Category=X-over A TM/White Wolf Gaming X-over. Includes an answer to GenSao's challenge. Disclaimer: These characters are copyrighted and only a few of them are truly my own. The characters of "Tenchi Muyo!" are the property of Pioneer. All locations are the property of White Wolf Gaming, whom, I hope, will consider this free advertising. The characters Luna and Alan Durr are the property of fellow White Wolf gamers and are used with the permission of their owners. All other characters are my own, I thought of them, DON'T EVEN THINK OF SUING ME OVER THEM! Lyrics from "Everything Louder Than Everything Else" are the property of Meat Loaf. There, I've given credit where it was due, let's get on with the story. Tenchi Meets the White Wolf Part 2- The Shadows Bar By Greg Lively That night, Tenchi was woken from a restful sleep (the first one he had had in a long time) by a thunderous crash. Jumping up and looking around groggily, he saw that the entire outside wall of his room was gone, and there was someone standing there on the very edge, a sword in his right hand, glinting silver in the light, a gun in his left, and hate in his eyes. "Where is the supernatural-lover?" he asked, pointing the gun straight at Tenchi's head. Tenchi quickly rolled off of the bed, landing in the narrow space between the bed and the wall, and grabbed the Tenchi-ken from the dresser as he fell. Activating it, he jumped back up, and, rolling over the bed again, ran toward the man, blocking his shots with the blade of the Tenchi- ken. Then, one slipped through his guard. Tenchi gasped in pain, and fell to the floor as he felt a bullet enter his shin, fracturing the bone. He looked up and saw the man standing over him, aiming the gun. "So where do you want it, mage?" the man asked with a sneer. "The head or the chest? Or maybe the crotch?" Then, Ryoko appeared between them and punched the man in the jaw. Looking down at Tenchi, she noticed his wound and a look of rage and hate crossed over her face. Turning back to the man, she ignored the bullet holes and cuts appearing in her body as the man shot her and slashed at her again and again, regenerating the wounds without conscious thought. She advanced through the steady stream of gunfire and punched the man again, this time in the stomach, causing him to jackknife. "Nobody does that to my boyfriend," she snarled, then punched him hard enough to send him stumbling back to stop, teetering, on the very edge of the floor, directly in front of the hole. Suddenly, a man wearing black clothes and sunglasses, with dead white skin dropped through a hole burnt in the roof of Tenchi's room. He didn't drop all the way through, simply held onto the rim and used his grip combined with his momentum to swing down and kick the man with the gun in the chest, throwing him through the hole in the wall and out into empty air. Screaming, the man fell to the pavement three stories below. The dead white man let go of the hole and dropped to the floor, then turned to face Tenchi and Ryoko. "Are you two okay?" he asked, his white teeth flashing in the dim light. "Who're you?" Ryoko asked, still mad about the strange invader who had tried to kill Tenchi. "My name is T'Nalda," said the dead-white man. "And you two are Tenchi and Ryoko. Tregol told me about you. And it looks as though you've been wounded," he said, nodding toward the bullet hole in Tenchi's leg. "I've had worse," Tenchi hissed through his teeth, trying to stand. But his leg refused to support him, and it gave way under his weight. "Okay," he admitted. "I guess I'm hurt worse than I thought." "Considering who you just fought, you're lucky to still be alive," T'Nalda said, getting down on one knee and examining the wound. "I've seen many of my friends killed by hunters." He fixed his gaze on the wound and nodded slightly. "Not as bad as it could have been, but there is a fracture in the bone. But, I think I can get the bullet out now." He glanced up at Tenchi. "This is going to hurt. I can't say how much, but it's definitely going to hurt." Tenchi nodded. "Just get it out of me so it doesn't get infected," he gasped. T'Nalda nodded. "Brace yourself. The pain might be overwhelming." After Tenchi nodded his assent, T'Nalda extended his index finger, which quickly grew an inch-long claw where the nail should have been! Ryoko grabbed him just as he was getting ready to reach into the bullet hole. "What are you?" she asked. "I am a vampire," T'Nalda said coolly. "I am friends with Tregol." "I thought Tregol hated vampires," Ryoko said, suspicion clear in her eyes and her voice. "Only those who have made themselves his enemies," T'Nalda replied, shaking Ryoko's hand off his arm. "I have not made that choice. Now, if you please." With that, he swiftly dug his claw into the bullet hole, searching with it. Tenchi gasped with the pain and grabbed Ryoko's hand, hissing through clenched teeth. Ryoko was a bit surprised by this and momentarily toyed with the idea of making a move on him right now. But then, she looked down at the wound in his leg and decided against it. After a moment of searching, T'Nalda withdrew his claw, wrapped around the bullet. "Silver," he said, holding it up to the light. "They always use silver." Tossing the bullet aside casually, he tore the left sleeve off his shirt and used it to bind the wound. "Stay off that leg," he ordered. "It's going to be long enough healing as it is, and it's not going to be helped if you walk on it." Then, Washu burst into the room, her eyes wide and scared. "Come quickly," she said. "Ayeka's hurt." ---- In her room, Ayeka was lying on the floor, clutching her belly, a large slash through it. Tregol and Luna, and the rest of the gang were there, kneeling beside her. Yosho was holding her hand. A dead hunter was lying on the floor near her. Her eyes were starting to glaze, but they brightened slightly when she saw Tenchi stumble in, supported on the side his injured leg was on by Ryoko. "Lord Tenchi," she gasped, her voice thick and nearly incomprehensible. "I'm dying, Lord Tenchi," she whispered. "I only ask that you stay with me, when I go," she coughed suddenly, spitting up a little blood. Ryoko looked down at her rival and felt a momentary flash of exultation at the fact that now she would have Tenchi for herself. But then, her better sense took over and she was appalled at herself for thinking like that. She knew that on some things-okay, a lot of things-they couldn't agree. But in the many battles they had weathered together, they had always backed each other up, even if neither would admit it. In their hearts they were friends, good friends. And she knew that, in a strange, half-hurting way, she would miss the Jurain princess. "No, Ayeka," she said suddenly, fiercely. "No, you are not going to die. Do you hear me? You aren't going to die!" She grabbed the princess by the collar with her free hand and held her face just inches away from her own. "You're going to fight." Ayeka looked at Ryoko and for a moment, a flash of the old hate and contempt moved across her face. "I may die tonight, Ryoko," she gasped, coughing up more blood. "But I don't want to do it looking at your ugly face." "Ayeka," Tenchi said, kneeling down beside her, tears in his eyes. "Ayeka, don't go. Don't leave us. Please, Ayeka, I-" He stopped suddenly then and glanced up at Ryoko, as if asking permission to say what he was going to say, the truth that he had known for so long but never admitted to himself. She looked disappointed, but after a moment's hesitation she smiled gently and nodded to him. Tenchi nodded back, as if to tell her he was sorry, then leaned over and kissed Ayeka on the cheek, gently, and whispered in her ear, "I love you." Ayeka's eyes went wide at the sound of Tenchi confessing himself to her and she gasped. "Lord Tenchi," she choked out. "I always knew you loved me. But, it is too late. I am dying." She looked at Ryoko again, and this time it was not a look of hate, but of remorse. She then looked at Tenchi, her eyes starting to glaze over again as death approached. "Go to Ryoko. She loves you also. I hope-" She broke off, fighting the tears that were trying to come. "I hope you two will be happy together." "There is a way for you to live," someone said, and when Tenchi looked up he was surprised to see that it was T'Nalda. "The process would be extremely painful, and it would leave you a half-vampire for a month, but you would survive." "What are you saying?" Tenchi yelled, his tears just starting to fall. "If you can save her, just say so!" "But it would seem strange-even disgusting-to a person of royalty," T'Nalda said, not in the least perturbed by Tenchi's outburst. "She would be required to drink a sample of my blood. The blood would cause certain changes in her on the molecular level, making her half-vampire, with the ability to regenerate. She would heal." "Yes," Ayeka coughed. "I'll do it. Anything to stay with Tenchi." "Fine," T'Nalda replied simply. Extending a claw, he used it to slit his left wrist, then held it up to the Jurain princess's mouth. Most of the blood that came leaked from the corner of her mouth and dribbled down her chin, but she managed to swallow a few tentative sips. Withdrawing his hand, T'Nalda regenerated the wound and watched as Ayeka curled into a fetal position, writhing and screaming in pain. Tenchi held her hand for several minutes until she stopped, then slowly uncurled like an opening flower. Her wound was completely healed and she dropped into a deep restful sleep. Washu checked Ayeka's vital signs as well as she could without her lab equipment, then nodded in confirmation. "She's alive," was all the childlike scientist said as tears of relief and joy started rolling down her cheeks, along with everyone else in her adopted family. Well, almost everyone else. Ryoko stood apart from the group, on the very edge of the floor next to the hole that used to be a wall. Watching them, she felt a flash of jealousy, the feeling that it wasn't right, that Tenchi should have picked her. But, in her heart, she knew that Tenchi had picked the one that was right for him. Smiling sadly, she accepted his decision and mentally bid them all farewell. Then, she turned and soared off into the night, knowing somehow that Tenchi would be all right. He didn't need her anymore. ---- "People, the Shadows Bar," Tregol said proudly, motioning to the building almost as if he himself had built it with his own hands. "Home to drinks that'll heal broken head or broken heart!" He then smiled and grabbed Luna, pulling her to him and engaging her in a long, slow kiss. "Not that I'd have any need for that last one." Tenchi, however wasn't as upbeat. "What's wrong, Tenchi?" Ayeka asked, kissing him gently on the cheek. "You'll feel better if you talk about it." "I was just thinking about Ryoko," he said. "I mean, she must have been pretty upset to have left like that, without a word, nothing. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if she's gone off and killed someone by now." He smiled wryly. "Then again, it also wouldn't surprise me to find her in here getting drunk." Ayeka grinned slightly at that and gave him a hug. "That's the Tenchi I know," she said. They walked inside to find a relatively clean room with only a few smokers. A lot of the people looked wary, but for the most part they were talking happily, apparently carefree. Tenchi noticed a few couples making out and saw that Ayeka noticed them also. He wondered if he should be concerned that she would get an idea, then decided that he wouldn't mind all that much if she did. Ayeka however only took a cursory notice of the couples making out. She seemed more interested in the dance floor and jukebox. Suddenly, she grabbed Tenchi's hand and pulled him to the dance floor. "Hey! Ayeka-" Tenchi's voice trailed off as he realized what she had in mind. "Ayeka, I can't dance," he whispered. "Whenever I try I grow an extra left foot." "Then don't try, Tenchi," Ayeka replied, smiling. "Just move with the beat." With that, she selected her favorite song from the jukebox, a slow song, and grabbed Tenchi, dancing slowly. He was a little surprised at her eagerness, but found himself instinctively moving his feet. He found it surprisingly easy to fall into the beat as Ayeka pressed herself close to him, resting her chin on his shoulder. He became intensely aware of her body, its curves, its strange combination of firm and soft, and quickly used one hand to check his nose. Fortunately and surprisingly, it wasn't bleeding. After several minutes that seemed like lifetimes to Tenchi, the song ended. Still holding Ayeka's hand, he walked with her over to the bar and sat down on one of the stools, seating her in the stool next to him. He ordered two sodas, one for her and one for himself, and was working up the nerve to ask if she would like to go to a movie once they got back home when a crude-looking tough guy in black leather pushed between them, leaning against the counter and leering at Ayeka. "So, baby," he said, running his eyes freely up and down her body, "how'd you like to dance with a real man?" "I already have," Ayeka said, the annoyance clear in her voice. "What, this weenie?" the tough guy asked, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at Tenchi. "I saw a fly knock a guy like him over one time." "I think the lady said no," Tenchi said, trying to push the stranger out of the way. One thing he would give him, he was dense, both mentally and physically. "Run along, little man," the stranger said sarcastically, casually driving his elbow back into Tenchi's stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. "I just claimed your date." "I am nobody's to be claimed!" Ayeka yelled, her face starting to color with anger at the way he had treated Tenchi. "Now you are," the stranger said, and with that he grabbed Ayeka by the arm almost hard enough to break it and dragged her close, crudely using his free hand to fondle her breasts. "You and me, we're gonna party." "She doesn't want your company, asshole!" Tenchi yelled, and delivered an expertly executed chop to the junction of neck and shoulder. The man yelled in pain and released Ayeka. Whirling around, he was very clearly angry. "Nobody hits me and lives, pip-squeak!" With that, he drew a switchblade and flicked the switch. "Now it's time for a little chopped shrimp!" He wound up for a strike that must have seemed fast as a snake to him, but Tenchi was faster. Ducking under the slash, he grabbed the man around the midsection and threw him over his shoulder, sending him flying back onto a table near the door. Jumping up and slashing wildly, not even looking where he was swinging, he accidentally put a large cut diagonally across the face of a wild-looking teenager. The teenager snarled in pain and punched the man in the face-or tried to. At the last second, the man ducked the punch and the teenager wound up hitting another patron who had just walked in. Within seconds, the minor scuffle had turned into a full-fledged brawl. Ayeka Author's Note: So, whaddya think? If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about this story, write to Criticism will be taken into consideration, but outright insults and flames are not acceptable. And before any Ryoko fans flame me on Tenchi's choice, let us remember that this is only one story. I don't intend to have Tenchi picking one of them become a pattern, much less one more than the other. I will however promise that we haven't seen the last of Ryoko in this fic.