* This takes place 4 years after the Tenchi series, ( no particular one, after Tenchi in Though) I'm not sure the exact equivalent age to human years Sasami is during the tv series, since she's about 800 Juraian years. I'm assuming that she was about the age of 12, so in this story she is 16. As for DBZ, only 2 years have passed in the future-Trunks dimension. ( I mean the alternate future thing where everyone's dead). Now, please enjoy the story! I do not own these characters, they are not my characters. I have invented Tenchi's wife. I don't know if there are characters similar to her somewhere else, but I swear that she came from my imagination, I didn't copy her. Also, I am not making a profit off this, so please don't sue me! ( Like I have any money) Across Dimensions Sasami, second Princess of the Planet of Jurai sat by the pond that had Yosho's tree planted across from it. She remembered when Aeka, her sister and first Princess of Jurai, had told her that Tenchi's grandfather was their half brother Yosho. Speaking of Tenchi...Sasami sighed and stood up. It was almost dinnertime. As she walked along the path to Tenchi's house, Sasami wondered what her sister was doing. When she and Aeka had first come to Earth to find their brother Yosho, Aeka had been determined to stay. Sasami hadn't minded, she liked Tenchi, Ryoko, MIhoshi, Kiyone, and Ryo-oki. She remembered how Ryoko and Aeka had used to fight over Tenchi. They never would know who would have won him. The year after Tenchi had come back from Tokyo, both Aeka and Sasami had been called back to Jurai. Their father had been killed. So Aeka had crowned Empress of Jurai, with Sasami as her heir until Aeka married and had a child. Since the palace was boring for a 13 year old, Aeka had allowed Sasami to return to Earth after a year on Jurai. She had been shocked to find the changes. Kiyone had finally gotten a new partner and had been promoted. Mihoshi had also been put with with a different partner. Both were somewhere in space. The Galaxy Police had located Ryoko and, to protect Tenchi and the others, she had fled Earth with Ryo-oki. Only Washuu remained, but she still spent most of her time in the lab. Then, most shocking of all, Tenchi had married a girl he had met when he had gone back to his school in Tokyo. She was an American whose father had been born in Japan. She was very nice and intelligent, as well as beautiful, her name was Anya, after her mother. So Sasami stayed with them and was teaching her how to cook. Sasami sighed as she looked up into the sky. Her looks had changed too. Now she more resembled Tsunami, but she still retained some of her younger looks. She was taller, her hair longer, and her face not quite so round. She wore her hair in many different styles, but usually in one long braided ponytail, it was a style Tenchi's wife had showed her and Tenchi told her it looked cute. Just as she was about to go in the house, Anya came out and said, " You know Sasami, you work too hard. Why don't you take a day off and I'll make something easy for dinner, ok?" " Sure Anya, but if you need anything, please feel free to ask me." Sasami answered. She turned around and walked back to the pond. ***************************************************** Washuu was in her lab, as usual. " Ah ha! I am a genius!" she declared. Her two little dolls agreed with her. " Just a few more adjustments her and there and it'll be complete!" She went back to work. ******************************************************** Across time, and a few different dimensions, a young man named Trunks was talking to his mother. " I was at the store when I heard some people talking about a friend of theirs who was sick." Bulma Briefs, his mother, was reading a magazine across the table. " That's too bad. Do we know this person?" she asked her son. He shook his head. " No, I don't think so, but they were talking about something called the Teerin Plague." Bulma froze, slowly she lowered her magazine to look at her son. "Are you absolutely sure that's what they said Trunks? You didn't misunderstand?" Trunks looked confused, " No, I'm sure that's what they said. Why? What is it?" His mother hesitated. " It is-it was a very deadly sickness that caused a high fever and the sickness spreads through the body, causing intense pain and paralysis. After a few days it would spread to the heart and the victim would die." Trunks stared at her, open mouthed. " No way! Is there some kind of cure?" Bulma shook her head. " The only known cure was an herbal remedy, but it required a lot of a plant called Antoy-and that plant has been extinct for quite some time. Without it, the cure can only slow the sickness. However, the other plants, if correctly mixed, can become an antidote to keep people from catching it. Unfortuenetly, no one knows how to make it anymore. There haven't been any cases of Teerin Plague for a long time, I doubt anyone could have it here." Trunks nodded. " Yeah, they must be mistaken." " Most likely. Would you like some tea Trunks?" " Sure Mom." he took out his sword and started to clean it up. Bulma went to the pantry and started making some tea. She hesitated though. It couldn't be...Trunks must have been mistaken. Still...She bit her lip. It was possible that the Teerin Plague had started again. So she leaned into the cupboard and pulled out a small pouch with brown powder in it. There was enough antidote to keep someone from becoming sick with Teerin their entire life. She poured it into Trunks's cup and stirred it in. Her father's mother had known how to make the antidote and had made it for her when Bulma was very young. In fact, she didn't know if it still worked or not, but it was worth a try. Trunks drank the tea quickly and told his mother he was off to help some people who were trying to rebuild their house after the androids had destroyed it. The next night they were watching tv when the news stopped the show they were watching for a 'special news bulletin'. The newsman said that 5 cases of the thought-to-be extint disease called Teerin Plague had been reported. It went on to say what the sickness was and what you should do if someone was sick. Then the newsman said, " As this disease spreads quickly, it would be best to stay inside your homes until the sickness has been eliminated." " Oh my gosh!" Bulma exclaimed. " Thank goodness I gave you that antidote yesterday Trunks!" Trunks turned to her. " What?! I thought no one knew how to make that antidote Mom! What are you talking about?" Bulma explained and Trunks was angry that she didn't take any herself but she told him that there wasn't enough for her too. " I have to use the time capsule to go and get some of that Antoy plant then." Bulma nodded. " Yes, but it'll take about a day for me to get it powered up enough for you to go back so far in time." Trunks sighed, then nodded. " Alright, I'll go get myself ready then." It took all the next day and the next morning for the time capsule to get enough energy, but the day after that it was ready. " Now be careful Trunks! And hurry, people are already starting to die! Oh yes, and you'll only need to get a few plants since the scientists can probably grow more once they have a few real ones." "I'll remember Mom." They hugged and Trunks got into the casule, pressed a few buttons, and disappeared. Well, that's it for now. Part 2 will be coming reals soon. Please, Please, PLEASE! tell me what you think? does it suck or is it pretty good? i beg of you, tell me what you think by going to: Kprofsea@aol.com Thank you! -Firena Merrie