Dark Energy Trilogy By William Benjamin Grilliette (evilpii@juno.com) and Jeff Williams (angelbane@geocities.com) All material of or relating to *Tenchi Muyo!* are copyrighted by Pioneer LD and AIC. All material of or relating to *Men in Black* are copyrighted by Marvel/Malibu Comics and Columbia/Tristar Pictures. All material of or relating to "Evil Pii" or "Nerti Ro" is property of William Benjamin Grilliette. All material of or relating to "Angelbane duSoleil", "Cassandra duSoleil", or "Katiara duSoleil" is property of Jeffrey Williams. More information about cast, plot, and story is available at http://evilpii.dorm4.org/. Part 3: Tenchi Muyo! / Men in Black: Inheritance By William Benjamin Grilliette (evilpii@juno.com) and Jeff Williams (angelbane@geocities.com) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Act 4 Scene 1 {A tunnel of stars wraps and spins around the red ship Yagami as it rockets through abnormal spacetime aimed towards the currently distant planet Earth. Ayeka's voice calls to the spiraling darkness around the vessel with a doubtful air.} Ayeka: The Light Hawk Sword is not on Jurai... {Pan across Yagami's hull until reaching the cargo hold's window, where Ayeka stands watching the stars swirl in helix patterns before her. She faces the window with her hanging some in somber thought when Yosho steps behind her and puts his strong hand on her unsure shoulder while his speech tries to support her.} Yosho: The Emperor said that all Jurai had been searched for that Key, Ayeka. It was unlikely to expect it to be there. {Ayeka lifts her head some and glances back to Yosho's hopeful eyes looking back at her.} Ayeka: You believe it could be on Ryua...? {From behind them, Kamidake's voice is clear in his confidence.} Kamidake: I believe in Ryoko and her party. {Ayeka and Yosho both turn around to see a group of five sitting in a circle with room left for both of them. Azaka and Kamidake are seated at the ends of the circle while Angelbane and Cassandra are close together, next to Azaka. Between them and Kamidake is a young woman with golden tails of hair streaming down from before her ears down to her knees while the remainder of her hair encircles her head similar to Ayeka's. Her golden eyes are on Kamidake as her deep tan contrasts the leather-like armor over her skin. Kamidake continues.} Kamidake: She and those with her have done miraculous deeds before. I have no doubt that they could now as well. {Azaka nods and concurs.} Azaka: Very true. Also, Lady Nagi's Key was on Ryua while she was still young. It is not impossible for the Light Hawk Sword to exist on that world. {Angelbane then shakes his head and contradicts their hope.} Angelbane: I doubt it even exists. {The Juraians look over to Angelbane, confused as do Cassandra and the young woman with her.} Angelbane: The five Keys are symbolic of the number of wings given to the promised Angel of Fire in the Holy Chronicle. {He looks over to Ayeka and Yosho seriously.} Angelbane: Aren't they? {Yosho nods some with a sigh.} Yosho: It has been interpretted that way, but we now have pictorial evidence of the sword's existence from the GP and MiB record of the capture of Kain. Angelbane: Be that as it may, both Knights sitting here with us were present when the Keys were originally created. {Angelbane glances to Azaka and then to Kamidake.} Angelbane: Do either of you recall a sixth Key? {Azaka and Kamidake both go quiet as an uneasy silence fills the chamber for several moments before Azaka closes his eyes and answers.} Azaka: Kamidake and I have sworn to never speak of that moment, and neither of us will break that vow. However, I can say that the two staves entrusted to us and the three Keys given Jurai King the First are the only ones I know of. {Kamidake then gains the attention of the room with his own statement.} Kamidake: But, that does not rule out that another was created after our time. Aeons are a long time to sleep, and I have no doubt that the one that created the Keys may have seen fit to create another in an emergency, like when our staves were. {Angelbane sighs hard when his expression becomes somewhat softer.} Angelbane: All I'm saying is this. We can't rely on that sword's existence. We have to plan around it in case we either don't find it or it doesn't exist. This is the fate of a world we're talking about. {Angelbane closes his eyes quietly when the young woman with Cassandra glares at him and speaks with disrespect in her voice.} Woman: What's wrong with you? Do you have to contradict everything that these people are trying to plan? You don't know if the Key exists or not. Why don't you...? {Angelbane cuts her short with a fatherly tone.} Angelbane: Quiet, Katiara. I will not have you speak to me in that tone. When you have lived as long as I have, you'll understand why you have to be ready for the unexpected. {Katiara starts to fume some when Cassandra grasps her shoulder, causing her to look back. Cassandra shakes her head, making Katiara only more frustrated. Angelbane opens his eyes again to Ayeka and Yosho, still focused on the events to come.} Angelbane: Princess, what we need now is a plan to defend Earth, with or without the Light Hawk Sword. {Ayeka nods and sits with the others, followed by Yosho who seats himself next to her. All focus on her while she starts to think.} Ayeka: We have four ships, correct? Azaka: {Nods.} Yes. Yagami, Ryo-Ohki, Mitsuki's patrolship, and Katiara. {Cassandra looks over to Katiara with a mother's worry.} Cassandra: Are you sure you want to go through with this? After all, you're... {Katiara nods and answers quietly with respect, with almost a loving quality.} Katiara: Don't worry. I'll be careful. Okay? {Kamidake shakes his head with some wonder in his expressions.} Kamidake: It is still difficult to believe that young Katiara is a gold dragon. {Cassandra nods back to him.} Cassandra: Yes, she is. As such, she can change forms just like an Ohki or a treeship. {Ayeka nods, continuing to calculate her idea when Yosho intercedes.} Yosho: We do have two more. {The others focus on him confused before Ayeka raises her head in realization.} Ayeka: That is true. The upgraded saucer and Will Pii's Caroki are both at the Men in Black Headquarters. {Angelbane and Cassandra's eyes both light up when Pii's name is mentioned in Ayeka's sentence.} Angelbane: Will's there? Cassandra: Is Nerti with him? Are they alright? {Cassandra's worry is obvious while Ayeka becomes uneasy at Nerti's name. Everyone notices her slip when she recovers and nods back to Cassandra.} Ayeka: Yes, she is, Lady duSoleil. {Kamidake looks concerned towards Ayeka, as do the others, but they remain silent.} Kamidake: Is there anything wrong, Princess Ayeka? {Ayeka takes a breath and shakes her head.} Ayeka: No, just a desire to end this situation swiftly. {Angelbane closes his eyes and resumes the former subject.} Angelbane: Tell me, Princess. What was their condition when you saw them? Ayeka: Pii's left forearm and right knee were bandaged. His armor was also heavily damaged. Ms Ro was tied down to the gurney with restraining straps. I assumed she was so confined for fear of the damage she could cause. {Cassandra grimaces and faces the ground in despair while Katiara puts her hands on Cassandra's shoulders to show her worry.} Katiara: I'm sorry... {Ayeka glances over to Cassandra and Katiara confused while Angelbane opens his eyes and continues towards Ayeka.} Angelbane: What was the prognosis? Do you believe that they could aid in the coming battle? {Ayeka's focus returns to Angelbane as she shakes her head.} Ayeka: I do not believe so. Pii was wounded too severely, and his armor alone seemed to indicate that his ship also might be useless at the moment. Angelbane: Well, at least with both of them, he could help Nerti keep her sanity long enough to develop an effective weapon against the shadow approaching Earth. Ayeka: That may be true. Between the five remaining ships, weapon upgrades could only help. The two Galaxy Police patrolships are decently fast and agile. After its modifcations, the MiB saucer should have an edge on agility as well. Angelbane: Yes, and Ryoko's Ryo-Ohki is even faster and more precise in her movement. I can speak for Katiara's speed and skill, despite her size. {Katiara glares and starts to fume when Cassandra takes her hand and gains Katiara's attention. Cassandra smiles some and shakes her head, making Katiara calm some but still blush red. Ayeka nods and begins to explain.} Ayeka: We should split our forces in space as follows: one patrolship with a smaller fightercraft to support and defend it. {To Angelbane.} I am sure that Katiara could hold her own? Angelbane: {Nods.} Yes, we have perfect confidence in that. Ayeka: {Nods.} Then with Ms Ro's specialized armorment and Washu's proposed psy-wave cannon, we should have a limited defense. {Ayeka sighs and closes her eyes.} Ayeka: But, even all that alone cannot match what is coming... {Opens her eyes.} When the Light Hawk Sword is found, Tenchi will be the deciding factor... {Yosho and the two Knights face Ayeka and nod quietly. Angelbane closes his eyes when he hears Cassandra's voice within his mind.} Cassandra: {Within his mind.} She loves him, Bane... {Angelbane answers her.} Angelbane: {Within her mind.} I know that... but that blind faith could get all of these brave people killed... Cassandra: Or, it could save them... {Cassandra smiles warmly to him as he opens his eyes and faces her. He smiles slightly and shakes his head when the entire ship jerks forward. The group react in a mixture of screams, gasps, and grasps as they fortress themselves to not fly into a bulkhead. Yosho lays down, staying level while the horizon of the ship shifts. He catches Ayeka as she is thrown against him. Azaka and Kamidake both are thrown to their feet but hold fast taking defensive postures to prevent themselves from being thrown any further. Cassandra holds onto Katiara tightly while Angelbane wraps his cape around them both, keeping them from taking an unexpected ride on the wind. Once the ship has come to a complete stop, everyone starts to reach their feet when Kiyone's concerned voice comes across the intercom system.} Kiyone: Is everyone alright down there? {Yosho helps Ayeka to her feet as she looks around the group, finding everyone without injury.} Ayeka: Yes, everyone is fine here. What happened? {Cut to Yagami's cockpit where Kiyone and L look out into space via the large viewscreen before them. They see the stars silent and still, completely opposite the swirling arcs from within the warped spacetime. However, there are many ships' hulls scattered about the field along with other periphanalia from critically wounded vessels. Kiyone eyes all the evidence before her with an investigator's gaze, trying to find the reason for this incident while L helps her what she can, with more of a physician's or scientist's eye.} Kiyone: We don't know yet. We're definitely not in the warped space anymore. {The voices from the hold sound over Yagami's intercom system as Angelbane questions them.} Angelbane: Any idea of the cause? L: We're working on it. {L glances to Kiyone.} L: Can we try the dimensional drive again? {Kiyone nods while her fingers are already dancing across the panels around her.} Kiyone: Yeah, just a moment. {The entire ship shakes to Kiyone and L's satisfaction.} L: Looks like it's restarting fine... {When a red alert window opens before them, reading "External Stress Exceeding Tolerances". Kiyone quickly spins around to her left to skim over a schematic of Yagami, color coded from blue to red indicating pressure levels. The forward areas of the ship are increasingly red as one looks from stern to bow, over the entire ship. Kiyone suddenly gasps and pulls back all throttles and deactivates the dimensional drive. She is breathing heavily when she looks slowly over to L.} Kiyone: Damage...? {L looks along the windows before her, displaying the various plating structures of Yagami. Most of them are cracked deeply with stress fractures radiating mainly from the tip of the bow. L is quiet when she looks back to Kiyone and shakes her head slowly. Kiyone sighs heavily.} Kiyone: It's no go. The dimensional drive is working, but something is physically blocking us. We can't move with whatever it is there. Ayeka: Can you give us our location, Kiyone? {Kiyone brings up a starmap and watches as four key stars are highlighted. Geometric constructions are generated around these points, creating perpendicular planes that meet at one point located within the Sargasso Sea. Kiyone blinks in disbelief while L looks over to her.} L: What's wrong? {Kiyone's voice is uneasy when she answers Ayeka at last. In the hold, Ayeka hears the words and is struck by them.} Kiyone: We're in Sargasso... Ayeka: Sargasso...? {Yosho walks to the hold's window and looks out at the wrecked starships around them and thinks to himself.} Yosho: The ghost girl's grave... {Ayeka stands with purpose.} Ayeka: If we are in Sargasso, then we must leave immediately. Can you identify what is blocking Yagami? Kiyone: Nothing is visible so I assume a transparent force shield of some kind. L: I just did an analysis of the energy immediately around Yagami. It's... {Before L can finish her words, Angelbane answers for her.} Angelbane: Somewhat similar to Jurai Power. {All in the hold turn to Angelbane who opens his eyes slowly while L answers.} L: Right... {Ayeka turns back to Angelbane along with Azaka and Kamidake, all confused.} Ayeka: What do you mean? Who could be generating a Jurai field here in Sargasso? {Angelbane glances to both Azaka and Kamidake.} Angelbane: Don't you two feel her presence? {Azaka shakes his head while Kamidake closes his eyes and does the same, only slower. Yosho then speaks up as he turns around to face them.} Yosho: Has anyone seen Sasami? {Angelbane smiles at the true lineage of Jurai in the elderly man while Ayeka's eyes grow wide with a sister's fear.} Ayeka: Sasami... {Ayeka looks out the window and sees a ship haloed with white light before her eyes dart between Azaka and Kamidake.} Ayeka: Azaka, Kamidake! Follow me! {Both stand with her when she quickly dashes from the room, calling to Kiyone and L in the cockpit.} Ayeka: Kiyone, L! Move Yagami next to the glowing ship! Sasami's there! {Kiyone and L's frightened voices respond in confusion before the speaker falls silent. Angelbane and Cassandra stand and walk over to Yosho next to the exterior view. Angelbane still smiles.} Angelbane: You are a wise man, Lord Yosho. Yosho: Azaka and Kamidake only don't recognize her because her strength isn't completely whole yet like it was then. She's still tired from the Reunion incident. Angelbane: {Nods.} Agreed. How long have you known? Yosho: Probably since the situation on Earth over a year ago. Angelbane: {To himself.} She hasn't changed, the woman of mystery. {Cassandra looks up to her husband's face with a subtle fear starting to rise.} Cassandra: If she's here... does that mean...? {Angelbane's smile fades away to a solemn expression in silence. A distance away, Katiara looks at them confused as the scene fades to Sasami walking alone through the old and yet still sturdy corridors of a vessel within Sargasso. The ten-year-old girl seems focused as she walks through the corridor without deviation or uncertainty. She then stops when the rusted and unkept hallway begins to glow a subtle white and change into beauty and splendor before her eyes. Sasami smiles some as her young voice breaks the silence with a single name.} Sasami: Mirei... {Before her, a simple, white figure fades into existance in midair and lightly steps to the ground. To Sasami's eyes, the figure quietly dims to a young girl with almost pastel coloring about her along with age old clothes. Mirei opens her eyes to Sasami and gasps in delight before she runs over and hugs Sasami tightly. Sasami hugs her back equally before they separate and face each other happily, showing their friendship.} Mirei: You came back, Sasami, just like you said you would. Sasami: {Nods.} Yeah, we promised we'd meet again. Didn't we? Mirei: Yeah, I remember. {Mirei looks Sasami over and is a little amazed.} Mirei: You've grown some, and changed... How long has it been? Sasami: About three years {Mirei blinks to herself a little more astonished.} Mirei: It's been that long? Sasami: {Nods.} Yeah, it has. A lot of things have changed. The planet I live on's in danger now. {Mirei puts a hand over her mouth as she gasps, taking a step back.} Mirei: Oh my... From what...? {Sasami puts her hands on Mirei's shoulders to steady her, causing Mirei to gaze deep into Sasami's red eyes. While she looks into those calm eyes, Mirei's agitation slowly subsides as Sasami's voice speaks to her.} Sasami: It's alright. Everything will be alright. I swear that. {Mirei nods to Sasami, still with an air of uncertainty. Sasami releases her gently and stands before her more solemn than serious.} Sasami: You can help Mirei. Mirei: I can? {Sasami nods slowly, taking Mirei's hand between her own. Mirei's transparent fingers curl some around one of Sasami's hands while she is still unsure.} Sasami: You remember us talking about ESP? Mirei: {Nods.} Yeah, you said that your friend Ryoko did too. Sasami: {Nods.} That's right, and I think that you have one particular ability that she does as well. {Mirei looks back to Sasami quietly and kindly while Sasami gazes back into her pastel eyes.} Mirei: What can I do to help, Sasami? I don't want anyone to get hurt. Sasami: I need to speak with someone that only you can talk to. {Mirei is confused now at Sasami's request.} Mirei: But... I've always been alone. I've only talked to you and Ryo-Ohki that I remember... {Sasami smiles some and shakes her head for a moment.} Sasami: You are more than you know, Mirei... and I will help you. {Mirei blinks, still confused.} Mirei: I don't know... {Sasami shakes her head as a white aura starts to surround Sasami, and then passes over to Mirei. Mirei is startled at first but is soon warmed and calmed by Sasami's energy. Sasami's lips do not move when her voice enters Mirei's mind.} Sasami: Do not worry... I will guide you, my friend... {Mirei's eyes close just before the emblem upon Sasami's forehead glows a bright green and changes from two triangles to two circles, lighting the entire room around them. All brightens to white when Sasmi's voice continues.} Sasami: I need to talk to a man named Kagato... Concentrate on the name... Feel his mind and emotions... Pull them towards yourself... {Mirei's voice is confused.} Mirei: I'll try... Sasami: Do not worry... I am here... {Pan over to find Mirei standing with a white figure of an adult woman outlined in blue with two glowing circles upon her forehead behind her. The figure's brightness is almost unbearable to watch directly, causing Mirei's shadow upon the plane on which they stand to be almost completely blurred into the rest of the background. Mirei's eyes open slowly as a black figure starts to materialize before them. Her voice is full of fear, as is her face.} Mirei: I see him... He's so cold... and full of anger... Sasami: It is alright... He will not harm you... {The black figure continues to form before them, slowly becoming the obsidian image of Kagato of Jurai. Soon thereafter, the black fades away to his true coloring, though pastel and transparent like Mirei. His eyes open slowly with a mild glare in them directed at the young girl before him. Mirei takes a step back with a gasp when Kagato's gaze pans up and sees the bright light behind Mirei. He shades his eyes and turns to look away, almost in pain of the purity surrounding them all. Mirei straightens herself again and blinks in confusion at the cringing Juraian.} Mirei: What's wrong with him, Sasami...? Sasami: He is not accustomed to the light... Just ask him the questions that come to your mind... {Mirei nods and takes a hesitant step foreward. Kagato glances over his cape at the preteen girl, followed by a glare with his steel-grey eyes.} Kagato: Who are you...? {Mirei is still nervous as she approaches the usurper of Jurai.} Mirei: Uh... I needed to ask you some questions, sir... {Kagato snaps back at the girl.} Kagato: Then hurry that I might leave this wretched light! I would much rather remain in a pit of darkness than burn in the light! {Mirei now does not shudder, but just nods and proceeds with those thoughts that enter her mind while her voice starts to have some overtones of Sasami's intertwined.} Mirei: Your sword Key and the two staff Keys used by your Knights, Tetta and Tessei, were not of the original five Keys. Where did they come from, Kagato of Jurai? {Kagato looks at her oddly.} Kagato: Why would you care, child? Mirei: It is not yours to ask why. After all, it should be a trivial topic since the coup is long since been destroyed. Kagato: True, that might be, but I have my alliegence elsewhere. Definitely not to a child. {Sasami's voice in Mirei's changes in pitch to that of a grown woman's when she continues.} Mirei: What about someone higher? {Kagato's eyes widen at that voice interwoven in Mirei's as his eyes now focus and see the white figure standing behind her. He shakes his head in amazement.} Kagato: You again...?! It cannot be...!! {Mirei's voice remains calm.} Mirei: The Keys, Kagato... Kagato: You gave them to me! You, woman of light, were the one that gave me the darkness of the universe and the Key to control it! {Focus on the female figure standing behind Mirei. She seems to glance down for a moment in shame and even grimace. Mirei is released from her calm state and now looks in confusion at the man cowering before her. The adult voice from Mirei's now speaks independently.} Woman: I am sorry, Kagato... I am, truly... {Kagato looks back at her confused while Mirei starts to turn around and stops.} Woman: Mirei, please do not face me... It is best that you do not... {Mirei nods and faces Kagato again who now demands from the woman.} Kagato: Sorry?! You gave me the strength to defeat Yosho, but not his grandson! Give me now that strength, and I swear his head will be yours! Jurai will be under my control, and therefore yours, if you help me now!! {Mirei gasps at his demands while the woman raises her hand to him.} Woman: Return to your eternal fate, Kagato... This is one of many acts I regret... {Kagato becomes even more bewildered and angry when his form melts away into a shadow, which fades in the bright light. Mirei closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.} Mirei: Sasami... is that you behind me...? {A firm hand grips Mirei's shoulder causing her eyes to pop open, only to now hear Sasami's voice in her mind again.} Sasami: I am sorry you had to go through that... and for what I must do now... {Mirei's hand touches the hand on her shoulder and feels a great warmth that fills her soul and does not burn her. Mirei's eyes open slowly with worry in them.} Mirei: What's wrong...? Tell me... Sasami: I cannot... I have to leave now... {Mirei sighs and nods.} Mirei: You have to go save your home... {A bit of hope enters Mirei's mind as Sasami's voice also starts to beam some.} Sasami: But, I promise that when I come back.... you will leave with me... {Mirei then spins around in surprise to the woman behind her to see nothing but the plane they were standing on. She is alone while Sasami's words echo in her mind.} Sasami: I promise... {Mirei whispers to herself sadly as all fades to white.} Mirei: Sasami... {The white dims to find Ayeka, Kiyone, Azaka, Kamidake, and L walking together within in the aged corridors of the same ship Sasami was onboard. Ayeka leads with Azaka and Kamidake not too far behind while Kiyone and L cover the rear with weapons drawn. Ayeka is showing her concern greatly as she calls out Sasami's name. Azaka and Kamidake speak softly to each other while they proceed.} Kamidake: You feel that kind presence also. Do you not, Azaka? Azaka: {Nods.} I do. The spirit within this ship is not evil. {Azaka then glances at Ayeka before them.} Azaka: However, I believe the elder princess has matters hidden that are clouding part of her judgment. She is acting far too rashly. {Kamidake glances down with understanding in his voice.} Kamidake: It could also be the threats to her sister and her world taking their toll after the ordeal with the Emperor. Azaka: {Shakes his head.} I doubt that. She has become a strong young woman, but something is weighing heavily on her heart, and she is hiding it. {Azaka looks into Kamidake's eyes seriously.} Azaka: You do feel something different about her. Do you not? {Kamidake hesitates but then nods.} Kamidake: Yes, but all of us have some darkness over us at the moment. Azaka: Not like she has, and you know of whom it reminds me. {Kamidake now becomes even more grave.} Kamidake: I would not think such towards such a kind woman, Azaka... Azaka: Nevertheless, it is so, and I am going to confront her. {Kamidake is struck by that concept.} Kamidake: Azaka...! {Azaka is firm in his stand on this matter.} Azaka: She is a leader in this battle, Kamidake. She must be in her right mind to lead properly. {Kamidake closes his eyes and yields as Azaka approaches Ayeka and then walks at her side. She glances over to him momentarily before returning to her search.} Ayeka: Is there something wrong, Azaka? Azaka: {Nods.} Actually, yes, your highness. A matter has seemed out of place with many of us. {Ayeka has a cold chill run up her spine when he continues, maintaining the proper etiquette for a knight to a princess.} Azaka: You seem different, Princess Ayeka. Uneasy, frightened, even physically weak... Is there anything that you can tell us or that we can do to help you? {Ayeka takes a staggered, nervous breath while remaining silent to Azaka's respectful question. She is about to speak when Kiyone's voice calls out.} Kiyone: I see her! {All spin around to Kiyone and L to see them dashing to Sasami's motionless body. Ayeka gasps in fear and runs for her, as do Azaka and Kamidake. When they reach her, they see that the emblem on her face is the normal twin triangles, and there are no wounds or other injuries to her body. Ayeka watches as L kneels next to Sasami and begins to take vital readings from the child before her. Ayeka's voice is almost unheard.} Ayeka: Sasami... Please be alright... {L looks her over quickly and looks back to Ayeka's worried and frightened face.} L: She's sleeping, but I won't know anything for sure until I examine her. Can we get her to Yagami quickly? {Ayeka nods and kneels to her little sister, taking her in her own arms before the group rushes for Yagami. As they go, Azaka and Kamidake both watch Ayeka's practically heart-broken face carrying Sasami. Both see her caring, but Azaka continues to show some worry towards the first princess of the Planet Jurai.} End Scene 1 Scene 2 {Screams echo from the metal walls of a prison while a maniacal laughter fills the spaces between those screams and the splatter of blood upon the corridors and ceilings. The swipe and clash of energy swords grinds into the ears of Ryoko, who lays on a bed within a single-occupant prison cell. She stares at the ceiling remembering Ryobachi's sickening smile as he cuffed her hands. Nagi's voice whispers to her.} Nagi: You never mentioned a "Ryobachi" before, Ryoko. {Pan over to see Nagi sitting on a bed in the next cell with her back to the wall adjacent to Ryoko's cell, without her weapons. However on Nagi's head, her Key remains while she stares at the opposite wall. Ryoko just sighs before she answers.} Ryoko: I'd honestly wanted to forget him. Nagi: {Scoffs.} Given what I have seen of him, I do not doubt your resolve. {Nagi turns her head slightly towards the wall, towards Ryoko.} Nagi: Is he the same boy from your memory of Mother's funeral? {Ryoko nods as her mind recalls herself as a child standing amongst many other Ryoan people, mostly wearing black, including herself in a black dress. Before her, the casket holding Ryoshu's lifeless body has been shut and is lowering. Young Ryoko turns around to see a Young Ryobachi in a black suit smirking back at her.} Ryoko: Yes... {Fade back to Ryoko and Nagi sitting in adjoining cells whispering to one another.} Ryoko: He's the same little pervert. He's only gotten older and more of a bastard since then. Nagi: He called you "love". What did he mean by that? Ryoko: If you remember Ryobachi from my memories, you should remember that my dad promised me to marry Ryobachi when I was still a baby. {She sighs and shakes her head before closing her eyes.} Ryoko: It's hard to explain. Nagi: {Closes her eyes.} I guess piracy limits your marital possibilities... {Nagi faces the opposite wall and opens her eyes slowly.} Nagi: Just like royalty... {Ryoko nods with a small smile on her lips while her eyes open slowly also.} Ryoko: I guess you could say that. {Peaceful silence settles between them on this common ground for a moment. Then, Ryoko grows more serious and calls softly to Nagi.} Ryoko: Nagi, what do you know of the Ryo-Jurai War? {Nagi blinks and angles her head back towards Ryoko.} Nagi: Why are you asking about that? {Ryoko sighs hard and sits up in her bed, leaning her back against the same wall as Nagi.} Ryoko: I had a dream on the way to Ryua. Both you and Ryobachi were in it, talking about the "rebirth" of that war. {Nagi's eyes fill with familiarity while she remains silent as Ryoko continues with a little scoff.} Ryoko: It was a vague dream, but I remember that war being mentioned clearly. Thought that since you were raised on Jurai, you might know something. {Nagi shakes her head for a moment before she answers.} Nagi: All I know about the Ryo-Jurai War for certain is that Ryua lost to Jurai and was also known as one of the most brutal wars in all history. Mitsuki would probably know more than I would. Ryoko: I see. Is Mitsuki awake? {A thump comes from the cell adjacent from Nagi's, followed by Mitsuki growling under her breath.} Mitsuki: I hate shielded cells... {Pan over to see Mitsuki sliding down a force shield around the opening of the cell. Ryoko and Nagi both teardrop before Ryoko calls out to Mitsuki.} Ryoko: Mitsuki! {Mitsuki turns her head towards Ryoko and Nagi's direction with a curious and annoyed gaze.} Mitsuki: What is it? Ryoko: What do you know about the old Ryo-Jurai War? {Mitsuki frowns in confusion at Ryoko's question.} Mitsuki: Why are you asking me that at a time like this? I thought you and Nagi or Washu would have come up with an escape plan by now. {Ryoko scowls annoyed.} Ryoko: Just humor me. {Mitsuki looks away in distaste from Ryoko's direction.} Mitsuki: Alright... although, there is little to say. After the Ryo-Jurai War ended, Jurai had sovereignty over the former Ryoan Empire with high sanctions, including no military force and no use of the innate energy skills of their race. {J's sarcastic scoff is heard from the next cell over from Mitsuki.} J: Looks like they broke just a few of those. {Mitsuki glares in J's direction.} Mitsuki: Who asked you? {Ryoko interrupts before J can answer.} Ryoko: Go on, Mitsuki. Mitsuki: {Sighs.} That's about it, Ryoko. All that's after that is that when the GP was formed, it took over the policing of Jurai's policies over Ryua. Jurai technically is still the governing body over this planet. {Washu calls from the opposite side of Ryoko from Nagi.} Washu: There's a little more than that. {All attention turns to Washu, who sits on the bed in her cell with her eyes closed in thought.} Washu: There is a metal that can block the energy of not only the Ryoan people, but the Jurai and even the NVO Energy of Kain. {Mitsuki blinks in amazement.} Mitsuki: There is? Washu: Yes. Ryoko, Nagi. Do you two remember how Sagami of Jurai's ship wasn't affected by Nerti Ro's Anti-Jurai Device? {Nagi thinks shortly and recalls the information quickly. Superimpose the image of the Jurai ship Chizuru flying behind a metallic ore asteroid as Nagi answers.} Nagi: He flew behind an asteroid... {Remove the image and return to Washu.} Washu: That asteroid had the ore of the pure metal, sinium. When it was discovered, a compound was made from it to repress Ryoan Powers to a bare minimum. {J interrupts Washu.} J: But, what Ryoan in their right mind would willingly do take that? {Ryoko's grave voice answers.} Ryoko: Disguise it as medicine. {Cut to a faded image of Ryoshu with a hypersyringe, injecting herself in the arm with a bright green fluid. She cringes as the fluid enters, and red sparks cross her body and fade away to nothing.} Ryoko: That's why Mom was always taking that injection. She never was sick. {Fade to J snapping his fingers as his mind assembles the conclusion.} J: No wonder only pirates and such have swords and stuff. You guys refuse to use the drug. Washu: Yes, although some are given privelages to use their powers. Those with the SA, like myself, can. Also, you've noticed the priesthood does as well. {Nagi cuts in with a serious point.} Nagi: That is given, but many of our captors were from a standing army, which is banned by the ceasefire. {Recall the men standing outside Ryoko's childhood home, some Ryoan priests in Catholic-like cloths and some in red and black battlesuits like Oniko's. Return to the cells when J speaks.} J: Makes sense though. Earth history has periods when countries got revenge after years of oppression. {The screaming of death ends with footsteps approaching them, causing all conversation to abruptly stop. Ryobachi's voice can be heard most irrate with his companion as the two head for Ryoko's crew.} Ryobachi: Lord Leon Tae, I can't have you killing my soldiers to practice your skills! I don't have that many to start with! {An arrogant male voice replies.} Leon: What's a few warriors when Jurai itself is in our grasp, Ryobachi? {At the end of the gallery of cells near Washu, Ryobachi and a black-haired young man, Leon, turn into the corridor and walk down the line-up of characters. Ryoko, Nagi, Washu, Mitsuki, and J each look over to the two and are surprised to see the black broadsword glowing in the other man's hand. His white, bladed shoulder gear from his red and brown battle uniform reflect the captured faces while his feline grey eyes watch each of them closely as well. The blood stains from the combat he just left only highen the evil of him presence. As he passes, Nagi glares at the sword in his hands while a memory plays back in her mind.} Nagi: Another dark sword... {Over Leon's features, her mind superimposes Nerti's, showing her holding the same sword with a blank expression on her face and a glint of green light in her eyes. General facial features and eye color are the same between Leon and Nerti, and even their hairstyles are somewhat similar. The memory takes precident from on Ken-Ohki's bridge during the Reunion. She jabs the black sword deep into Ken-Ohki's floor before flashing back to Nagi in the Ryoan prison. Ryoko's eyes examine Leon closely and recall the only place she has seen that black sword, in Seia's hands before Ayeka demolished her abominable form. She also watches Ryobachi's periodic learing at her. Washu sees the dark sword and thinks to herself of its power.} Washu: {To herself.} NVO energy... {Mitsuki and J eye Ryobachi cautiously, trying to see a weakness or vulnerability to get them released from their cells. Ryobachi and Leon circle back around and stop before Ryoko's cell while Ryoko quietly gets to her feet and faces them both. Nearby, Ryoko's crew also stand and approach the edges of their cells' fields to listen to the following conversation. Leon scoffs at Ryoko.} Leon: This is the woman that's given your people so much trouble, Ryobachi? She looks like a normal Ryoan wench to me. {Ryoko glares back at Leon.} Ryoko: You're nothing special to me either, but I doubt you have that sword for no reason. {Leon smirks and scoffs again.} Leon: Smart girl. Maybe you are a threat to our Lady after all. {Washu's voice cuts in.} Washu: Who is this "Lady" that we keep hearing about? What does she want with us? {Ryobachi smiles as his eyes roll over to see Washu.} Ryobachi: If you and Ryoko were with us, professor, you'd understand everything. {He looks back at Ryoko sadistically.} Ryobachi: Since you're not, our Lady wants back what's hers. Ryoko: And, what would that be? I don't owe anyone anything. Ryobachi: Oh, you'd like to think that, but you owe her probably even the life you have now. After all, didn't Kagato kill you? {Ryoko takes a quick breath when he says this. Her mind starts to race trying to remember how she survived when Ryobachi and Leon both laugh to themselves.} Leon: Let's put it simply. Our Lady wants your powers, Ryoko. {Ryoko holds her arms and looks back at both of them with a little uneasiness starting to enter her gaze.} Ryoko: And, how does she expect to do that? Ryobachi: A friend of ours is preparing for that right now. I'm just here to send off Lord Tae, and get you. {Nagi speaks now.} Nagi: What about Washu and myself? What do you have planned for us? Ryobachi: Washu's of little consequence sealed in this cage. You, bastard of Jurai, will be killed in good time. We can't have our people sleeping with the enemy, now can we? {Ryobachi laughs to himself while Nagi tries to keep from baring her teeth in anger. Ryobachi starts to enter a combination code on a pad between Ryoko and Washu's cells when Mitsuki calls to Ryobachi.} Mitsuki: How'd you do it, Ryobachi? How did you get past the GP on this world? {Ryobachi just shakes his head.} Ryobachi: Idealistic... cute, but naive as well. {Ryobachi stops and glances over to Mitsuki.} Ryobachi: It's amazing what you can get for a few million Jurai these days. Even GP officers are for sale at bargain prices. {Mitsuki grips her fists tightly such that the metal in her mechanical hand starts to bend while Ryobachi completes the code to open Ryoko's cell. He quickly forms a sword and points it directly at Ryoko's neck with a smile on his lips.} Ryobachi: Come on, honey. Time for you to be more like your weak mother. {Ryoko raises her hands at her sides and closes her eyes while she steps forward under Ryobachi's direction. Ryobachi releases his sword and forcably takes Ryoko's hands and pulls them around behind her. He pulls out a chain with field generators at both ends which he put against Ryoko's wrists. Both shoot a green beam around Ryoko's wrists, cuffing her hands like police handcuffs. He pulls her out from the cell and pushes her forward, causing her to stumble some before she catches herself. Leon laughs to himself while Ryoko just looks straight ahead with a sharp glare into the distance.} Leon: Don't enjoy yourself too much. {Ryobachi's eyes focus on Ryoko with a pleased smile on his face.} Ryobachi: I'll try not to. {Ryobachi and Leon walk down the corridor with Ryoko silent before them when J punches the field around his cell.} J: I can't believe this! {J glares through the field and into the opposite wall with a frustration-filled frown on his face before he pulls back his fist and starts to pace around his cage.} J: Trapped in a cage waiting to die or be killed! I'd rather be on Earth waiting for that dark energy to get there! At least I'd have something to do! {Mitsuki sits back on her cot and sighs hard when Washu laughs.} Washu: You people give up too easily. {Mitsuki and J both look up slightly towards Washu's direction to hear an energy field go down. They hear light footsteps as they both jump to the borders of their own cells to see Nagi dashing out of her cell and towards Washu's. Both are confused to see a purple energy sword extended from the Jurai Key from Nagi's hair wrapped around her hand.} Mitsuki & J: How...? {Nagi quickly stabs her sword into the field around Washu's cell. The purple energy starts to merge into the shield, causing it to turn red until the field completely collapses. Washu runs out to the panel of her cell and creates her phantom computer and types at a maddening pace when red lights start to flash around them and suddenly stop. Washu sighs and smiles before the fields around Mitsuki and J's cells fail and release them also. The two officers wander over to Nagi and Washu. Nagi's sword vanishes while the Key remains around her hand.} Mitsuki: Nagi, you've never shown power like that before... {Nagi glances to the wall at the end of the corridor.} Nagi: Just call it a helpful hand from my father. {Nagi starts heading that way while Washu allows her system fades away.} Washu: Nagi's father is a Juraian noble so she has the power of Jurai just like Tenchi and Ayeka. {She points to the cells and continues.} Washu: These cells were designed to hold Ryoan criminals, but a Juraian, even someone with a little Jurai blood, is whole other matter. I also disabled the security system so our escape wouldn't be detected. {Washu winks and turns to follow Nagi with Mitsuki and J behind her when J speaks up.} J: What about Ryoko? We can't just leave her here with that prick Ryobachi. {Nagi stops at a T-junction and kneels to a large ventilation duct.} Nagi: Who said we were leaving without her? {Cut to darkened corridor with Ryobachi still pushing Ryoko forward towards a dimly lit chamber. Ryoko's eyes examine the room as she is brought into it and halted by the priest behind her. Before her, the black walls refuse to reflect the red light from burning incense around a small shrine, before which a young priest is kneeling. This Ryoan youth has long blone hair set in a ponytail behind him while two long partitions of hair fall around his opening blue eyes and swing as he stands to face Ryoko and Ryobachi. Ryoko glares into his cold and calm seas of blue, feline eyes through his glasses while he replies with an almost warm smile. Ryobachi walks before her and indicates his colleague with an air of pride.} Ryobachi: I doubt you would remember Hotsuma, Ryoko. He and I were in the seminary together. Man works wonders. I swear. {Hotsuma extends his hand to Ryoko as if to shake her hand and laughs to himself before pulling it back.} Hotsuma: Sorry. I forgot you were restrained. I've actually wanted to meet you, Ryoko, the daughter of the dread pirate. {Ryoko keeps herself from growling.} Ryoko: The pleasure is all yours... I assure you... {Hotsuma nods and turns back to the shrine while Ryobachi keeps his eyes on Ryoko. Ryoko takes a breath and forces herself to calm down before she speaks to them again.} Ryoko: Why do you want to rip me of my powers? I doubt that your "Lady" is all that's behind this. And, what do you know of my life after Kagato shot me? {Ryobachi shakes his head as he forms a sword inches from Ryoko's neck while he leans against a wall and eyes her laughingly.} Ryobachi: Actually, lover dear, our Lady has everything to do with this, but you wouldn't know since you reject everything about your real heritage for all that Jurai trash. You lived through Kagato's attack only because we had hope you would come back to us. {Hotsuma starts to glow a deep, bloody red as he starts to chant while Ryoko and Ryobachi watch the glow start to envelop the room. Directly above them in a ventilation tunnel, the rest of Ryoko's crew listens in on them. Nagi glares at Hotsuma while Washu listens intently to the speech between them all. Mitsuki examines all the surroundings, starting to strategize an attack when J watches pages float and swirl around before Hotsuma's almost hypnotized face. Hotsuma now speaks clearly enough for all to hear and understand.} Hotsuma: In the millennia to come, Darkness unimagined will descend upon a distant world enveloping it for the shear purpose of its destruction. However from this world, three Royals will arise with three Offworlders to combat this evil and send it back into the depths of space which bore it. {Nagi's eyes pop open with a gasp in practical stupification.} Nagi: That is the Angelfire prophesy from Holy Chronicle of Jurai...!! {Washu glances up to Nagi to hear her words while below, Ryoko listens and starts to recognize the words while Ryobachi's sword fades away.} Hotsuma: The three Royals are united by Jurai blood, but separated by their strengths. One has the power of a goddess and the spirit of a true knight paladin. Never before has someone lived with his power or pure heart. The second has a shadow over her heart and fears what she would become. Her mind and heart are full of torment and struggle, but she will find her peace in both mind and soul. {Ryoko's eyes look down towards the floor as a name comes to her lips uneasily.} Ryoko: Ayeka... {Ryobachi smiles while looking at her from the corner of his eye.} Ryobachi: I thought you might like this... Hotsuma: The last is only half Jurai, but she is the link in their force. She has not only the blood of the Jurai, but the birthright of the Darkness as well. Her sister has not the Jurai lineage, but the lineage of Shadows. However, she too will be able to summon Jurai's Power, not the Darkness, just the same as the knight paladin! She is the first of the Offworlders. {Nagi blinks in almost unbelief while Washu looks at the spiked hair and feline eyes, and then to the Key in her hand which starts to shake nervously.} Nagi: The Bastard of Light and Dark... me...?! {Hotsuma's eyes open suddenly, a deep black, when the pages floating before him catch fire and incinerate. He forms a red katana blade that quickly changes into a boardsword shape before he turns around to Ryoko, who watches with her apprehension starting to build in the foreboding crimson of that blade. Hotsuma's eyes lock deep into Ryoko's eyes as he speaks.} Hotsuma: You, who wish to marry a Juraian prince, are the sister of the Bastard of Light and Dark, and hence, will be the Woman of Darkness to be of the Light. {He swings the sword up and stops it short of Ryoko's neck, causing her to pull back some.} Hotsuma: To prevent the creation of the Angel of Fire, your powers and your sister will be eliminated from this life entirely. {Ryoko glances to the sword and then back to Hotsuma while her voice shows a distinct amount of fear now.} Ryoko: Looks like Oniko was right after all... I should've watched the darkness that spawned our people... because it looks like that evil's about to do me in... {She glances to Ryobachi and Hotsuma before her eyes stop on the sword at her neck once more.} Ryoko: But, I'll say this... {Ryobachi looks up to Ryoko's eyes as does Hotsuma when Ryoko's eyes glare deep into theirs, especially Ryobachi's.} Ryoko: At least he had the balls to fight me instead of all this ceremonial bullshit!! {Ryobachi bares his teeth and forms his sword when a crash comes from above them, and two feet land on Ryobachi's face when he looks up at the sound. Hotsuma's body reverts to normal, as does his sword when he dodges to the side when J lands a kick where he was standing. However, Hotsuma hears a sharp click by his ear when Mitsuki's voice whispers to him when his sword fades.} Mitsuki: Sorry. I couldn't part with this one... {Ryoko looks over to see Nagi standing on a swordless Ryobachi who is in great pain from her landing on him with such force. Washu hops down before Ryoko and dashes behind her to remove the cuffs. Mitsuki pulls Hotsuma with her mechanical hand against his temple over with the others while J picks up Ryobachi and holds him tightly with an arm behind his back. Ryoko smiles to Nagi who smirks back and nods while the cuffs fall off Ryoko's wrists. She rubs them for a moment before she forms a red sword in her hand, as does Nagi through her Key. The two approach Ryobachi and Hotsuma slowly with their blades brightening the shadows around them in red and purple hues.} Ryoko: I'm going to ask only once. {Ryoko stops before Ryobachi, grabs his hair to pull his head back, and holds her sword against his neck. The whole time, her voice and face are ice cold, glaring with the only fire in her flaming eyes.} Ryoko: Where are Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki? {Ryobachi catches his breath and answers staggeredly.} Ryobachi: In the docking bay... cabbit cage sixteen... {Nagi asks next.} Nagi: And our weapons? Ryobachi: The security office next to the cabbit cages... {J glances towards Ryoko in question.} J: What should we do with these two? They'll get their buddies to come after us. {Ryoko closes her eyes and thinks for a moment, remembering her hatred for Ryobachi from all he has done when Tenchi's kind face enters her mind with his voice calling her.} Tenchi: Ryoko... {She nods and then opens her eyes with a now calm expression.} Ryoko: Let them go. {J gasps in surprise.} J: What?! These two are dangerous, not just to us but I bet everyone! {Mitsuki nods in agreement to J.} Mitsuki: J's got a point. Deadly force would be recommended in this situation to get back to Earth. {Ryoko shakes her head and denies them.} Ryoko: No, I won't have their blood on my hands. {Ryoko outstretches her hand and creates a gateway to the docking bay when Washu looks back to Ryoko and Nagi.} Washu: I'll go ahead and get Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki. Don't wait too long with those two! {Ryoko and Nagi nod while Washu runs through when Mitsuki and J look at each other in frustration for a moment before releasing Ryobachi and Hotsuma. Both run through the gateway while Ryoko and Nagi follow slowly, keeping their swords pointed towards Ryobachi and Hotsuma. Hotsuma glares back through his blonde hair at them both.} Hotsuma: You know this is far from over, sisters of Ryua. Nagi: I would not doubt that, but you can rest assured that we will both will deal with what has happened to this world. {Ryobachi smiles, despite the blood trickling from the edge of his mouth.} Ryobachi: You still don't see... You're both going to die on Earth... Ryoko: I don't think so. I have better things to do than die. Nagi: I have to agree with Ryoko. Death seems a little too distant at the moment. Ryobachi: Oh... I think you'll see it's a lot closer than you think... {Ryobachi starts to laugh when a coughing fit overcomes him, forcing him to sit down. Hotsuma goes to his side and helps him sit up while Ryoko and Nagi edge slowly through the gateway. The passage of light vanishes before Hotsuma glares over to the alarm switch, which he hits quickly, starting alarms and red emergency lights. Cut to Ryoko and Nagi standing in the docking bay when the alarms sound loudly, vibrating minor pieces of the hull of Mitsuki's ship within the chamber. The red lights fall on the cabbit cages lining the walls as Washu opens the one holding Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki. A distance off, Mitsuki and J look up from their running from a smoking hole which used to be a door to realize their situation. Both Ryoko and Nagi look up at the noise and sigh at this inevitability when Mitsuki and J reach to their side, both rearmed with their firearms. J carries Nagi's weapons and calls out to her.} J: Hey, Nagi! {She looks over to him when he tosses her gear to her to catch and replace to their proper places, as well as her Key to her hair. Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki hop quickly to their masters' shoulders and nuzzle warmly. Ryoko and Nagi both smile some to their companions when Washu joins the group standing together.} Washu: That's everything, it looks like. Mitsuki: Then let's get the hell out of here, right now. {An explosion destroys a large bulkhead not lined with cabbit cages when red energy blasts exit the new doorway. Everyone ducks below the attacks and group together when the initial firing stops. J glares over at a small troop of Ryoan warriors walking through the hole.} J: Great! I told you this'd happen, Ryoko! {Ryoko glares at the enemy also.} Ryoko: Yeah, yeah. I know. {She thinks for a moment, watching the enemy, and then glances to Nagi.} Ryoko: You think we could hold 'em for a couple people to start the ship? {Nagi nods confidently.} Nagi: Without a doubt. {Ryoko and Nagi smile at each other and nod. Mitsuki pulls her blaster and agrees.} Mitsuki: Alright, I'll have to stay with you. J'll pilot the ship. {J looks over to Mitsuki surprised, pointing to himself.} J: You want me to fly the ship...? {Mitsuki nods wryly.} Mitsuki: You wanted to fly it in combat. Here's your chance. {She laughs to herself.} Mitsuki: Besides, I'm a better shot. J: Hey! {Washu interrupts them.} Washu: We don't have time for this! {J sighs when Ryoko glances over to Washu.} Ryoko: Washu, you go with him and take Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki. {Washu nods when both Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki disagree. Nagi kindly speaks to them both.} Nagi: We will be alright. Just get us ready to leave. {Both are reluctant when they hop over to Washu. Ryoko and Nagi both generate red energy pulses and stand with Mitsuki, holding her weapon fully loaded. The Ryoans look at them and laugh before they resume their barrage. Ryoko and Nagi fly to either side while Mitsuki ducks down under the fire again. Mitsuki aims her blaster as Ryoko and Nagi both rain down red energy upon the enemy. The Ryoans scatter in all directions to avoid the blasts of the two sisters when Mitsuki stands and starts running between them and their attacks, shooting back, while Washu, J, and the cabbits make for the ship. Energy shots from both sides are either blocked with energy shield or dodged with great agility. The combat continues while J and Washu with the two cabbits reach the ship, enter, and run through the corridors to the cockpit. Washu sits in the copilot's seat while J sits in the pilot's chair with Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki on the chair's shoulders. Once J is seated, the instruments start coming online, and he hurriedly goes through the key sequences to start the engines and remove moorings. A sweat breaks out on his forehead.} J: Jeez... This had better work... {Outside, the engines fire up as the ship starts to pull away from the dock, catching the combatants' attention. J's voice calls over the external speaker system with urgency.} J: We're leaving! Hurry up!! {Ryoko glances over to Nagi as the two nod together and fly down towards Mitsuki, who starts running for the ship. Nagi grabs Mitsuki while Ryoko touches Nagi's shoulder and teleports them all onboard the patrolship. Back in the cockpit, J watches the Ryoans flying towards him as he turns the ship away from them and starts to accelerate through the exit tunnel of the bay, towards the starry sky in the distance. Then he notices the gateway is irising closed before him, and he hurriedly pushes the acceleration higher.} J: Oh shit! They're closing on us! {Washu watches the iris door, glancing occasionally to J.} Washu: Gotta go faster, J! There's a whole Ryoan army behind you! {The ship shakes with impacts from the Ryoans behind them when J snaps at Washu.} J: I know that!! {As they approach the exit, the impacts increase while J starts to yell in excitement and apprehension. Outside, the iris is about to shut when the ship speeds through it, leaving the Ryoans on the blocked side of the corridor after the door shuts solid. Mitsuki's patrolship speeds into the heavens when J can be heard across the ship cheering.} J: Yeehaw! Hell yeah!! {In the cockpit, Washu teardrops along with Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki.} Washu: Where did they get this guy... Hollywood...? {Pan over to the stars on the monitor before them and fade to black.} End Scene 2 Scene 3 {The evening stars and autumn moon hang over the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority building deep within Manhattan's industrial district. On the roof of the concrete building, Tenchi lays on his back with his hands behind his head, watching the stars quietly. His eyes show the depth of his reflection when they suddenly dart to the side to see Nobuyuki walking towards him, the wind whistling through his father's hair. Tenchi sits up curiously while Nobuyuki sits down with him.} Tenchi: Dad...? What're you doing up here? {Nobuyuki just smiles with a soft air of melancholy in his expression.} Nobuyuki: Just been thinking. That's all. Tenchi: Thinking? What about? {Nobuyuki looks up to the stars and sighs before he answers.} Nobuyuki: Your mother... {Tenchi sits up more, surprised by this answer while Nobuyuki continues.} Nobuyuki: I've been wondering what I could say to her now. Have I been a good father? Even a good man...? {Nobuyuki sighs and looks down to the minute holes in concrete below him when Tenchi puts his hand on his father's shoulder. Nobuyuki looks over to his son's kind face smiling back at him.} Tenchi: You have been, Dad. {Nobuyuki glances back down with melancholy in his voice.} Nobuyuki: How can you say that when I've been such a letch the past few years? {Tenchi continues, unphased by his father's doubt.} Tenchi: Because I saw you try to protect Mom. {Nobuyuki blinks and looks back to Tenchi, confused.} Nobuyuki: Wh... what do you mean? {Tenchi nods and smiles with some pride and admiration showing in his eyes.} Tenchi: Remember when I was laid up for all that time? {Nobuyuki nods.} Tenchi: Well, Washu will probably kill me for telling you this, but I'll tell you why. I was hurt by the same thing that broke your leg when you were in high school. {Nobuyuki's eyes slowly start to remember the history.} Tenchi: A creature called Kain escaped Galaxy Police Headquarters and went back in time to kill the most powerful Juraians one by one, starting with the strongest... {Pauses.} Mom... {Nobuyuki's mind flashes periodic and short images of himself as a young man with Achika: him laying on a hospital bed with Achika sitting on the bedside looking through a magazine detailing the damage to the Tokyo Tower, him and Achika sitting on a hillside while he sketches the very design of the Masaki home with Achika watching over him, and finally, a blurred vision of Achika looking over him in her arms with her clothes ripped down to the undergarments and tears streaming from her dust-covered face in this dark, lunar-like landscape. These images fade as Tenchi continues.} Tenchi: The whole time, we all were there. Ryoko and Ayeka were in your class. Mihoshi took over teaching the class. Kiyone was a janitor. Sasami and I hid from sight for the most part, but we were watching over you and Mom those days in 1970. You probably don't remember though. {Nobuyuki is silent for a moment as he closes his eyes before Tenchi continues.} Tenchi: Well... what I remember the most is when Kain actually attacked. You and I were right there around Mom. She was too weak to stand on her own so you carried her while I tried to fight Kain alone. {Smiles.} You were the one that set up and started the main booster that sucked Kain into subspace. You looked after her and kept her as safe as you could... {Nobuyuki quietly starts to speak up, interrupting Tenchi's words.} Nobuyuki: Tenchi... {Tenchi stops and looks over to his father as he opens his eyes and looks at Tenchi with a glint of thanks.} Nobuyuki: Thank you, Tenchi... but I don't think that I'll be the quiet hero this time. {Tenchi nods.} Tenchi: I know. I just don't want you to lose any hope. We'll get through this. {Nobuyuki scoffs and smiles to himself.} Nobuyuki: Seeing your mother again wouldn't be bad, actually. {Tenchi smiles also.} Tenchi: I know, but not yet. We all still have a lot to do. {Nobuyuki looks into Tenchi's eyes with a little more of a solemn seriousness.} Nobuyuki: Times like these, I can see Achika's spirit in you, my son. You still have her strength. Tenchi: You mean the Jurai... {Nobuyuki shakes his head and interrupts Tenchi.} Nobuyuki: Nothing about Jurai. As a human being, a person, you are powerful like she was. She always suffered from anemia after high school, but she tried to be active and live life all she could, like she always said we should. You have that. {Tenchi blinks in surprise for a moment before looking at the ground, releasing his grasp on Nobuyuki's shoulder. However, Nobuyuki now put his hand on Tenchi's shoulder causing the youth to look back into his father's knowing eyes.} Nobuyuki: Never lose it. {Tenchi nods and looks back to his father's eyes with his determination returning.} Tenchi: I won't, Dad. {Nobuyuki pats him on the back and smiles.} Nobuyuki: You have a long day ahead, Tenchi. Go get some sleep. {Tenchi stands and looks back down at his father a bit worried.} Tenchi: Actually, I can't sleep. I keep thinking about the two teams on Jurai and Ryua. They're hours overdue. {Nobuyuki does not look directly at Tenchi, but does angle his head up slightly before his concerned words exit his lips.} Nobuyuki: You're worried about Ryoko and Ayeka. Aren't you? {Tenchi is struck by this and tries to respond with some uncertainty in his voice.} Tenchi: I... I'm worried about all of them, not just those two. We're in no shape to defend Earth without everyone here! {Nobuyuki stands with Tenchi and looks into his eyes with a serious concern towards his son.} Nobuyuki: Don't take this the wrong way. I'm sure you are worried about everyone involved, even us here on Earth, but that doesn't take away from you worrying about someone special. {Tenchi is silent as he sighs and closes his eyes while his head angles down and to the side. Nobuyuki shakes his head and puts his hand on Tenchi's shoulder reassuringly before he continues.} Nobuyuki: I don't want you to not know the happiness your mother and I knew for that short time. {Smiles some.} Just a father's worry. {Tenchi nods and rests his hand on Nobuyuki's hand upon his shoulder.} Tenchi: I know... I'll see if I can get some rest... {Nobuyuki nods to his son and pulls his hand back while Tenchi starts to walk to the ladder at the edge of the roof. Nobuyuki watches Tenchi go, still with a concerned look on his face. Tenchi reaches the ladder and starts to descend while thoughts enter his mind about Ryoko and Ayeka.} Tenchi: Ryoko and Ayeka... {Tenchi's mind harkens back to his sparring with Ryoko in the trees surrounding the Masaki home. Ryoko in her red and black battle uniform stands against Tenchi in his blue costume given by Washu during the Kain incursion. As the blue and red blades clash while their owners dart into and out of the volume between them, it is noticed that Ryoko's reckless behavoirs have become more subdued and planned, not unlike Tenchi's. Their moves then become more and more similar, a mix of Ryoan timing with Juraian technique. The first word for the woman with the feline eyes of gold enters Tenchi's mind and echos.} Tenchi: Peace... {The images in Tenchi's thoughts shift as he reaches the foot of the stairs and walks into the aged building, passing the guard and entering the elevator to the main MiB complex. They show Tenchi and Ayeka standing outside the Jurai Palace watching the stars pass by in the quiet of the night, both in the dress of the Jurai Royal Family. Ayeka's soft words enter Tenchi's ears, telling him the tragedy of her father. He listens and remembers the loss of his mother as well, finding a commonality between himself and the former crown princess of the Jurai Royal Family, the title she gave up to follow him to Earth. He watches her emotional red eyes bordered with purple, regal hair, the first word for the quiet beauty before him reverberates in his mind.} Tenchi: Tranquility... {The elevator reaches the INS division of the MiB and opens its doors for Tenchi to exit. He steps out and walks out onto the descent platform, still deep in thought while the entire area about him is vacant and silent. Tenchi ignores the solitude as the platform lowers him to the ground level.} Tenchi: I've never really told either how I feel about them... {He grimaces when the truth of the matter starts to envelop him.} Tenchi: I care about them both deeply... but not the same way... {He glances to the side at bit.} Tenchi: Ayeka is... but Ryoko... {Just then, a crash pulls Tenchi from his reflection and aims his attention to a nearby lab, where he hears a young woman's painful scream. He dashes to the door of the room and looks inside to see Nerti kneeling on the floor holding her head. He sees her eyes flash red for a moment before she shuts them tightly, cringing in the white lab coat covering the red bodysuit underneath. Tenchi glances to her side to see Pii holding her shoulders, steadying her some. His visor is up, showing his brown eyes full of worry towards her. Tenchi notes that the armor he wears is completely repaired and can see no injury to Pii so his attention focuses on Nerti. Tenchi calls out to them.} Tenchi: Is she alright? {Pii glances up for a moment and then back to Nerti as he holds a hand up to Tenchi.} Pii: Just give her a minute. {After a short time, the pain in Nerti's form passes away, and she relaxes herself in Pii's grasp. She looks over at him with her grey eyes while a small, tired smile graces her lips. Tenchi watches them and suddenly thinks of himself kneeling in the Imperial Villa, holding Ryoko's wounded form. Ryoko's tired eyes look up to Tenchi full of pain when her staggered voice enters his ears.} Ryoko: You watch out, Tenchi... He's no one to mess with... {He shakes his image from his mind while Pii helps Nerti to her feet again and pushes the stray hairs from before her eyes. She smiles.} Nerti: Thanks... {Pii shakes his head with a relieved expression on his face as well.} Pii: It was nothing... {Nerti shakes her head as she replies.} Nerti: It wasn't nothing... {Nerti sees Tenchi from the corner of her eye and blushes some.} Nerti: Oh... I'm sorry if I... {Tenchi shakes his head with an understanding expression.} Tenchi: It's alright. I just heard the scream. Just wanted to make sure everything was alright. {Pii puts his hand gently on the side of Nerti's face before he quietly asks her.} Pii: Are you alright? {Nerti nods back to him.} Nerti: Yeah... Pii: You sure...? {She raises her hands to his hand and slowly pulls it away from her face, holding it with loving care.} Nerti: I'm getting better, Will... Thank you... for everything... {She pulls close to Pii and kisses him on the cheek before she pulls away and smiles back to him. He smiles back at her when she nods to him.} Nerti: I'll get back to work here. I'll call if I need anything. Pii: Alright. Remember to take your meds too. Nerti: I'll remember. {She walks back into the lab and starts picking up lab equipment when Tenchi questions Pii.} Tenchi: She doing better? {Pii watches Nerti with a quiet smile.} Pii: Yeah... She's starting to be the girl I used to know... Tenchi: It must be nice to see her changing back to who she was. {Pii nods and looks back to Tenchi.} Pii: More than you can imagine. {Tenchi blinks slowly and sounds more grave.} Tenchi: Zed causing any trouble? {Pii closes his eyes and loses his light-heartedness for a more serious demeanor.} Pii: He still doesn't trust her, which I don't blame him. Tenchi: He trust you? {Pii's eyes open with a cold stare into Tenchi's as he shakes his head. Tenchi nods and thinks.} Tenchi: I guess that's to be expected too. {Pii's visor folds down over his eyes while he also folds his arms before him with a frustrated sigh.} Pii: After years of not being trusted on the world I was raised, you'd think my own race would accept me. {Tenchi nods.} Tenchi: It goes with the territory. There are people on Jurai who don't want me there either. Pii: And, you saved their world. Gratitude's a bitch. Isn't it? {Tenchi closes his eyes and nods slowly when Mihoshi walks past them and stops before she steps back with them. Tenchi and Pii both look at her kind face when she blushes and takes a step back.} Mihoshi: Oh! I'm sorry! {Tenchi smiles with friendship and shakes his head while Pii is quiet watching them.} Tenchi: It's alright, Mihoshi. What brings you around here? {Mihoshi hesitates some from her embarassment, but after that moment, she answers confidently.} Mihoshi: Well... it just seemed like everyone's been so down since we got here... I just wanted to try and raise their spirits some. I was arranging a volleyball game for the agents and anyone else who wanted to play down in one of the workout gyms. {Tenchi smiles and nods.} Tenchi: Sounds like a good idea. I didn't know you'd ever organized something like that. Mihoshi: {Nods.} Yeah, back in the academy, I was the one scheduling the class activities and parties. Tenchi: I see... Well, it's just that you've seemed so disorganized since most of us have known you... {Tenchi and Pii both teardrop while Mihoshi smiles and waves Tenchi off.} Mihoshi: There are reasons for that! {She then blushes and covers her face while Tenchi and Pii both look at each other wryly.} Pii: Should I ask...? Tenchi: I don't think we should... {While they stand there, the PA system calls out through the halls and quickly gets their attention.} PA: All Class A tech agents to the docking bay at once. Incoming GP patrolships with mild to heavy damage. Repeat. All Class A tech agents... {Agents in black suits as well as those in white labcoats run past Tenchi, Mihoshi, and Pii heading towards the docking bay. Nerti steps out and watches them all pass as a face of concern wipes over Tenchi's expressions as fear covers Mihoshi's.} Tenchi: Ryoko... Ayeka...! Mihoshi: The teams...! What if they're hurt or...! {Pii looks at both of them when Nerti calls his name and looks up into his masked face.} Nerti: Will... {Pii looks over to her kind grey eyes that now almost directly tell him what they must do. Pii nods and turns to Tenchi.} Pii: Tenchi. {Tenchi is pulled out of his concern for a moment by the call of his name to see Pii and Nerti standing hand-in-hand facing him. Mihoshi also turns around to see them together.} Pii: Both of us have a high mech rating. We'll go help the repair of the ships and go ahead with adding the new weaponry. {Nerti smiles kindly and leans towards Pii some as if to demonstrate her point.} Nerti: Just because the ships took heavy damage doesn't mean they're hurt. Pii: They're waiting on you. Go on. {Pii motions towards the docking bay while Nerti nods with a subtle smile on her face. Tenchi takes a deep breath and nods before he puts a hand on Mihoshi's shoulder. Mihoshi looks over to Tenchi, who gazes back with a calmed expression.} Tenchi: Let's go, Mihoshi. They're waiting for us. {Mihoshi blinks in confusion when Tenchi turns and follows the other agents, motioning for her to follow. Mihoshi thinks for a moment then follows in turn, leaving Pii and Nerti watching them go. Pii kisses Nerti's hand, causing her to blush. They nod together before they too follow Tenchi and Mihoshi. Cut to the MiB docking bay where both Yagami and Mitsuki's ship have docked. Yagami still has many stress factures, ranging from minor to serious, while Mitsuki's ship has serious damage to the outer hull from energy attacks from the Ryoan soldiers that chased them prior to dimensional jump. Zed stands before the two ships with his arms folded as the techs all encircle the ships and start scaling scaffolds or boarding repair mecha to begin the required refits.} {From each ship, the crews exit: Ayeka, Sasami, Kiyone, Yosho, L, Azaka, Kamidake, Angelbane, Cassandra, and Katiara from Yagami and Ryoko, Washu, Mitsuki, J, Nagi, Ryo-Ohki, and Ken-Ohki from Mitsuki's patrolship. As they gather together, the group separates into close groups of friends and family to show their reunion. Kiyone, Mitsuki, J, and L group together and report to Zed's location while Sasami and Kamidake see Nagi. Sasami grabs Nagi's legs happily with a bright smile on her face as Kamidake steps to her respectfully and with a welcoming smile on his face. Nagi rubs her hand through Sasami's hair and looks up to see Kamidake. Her glance seems cold to him, making Kamidake uneasy. He then walks past her without a word to stand with Yosho and Azaka around Ayeka. Ryo-Ohki and Ken-Ohki both hop onto Sasami's shoulders, snuggling close to her chin making her giggle and Nagi to smile some at the little girl. Ryoko walks over to Ayeka's side with Yosho and the Knights and nods to her. Ayeka looks back with a hopeful smile towards her old nemesis when Tenchi and Mihoshi rush into the bay. Ryoko and Ayeka's eyes both light up at the sight of Tenchi while Mihoshi rushes over and hugs Kiyone and Mitsuki, each in turn. Tenchi walks over to Ryoko and Ayeka with his grandfather and the Knights. He smiles, seeing both of them healthy and without injury. Yosho puts a hand on Tenchi's shoulder and nods confidently to his grandson when Nobuyuki enters and joins Tenchi and his group before Pii and Nerti enter the door. Nagi looks over to see Pii and Nerti and glares not at Pii as usual between bounty hunters, but at Nerti for what she did to Ken-Ohki months ago. Ayeka catches a glimpse of Nerti and gasps, feeling a tension grow in her heart which causes her to grip her chest in mild, stinging pain. Angelbane, Cassandra, and Katiara walk over to Pii and Nerti. Pii shakes Angelbane's hand firmly as the two nod to each other, renewing their old friendship. Cassandra hugs Nerti tighly, as she does back. Katiara half-scowls as if she thinks she should be elsewhere. Zed clears his throat and calls out to the group.} Zed: Welcome back, everyone. It seems we have more members in our cause now. {J nods and points over to Nagi and Ken-Ohki.} J: Yeah, we kinda picked up some of Ryoko's family. {Nagi half-scowls at J.} Nagi: And, you did not need Jurai Royal blood? {J teardrops.} J: Oh yeah... that too... {L motions towards Angelbane and his family.} L: We also have gotten the help of the Angelbane of Jurai legend and his wife and daughter. {Angelbane, Cassandra, and Katiara bow kindly to Zed while Kiyone speaks next, directing attention back to Azaka and Kamidake.} Kiyone: Also, the two Knights of Jurai volunteered to fight with us as well. {Azaka and Kamidake both give a respective bow.} Azaka: For Jurai and her family, this evil will be dealt with. Kamidake: Most certainly and swiftly. {Zed nods agreeably but shows his focus to be elsewhere.} Zed: This is well and good, but what of the Light Hawk Sword? Which team found it? {Silence fills the room and covers the cast such that even the techicians on the ships stop working and listen in the silence for the answer. Zed looks around at all the faces which look away from him until he reaches Ryoko and Ayeka, flanking Tenchi. Tenchi looks from one to the other to get the same response from both, a shake of the head "no". Tools drop from the hands of the workers, and some gasps float around the room until Zed yells out to all of them.} Zed: Quiet! The Light Hawk Sword is not the entire plan! We still have the Jurai Cannon and the ships. {Zed motions towards Pii and Nerti.} Zed: Will Pii and Nerti Ro have already volunteered to retrofit both ships with Anti-NVO armament for the confrontation. With the new arrivals, we should be ready well before zero hour. {Nagi steps out from Sasami's grasp and points to Nerti with a fire blazing in her red eyes.} Nagi: And, you trust her, someone who was once the enemy? {Pii steps infront on Nerti in a protective posture while exchanging adversarial glances with Nagi.} Pii: Back off, Nagi! You don't know what you're even talking about! Nagi: I do not? She almost killed Ken-Ohki, and you say I have no idea what I am talking about?! {Cassandra speaks up now.} Cassandra: No, you don't, Nagi. {Nagi stops and looks over to Cassandra, who is showing her anger through her voice.} Cassandra: If I had left you with Jezibel, you would have been just like Nerti was! You have nothing to boast about or to condemn! It was not her fault! {Zed yells down to them.} Zed: Bounty hunter, calm down! She is in our custody, and we will use her skills as we need. She's an expert on the enemy and very valuable for our plan. {J speaks under his breath.} J: Manipulative as ever... {Zed glances with displeasure in J's direction when Yosho's voice is heard over all.} Yosho: This is not the time to place blame or to become divided over our differences. {Everyone turns to Yosho and listens to the true leader of Jurai.} Yosho: Many of us do not like or even hate each other, but this is not helping to stop the coming disaster. We should rework the battle plan to compensate for this turn of events. {Angelbane nods and sets forward.} Angelbane: I agree. I voiced a similar opinion while returning to Earth. I also have a good choice for the one to create our strategem. {Everyone turns to Angelbane and sees that his motions direct their gazes towards Ayeka. Ayeka looks up at all the eyes on her while Angelbane speaks.} Angelbane: Lady Ayeka of Jurai had already thought out much of the strategy dealing with the Light Hawk Sword. Between her, as well as all of us who have had war experience, this will not be the day that Earth falls. {The MiB agents all start to cheer and pick up their tools to return to their duties while some murmuring starts among the planetary teams. Ayeka clamps her hands together and closes her eyes while angling her head forward. She feels now a weight on her shoulders as well on her chest since she is the pivot of the fate of Earth, as well as Jurai if Earth falls. Tenchi and Ryoko both face Ayeka with amazement in their eyes until they see her shut eyes start to fill with tears. Tenchi starts to speak when Ryoko starts first.} Ryoko: Hey, don't worry, Ayeka. We've got it covered. {Ayeka opens her eyes and looks at Ryoko's confidence beaming back at her.} Ryoko: We're in this together, right? {Ryoko glances to Tenchi who then catches on to the idea and nods with a warm smile.} Tenchi: Yeah, you'll have Grandpa and the Knights, even Lord Angelbane with you in this. You also have all of us. {Ayeka's lips smooth into a soft smile back at Tenchi as the tears from her eyes roll down her cheeks.} Ayeka: Thank you... Lord Tenchi... {Ryoko puts her hand gently on Ayeka's shoulder, causing Ayeka to look over to her. They nod together while Sasami watches them from a distance and smile to herself. She looks through the bay at all those who have come to the aid of Earth and focuses on Pii and Nerti next. She sees Nagi who still watches Nerti suspiciously and then to Kamidake who watches Nagi with a concern of a knight to a lady. Sasami sets her eyes on Angelbane, who also looks back with a solemn nod.} Sasami: The time has come to start to reveal the prophesy fully... End Scene 3 End Act 4