Tales of Scimitar By Ksawarrior. Part 4: Disadvantage! Battle against a new opponent! Disclaimer: Not everyone in these fics are mine. However some are, so if you're confused as to who's who, ask a friend. ^_^ Darkness. Darkness. Still, some more darkness. Scimitar was beginning to wonder why every time a person was knocked out, they were always floating through darkness. *At least I kept my clothes.* He thought as he looked at his armguards. Suddenly, images began to flash all around him, images of awolfontherunamanwithredspikedhairabeautifulwomantwoinfantsamandying, and the last image, was of Scimitar, only, it wasn't him. Then, the world exploded into light. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Belldandy sat next to the bed, Keiichi leaning on the wall behind her. Skuld was staring out the window with Tenchi, and Urd was standing there with Pantyhose Tarou. It's been hell, since they found out. After Scimitar passed out due to the wound on his chest, Tarou arrived, looking for the guy who blasted him. When he saw Scimitar, he helped carry him to Dr. Tofu's clinic, with the help of a girl, who he thought was really cute. Ukyou was her name, wasn't it? Then, Tofu called Keiichi at the temple. Thankfully, Kami-sama made it so that they could be called across worlds. The Norns, Keiichi, and Tenchi, who wanted to check on his partner, rushed to Tofu's clinic. They came close to losing him several times, while they treated his wounds. If it wasn't for his fast healing, he'd be dead. Now, he's been in a coma for the past 3 hours. Suddenly, his whole upper body jumped up, his eyes wide open, breaths deep and hoarse. He then dropped back to the bed, after scaring the crap out of everyone. He turned his head to Belldandy, and said, "Oneesama, what ever Hinako told you, was a lie. I wasn't cheating, I swear." It took Tenchi and Tarou a while to to get Skuld to put down her mallet. "What happened? And, please, the short version." he asked. "You've been here for three hours." Tenchi answered. "_THREE HOURS_?!" Scimitar leapt out of bed. "I'm missing dinner!" _BAM!_ Belldandy gave Skuld a 'that wasn't nice' stare, as she helped Scimitar up. "Ite.... Kuno messed me up big time, ne?" Scimitar asked. His hand touched his chest. It was a scar now. Belldandy noticed where his hand was, and said, "There is a mirror right there." Scimitar walked up to the mirror, and pulled down the shirt. Now, a huge scar, going from his left shoulder to his right hip could be seen. "SUGOI!" he yelled with a happy face, as everyone else facefaulted. "How can you say 'sugoi' to a scar like that?" Tarou asked with a serious face. Scimitar, doing poses in the mirror, replied, "Have you ever seen those movies where babes run their hands over scars? Oooooh, this will be so sweet!" _BAM!_ This time, it was Skuld, Tarou, and surprisingly Tenchi, who knocked him out. "He was starting to worry me?" Tenchi nervously said, holding the back of his head, laughing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elsewhere, in a realm filled with Mazoku, a man waits. His face has a huge burn scar on the right, whereas his hair, is flaming red, sticking up in a widow's peak. "Well, is it true?" he asked nervously. "Yes, unless he survived what you did to him, it must have been one of his offspring." a creature on his knees answered. *Damn!* the Mazoku thought, *If one of them even exists, then the prophecy may come true!* "Send Fradou to lure him out." the Mazoku told his servant. "It will be done, Augustis-sama." the servant answered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now, there are a lot of things that would scare Scimitar. Belldandy angry, a one-on-one match with Goku, but nothing was quite as scary as the concept of having Nabiki Tendo interested in you. So, you could imagine his feelings when she walked into his hospital room, with that mercenary look on his face. Well, in case you can't, just listen: "GYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" See? Nabiki gave a mock pout. "What, am I that scary?" "I usually feel that way about mercenaries." Scimitar growled. "Mercenary? You don't even know me." Her face was a mask of ice. "YOU WERE PLACING _BETS_ ON MY LIFE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" "What?" Belldandy asked. "Boy, high school must have changed a lot since I was in it." Keiichi commented. "Should have known." Tarou muttered. "Anyway," Scimitar said, just in time to keep Skuld and Urd quiet, "why are you here?" "I'm a bit curious." she said with with a smile. "Considering that trick you did with that sword." "What trick? I thought you were busy taking in bets on the possibilities of my demise." he replied with a grin. "And also, that hurricane thing, looks suspeciously like a move my possible brother-in-law uses." "_Possible_ brother-in-law?" "Don't try to throw me off-track." she replied. *Damn, she is good.* "Um, well..." "Oh my god, there's a pigtailed girl with no clothes on!!" Urd screamed. "What?!" Nabiki rushed to the window... to see nothing. She turned back, and Scimitar was gone. "Where'd he...?" "He gets that way around mercs." Urd said cooly. "Oh really?" Nabiki mirrored her cool. "Is it just me," Tenchi asked after a few minutes, "or is it getting colder in here?" Nabiki smiled,(an evil one, might I add) and said, "Well, I'll find something about him, I also do." And with those words, she left the hospital room. "Um, could someone help me down?" a voice asked. Everyone began to wonder how Scimitar could hang on to the ceiling like that. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" _CRASH!_ Apparantly, he couldn't. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The forest outside of Nerima. "WHERE ON EARTH AM I NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWW!!!!" As usual Ryoga was lost. Behind him, something moved. Before he knew, it knocked him out to the Pacific. *I will find, and kill you,* the six-armed monstrosity thought, *son of Kami-no-ookami!* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So let me get this again," Tarou said, "he's a half-god, you three are goddesses, Tenchi is part alien, and Keiichi is a normal person." "That's about the size of it." Urd said. "Ok, just checking." *Maybe I can-* "And we can't help you change your name." Belldandy added. *How the hell...?* Suddenly, there was an explosion, which had everyone but Scimitar at the window. "It wasn't my fault, it's Skuld's!" he yelled. _BAM!_ "Don't you have mercy on the sickly?" Scimitar asked with a sweatdrop and a mallet on his head. Suddenly, a creature appeared. It was about 9 feet tall, with six arms.(think Goro from Mortal Kombat, only uglier) "What, is that?" Tarou asked. "Looks like a youma," Urd replied. They turned their attention to Scimitar. He was in no condition to help. He still lost a lot of blood. The Norns turned to Tarou and Tenchi. "I know this is rather sudden, Tarou, but we would like you to join the team." Belldandy asked. "Now wait a second," Tarou began.... "We'll help you find a way to change your name." Skuld said. "Where do I start?" Tarou said with a new enthusiasm. "I think by stopping that thing out there." Urd said. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fradou grinned. If he destroyed this boy, then Augustis-sama would reward him. Maybe give him his own continent to rule. Suddenly, two new opponents dropped in front of him. One was short, with his black hair in a ponytail, with a big glowing sword. The other, resembled a minotaur with wings, and tentacles. Fradou grinned again. It would be too easy. First, he hit the boy over the head, sending him flying. The minotaur threw a punch, which was caught easily. The other arm swung, and was also caught. Fradou began to concentrate with his four free hands. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keiichi and the Norns watched in horror as the youma blasted Tarou into the building. It then began to float up to their window. _CRASH!_ Scimitar looked up from the bed, to see the thing advancing meanacingly towards his family. He grabbed a chair, and threw it at the youma, getting its attention on him. "Alrighty then," he said, lifting himself from the bed. "Since you seem to want a fight, I'll gladly give it to you!" He leapt into the air, swinging his leg in a wide arc. It nailed the thing at its neck. It then grabbed him, pulled him up close, kneed him in the stomach, causing him to cough up blood, then threw him into the wall. It then shot a ki blast, setting Scimitar on fire. "Now," it spoke, "where, is the spawn of Kami-no-ookami?" Keiichi thought. *What is he talking about?* The youma smiled. "If you won't tell me, I'll have to beat it out of you!" He reached for Urd.... and a flaming hand grabbed him by the wrist. Everyone looked to see what looked like a flaming corpse throw the youma into the wall. Suddenly, the heat began to build, and build...... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" .....climaxing into a wolf howl. And Scimitar stood there, with his usual attire of jeans, leather jacket, tank top and baseball cap. "Thanks for the torching, pal." he said with a grin. "The heat helped heal me back up nicely." The youma got up, and charged him. Scimitar, almost lazily, said, "Ookami Honou Ken." and sent a punch strong enough to catapault the youma from the building. Before anyone could ask, Scimitar leapt out through the opening in the wall, and gave chase. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenchi awoke to the sight of Belldandy healing him up. "You can do that?" he asked. She nodded. "How come you didn't use it on Scimitar?" "If he was really going to die, I would have. But, he is alright," she replied. "Wha- What happened to the big guy?" Tenchi began looking around. "Scimitar kinda happened." Urd said from where she was healing up Tarou-monster. Tarou gave a questioning look. "He was set on fire, and I guess because of his powers, that healed him up." Belldandy answered him. "Where'd they go?" Tenchi asked, now in his Light Hawk armor. Belldandy pointed in the direction they were headed. The bay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scimitar smiled as he punted the youma again. It was so great to be moving, to be active again. Why didn't he think of using heat earlier? "Because you're a baka otaku who never has any good ideas!" a voice that reminded him of Skuld answered. He screeched to a halt, noticing all the sand he was kicking up. *Damn. I got him all the way to the beach! Hey, where is he?* Scimitar looked all around him, and checked above, just in case it could fly. *The only place left is....* Scimitar leapt to the sky, as the six-armed youma burst from under where he was just standing a few seconds ago. "How?!" Fradou yelled. "No one has ever been able to predict that strategy!" *Guess all your opponents never saw Goku's fight with Captain Ginyu.* Scimitar came down, drawing his sword. "LET'S PLAY!" _CLANG!_ Scimitar smiled. "So, you know ki attacks as well." "Of course," Fradou grinned, as his red ki axe stood against Scimitar's blue ki scimitar. Suddenly, Scimitar disappeared, only to appear behind him, and land a good kick. "How'd you-" "I picked that up when I fought Garlic Jr.!" Scimitar smiled, and brought his sword down. Fradou brought his axe up, and began to charge up his free hands. Scimitar noticed the crackle of red energy in the four hands. "OOKAMI GUFUU!" he shouted, swinging his leg up. The wolf tornado threw the youma into the air, just as it fired its shot. Tenchi was beginning to wonder about life. Now, he was riding on a minotaur, with three goddesses. "Look out!" Belldandy yelled, as a ball of ki flew at them.... only to bounce off of Tenchi's Light Hawk Wings. "Guess that means they're down there." he deadpanned. Scimitar watched as the youma spun around in the Ookami Gufuu. *Should I bother drawing this out any further?* he asked himself. *Nah!* "OOKAMI RECCA HA!" The blast of fiery ki shot upwards, blasting the youma straight to hell. "See you, in the next dimension," Scimitar said in his best english dub Vejita impression. He started to laugh. *How does that actor keep from laughing when he says that?* _BAM!_ "Ite..." Scimitar growled as he turned towards Tarou. "What the hell was that for?!" Tarou, who was still in his monster form, pulled out a Genma style sign: YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SHOT ME EARLIER!? "Ehehehehehe, oops?" Scimitar said, holding the back of his head. "Not bad, for a boy," a voice called out from the darkness. They all turned to it, to see a man, with a burn scar, and red hair. "I sense a Vejita envy here," Scimitar commented on the hair style. He couldn't shake the feeling that he saw the guy before. "You are in deed, the son of Kami-no-ookami." the man commented. Scimitar raised an eyebrow. "That's nice, for a dead man to say," he said, just before he leapt forward. "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" Only, his opponent was missing. "Not yet, but soon." the voice coaxed from wherever it came from. Scimitar grimaced. *Foreshadowing. You gotta hate it.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preview: Scimitar: Goddamn dreams are starting to get annoying. But I think I've figured them out. Tenchi: Good thing, since there some youkai who cross through worlds like you do. Tarou: We may have to get help from some expert. Who is this Hyou guy, anyway? Urd: Next time on Tales of Scimitar, "Mysterious rival! They call him Katana!" Scimitar: What is this guy? Author's notes: Well, now we're beginning to build up a plot, aren't we? Not much to say, other then to thank the fans of this series (I know you're out there, somewhere). Also, I'm kinda building up a group as things go along, so, any anime or manga characters you want to appear in this fic series, e-mail me with your requests. Later boys and girls ^_~ Ja ne!