Authors Notes: I do not own Tenchi Muyo or Final Fantasy IX. I did make up the character Jonathan though. Tenchi's Fantasy IX Chapter One: Fantasy Says it All We come into Washu's lab she's clicking away at her Transpara-top laughing evilly "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" A and B pop up on her shoulders. "Washu is the greatest!!!" "Washu is the best!" The mad laughing turns into a child giggling, unfortunately this child is a grown adult. we see Mishoshi playing a video game, Final Fantasy VIII to be exact. "Hehehehe, Take that Ultimecia! Hehehehe!" Kiyone, Tenchi, and Jonathan are all sitting at the table. You're probably wondering who this new guy is. Well he's from Jurai, he used to be a great warrior but an accident occurred and he was sealed in a capsule sent into outer space crashing into earth by Yosho's temple. Anyways they're watching Mihoshi play. "Ugh Mihoshi should grow up. 18 and she's playing video games." "Nothing is wrong with playing video games at 18, Kiyone, I play video games." Sasami walks in from her afternoon walk and hugs Jonathan. Jonathan being Sasami's age she has developed somewhat of a crush on him. "Sasami please." He starts to blush. "Hehe, I guess I should start dinner." Sasami lets go of Jonathan and walks off into the kitchen. Mihoshi starts to shout. "YAY!!! I WON I WON I WON!!!!" "Um Mihoshi that wasn't my file was it?" Mihoshi blinks dumbly "W-what do you mean?" "There was two files one was mine and one was yours, was the file you played the top one?" "Yes," "Good that was your file." Kiyone leans over and whispers to Tenchi "Sometimes I wonder how Mihoshi gets so lucky." "Yeah dumb as a rock yet lucky as a leprechaun." A voice is heard from outside. "Boys it's time for your lesson." "Coming Grandpa!" Tenchi gets up and runs towards Yosho's temple. "Now where did I put it." Jonathan starts to look for something. "I think I saw Ryoko playing with it outside." Jonathan gets an evil angered face "WHAT!?" Jonathan bursts out the door "RYOKO!!! GIVE MY BACK MY BOW AND QUIVER!" Ryoko drops his bow and quiver to the ground and he picks it up and yells to Ryoko. "Next time you want to use my bow and quiver to play a trick on Ayeka ask me first!" "Alright, jeez." She then fades away. Ayeka walks up and says sarcastically "Well Ryoko hopefully learned her lesson." "Yeah and now she's probably hitting on Tenchi" "WHAT!?" She runs into the house and Jonathan laughs a little and walks towards Yosho's shrine. Back in the house Mihoshi asks Kiyone if she can go to the store to buy a new game Kiyone let her go and walks into the kitchen. Back in Washu's lab, Washu is still typing up a storm "Hehehe! Pretty soon it'll be done, and it will prove that I the great Washu is really the greatest scientific genius ever!!!" "Washu is the greatest!" "Washu is the best in the Universe!" "It's done!" Mihoshi is at the local video game store. "Mister, what games do you recommend?" "Well, let me see here.. Shenmue is good." "I don't have a Dreamcast." "Um, well Dance Dance Revolution is good." "Hmmm. anything else?" "Final Fantasy IX is very good too. If you like Final Fantasy games that is." Mishoshi jumps. "YIPPE!!! Ooh I just beat FF8 so I think this one will be cool!!! How much is it?" "50 dollars." "Okay here ya go, Mister!" Mihoshi runs out the door and heads back to the house. Back at the house everyone is in Washu's lab. "I have just finished my greatest invention yet!" "Oh no." " Here we go." "Again." Say Ryoko, Kiyone, and Tenchi. "You are Washu you're the greatest!!!" "You are Washu you are the genius!" "Ok before everyone gets a headache just get to what you invented!" Ryoko said rudely. "Uh yeah Washu I mean we all have better things to do than listen to you little robots who were programmed to um. worship you," Jonathan added. "Hmph. Well, my new invention can transport anything to this dimension from any other! Or vise versa." "Well if it does that we shouldn't let Mihoshi anywhere near it." "I know what you mean." Said Sasami to Kiyone. Just as Washu presses the button to show off the machine Mihoshi burts in. "Hey guys I bought a.. WHOA!!!" Mihoshi falls dropping the game and the four discs fall into the energy ball that was made by Washu's machine. "Uh oh." ZAP BUZZ BOOM ZAP PEW ZEEP BEEP WHEE WHOO SHOOBADOOBADOO!!! The heros find them selves in a different world, and they know they're not in Washu's lab. "Where are we Kiyone?" "Good going Mihoshi! You screwed up again!" Jonathan takes a look around and sees a group of people walking in the distance he runs towards them yelling "Hey you guys over there! Do you know where we are?" "He sure is dressed funny." Says a little girl with purple hair. "Not like anything this world. maybe he yummy-yummy?" a big blue guys said. "I think we should ask him where he's from. He could be from one of the kingdoms." "Not Lindblum." "Not Alexandria." "No from Qu Marsh." "He's not a person from Maiden Sari." "He's not from Bermicia or Cleyra." "Not from Treno." "I-I dunno where he's from." "Well can you tell me where I am? None of those places ring a bell." "Maybe he has amnesia." Every one else walks up. "Hey! He has a bunch of cuties with him!" says a blonde boy with a monkey tail. The brunette standing next to him glares at him. "I-I didn't mean it!!!" "Well then I guess we should introduce our selves." After a bit of introducing everyone knows each others name. The people Tenchi and Co. met were Zidane, Dagger, Steiner, Vivi, Eiko, Quina, Amarant, and Freya. The heros decide to journey together until Tenchi and Co. find a way home.