AKA Animus Cain (Animus_Cain@HotMail.com) The Kagato Saga Episode 1: No need for doom. A Tenchi DBZ crossover where the Saiyans and Kagato arrive at the same time. Tenchi and crew must fight alongside the Z-fighters to prevail. Look here every one the Disclaimer: As you may have guessed I don't own any characters etc. Nor did I invent them. Tenchi is owned by Pioneer and I believe Funimation owns Dragonball Z. So all I really what to say here is this is just a story for other to enjoy. Please don't sue me. Note to Reader: This is a blend of Tenchi and DBZ meant to be the first in a series. This draws VERY heavily from the Sayain saga in DBZ and the two Kagato epsiodes Kagato Attacks and We Need Tenchi in the Tenchi Muyo OVA. Each progressive story will see more and more change as the characters start to interact and the cumulative effect changes the long-term story of these two series. This Fan Fiction is a blend of Tenchi Muyo OVA progressing into Tenchi Universe and Dragonball Z. All origins of character however come from OVA and only later story events come from Tenchi universe. The story starts with Tenchi just after episode number 4 OVA and during Dragonball Z episode 14 or in other words, shortly after Mihoshi arrives and just before Goku is wished back and the Saiyans arrive. For those of you unfamiliar with events let me sum it up for you. A little less then a year ago an evil Saiyan came to Earth to find Goku. This Saiyan turned out to be Goku's brother Raditz. Raditz told Goku about the Saiyans who were "planetary stockbrokers" meaning they takeover a planet and kill the inhabitants so some one else can take it over. Goku was sent to earth as a child to do just that, but got bumped of the head and forgot his mission. The Saiyan home world of Vegeta was recently destroyed and so only a few Saiyans are left. Raditz was sent to get Goku for a big job coming up where they could use the extra muscle. Goku horrified by this and refused. Raditz didn't like that so he thrashed Goku and took his son Gohan leaving Goku with an ultimatum either he join the Saiyans and wipe out the humans on Earth as his first job or Raditz would take Gohan in his place. Goku formed a temporary alliance with the villainous Piccolo to beat Raditz. The mighty duo did indeed defeat Raditz but at the cost of Goku's life. Before Raditz died however he learn of the Dragonballs and their wish granting powers and relayed this information to two Saiyans in deep space. The Saiyans quickly left for earth but with such a great distance it would take them a whole year to reach Earth. Piccolo abducted Gohan to give him special training to fight the Saiyans and formed and unlikely friendship between himself and Gohan. Meanwhile Goku's friends the Z-fighters trained themselves so they too could aid in the coming battle. Goku still dead received special permission to travel in the after life to King Kai a legendary (if corny) master of the martial arts under whom he learned the art of Keo Ken. When the year had almost past Goku's friends Master Roshie, Bulma, Pwar, and Oolong finally collected all seven Dragonballs and waited for the day to wish Goku back so he could fight the Saiyans with his new power. In Tenchi, (if you don't know already though I question why your even in this site.) Tenchi accidentally freed a "demon" the space pirate Ryoko when he explored an ancient and forbidden cave at Masaki shrine and removed the legendary sword (actually a Jurai master key) once used to defeat Ryoko, despite his grandfather's (who runs the shrine) specific instructions not to go in there. Ryoko's resurrection in turn brings Princess Ayeka and her sister Princess Sasami of the House of Jurai. Ayeka is searching for her brother and fiancé Yosho who disappeared seven hundred years ago while pursuing Ryoko after she attacked the planet Jurai. Ryoko tries to escape in Ryo'ohki her pet and spacecraft. A battle ensues which destroying both Ayeka's and Ryoko's ships leaving them stranded on earth and moving Tenchi's house right next to Masaki shrine. Ryo'ohki reproduces itself and a new Ryo'ohki is born. Ryoko, Ayeka, and Sasami all decide to stay with Tenchi and each secretly or not so secretly in Ryoko's case fall in love with Tenchi. However, this leads to problems as Ayeka and Ryoko are constantly fighting. Recently they were joined by a fourth visitor from outer space, Detective First Class Mihoshi of the Galaxy Police. Mihoshi accidentally crashes on earth when he detects the energy from one of Ryoko and Ayeka's fights. Now Mihoshi too is staying with the group. The Kagato Saga Episode 1: No need for doom. Master Roshie was in the can when suddenly from across another dimension via King Kai Goku's thoughts reached master Roshie. "Master Roshie" came Goku's thoughts "Master Roshie, it's me Goku." Confused the old master looked about. "Uh, hhhyyyaaaaaa! Goku it's you, but were are you." The old man shouts. "Hahaha. Well don't ask me how, but I'm talking to you with my mind from another dimension. Can you here me okay?" Goku asks. " Yes, I can." Master Roshie states a bit calmer. "Great." Goku continues, "Did you guys manage to collect all seven Dragonballs?" Roshie answers, "Sure did. We're ready when you are. I understand that you've been under going some new training" In the next dimension Goku smiles. "Yes I have it worked out perfectly, and I'm ready to return so please wish me back right away" Goku says "The Saiyans are going to arrive on earth tomorrow." "Bwhaaaaat? Yikes!" Roshie shouts. "Yes I know, and I won't be arriving until the day after tomorrow. Some how the other are going to have to hang on until I get there." Goku says solemnly. Suddenly Goku's thoughts are gone. Master Roshie cries out. "Goku. Hey son are you still there." Confident there is going to be no further messages from the next dimension Master Roshie stumbles out of the bathroom hardly giving himself enough time to pull up his birches. Bulma, Pwar, and Oolong all give him quizzical look as he yells out "Hay gang get the Dragonballs." After some explaining, they assemble all the Dragonballs together in the front of the house. Roshie muster his courage and steps up to the now flashing Dragonballs. "Okay" He says and raises his hand above his head. "Here goes. Now ari…" However, his command is lost as blast strikes in the center of the Dragonballs sending them scattering and knocking Master Roshie over. A man descends from the sky. He has a green cloak over a black robe like outfit with purple trim. He wears white gloves and a small pair of black sunglasses with fit over his nose with out any attachment to his ears. He has long silver hair done back in a ponytail and strange eyes that are yellow instead of white with red pupils. "Well, well, well." The strange and sinister man states. "This is interesting. These are not the gems at all. Yet, their power is very similar. Perhaps Soja can make use of these. At the very least they deserve more study." "Hey!" Bulma shouts. "What do you think your doing? Look, mister we need those to bring Goku back. There are two Saiyans coming her right now and only Goku can beat them. Those two will kill everyone on the planet if there not stopped." The strange man gives her a slightly amused and condescending look. "Really, then it's a good thing I don't plan to be on this planet when they arrive." With that he raises his hand and the Dragonballs start to rise into the air. "Stop it. I'm warning you." Roshie yells. "Don't make me laugh if you can't stop a Saiyan or two you certainly can not stop me." The man retorts. Master Roshie brings his hands up to his side inches apart and shouts. "Well just see about that. KAAMEEHAAMEEHAA!" Energy build between his hands and Master Roshie brings his hands forward aiming the energy ball at the sinister man and lets it fly forward. The wave of energy rushes forward but the man slaps it aside effortlessly with one gloved hand. He holds his hand out toward Roshie and invisible force sends Roshie flying through the house. "Now if there are no further objections?" The man asks. "Just one or two." Comes the reply. Tien and Chiaotzu fly down from the sky. Tien continues, "You're not going anywhere." "Yeah," Chiaotzu chimes in. "We need those to…" The man interrupts "Yes, yes they already told me to get this Goku back, stop the Saiyans, and you're going to hurt me. This is all very amusing but I have bigger plans." Tien crosses his finger to form a triangle and blasts the man. Blinding and deadly light envelops him but when it is over, he is unphased. Tien gasps "No way." The sinister man returns the attack in kind blasting Tien and the beach along with him. Tien recovers quickly though and launches a furious assault of punches and kicks. The man effortlessly evades Tien's every attack, flying out of the way without moving a muscle. Energy crackles in front of him gathering into a single sphere and then firing mercilessly at Tien. Chiaotzu could only watch helplessly as the deadly bolt lances into Tien. The center of Tien's chest blackens and there is a sickening sound of snapping bones as he collapses to the ground. "TIEN" Chiaotzu yells. "TIEN" Chiaotzu muster his energy and blasts the stranger, but once again, the man is completely unharmed. Chiaotzu flies at his opponent charged and glowing with Ki energy. The stranger slaps Chiaotzu down into the sand with a single blow. The stranger holds out his hand and Chiaotzu floats up into the air. Chiaotzu fights his way out of a daze and concentrates. The small fighter glows with energy. With all his will, Chiaotzu concentrates his energy into a single thin beam. Before it can hit an energy field bends the beam away from the stranger, but Chiaotzu concentrates and expends all of his energy managing to bring the beam back in toward the stranger. The beam just brushes the stranger's cheek and a small drop of green blood leak out in the moment it takes to heal. The stranger grimaces frightfully and Chiaotzu jerks in the air as though being pummeled. Bruises and cuts form on Chiaotzu and the tiny warrior screams as his bones crack under the assault. "Stop or…or" Tien manages to gasp. The stranger turns and lets Chiaotzu fall to the ground as he floats over to Tien. The strangers ice cold laughter echoes through the small island. Tien in agony manages to raise his hands for another attack. Tien concentrates all his energy into a huge energy blast that erupts from his hands. Before it could hit a shield forms around the stranger that deflects the awesome attack. In retaliation the stranger creates a sword of energy which he uses to ruthlessly slash open Tien. He is about to take another slash at Tien when his attention is called to the sea. Several figures are flying toward the island. The stranger shrugs and says "Not what I came for but who knows this might be even better." A green energy field materializes above the stranger and opens as he and the Dragonballs float into it. The field seals once more and then it is gone. Piccolo, Gohan, Yamcha, and Krillin arrive on the island seconds later. Bulma runs up and hugs Yamcha. "Yamcha I'm so glad you're here." She says. "Wait, what are you all doing here?" Yamcha replies, "Goku some how told us that their was trouble from the other dimension. What happened?" Bulma explains. "We were about to wish Goku back when this guy came out of nowhere. He some how detected the Dragonballs and took them. Master Roshie, Tien, and Chiaotzu all tried to stop him." Piccolo cuts in. "What was he? He didn't fell like a Saiyan." Krillin run over to Tien and Chiaotzu to gives them a sensu bean he quickly gives one to Tien but stops short as he gets to Chiaotzu. Chiaotzu's head lies at an unnatural angle and it is clear that it is too late. Mercifully, Tien is unconscious and is spared the grizzly sight. "No" Krillin says and shudders. "No he just felt all weird like." Piccolo adds "Well I doesn't matter he has the Dragonballs and he will make his wish. Once they scatter it will be impossible for us to find them all again in one day, and even if we could they will be normal stones for a year. Tomorrow we will just have to fight the Saiyans on our own." Oolong speaks up for the first time. "Not exactly." The small pig holds a Dragonball. "I grabbed this after Mr. Spooky blasted them. He took off with out the full set." Bulma looks up and adds. "This is great we can find him with the dragon radar." Quickly she takes out the device she invented but only one blip appear of the screen. "What?" Bulma stammers. "They don't appear on the radar. I don't understand." Gohan speak up. "This is terrible. Now Mr. Tien and Mr. Chiaotzu are hurt and my dad is trapped in another dimension. We need those Dragonballs." Krillin says. "But how can we find this guy." There is a long silence as no one answers. In the next dimension, Goku clenches his fists in anger. "King Kia what can we do?" Goku asks. Sadly, King Kai turns to Goku. "From here I am afraid this is nothing we can do. Except watch and wait." In silent fury, Goku stands for a moment for the first time in his life he feels totally helpless. That night at the Masaki house Ryoko sees a sinister and familiar silhouette while Sasami has a terrible premonition. The mysterious stranger appears in the cave that once served to imprison Ryoko. He looks about and considers to himself. "This is most convenient Ryoko, Yosho, Ayeka, the gems, the master key, and these mysterious 'Dragonballs'. This is going to be very interesting indeed." While the Z fighters prepare for a battle to the death come the dawn, the Masaki household retires for the night blissfully ignorant of yet another threat headed for earth. In space, the Saiyan pods rapidly approaches the earth. The next morning starts quietly for the Masaki household. Tenchi get up early to find Sasami happily getting breakfast ready. One by one, the others come down for breakfast. After breakfast Tenchi, heads out to the carrot fields followed by Ryo'ohki. The small cabbit happily accompanies Tenchi as he tends the fields. Tenchi scolds the cabbit for its greedy love of carrots when it starts to snow. Ryo'ohki begins to hiss and snarl at the snow. "So you've never seen snow before?" Tenchi asks, "Don't worry it is nothing to get worked up over." But despite Tenchi's assurances the small cabbit continues its frenzy and runs off. Ryoko spends the morning after breakfast enjoying a hot bath and some saki. Soon she is joined by Ayeka. Predictably, the two cannot keep from arguing and are soon in a full blow argument over Tenchi. However, they are soon interrupted by Mihoshi. They both give her dirty looks as she dreamily discuses Tenchi. Sasami frustrated no one was doing their chores sets out to find everyone. Thus goes the morning, the Masaki household totally and completely unaware of the danger that is approaching from outer space. For at that very moment, the Saiyans land. The two space pods land in the heart of a city and two grim figures emerge from the crater. The people gawk in terror as the Saiyans emerge. One is Nappa a bald giant; the other is a short man with spiky black hair known as Vegeta Prince of all Saiyans. Both wear strange armor, a device over the left eye, possess furry brown tails and both have a sinister smile on their lips. "Nahaha" Nappa snickers as he emerges. They effortlessly levitate out and set foot on the earth. "What should we do with these gawking fools?" Vegeta looks about and replies. "Oh I don't know you pick this time." Nappa smiles evilly as he tells Vegeta "Oh Vegeta you're to kind. Thank you very much." Vegeta laughs wickedly and replies, "Don't mention it." Energy gathers in Nappa's open palm the devastating energy pools together until the Saiyan raises his gigantic hand extending the first two finger and with a maniacal laugh the mighty Nappa releases the energy in a deadly nova devastating everything in its wake. Sasami finally finds the group longing in the bath. "There you are, what are you doing we have chores to do you know." She scolds and then quickly adds. "Pew, it stinks in here like saki." Ayeka open he mouth to speak when in flash of green energy the sinister man who attacked materializes in the room. "Aiiiee!!! Pervert!" Ayeka cries. "Kagato!" Ryoko shouts and in the blink of an eye, she is clothed in a black and red skintight combat suit. With a snarl, she attacks Kagato who easily evades her. With a gesture from Kagato Ryoko's gem begins to glow with a green light and energy courses through her. He body spasms as the energy courses through her until the collapses to the ground. "Ah Ryoko, you ARRRR." Kagato starts to say then is jerks back as he is thrown forward by an energy blast. Angrily he turns about to see a tall green person dressed in a white cape and turban that could only belong to Piccolo and Gohan with him. "You have something that doesn't belong to you." Piccolo says. Kagato's expression turns from one of anger to amusement. Kagato says. "Are you talking about those spheres? I am sorry but I have become rather attached to them. They are intriguing. You wouldn't happen to know any thing about them." Piccolo scowls as he replies. "I know you're going to regret it if you do not give them back." "Really?" Kagato asks amused. "I believe you'll find there is really nothing that you can do to stop me as I already proved on your friends." Kagato give a snicker and Piccolo snarls back. "We'll see." With am mighty shout Piccolo charges Kagato. Kagato's hand snaps up as energy erupts from it and Piccolo is blasted out of the bath. "Mr. Piccolo!" Gohan shouts and shudders in terror at Kagato. Kagato and Ryoko rise into the air and vanish into a sphere green energy. "Lets see, the highest power level is, whoa, there is a high power over there." Nappa says. Small figures scroll across the small device over his left eye. "The scouter reads over five thousand." Vegeta looks at his own scouter. "Well then that's a good place to start." Nappa gawks a little bit. "But…But Vegeta how is that possible no one on this planet could have improved that much, they could barely take Raditz." "I don't know Nappa." Vegeta replies, "Maybe the Dragonballs did it." Nappa still hesitates. "Can they really be that powerful?" Vegeta smiles as he replies. "Lets hope so they are going to grant us immortality." Then the two Saiyan fly off to find their prey. At the Masaki house, Tenchi arrives at the baths to see the devastation. "What happened here? Who is this?" Sasami runs up to Tenchi, "It was terrible. This man came and took Ryoko and then a big green monster came and they fought and…and" Gohan interrupts her. "He is not a monster. He is Mr. Piccolo, he's my friend, we came here to stop that guy and wish my dad back." "What?" Tenchi asks. "I don't understand. Who are you?" Gohan sniffles back tears as he answers. "I, I'm Gohan, we followed him here you see. We suddenly sensed his energy and came here to stop him." Tenchi starts to ask if he can sense where Kagato went but it becomes quickly apparent as and explosion sound from out side. As Tenchi and the rest from the bath arrive, Tien is attacking in a fury sending wave after wave of attacks at Kagato while Krillin, Yamcha, and Piccolo move to support him. Kagato is on the defensive; he is slowly driven back until his stuck between Tien's relentless attacks and the ancient tree of Masaki shrine. Krillin cheers Tien on "That it Tien keep it up you've got this guy." Piccolo however frowns with concern. That sly confidant expression never left Kagato's face. Tien cries out. "This is for Chiaotzu." Tien raises his hand to finish Kagato off. However, he never makes it as Ryoko, eyes bizarrely changed to blue with yellow pupils and her face completely expressionless, slams into him smashing Tien into the ground. Kagato laughs his villainous laugh as Tien scramble to recover. Tenchi desperately pounds on the master key trying to summon up the energy blade it can produce, but to no avail. Meanwhile Gohan is paralyzed with fear as he watches his friends fight for their lives. Ayeka, Sasami, and Mihoshi are at loss for what to do, total overwhelmed by the combat they see before them. Ryoko pummels Tien beating him viciously. Krillin flies to aid Tien. Ryoko teleports out of the way just moments before Krillin reaches her. Both Tien and Krillin look about for her only to be blasted from above by Ryoko in relentless series of energy beams. Piccolo finds himself defending for his life desperately trying to buy Yamcha enough time to form his Kai bomb attack. Yamcha forms the attack and launches it at Kagato. Kagato move deftly out of the way but under Yamcha's rapid control the bomb stays close behind. Kagato flies high into the air and fire a large ray at the bomb. The ray tears through the bomb setting it off in a huge explosion and continues on blasting Yamcha as well. When the smoke clears Yamcha lies smoldering at the bottom the newly formed crater unmoving. Ryoko does not give Krillin or Tien a chance to recover. She flies down into after them. With a vicious backhand, she sends Krillin flying into the air. Tien however is up and moving before Ryoko can defend herself, he attacks. He punches her repeatedly. Ryoko pulls away and puts so distance between them. Tien is persistent however and fires tri-blasts at her. Again and again the tri-blast narrowly miss her as she teleports out of the way, but having seen this trick once, each time Ryoko teleports Tien is a ready tracking her giving her no time to attack. Finally, Ryoko disappears all together. Tien concentrates trying to locate her energy. Ryoko quickly emerges floating up from the ground under Tien. Ryoko pounds Tien one to the gut. Tien's eyes bulge and he gasps for breath. Ryoko grasps him by his tee shirt and beats him senseless. Tien goes limp Ryoko pull him to his feet beating him to a pulp. As Kagato laughs over Yamcha's charred corpse, Piccolo splits himself into three. All of the Piccolos say in unison "Your going down." The Piccolo first charges at Kagato only to be blasted out of the sky. The other two Piccolos make use of the diversion. One fires a special beam cannon at Kagato. The energy beam is stopped short once again by Kagato's energy field, however this leaves Kagato open to the other Piccolo who attacks Kagato from above. The third Piccolo shouts "Now your mine." The battle is suddenly interrupted a multitude of Kai blasts which streak across the field. Kagato's shield protects him but Ryoko, Tien, and Piccolo are all blasted. The Kai blasts explodes into Tien and Ryoko when the dust clears Tien is gone and Ryoko stands alone seemingly unharmed, the Piccolos are blasted in mid attack and fall to the ground were the remerge into one being. All attention is brought to the attacker the giant Saiyan Nappa. "Thank you Nappa." Vegeta says. "I don't usually have this much trouble getting peoples attention. So now I repeat myself I'm looking for the Dragonballs which one of you knows where the are." At first, no one answers. Then Gohan speaks up. "He took them. That guy over there." Gohan points out Kagato. "Well then," Vegeta continues. "it looks like I want to talk to you." Kagato narrows his eyes as he says. "It's a pity I have nothing to say to you then. All six Dragonballs are in my possession, and very soon so will the master key and the limitless power of Tsunami." Nappa scratches his chin. "Did I miss something here? What's a Tsunami and I thought there were sev…" Vegeta harshly replies. "Who cares, it's the Dragonballs we came for and as for limitless power well I'm already here aren't I? Nappa why don't you persuade this gentleman to tell use where the Dragonballs are." The huge warrior steps forward. "My pleasure Vegeta." Nappa replies. Nappa checks his scouter. "Power level 2, hahahahahahaha." The Saiyan can barely contain his amusement. Kagato turn to Piccolo. "It seems our time is over." Kagato states confidently the blasts Piccolo with a huge blast that leaves him smoking. Then Kagato turn to Nappa. Ryoko floats up to interpose herself between Nappa and Kagato. The warrior begins to laugh again until his scouter clicks on. "Power level four thousand?!!!" Napa gasps. Ryoko Raises one hand and energy rapidly pool there. "Power level ten thousand and rising." Nappa states astonished then recovering his wits. "Alright! Looks like this will be a fight after all." Ryoko fires at Nappa. Nappa shields himself with his arms and strains forward. Even so, he is forced back by the attack, but then it is Nappa's turn. Nappa opens his mouth wide and shouts as he bellows out a mouth blast. The energy beam is easily avoided by Ryoko who flies out of harm way. She charges the Saiyan and smashes him brutally across the face shattering his scouter. Nappa round houses Ryoko taking her off balance then kicks her back. Ryoko is up immediately though and fires a rapid series of energy blasts at Nappa. Nappa barely avoids these as he rises into the air. Ryoko teleports under Nappa and fires again knocking the Saiyan from the sky. As he tumbles down Ryoko flies up knees him in the chest then smashes him with both hand sending Nappa plummeting into the ground. Krillin finally recovers from Ryoko's attack and looks on as Ryoko and Nappa battle it out. "Incredible. They are just so powerful. But no matter who wins this will only be trouble." Krillin clenches his hands into tight fists. "There has to be something I can do. Goku if only you were here." Kagato however is paying the battle no heed instead he is staring as Tenchi or more specifically the hilt like object that Tenchi is holding. "The master key." Kagato says greedily as he recognizes the object. Kagato is further surprise and another revelation hits him. "In the hilt, Ryoko's last two gems." Nappa, in the air once again, swings once again at Ryoko; she evades the blow and pounds her fist into Nappa's chest cracking his armor. Nappa yells out in pain, but Ryoko shuts him up with a fierce uppercut. Nappa fall back and wipes blood from his face. His face contorts in anger. Napa yells. "RrrraaaAAAAAA. You'll pay dearly for that." Nappa pulls back his hand and gathers up his kai energy. Then, mad with rage, Nappa fires off a tremendous attack into the air. Expressionless, Ryoko merely teleport out of the way materializing in front of Nappa and kicking him in the chest sending him tumbling into the ground. Ryoko fires a blast of her own at Nappa before he can regain his footing and blasting him off of the ground. Nappa hurt but not defeated flies up and launches a rapid succession of punches, but each one misses Ryoko who seemingly effortlessly moves out of the way at the last second. Finally, they lock arms in an all out contest of strength. Nappa smiles and presses his size and strength against Ryoko. Ryoko with the same zombie like total lack of expression pushes back. Nappa can scarcely believe it as she over powers him. Meanwhile on the ground Krillin sees his chance and takes it. Raising his hand above his head, he calls out "Distructo Disk activate". A two dimensional circle of white rotating energy forms above his palm. Krillin take careful aim and launches the disk at the two battling fighter. The disk moves rapidly toward the two only to be intercepted by a huge energy attack destroying the disk. "Really that was pathetic. Trying to sneak attack them like that. A Saiyan has no need for such cowardly tactics. The attack the enemy head on, like so." Vegeta says. Then he raises one hand with two fingers extended toward Krillin. Krillin has just enough time to gasp before being blasted. Krillin manages to get a defense up but it does little good and he is blasted back. Smoldering, his cloths in taters, once again Krillin surrenders to unconsciousness. "This is impossible." Nappa screams. "I am Nappa a Saiyan super elite fighter head of the entire Saiyan army. I cannot be weaker than this little earth woman." Ryoko twists Nappa's arms painfully until he lets go then brutally beats him with powerful blow after blow pounding Nappa until finally he is sent flying into the air. "That's it" Nappa screams. "Now your dead. DO YOU HEAR ME DEAD!!!" Nappa begins to glow and every vain on his body seem to bulge out. With a near feral cry, he flies at full speed at Ryoko. She too flies directly at Nappa. The Saiyan cranks back his arm and drives his fist into Ryoko. But much to Nappa's surprise his fist passes right through Ryoko and she pass through his body as though she were merely a phantom. Quickly Nappa turns around to she where she went only to find her directly behind him inches away with an orange blade of pure energy in hand. With incredible speed, Ryoko attacks. The blade cut though Nappa before he can even move decapitating the giant. Vegeta still look unimpressed. "Well, well, well there is a decent fighter left on earth. Could she be a Saiyan? Where is Kakarot?" Vegeta wondered she has a tail he could tell even with jumpsuit but that was nearly impossible. Kagato speaks up interrupting Vegeta train of thought. "Well this has been enough amusement for one day. I have to become ruler of the universe." Vegeta turn to him. "Not so fast you still have to deal with me." Kagato smiles and says. "Vegeta, you are inconsequential, but if you insist." Suddenly Kagato is in front of Vegeta glowing energy sword in hand. All Vegeta's speed in insufficient to get him completely out of harm way. The sword cut though his armor and gashes his chest. Vegeta scream in anger, pain, and surprise. Kagato extends a hand and the largest energy attack any of them has ever seen hits Vegeta. Vegeta's body is slammed by the attack and the whole ground shakes. When the dust settles Vegeta lies very still. "Well now that just leaves you and me Tenchi." Kagato says. Tenchi raises the key and this time it flares to life. Tenchi says. "I am ready for you." Kagato float over to Tenchi and says. "Really, tell me this how did you get that sword. That is royal property. The kings own I believe." Tenchi look startled as he says. "What are you talking about what king?" For once Kagato look surprised. Kagato almost gasps. "You don't know!?! You would fight me with it and you don't even begin to understand it secrets? Foolish boy you cannot defeat me." Ayeka cries out. "Tenchi be careful." Gohan unconsciously back a step or two away behind Ayeka. Kagato continues. "Not just any one can use that sword. Are you a suitable wielder of the sword?" Tenchi replies "I am not sure maybe, maybe not. I don't know." Kagato smiles evilly. "Well then I will just have to test you." Kagato attacks Tenchi the two swords meet. It is clear however, that Tenchi is no match for Kagato and can barely keep his sword on. In a few moments Tenchi is defeated and lying the water around the tree of Masaki shrine. Ryoko grabs Tenchi from behind and hold him fast. Kagato move in to take the sword. Krillin is unsure if he is awake or dreaming as he hears Goku's voice. "Krillin. Krillin get up. Krillin we need you." Krillin still unsteady looks about. "Goku?" Krillin asks. "Goku are you here." The answer comes. "No, I am still trapped in the next dimension. But Krillin there is something you have to do." Krillin now fully awake asks incredulously. "Goku what can I do you saw me try. I can't even touch these guys. We have been scared senseless of the Saiyans for a year and these two come and take them on like there nothing." "Krillin you can help. King Kia knows how. Ryoko, Krillin the woman, there is a gem on her right sleeve if you can get that you can stop her. They are distracted. They're focused on Tenchi. Krillin now is your chance." Goku calmly says. Krillin looks around. Sure enough both Kagato and Ryoko are attacking Tenchi. Ryoko is holding him still while Kagato approaches. Summoning his courage, Krillin puts his hand to his face and shouts "Solar flair". Light streams from the Krillin blinding everyone. Kagato reels back and Ryoko raises her arms to shield her eyes. As soon as she does Krillin creates a second destructo disk and sends it flying at Ryoko cutting her arm of at the elbow. Ryoko eyes turn back to normal and she cries out and collapses into the water. Simultaneously with Krillin's attack, the master key glows with energy and blast back Kagato. Kagato writhes with pain and screams. "Very well, it seems for now I will have to wait for the key." Kagato says. Kagato and Ryoko float up into the air. "I invite all of to come and visit me on my ship the Soja if you care to come. I know Ryoko will be there." Kagato laughs as he and Ryoko disappear into a green energy field. Krillin sighs with relief. "He is finally gone. I think were safe." Krillin's jubilation is cut short as he sees the expression on every ones face. "No." Piccolo manages to say gritting his teeth in pain. "It's not over. He still has the Dragonballs and he clearly wants the sword. I am sure he will be back." Krillin stares in stark amassments. Krillin gasps. "Piccolo you're still alive? I though you were dead like…Yamcha and Tien." Krillin runs over to him to gives Piccolo a sensu bean. "Only two left." Krillin says as he shakes out the pouch and it contents spill out. Two sensu beans and the seven star Dragonball spills out. Krillin gives Piccolo one bean. Piccolo eats if and is healed and revitalized. Krillin is about to eat the other when her hears Gohan shout. "Look out Krillin." An ominous shadow fall over Krillin. Krillin turn around to see what it is, but is only fast enough to get a punch to the face rather then in the back of the head. Vegeta stronger then ever thanks to his Saiyan ancestry stands triumphant over Krillin. After seeing the bean restore Piccolo, Vegeta takes the bean and eats it. Krillin weakly tries to get up but Vegeta kicks him back down. Vegeta laughs as he says. "Well maybe a Saiyan attack from behind once in a while. Ha, looks like Vegeta wins after all. Now I am strong enough to beat that freak, I am fully recovered, and I have a Dragonball." Piccolo tries to stop him but he is easily knocked away by Vegeta. Vegeta flies off the way he came almost to fast for Piccolo to see. "I've failed." Tenchi says quietly. "We all did, but that doesn't mean it's over." Piccolo adds. A new voice adds "Quite right." Every one turns to see an elderly man with long gray hair, a gray mustache, and glasses. "Grandpa." Tenchi says surprised. Tenchi start to say more but is cut off by his grandfather. "Tenchi, what are you going to do now. Now is the time to act. Can you protect your friend with a sword you cannot fully control? You have the potential." Tenchi is quiet for a moment then says. "I think…Yes, yes I can." Ayeka protest. "No Lord Tenchi it's to dangerous." However, Tenchi's Grandfather cut her off. "Ayeka their come a time when every man must take action, they just need find the courage to do so." Tenchi confidently says. "I'm ready lets go." One by one the other chime in their agreement. Ayeka stops Sasami short however. "Sasami I am afraid you must stay here with grandfather." Sasami protests. "But Ayeka…" Tenchi gently adds. "I'm sorry but I think it would be best." Gohan slowly walk to Piccolo and says. "I'm sorry," But Piccolo stops him harshly. "There will be no one to baby sit you, no one for you to hide behind. If you cannot help you should just stay here with Sasami." Gohan almost cries, but the he look over at Tenchi. Then he says with steel in his voice. "No I want to come, my dad wouldn't back down, and you guys are not going to run away, I have to come." Piccolo eyes Gohan for what seems to Gohan an eternity then finally says. "Alright then lets go Gohan." "Great now all we need is a way off this planet." Tenchi says. As if on cue Ryo'ohki leaps into the air and with a loud "Meow" changes into a spacecraft. Then Ryo'ohki pulls what is left of Ayeka's ship the Ryou and bonds with its control center tucking in neatly under the ship. "Oh no, my little Ryo'ohki." Sasami protests. "I guess that will do." Tenchi says and they quickly enter the ship and head out into space. As Ryo'ohki lift off Piccolo says. "Well kid, seeing as were all here for the same cause we might as well learn each other names." Tenchi looks up. "Oh, sorry I'm Tenchi Masaki and this is…" Mihoshi interrupts. "I am Galaxy Police detective first class Mihoshi, this is Ayeka of planet Jurai." Ayeka speaks up "I can introduce myself you know." Tenchi look over at Gohan and says. "We already got introduced to Gohan here, well sort of anyway." Piccolo says. "I am call Piccolo and the short guy is Krillin." Vegeta, with his newly acquired Dragonball in hand, races to his pod. He quickly enters it and lift off headed for outer space. As he clears the atmosphere, he sees a strange looking ship beginning to lift off behind him. Once in space, their target becomes clear. A huge gray ship lays waiting for them not far in space. It could only be Kagato's Soja. Meanwhile in deep in Soja Kagato reflects on the situation. Ryoko is literally his captive audience, shrunken down to doll size she is trapped in an hourglass pinned by the sand. "Interesting they are actually going to try to rescue you. How totally futile. If the only realized the I built that ship their on and I know everything about it." Kagato explains. Ryoko completely unable to move pleads to Kagato. "Don't hurt Tenchi, please. I beg you." Kagato turn to Ryoko. " Can this boy really mean so much to you? My dear feeling amount to little more than nothing when compared to the power I will soon posses." Angry now Ryoko shout. "I am not just your machine anymore I am a human being!" At this statement Kagato is amused. Kagato says. "Ryoko your current form was chosen simply because it was convenient. You could have just as easily been a rock. Would you like that Ryoko, would you like to be a rock because it can be arranged." Kagato glances back at the screen. "Now it's time to end this." The Soja open fire blasting Ryo'ohki. Inside the whole group is thrown about as the ship rocks from the impact. Gohan cries out. "Krillin you have a spacecraft can't you do something." Krillin takes a look around saying. "I can't pilot this thing." Ayeka yells. "Do something. I order you to do something." Krillin slowly looks at the consoles hoping something will make sense to him when suddenly the ship turns all red and begins making erratic movements. "This was not what I meant Krillin." Ayeka shouts. Kagato look on in curiosity at what is happening to Ryo'ohki. "That is a very capable maneuver. I wonder if the boy's sword is responsible for it." Kagato asks. Vegeta watches as Ryo'ohki comes under fire. "Perfect," Vegeta says to himself. "Now I alone shall reach Soja, and I alone shall get the Dragonballs." On Ryo'ohki Krillin protests "It's not me. I didn't do anything." Ayeka spots the true cause. Mihoshi is feeding one of the crystals saki. The crystal phases between a crystal form and that of a sloshed cabbit. "Will you stop that! You are going to get us killed." Ayeka shouts at her. "Sorry I just don't have much to do right now." Mihoshi replies sheepishly. "We have to do something." Tenchi shouts. "Doesn't this ship have any form of attack?" Piccolo asks. "We could use the Light Hawk wings from my ship. Their meant to defend the ship but we could use them for attack." Ayeka replies. "Good," Piccolo says. "since we can't control this ship that's our only option I'll do it." Ayeka shakes her head. "Only some one from the Royal Family can operate my ship." Ayeka start to leave but Tenchi stops her. "I'll go, you need to stay here. Just tell me what to do when I get there." Quickly Ryo'ohki transports Tenchi down what is left of Ayeka's ship. Ayeka appear on a screen overhead. "Tenchi you must go to the control center, the tree in the middle of the ship. From their use the master key to extend the Light Hawk wings." Ayeka instructs. "Got it." Tenchi replies. Kagato watch the Light Hawk wings extend from ship. "Interesting strategy." He comments. Vegeta finally reaches Soja. As he exits from his pod, he looks out to see the Light Hawk wings open around Ryo'ohki. Once open the wings expand from their normal defensive position to cover the whole front of the ship in vaguely cone like shape. The Wings explode outward from the center firing at the Soja. The Soja fires back and the two energy fields tear each other apart. Vegeta growls. "That is impressive. They might even be able to challenge the Soja. But then they might damage it and destroy the Dragonballs. I can't risk it." Vegeta pull back both arms and feels the energy build there, then he brings them forward in his signature attack. "Galet GUN!!!!!" Vegeta shouts and fire a huge ray of energy flies from his extended hands. Vegeta's attack streaks at Ryo'ohki. Ryo'ohki still engaged with the Soja is helpless to do anything about it. The beam strikes the bottom destroying the half that was Ayeka's ship blowing it to pieces. With Ayeka's ship destroyed the Light Hawk Wings fade away. "Well, I think that will take care of that. Now to find Kagato and teach him the power of Vegeta." Grimly the Saiyan heads into the ship. Inside the hour glass Ryoko screams her fury, her energy expands with such force that all the sand is forced into the upper half of the hourglass before the entire thing shatters. Ryoko teleports out into the debris and searches for Tenchi but find only a strip of cloth covered in red blood. With steal in her voice, Ryoko professes to the universe. "Kagato you have killed the one most dear to me. Now I will make you pay. I will make you pay!!!" Inside Ayeka look over numerous view of the wreckage. "Tenchi!" She says over and over. "Tenchi! Tenchi! Tenchi! Tenchi!" She is only snapped out of her daze as Ryoko teleports into the ship. She is now life sized again and with both arms. Mihoshi says. "Ryoko we thought you were Kagato's prisoner." Angrily Ayeka address Ryoko. "I don't believe this. Well now that you've escaped, we can save Tenchi." Ryoko interrupts. "We must go. We must confront Kagato that's all that matters now." Furious now Ayeka can barely keep from screaming and grasps Ryoko's arm. "Is that right? I'll tell you what we must do. We must find Lord Tenchi and save him after all we were here to rescue you the least you…" Ayeka is cut off again as Ryoko fiercely shrugs of Ayeka and hold up the bloody cloth. "Tenchi is dead." Ryoko says coldly. "All that matters now is that we confront his murderer. I will kill Kagato. I will KILL him. Even if it kills me." Gohan tugs at Ayeka's sleeve and says "Don't cry Miss Ayeka if we get the Dragonballs back we can wish Tenchi back just like my dad." Ayeka dries her eyes and says. "Thank you, Gohan." Ryoko takes off the earring on her left ear and if fuses to her wrist. Her outfit changes to equal parts red and black. "Ryo'ohki" Ryoko commands. "Take us to Soja. Ayaaaaaa." Soja's and Ryo'ohki's energy fields collide. "Hyaaaa" Ryoko cries again and they punch though. Energy ripples and warps as they crash into Soja. Kagato laughs as he watches Vegeta angrily search through Soja for him. "Oh, Vegeta you would never find your way here if I didn't will it. In Soja, I am in control. However, I think I will let you find Ryoko and her friends." Kagato wills the view screen off and then walk over to his organ and a play dark requiem as he waits for his guests to arrive. On earth, Sasami senses what happened. Crying she runs down from the shrine. "Don't die Tenchi. Please don't die." She trips and falls in her haste but gets back up. She begins chanting. "By the royal seal of my true name, please open the path to our ancestors the space trees." The tree of Masaki shrine begins to glow as she continues. "Heaven to ocean, ocean to earth," Sasami float into the air and the seal on her forehead begins to glow and she continues. "earth back to heaven," light expands into a rune like seal on the trunk of the tree as Sasami finishes. "show me the path engraved by the light." Sasami turns into a shower of glowing sparks that funnel into the tree. Then the glowing stops and the night is quiet once more. With the power of Jurai Ayeka transforms her clothes into a Jurai combat fatigues and Mihoshi's into a Galaxy Police combat jumpsuit. Ready for the worst Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Mihoshi leave the ship. Ryo'ohki crashed into Soja teleports them into the ship. They are all split up each materializing in a different passage. They are almost immediately attacked by giant floating heads which they each must defeat to progress further. Eventually all the corridors converge into one. Piccolo, Ayeka, and Ryoko arrive first. The wall before them opens inward as if it were a curtain. "It seems our host is waiting for us." Ayeka observes. "It would be rude to keep him waiting." Ryoko adds. "Lets go in and introduce ourselves." Piccolo finishes. Gohan and Krillin quickly follow as the trio starts to advance through the curtains. Mihoshi is the last to make it though the maze of attack heads. "Wait for me." Mihoshi calls out. Vegeta taking yet another corridor and finally emerges from the maze behind Mihoshi. "Alright you twit. Where is Kagato? Tell me or I'll break every bone in your body." Vegeta snarls at Mihoshi. "Don't come any closer. Threatening a Galaxy Police officer is a crime under statute 7 of the Galaxy police code. I place you under arrest for the crimes of assaulting an office, endangering the public..." Mihoshi continues to stammer. Vegeta is getting angrier by the second shouts. "Didn't you hear me? Where is Kagato where are the Dragonballs?" Mihoshi almost in tears continues. "and attempted murder. If you come any closer I will fire on you, and that would really hurt. If you try to escape…" Vegeta finally looses it and bellows as he attacks Mihoshi. Mihoshi holds out one hand and her glove shoots hundreds of small blue projectiles. The projectiles hit Vegeta sealing him in a crystal like substance. It becomes quickly clear however that it will not hold Vegeta and cracks start to form in the crystal. Panicked Mihoshi pull out her control cube. Mihoshi desperately operates the control cube as she continues babbling. "then you'll be in real trouble." Vegeta breaks free and he streaks toward her. Vegeta slaps the control cube out of her hands. In a flash of light Mihoshi and Vegeta vanish just as Vegeta strikes the cube. Meanwhile in deep space, the two Jurai guardians hold what is left of Tenchi in a glowing force field. The master key floats just above Tenchi glowing slightly. Tenchi is badly hurt the lower half of his body is completely gone. From nothingness eight Light Hawk wings open and a woman appears before Tenchi. She is clearly Jurai, she has long blue hair done back in long ponytails as is traditional of Jurai women, large scarlet eyes, two black dots on her forehead, and is dressed in the style of Jurai royalty. She moves to Tenchi completely uninhibited by the energy field produced by the guardians. For a long moment, she gazes upon Tenchi. Then she move into Tenchi and then they all disappear in a flash of light. Piccolo, Ryoko, Krillin, Ayeka, and Gohan unaware of Mihoshi's plight enter into Kagato's sanctum. A huge throne like chair dominates the room at the top of a small series of steps, two large cobra statues flank the entranceway, and a huge organ is located just to the right of the throne. Kagato finishes the requiem and stands to greet them as the last few note linger in the cathedral like room. "Welcome to my chapel ladies, gentlemen, and green creatures. I hope you enjoyed the music." Kagato says cordially with a bow. "This time you die, Kagato." Piccolo says evenly as though he just stated a fact rather then a threat. "Stand back Ayeka." Ryoko says. However, Ayeka with a deadly energy field glowing around her flies ahead of them attacking Kagato. "Scumbag." Ayeka shouts as their opposing energies meet and clash. Despite the intense energy, Kagato calmly asks. "Is that a term of affection or do you just not like me? Your surprisingly powerful but this chapel's force field counteracts all energy that attacks it. Now allow me to teach you some manners." Ayeka's energy field disappears and she is thrown violently across the room. Piccolo catches the unconscious princess and lowers her safely to the ground. Krillin raises his hand to his face and shout out. "Solar flair!" Blinding light fill the room. However when Krillin lowers his hand he find that Kagato was unaffected this time he did not even blink. An energy beam from Kagato slams into Krillin burning him and lifting him off his feet carrying him back until he slams into one of the Soja's walls. Ryoko tags Kagato with a blast and comes at him with sword in hand ready to finish him. Kagato however is faster, he evades her and grabs her by the neck. She struggles in his grasp. Kagato says smugly. "It seems you've lost a step or two Ryoko." To Ryoko's horror, Kagato turns her to stone and then tosses her aside. Piccolo attacks with a rapid series of Kia attacks. Piccolo sends hundreds of deadly energy beams at Kagato but every one is deflected by Kagato's shield. Piccolo raises both his arms and they stretch outward. Piccolo's now tremendously long arms wrap around Kagato. Piccolo begins to squeeze Kagato, crushing him in his powerful arms. Kagato bellows in pain and energy builds around him. The energy pours out from Kagato blowing Piccolo arms to pieces. Piccolo drops to his knees and shout in pain as two new arms grow in to replace the old ones. Piccolo tears free one of the snake statues flies up and throws it at Kagato. Kagato phases though the snake completely unaffected. Piccolo flies at Kagato from above. With a single blow so fast that Piccolo never even saw it coming Kagato send Piccolo fling in a new direction. Piccolo stop himself just short of the wall and turns to face Kagato. Kagato throws his green energy sword at Piccolo. The blade impales Piccolo through the chest pinning him to the wall. Piccolo hangs there a moment then the blade vanishes and Piccolo falls the floor. Gohan look on in terror from the corner as one by one his friends are defeated. Ayeka limp form flies up off the floor and over to Kagato. Kagato takes off one glove reveling nothingness beneath. Kagato's invisible fingers crawl across Ayeka's face as she floats in front of him unconscious. "You will show me the secret of Tsunami unit princess Ayeka." Kagato says sinisterly. Vegeta and Mihoshi materialize in a mirror version of the room they just left, Vegeta's momentum carries them though the curtain into the next room. The room is a mirror of the chapel, that even now the rest of the group find themselves in, with one notable exception instead of Kagato's throne and organ a large crystal hold a short young woman with long red hair is seemingly enshrined there. Vegeta quickly gets up off the floor. Mihoshi reaches for her control cube but Vegeta kicks it just out of her reach. With one hand extended to Mihoshi ready to fry her if need be Vegeta asks her through clenched teeth. "Where are we? What did you just do? And for the last time, where are the Dragonballs!?!" Mihoshi crying her eyes out shakes her head. "I just don't know. What is a Dragonball? Is that like a game or something?" Vegeta is incredulous as he shouts. "No you ditz is a small orange sphere with stars on it. Now tell me where are they." Mihoshi smiles at this. "Oh, well isn't that one there." Mihoshi says indicating the seven star Dragonball Vegeta has secured to his waist. Vegeta angrily shout. "I already know about that one." Mihoshi giggles. "Then it was kind of a silly question then wasn't it? I mean you already knew the answer." Vegeta can scarcely believe this and shouts at the top of his lungs. "What, you, arrrrrrr! Dolt! Moron! I, I don't believe this! That's it! You hear me that is it!" Vegeta growls in anger and his hand begins to glow, but before he can fire he is attacked from behind. The two snake statues, now flesh and blood rather then cold stone, attack Vegeta. Mihoshi leaps out of their way and grabs her control cube. Vegeta punches one snake out of his way. The second snake bites at Vegeta and Vegeta quickly dodges out of the way. Vegeta fires a beam of energy at the snake blasting it in the face. Mihoshi franticly manipulates her control cube once again. "I reeeeally wish I would have paid attention when Kiyone showed me how to use this." She wines. Vegeta is about to follow up his attack on the second snake when he is smacked out of the air by the first snake. It thrashes him with its tail from behind. Unnoticed by either Vegeta or Mihoshi; Mihoshi's efforts with the control cube yields a surprising effect. The crystal holding the woman begins to crack. The first snake follows up its attack by biting Vegeta. Vegeta strains against its jaws as it tries to swallow him. Vegeta holds his own in until the snakes tongue wraps around his leg and begins to pull him down. Vegeta yells in furry as he is slowly pulled into the snake. The second snake with nothing to kill look about and spots Mihoshi. She screams as the snake charges her. She closes her eyes as the snake lunges at her. After a few moments when she is reasonably she sure she is not dead, Mihoshi opens her eyes. The snake is just centimeters away mouth open and ready to eat Mihoshi, but now it is once more harmless stone. The small red woman walks past Mihoshi. "Okay take it easy you safe now." She says as she walks past Mihoshi. "Thanks for setting me free. I'll just get these out of the way" She waves her hand slightly and the snakes disintegrate and Vegeta falls free. The woman walks over to Vegeta and looks at him a moment with her green eyes as he gasps for air. She yanks his tail. "Humm, your not a normal Saiyan. You're an elite." Vegeta musters his dignity when he speaks. "I am Vegeta prince of all Saiyans, a SUPER elite warrior and the strongest Saiyan alive." The woman looks at him a moment more before walking away clearly losing interest in him. "Yes, yes I know. Well no need to thank me for saving your life. It was really nothing. Lets see now. Ah, here she is." With a wave of her hand Ryoko still a statue appears. "Well it looks like nothings broken." Vegeta interrupts her. "What is the meaning of this who are you? What the hell is going on here?" The woman never turns around but replies. "Don't be rude I'm getting to that. Well if you must know you can call me lil' Washu. (I am little aren't I?)" With a snap of her fingers Ryoko turns back to flesh and blood. Washu walks around inspecting Ryoko. "That jerk tried to destroy her. Well I'll show him. Your body is sagging a bit. The deterioration of your muscle definitely affects your ability to fight. It's also affecting your visual/psychological tactics." Ryoko grabs Washu roughly and says. "Okay pipsqueak. Whether my body is sagging or not is none of your concern. What are visual/psychological tactics anyway?" Washu looses herself from Ryoko's grip and answers. "Why your sex appeal of course. Still your better of than Vegeta. With a face not even a mother could love." Ryoko replies. "I'll have you know my body shape hasn't changed for the past 700 years. What do you think of that you smart aleck?" Washu replies. "What I think is that's no way to talk to your mother Ryoko." Ryoko's eyes widen as she asks. "Who?" Washu continues. "That's right. Not only did I create you, I've created Ryo'ohki, the Soja. I've created so many things really. But I used my ova for you so I'm more like your mother than your creator. In fact I am the greatest scientific genius in the universe." Vegeta interrupts having mustered his dignity once more. "Whatever. If you're so great then where the hell are we?" Washu turn to Vegeta. "Why were in the reversed world. A special dimension I added in the middle of Soja. It's only one-way though. In retrospect that probably was a bad idea so I'm sure it was Kagato's." Ryoko interrupts this time. "Who cares about that? How do I get to Kagato?" Washu looks up at Ryoko. "Want to take revenge for Tenchi?" Ryoko is taken aback by this. Ryoko asks. "How do you know about Tenchi?" Washu answers. "Just as you are connected with Ryo'ohki I am connected with you. So I know; Everything. I know how you feel about Tenchi. You like him, you love him, you've never felt like this before, and you'll do anything for him. On top of all that you want to do this and that with Tenchi." Both Mihoshi and Washu blush at this last observation and Mihoshi asks. "She's thinking about it right now?" Vegeta has had about all he can stand of this. He shouts. "That doesn't matter the you said the kid's dead, right. How do we get to Kagato!?!" Ryoko violently turns to Vegeta. She almost hisses at him. "You shut up about Tenchi. You part of this whole mess to begin with." Vegeta says back. "How dare you talk that way to me. I'll do as I please. Listen here you…" Washu finally gets to interrupts someone as she says. "Ryoko you can go if you like. For you it's a piece of cake. But could you do me a favor; please call me mom." Ryoko growls at Washu and teleports away. Vegeta stairs as she vanishes then asks Washu. "What? How did she do that? Tell me HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE!?!" Washu patently addresses Vegeta. "Well for you it's a bit more difficult. You see that was only an astral body of Ryoko her physical body is still on the other side. We however are trapped her as long as Kagato is alive. Now as I was saying the entrance to this dimension is one way from the normal world to the reversed world so…" Vegeta violently grips Washu lifting her off her feet. He says menacingly. "There must he a way out of here and your going to tell me or so help me whatever Kagato did to you will seem the most angelic kindness." Washu extends one finger and presses it to Vegeta's forehead a tiny jolt like static electricity crackles between her finger and Vegeta. Vegeta's eyes go wide for a moment then he collapses to the ground dropping Washu. Slowly Vegeta pulls himself off the floor. Washu says. "Now I trust you'll be a bit more civil." Vegeta doesn't say anything just growls and turns away. Mihoshi asks Washu. "Shouldn't we have gone with Ryoko?" Washu sighs and answers once again. "We can't. Once in the reversed world we cannot simply leave unless Kagato is destroyed. Please try to understand." Mihoshi nods but then asks. "So where are we again?" Back in the real world Piccolo drags himself off the ground. He holds onto the wall for support. Piccolo surveys the situation. Gohan is nowhere to be seen, Ryoko's a rock, Mihoshi is still lost some where, Krillin still not recovered form the earlier battle now lies unconscious on the floor, and Kagato is holding Ayeka literally in the palm of his hand which though invisible is clearly clenched over Ayeka's face. Despite the fact that she is unconscious Ayeka cries out as though speaking to some non-existent third party. "Yosho? Ohh! Tell me Yosho, what is it? Tsunami? Oh no! You're not Yosho! Let me go. Let me go! Let go!" Piccolo lets go of the wall and walks forward. "You herd the lady put her down." Piccolo shouts. Kagato ignores him and Ayeka screams. "Help! Please someone help me! Tenchi!" Suddenly Kagato pull back as though something hurt him. He puts his glove back on as her says. "I see Tsunami must be protecting those of Royal blood." Kagato prepares to blast Ayeka into the next dimension (and not the reverse world either). Piccolo grabs Kagato. Piccolo directs as much energy as he can from himself directly into Kagato bypassing his shield. "Now is your time to die Kagato. Say hi to Goku for me." Piccolo says to Kagato and laughs as Kagato screams in pain. Kagato's howl of pain however soon turns into laughter. "What?" Piccolo gasps. Kagato laughs at Piccolo. "Excellent gambit you know. Very impressive it might even of worked too. But you know I just realized a very interesting fact your energy is the same as the Dragonballs and since I leaned how to tap their power, I can absorb yours as well." Kagato states triumphantly. Kagato knocks Piccolo off his arm. "You see, I know the Dragonballs have much greater power then I have been able to access so far perhaps you can tell me what I am doing wrong." Kagato says. Kagato walks over to Piccolo and reaches out. Piccolo writhes as his energy flows out of him and into Kagato. Suddenly a small hand grips Kagato's arm. "Stop it. Leave Piccolo alone you big bully." Gohan commands. Tenchi reappears the Light Hawk shields open around him like a cocoon opening. Tenchi's body is restored and his entire form below the neck glow with bright white light. A strange and unique rune like marking is on Tenchi's forehead, it consists of three stylized lines converging just above Tenchi's eyes at the base of the nose. Slowly Tenchi opens his eyes and looks about as tough waking from a dream. "Oh, where am I? What happened to me?" Tenchi asks. Unexpectedly a soft voice answers. "Your alright now." Tenchi look up. He is in a strange huge room. The room's wall are lost in darkness. Water flows freely over the floor. Jurai trees each glowing with soft white light are scattered though out the dark room. Standing in front of the largest and fullest of these trees just a few feet from Tenchi is the mysterious woman who pulled Tenchi from space. "Huh? Who are you? Tell me where we are." Tenchi asks her. With a warm smile she answers. "I am Tsunami, the ship of Jurai, and we are inside of myself." Bewildered Tenchi replies. "Inside of you? But you're human. Wait I get it you own this ship right?" Softly Tsunami replies. "No. The owner of the ship is Sasami." Tenchi asks confused. "Sasami?" "Yes" Tsunami continues. "What I am is the mind of the ship." Tenchi asks. "You're like a human version of Ryo'ohki? Oh, my god! Ryo'ohki! Where is every one?" Tsunami looks a bit saddened as she responds. " I can detect Ryuo's key 70 light second away from us." Concerned Tenchi asks. "Are they still alive?" Tsunami answers. "I feel Ryuo's key responding from within Soja." Tenchi quietly adds. "Alive." Tsunami continues. "They must be in close combat." "Combat?" Tenchi says. "Are they really fighting over there on that ship? Please take me there. We have to get in there." Sadly Tsunami shakes her head as she tells him. "Tenchi listen to me. I cannot leave here. On this journey you will have to go alone. Is that alright with you?" Tenchi nods. "That's alright with me." He says. "Well then, good luck Tenchi." Tsunami finishes and hugs Tenchi. Tenchi never notices that in the water the reflection is not of Tsunami but of Sasami. "Shouldn't you be crying over in the corner?" Kagato asks mocking Gohan. Gohan doesn't answer but instead tries Piccolo's tactic of directly transferring is energy into Kagato. Energy surges round Kagato but Kagato is unharmed. "That won't work on me again." Kagato states angrily. Kagato slams Gohan into the floor then raises his handover his head. The green energy sword once more materializes into Kagato's hand. Kagato starts the attack intent on slicing Gohan in half, but suddenly is stopped halfway though the attack. Numerous small cylinders appear around Kagato holding him captive. Kagato quickly looks around and locates the source. Princess Ayeka concentrates barely able to stay on her feet. Ryoko once again in the land of the living shouts to Gohan. "Quickly hit him with every thing you have. Ryoko and Gohan blast Kagato with all the energy they have even Ayeka manages an attack or two. Despite the tremendous energy Kagato stands unharmed. Energy crackles about Kagato as he says. "Ryoko so good to see you back and Ayeka such marvelous effort, but its all for not." Ayeka hisses back. "You will pay for what you did to Lord Tenchi!" Washu goes over an extensive diagram of the Soja she has drawn on the floor with Mihoshi as Vegeta grumble sitting on a nearby stair. In frustration Vegeta punches a pillar. The pillar cracks and Vegeta slowly brushes off the stone splinters from it off his armor. Washu finishes her explanation to Mihoshi. "A so as you can see indicated in these diagrams there is no way out. Absolutely none. No way." Mihoshi think for a moment and says. "So I guess what your telling me is that there is no way out?" Washu falls over in disbelief. Vegeta shouts. "Haven't you heard a word she said? What is wrong with you, she went over it six times. You are an IDIOT. Of course were stuck here and if you ask her again I WILL kill you!" Washu says. "Chill out Vegeta. Your just board may be this will help." A view of the battle going on with Kagato appears. Washu tosses a fan to Vegeta and Mihoshi. "Come on," Washu says and start cheering and waving the fans. "Ryoko! Ryoko! Go Ryoko!" Mihoshi joins in, while Vegeta angrily crushes the fan but watches the fight. Kagato fires a blast at Ayeka. Ayeka's own shield stops the blast from ever reaching her but she is thrown back by the impact. The cylinders disappear around Kagato. Gohan runs at Kagato, but Kagato points at him and Gohan is sent flying backward. Ryoko moves to attack as well but is stopped short by a series of blasts from Kagato. Kagato then turns to Ayeka and moves towards her. Ayeka disappears in a blur of motion as Krillin whisks her out of the way. Kagato fires blasts at them and Krillin moves with all his speed barely staying ahead of them, but soon an explosion from one of the blasts catches him throwing him and Ayeka forward and spilling onto the floor. In the reversed world Washu looks on in concern. "Quickly Mihoshi give me you control cube." Washu deftly manipulates the cube. In the real world Ayeka and Krillin disappear and reappear in the reversed world just as Kagato attacks again. Washu laughs. "Ha, we can't get out but they can come here. I'd like to see Kagato come here and try to get them." The words have barely left her mouth when Kagato appears before them. "Nice move Washu." He says. "Now that she is here for the moment she is beyond my power." Whatever Kagato was about to say next is lost as Vegeta attack him. Vegeta flies right through Kagato and turn about angrily. "Gallet Gun" He shouts and fires a huge energy attack at Kagato, but this to passes through Kagato with no effect. Washu says. "He isn't really here Vegeta this is only a projection. Stop this now Kagato." Kagato looks at her in disbelief and laughs. "Washu what ever chance you once had of defeating me is now gone. Vegeta just ensured my victory." The Dragonball at Vegeta's side tears itself free and floats into the air. "A seventh Dragonball how simple it really was." Kagato concludes and the Dragonball pulses as energy explodes out of it and into Soja. In the real world Piccolo cannot stop from screaming as energy flows out of him and into Soja. "Now lets try a little experiment." Kagato says. Ryoko collapses to the ground as the energy flows out of her and her gem just as it does with Piccolo. "What are you doing?" Washu asks. Kagato gestures at the images and they change to a view of the Earth. Kagato explains to Washu. "Oh nothing really just a little experiment, just like the good old days. Did you think I learn nothing in the past two thousand years? I am no longer your student. I admit I was never able to make a unit as compact as Ryoko, but Soja can channel far more energy the Ryoko could ever dream of. Now that I have tapped not only the full power of Ryoko's gems but the Dragonballs, well you'll see." Soja opens it's forward weapons array and energy more intense then anything anyone present had witnessed before builds up and then in a single titanic beam larger then the earth itself fires. The beam travels through space heading to the Earth only to be stopped just short. Ten glowing Light Hawk wings appear in front of the Earth, and though tiny compared to the on coming beam or even the massive Soja they completely absorb the attack then disappear. "Tsunami the Jurai's most powerful ship so I was right. Amazing I don't understand how it can take so much energy." Kagato's gloating is interrupted as blasts begin to rock the Soja. "What? I don't understand." Kagato says. The Light Hawk wings appear again and this time a mighty Jurai ship appears in their center. "Perfect." Kagato says. "Tsunami will be mine." The other six Dragonballs appear in the air above Kagato. "It is time at last." Kagato laughs. Energy flows out of the Dragonballs and into Kagato. Piccolo screams shriveling and fading away to nothingness as the Dragonballs turn to stone. All that is left of Piccolo is a small wisp of smoke and the now worthless rocks fall the ground. Kagato undergoes a metamorphosis as the energy pours into him. He becomes larger, his features shaper more demonic, his pupils expand till his eyes are entirely glowing blood red, and his hair grow to a new longer length about half way down his back. "Marvelous such power." Kagato says in awe. He extends one hand to the view screen and says. "Come to me Tsunami." The ship on the screen rocks as it is pulled in toward Soja. In Tsunami Sasami cries. "Tsunami, I scared. Tenchi please hurry. Save my sister." Vegeta watches in horror in the reverse world. He picks up the single now stone Dragonball in the reversed world. He holds it is stunned disbelief as his last chance for immortality is now nothing more than a round rock. Kagato turn to Ryoko still unable to move. "Now Ryoko it is your turn. Come and join with me. I will have all of you and your gems power." Kagato says menacingly. Suddenly Tenchi appears interposing himself between Kagato and Ryoko, his sword pointed menacingly toward Kagato. Tenchi is dressed in a black outfit clearly Jurai and meant for battle. Behind Tenchi the two wooden Jurai guardians appear by Ryoko. "Oh, Tenchi your alive" Ryoko says. "I'm no ghost." Tenchi replies. "Welcome, I thought you were dead. Everyone else seems to be." Kagato laughs. Tenchi and Kagato prepare to fight, but before he can Gohan interrupts almost chanting saying. "no." Then louder and louder. "no. no. No. No. No. No! No! No! No! No! NO! NO! NO!!!!!!!!!" Anger surges forth in Gohan's mind consuming every thing until there is nothing except the anger and Kagato. Gohan roars most horribly and energy explodes off him. Kagato shields himself but Gohan's energy continues to grows unchecked. Soja rocks both in the real and reversed worlds. Kagato looks on in utter horror as Gohan's power expands. The Jurai guardians strain as they shield Tenchi and Ryoko from the incredible power coming from Gohan. Washu cries. "He's going to tear the ship apart." Finally Gohan screams deafeningly "PICCOLO!!!!!!!!!!" and attacks Kagato with all his unbelievable force. Kagato shield lasts for less then a second and then Kagato is blasted by the overwhelming energy. Kagato yells as he is completely and utterly consumed by the power unleashed by Gohan. Gohan stands there in the room. Back to normal Gohan begins to cry. "Mr. Piccolo…" Gohan manages between tears. "Is dead kid," Kagato's mocking reply comes. "and soon so shall you." Kagato reappears behind the startled Gohan. Kagato grabs Gohan and slams him into one of the room many pillars with such force that Tenchi can fell it across the room. "Too bad all that was wasted on my shadow. I think I'll save you for later." Kagato says and tosses Gohan aside like so much trash. "First I'm going to kill you." Kagato forms his sword and lashes out at Tenchi. Tenchi skillfully defends himself with his own sword generated by the master key. Kagato proclaims. "You've no chance. Tsunami can no longer help you. You could have lived. All you had to do was stay away. But now I shall kill you and still take Tsunami." Tenchi and Kagato blades meet and they strain against each other. "I would never stand by and let you kill my friends." Kagato laughs and presses Tenchi back. "Well that's alright with me, because not only do I have all the Dragonballs but also all the gems." Kagato brings his blade down with such force that although Tenchi meets the attack with his own blade is brought to his knees. Kagato next attack knocks Tenchi back onto the floor. "Nooooo!" Ryoko cries. "Please Kagato don't kill him. You've won. Please Kagato I beg of you." Kagato actually stops. He lowers his blade and turns to Ryoko. "You really do care for him don't you Ryoko?" While Ryoko pleads with Kagato, Tenchi lies back and thinks to himself. "I've failed I'm sorry I've failed you all. Even with this sword I cannot save even myself, much less my friends." A voice interrupts Tenchi's self pity. "Tenchi, you can defeat Kagato. Listen my name is Goku, I've been watching you. That sword in nothing more then a tool, it shouldn't even work there. The power is within you, I can sense it. You must believe in yourself you have the courage. Get up and face Kagato. Tenchi it's all up to you. Some how you must get up or you, your friend and every one on Earth will die. No one else can help you not me, not Ryoko, not even Tsunami. You have the power you just have to use it." "Well don't worry Ryoko. Soon you'll die too. Tenchi won't go alone into death. HAHAHAHAHA." Kagato says. He turns around to finish Tenchi. Kagato is surprised to see Tenchi on his feet, he is even more surprised as Tenchi looks down at the master Key in his hand and then tosses it away saying. "I've depended on this far too much." Kagato laughs. "Die Tenchi Masaki." Energy explodes from Kagato blasting Tenchi the blast envelopes Tenchi. Tenchi is lost in the huge energy wave and it tears apart everything in its path leaving a large cloud of dust. Kagato turn back to Ryoko hungry for the kill only to look back into the dust cloud as something glowing appears in it. Tenchi steps out of the cloud the strange rune glowing brightly one his forehead and three shining Light Hawk wings before him. Kagato gasp and screams. "You, it's you! You're doing all of this." Tenchi pulls the Light Hawk wings into him and as they pass through him Tenchi's outfit changes to a new one. This one is white and blue long ribbons hang off it and Kagato can only stare at Tenchi transformed practically glowing. Tenchi summons up another Light Hawk wing and as he reaches for it, it changes into a sword. Then Tenchi creates another, which shields him. Kagato finally snap out of his awe inspire stupor. "No." He cries out. "You will die. Kill him." As Kagato speaks several lethal looking crystal gems appear and attack Tenchi. Tenchi holds the sword out and it changes again to a blade of intense energy. The new blade Tenchi cast outward the energy unleashes utterly destroying his crystal attackers. Tenchi creates another sword and faces Kagato. "Arraaah, you cannot stop me Tenchi as you will soon see." Kagato screams. The he shouts and he attacks with his energy sword once more. "Now you mine!" Tenchi and Kagato attack each other. Their blades meet in vicious combat. Tenchi thrusts forward. Kagato parries sweeping the blade in a counter clockwise motion forcing away Tenchi's attack and leaving Tenchi exposed. With expert reflexes from years of his grandfathers training Tenchi pulls back and frees his sword bringing it up back to a defensive position. Vegeta, Krillin, Washu, Ayeka, and Mihoshi watch from the reversed dimension as Kagato and Tenchi's blades meet again in another series of attacks. Krillin looks in wonder. "They are both so powerful I can feel them here even in another dimension." Krillin says. You can feel their power? Tell me what is happening." Ayeka commands. Krillin concentrates for a moment then says. "Well right now Tenchi has a the upper hand but only because Kagato is still a bit tapped out from Gohan's attack, and he is focusing most of his power on that ship out there. Both Tenchi and Kagato's power is growing but Kagato's is growing faster. If Tenchi can't do something quick Kagato will over power him." Vegeta speaks up suddenly. "Never mind that tell me about the kid!" Everyone stairs at Vegeta. Vegeta repeats. "Well what about the kid!" Krillin concentrates and answers as Washu changes the screen to move to Gohan. Gohan sits back he is clearly injured nursing the side of his head Kagato slammed into the floor. He stairs at Tenchi and Kagato clearly afraid of the outcome. Krillin says. "Well, you mean Gohan right? He was super powerful now he is slowly coming back down to normal." Vegeta turns to Washu and asks. "Can you project my image into there the way Kagato did here?" Washu stairs at him a moment trying to think of what Vegeta hopes to accomplish then answers. "Yes, yes I can." Vegeta responds. "Then do it." Kagato attacks again Tenchi blocks his swing but Tenchi's arms ache from the force of Kagato's blow. Tenchi attacks in a quick series slashes, but Kagato deflects them all with his own sword each a little easier then the last. Vegeta appear behind Kagato. Kagato doesn't turn his head but glances at Vegeta quickly out of the corner of his eye. Kagato says. "What do you want Vegeta. On earth you were nothing but hot air. Now your nothing but light." Vegeta responds. "Your about to learn what it means to cross Vegeta." Kagato laughs. "You are nothing Vegeta. You're nothing at all. Your power is nothing; Tenchi exceeds it, Ryoko exceeds it, even the boy Gohan is more then you could ever hope to achieve. You are the Price of a dead people. You are nothing and have nothing." Vegeta pools energy into the palm of his hand until it forms a glowing ball he holds out for Kagato to see. Kagato glances his way once more. Kagato laughs again. Vegeta smiles back a vicious and menacing smile. Vegeta shouts, "Feel my wrath!" and shields his eyes as the orb explodes into soft light. Kagato begins to laugh but is cut short as an inhuman roar fill the chamber. Gohan screams again as he begins to transform, as all Saiyans do when they see moonlight, from his normal self into the giant wereape creature known as an Oozeru. The transformed Gohan goes berserk smashing or blasting anything he sees. Soja rocks as Gohan unleashes his power. "No!!!" Kagato screams. The energy flow from Ryoko stops as Gohan's assault begins to take its toll. Kagato flies out of Tenchi's reach and lets go of his sword. The sword rapidly rotates around Kagato's open palm before launching itself at Gohan spinning end over end chopping off Gohan's tail. With his tails gone Gohan reverts to normal and collapse exhausted from the ordeal. Kagato lands and ignites a new blade. Kagato turn to Tenchi. "Time to end this." Kagato says with grim finality. Kagato and Tenchi stand about twenty feet apart each take a grim look at the other. "So be it." Tenchi responds and the two charge each other. Each takes a vicious swing at the other as they pass. Then turn to face each other. A glowing line of energy marks where Kagato's blade struck Tenchi. The mark glows for a moment then vanishes leaving Tenchi unharmed. Kagato stand silent for a moment watching Tenchi. A small slash appears on Kagato and he begins to dissolve into a gray smoky mist. "Tenchi, the same name as the master key. Tenchi can't be copied. Excellent strategy Tsunami. You've won boy." Kagato says calmly cordially and then finishes dissolving and is no more. The Light Hawk wings vanish and Tenchi is once more dressed in the black Jurai outfit. Every one in the reverse dimension appears in the cathedral like room. Ayeka and Mihoshi start to run to Tenchi only to fall flat on their face. Ryoko laughs as she trips them. "I'm going to be the first to hug Tenchi." She starts towards Tenchi only to find Ryo'ohki has already beaten her there. She grabs the cabbit and says. "I said I am going to be the first to hug Tenchi." She then unceremoniously drops the cabbit and turn to Tenchi again only to find Washu shaking Tenchi's hand. Washu says. "Hi my names Washu. I like you. Would you like to be my ginny pig?" Ryoko harshly grabs Washu away from Tenchi and shouts. "We need to talk, mom!" She turns again this time to find Sasami hugging Tenchi's waist. "Oh, Tenchi I was so scared. I' so glad your alright." Sasami says. Vegeta pushes Sasami off. "Enough of that," he bellows. "Tell me how did you DO that. How did you get so powerful?" Ryoko grabs Vegeta. "DIDN"T YOU HEAR ME!?!" Ryoko asks. "Unhand me, woman!" Vegeta shout back. They are on the verge of fighting when Soja lurches and start to buckle. "I guess the Soja took a little too much damage from the fight and now with Kagato gone it look like it's coming apart." Washu observes cheerily. "Let's get out of here!" Tenchi says. And the group quickly departs in Ryo'ohki as the Soja is destroyed. The next day Azaka and Kamidake the two log like Jurai guardians stand watch in front of the Masaki residence. Kamidake sighs. "It looks like another beautiful day on planet Earth." A small explosion sounds from inside the residence. Ayeka shouts. "Unhand Lord Tenchi at once Ryoko what do you think you doing." Ryoko says. "Tell her to go away Tenchi, you know were meant to be together." Tenchi says. "Ah, please ladies." Mihoshi can also be heard. "Oops." Washu shouts "Aaaaah, don't touch that!" Vegeta too can be heard. "Tell me how did he did it. I am a Saiyan. I must get stronger." Krillin nervously says. "Uh, I'm going to take Gohan home now." >From here it degenerates into unintelligible argument. "Yes" Azaka agrees. "Just another peaceful day." Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this story. I am planning on following it up with another. The Masaki Residence Saga/No need for Vegeta is my working title. This will be a somewhat more original story. Vegeta will be staying with Tenchi and crew. Please send me some E- Mail I would like to here some feedback. Also please tell me who is your favorite character in Tenchi and it DBZ. A.K.A. Animus Cain Later.