Disclaimer:I don't own,profit from,or have any links to Pioneer,Nicklodeon,or any of their creations. Key:< > =Someone thinking : =Someone talking ( ) =How someone says something * =Relocating story " " =Sarcastically Tenchi's Invaded-Chapter 2-"Watch Out,Sasami!" ZIM is back,and he wants revenge... Sasami:Dinner is ready!Wow,that was fast! Washu:Hey,everybody! Everyone:Hello,Little Washu! Tenchi:Did you find some time for dinner,Washu? Washu:Yep,with G.I.R. as my new assistant,I'll have more time to spend with you guys! Ryoko:Great... Washu:Hey,that wasn't very nice!And for saying that,I'm going to spend a little more time with you than the others!For a week! Ryoko:"Gee,that would be just wonderful,mom!We'll spend an entire week together!Talking together,walking together,eating together,shopping together,thinking together,working together,fighting together..." Washu:ALRIGHT!I GET YOUR POINT! Ryoko:I'm glad we reached a settlement. BOOM! Ryoko:Okay,maybe not. Washu:What happened?My lab!It came from my lab! Kiyone:Hey,where's Mihoshi? Everyone:Uh-oh... ************************************** In Washu's lab... ************************************** Washu:Mihoshi,where are you? Kiyone:Mihoshi! Sasami:Wasn't G.I.R. down here,guarding the lab from intruders? Washu:That's right!G.I.R.! G.I.R.,in his doggie outfit,fell from somewhere in the ceiling on his head,fell on his back after that,jumped up,and then saluted. G.I.R.:Yes,my master? Washu:Have you seen Mihoshi down here at all? G.I.R.:No. Washu:Well,what was that explosion I heard? G.I.R.:I don't know. Washu:Well,make sure it doesn't happen again.Understood? Then,for no reason at all,he opened his mouth,revealing old food,gum,a bug,a magazine,several pieces of candy,an intersteller communicater,and Noboyuki's car keys. Washu:I'll take that as a yes. G.I.R.:I got chocolate bubble gum! Washu:I can see that.Hey wait,open your mouth again. G.I.R. opened his mouth.Washu,with her nose held,peeked into his mouth.After a moment,Washu looked G.I.R. in the eyes. Washu:What were you doing with an intersteller communicater? G.I.R.:Nothingg... Washu:Nothing...or something? G.I.R.:Okay!I give up!You're too smart for me!I was talking with my home planet! Washu:Really? G.I.R.:Okay,so I was contacting my first master! Tenchi:You mean ZIM? G.I.R.:Yeah,that was a pretty cool movie. Tenchi:That's not what I asked. G.I.R.:I know you are,but what am I? Tenchi:What? G.I.R.:Huh? Tenchi:Who? G.I.R.:Tree! Tenchi:Whatever. G.I.R.:Alrighty. Ryoko:Slow down! G.I.R.:I like tacos! Sasami:SHUT UP! Silence. Sasami:So,G.I.R.? G.I.R.:Yeess? Sasami:What caused that explosion? Washu:Never mind,I found the problem. Kiyone:What was it? Washu:G.I.R. must have been playing with the amplifier again,and it overloaded.G.I.R.,were you playing with the amplifier again? G.I.R.:(As if just remembering)Oh,yeaahh... Tenchi:Alright,show's over.Let's go back upstairs and finish dinner. Ryoko:I couldn't agree more! Once everyone left,G.I.R. turned around and waved. G.I.R.:All clear. Mihoshi fell out of the shadows,with tape keeping her mouth shut and metal rope tieing her arms together.Behind her with a gun was... Invader ZIM. ************************************ The next morning... ************************************ Tenchi woke up,got dressed,went downstairs,and found everyone else on the couch.The only ones not there were Sasami,Ryo-oki,Noboyuki,and Katsohito,a.k.a.,Yosho.Tenchi wnet over and sat over by Ryoko.Ever since the ZIM incident two weeks ago,he had grown a little closer to Ryoko.Sasami came in and sat next to Ayeka.Instantly,she yelped and jumped out of her seat.There was a tack sticking in the couch. Ayeka:What is it,Sasami? Sasami:There's tack right there,and I accidently sat on it. Kiyone:You okay? Sasami:Yeah,I'm okay.It wasn't very sharp. Tenchi:So,where were you the other night,Mihoshi? Mihoshi:I was really tired,so I went to bed. Kiyone:Yeah,when I went to bed,I found her in her sleeping bag. >From the top of the stairs came laughter.Everyone there turned around and gasped-minus G.I.R.- at what was there. It was ZIM. Tenchi:ZIM?! Ryoko:Oh,boy... Washu:Not you again! Sasami:Uh-oh! G.I.R.:Hi,boss!! ZIM:Hello,and greetings,impetuent fools!You all thought you had seen the last of Invader ZIM?Well,you were wrong!I'm back,with a vengence you all will regret. Sasami:Back for another beating? ZIM:Don't be proposterous!I have come back,and this time,it will be YOU who will get a beating!Gaze into the face of your superior! Ryo-oki:Meeowww! Ryo-oki tried transforming into Mecha Ryo-oki,but she was shocked by a forcefield generated by ZIM's backpack,which sent her flying back and landed in Sasami's arms. Sasami:Ryo-oki! ZIM:HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!HAHA!That won't work this time.You'll have to beat me with your bare fists this time around! Ryoko:We'll see! G.I.R.:HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Ryoko:What are you going to do about it? G.I.R.:FIRE! >From the top of G.I.R.'s head came a blue net,which covered Ryoko completly.The ends shot hooks into the ground,anchoring Ryoko down. Ryoko:Like that will work! Washu:Wait! But it was too late.Ryoko generated her laser sword and tried cutting through the net.But nothing worked.G.I.R. giggled a little,then stopped. Washu:That's one of my inventions!It restrains all special abilities of whoever is trapped underneath! Ryoko:Where did he get it? G.I.R.:From the lab. ZIM walked down the stairs,as if he had just won the Nobel prize.When he reached Ryoko,he glared at her,then spit on her face. Sasami:What do you want now? ZIM:I am here to give you a messege;I'm back,and YOU,Sasami,are in more horrible trouble than last time!I am here to exact revenge on your disgusting head!This won't be the last time you see me!I'll be around...G.I.R.! G.I.R.:Yes,sir! ZIM:Relesae Ryoko. G.I.R. walked up calmly and tore the net right off Ryoko.Ryoko punched G.I.R.'s mechanical head.It sent his head spinning in circles,and when it stopped,he went DING! G.I.R.:DO THAT AGAIN!! ZIM:G.I.R.!Let's go.I'll see you soon,Sasami...WAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!WAHAHA! ZIM and G.I.R. jumped out the window.Well,at least ZIM did;G.I.R. hit his head on the rim of the window.He got up and jumped out. Kiyone:Now that was kind of disturbing... *********************************** The next day... *********************************** Tenchi got up,yawned,got dressed,and went downstairs.Usually he came down just in time for breakfast,but ten minutes later,breakfast wasn't ready.Tenchi started to wonder if there was something wrong with Sasami.He took a peek into the kitchen and found the problem;Sasami wasn't there!He went upstairs to see if she was still in bed.She was up,but didn't want to leave her room,it seemed. Tenchi:Sasami?Are you sick today? Sasami:Oh,hi Tenchi!I don't know what's wrong with me.I think something is wrong with Ryo-oki. Tenchi:How so? Sasami:When I got up,Ryo-oki came up to greet me.And when I petted her,she sniffed me and then started chewing on my fingernails! Tenchi:That is kind of weird.Let's go ask Washu. So the two of them walked downstairs and into Washu's lab.They found her working on some crazy invention.She didn't seem to know that they were here.But before either of them could get her attention,she simply said: Washu:Hello,and what do you want? Tenchi:Hi,little Washu.Sasami told me that she thinks something may be wrong with Ryo-oki. Washu lifted the welding helmet over her face. Washu:How so? Sasami told her what she told Tenchi.When she finished,Washu was instantly intriged;this had never happened before. Washu:Let me take a DNA sample from you,Sasami.Maybe the answer is in there. After about five minutes,Washu found the problem. Washu:I found the problem! Sasami:What's wrong with Ryo-oki,little Washu? Washu:Nothing is wrong with her.Something is wrong with YOU. Sasami:Huh?Well,what is it?What's wrong? Washu:Somehow an alternate DNA strand was introduced into your body,and the fusing of the two of them caused them to repel against each other.But the alternate DNA seemes to have an advantage,and as a result,you are slowly changing into the form the alternate DNA had origanated from. Tenchi and Sasami:Huh? Washu:You're turning into a carrot. Sasami:What?! Tenchi:How? Washu:I just told you.Somehow,carrot DNA has been introduced into your body,and as a result,you're slowly turning into one.That was why Ryo-oki was biting your fingernails,because you smelled like carrots to her. Sasami:Can you make it stop,Washu? Washu:No. Sasami:Why not? Washu:The DNA strands have already fused too closely.Should I even try it could very well kill you in the process. Tenchi:How long does she have? Washu:Before she turns completly?About two days,I'd say. Sasami:Washu,pleases,is there anything you can do? Washu:... Tenchi:Washu? Washu:Well,there is something odd I noticed.At some points,the carrot DNA is weakened by your Jurian cells.I can make some pills that you could take that would,momentarily of course,strengthen them.Then we wait for your Jurain cells to attack the carrot DNA.At that moment,I could try to dismember the DNA.I would have to keep you in the lab while you're taking those pills,Sasami.But it would certainly increase your chances of staying as a human. Tenchi:By how much would this increases her chances? Washu:Greatly;from 5% to 75%.But there is still that 25%.So it still might not work. Tenchi:What do you want to fo,Sasami? Silence. Sasami:....Alright,I'll do it! Washu:It's setled then.I'll get to work on those pills.I'll let you know when they are ready.And I'll make sure Ryo-oki stays away from you. Sasami:Thank you,Washu! Tenchi:Thank you. Washu:No problem! ********************************************** 2 days later... ********************************************** It was dinnertime.Everyone except Washu and Sasami,of course.After about five minutes of dinner,Washu came bursting out of her lab. Washu:Somethings wrong!The DNA isn't weakening! Ryoko:What? Ayeka:What in the world are you talking about,miss Washu? Tenchi:I thought you said it would weaken! Washu:It seams to have strengthened over the past few days. ZIM:HAHAHAHA! Everyone looked in the kitchen doorway,where ZIM stood proudly.Next to him was G.I.R.,wearing a black belt on his head.His eyes were a deep red. Washu:ZIM?!What did you do to Sasami? ZIM:An interesting story.It begins 3 days ago... ********************************************* Flash back to 3 days ago. ********************************************* Sasami came in and sat next to Ayeka.Instantly,she yelped and jumped out of her seat.There was a tack in her seat. ********************************************* Flash back ends. ********************************************* ZIM:When that disgusting being sat on that tack,it sealed her doom! Washu:So that's how the DNA was introduced into her! Ayeka:What is going on?And what has happened to Sasami? Washu:Remember when Sasami sat on that tack three days ago? Ayeka:Yes,but what does that have to do with anything? Washu:ZIM planted it there and when she sat on it,it injected carrot DNA into her.Now,for the past three days,she has been turning into a carrot! Ayeka:How dare you!Planet Jurai will not stand for this!And neither will I! Ayeka stood up and called up her logs,which threw Jurian energy at ZIM.It simply bounced right off. ZIM:Fool!Watch as I laugh at your pitiful attempt to strike me down with your weak powers!Here I go. HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ayeka:Azaka!Komidake!Attack! Azaka and Komidake:Yes,princess! They went flying,attempting to tackle ZIM.G.I.R. jumped at Komidake and,yelling like an idiot,kicked him.Then he landed on top of the Jurain guard and started punching like crazy.ZIM got hit by Azaka,however.When ZIM got up,he was hit right back down by Azaka,stomping him into the ground.Right before the 3rd stomp,ZIM's backpack opened up and the mechanical legs grabbed Azaka and slammed him into the ground twice.Then,at the same time,ZIM and G.I.R. threw their opponents into each other.Once in a pile,ZIM' backpack legs stretched out and folded around the front of ZIM.The legs didn't meet,but in the middle they formed a circle.From the middle came an energy blast.He fired it at the two Jurian logs.It turned them black.They moaned in pain. Ryoko:G.I.R. has gotten a lot stronger since last time we fought. G.I.R.:I watched a karate movie! ZIM:Yes,we took three days studing Earth martial arts for G.I.R. I,however,already know an IRKen martial arts. Kiyone:What's it called? ZIM:Ummm....that's not important!What's is impo...OW! ZIM felt a small but sharp prick in his left arm.He looked and everyone gasped at what was there. It was a small tack. Behind him was Sasami. Sasami:Now you'll have to come up with a cure! Ryoko:And if you don't,you'll suffer the same fate as Sasami! ZIM:FOOLS!You think I'll share the cure with you!?I'll find the cure,and when I am cured,I will watch you slowly turn into the one thing you really are ,deep down inside of you! Sasami:Deep down,I'm a carrot? ZIM:Yes. Sasami:That's just dumb. ZIM felt something cold on his wrists.He raised up his hands and found a pair of Galaxy Police handcuffs on his wrists.Mihoshi had slapped on the cuffs,while Kyone held a gun to his head. Kiyone:You're not going anywhere. ZIM's backpack legs tried running away,but Ryoko instantly cut them off with her sword. ZIM:G.I.R.!Help me! G.I.R. couldn't.Not because someone had him under control.It was because... G.I.R.:I LOVE JAPANESE FOOD! He was eating. Yosho hit him on the back of the head with his wooden sword,which,after the second try,knocked him out cold. Washu:So,what's it going to be,ZIM? Silence. ZIM:(Sighs)Show me to the lab. ******************************************* 1 day later... ******************************************* ZIM:I HAVE IT! Sasami:You found the cure? ZIM:Yes!Here!Take it and leave me alone. It was hard for Sasami to hold it,since she was mostly carrot.She seemed entirly normal;except for the fact she was smaller than Ryo-oki and was orange with green hair.ZIM put it into a dropper and squeezed it gently until the whole thing was empty.Five minutes later,Sasami was back to normal. Sasami:Yeah!Thank you,ZIM! ZIM:Leave me alone! ZIM heads back towards the lab. Washu:What are you doing?You found the cure already. ZIM:That was her cure.What might be a cure for her could be a poison to me.We are different species.Our bodies work differently. Sasami:You mean you found my cure first?But why? ZIM:I don't know!LEAVE ME ALONE! He ran into Washu's lab and slammed the door. ********************************************** 1 day later... ********************************************** Sasami:Like this? ZIM:Yeah,that's good.Now squeeze the dropper so gently,as if your deepest loved one's life depened on it. Sasami did as she was told.Fortunatly for him,ZIM found the cure.Unfortunatly,right when he did,he turned into a carrot.All except for his mouth and voice box.Five minutes later,ZIM was back to his normal self,with G.I.R. at his side,and was outside.His backpack's legs were carrying him,since his legs were still felling a little weird.He had a smile on his face.G.I.R. was in his doggy outfit.He looked up and saw the grin on ZIM's face. G.I.R.:What's so funny? Sasami:AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! ZIM:That... THE END? *************************************************************************************************************** Author's notes:If you want to know what happened to Sasami,tune in next time for Tench's Invaded!-Chapter 3-"I Declare War!" Ayeka is wanting to avenge what has happened to Sasami.And so does Planet Jurai...