Disclaimer:I don't own or profit from Pioneer,Nicklodeon,or any of it's creations. Author's note:This fan-fiction includes harsh and insulting language and violence.So don't repeat any of the words you read in this story without showing and asking your parents. Unless your over 18;then feel free.Now,on with the story! Tenchi's Invaded!-Chapter 1-:Invasion!" Planet IRK The big-screen moniter was activated to show the results of the trial that would decide the fate of planet Earth:Invasion or Pass.The big-screen moniter also will tell which Invader will invade Earth, should Invasion be chosen.Many people were hoping for Invasion, and that Invader SCGOODE would be assinged to Earth.Everyone was on the edge of they're seats(provided the fact that they weren't sitting down.)The screen read one single ,solo, uno word that made eveyone cheer: INVASION. Then, from on top of the screen, came someone who made everyone stop cheering. Invader ZIM. Invader ZIM's biggest accomplishment was he single-handed wrecked the entire planet of IRK!Now, he spoke. Invader ZIM:PROUD CITIZENS OF PLANET IRK!I HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO INVADE PLANET EARTH!I WILL COME BACK TO YOU WITH PLANET EARTH IN THE PALM OF MY HANDS! ??????? ???????:ZIM!It's time to go. ZIM turned around to find the Almighty Tallest.ZIM instantly got on his knees and bowed.The Almighty Tallest were the rulers of IRK.Usually, theyr'es only one,but in the event that there are two equally tall IRKens,then there are indeed two;and there is two,named Red and Purple.As ZIM bowed,they knocked ZIM into his ship, and activated it,assigning it to Earth.As the ship blasted toward to Earth. the crowd began to cheer again. Meanwhile,at the Masaki home... Ayeka:Get your filthy hands off Lord Tenchi this instant! Ryoko:Well, at least I have the courage to touch him! Ayeka:What was that supposed to mean?! Washu:Um, excuse me,could you.. Ryoko:That I'm braver than you, Ayeka! Washu:Could you two please keep.. Ayeka:How dare you say a thing!I am royal! Ryoko:Yeah,a royal pain in my a... Washu:COULD YOU TWO BABIES KEEP IT DOWN?!I'M DETECTING AN UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT ENTERING EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE!!! The moment the words came out of her mouth,EVEYONE was quite;when Washu says quiet,you get quiet quick!Washu has her ways of revenge,and none of them are any fun! Kiyone:What's entering the atmosphere,Little Washu? Washu(happy face):It's some sort of U.F.O. at high speed. Kiyone:Define "high speed". Washu:Fast-enough-to-make-a-crater-bigger-than-Ryoko-and-Ayeka-can-make-combined- kind-of-fast-speed. Tenchi:That's bad,right? Washu:Only if it was heading towards us. Everyone:Whew!What a relief! Washu:Why?It's heading right at us. Everyone:OH NO... Then, just as eveyone got down,the U.F.O. hit.BBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOO MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mihoshi:That wasn't so bad! KKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAA AAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mihoshi:THAT,on the other hand... Ryoko:Come on,Tenchi,let's go check it out! Ayeka:Oh no,you don't!Lord Tenchi is staying right here! Tenchi:Someone might be hurt,Ayeka. Ayeka:True...well then I'm coming with you! Noboyki:Let's all go. So,everyone proceded to find the ruins of the U.F.O.Thanks to Washu's tracking equipment it wasn't very long until it was found. Washu:That's a big crater. Ryoko(sarcastically):Very observant,Washu. Washu:That's Mom to you,Ryoko. Sasami's curiosity got the best of her,as she began to crawl into the crater.She gasped. Sasami:Hey eveyone,come here quick!You got to see this! Everyone approaches Sasami to see what she found. It was a spaceship,small and round,with jets on the side.But it was so small,Sasami would barely fit. Ryoko:It's kind of small... Washu(sarcastically):Very observant,Ryoko. Mihoshi:So...what is it? Everyone fell over. Kiyone:It's a spaceship,Mihoshi! Mihoshi:Really?But it's so small... Everyone(sarcastically):Very observant,Mihoshi! Then eveyone began laughing.And just as they stopped,a hand shot out and grabbed Sasami's arm.They all gasped and rushed to help her as the hand began to pull her in. Finally,the hand let go,and they all fell on they're rear ends.Kiyone and Mihoshi pulled out they're blasters and pointed them at the open door. Kiyone:You're under arrest,whoever you are! Mihoshi:So step away from you're busted-a**-vehicle,and put you're hands on you're head! Everybody:HUH? Mihoshi(smiles):I've always wanted to say that! As soon as Mihoshi and Kiyone lost they're guard,WHOOSH!A blur leaped out of the ship.The figure landed in front of them,and spoke. ???:Hello.I'm here to enslave this miserable planet.Get out of my way or face my rath! Tenchi:Who are you? ???:I'M THE ONE ASKING THE QUESTIONS AROUND HERE,YOU FILTHY EARTH SIMIAN!SO SHUT YOUR JAW OPENING OR ELSE!But you do have a right to know who will make you're pointless lifes even more worthless,I'll tell you. I am ZIM,from the Planet IRK.I have been sent to take this primitive planet to take it over.And there's nothing you PATHETIC humans can do about it! Ayeka:Think again.I am Princess Ayeka,crown princess of Planet Jurai.I have been blessed with kindness,beauty,and lots of power! Ayeka,Kiyone and Mihoshi all unleashed what they had to say to welcome ZIM;Earth style,with a BOOM. Sasami:Way to go,Ayeka! Tenchi:Good job,girls! ZIM:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!(cough,hack)Apparently,not that much power! Ayeka:Huh? Tenchi and the gang looked into the smoke to find ZIM,still standing,with an energy shield around him. ZIM:A valiant effort,my NOT-friend,but only a minor inconvience to me.Now,would you like to try again? Ayeka:...? ZIM:I take it that's a no.Then it's my turn.PREPARE TO DIE,EARTH SCUM!HAHA HAHAHA!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ZIM continued laughing as his metal backpack's three compartments opened,and out came several mechnical legs,and stood ZIM up so he was the tallest one there.Tenchi noted that the legs were'nt quite extended all the way.He's toying with us;is he that confident? ZIM(stops laughing):So,are you sure you can win,simian Earth monkeys?Whoever agrees, step forward and bow,and I may keep you alive. Ryo-oki:MMMEEEOOOWWW! ZIM:Huh?What is this,a joke? Ryo-oki transforms into Mecha-Ryo-oki. ZIM:Impressive!Let's see what you've got! Ryo-oki fired a missile at ZIM.As if in the Matrix,the missile stopped in mid-air;then turned around and came back at Ryo-oki.Fortunately,the armor on Ryo-oki was very strong,so the missile bounced right off.But it was effective;this distracted Ryo-oki long enough for ZIM to launch a attack of his own.His spider-like machine legs launched himself at the cabbit.Once on Ryo-oki's back,he took a drill,turned it on,and used a drill like you're supposed to use it. ZIM:This little excercise has been stimulating;thank you! Ryoko:THANK THIS!HA! ZIM:Oh,sh**... Ryoko had activated her energy-sword and was flying head-first at the alien.The mechanical backpack on ZIM's back told him his shield would not help.So he shut his eyes and waited for it all to end.When he opened his eyes,he smiled at the scene before him. Ryoko had a cut on her right cheek,on the ground.And,next to ZIM,was his best(and only) friend;and at the same time,his worst enemy. Washu:Fascinating... Tenchi:What in the... Kiyone:Oh no! Sasami:(gasp) Ayeka:Oh my! Mihoshi:Cool! Everyone:(falls over):MIHOSHI!! Ryoko:Now what? ZIM:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!YOU PRIMITIVE EARTH TRASH!YOU THINK THE ALMIGHTY TALLEST WOULD SEND AN INVADER WITHOUT TECHNOLOGICAL HELP?HAHA!You fools!This mistake will lead to you're ultimate destruction!Allow you to meet G.I.R.;with his help,I WILL PLUNGE THIS GOD-FORSAKEN PILE OF DUST INTO DARKNESS AND EVen more...dust. Tenchi:What a wierdo... ZIM:YOU DARE CHALLENGE MY TAG-TEAM?!Fine,I accept,but know this,once I have beaten you,I will defeat the old one next!He seems the most dangerous one here! Ryoko and Ayeka:To fight Tenchi,you must beat me! ZIM:This works out perfectley!G.I.R. will fight first,then I will fight whoever DIDN'T,meaning DID NOT,fight G.I.R.!Which one of you Earth prostitutes wants to go first? Ayeka:How dare you say such things about a Jurian royal family member! G.I.R.(high voice):Who gives a sh**? Ayeka:You'll regret you ever said that! G.I.R.(anouncer imitation):LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLEE!!!! Ayeka:Yes,yes,let's get on with it! Ayeka launched a Jurian-style attack at G.I.R.,who barely dogded it.Then,G.I.R counterattacked,with the metal reflection on his mechancical body;this stunned Ayeka,who was blinded.Ayeka used common sense(for once!) to move...right into a missile.Lucky for her,Azaka and Komidake shielded her.(go figure.)G.I.R. was suprised,so he opened all of his missiles,(short-range,long-range;air-to-air,air-to-surface,air-to-water,surface-to-air,surface-to-surface,surface-to-water,water-to-air,water-to-surface.)guns,(Tommy guns,turret guns,freeze-round-grenade launcher,flame-round-grenade launcher,acid-round-grenade launcher,grenade launcher,rocket launcher,laser guns.)chemical-weapons,(you get the idea)bombs,etc.,and aimed at Ayeka. G.I.R.:Systems:green!Safety:off!Weapons' condition:green!Weapons:loaded!Target:locked-on in 2...1...FIRE! ... ..............? Tenchi woke up in his room.What happened to Ryoko?And Ayeka?And the others?Was ZIM defeated?Suddenly,through the doors came the answer to his questions. It was G.I.R. Tenchi:AAAAAGGGGHHHH! G.I.R.:'AAAAAGGGGHHHH!' to you too. Tenchi:What are you doing here? G.I.R.:I was given specific orders! Tenchi:What were the orders? G.I.R.:Breakfeast is ready! Tenchi:Whew..I'll be right there. G.I.R. smiled and headed out the door to go to the dinner table.Soon,Tenchi followed.Instantly,Ayeka leaped on him and began asking questions. Ayeka:Lord Tenchi!Are you all right?Are you hurt?Did you break anything? Ryoko:Worry wort... Ayeka:Well,at least I have the courage to worry about Lord Tenchi! Ryoko:I believe in Tenchi;I already know he's okay. Ayeka:Humph...So do I,I just wanted to hear that he's alright! Ryoko:Shut you're trap Ayeka,and get over here so we can eat! Ayeka was about to argue,but Tenchi put his hand on Ayeka's shoulder and shook his head.Tenchi and Ayeka sat down to eat yet another fabulous meal.As eveyone ate,Kiyone was still a little bit uptight,with G.I.R. there.She stole a look at him.She was suprised to find that he wasn't eating;he's just staring at it with an idiotic look on his face. Kiyone:Why aren't you eating,G.I.R.? G.I.R.:......................(begins snoring) Kiyone:Oh,that's why. Suddenly,Ayeka's hand shot out and hit Tenchi in the face. Ryoko:Ayeka!What did you do that for? Tenchi:Yeah,what's the big idea? Ayeka:I promise you,I did not do that! Ryoko:You're really asking for it,Ayeka! Kiyone was about to tell Ryoko to calm down,but stopped when she saw G.I.R.;his head was vibrating,more and more by the minute. Kiyone:Everyone,look at G.I.R.! They all stopped to find G.I.R. doing what Kiyone saw.Every body was thinking the same thing:G.I.R. looks very suspicios... Suddenly,G.I.R's eyes opened and he leaped to his feet,back straight,feet together,hands at his side,eye's red,straight face,as if he was in boot camp.G.I.R. saluted and said.. G.I.R.:Sir,yes,sir! Then he fell asleep on the floor.Ayeka was standing up now,and was tring to find the remote controll.Tenchi was about to ask what she was doing,but noticed everyone had finished breakfast.So he kept his mouth shut.Out of nowhere,Ayeka,with remote in hand,tackled Tenchi.Everyone gasped(except G.I.R. and ZIM,who was not even there)adn rushed to Ayeka to get her off.It took everyone to get her off.Once she was off of Tenchi,Ayeka turned on the television.Everyone (except G.I.R. and ZIM) gasped at what was on the television. Invader ZIM. ZIM:G.I.R.!Attention on deck! G.I.R.,as if magic,leaped his lifeless-like body up and stood at attention,just like before. ZIM:At ease.Mission accomplished!Well done G.I.R.!Take a 1-hour R&R period!Report back in 1 hour!Dismissed! G.I.R.:Sir,yes,sir! G.I.R. ran out of th room saying "I'm gonna' get me some tacos!" Tenchi:What are doing in our T.V.,ZIM? ZIM:Always the stupid one,you were.I am taking revenge!The purple haired-one;you're destiny has caught up to you!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Washu:I under estimated you,ZIM. ZIM:You always did,Professor. Tenchi:Do you two know each other? Washu:He was one of my students. ZIM:Now,as for Ayeka!That IS you're name,right? Sasami:What did you do to my sister? Kiyone:And while we're at it,what was G.I.R.'s mission? ZIM:One at a time,please!G.I.R.'s mission was to put me in Ayeka's food!While the foolish women was worring about Tenchi,G.I.R. deposited a microscopic ship,with me inside,into the slop you monkey's call food!And when Ayeka swallowed,I had access to her body!And there's nothing you can do about it! Sasami:Now answer this:What will happen to Ayeka? ZIM:I have discovered that she "loves" this Tenchi one.So,I will go to what little brain she has and erase that from her mind!And while I'm at it,I will make smart...um...anymore. Ayeka:NO!YOU CAN'T! ZIM:I can and I will!So,goodbye,and so long! The T.V. went blank. Ayeka:Miss Washu!Is there any way of stopping him? Washu:............Well,I do have a Micro-Bot left. Ayeka:There isn't much time left!Hurry,please go get it! Washu dissappeared into her lab,and a few moments later,came back with...nothing. Ayeka:WHERE IS IT?! Washu:Right here.Say ahh... Ayeka opened her mouth and Washu dumped the Micro-Bot in her mouth.Then,Ayeka swallowed. Washu:Here are the controlls.This is to move,this is to shoot,and this turns on the radar. Ayeka turned on the radar.The "map" was an outline of Ayeka's body;there were several organs and such,but at the top was ZIM's goal;her brain.There was a red dot that represents ZIM,and a green one representing Ayeka.ZIM was still in her stomach,and moving fast.Ayeka manuvered her bot at ZIM. Ayeka:Little Washu,is there a way of using the communication line? Washu:Yeah,here... Washu turned the intercom and motioned for Ayeka that it was okay to talk. Ayeka:I'm not giving up without a fight,so look out ZIM! ZIM:You fool!I've been flying ships like this before you were born,pitiful Earth monkey! Ayeka:We shall see.Take this! Ayeka chose the weapons icon.It showed a display of 3 different weapons:a machine gun,a grappling hook,and the self-detenation device.Ayeka didn't want to harm her body from the inside out,so she highlited the hook and selected it.She only had one shot,so she aimed at the command center.Once she got a good lock,she squeezed the trigger.The hook whipped at ZIM,threatening to disable him.ZIM saw all of this ahead of time,so at the last moment,turned the ship slightly,yet quickly.The hook bounced right off and hit Ayeka's ship,but didn't do any damage.The bang from the hook repeling off of ZIM's ship caused the ship to make a LOUD hollow bang,which echoed into the cockpit.This REALLY got ZIM P.O.'ed.He shook his head to shut out the sound. ZIM:Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr!Enough already!I'm going to get you out of the way...Permanatly! ZIM's ship stopped in what looked like an intersection in Ayeka's body.In the middle was a nerve center.Ayeka's ship caught up to him quickly. Sasami:Let me try,Ayeka! Ayeka:No,Sasami!I can't risk it!Besides,he's in my organs! ZIM:PREPARE TO LOSE,YOU STINKING INVERTABRATE!HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Again,he continued laughing as he pressed several buttons and key's.Ayeka watched in horror as ZIM's ship began to transform;the jets on the Bot's back began to extend longer,into legs;the side jets extened outward as well,into arms;three fingers sprouted out of the hands.Ayeka thought he would be vunerable,so she armed the machine gun and fired.ZIM's Bot put out his hands,as if welcoming the gun fire.And,again,as if in the Matrix,the bullets vanished right at the fingertips.Another shield.All the ammo was spent,so Ayeka watched as a head came onto the top where the head would be.ZIM's laughing stopped. Sasami:Quarter-circle back! Ayeka:What? Sasami:Quater-circle back!That's always the transformation activation sequence! Ayeka performed the combination on the D-pad,and sure enough,in the middle of the screen,read the words TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE:ACTIVATED. Ayeka's Bot also transformed,in the same way ZIM's did.Only two differences:Ayeka's Bot was green,ZIM's was purple;Ayeka's Bot was fat in the middle,while ZIM's was "muscular" and strongly built.The two Bots stood quiely,seeing who was going to strike first.Suddenly,ZIM gave out a loud battle cry,that sounded like a person clicking his tongue,only no human could do it as loud as ZIM was screaming.His Bot launched at Ayeka's Bot.ZIM faked a left hook and while she was tring to block,he spun to the side and kicked her in the side.As the Bot went flying,ZIM's had already jumped above her's and threw a right pound-punch to shoot her into the ground.As soon as he landed,he performed a backflip and kicked Ayeka's Bot clear to the other side of the "room"and before Ayeka knew it,her Bot's back would have landed on the wall of the "room"...if it wasn't for ZIM's Bot,kneeing her upward.And before she hit the ceiling,he used the momentum of the attack and his jet-pack to fly upward,pu! t his hands into a ball,and pound her toward the floor,then,there he was again,kicking her towards another wall.ZIM silently set his Bot down to cool off and smiled as he watched Ayeka's Bot try to stand up.He ran over to her and kneed her in the face,sending Ayeka up against the wall.ZIM went to "No mercy!" mode as he relentlessly pounded her deeper into the wall,over and over and over again.Ayeka stared as the armor gauge went from 44,to 37,down to 23.Then,he stopped. ZIM:Enough of this!It's time to stop this and continue forward! ZIM's Bot took a few steps back,then turned around.He put his right hand in front of him,and a small spike came out of the palm.His arm recoiled back as the arm fired the spike at it's target. Ayeka's nerve center for her arms and fingers. Ayeka:Nnnnnnnnooooooo! The spike struke home,as Ayeka lost the feelings in her arms,hands and fingers.ZIM laughed triumphantly as he sped toward Ayeka's brain.Ayeka was having a bit of a crisis. Ayeka:Ohhhh nnnoooooooo!How can I stop him now?I can't even use the self-detenation weapon! Sasami:It's my turn now! Sasami pushed Ayeka to the sude a little and took the controlls.She used 30 pecent of the energy in the jets to the armor,up to 66.Then she used the energy in the detenatoin device for the arms,legs,fists,and feet armor.Then she took off after ZIM.Meanwhile,ZIM had reached the brain.He floated around the gray matter,searching as to where the location of where her love for Tenchi was kept.It didn't take too long.He formed what looked like a Spirit Bomb from Dragon Ball Z;an energy ball held in his hands,above his head.He fired the ball-o'-energy at Ayeka's brain.Between the ball and ZIM's Bot's hands,there was a stream of energy connecting the two together.The results moniter read: ERASE PROCESS:COMPLETE. ZIM:Hahah...HAHAHAHA!Huh? He turned around to find Sasami flying at him.He simply snickered. ZIM:The human doesn't know when to quit!I'll finish her off and then continue with my plan! ZIM was gloating for too long,for by the time he turned around,Sasami had kicked him in the stomach.He went flying,and hit a nerve sending electric brain waves,which shocked ZIM.He fell downward and met Sasami's elbow,and it sent him flying upward...into her knee.He screamed and fell but stopped as Sasami pounded into the Bot.Soon,ZIM begane to block and counterattack and move around,etc.It was straight out of Dragon Ball Z again,as the two of them went at it for what seemed like hours.While ZIM was on the offense,Sasami blocked his right kick,twirled around and punched him in the stomach.CRUNCH!Sasami's hand had penetrated through,and with hand in his stomach,she twirled the waist up around...and kicked ZIM's Bot's head clear off his shoulders.ZIM screamed as he was sent flying down to Ayeka's stomach. Ayeka:Now,to finish the job! She walked into the bathroom and...you know. When she was finished,she found Ryoko kissing Tenchi.(But she doesn't love Tenchi anymore)She payed it no mind,and found G.I.R. watching T.V. G.I.R.:I love this show! THE END Author's notes:I'm coming up with a chapter 2 to this as you read,so E-mail if you have any ideas!Or just to praise me!Any put-downs or inappropriate language and I'll have your E-mail address taken away!And if I can't do that,(which is highly unlikely!)I'll block any your E-mails!SO THERE!