Tenchi-Muyo (OAV): Tenchi's Cousin Chapter 4 Fade in to the Masaki Shrine, days later. KENJI and YOUSHO are there, standing on the shrine steps. KENJI is curious, while YOUSHO seems a bit concerned, or perhaps embarrased. KENJI fidgets for a minute, and then WASHU-CHAN comes up the shrine stairs, complaining. WASHU-CHAN Why do I have to walk up the stairs instead of just opening a portal anyway, Lord Katsuhito? YOUSHO Because we came here to talk to my second grandson here, and your sudden entrances and exits seem to make him nervous. (to KENJI) Now that Washu-san is here- WASHU pulls out a *large* gun from nowhere. WASHU-CHAN Haven't I made it clear that you people are *not* to stop calling me Washu-*CHAN*? WORKS THE SLIDE, AIMS AT YOUSHO KENJI sweatdrops, YOUSHO simply ignores her. YOUSHO Ahem. (Glances at WASHU-CHAN, who puts the gun away into wherever she got it from) Now that that's done.. Grandson, I have some news for you, and I fear you will not like it much. KENJI KEEPS GLANCING AT WASHU Okay, sure. Tell me quick and we *two* can go discuss it in a safer location. YOUSHO You are aware that you posess powers which you refer to as 'chi' abilities? The ones that you said were responsible for your success on the underground fight circuit? KENJI Yes, so what about it? (Looks at WASHU, thinks for a moment) Oh Kami-sama. You aren't saying that I'm killing myself by drawing so much *chi*, are you? Chun Li-sensei mentioned that was possible- YOUSHO LAUGHS No, no, nothing so dire. You simply are not what you believe yourself to be. KENJI RELIEVED, BUT UNEASY Excuse me? YOUSHO You know you are of the blood of Jurai, true? Those of us who possess the royal blood of Jurai can call upon all the powers you have shown, and more. YOUSHO generates a sword of Jurai Power in his hand, and presents it to KENJI with a flourish. YOUSHO Voila. KENJI Hold it. You're saying I can do all this just because of my family line?! I don't buy it! All my powers are the same kind as other Earth warriors use, I don't (GLANCES AT SWORD) create energy blades or anything like that! WASHU Actually... KENJI HARSH *What!* WASHU I am bonded to my daughter just as she is bonded with Ryo-Oh-Ki... KENJI Yeah, yeah, you explained about that when I arrived. So what!?! WASHU Well, I thought when I detected her starting to fight with you that it would be a good opportunity to research your spiritual power! So, being the greatest genius in the universe, I quickly set up a series of remote measuring grids and scan resonators, and- YOUSHO Washu... we don't need to know the technical details.. KENJI looks gratefully at YOUSHO. WASHU ANNOYED Well, anyway, I got a lot of good readings of your powers. I even managed a waveform analysis like I have with Tenchi's readings, and his grandfather's, so I could do a comparative analysis and try to fathom if there was a spiritual component to the Light Hawk Wings! (SEES ANNOYED GLANCE FROM YOUSHO) Um... Here's what I found. WASHU sets up her little 'air computer' and then enlarges it so everyone can see. YOUSHO and (grudgingly) KENJI gather around to look. The screen shows a 3-D pattern of waves like a curtain rippling in the breeze. The pattern goes through a number of ripples, then flaps violently twice. KENJI What was that? The pattern flapped, but it also got.. more defined, I suppose, for a few seconds. WASHU PLEASED Oh that? That was when you blasted Ryoko twice with your smaller energy spheres. I got excellent readings through her there, that's why the pattern resolution impro- KENJI INCENSED YOU USED *HER* to scan that!?! After all she's been through, you'd use your own daughter that way!? WASHU That reminds me.. not long after her fight with you, she got very agitated and immediately after that, very frightened, and then- KENJI SWEATDROPS, SPEAKS HURRIEDLY Iiii think we're getting off topic! What about my pattern Washu-chan? YOUSHO looks at KENJI oddly. WASHU Well, to make a long story short, here's *your* pattern- (she shrinks the on-screen 'window' to cover the right half of the screen) -and here's Ayeka's from when she projected her forcefield. (The left 'window' displays a similar pattern, artificially flat in the peaks and valleys but still the same kind of movement pattern.) So you see? KENJI Well... no. The two look similar, but hers is all cut off at the high and low spots. WASHU Ah ha, but that's because she uses artificial aids to draw her powers out, like her crown or her battle armour. It makes it easier to use the power, but it limits it at the same time - hence the flattened pattern. Here's what her pattern would be like unhindered. (AYEKA's pattern balloons out in the flat spots. It remains less intense than KENJI's, but the similarity is obvious.) There! Proof positive! KENJI I don't get it! Chun-sensei was _sure_ it was *chi*... I just can't believe she was mistaken! YOUSHO Actually... KENJI WEARY There's that _word_ again... YOUSHO Earth is quite possibly a lost Juraian colony. Everyone on the planet may have some Jurai blood in them, diluted by more local DNA or adaptations to the Earth's environment. You are simply descended from Jurai much more recently than most Earth people, and thus you have something of an... unfair advantage. KENJI snaps at this suggestion. KENJI SCREAMS AT YOUSHO I DO NOT CHEAT! I FIGHT AS FAIRLY AS ANYONE! I HAVE NO 'UNFAIR ADVANTAGE!' I EARNED MY SKILLS, MY VICTORIES! YOU'RE LYING, DAMN YOU! KENJI swings his fist at YOUSHO, who blurs out of the way and reappears behind KENJI. WASHU, it sould be noted, vanishes back to her lab as soon as the hostilities begin. KENJI notices YOUSHO behind him and spins with a wheel kick that would take the top off a fair-size tree, his foot glowing blue. YOUSHO squats, letting the foot pass harmlessly overhead, and taps KENJI's knee with his bokken. This being the leg KENJI is standing on, he immediately falls on his rear. KENJI flips to his feet and lashes out at YOUSHO with the Lightning Kick, and YOUSHO's hands become a blur as he deflects each kick as it comes in. As the kicks are coming five or six to the second, this is somewhat impressive. Soon, YOUSHO finds an opening, and pokes KENJI in the head with the bokken, sending him arse-over-teakettle. KENJI pops up to see YOUSHO standing not ten feet away, and his already-angry face twists into absolute frustrated rage. He pulls both hands back by his sides, and YOUSHO mimics the move. KENJI HAWWW--**SHIN--KI-KO-SHO!!** YOUSHO Haahhh... HYOUUU! Twin balls of blue energy erupt from the cupped hands of the combatants, KENJI's actually being slightly smaller despite his anger. (Nevertheless, it's almost fifteen feet across.) The two globes meet and struggle along a more-or-less straight line directly between the fighters. As seconds tick by, it becomes obvious that YOUSHO's globe is winning - KENJI's is starting to shrink, and moments later KENJI gets blasted by YOUSHO's power, sending him flying. He hits the ground on the far side of the shrine grounds. As he tries to struggle to his feet, he sees YOUSHO's sandals in front of his face, and sighs. YOUSHO Feel better now? KENJI Yes and no. SHAKES HEAD You're incredible! You've got a stronger *chi* - sorry, Jurai Power, I can't really argue that after what you did - than me, and not even Chun-sensei could block the Lightning Kick that way! You could be a Grand Master! GETS UP YOUSHO MODEST Well, I've had centuries more than you to learn the tricks of the trade, so to speak. So is there a point to this, or are you just flattering an old man? KENJI Baka-jiji! (Old fool!) It's only flattery if it's a lie! And yes, there is a point to this. Chun-sensei took my training as far as she was able and told me to work at it myself - but I've just been shown *how* far I could improve. Could you train me? Not just in Kendo (swordsmanship) but the power, the other martial arts, all of it? YOUSHO MOCK FROWN I'll be a harsh taskmaster! Are you sure this is what you want? According to Ayeka, you seem to have a low opinion of the Juraian nobility. The training you want would include teaching about Juraian customs. KENJI MOCK SERIOUS I suppose I *could* live with that... YOUSHO whaps KENJI over the head with his bokken, just as he often does to TENCHI. YOUSHO Don't get insolent, boy! KENJI MOCK SERIOUS Hai, Sensei-Ojisan-Yousho-sama! (Yes, Sensei-Grandfather-Yousho, sir!) YOUSHO bops KENJI again as they walk off. END CHAPTER 4