I do not own the rights to this fan fic, the only character that I have created by myself is Anya, Tenchi's wife, all the other characters were created by someone else, I'm not positive, but I think the tv series was created by Pioneer. Anyway, I'm not making any money, so please do not sue me! *Also, as this is the 3rd part in a short 'series' if you have not read the 1st 2 parts you will be lost, and i'm not going to review on what happened! Now, on to the story! "Hmm, well, I can't say I won't miss you Sasami, but you're almost an adult and you can make your own decisions." Tenchi said to a smiling Sasami. Then he looked up at the sky and frowned. " Well, you almost can, but Aeka didn't believe a word I told her when I tried to explain about Trunks. All I understood was that she would be here in one day to talk to you personally." "Gee, she's always so busy. I wonder how she's going to find time to come so soon." Sasami murmured. Tenchi grinned at her. " Well you know Aeka. By the way, have you told Trunks about her?" Just as Sasami was shaking her head she heard Trunks's voice behind her. "What about your sister Sasami?" Before she could answer, Anya shouted, " Oh, look, isn't that her ship?" "What?!" Sasami looked up, " Oh, it is!" she turned to Trunks. " You never told me, do you have any brother or sisters?" she asked him curiously. " Huh?" Trunks was caught offguard. ' How can I explain' he thought. ' The only brother I've ever known was Gohan, I can't tell her about him right now.' the memories of Gohan, his master and only friendcaused Trunks to sober up a little. Even though he knew that in a different dimension Gohan was safe and well, he would never get over the loss of him in his own time. " Are you ok?" Sasami broke his thoughts. Before he could explain there was a loud noise and a huge ship landed in front of the house. *************************************************************** A door in the side opened and 20 or 30 guards ran out and lined up in front of the ship. Their uniforms all were a dark blue, with the Juraian royal symbol on the front of the shirts. One man stepped forward and announced, " Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Aeka of the Planet of Jurai." then he stepped into line. Sasami smile and tears of happiness filled her eyes. " Yep, that's her alright! Aeka could never resist a grand entrance!" she laughed and, beside her, Trunks's mouth dropped in disbelief. " Are you trying to tell me that your sister is the Empress of your planet!? But that means you're a-" " Princess Sasami!" a cloaked figure stepped out of the ship. " Aeka! Oh I've missed you!" Sasami ran up to Aeka and they hugged. " Have you enjoyed your stay at Earth Sasami?" Aeka asked her sister; Sasami nodded. A few feet behind her, Tenchi cleared his throat. " Huh?" Aeka looked at him, a smile slowly dawning on her face. Tenchi was grinning. " Welcome back Miss Aeka! It's sure been a long time since I've seen you!" he introduced her to his wife and Aeka took it surprisingly well. After introductions were made, Aeka looked from Trunks to Sasami. " Now then, I think you have some explaining to do Sasami." ***************************************************************** " So you see Aeka, it's not like I'm going to leave forever, but..." Sasami blushed and looked down at the floor. " But Trunks and I care for each other and if he goes I don't know when I'll get to see him again." Aeka sighed, " And if you go Sasami, how do we know when we'll get to see you again?" Sasami didn't answer her. " Well, as I'm the Empress it's my duty to act as your gaurdian. Sasami, you know I want you to be happy, but as a Princess you have duties as well. I will need time to think about this." " Please Miss Aeka, but we don't have time." Trunks explained about the Teerin Plague in his Dimension. Aeka nodded, " That's terrible, but I'm afraid I can't make a decision this important in just an hour. Why don't you go back in time and collect this Antoy plant and by the time you get back, I'll have made my decision?" Trunks blinked in surprise. " Of course, I didn't think of that, is that ok with you Sasami?" " Sure, just be careful, ok?" Sasami replied anxiously. She looked worried. ' She really cares about him.' Aeka thought to herself. 'That's too bad, but Sasami can't go with him, and she'll hate me if I refuse to let her. So if he can't find this dimension again, it won't be my fault, will it?' She smiled to herself. ************************************************************ In another dimension, a woman named Bulma Briefs sat in her house, listening to the news. ' Oh no, not another report of the Plague!' She glanced over to a picture of her son, Trunks. ' Please hurry son, people are dying faster than you can imagine.' So, how was it? Part 4 will come out soon. Please, PLEASE email me your opinions. I greatly appreciate how many people have emailed me about the last 2 parts, and most of the emails have been good, I hope it stays that way! :) So please email me any questions, comments, or ideas at Kprofse@aol.com