Once again, xover of OMG, Tenchi, and FY PM Productions Presents A Phillip Masters Fanfic Interesting Times Part One: Being careful with what you wished for. The Yggdrasil whirred and clicked. It tended to do this a lot, being the Ultimate Computer in the Universe. Things were always going in and out, information, souls, new programming, the list went on and on. Its Operating System alone took up more space than all known mortal computer files. In fact, it took up not only a large bulk of space in the mortal plane, but also in multiple other dimensions. In one of the alternate dimensions the Yggdrasil occupied, another system was completing its program. It was a much older data system, one written over a thousand years before the Yggdrasil itself. It was very arcane in structure, branching throughout the null space in jagged lines. It intertwined with the newer computer's connections, however the Yggdrasil had the highest and most powerful security in the multi-verse. Nothing could break through its barriers. Unfortunately, nothing is infallible, and over the millennia the foreign program adapted and found a back door. With the stroke of a pen the wall was breached, and the Universe of the Four Gods poured into mankind's reality. In almost the same space, another being watched from the proverbial shadows. She blinked as the two existences slowly blended together, and briefly entertained the probable effects of the mixing. She concluded that it may be interesting, and Tsunami concentrated her essense on the dimension in question. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ Tenchi laughed and put his hand behind his head. "Not going to happen, huh?" His hand froze and the amused look fell from his face as Belldandy began to emmit her own light. She hovered above the floor and bent her head back to stare at the ceiling. An intense gale picked up in the room and Tenchi threw his arm over his face for protection. Ryo-ohki hissed as she was annoyed by the wind. The goddess shut her eyes and a beam of pure blue shot from a diamond-like symbol upon her forehead. It penetrated the roof of the house without actually causing physical damage and continued unhindered into the clouds. Tenchi turned his head as Belldandy's body exploded with brilliant white light. As he shielded his eyes he noticed another glow coming from outside his window. The horizon had turned into a reddish pink canvas, dotted with dark patches of clouds, so recently white and fluffy. However, the sunset was not on Tenchi's mind. He was focusing on Funaho. His grandfather's life tree was sending a signal into the air. A multicolored facsimile of Belldandy's own communication. Then, the light disappeared. Belldandy smiled, and announced, "I'm pleased to inform you that your wish has been granted." She blinked, not used to having someone ignore her, especially after granting a wish. She followed Tenchi gaze out the window. Her brow furrowed slightly as she noticed what the young man was staring at. She quickly requested any information on the phenomenon. Something about Jurai and Space Trees was returned to her, but nothing conclusive. Perhaps the boy knew more. "Tenchi, do you know what that is?" Tenchi startled and looked over at Belldandy. "Wha...?" he said quietly as he returned his attention to Funaho. The tree's beam had finally dissipated. She walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do you know what that tree was doing?" "Funaho." he replied without looking at her. "Excuse me?" He sighed and turned completely toward the confused goddess. "That's Funaho, my grandfather's spaceship tree. It was sending a message back to Jurai, where he's from." A fast access later gave her more information. "Your grandfather? Itsuma Jordan?" Tenchi shook his head, smiling. "No, the person I call my grandfather now, actually Masaki Yousho." "Ah! Your first ancestor on Earth. I see now." Her cross-reference had brought the remaining information she needed to complete the story. He nodded, "Yes, he crashlanded here seven hundred years ago, after chasing Ryouko across the galaxy." Belldandy returned the nod, understanding. "Why does the signal from the tree disturb you?" Tenchi shrugged, "I'm not sure... but I'd like to know what it sent home." The two stood together, staring out the window at the now docile tree. A breeze shook its leaves softly, reflecting the late afternoon light across the lake. _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ "Miaka!" Tamahome shook his wife slightly, trying to rouse her. "Miaka, wake up!" He shot a look to Mitsukake. The largest shiseishi walked over to the couple and put his hand to her forehead. The symbol of Suzaku still glowed softly there. He closed his eyes and concentrated for a moment, then opened them again and looked at Tamahome once more. "She is in a deep trance, seemingly brought on by herself. There is nothing I can do at this time to help her." Tamahome blinked, thinking as hard as he could. He turned, "Chichiri!" The monk shook his head. "I'm afraid it is beyond my capabilites, no da." He lowered his head, his mask sitting in his lap. The large group of seven shiseishi and their Miko sat in an empty plain somewhere inside Konan-koku. They were not far from Tamahome's house for that matter, but for obvious reasons he did not feel like going there at that moment. The cool, clean air blew across them all, light and unconfining compared to the dense Tokyo atmosphere. "So, where do we go from here?" Nuriko asked, breaking the brief silence. "Perhaps back to the Palace? At least there we will have the best medical attention." Hotohori responded. "I don't think that would be a good idea," Chiriko began, "your people are already in shambles from the war. They think you are dead... maybe you should return to them alone." The child looked up at the towering giant beside him. "Besides, with Mitsukake here, everything should be fine." Of course, hearing of the injured, the Doctor immediately spoke up, "I can go too..." He was cut of by Chichiri, "You are staying right where I can see you, no da! I don't want you going off and doing something like you did last time, no da!" Tasuki, finally getting fed up with inaction, jumped into the fray with his usual skill an finesse, "Well, we have to do something, dammit!" "I'll return to the Palace... you go to a town and watch over Miyaka." Hotohori said, rising from the ground and beginning to walk away. "I shall return as soon as I can." "Wait!" Nuriko yelled, "I'm going too." The Emperor stopped and looked back at the shiseishi in drag and lifted an eyebrow. "I thought you quit that." A small puff of steam came from Nuriko's head, "Not for that, you pervert! Just to make sure you make it back safely!" Hotohori nodded, "Of course, come along." The two left the area after a few more sorted goodbyes and promises of hasty return. The remaining of the group sat for a moment, locked in indecision. Finally, Tamahome spoke up, "Well, it's either my home, or we find somewhere farther." He looked down at the prone Miko. "I think I would prefer getting her somewhere to lie down as soon as possible." So, without another work, they all rose and headed for Tamahome's village. END PART ONE Send comments, please! The name of Tenchi's grandfather was made up and is supposed to be Japanese-American, just take it with a grain of salt if you don't like it. Thanks for reading! PMasters "I'm only holding back the rain. So many raindrops, so many pains. I want to find my train someday. As seasons go past the station." - Tokyo Babylon OVA 1 / E-mail at: PhilMasters@webtv.net / Web page pending use of a computer! "...has anyone ever used something alive for a coat of arms?" - The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With The Sea (Mishima Yukio, 1965) / "You see, what you call a cat, we use as armor." - Londs (El-Hazard, 1994)