI I'm sorry. RYOUKO turns away from him as he reaches out towards her. RYOUKO Go away. Just. Go. AWAY! TENCHI, his head bowed, walks back to the trapdoor, and heads down. RYOUKO returns to her perch, holding her face in her hands for a long moment. Finally, she lifts her head up, and looks down at the grounds far below. She sees someone gazing up at her, but can't quite make the figure out. Cut to AYEKA, standing alone in a park holding a pair of binoculars, staring up at the palace. From her point of view, we can see that RYOUKO is sitting in the same place and much the same position as when she raided Jurai (as revealed in Ayeka's flashback in OAV #3). AYEKA silently looks up at her with a hopeless expression. We pull back from AYEKA's eyes. She is watching RYOUKO watching TENCHI. She sighs, and shakes her head. SERENITY ... sadly for us all, her first major operation as the Commissioner of the Galaxy Police, supervising the evacuation of the ARM during the so-called Nanoclysm, was also her last. BEAT During a recent computer upgrade, a recording of her final transmission was uncovered. BEAT Unless there is an objection, it will be played now ... There is no objection, although TSUNAMI looks a bit concerned. The recording emanates from the memorial. MIHOSHI sounds a bit more mature than she usually does -- this is a MIHOSHI who has grown up. A little. MIHOSHI (V.O.) ... repeat, all Terran ships are requested to proceed in an orderly manner through the checkpoints we have set up, so that we can ensure that no traces of the Nodachi virus are escaping ... any ships attempting to evade the checkpoint will be fired upon ... There is a sudden explosion. MIHOSHI lets out a screech. MIHOSHI (V.O.) OWIEOWIEOWIE! What was ... There is a long silence, punctuated by bumping noises. They stop. When MIHOSHI's voice returns, it is very sad. MIHOSHI (V.O.) If Queen Serenity is recieving this, could you please respond? SERENITY (V.O.) Yes, Commissioner? MIHOSHI (V.O.) Ano ... I've got a little problem. SERENITY (V.O.) We will be glad to render you any assistance -- MIHOSHI (V.O.) Well, I don't think there's going to be anything you can do ... ano, one of the Nodachi-infected ships fired a torpedo at my ship. And it sorta ... hit. SERENITY (V.O.) Then ... MIHOSHI (V.O.) ... my ship's main computer has been taken over by a copy of the virus. BEAT It's going to be okay, though. SERENITY (V.O.) Really? SERENITY is right on the verge of tears. MIHOSHI (V.O.) Yes ... when the situation was explained, the Galaxy Police made sure to put a ... a backup computer on board each of our ships, in case something like this happened. SERENITY (V.O.) Then you retain control of your vessel? There is a long pause. SERENITY (V.O.) Commisioner? Mihoshi? It becomes obvious that MIHOSHI is crying quietly. MIHOSHI (V.O.) I ... I'm sorry, Your Majesty. No. The backup controls communications and ... another system. SERENITY (V.O.) Could you clarify, please. MIHOSHI (V.O.) BAWLING It's true. All the time, they told me what a screw up I am. And here I am, screwing up this ... oh, Tenchi is going to HATE me! TENCHI closes his eyes and sucks in a shuddering breath. TSUNAMI looks at him alarmedly. SERENITY (V.O.) No! You have not screwed anything up, Mihoshi, really! And ... his Majesty does not hate you. Why would you -- MIHOSHI (V.O.) TINY You really don't think so? SERENITY (V.O.) No. No, of course not. BEAT Mihoshi, what systems do you have -- MIHOSHI (V.O.) Thank you, your Majesty. SNIFF Please tell Tenchi that I hope he and Tsunami and Washuu have lots of children ... oh, and please tell my husband to remarry, to give our children a new mother. SERENITY (V.O.) Mihoshi?! MIHOSHI (V.O.) Backup, Self-Destruct, pl-- The transmission disintegrates into static, which fades after a moment. Everyone present is visibly affected. SERENITY clears her throat. SERENITY Recently. Recently I said to ... someone, that I would give my life, if it were mine to give, to restore anyone who has ever given their life for Crystal Tokyo. BEAT Mihoshi and the other Galaxy Police Officers who perished on that wicked day are not the least among those ... SERENITY can't seem to go on. She presses a button on the lectern, which causes a hologram of MIHOSHI, waving and smiling, to arise from the monument. Cut to PRISS, who is standing some distance from the monument, looking down on the gathering from a hill. Finally, she walks off. Cut to an office -- a rather disorganized one. Papers cover a desk in a jumble, several discs are scattered on top of a disc player, dust covers a section that hasn't been used in some time. Behind the desk sits the DEAN, who is reading a book whose spine indicates that it is entitled "Bubblegum Crisis: Megatokyo 2025-2045" by K. Shonnora. There is a knocking at the door. DEAN Enter! PRISS walks into the room, notes her surroundings. The DEAN looks up, and does a double take before suddenly coming to his feet. DEAN Oh! Uh, Ms. Asagiri! I ... I was expecting you to *call* first, and so ... PRISS Yeah, well, I didn't. You mentioned Sylia's journal. DEAN Right. I had it printed and bound just this morning ... The DEAN starts searching his desk, muttering to himself as he does. PRISS `Had it printed and bound'? DEAN Well ... (Romanova's Grimoire, no) you didn't think that we had a hard copy, did you? (Romanova's OTHER Grimoire, no) After nearly nine hundred years? (Quincy: Portrait of a Demigod, no) And in any case, Ms. Stingray's journal was originally published (AD Police Files: The Transcripts, no) in the format of a word processor document and released to the network in that manner. So (Ye True Grimoire of Romanova ... haven't read that one ...) it isn't that unusual. (A Journal ... AH- HAH!) Here it is! He holds up a thick volume, about the same thickness as a typical introductory university science textbook, and hands it to PRISS. The cover is labelled "A Journal: 2011-2041, by Sylia Stingray". PRISS almost seems to tremble as she holds it. PRISS Thanks. I'll read this and get back to you in a bit. DEAN BLINKS You don't have any comments at the outset? PRISS Like I kept telling you, I don't remember anything ... well, hardly anything, after 2033. And I'm not ready to talk about that part yet. DEAN Damn. I was hoping that had cleared up enough for you to discuss the ADAMA incident ... PRISS The what? DEAN Read the journal. You'll find out. PRISS shrugs, and is about to leave, when SHEILA TENKAI comes into the room, carrying another large arm load of papers, which she promptly sets down on the desk with a triumphant grin. SHEILA EUREKA! DEAN You've found it? SHEILA Proof positive that the tenth senshi *was* active during the years of Silence. I'm going to need a better translator -- the dialect of Greek they were using in the twenty-fifth century resembles Modern about as much as Modern looks like Classical, but the term for `pink-haired' was unmistakable. She was apparently involved in some sort of adventure with the Inverted Wizard ... SHEILA realizes that PRISS is looking at her, and turns to meet her gaze. She blinks. SHEILA Oh. Uh, hello again. PRISS WAVES Yo. DEAN Sheila? You've ... met Ms. Asagiri already? SHEILA Uh ... sort of. DEAN TRAGIC EXPRESSION And ... you didn't tell me? FACE IN HANDS Oh God I'm depressed now. PRISS Get a grip. The DEAN lays his head on the desk. SHEILA appears very embarrassed. SHEILA Well, we *met*, but it's not like we were introduced. BEAT I'm Sheila, by the way. Sheila Tenkai. PRISS Pleased to meet you. I guess you already know who I am? SHEILA NODS I'm pretty well-acquainted with your story ... comes from being someone's research assistant for a while. There is a gentle knock at the door. It opens, and AYEKA is standing on the threshold. AYEKA Ah! Ms. Asagiri, I'm glad that I caught you. PRISS What? AYEKA Lady Mars informed me that you were going to be here, and I was hoping to find you ... VERY FORMAL His Imperial Majesty, Tenchi, Lord of Jurai and the Empire, craves your presence, that he might properly give you his thanks for your efforts on his behalf, recently. PRISS He wants to see me about that bit with the assassin last night? AYEKA That *is* what I just *said*. PRISS Okay, I guess I can fit him in. AYEKA raises her eyebrows at PRISS' flippancy. SHEILA's eyes have grown large listening to this exchange. SHEILA Wait ... then it *was* you who let Lord Tenchi's bodyguard know that there was an assassin in the crowd last night? PRISS Yep. SHEILA turns to AYEKA SHEILA In that case, Lady Ayeka, I ask you for permission to record the audience between His Majesty and Ms. Asagiri, for our archives of Knight Sabre footage. She looks back at the DEAN, who still has his head on the desk. SHEILA Uh ... that is unless someone with seniority objects ... The DEAN doesn't look up, but lifts a hand to wave them all away. DEAN Go on ... scoop me ... my life is already meaningless ... SHEILA Oh, how nice. BACK TO AYEKA Well? AYEKA considers. AYEKA I think it can be arranged. We must reserve the right to censor the tape if any information critical to our security is revealed in the audience however. SHEILA nods quickly. PRISS has been watching this with a confused expression. AYEKA Well, Ms. Asagiri, I will conduct you to Lord Tenchi's rooms ... AYEKA leads a bored PRISS and an excited SHEILA, who is carrying a minicamera, down the hallway. PRISS Would you please tell me what the big deal about this is? SHEILA You ought to know that the Knight Sabres are considered major heroes among a broad spectrum of Crystal Tokyo's population -- there's been movies made about you, fictionalized novels about your exploits ... PRISS Okay, so? SHEILA So, a meeting between a major power like Lord Tenchi and the last Knight Sabre is *historically* significant. SHEILA lifts up the camera and trains it on PRISS. Our point of view is through the camera lens. SHEILA (O.S.) Do you have any idea why, apart from your recent actions, he might want to speak with you? PRISS avoids looking into the camera. PRISS Nope. He was staring at me for a while after it all came down, but I don't know why. BEAT I just hope he doesn't hate my guts for no clearly defined reason ... SHEILA (O.S.) Oh? Have you encounted people who are hostile towards you in Crystal Tokyo? PRISS I've met a lot of people who seem to not really give a shit about me as a person, a few people who wanna lay a guilt trip on me for some things, and one person who apparently wants me dead. SHEILA (O.S.) Care to tell us who it is that wants you dead? A relative of one of the people you injured during the Daeden affair? Or ... PRISS It's Lady Jupiter, all right? PRISS keeps on walking, but our camera view of her stops. PRISS goes on for a few moments, then realizes that she's walking alone, and turns back to look at the camera. PRISS Hey? What's the matter? Cut to a shot of SHEILA lowering the camera with a shocked expression. SHEILA Lady Jupiter ... wants you dead? PRISS She certainly seems to be upset that I'm still alive. BEAT Aw, don't tell me. You're a friend of hers. SHEILA grins sheepishly. SHEILA Um ... not exactly. PRISS Huh? SHEILA She's ... sort of ... my mom. A brief, awkward pause ensues. PRISS `Sort of'? SHEILA She kind of adopted me when my parents died when I was little. PRISS FLAT Oh. Another brief, awkward pause ensues. SHEILA Uh ... we'd better hurry up ... She heads off down the corridor, leaving PRISS standing where she was. PRISS FLAT Shit. PRISS starts walking again, at her normal pace. PRISS MUTTERED Why am I so upset? So I just bad mouthed her to her kid. So what? BEAT Where the hell have I *seen* her before? Cut to an shadowed office with a desk and a picture of SERENITY on the wall. At the desk, an orange-haired woman is slumped, her face flat on the desk. The door to the office opens, and SHAMPOO walks in, reading a clipboard. SHAMPOO Jeheniah, I hope that you've got that report typed up. SHAMPOO looks up from the clipboard and notices that her secretary is lying with her face down on the desk. Immediately, SHAMPOO drops the clipboard, and assumes a fighting stance. RYOUGA (V.O.) Stop that. SHAMPOO looks warily around the office without abandoning her stance. SHAMPOO What did you do to my secretary? Do you have any idea how long it'll take to get a new one broken in? RYOUGA (V.O.) I didn't do anything lasting. I'm glad to see that you're still the same ruthless -- SHAMPOO How are you doing this? RYOUGA (V.O.) Do you actually think I'm going to tell you how I learned the shinobi techniques? SHAMPOO is shocked. SHAMPOO Shinobi? *You*? Ryouga ... RYOUGA (V.O.) *He* doesn't let scruples get in the way of his training. Neither can I. BEAT Tell him I'm coming. SHAMPOO I don't even know where he *is*. There is a long silence. SHAMPOO's eyes dart from side to side. RYOUGA (V.O.) He will be visiting her grave this evening. Tell him then. SHAMPOO If you know that he'll be there, why not attack him then? There is another long silence. RYOUGA (V.O.) You'd have me violate her resting place? SHAMPOO's eyes close in concentration for a moment ... then they flash open as she pivots, striking backwards in a powerful kick that hits *something*. RYOUGA (V.O.) That was dumb. SHAMPOO's leg twists in ways that a human leg is not meant to twist, and she lets out a hollow scream. RYOUGA begins to materialize, his hands gripping her foot. The last part of his body to become visible is his head ... and his cold, lifeless eyes. RYOUGA Be glad that I need you, Shampoo. Otherwise, I'd probably kill you. BEAT Instead of your secretary. He lets SHAMPOO's leg drop, and she falls to the floor. RYOUGA begins to walk towards the desk. SHAMPOO FRANTIC Ryouga! Don't do that! She's not involved! Don't! RYOUGA pauses, and turns back to look at her. His fangs show as he speaks. RYOUGA Yes. That's the worst part. Isn't it? We cut to the exterior of the door leading into the office, which has a sign that says "Do Not Disturb". We hear a tearing noise, and SHAMPOO's scream. Cut to a living room. TENCHI is seated on a couch, staring ahead. Our view changes to include PRISS, seated on a couch on the other side of a table, sipping at a cup of tea. SHEILA is standing off to one side, recording everything. PRISS eventually returns TENCHI's stare. It is an awkward moment. PRISS Ah ... Lord Tenchi, you really don't have to thank me for pointing out that assassin ... it's ... sort of in the job description. TENCHI True enough. That's not the real reason that I invited you here. You see -- PRISS Uh, just a minute. Before you go any further, you should be aware that my memories ... TENCHI I've been briefed on your situation, Ms. Asagiri. However, my knowledge of you -- I gather that you have guessed that I knew of you before yesterday? PRISS nods. TENCHI My knowledge of you is not derived from any encounters we had during the period of your memories that is inaccessible to you. BEAT In the autumn of 2032, you befriended a young boy, named Sho, and his mother -- PRISS Yeah ... so? TENCHI In 1995, my father's elder sister gave birth to a son ... my cousin. The line of Jurai was weak in my father's family, and my cousin aged and lived like a Terran, unaware of his heritage ... until he died, in 2030. BEAT Leaving a widow and son. In a moment, PRISS grasps what TENCHI is saying, and looks shocked. PRISS W-wait a minute, you're saying that Sho was ... TENCHI My second cousin. BEAT Whose life you saved, Priscilla Asagiri. PRISS What ... what happened to him? I kept track of him at the orphanage, but ... TENCHI We retrieved him from that place two years later. He spent the rest of his life on Jurai. BEAT He spoke of you with a great deal of respect, which I find myself sharing. If there is any service I or the Empire of Jurai can offer you, Ms. Asagiri, name it. PRISS settles back into the couch, wide-eyed. PRISS Whooooooo ... Cut to another office, behind which NOA is filling out some paperwork. NURIKO, a seemingly young woman whose hair is tied in a long pony tail that is slung over the shoulder, enters at a run. NURIKO Chief! The word just came down ... NOA doesn't look up from her paperwork. NOA Yes, the Senshi are sending one of the Palladins to assist us in our investigation into Alphonse's k-- COUGH theft. NURIKO That's great! Do you happen to know which one? BEAT It wouldn't be that gorgeous guy Allen, would it? NOA looks up amusedly. NOA They didn't specify, but I don't think it's going to be him. He's under Lady Jupiter's supervision, not Lady Mars. NURIKO Damn! NOA Nuriko, could you please control your hormones? This is a serious affair. BEAT I didn't tell her the whole story. NURIKO's eyes widen. NOA Close the door. NURIKO obliges, and comes over to stand in front of the desk. NOA As far as the Palace is concerned, the labors that were stolen were purely ceremonial ones; a bit better maintained than the patrol labors. They don't know that they incorporated the TC technology we've been experimenting with. NURIKO Chief ... NOA And the Palladin cannot be allowed to find this out either! If the circumstances behind the theft are what I *think* they are, the brown stuff is about to hit the fan. NURIKO So what is the plan? NOA Play up the theory that the labors were stolen by one of the Anti- Monarchy groups that didn't get broken up for terrorism. If the investigator suggests that they may have had contacts inside, get angry ... but if they can come up with proof, go with it -- and if they start to focus on one of the Anti-Serenity moles that we know about, pounce on 'em. NURIKO Right. BEAT You're pretty good at this sort of thing, Chief. NOA smiles wearily. NOA I learned from a master. SIGH I never thought I'd be sitting in his chair though. BEAT I always ... never mind. Remind everyone to cooperate with this person, when he or she shows up. BEAT As far as it goes. NURIKO nods, and heads out, closing the door behind. NOA leans back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling. She pulls open the top right desk drawer, and pulls out a framed photo, looking down at it. It's a photo of herself, looking at least a decade or more older, standing beside a tall, serious faced man about the same age (SHINOHARA ASUMA). NOA I miss you. I wish ... NOA closes her eyes in a sudden spasm of pain. Sound effects of a battle play. ASUMA (V.O.) Noa! NOA! DAMN YOU YOU BASTARDS, YOU KILLED MY WIFE! An explosion. NOA's eyes jerk open. NOA I wish you'd made sure ... Cut to a balcony high on the Crystal Palace, facing the setting sun. PRISS leans on the railing. SHEILA approaches, carrying a pair of cans. SHEILA Here you go. She tosses one to PRISS, who catches it easily. PRISS Thanks. She opens, and sips it. SHEILA Are you okay? PRISS I guess. Just a little ... weird. BEAT First I find out that half the jobs we pulled that I can't remember were given to us by *them*, and now I find out that I saved a kid that was part alien royalty. It's just so ... it's like I'm wondering whether or not it's gonna turn out that when we took out the Griffon, we accidentally saved billions of people's lives. SHEILA BEAT The Griffon? PRISS Pumped up supercar. Before your time. SHEILA SOTTO VOCE Wouldn't count on that. PRISS What? SHEILA Sounds to me like you're starting to consider the consequences of your actions. PRISS Yeah ... yeah, I never really gave a lot of thought to what was gonna happen afterwards. Largely because I never really figured on being there, but ... SHEILA It's not all that different from the way that the Senshi behaved in their youth. PRISS They were passively suicidal? SHEILA I wouldn't go that far, but they were reactive, rather than pro- active. They'd learn about an `enemy' and then wait to see what it'd do before responding. It took a serious blow to their morale to get them to start actively working to benefit the world. PRISS Lemme guess -- Serena's death, right? SHEILA stares at PRISS, astounded. SHEILA You *know* about Serena? PRISS Raye mentioned -- SHEILA That's incredible. BEAT Anyway, you're right. After Serena died, and Neo-Queen Serenity took over, they began to pursue an agenda for the first time -- that of staving off the Apocalypse. They managed, for a long while. They chose agents and made alliances; they gave it all they had. BEAT And it still wasn't enough. Which only made them even more concerned with ensuring that their actions as few negative consequences as possible. That's really what Crystal Tokyo is -- an attempt to create a society that can withstand another Apocalypse, and rebuild afterwards. SHEILA notices that PRISS is hanging on her every word, and flushes, before she takes a sip of her soft drink. PRISS Uh-huh. Lemme guess, you're the official Historian of the Senshi. SHEILA grins sheepishly, and rubs the back of her head. SHEILA Not yet, but I'm working on it. I guess it's only natural ... PRISS From being raised by one of them. SHEILA hesitates for a moment. SHEILA Actually, my natural parents were both Senshi. PRISS pauses in lifting the can to her lips. PRISS Your mom and dad were Senshi? I don't remember hearing any legends about male Sailor Soldiers ... PRISS drinks. SHEILA Well ... I didn't actually have a dad. I had two female parents. PRISS starts to choke. Cut to the THRONE ROOM. This time, however, it is filled with people, standing in line to speak with SERENITY, who is seated on her throne, listening to each petitioner politely. JUPITER stands behind the throne, while standing nearby and observing are WASHUU and TSUNAMI. WASHUU (V.O.) Not quite like home, is it? TSUNAMI (V.O.) No, indeed it's not. The evening court is usually much larger -- but those who come to speak to our husband are rarely of Jurai's non- noble castes ... WASHUU (V.O.) Stupid elitist sons of ... TSUNAMI eyes WASHUU wearily. TSUNAMI (V.O.) Let's not start that argument again. As I recall, the last time we got to talking about the system We set up on Jurai, we wound up not speaking for a decade. WASHUU (V.O.) You will at least allow me to express my contempt for hereditary government? TSUNAMI (V.O.) You just did, Sister. WASHUU gives TSUNAMI a flat glare. Finally, they both smile at each other. WASHUU (V.O.) How is he? He hasn't spoken to me since the service this afternoon. TSUNAMI (V.O.) He was very hurt by the recording. BEAT He had always known that even after her marriage, he remained in her heart, but ... TSUNAMI shakes her head. WASHUU (V.O.) Yeah ... there have been moments when I'd wished that he'd taken the other option ... TSUNAMI (V.O.) Sister! We would not be separated from you for -- WASHUU (V.O.) He loved her far more than he'll ever love me, Tsunami. BEAT I knew that going into this. He chose me because he knew that if he didn't, I'd have to be exiled to the depths of space to appease Tokimi -- and he's far too soft- hearted to do that. BEAT Which may be one of the reasons that I love him so much ... TSUNAMI gently touches WASHUU's cheek. They look at each other, deep red eye to green. WASHUU (V.O.) I cried my last tears eons ago, Sister. BEAT Now cut that out. You'll give all these people the idea that we spend our nights with Tenchi in wild bouts of polyamatory sex. TSUNAMI snorts gently. TSUNAMI (V.O.) He hasn't come to Us in nearly a decade. If I didn't know him so well, I'd suspect he has a concubine somewhere. They appear to consider the idea, then giggle. Our view changes to include SERENITY, who is watching TSUNAMI and WASHUU giggling and not really paying attention to the person adressing her, a young man in Renaissance garb. YOUNG MAN ... and so, Your Radiant Majesty, I submit unto you the petition, signed by all four thousand residents of Neo-Stratford, that we be granted permission to make a holiday of our annual Shakespearean performance. SERENITY blinks, and turns to look at him. SERENITY All four thousand residents signed your petition? There were no voices of dissent? YOUNG MAN None whatsoever. SERENITY Most extraordinary. We needs must have your petition examined by our Department of Examinations ... but I am certain that we can tentatively approve it. YOUNG MAN Thank you, your Majesty! BOWS And may we extend the invitation to attend our day of revelry to you and your court? SERENITY SMILES I am certain that there are those among my allies who will be glad to witness it ... my own schedule may not permit, but we may arrange things otherwise. The YOUNG MAN bows again, and backs away. A personable gentleman in a black suit (MICHAEL ORDENE) steps forward. SERENITY blinks, VERY surprised. JUPITER scowls. SERENITY Mr. Ordene. I did not think that I should ever see you come to court. MICHAEL ORDENE Your Majesty. Recent events have convinced me that I have been ... ill-advised to seek your removal from the throne. SERENITY Indeed? I would very much like to know what they were -- you have made no secret of your outright contempt for monarchy, although you are to be credited with never once having been implicated in a rebellious or treasonous act, unlike many who share your views. MICHAEL ORDENE Those ... *overzealous* comrades are in fact the reason that I have come tonight, your Majesty -- instead of having a messenger deliver a petition calling for your removal, as was my wont. I have come to apologize -- SERENITY We gladly accept your apology, Mr. Ordene, even though there is no need to apologize for having held a view opposite to our own. ORDENE continues as if SERENITY had not interrrupted him. MICHAEL ORDENE And to deliver *this* petition. ORDENE snaps his fingers, and a girl in an office dress comes forward carring a thick folder, which she hands to him. MICHAEL ORDENE It, like each of my five petitions calling for your resignation, has been signed by one million persons of legal age -- one percent of our world's total population. BEAT The minimum number needed to demand a referendum. BEAT "We, the undersigned, aware of the opressive and burdensome yoke that has been laid upon the people of the one hundred worlds of the Jurai Star Kingdom ..." WASHUU (V.O.) Sister, where are You? Right at this moment? TSUNAMI (V.O.) We are currently playing with Ryo- oh-ki just inside of Pluto's orbit. WASHUU (V.O.) Get here. *Now*. We may need to make a fast getaway. MICHAEL ORDENE "... call upon her Majesty, Serenity of Earth, to end all diplomatic relations with this foul mockery of a government, and expel all Jurain citizens within the Realm." There is a long silence. SERENITY's voice, when she speaks, is deceptively mild. SERENITY One million names. That is ... very remarkable. MICHAEL ORDENE Your Majesty will wish to have them investigated, off course ... and you will find that each of them is sincere. BEAT Just as with each of my previous petitions. SERENITY May I have a copy of this petition? ORDENE smiles, and hands it to her. MICHAEL ORDENE I have already forwarded a copy of it to your Department of Exam-- SERENITY Thank you, Mr. Ordene. We will begin to check these names at once, in the interest of dealing with this matter quickly. MICHAEL ORDENE Of course. He bows, and steps back. A young woman is about to come forward and take his place, when SERENITY speaks. SERENITY In light of the massive task that the Department of Examinations must undertake this evening, I call an early end to this evening's court. Unless there are any petitions that are a matter of life and death ... There is nothing from the crowd. JUPITER Court adjourned. The Throne Room is cleared, quickly. WASHUU and TSUNAMI are the last to head out, accompanied by JUPITER. SERENITY Lady Washuu. At the doorway, WASHUU turns to look back. SERENITY Please inform Lord Tenchi that I would like to have a private meeting with him at his earliest convenience -- if not sooner. WASHUU nods. The door closes behind them, and SERENITY is alone in the darkened throne room. SERENITY I will not let you win. There is only silence from the shadows in response. To Be Continued. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Together Again: 2937 Chapter, 04/21/97