* This is the second part in a series, if you haven't read the 1 one you won't know what is going on. To those who have read the 1 one, please enjoy! I do not own these characters. They were created by someone else, the only character who is a complete figure of my imagination is Tenchi's wife, Anya. She is not copied from anyone, real or imagined. I am not making a profit from this, so please do not sue me!!!! A New Friend 'I wish Ryo-oki was still here.' Sasami was tired of having no one to talk to. Tenchi and Anya were always friendly of course, after all, she was his great aunt, ut she didn't want to bother them since they were married. She usually went over and visited Yosho, but he had the temple to attend to, Washuu was always shut up in her lab and Sasami was afraid to ask her is she could help in case Washuu used her for an experiment. No, what she needed was a true friend. Sasami dipped her hand in the water, just as she heard a loud thundering noise. " Thunder?" she wondered out loud. Just as she said that, a spot in the sky began to quiver, like ripples in a pond. She stood up and wondered if she should go and get someone. Before she could though, a noise like a vacuum cleaner started, and a ole-yes, a hole-in the sky formed. A strange looking machine with a funny looking boy in it came crashing through the hole. Sasami had no time to think, the machine was going to crash...on her! "Tsunami!" she screamed and crossed her arms over her face. The machine was causing a strong wind that was pushing her back, making it hard to stand. " Help me!" Tsunami appeared, and just as the machine was about to hit Sasami, it stopped and was thrown violently to the right and crashed as it hit a tree. Tsunami disappeared. Sasami stared at the machine, open mouthed. Then she ran over to it to see if the boy was alright. The glass had shattered and cut him on the forehead, the machine was dented and twisted at odd angles. The boy was lying on the ground a few feet away from his machine. Other than the gash on his forehead, he only had some bruises and one or two other smaller cuts. Then she saw his right shoulder. The jacket he had been wearing had ripped and his his shoulder was covered in blood. She also noticed his breathing wasn't very steady, he had probably hit his head in the crash. " Oh no!" Sasami knelt beside him and touched his face, hoping he was alive. After a few moments the boy groaned and opened his eyes. " Who are you?" he asked. Before she could say anything he looked around. " Where am I?" he struggled to sit up but ended up passing out. Now she ran back to the house to get someone. Anyone. ********************************************************************** " He's pretty banged up alright." "Will he be ok Miss Washuu?" " Hmm. He should be, if he doesn't go crashing anything else." Trunks opened his eyes. " Oh, you're awake are you? How're you feeling?" Washuu asked him. " Who are you?" he answered. The last thing he remembered was traveling through time when a sort of hole opened up and he had been sucked in. Then he had started to fall. He must have hit himself on the head or something because there had been a girl standing beside a pond, then there had been two girls, then one again. The girl that had disappeared had been beautiful, that was all he remembered, although the other one had looked very pretty too. Now he appeared to be in some sort of medical lab. There was a short woman with long pink hair in a doctors outfit. Beside her stood a man who looked like he was only a few years older than Trunks. " I'm Washuu, the greates genius in the universe!" Trunks stared at her, strangely reminded of his mother...but he was also very confused. " My name is Tenchi Masaki. I think that maybe you should rest a little-er..." " Trunks. My name is Trunks." and he fell asleep. The next time he woke up he was alone, but in the same place. His memory rushed up with him and he struggled to figure out what had happened. He got off the bed and tried to find a door. " Not trying to escape are you?" the woman named Washuu asked. "Aah!" Trunks bumped into a funny looking object that fell over. " Sorry, you startled me." he looked around. " Uh, is there a way out?" Washuu walked over to him. "Sure, follow me." She led him to a wall, pressed a spot on it and a section of the wall opened. He found himself in a cosy looking house, although it was like no house Trunks had ever seen. " Are you feeling better?" asked a pleasant looking young woman with long black hair and brown eyes. Trunks nodded. "I'm Anya, Tenchi's wife." Trunks nodded again, he still felt very very confused, these total strangers were acting so kind to him, yet they didn't even know him. Not to mention he had no idea where he was. " Well, if you need anything, please feel free to ask." The woman walked away. Trunks, not sure what he should do, walked into what looked like a kitchen and there, cutting up carrots and humming a song was the first girl he had seen. Her long blue hair reached her ankles, but it was in a braided ponytail. He remembered that the second girl had had blue hair also, but it had been a slightly darker shade, and it had been in two long pigtails. Like the rest of the people, she girl who was cutting carrots was wearing strange clothing. A dark green dress with short sleeves and an apron, however the dress had peculiar markings and designs on it. She turned and he noticed that she had pink eyes. " Oh, hello, are you hungry?" she laughed at the bewildered look on his face, and her laugh was like a song. " My name is Sasami. I know yours, Trunks, right?" Trunks nodded. " You can sit down if you like." Sasami told him. " Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" he asked. " Go ahead." she replied. " Where am I?" " On Earth, in Japan, in Tenchi Masaki's house." she answered him. "But this isn't Japan!" he exclaimed. " Not unless it's a different time. What's the year?" Sasami told him the date. " But that's only two years from my time! Japan couldn't have changed so much in such a short time!" "Where are you from?" Sasami asked. " Japan, same as you." Sasami giggled and shook her head. " I'm not from Japan. I'm from Jurai." " Oh, so we're in a place called Jurai?" " No...that's the planet where I live." Sasami explained about Jurai. " This is weird." Trunks said. " Jurai doesn't exist where I come from." Sasami looked shocked. Just then, Tenchi, Anya, and Washuu walked in. Trunks and Sasami explained their confusion. " I know!" Washuu replied. " It must be my dimension device!" " I thought that was broken!" Tenchi said. "It was, I was trying to fix it and when I turned it on it must have caught Trunks here, since he was traveling between time and dimensions." Trunks was again strongly reminded of his mother. " You mean I'm in a different dimension?" asked Trunks. Washuu nodded. " Oh no! I gotta get that Antoy plant or the people in my dimension are doomed!" Trunks explained about the Teerin Plague. " That does sound awful." Anya answered. " Yeah." Tenchi agreed. " Not to worry! I, Washuu the Genius can fix your time machine Trunks!" " Are you sure about this Washuu?" Tenchi asked wearily. " Of course I am, but it may take a few days. Sasami, why don't you get Trunks some different clothes?" then she whispered just to her, " And show him around, the kid looks really stressed out." Sasami nodded. *********************************************************************** So Sasami borrowed some of Tenchi's old clothes and let Trunks try them on. He looked funny in them, but they fitted pretty well. " Come on, I'll show you my favorite spot Trunks!" Sasami raced to the pond. Trunks smiled and flew above her and he got to the pond ( once he realized that that must be where she was heading) before she did. " How did you get here so quickly?" she asked. " I flew." " Really? How can you fly?" asked Sasami. " I can do more than fly." Trunks grinned and turned Super Saiyan. Sasami gasped. " Oh my! The only person I've ever known who could fly was Ryoko, but I've never met someone who could do that before!" The Trunks told her all about Saiyans, his father, mother, his travels in time, everything he could think of. Except about his friend and master, Gohan. He couldn't talk about him to someone who wouldn't understand the pain he'd gone through. 'My he's talkative.' thought Sasami, but she was fascinated about it all. " What about you Sasami? What's Jurai like?" Sasami told him how wonderful it was, all the great times she had had years before on Earth with all her friends, and how much she missed Jurai but how the palace grew dull after having spent such great times on Earth. " You lived in a Palace?" asked Trunks, who didn't quite believe her. This brought a wave of homesickness on Sasami and she grimaced as if it were a painful memory. Trunks thought perhaps she had been exiled, maybe she was a servant and had done something wrong. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." said Trunks. Before Sasami could explain, Anya had found them. " Come on you two! Dinner's ready! I tried your recipe for carrot stew Sasami, I hope it tastes ok." So they followed Anya back to the house. ****************************************************** "That was great Anya, but I think I'll go to bed if that's alright." Trunks stood up and walked to the room Sasami had shown him earlier. As he was laying on his bed, Trunks wondered if Sasami believed him when he told her about his past adventures. He hadn't meant to say so much, but there was something about her that made him want to tell her everything. Maybe it was her eyes. And everyone else was so...accepting. No one really questioned him, he already felt like a member of their group. Trunks fell asleep, exhausted by everything that had happened. ************************************************************** Sasami had just changed into her nightgown. 'I hope Washuu fixes his machine soon, that plague sounds awful.' Sasami thought to herself. But deep down she almost wished he could stay. He was nice, but more importantly he was her age, or close to it, and he was interested in what she said. Of course, she was interested in what he said too. Saiyans sounded interesting, she wondered if she would ever get to meet one... Sasami fell asleep almost as soon as she layed down. *************************************************************** " Well, you two slept in this morning." Anya exclaimed, smiling at Sasami and Trunks, who had just come downstairs. "Tenchi asked me to ask you if you would mind helping him in the carrot field." she told them. " Sure, no problem." Trunks said. " Ok." Sasami said at the same time. So, with Sasami leading the way, they went out to the carrot field to help Tenchi. 'This is a lot of fun.' thought Sasami, laughing at a comment Tenchi had made. She stole a quick look at Trunks. He was very handsome she noticed, but beneath his smile his eyes always had a constant worried look. ' I wish I could him.' she thought, ' He looks so serious, like he's never been able to really relax and enjoy the world' she had a terrible thought, what if his world wasn't very great? Could that be why he looked so unhappy? She shook her head, sighed, and went back to work. ********************************************************** Trunks was worried. Almost 5 days had passed and they hadn't heard anything from Washuu about his machine. Sasami had assured him that it was natural not to hear from Washuu for long periods of time, but he wasn't sure. He didn't even know if he could trust these strange people. Trunks shook himself. ' Of course you can trust the people! Why would they go to all this trouble to be nice if they don't want to help you? Besides,' he reasoned, ' the sooner the time machine is fixed, the soone I can leave them all alone.' The moment he thought the word, 'alone' Sasami's face came into his head. What had she said to him yesterday? ' I miss Jurai and my sister very much. She's so busy we can never talk. Sometimes I feel alone, everyone has someone they can talk to or go to but me. I don't like to invade on Tenchi's married life, he's so in love with his wife that I try to let them be with each other as much as possible. But there's no one to talk to, and I'm alone again, alone...' He remembered how sad she had looked during this talk. Then she had shyly smiled at him and told him what a great listener he was. He had so badly wanted to comfort her, to tell her about Gohan and how alone he had felt when he had died, but he couldn't. Trunks sighed, he wondered if the others wanted him to leave as soon as possible. Did Sasami want him to leave? He thought how great it would be to show her his home, to introduce her to his mother. His mother! 'She must be worried sick about me! I can't waste time on anything but getting home soon! How many people were dying even as he talked and smiled with Sasami? The thought sobered him. ******************************************************* Anya and Sasami were cleaning up after dinner. "Is something wrong Sasami?" Anya asked. Sasami stared straight ahead. " Sasami?!" Sasami started and looked at Anya, embarrassed. " Oh, I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Anya smiled. " Nothing." she knew what was wrong with Sasami. ********************************************************************* Three days passed and finally Washhu announced that in about one more day the time machine would be fixed. They were all eating dinner when she told them and Washuu looked very pleased with herself. ' I have got to get her to meet my mother someday.' Trunks thought to himself. " That's great Miss Washuu! Now Trunks can go and help all those poor people in his dimension." Tenchi exclaimed. Everyone smiled, except Trunks and Sasami. Later, while Sasami was washing the dishes Trunks came in to help her. " You've all been so kind, helping me and all." Trunks said hesitantly. Sasami paused and said in an almost choked up way, " What are you talking about? You wouldn't have been here if it weren't for Washuu. You must hate us." Trunks was a little shocked at her words. " I could never hate you! My time here hasn't been unpleasant! And if I hadn't of crashed, I would never have-" he stopped, and Sasami stared at him. He took a breath and finished, " I would never have met you." After this Sasami burst into tears. " I'm never going to see you agian, am I? I'll be all alone again! I'll go back to Jurai and Aeka will always be forcing me to consider marriage proposals and you'll be gone!" Trunks was quiet through her outburst. Sasami threw herself against him and cried. " Come with me then." she looked up at him, confused. " What?" That's it for now folks! Please, Please, PLEASE tell me what you think by emailing me at Kprofsea@aol.com I hope you liked it, the next one will be coming soon. Sorry if this one dragged a bit. I hope the next one will be a little more interesting. Don' t forget to tell me what you think!