Tales of Scimitar By Ksawarrior. Part 5: Mysterious rival! They call him Katana! Disclaimer: I only own the characters that I create. The rest are the property of their respected owners. So, if you sue me, I will go psycho on you! "You asked for me, Augustis-sama?" the young man said. The Mazoku turned to his young warrior, with a proud smile. "Yes, Katana. Today is the day you've been training for 12 years for." The man's eyes went wide under his mask. "You mean...?" "Yes," Augustis continued, "he will be in a hot springs resort tonight. Go make him pay for his crimes." Katana smiled, and cracked his knuckles. "Remember, Katana, that sometimes, to win, honor must be sacrificed. Only when you do this, will he be destroyed." *Now I will have revenge.* he thought. *Tonight, you die, Scimitar!* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Oh god, yes!" Scimitar said as he sunk into the water. *Now, this is heavenly. More so than Oyaji-sama could be.* He then looked to the skies, just in case a lightening bolt headed his way. It had been a week since he was in hospital. Life seemed to slow down a bit. No new cases, no demons to fight. He actually was having a normal, in the Ranma-sense of the word, life. "Hey Tarou, what are you looking for?" The bishounen of the Ranmaverse kept watching the sky, his eyes moving quickly to see in all directions. "Oh, just making sure there's no hentais around." he replied. "More like making sure that one is." Scimitar commented slyly. *He's still watching for Happosai, even though he's a whole dimension away.* Tenchi kept his eyes to the wall that seperated the boys and girls section. "I'm telling you," Tenchi commented to Keiichi, "Ryoko is probably planning to come over and cause trouble." "Nah," Keiichi replied, "Belldandy is more than capable to keep her in check." "Like she was with Peorth?" Scimitar asked. Keiichi sweatdropped. It's never easy getting used to someone who knows you so well, and you've barely just met. "Oh Tenchi!" Ryoko called over the wall, "do you want me to come and scrub your back?" "Ryoko!" Ayeka yelled. "Tenchi-sama doesn't want some monster to harass him at the bathes!" "Even though a princess would harass him more?" Ryoko retaliated. A bolt of lightening seem to come out of their eyes, clashing in between them. The others sweatdropped as the two tried to drown each other. "Did you-?" Skuld began. "No, they're naturally like this." Urd replied. Belldandy let herself slip into the water, letting it wash over her. She needed to relax right now. Since that man showed up, blatantly trying to challenge Scimitar, she's been trying to figure out who he was. But Yggdrasil denied access to his file. Only Kami-sama could open it. She surfaced quickly, when she noticed that Ryoko and Ayeka had resorted to blasting each other. Katana walked wearily toward the hot spring, bloody, beaten, and in a great deal of pain. *Couldn't Augustis have told me where the spring was?* he thought. So far tonight, he visited 30 different springs, on 20 different worlds. And at each one, there seemed to be an army of women with brooms. Suddenly, an explosion rang out, from where the resort was. "Explosions, at a hot spring. Can only be him!" he growled. He began to charge to the spring wall, energy crackling around him. "YOU'RE MINE, SCIMITAR!" he screamed as he broke down the wall. Seeing a bunch of half-naked women, who's eyes were twitching nervously, was not what he expected. *Not again* he mentally groaned. When the explosion occured, Scimitar and the other guys didn't pay much attention. After all, its just Ryoko and Ayeka. But when they heard a distinctly male voice yell "YOU'RE MINE, SCIMITAR!" on the girl's side, that's when they took notice. Scimitar smashed down the wall, and, when he saw what was happening, tried not to laugh. The intruder was on the floor in a fetal position, while the girls were beating him with wooden buckets, except for Skuld, who opted for her trademark mallet. Then Skuld and Ryoko noticed Scimitar. "HENTAI!" Ryoko screamed as she threw 8 energy blasts. "ECCHI! PEEPING ON YOUR SISTERS!!" Skuld added as she threw a load of bombs and her mallet. Scimitar would have ducked, had Tarou, Keiichi and Tenchi not been using him for a shield. "OH, SO NOW I'M NOT IMPORTANT ANYMORE!?" the stranger yelled, getting to his feet. He wore a black trenchcoat, that went down to his knees. His hair was in a black ponytail. He had a mask on that resembled a wolf's face. "Hey, are you gay?" Scimitar yelled from where he was being beaten. After everyone got up from their facefault, Skuld yelled, "Why are you asking him that?!" "Um, excuse me?" the man asked. "Well, he's got a mask, and a ponytail, which means that he may be a bishounen, and those guys are on occasion gay." Scimitar replied with an honest smile. "WHAT?!" the man yelled. "Not only do you make my life hell, you make judgements based on my appearance?" "Pretty much." Scimitar replied simply. "DIE!" the man leapt forward, over all the women, with a ki katanna in his hand. Scimitar brought his sword up to block, shifting his balance to the right. The man flew by him and landed in the hotspring for guys. When he surfaced, Scimitar was wearing his trademark jeans, jacket, sneakers and cap. "So, you want a fight?" Scimitar asked. "Damn you.... RAY WING!" the man yelled. The bubble of air formed around him, raising him to the sky. "We shall duel at the Tokyo Tower in 30 minutes." he called down to Scimitar. "Why don't we just settle it there in 3 minutes?" Scimitar yelled with a grin. "You think that you're faster than I?" the stranger asked. "Hell yeah!" Scimitar answered. "You want me to prove it?" "Very well then." the stranger said with a grin. He took off through the sky, towards Tokyo. Scimitar was already a blur, leaving a streak of dust behind him. Everyone else blinked. "What, just happened?" Ryoko asked. "Someone's trying to kill Scimitar." Belldandy answered. "Again." Tarou added. A moment of silence. "LETS GO!" "GO WHERE?" "TOKYO!" "SHOULD WE FLY?" "MIYA!" "*ROOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARR!*" So much for a moment of silence. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Katana looked down towards Scimitar. *Impossible! There has to be more than 30 miles worth of forest in his way, and yet he's still parallel with me.* Katana decided to take him down here. Besides, Scimitar's friends will go to the tower, meaning that he will be by himself. "FIREBALL!" Scimitar looked up as the fireball flew at him. He did a side flip, then a somersault, followed by a twist, as firballs and flare arrows flew down at him. *Jeez, what's with this guy? First he wants a formal thing, then he tries me on the way?* He was so wrapped up in his thoughts, that he slipped on a rock, falling flat on his face. Flare lances exploded into his back. Katana grinned. He won. *Pity,* he thought *I expected so much more.* Suddenly, Scimitar was behind him. "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" Katana felt the burning heat of Scimitar's fist drive into his back. "I may not be able to fly," Scimitar yelled as they landed, "but I can catch _some_ air!" "How did you-?" "Fire powers me up. All your attack did was get me ready for the battle." Scimitar answered, as he dropped into a fighting stance, ki blade already out in his right hand. Katana stood up, holding his own blade in front of him. Their stances were so different. Scimitar's was more like a standard martial arts stance, with his arm dragged back, ready to launch a full offensive. Katana's was more relaxed, and reserved, like a traditional samurai, blade in front, ready to block. "HYAAA!" Scimitar yelled as he pounced forward. Katana brought his sword up to block. _CLANG! ZWIISSH!_ They pressed against each other, their powers' auras so great, that the forest itself was illuminated. After about a minute of pressing their blades against each other, Scimitar jumped back a couple of feet. "Y'know, I think I'll just close my eyes, let you get a good hit in." Scimitar joked as he covered his eyes with one hand. Katana just stared at him, taking deep, hoarse breathes. *Dear god, he is strong! I put everything I had into that block, and I'm completly winded. He's barely even broken a sweat.* Katana frowned as his master's words from before came back to him. *'Sometimes, to win, honor must be sacrificed'. I didn't want to, but there's no choice.* He pulled his arms back, as Scimitar asked, "Is it ok if I peek?" "Dragu..." Scimitar pulled his hand away from his eyes. *No way! He couldn't be able to-* "SLAVE!" _BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!_ For the briefest instant, there actually was a living being, trying to fight his way through the blast, as the most powerful spell in black magic was used on him. Katana watched. He honestly didn't really want to kill Scimitar, but, he had to pay for what he did to him. Then, just before his friends got there, Scimitar Tenshin simply vanished. "Sayonara," Katana said, with a tear falling down from behind his mask, "'Niichan." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those who knew Scimitar, the scene that greeted them wasn't what they wanted. The place looked like a tactical nuke hit it. The only living thing there was that guy in the mask. "Where is he?" Tenchi asked, drawing the Light Hawk Sword. Tarou pulled a bucket from Hammerspace, pouring the contents over his head, transforming into his cursed form. Ryoko charged up one big ball of energy, ready for the attack. "I'm sorry," the man said. "I really didn't want it to come to this." "Where is he?" Belldandy repeated. "Destroyed. Nothing can survive the Dragu Slave at that range." Urd swore under her breath. One of the most powerful spells in black magic, used simply to destroy one boy, that she considered a little brother. "Fool!" a voice hissed. Everyone turned to see the same man from the beach. He looked frustrated. "Scimitar still lives." he said. "What? 'Niichan's alive?" the man asked with a shocked, yet hopeful face. "Yes, now go find him, and finish him." The masked man reached under his shirt, pulling out a stone on a string. The stone began to glow a bright azure blue, before it engulfed the man, taking him away. "We're going after him." Tenchi said in a matter-of-factly way. "Right Tenchi" Ryoko said, calling Ryo-Ohki to transform. Washu already teleported the whole Tenchi gang, with Tarou, onto Ryo-Ohki, which then took off after the masked man, leaving the Norns alone with Keiichi. "How did that man know that Scimitar is alive?" Skuld asked. She had good reason to ask. Given the damage that was done to this part of the forest, how could anyone be so sure? "The Doublet System." Urd said. "Yes, if Scimitar, being a half-god, dies, then a demon elsewhere dies." Belldandy confirmed. "So, who would the demon be?" Keiichi asked. Skuld started to freak out. "It's that guy with the mask! Barely half a minute afterward the explosion, his master already knew Scimitar was alive, just by looking at him." "Which means, if they kill that guy.....?" Keiichi asked. "Then Scimitar will die as well! Urd, go find a seal magician named Hyou, he can stop them from killing each other. Skuld, search all the worlds, find Scimitar." Belldandy ordered. Belldandy wasn't in the mood to argue, so her sisters went. After teleporting Keiichi back, rather abruptly, she went to Yggdrasil. *It's time to find out everything about Scimitar, and that other guy.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scimitar opened his eyes. The last thing he remembered, was that the guy in the wolf mask hit him with a Dragu Slave, then called him 'Niichan. *Where the hell am I?* he thought. [YOU ARE FLOATING IN THE SEA OF CHAOS] a voice answered. Scimitar spun around, blade already drawn. "Who said that?" he asked. Suddenly, the darkness around him was dispelled, as a golden glow appeared. There, a giant head, with long golden hair, floated, looking quite intimidating. "Holy- you're L-sama, aren't you?" he asked. The head nodded. Scimitar dropped to one knee, or he would have, if he wasn't floating. "You honor me, Lord of Nightmares, and I'm even more honored if it was you who saved me back there." [YOU'RE VERY WELCOME] L-sama replied. [NOW THAT KATANA HAS APPEARED, THE ONE YOU KNOW AS OYAJI-SAMA TOLD ME TO REVEAL THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU] "Why am I not surprised? If anyone's involved in my misery, it's Oyaji-sama." After a couple of bolts of lightening changed his attitude, Scimitar floated, with his legs crossed, looking almost as if he was going to meditate. "So, you're going to tell me about myself?" he asked. [YES] "Where should we begin?" [DO YOU RECALL YOUR FAMILY? YOUR BIRTH FAMILY, THAT IS] "Not really," he replied. "Near as I can tell, my real folks dropped me off on a doorstep, and I've been living with an adopted family all my life." [DO YOU WISH TO KNOW THE TRUTH, BEHIND IT ALL? YOUR DREAMS, YOUR POSITION AS GUARDIAN, THE WHOLE STORY OF YOUR PAST?] "Lay it on me." he said with a grin. [THEN, WE MUST LOOK TO YOUR PAST, AT THE TIME OF YOUR BIRTH.] Then, from Scimitar's point of view, the world went white again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene: A cottage in the dark forest. The time: Almost 17 years ago. The man looked on, as the healer worked with his wife. *I can't believe it.* he thought. *Me, a father! Otousan would have loved to see this.* Yet, the prophecy wore highly on his mind. Outside, Scimitar watched on through the window. "Looks like they're expecting a child." he commented. [TWINS, ACTUALLY.] L-sama corrected. Inside, the healer brought the man two babies. "They're both very healthy, Tenshin-kun." the healer commented. "Did he just say Tenshin-kun?" Scimitar asked. [YES. WATCH ON.] Tenshin looked at the two boys. "Which one was born first?" he asked. The healer handed him the child. Tenshin held it up above his head for awhile. He took the other child from the healer's arms. "Please, leave me with my wife." he asked. The healer left, no questions asked. Scimitar watched as the healer walked away, before slipping in through the door. He walked straight to the bedroom. The sight he saw, warmed his heart for some reason. The wife lay there on the bed, holding one child close to her, while the husband, Tenshin, held the other above his head. Scimitar suspected that it was the same child that he held before. "So," the wife asked, "that's the one that he'll come after?" "Yes," Tenshin answered, "but I'll die before that bastard lays a hand on him. Or anyone else in this family." *What the hell are they talking about?* Scimitar thought. [KEEP WATCHING.] the disimbodied voice said. "So, what shall we name this one?" the wife regarded the baby in her arms. Suddenly, the baby's hand began to glow bright blue, and a katanna of ki appeared before it. Tenshin looked at the weapon. "We should call that one, Katana." he said. *Katana?! The nutboy who nearly killed me?!* [WAIT, AND LISTEN...] "And your oldest son, the cursed one?" the mother asked. The oldest one's hand began to glow as well, but this time, a different blade appeared. "Scimitar," the husband said, "he will be called Scimitar Tenshin." *My god...* Scimitar couldn't believe it. Suddenly everything went white again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The man walked through the building. His eyes were covered by a pair of blue tinted shades. His scraggly black hair rested beneath a black fedora. His hand reached into his pocket. Suddenly, a youkai leapt from behind a wall. Already, his hand whipped out, throwing a blade with a sealing ward on it. The blade inbedded itself into the youkai's head. The man raised his hand towards the monster. With his palm facing towards it, he spoke one word. "KIN!" The bolt of white light exploded from his palm, focusing on the blade. Within a few seconds, the blade, along with the youkai, was gone. Then, he heard a clapping. "Bravo! Very nicely done, Hyou-san." the bronze skinned woman said. Hyou looked towards her. "Not many people know that name." "Well, I need your help, so I learned it." she replied. Hyou smiled. Another job, which may just lead him to _the_ youkai. "What is it that I may do for you?" "My half-brother is connected to a youkai." she said flatly. "Neither he, nor the youkai know it though. If one dies, so does the other." "You want me to remove the bond?" he asked. "No," she answered, "I want you to keep his friends from killing the youkai until we can find him." Hyou was a bit suspecious. Why not break the bond, then kill the youkai? Still, a client is a client. "I'll take the job." Suddenly, everything started to go white, as light flashed around them. "Did I mention that I'm a goddess?" the woman asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sea of Chaos. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Scimitar yelled. [THERE IS NO REASON TO YELL.] L-sama said. "No reason? No reason!? I just find out, that I'm somehow cursed, and that my own brother is trying to kill me!! And there's no reason, you disimbodied, over-bearing-" Suddenly, energy shot out from all around him. The pain was unbearable. Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. [THAT IS JUST A FRACTION OF THE POWER OF MY GIGA SLAVE] L-sama warned. [DON'T FORCE ME TO USE THE FULL POWER] *Jeez, she's as tempermental as Oyaji-sama.* _KRASH!_ "ENOUGH WITH THE LIGHTENING ALREADY!!" he screamed. [ARE YOU READY TO LISTEN?] "Yeah, I guess." Suddenly everything went white again. [THIS IS YOUR HOME, THE PLANET KRYP- WHOOPS, WRONG GUY.] Scimitar sweatdropped. *Why me?* [ANYWAY, AS YOU PROBABLY KNOW, THE SEA OF CHAOS, IS ACTUALLY LARGER THAN WHAT IT IS SAID TO BE. ALSO, IT IS ALSO KNOWN AS THE ANIVERSE.] "Actually, I didn't know that," Scimitar said with a blush. If it were possible, L-sama may have facefaulted. Instead, she sighed, and continued. [YOUR GRANDFATHER BECAME GUARDIAN OF THE ANIVERSE, AND WAS SUCCEEDED BY YOUR FATHER.] Scimitar raised an eyebrow. "You mind telling me, what my 'mother' meant by cursed?" [IT WAS FORETOLD THAT A MAZOKU LORD, NAMED AUGUSTIS, WOULD BE DESTROYED BY THE ELDEST SON OF KAMI-NO-OOKAMI.] "That's the second time I've heard that name." he said. "Why do they call my father, the wolf of god?" [YOUR FATHER WAS A LONER, SO HE EARNED THAT NICKNAME. AUGUSTIS FEARED THE OOKAMI-NO-KEN, THE ART THAT YOUR FATHER USED, AS DO YOU.] Scimitar looked to the scene in front of him. His father, was fighting that guy, the one from the beach. "Augustis?" he asked, pointing. [YES.] His father was struck down, but not before using the strongest Ookami Honou Ken that Scimitar has ever seen. *So that's how he got the burn on his face.* [YOUR MOTHER SEALED YOUR POWERS, AND LET ME SEND YOU FAR AWAY. SHE WAS KILLED SHORTLY AFTERWARDS.] Scimitar's knuckles began to crack. He would make Augustis pay. "What about Katana?" The scene changed, showing Augustis carrying the baby away from the burning cottage. [YOUR BROTHER, WHO INHEIRITED YOUR MOTHER'S POWERS IN SORCERRY, WAS TAKEN BY AUGUSTIS, WHO RAISED HIM TO ONE DAY KILL YOU, THUS, ENDING THE PROPHECY.] Scimitar's anger began to radiate around him. "Is there anything else I should know about my brother?" [WHEN YOU MADE THE WISH, AND BECAME A HALF-GOD, THE DOUBLET SYSTEM MADE HIM A HALF-YOUKAI. THE MASK HE WEARS KEEPS HIM FROM TRANSFORMING TO A YOUKAI FORM.] *Just great.* Scimitar thought. "I'm going to go get my brother back." [NOT YET. YOU STILL HAVE TO MASTER YOUR FANG BEFORE YOU CAN REGAIN YOUR BROTHER] And with that, he was dropped onto an palace, that floated in the sky. A little green kid, with antenae, and pointed ears walked up to him. "Hello, Dende." he said. Before the little Namek could ask, he already jumped off of the palace. He had to find his brother, and his friends, before they kill each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Katana waited. That seemed to be the story of his life. Wait. Augustis kept telling him all these years, to wait. He thought back to when his dear 'Niichan's curse struck. //FLASHBACK\\ He stared at the targets around him. Some waited for his move, others kept moving around him. He concentrated, focusing his thoughts. "MEGA BRAND!" All around him, the earth exploded. "LEVITATION!" Those youma who weren't hit by the Mega Brand, watched him ascend to the sky... "DIGGER BOLT!" ...and then, they were destroyed. Katana smiled. Not bad for another day of training. Suddenly, his body began to burn. His heart contracted. His lungs began to fill with flame. He dropped to the floor. He could already feel the difference. Augustis walked towards him. "Your brother just went as low as the serpents." he commented. "He's transformed you to a youkai." Katana stared at his hand. His fingernails began to sharpen into talons. He reached for his ears. Now, they were pointed, like an elf. He could feel small fangs hang over his lips. The most noticible change, though, was in his strength. His powers were all unstable. Augustis presented a mask to him. It resembled a wolf's face. "Wear this, to keep you from losing control." he instructed. As always, Katana quickly obeyed him, placing the mask over his face. //END FLASHBACK\\ Katana glared at his hand. Thanks to his 'Niichan, his powers would never be the same. He can't use his usually amazing physical prowess when he is using his mystical powers. *If I had my strength during my duel earlier with him, I wouldn't have had to resort to the Dragu Slave.* He stopped. He could feel the powers of Scimitar's friends. As the Ryo-Ohki appeared above him, he thought, *Maybe if they scream, he will hear them, and come.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Belldandy finally cracked the code on Yggdrasil. She was almost certain that her father had a hand in it, but her thoughts were elsewhere. She stared at the screen in sorrow. *Poor Scimitar. Now he must face his own brother in combat.* Suddenly, a blip showed on Yggdrasil. Scimitar was back in the Aniverse. Belldandy quickly called Skuld. "Skuld, he's on Earth:DBZ, find him, and take him to the others. Urd should meet up with you along the way. Yes, she has Hyou." Belldandy sighed. She wonder if even Scimitar knew now about his link with his opponent. Scimitar waited. He took some deep, long breathes. *I've got only one chance to do this right.* He took in one final breath and...... yelled out, "SKULD IS A STUPID DEMENTED MIDGET WHO WILL ALWAYS BE A HAMMER SWINGING NUTJOB WITH-" _BAM!_ "About time you got here." Scimitar said as he nursed his bump. "Baka," she replied. "If you weren't technically family, I'd hammer you into oblivion." "Gee, I love you too, Skuld." he commented back. Urd suddenly appeared, with Hyou. "Well, so much for just finding you." she said with a grin. Hyou looked towards Scimitar. "Your brother?" "Scimitar, Scimitar Tenshin, pleased to meet'cha, Hyou-san." he said, shaking Hyou's hand with a stupid grin. Hyou sweatdropped. This was as strange as that Ushio kid and his youkai friend. Scimitar pointed his fingers towards the sky. "LET'S GO TAKE CARE OF KATANA!" he yelled. "Do you even know where they are?" Skuld asked. Scimitar blushed. "I- I have no idea." Scimitar ran as soon as he heard the facefault, because that meant that Skuld would be chasing him with Mallet-sama Mark 2 (Mark 1 is owned by Akane) soon afterwards. Katana grinned. *These aliens are more of a challenge than I thought.* Since it was Augustis's ambition to rule the Sea of Chaos, naturally, his generals were briefed on the most powerful threats. Tenchi Masaki, and his allies, ranked highly on the list of threats. The man-beast that was with them, though, he had no idea. The cyan haired one teleported again. Katana already Ray Winged his way above her, and hit her with a Shadow Snap. *Time enough to deal with her later.* The Jurai Princess was now on the offensive. A Balus Wall stopped her energy, and the Freeze Arrow kept her in place. Now, Tenchi tried his hand. The Light Hawk Sword, probably the only thing that could match the infamous Laguna Blade, was bearing down on Katana. So, Katana uses a Dil Brand to launch Tenchi into the air. The beast was now behind him, trying to take him by surprise. A quick block with a Mono Bolt silenced him, just in time, because Tenchi was back in force. Katana ducked, as the Light Hawk Sword swung past his head. He was already charging up a Fireball, when a throwing blade with a sealing ward on it, imbedded itself in the ground between them. More followed, forming a circle around Katana. *Damn!* A voice yelled, "KIN!" followed by a blast of mystic energy. Katana was racked with pain. Yet another problem with being part youkai. He was now easily taken by mystic seals. He leapt out of the circle, now noticing the man standing with the Jurai Prince. *A seal magician. And a very talented one. Looks like I have no choice.* "LEVITATION!" He soared above them, and began to chant. Unlike the quick one that he used on Scimitar, this one will be much more powerful. "Darkness beyond twilight, Crimson beyond blood that flows, Buried in the sea of time. In thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness. Let the fools who stand against us, be destroyed by the power you and I possess." He cupped his hands at his hip, then thrust them towards his targets. "DRAGU-" _FWISH!_ "Huh?!" Something grabbed his arms, and forced them apart, ending the spell. "Nice to see you again, little brother." Scimitar's voice taunted. Hyou looked up in awe. He rarely saw youkai move that fast, let alone a human being. This Scimitar needed to be watched, just in case. He looked to the boy. "So, is he a friend of yours?" The boy looked back to him. "Scimitar? Yeah, we've known each other for awhile." The two watched as Scimitar forced Katana back to the earth. "So," Hyou asked, "is he always this fast?" "Actually, today he seems a bit faster." the boy answered. "By the way, I'm Hyou." "Tenchi Masaki." They both watched as Scimitar and the youkai wrestled, finally breaking free after around 30 seconds. "Who do you think will win?" "Based on experience, I'd say Scimitar." Scimitar smiled. He knew the sorcery that Katana used. Most of his spells wouldn't stand a chance. "SHADOW SNAP!" The blade imbedded itself into his shadow, immobilising him. "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" The flare of Scimitar's Wolf Flame Fist took care of that. "FREEZE ARROW!" "OOKAMI RECCA DAN!" The two projectiles exploded, steam washing over the combatants. "So," Scimitar said with a grin, "how long are we going to keep doing this?" Katana seemed to growl at this point. "Until one of us is dead!" *Yep,* Scimitar thought, *definetly obsessed.* Katana's ki blade clashed with his own. As the sparks flew all around them, Scimitar put a little effort into a shove. The wolf mask on Katana glowed, before Katana was thrown back a few feet. *The mask!* Scimitar thought. "Take off your mask! You'll fight better!" "What?! And become a mindless beast? Never!" Katana exclaimed as he leapt forward. Scimitar swung his sword, determined to cut that mask from Katana's face. The trick, however, was not killing Katana in the process. _CLANG!_ *Nani?* Scimitar thought. His sword just bounced off of the mask. He then decided to try a different approach. "Why do you hate me so much?" he asked. Katana now looked like he was fighting back tears. "Because Otousan chose you over me. He abandoned me, since he already had his first born. I hated you since then." Scimitar bit back a shallow remark. Now wasn't the time for his flipant attitude. "Our parents were killed." he said in a low voice. "Augustis killed them, and raised you to kill me someday." Katana stared at him. "No, it can't be. Augustis has looked after me since-" "Then how did he know I was alive?" Scimitar asked. "I- I don't know," Katana whispered. Everyone had now gathered to see this. Of course, they were expecting a fight, not this. "We're connected." Scimitar explained. "When I became a half-god, you were connected to me as a half-youkai. If I die, you die." Realisation sank in. "Then-" Katana began. "Augustis was planning to kill us off from the beginning." A clapping could be heard above them. Scimitar glared upwards. Augustis floated there, with a cloak whipping around him in the breeze. "It's a good thing," he said, "that I gave Katana that mask." Suddenly, Katana keeled over in pain. The mask's eyes were glowing a bright red. Scimitar swore under his breath. "You were only half right when you figured out that the mask restricts his power," Augustis commented. "But it also binds him to my will." "ELMEKIA LANCE!" Scimitar backflipped quickly out of the way of Katana's attack. *Shit* he thought. *Augustis really planned this fight well.* Katana lunged forward. Scimitar realised that he had no choice. *That mask has gotta go!* "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" he yelled as he swung his blazing fist past his twin's head. Amazingly, the flame had no effect on the mask. He leapt to the air, screaming to Tenchi and the others, "THIS IS MY FIGHT! DON'T GET INVOLVED!" Tarou was about to take off when Urd's hand gripped his shoulder. "This is between him, his brother and their parents' killer." she said smoothly. "Um, Urd-san?" Tenchi's voice whimpered. Tarou sweatdropped, while Urd tried to keep her balance on Tenchi's shoulders, and failing miserably. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scimitar kept teleporting with his sword across dimensions. But everytime that he did, Katana would follow, using that stone around his neck. Trailing behind him was Augustis, who looked like he was enjoying himself greatly. *Damn it!* Scimitar thought, *How can I break that mask, without killing Katana?* [YOU STILL HAVE TO MASTER YOUR FANG BEFORE YOU CAN REGAIN YOUR BROTHER] Scimitar blinked a few times. *Whoa, where'd that come from?* Something about that fang thing rang a bell in his mind, but it was buried deep, like most of his techniques were. *Fang, fang....* he thought, dodging another Freeze Arrow. _DING!_ *I GOT IT!* Scimitar spun around on his heel, dodging Katana's blade. He looked around his surroundings. *A desert of El-Hazard. Perfect.* "Do you give up?" Augustis asked, with that arrogant grin. Scimitar ignored him. Just concentrate on Katana was all he was planning to do. *Have to pull this off without killing him.* Scimitar took a deep breath, then held up his hand, palm facing the ground. Suddenly, the temperature of the desert began to go off the chart. "No," Augustis started to yell, "it can't be! Not even your father could master it!" Scimitar tuned out the voice. All of his senses were directed at the mask that held his twin a prisoner. His hand began to pulse with power, as he summoned up a technique that may just kill them all. "I call upon the ultimate technique of the Ookami-no-ken arts." he said. His hand exploded into flame, which twisted and turned, flowing and shaping itself into a large scimitar of flame. "TEN OOKAMI NO HONOU GA!" he yelled as the sword finally formed. He looked towards his brother. Now! "HYAH!" he cried as he swung the huge blade at his brother. There was a flash, and the sound of metal breaking. Then, the mask crumbled to the ground. Katana fell to his knees, barely concious. "You are good." Augustis said as he disappeared, "And we shall see how good you really are." *Typical anime villian.* Scimitar thought, *Can't ever run away without saying something.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keiichi looked at Belldandy, completly shocked. "So, that's how he got his brother back?" he asked. "Yes," she responded, "without the mask, Augustis has no hold on him, and he can use his full power." "Well, its nice to see that it ended well," Urd added from where she was watching the twins and Skuld. Katana was throwing fireballs at Scimitar, while Skuld was adding in her bombs for good measure. "Skuld got a new playmate," Urd concluded with a grin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preview: Scimitar: Oh, hell yeah! I'm actually getting a multi-part chapter, Oneesama? Belldandy: Why yes, Scimitar-chan *giggle* Katana: Only because I'm now on the show. Scimitar: Shut up, little brother. Urd: Firstly ,when a Dragonball falls into the hands Sabrina, the famous Psychic Pokemon trainer of Saffron City, Scimitar has to resort to finding a Pokemon to help him. Katana: So why are we looking for this thing again? Tarou: According to our "fearless" leader, its the best bet he has of winning the Dragonball back. Mewtwo: And you are....? Belldandy: First in our Tales of Scimitar Triple Special, "Psy Double Team! Mewtwo, the strongest Pokemon created." Skuld: Then, when Washu takes a job as a teacher at Furinkan High, all we have to say is... Scimitar: WHYYYYYYYYYYY!? Katana: Well, now I can at least see where you learn, 'Niichan. Urd: And to make matters worse, Nabiki is trailing Scimitar, with her eye on his wallet. Tenchi: For his sake, that better be the only thing of his she has her eye on. Tarou: The second piece of the Tales of Scimitar Triple Special, "A very odd day! Furinkan gets a bit weirder." Scimitar: Then, to top it all off, Katana's been acting weird lately. Dissappearing from the house, being sociable for once, so I think... Katana: Oh, this angel has stolen my heart. Urd: You do realise, that you're a half-youkai, in love with the Mamano Hunter Yohko? Katana: And...? Hyou: The final part of the Tales of Scimitar Triple Special, "Bishounen and the Mamano Hunter! Katana & Yohko 4-ever!" Scimitar: *sigh* Why me? Author's notes: Well, first thing is, for those of you who don't know who Hyou is, he's seal magician from Ushio & Tora. Also, a new attack for you guys to marvel at (kidding, just kidding ^_^;;). Ten Ookami No Honou Ga: Heavenly Wolf's Flame Fang. An attack which draws pure, passionate heat from the user's soul, and forms it into a blade of flame that could rival the Laguna Blade. As a result, the heat around the user increases dramatically. Since only Scimitar is the only human to use this technique, its limits and powers are unknown.