Dark Energy Trilogy By William Benjamin Grilliette (evilpii@juno.com) and Jeff Williams (angelbane@geocities.com) All material of or relating to *Tenchi Muyo!* are copyrighted by Pioneer LD and AIC. All material of or relating to *Men in Black* are copyrighted by Marvel/Malibu Comics and Columbia/Tristar Pictures. All material of or relating to "Evil Pii" or "Nerti Ro" is property of William Benjamin Grilliette. All material of or relating to "Angelbane duSoleil", "Cassandra duSoleil", or "Katiara duSoleil" is property of Jeffrey Williams. More information about cast, plot, and story is available at http://evilpii.dorm4.org/. Part 1: Tenchi Muyo! versus Men in Black By William Benjamin Grilliette (evilpii@juno.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Act 1 Scene 1 {The screen is white. Cracks are seen throughout the object as the camera pans. A whole in the shape of an eye moves from the top of the screen. Zoom out to see that the white shape is fragments of a mask within a glass case, Kain's mask. Fade to TM!iL. In subspace Tenchi flies in and swipes at Kain with the Tenchiken opening a large gash over his right eye.} Kain: {Writhes in pain holding his right eye.} WAHAH!! {Tenchi stands before Ryoko holding Achika and Ayeka holding Nobuyuki. Tenchi pulls off the headset from Washu and holds the armed Tenchiken tightly. Cut to a brown screen. A black line moves in from the left. The entire object's surface is course and callous as a shell of an insect. Zoom out to show that the object is an enormous bug's head severed from its body within another case. Cut to MiB. J stands next to the "Edgar" bug before a garage can in the old World’s Fair in Queens.} J: {Warning.} Better ease out my face before somethin' bad happen to ya. {A weapon is heard cocked and charging quickly to capacity.} J: {Cocks his head and speaks sarcastically.} Too late. {The bug looks down and watches as its own thorax expands and explodes spraying J with slime. Wipe to a gray screen. A red spark appears at the left of the screen. The object seems to be wooden and smoothly cut with great and unbelievable precision as the camera pans to the left and finds a red and black energy blade coming from this hilt. Zoom out to see Kagato of Jurai's energy sword laying in yet another case. Cut to TM!TV#23. See Kagato standing with his sword drawn facing Yosho who stands before the old Jurai Imperial Villa with Tenchiken drawn. The Jurai Mark of Rage appears on Kagato's face as he draws his sword back to strike.} Kagato: {Yelling.} HAH!! {Swipes at Yosho releasing a burst of energy.} {The action is in slow motion as Yosho flies back.} Yosho: {In pain.} ARGH! {Lands hard against a stone wall.} {Yosho looks back to Kagato through his broken glasses repeating Kagato's name in his mind. Fade to a red screen. A red spark of light shoots from lower right corner to upper left corner. The substance is fluidic and flows at the slightest breeze with almost ooze like properties. Zoom out to see a drop of blood covered with red lightning held in a petri dish. Return to TM!TV#23. Ryoko floats glaring at Kagato.} Kagato: {Confident.} Yes, I am the god. Ryoko: {Holds her hands before her.} We'll see about that!! {Ryoko summons the powers deemed her as a Ryoan woman and sends them to Kagato. Kagato blocks them. Ryoko is stunned by this.} Ryoko: Ah...!! Kagato: You're fun to play with, but I'm busy right now. Get lost!! {Ryoko flies at Kagato. Kagato fires blasts of Dark Jurai Energy at Ryoko. One hits Ryoko in the left side of her abdomen. Freeze-frame on Ryoko. Her face is contorted in pain as the blast punctures her body and exits through her back. The action continues then as Ryoko falls in great agony.} Ryoko: {Screaming.} AH!! {Ryoko falls to the ground and bounces along the ground almost lifelessly until coming to a stop a distance from Kagato. The scene fades to black as Tenchi and Ayeka run up to Ryoko's side. A light flashes on in the darkness followed quickly by three successors. Each of the lights is over the four items shown earlier arranged neatly on a table. A voice over starts with an experienced male voice.} Man: Have the items been procured? {A cocky and arrogant female voice replies to him.} Woman: Of course they have, you impatient Proran man. {Scoffs.} You expect one of my slaves to not do what they've been told? {A doorway opens with a subtle red light outlining it. A girl in a laboratory coat and a waist- length ponytail of fine, blonde hair and two smaller tails over her elfin ears walks through the doorway quietly save her footsteps. Her face is hidden by the shadows, but what can be seen shows no expression or emotion in contrast to the other woman's voice in the voice over.} Woman: The girl our Lady has chosen will do what is expected of her until her time comes. Man: {Irritated.} I understand that, woman. However, will your control on her and her creations be so absolute if that boy continues to interfere? {The girl walks to the table with the items. The light reflects off her lab coat and the glass cases enough to illuminate some of the surroundings showing a stoic laboratory setup. Also nearby, a metal replica of the girl stands offline with small lights indicating current status. The girl continues by taking out four syringes and placing them on the table. She takes them one by one and extracts fluid samples from all four items: purple, brown, black, and red respectively.} Woman: Do not worry about the boy. {Laughs lightly.} His own "daughter" will be his downfall. He has not been able to defeat her ever before. This time will be no different. Man: Yes, but you gave her the ultimatum that two years would be the time of his homeworld's destruction. Woman: I do not care whether he remembers that decree or not. He is nothing more than a nuisance that we will be rid of shortly. {The girl finishes and sets out a new petri dish where she empties the syringe's contents together. She then produces a fifth syringe full of a silver fluid which is added to the mixture. The totality of the mix becomes a thorough solute when she takes a small laser scalpel and aims it at the new compounds.} Woman: Both her beast and her original beautiful daughter will make quick work of him and anyone else in their way. Just be sure that they obtain the galaxy as well as assassinate the old man if at all possible. Man: {Growls under his breath.} Yes... {The girl fires the scalpel at the dish and ignites the fluid into an explosion of energy sparks. Among them, a green crystal forms and multiplies consuming the fluid into itself. A woman in a green cloak with short, fire red hair and a shadow-hidden face approaches the girl and stops behind her. She places her hand lightly on the girl's shoulder and curls her lips into a small, evil smile. This is the same woman from the voice over.} Woman: Good work, young Nerti Ro. {The girl raises her face to the camera to be shown fully. Her face is that of a young seventeen-year-old girl with cat-like grey eyes somewhat hidden by blonde bangs and yet holding no emotion. Her mouth is silent as is her stare as the scene fades to black with the woman behind her laughing.} End Scene 1 Scene 2 {Washu sits on her floating cushion at one of her many terminal computers in subspace tapping keys with her right hand while her left hand holds a small sandwich made by Sasami. She focuses much of her attention on the screens in front of her showing Achika holding the great Tenchiken blade and slicing into Kain, another of Tenchi in his room with Ryoko sitting at his side, and a screen of Tokyo as it is today.} Washu: {To herself.} It's been a year since Kain broke out, but something still doesn't feel right... Nothing in the spacetime continuum seems seriously affected by his presence. {Looks to the screen of Tenchi with Ryoko at his side.} {In the image from one of her observation cameras throughout the house, Tenchi lays in bed asleep while Ryoko sits at his bedside watching over him. Her face is one of compassion with drowsy eyes and a little smile directed at Tenchi.} Washu: I know Kain wanted to destroy the most powerful Juraian line, but how did he know who to attack from that long a distance? Why not attack Jurai itself? {Looks at Tenchi and Ryoko.} Why the mother of a boy from Earth? {Alarms in her lab blare as red alert signs appear on all her screens. Washu is startled out of her thoughtfulness back to reality as her sandwich falls to the floor.} Washu: {Surprised.} Gah!! What's all this about?! {Washu types on her console quickly and brings up an image of a triangular ship coming into orbit around Earth. Washu looks seriously and earnestly at the ship.} Washu: {Thinking.} An Arquillian battlecruiser...? What's something like that doing in the middle of nowhere? {A window opens before Washu displaying text. She analyzes the text within moments and looks back to the battlecruiser.} Washu: So, there's an Arquillian prince on this planet hidden away on Manhattan Island in the United States. {Smiles to herself.} I knew those files from hacking Soja would come in handy... {Thinks.} If he's on this world, then maybe the cruiser's here for him. In any case, I'm sure a Juraian princess would have some pull with him. {Washu hops from her seat and runs through her dimensional door. Elsewhere in the Masaki home, Ayeka stands with Sasami in the kitchen at the stove with a stir-fry pan before them. The two sisters try to help one another cook, both in aprons.} Sasami: {Correcting.} No, no, Ayeka! The temperature should be more of a simmer so the rice will be nice and soft yet stiff enough to chew. {Adjusts the temperature on the stove accordingly.} Ayeka: {Sighs.} Yes, I see, Sasami... {Sasami smiles kindly to her sister as Washu runs in to the kitchen and stops next to Ayeka.} Washu: {Sarcastic.} What's cooking, Ayeka? I hope it's not meatloaf again. {Smiles widely.} Ayeka: {Scoffs.} No, it is not, Washu. I am going to make a nice stir-fry meal for the family tonight. {Ryoko appears on the rafter above them and lays back. She drowsily watches the action below her.} Washu: {To Sasami.} How's she doing at it, Sasami? Sasami: {Sighs.} Not that good... {Ryoko laughs to herself atop the rafter along with Washu next to Ayeka.} Ayeka: {Scoffs.} Well, at least I try to pull my weight in the home unlike you and Ryoko. {Ryoko scowls a little down to Ayeka.} Washu: {Smiles slightly.} Oh really? And, did you know there's an Arquillian battlecruiser in orbit? {Ryoko, Ayeka, and Sasami turn to Washu shocked.} Ayeka: {Surprised.} What?! An Arquillian battlecruiser is in orbit of Earth?! Washu: {Nods.} That's what I said. My calculations predict it'll stop over the United States where an Arquillian prince is hiding out. Ayeka: {Thinks.} An Arquillian prince on Earth...? Why would a prince be here? Washu: I thought you might know why, Ayeka. After all, doesn't Jurai have some relations with Arquillia? Ayeka: {Nods.} Yes, Arquillia and Jurai have been allies since we settled a dispute in their system aeons ago. Washu: {Amused.} Well then, you should have no problem negotiating with a battlecruiser to get it to turn around an go home then, huh? {Smiles.} Ayeka: {Hesitates.} I... uh... {Teardrop.} {Ryoko starts laughing on the rafter uncontrollably. Sasami looks up and sees Ryoko.} Sasami: {Worried.} Ryoko! You'll fall!! {Ryoko laughs until she falls off the rafter onto the ground. After the dust settles, she picks herself up and dusts herself off.} Sasami: {Runs to Ryoko.} Are you alright, Ryoko? Ryoko: {Rubs Sasami's head.} Yeah, I'm fine, Sasami. Ayeka: {Scowls at Ryoko.} And, just what were you laughing at, Ryoko? Ryoko: {Smiles confidently back at Ayeka.} The idea of you negotiating with an Arquillian battlecruiser. I've dealt with the little, mech-riding bastards before. If there's a battlecruiser in orbit, they aren't going to listen to a princess unless she has what they want. Ayeka: All civilized races will listen to reason if given the whole situation. Ryoko: {Scoffs.} What dream world are you living in, Ayeka? Washu: {Seriously.} Look, you two. That battlecruiser is in orbit and might have come with some bad intentions. Ryoko: Then, why don't we go check it out. {Glances at Ayeka.} Ayeka might get a chance to actually talk to an Arquillian. {To herself.} Maybe her daddy wanted her to marry one. {Laughs to herself.} Ayeka: {Glares at Ryoko.} How dare you say such a thing, Ryoko!! Sasami: {Stands before Ayeka and pushes her away from Ryoko.} No, Ayeka...!! Ryoko: {Smiles to herself.} I'll go find Ryo-Ohki. I'll see you later, Princess. {Vanishes.} Ayeka: {Frustrated.} That woman...!! {Sasami and Washu shake their heads together at the sight.} Washu: Ayeka, do you think we should tell Kiyone and Mihoshi? This is their jurisdiction. Ayeka: {Shakes her head.} No, nothing criminal has happened. This situation is not within their jurisdiction yet. Washu: {Puts her hands on her hips.} Well, it looks like we're going up to that battlecruiser. Sasami: {Worried.} You're going to be alright, right Washu? Washu: Of course! With me onboard, what could go wrong? {Ayeka and Sasami look at Washu with teardrops.} End Scene 2 Scene 3 {Outside the Masaki home, Ayeka and Washu walk out into the afternoon sunlight. Ayeka shades her eyes. The two turn back as Sasami helps a limping Tenchi onto the porch. On Sasami's head, Ryo- Ohki is perched happily as usual. Yosho ambles slowly down the steps from the Masaki shrine and watches the events.} Ayeka: {Impatient.} Where is that Ryoko? Should we not be going already? Washu: {Folds her arms.} She takes her sweet time. That's nothing unusual. Tenchi: Well, Ryoko said she was going to get some rest before she left. Ayeka: {Cynical.} Did she really? {Ryoko teleports in and hugs Tenchi tightly. Tenchi and Sasami teardrop as Yosho chuckles to himself at a distance.} Ayeka: {Angry.} Ryoko!! Let Tenchi go! He's still recovering from Kain's attack! Ryoko: {Glances to Ayeka.} Tenchi recovers faster than you do, Ayeka. {Smiles and hugs Tenchi again.} Isn't that right, Tenchi? Tenchi: {Teardrop.} Uh... Ryoko... I... Washu: {Sighs.} Hurry up, Ryoko. We have a battlecruiser to get to. Ryoko: Yeah, I know, Washu. {Turns to Ryo-Ohki.} Ryo-Ohki! {Ryo-Ohki hops off Sasami's head to the ground and then into the air to transform into the ship Ryo-Ohki. Ryoko turns to Ayeka and Washu.} Ryoko: {Sighs.} I guess we should get this over with, huh? Ayeka: {Nods.} Yes, I would like to be home quickly from this matter. Ryoko: What? So you can watch that soap opera again tonight? {Smiles.} I don't think we have anymore tissues for you after last night. Ayeka: {Blushes red.} Wha... I... uh... Washu: Actually, I saw you watching that show last night, Ryoko. {Smiles to herself.} I have the tissues to prove it. Ryoko: {Embarrassed.} What?! {Ryoko, Ayeka, and Washu are teleported onto Ryo-Ohki while Tenchi and Sasami wave their goodbyes, both with teardrops. Ryo-Ohki flies up into the upper atmosphere with the clouds being slowly cut by Ryo-Ohki's spines until she breaks away from the planet's gaseous cover. Within Ryo-Ohki, Ryoko sits in her floating wicker chair while Washu sits on her floating cushion with her shadow laptop before her. Ayeka stands looking at Ryo-Ohki's viewscreen as the ship approaches the Arquillian battlecruiser. She turns back to Washu.} Ayeka: We should be within communication's range. Can you open a comm channel to them? Washu: Hang on, Ayeka. {Looks at the screen before her.} Just as I thought, they've been sending signals in their native tongue to Manhattan Island. Ayeka: {Goes to Washu's side.} What do the signals translate as? {Ryoko puts her cheek in her right hand and leans against her chair.} Ryoko: {Sighs to herself.} Tenchi... {On Washu's screen, an alien text message appears and quickly flashes to a Japanese equivalent to what is read aloud.} Washu: {Reading.} MiB, return the galaxy or Earth will be destroyed...!! {Ahead of Ryo-Ohki, the battlecruiser can be seen charging its forward sections. The bridge of Ryo-Ohki flashes into a myriad of red lights along with a window displaying the weapon status of the other ship as Ryoko jumps from her introversion and grabs Ryo-Ohki's controls.} Ryoko: {Concerned.} Ryo-Ohki, course 1.57 starboard! Get out of the way!! {A particle beam fires from the enemy ship and grazes Ryo-Ohki's hull. Within, Ryo-Ohki screams out in pain as the others yell in fear. Outside, the graze on Ryo-Ohki smokes as the small ship starts to fall back towards Earth. Inside, Ryoko holds onto Ryo-Ohki's controls and tries to guide her descent. Ayeka rolls next to Washu as Washu creates a small shield around herself and Ayeka. Washu braces herself for impact while Ayeka looks on at Ryoko bravely holding Ryo-Ohki on course to Earth.} Ayeka: Ryoko...! Ryoko: {To Ryo-Ohki.} We'll hit the bay! That's the best place to try and start finding what's going on...! {Ryo-Ohki meows weakly in agreement. Outside, Ryo-Ohki plunges into the atmosphere becoming red hot as she descends into Manhattan Bay.} End Scene 3 End Act 1