*DISCLAIMER* I DO NOT BY ANY MEANS OWN TENCHI OR ANYTHING RELATING TO DRAGONBALL Z (EXCEPT THE 4 CHARACTERS I MADE UP). ZERO, D-SHADE, DOUBLE S, AND GREY FOX ARE PROPERTY OF BMSCAIFE@AOL.COM. IF YOU WANT TO READ PREVIOUS ADVENTURES THAT HE HAS WRITTEN, CHECK OUT THE TENCHI MUYO FAN FIC ARCHIVE. KEEP IN MIND THAT HE IS A PERVERT SO HIS STORIES WILL BE IN THE LEMONS SECTION. NOBODY SUE ME BECAUSE THEIR EFFORTS WOULD BE FOR NAUGHT. ****ATTENTION**** In order to make sense of any of these stories, you must read "The Newcomers" in the Lemons section written by Zero Cool. Otherwise you're going to be lost at some points. Keep in mind that in this story, Sasami is 18. Don't call me a preteen smut monger. NO NEED FOR TIME TRAVEL Zero and Tenchi had been training in the hyperbolic chamber that Washuu had built for quite some time now. Tenchi's power has grown considerably and even though he was struggling, he was holding his own with Zero at 1000 G's. "HYAAA!" Tenchi threw a powerful blast at Zero but narrowly missed him by mere inches. Zero countered by kicking a large, loose boulder at Tenchi, which didn't miss him. Tenchi was thrown back at a tree so hard it almost sounded as if Tenchi's back had been broken and not the tree. Even though Zero was still pumped up, he knew when to stop. "Ok that's it. That's enough for now." Tenchi got up with much effort, "Even if it wasn't I'd probably stop anyway." "You did good so I wouldn't complain even if you did." Sasami called to them from the speaker, "Are you guys ok? I thought someone got hurt!" Zero replied, "We're fine babe. Are you guys ready to come in?" "No. I just wanted to tell you guys that breakfast is ready." The very next second, Zero and Tenchi were nowhere to be seen in the training room. As everyone sat down at the table, they noticed something odd. Grey Fox was the first one to voice his opinions, "Hey Sasami, isn't this a little extriva. . .extravaga. . ." "Extravagant man!" Finished D-Shade. "It's fancy! All right smart guy?" Mihoshi even noticed the difference. "Yeah Sasami this is a little much, what's the occasion?" Kiyone whispered to Mihoshi, "Can't you see? She and Zero just got engaged!" "WOW REALLY?? Sasami's going to be married!" Zero seemed agitated. "No we're not! Even I don't know why she made such an extrava. . ." D-Shade was about to help him out but Zero pointed a finger at him, "Don't you fucking dare!" Tenchi felt something was special that day too. "Yeah Sasami. What's up?" "Washuu fixed her time machine!" Double S spoke up, "Really? A time machine? You mean we could go back to our time?" "Why would you want to honey?" said Washuu as she came through the door. "No reason. Just maybe to see some old friends back in our time." "Well you're going to have to wait. There's still a bug somewhere. I just can't seem to find it." Ryoko said, "Well hurry up Washuu! I wanna go sight-seeing with your machine!" "Really Ryoko," scolded Ayeka, "when are you going to stop acting like a spoiled child?" "What did you say?!" Tenchi held them apart, "Now hold on, it's too early in the morning for you guys to be fighting already!" "Well all the same," said Zero, "I'd like to see this time machine of yours." "Well come on down. I said it wasn't complete, not that it was hazardous. LATER, IN WASHUU'S LAB. . . Everyone was ogling over the time machine. Even though a couple of wires poked out, it seemed to be perfectly functional. Ryoko whined, "Oh c'mon Washuu! It looks fine to me." "But it's not. Trust me!" Ryoko laughed at that comment. "Fine Ryoko! You think it'll work? Let's try it!" As Washuu stomped over to the control switch everyone was trying to stop her. But she was too quick. "I'll try and send you guys to the past. Hopefully it'll work. If it doesn't, blame Ryoko." She typed in the year 0 B.C. Double S said, "Cool. We get to meet Jesus!" Grey Fox replied, "You're not Christian dumb-ass." "Oh yeah." As Washuu was putting in the final computations, a look of fear came across her face. A shower of sparks shot out of the control board almost setting her on fire. At the same time, the rest of the gang seemed to flicker and dissapear. The last words they heard from Washuu were, "Oh cra-" When he woke up, Zero found that everyone else had been knocked out by whatever had happened. Sasami was the first thing that came to his mind. He rushed over to her side and lifted her head. "Sasami," he asked, "are you all right?" "Yes. I'm fine. We better check on the others." They went around to everybody to make sure they were ok. So far everyone was all right unless you counted Ayeka who got a bump on her head. Grey Fox seemed concerned, "Hey Ayeka, how's your head?" A few seconds later he was lying face down in the center of a smoldering crater, his clothes torn and ripped till they were almost unrecognizable. ELSEWHERE. . . Four mysterious youths were training off in the mountains. There were three boys, and one girl, who took care of most of the cooking (Hey I'm not a chauvinist). They had been there for quite awhile and they sort of enjoyed this lifestyle. It was actually quite peaceful when they stopped training. All of a sudden their leader stopped. Something was very odd. The girl walked up to him. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "I don't know," he replied, "I just felt a power increase of somewhere in the west. The thing is, I never felt this presence before." A strange alien with green skin came up to him, "Do you think we should check it out?" "You read my mind Shou. Let's go, but be on guard. We don't know what this person is like, or if they're alone." They raised their power level high enough to to defend themselves. Their hair raised stright up in the air and turned a golden blond, as if by magic. Except for Shou, who had no hair at all. They then shot off into the sky, to meet the new arrivals. BACK IN THE FIELD. . . As soon as everyone was accounted for (And Grey Fox given a new set of clothes), they decided to try and find out where they were. However there surroundings were very unfamiliar. Where the house used used to be, was now an open field. "Okay," said Double S, "where the hell are we?" "I know," said Tenchi, "this place looks so weird!" Ryoko was furious, "Damn that Washuu she messed up again!" Ayeka turned on her, "Well if you hadn't of complained and whined like a little spoiled brat none of this would've happened!" "You're one to talk about being spoiled, you little tramp!" "WHAT!?" "Shut up!" shouted Zero. He appeared to be sensing something. Sasami asked, "What is it hon?" "There are some high power levels coming this way from the east. Be careful these people may be dangerous." "Look," said Mihoshi, "I can see them!" Indeed she did. Four bright lights were flying toward them at a fast speed. To Zero's shock, three of them had an all too familiar golden aura around them. But for some reason, one of them didn't. But something about one of the others seemed strange, like he was holding something back. As they arrived, The mysterious youths descended in front of Zero and the others. Three Super Saiyans, and one Namek. The leader spoke up, "Who are you? Where did you come from?" Zero decided that he would speak, "We just came from Okayama, Japan and we were wondering where we were." The leader raised an eyebrow, "You're in Okayama, Japan my friend. Where did you really come from?" Zero was shocked to say the least. But he didn't show it. "And who may I ask are you?" The man got a stern look on his face, "I believe the real question is the one I asked before, 'Who are you?' Now are you going to be nice about it, or do you just wanna get fucked up?" He was itchin' for a fight. The girl put her hand on his arm, "Hey! Take it easy," she looked at Zero, "sorry, Chazo's not much of a people person." She let her hair go back to normal, "My name is Mia, the other guy with the blond hair is his brother Jeigo. The Namek over there is named Shou." Zero returned the courtisy, "My name is Zero. This is my crew, Grey Fox, D-Shade, and Double S. The others are my friends, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, Kiyone, and my girl Sasami, and hey," someone was missing, "where's Washuu?" Tenchi answered, "She must have gotten left behind in the transfer." "Well shit, that means we're stuck here." Chazo spoke up, "Um I'd hate to brake up the bitchuing fest but, I think you should come with us. Now." "Yeah?" Zero was also ready for battle, "what if we don't want to?" "Shou, why don't you show what you can do against," Chazo pointed at Double S, "him." Shou grinned a pointy-toothed grin, "No problem man." Double S seemed a little hesitant, "Should I Zero?" Zero nodded with approval. And so it was Double S V.S. Shou. THE FIGHT: ROUND ONE As Double S prepared for the fight, Chazo gave Shou a little pep talk. "Look Shou, this guy's got nothing on you. Remember you're a Super Namek! And don't worry," he put his hand on Shou's shoulder, "I've got your back in case they try anything funny." Zero was also giving his man a small pep talk, "Listen S, this guy's got nothing on you. Remember, you're a Super Saiyan! And don't worry," he put his hand on Double S's shoulder, "I've got your back in case they try anything funny." "Chazo raised his hand, "Wait! We need an appropriate ring" Chazo put his hands together and appeared to be humming softly. His hands began to glow with a golden light. His eyes also began to change from green to a blood-red. Then, strangely enough, the ground below him began to smooth and flatten out. The others moved out of the way as large rocks came off of the mountain and seemed to be carved by an invisible chisel, taking the shape of a 2'x2' flat square. They placed themselves on the flattened are that Chazo had made and began to form a platform. Zero was stunned, "That can't be. . ." D-Shade, "That's a World Martial Arts Tournament ring!" Grey Fox, "I don't believe it. I didn't think anybody knew about it." Soon, Chazo was laying down the final bricks to complete his ring. "Now we're ready to begin. You know the Rules of the WMAT so, Shou come on up." The green Namek entered the ring proud and strong, as if he trained for this a long time. Then Double S entered the ring, also ready for the upcoming battle. As Double S looked Shou in the eye, he knew that he was a ruthless fighter. They then got into their respective fighting stances. Mia shouted, "C'mon Shou! Show him what you got!" Shou powered up first, in an attempt to intimidate his opponent. As he did, His muscles began to bulge and his muscles became much more ripped. He also seemed to grow slightly in height to a staggering 6'7". Shou cocked a smile, "Come on Saiyan, show me what you got!" Double S then proceeded to use his transformation. Electricity crackled all around him and his hair shot up in a firey gold. However, Shou didn't seem all too impressed. "Oh give me a break! You think that shit's gonna work on me?" "Well maybe not. SO HOW BOUT THIS?!" Just then Double S powered up again, his hair growing longer in length, and the aura around him grew to an enormous height. Shou was stunned to say the least. "Wow. You went to the second stage. I'm impressed, at least you'll make this fight interesting now!" Shou lunged at Double S throwing powerful, precise punches at his abdomen that SS tried as hard as he could to block, but just barely. SS came back and countered with a powerful elbow to the teeth that just barely grazed the side of Shou's head. As they gave themselves some room, they powered up for their first energy attacks. Shou raised his hand toward SS and shouted, "MASENKO BLAST!" And out from his hand shot a bright blast at SS that he dodged fairly easily. As the shot roared past him, it smashed into the mountain, tearing a good chunk of it to pieces. SS then used an attack of his own. "KAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYHAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAY," as he was shouting this, a brilliant bluish-white light filed his hands as they glowed with pure energy. Shou was flabbergasted, "NO WAY! THAT'S A KAMEHAMEHA!" "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Double S released the blast sending Shou flying out of the ring and almost into the mountains, but then strangely, he disappeared. Nobody saw him go anywhere. "What the hell?" said Zero, "Where'd that guy go?" Double S was about ready to power down but before he could get a chance, Shou reappeared behind him and rabbit-punched him in the back. As SS grimaced in pain, Shou took the opportunity to capitalize on this. He raised two fingers and shouted, "SPECIAL BEAM CANNON," he pointed his fingers at SS, "FIRE!" SS had no time to react and was struck by the blast which sent him crashing to the ground outside of the ring. Zero and his crew, were dissapointed. "Damn," said Zero, "he almost won too." "It's not over yet." Said Chazo. "Huh?" "Look at his feet. They aren't touching the ground outside, but are still inside the ring. Your man still has a chance at this." Zero shouted, "DOUBLE S, GET UP! IT'S NOT OVER YET!" Shou also sensed that the battle wasn't over yet and charged at him ready to finish him off. He raised his hand to perform a masenko blast, but before he got a chance, he stopped, dead in his tracks. Double S's knee was pressed firmly into Shou's groin, shortening the amount of possible offspring that he could have. He doubled over, grasping his nuts in agony. SS then gave Shou a powerful uppercut that sent him flying into the air. He sped up to him and delivered a flying spin kick that sent Shou crashing toward the ground, feet and all. Their battle was over, with Double S the victor, much to Chazo's chagrin. "Well Chazo," gloated Zero, "looks like your boy couldn't do a whole lot." Chazo merely grunted in response. All of a sudden, Mia stepped up, "I challenge him!" She was pointing to D-Shade. D-Shade was bewildered, "Are you fucking kidding me? I don't fight girls!" Zero glared at him, "Oh yes you do." "Since when?" "Since. . .now." And so it was Mia v.s. D-Shade. THE FIGHT: ROUND TWO As Mia stepped on to the platform, she didn't have the same attitude as Shou. Her's was more cautious. She knew that Shou's downfall had been his arrogance, and that she would not make the same mistake that he did. Even though she couldn't quite make the SS2 stage, she would rely on her skill to help her in this match. D-Shade was very adamant about not fighting Mia. He wanted absolutely no part of this whatsoever. He pleaded with Zero not to make him fight her. "Come on Zero! I can't hit her, she's a-" "I know very well what she is. But frankly I don't care, a challenge has been made, I don't want to have anything to do with someone who turns any challenge down. You don't fight, I turn my back on you." D-Shade was shocked at the harshness in Zero's answer. Never had his comerade ever spoke to him in this way. But he knew that he wasn't joking at all. So, reluctantly, he stepped up to the platform, where Mia was waiting. "I hope you know this is pretty embarresing!" said D-Shade. "It is for me too!" "Why is that?" "I don't like to beat up cry babies." "WHAT?" D-Shade quickly transformed into a Super Saiyan at the same time she did. He lunged at her trying to hit her, but she was just too damn fast. He threw another roundhouse, which she countered with a kick to the back of the head, which sent him sprawling. "What the hell?!" He was in shock. No one does that to me, bitch!" "Don't call me a bitch you fag!" He was beyond angry now. Not only had she kicked him, she insulted him immediately after that. "You're not getting away with that!" And with that he transformed again into the Super Saiyan two stage. Mia was in trouble now. "Oh shit! Now what?" Mia was beginning to panic when all of a sudden she received a powerful blow to her stomach that send her flying out of the ring. But before she fell to the ground, she flew back at him in a vain attempt to throw him off guard. He merely back-handed her to the ground. Mia now had blood steaming down her nose, and out of her mouth. "What are you doing? I'm a woman." D-Shade immediately felt guilty. "I'm sorry. I-" Before he could finish his words, Mia gave him a strong uppercut to the chin that sent him flying. But it was for naught. Immediately, he fired a Masenko blast at her which hit her dead on. She lay on the ground, a battered and bloody mess. As D-Shade came down, he was amazed to find that she had disappeared. Then he saw her from above, appearing to be wiggling her fingers in front of her. "Let's see you get by this!" Threadlike beams came out of her fingers and began to form into a ball in front of her. The ball was not unlike that of a ball of yarn. Then after it was about as big as a beach ball, it compressed down to the size of a marble. She then began to add more threads to it till it was about the size of a bowling ball. D-Shade was getting nervous, although he was stronger than her, this blast was extremely powerfull. She then threw the ball at him, causing an explosion which sent him flying out of the ring and though two mountains before he finally fell to the ground, a defeated man. Zero was stunned, "I don't believe it! What the hell happened?" Chazo chuckled, "That's her Kameha-yarn ball. Each inch of one thread has the power of one kamehameha. I doubt that even you could withstand a move like that." As D-Shade walked back to the group, it was obvious that he felt embarresed and dejected. He let himself be beaten by a woman. He was expecting Zero to shun him off but to his surprise, he shook his hand. "You did a good job out there. And that stuff I said before, don't worry about it. I just said that so you would get into the ring." "Thanks Zero." Although he didn't feel like thanking anybody at that point. "Hmm, well is that it Zero? Or do you propose another match?" "As a matter of fact I do." "Who?" Grey fox was ready and waiting. He knew Zero was going to pick him and he wanted him to. Since he saw how powerful Jeigo was, he knew he would be the perfect challenge. "Chazo. . ." Everyone was waiting for his answer, all with different possibilities in their minds. ". . .I challenge you!" THE FIGHT: FINAL ROUND "What?" "You heard me." Chazo was clearly not expecting this. But nonetheless, he was excited. "Fine. But let's do one thing first." "What's that?" "Let's get rid of this pesky ring." He proceeded to fly up and form a powerful energy ball in his hands. "EVERYONE, GET OUT OF THE WAY NOW!" shouted Zero. Just as everyone cleared the way, Chazo threw the ball at the platform smashing it into a thousand tiny pieces. Again Ayeka was the only one who got a minor injury. A small cut on her forehead. Grey Fox seemed concerned again, "Hey Ayeka, how's your-." He stopped himself as he remembered what happened the last time he said that to her. As the smoke cleared, Chazo transformed to a Super Saiyan 2, confident that Zero couldn't match his experienced level. But Zero proved him wrong by doing the same and powering up to an SS2. Chazo was a little surprised, but still confidant that Zero didn't have nearly as much experience as he did. However, he was mistaken. Zero said, "Hey Chazo, don't act so cocky!" And in that instant, he threw a masenko blast that almost blew Chazo's head off. Chazo countered with a haymaker that missed by mere inches. Zero threw a kick that Chazo caught in his hands. Rather than panicking, Zero merely flipped over kicking Chazo's head with an ensiguri. As Chazo was holding his head, Zero smashed his fist into Chazo's gut, but hit only air due to a sanzuken. Chazo then threw a kick of his own that Zero caught. Chazo also tried to due an ensiguri, but Zero ducked and let Chazo's foot go, which was a mistake. Chazo landed on his foot and kicked Zero directly in the mouth, blood spraying everywhere. Chazo knew that this fight was his. This guy was just an amateur. Chazo began to walk away from the battle, but Zero held up his hand. "You think just from one hit, the battle's over? You ain't seen nothing yet!" This amused Chazo, but then a look of terror crossed his face. Zero beggan to glow even more intensly and the golden fire grew larger and brighter. His hair grew long and down to his calves, his eyebrow ridges pushed out with the eyebrows completely gone. Indeed, Zero had gone to the Super Saiyan 3 stage. Chazo was almost scared, "Wha- what the hell? What the hell are you?!" Zero replied, "Your worst nightmare." Chazo began to think to himself, "This is impossible! I'm the most powerful Saiyan alive, how can this amateur be more powerful than I am? Agh! There's got to be some way to win. I can't beat him in pure strength, that much is obvious. So how? I guess I'll just have to rely on my skill. Hopefully he hasn't surpassed me there." Then he remembered something. "No I can't use that, if I do, it may backfire. I guess I'll keep it as a last resort." Zero felt confident that Chazo would back down. "So Chazo, have you given up yet?" Chazo forced a confident smile, "Not on your life! Power isn't everything. Even the most powerful warrior can be killed by the weakest peasant." Zero was obviously disturbed by his response. He was right. If he had more skill, Chazo might pull out an upset victory. He would have to rely on his strength and quickness to win this. Chazo charged at Zero which threw him off-guard. Zero threw a punch at him but hit air. Chazo reappeared above him and smashed his foot on top of his head. Zero was momentarily stunned by this and Chazo took this chance and kicked him in the mouth yet again, this time causing Zero to lose one of his teeth. Zero was pissed. He threw a energy blast at Chazo that missed him by only 1/2 an inch. Zero then threw a rapid fire that Chazo tried as hard as he could to dodge. Chazo decided to try his own offensive. Chazo reared back his right hand as an energy bal formed within, "Not even you can dodge this one Zero! SPEED BLAST!" He threw the ball forward and just before it struck it's target, Zero disappeared. The ball sped on, punching a hole in the mountain about a foot wide. Chazo was at a loss. Where did that idiot go? He was answered with a knee to the back of his head and a kick to his stomach. As Chazo doubled over in pain, Zero geared up for another blast. "KAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAYHAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAY. . ." Chazo knew then that his strategy was going to work. "HAAAAAAAAAAA!" Zero threw his hands forward and the blast just managed to singe the edge of Chazo's blue hair. Zero was wondering, how the hell? Just at that moment, Chazo was right behind Zero. He grabbed Zero's head and squeezed slightly. Zero thought this was so pointless, but why was it so hard to get out of this? Grey Fox was confused. Why didn't Zero break the hold? Then he saw why, Zero seemed to be paralized and his eye's were slightly dialated. His eye's showed a side of fear that Grey Fox had never seen. Just then Zero transformed back to a SS2, and everyone knew the score. Chazo was absobring some of Zero's energy. As Chazo let go of Zero, he was much more powerful than before. Zero was on the ground trying to get away from Chazo. At this point, Chazo indeed surpassed Zero in strength. "What the hell did you do to me?" said Zero. "Well you don't have to worry that much. I only took enough to learn a few of your techniques. I got a few interesting morsels of information." D-Shade reached into his pouch and pulled out a sensu bean. "Hey Zero catch!" He threw the bean and as Zero caught it, Chazo took a step back and seemed a little nervous. "What the hell is this shit?" As Zero popped the bean in his mouth he replied, "This shit evens up the score!" Zero then got his energy back and he transformed back into the SS3 stage Chazo still seemed a little confident. "Hmm, this isn't going to be as bad as I thought. I think I have enough of your energy to sustain me through this fight." "Screw you!" Zero powered up for a Kamehameha, but was stunned when Chazo began to do the same. But it didn't look right, his hands were in the wrong position. Then he knew why. Chazo began to shout out, "SHOOOOOOOODUUUUUUUUUU. . ." Zero began his own attack, "KAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAYHAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAY. . ." "KAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" "HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" The two blasts met in the middle and as they touched, a preliminary explosion occurred and the blasts had a huge amount of energy eminating from them. Grey Fox looked fearfull. "They can't hold this for long! If they do it could be disasterous." Just as he said that, there was a huge power overload and the blast grew to enormous size, engulfing Zero and Chazo in this, disintegrating them instantly. Sasami was in shock that her love had been killed. Double S however saw something else dangerous. "Oh my god! GET OUT OF HERE EVERYONE!" But it was too late, the blast explosion grew and grew until they were all consumed by the energy, and disintegrated. They had all perished. END PART ONE Next Time: Incase you were wondering, yes, the brave warriors all were all killed by the blast. Upon their death, they were sent to the afterlife where they were invited to attempt to compete in the Grand Kai's Tournament. When they get to the planet, Zero meets up with some old friends from his time. Find out what happens next time on Tenchi Ball Z!