TALES OF SCIMITAR By Ksawarrior. Part 3: Welcome to Furinkan High. Hope you survive. Disclaimer: Don't you get it! I made no profit from this! (Other than having my confidence in my writing boost ^_^) (In the realm we know as Heaven, a battle is being fought. One combatant, is Kami-sama, ruler of all that is. The other, is his half-mortal son, Scimitar.) Scimitar:(arrogantly) Are you sure you don't want to go all out? Kami-sama: I think I'll manage.(smirks) (Scimitar leaps forward, starting with a high kick. Only, his opponent vanishes.) Scimitar: Nani?(gets kicked from behind) (Kami-sama is now behind Scimitar, with a big grin on his face.) Kami-sama: Still want to go on? Scimitar: Why you- OOKAMI RECCA DAN![wolf fiery rage shot] (A ball of hot angry ki shoots from Scimitar's hands. Kami-sama catches it easily.) Scimitar:(sadly) Here we go. (The ball multiplies in size in Kami-sama's hands, and is flung back at Scimitar.) _KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!_ (The smoke clears, and Scimitar can be seen. His clothes are burned and his skin is slightly charred) Scimitar:(weakly) Ite....(Passes out) Kami-sama: Well, seeing as how you have school this morning, I think you should WAKE UP!!!! "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Scimitar bolted out of bed, and started swinging his ki-scimitar around. Only then did 3 things register: 1) He was in his room, not fighting with Oyaji-sama. 2) He was in his underwear, which made this look embrassing. 3) He was LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!! He started running back and forth, grabbing pants shirts, jackets, anything! When he walked out, Urd asked, "What, did your closet attack you?" Then, he realised something else. He was wearing all the clothing he owned. A few minutes later, he entered the kitchen. He was wearing the usual Furinkan High uniform, but he tore off the sleeves to show off his arms. He was still wearing his arm-guards and baseball cap. "So, oneesama, when's Tenchi coming along?" he asked Belldandy. "Well, his grandfather talked it over with our father, and decided not to send Tenchi." "................" "Um, Scimitar-kun, are you alright?" "Please excuse me." he replied, before going out into the courtyard. "OYAJI-SAMA NO BAKA! WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS DOING THIS TO ME!?!" _KRASH!_ A charred Scimitar walked back in, took his lunch and bookbag, and left. Urd started counting: 3 2 1 "HOW DO I GET TO FURINKAN!?" Urd walked up to him, and placed a finger on his forehead. "Now, try." she said. He started to concentrate and, then...... "This still isn't working." After Urd got up from her facefall, she said, "USE YOUR SWORD, BAKA!" "Fine then" he said under his breath. He summoned his sword, and took a swing at the air. *Hmmmm. A sword that opens portals, eh?* he thought as he looked at the opening to another world. He took a step through. *And I thought she was going to punish me for posting her phone number on the Internet* Then, he was falling. "Huh? Wha-? UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!" Urd smiled. *he should have learned about the whole thought reading ability.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nerima district. A particular place was the cursed antique shop. The one also known as 'where Tatewaki Kuno does some of his shopping in his plans to beat Ranma Saotome'. "So, what do you have for me today?" Kuno asked. "Well, not that I believe in the darn thing, mind you, but...." the dealer presented a katana to Kuno. "Well, what about this blade?" Kuno asked. "It has the power to slice through anything solid." "Meaning, that Ranma can't block my attacks. Oh, Akane Tendo and Osage no Onna, today I free you from Ranma Saotome! So swears Tatewaki Kuno, Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" Thunder began to ring throughout the area. "How _do_ you do that?" the shop-keeper asked just as Kuno left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *DamndamndamnDAMN!* Scimitar thought as he plummeted towards the ground. *Gee, she seems to enjoy all the attention, so I thought it would be alright to- Snap outta it man! You gotta school to get to.* He looked for something soft to land on. Naturally, nothing is there. Then, for once, a thought came to him. "Do you mind not putting me down?" Scimitar asked. Um, gee, don't you hate when they complain to the author, eheheheh? Anyway, he turned in the opposite direction of Furinkan, concentrated, and..... "OOKAMI RECCA HA!" _AWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!_ The wolf howl sounded throughout Nerima, as Scimitar's blast shot him towards Furinkan. *Hmmm, thats odd. Its almost like I hit something with the blast to be going this fast.* Elsewhere, Pantyhose Tarou, in his monster form, plummeted to the ground. *Whoever shot that,* he thought, *is going to die.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ranma Saotome's life, is, what you could call interesting. He's cursed to become a girl, he's engaged to one of the most violent girls in the Aniverse, and he deals with a great deal of wackos, one of which, is challenging him at the moment. "Ranma Saotome, you vile soceror, surrender Akane Tendo and Osage no Onna!" Kuno yelled, with a brand new katana sheathed at his hip. "Listen Kuno, I don't have time for you." Ranma said, taking a fighting stance. Suddenly....... "YODDLY LAY HEE HOOO!!" _BAM!_ and now Kuno has been smashed 3 feet underground, with a guy in a Furinkan High uniform, without sleeves, with armguards and a baseball cap on. "Um, am I late for school?" the newcomer asked nervously. Ranma facefaulted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Now class," the little girl known as Hinako-sensei, began, "we've got a new student, all the way from Los Angeles. This is Scimitar Tenshin." "Yo!" Scimitar said with a grin. *Yeah, naturally, I'm stuck in this class.* he made his way to his seat. Thankfully, it was by a window. *Y'never know when you may need to excape.* "All right, class, I'm going to show a movie today, with a lot of historicaly references, so be ready for questions." Hinako-sensei announced. And with that, she started the original Godzilla. 'Facefault' didn't quite describe what the class did. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Its been one of those days.* Scimitar thought as he ate his bento lunch, sitting on the perimeter wall of Furinkan. Firstly, Hinako used that coin trick on him, just for talking. Then, Ryoga crashed one class, looking for Ranma. While Ranma wasn't there, Scimitar was. *I never want to be near him when he uses the Bakusai Tenketsu.* He glanced around. No body seemed to be as interested in him as they were when Ranma showed up. Not that this wasn't good, since if he does something, no one will ask questions. Scimitar continued to eat, when, he noticed the tree was tilting. _FWISH!_ Scimitar was already behind whoever cut the tree, in a fight stance. "Oh, you're that Kumo sempai, aren't you?" he asked. "I am Tatewaki KuNO! The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!" Thunder rumbled. *Where the hell are the clouds?* Scimitar thought as he looked to the sky. "I've come to defeat you, gaijin barbarian, for attacking me this very morning!" Kuno yelled. Scimitar's temper began to grow short. "What, was that?" "You heard me, gaijin filth." Tick. "Dishonorable cur!" Tick. "You aren't worthy to even be noticed by the greatest Kendo champiAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!" Boom. Scimitar pulled back his fist, from where Kuno's chin had just been. "You have anything else to say, moron?" he asked. Kuno unsheathed his new katana. "Only the foul sorceror Saotome has been able to strike me, so," "So?" "YOU MUST BE ONE OF HIS DISCIPLES!" Scimitar grew a sweatdrop on his head. Everyone's attention was on them now. *This is not good,* he thought. *If I beat Kuno up, chances are, sometime Ranma's going to challenge me, and I don't need that.* "Hey, who's the new guy?" "A gaijin transfer student. He's in Ranma's class." "Does he know martial arts?" "Boy, he's cute." Nabiki looked through the crowd. Already, she was thinking of how to put this fight to her advantage. "Alright," she yelled, "the odds are 3-1 in favor of Kuno. Place your bets!" Scimitar would have facefaulted at Nabiki's words, were he not focused on Kuno's weapon. *I'm pretty sure that Kuno doesn't have a battle aura, so why is his sword glowWHOA!* He ducked as a swing went by his head, and flipped to the side. Before he could get his guard up, Kuno was already all over him, the blade a mere blur. "dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadada!" Cuts, nicks and gashes appeared on his arms, as he swung them up to guard his head. His armguards were giving off sparks as the katana hit them. *shitshitshitshitshitSHIT! Whatever that blade is, its tough.* Scimitar thought. *Kuno's never been this fast, even in that one episode where Happosai trained him.* He backflipped a few times, hoping to give Kuno the slip. But as he flipped up to the air.... "Now you are finished!" Kuno yelled, the sword glowing brighter. "HYAH!" Scimitar looked to see an arc of ki slam diagonally into his chest. _CRASH!_ He tried to get up, but, the pain, so much pain...... Everyone stopped betting, as soon as they noticed the puddle of blood forming around Scimitar. "Hah!" Kuno yelled, "He has tasted the vengence of heaven, as will all my enemies!" Kuno turned around about to walk off before..... "Hey," Everyone turned back to Scimitar's body, which was getting back up. "This fight isn't done yet!" he spat. Blood was still dripping from his wound. Scimitar's hand went to his collar. "Don't need this anymore." he said, just as he ripped the shirt from his upper torso, showing his wound in full detail to all. He dropped to a fighting stance. "Let's try this again." Scimitar whispered, just loud enough for the crowd to make out what he said. _BAM!_ Kuno, who was ten feet away, was flying backwards, as Scimitar stood in front of the swordsman's original place, looking like he just elbowed something. "I thought so," he commented, "That sword may be tough, but you're still an idiot, with or without it." Kuno got up, blade glowing again. He swung upwards, sending a vertical arc straight at Scimitar. Scimitar's hands looked like they were holding something, and, just as Kuno's arc was about to hit, he swung upwards, a blue flash coming from his hands. _BOOM!_ Everyone looked to the explosion, to see Scimitar standing with a ki-scimitar in his hand. "Let's play!" he yelled charging at Kuno. "So, you wish to suffer again?" Kuno yelled defiantly, also breaking into a charge. _ZWISH!_ The two of them stood there frozen, their moves so quick, they couldn't be seen. And then, Kuno's katana fell into pieces. "How, how could this, _dog_, destroy my blade?" he asked, turning towards Scimitar. "oooooh, I'm going to love doing this." Scimitar grinned, cracking his knuckles. "OOKAMI GUFUU!" Everyone was treated to the sight of Kuno being thrown around in a whirlwind, created by a wolf. Granted, they already saw it with a dragon, but this was just as good. Then, they all noticed something. Scimitar was unconcious, in a pool of his own blood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Preview: Scimitar: Shit, I didn't think any weapon could make Kuno that dangerous. Dr. Tofu: You should get some rest. Pantyhose Tarou: What in the world.....? Tenchi: Next time on Tales of Scimitar, "Disadvantage! Battle against a new opponent!" Belldandy: We hope you can make it. Author's notes: I know, a lot of Ranma fans are probably asking, "Why didn't Ranma play a part in this chapter?" Well, its mostly because, I think that just because Ranma 1/2 is involved, doesn't mean that Ranma has to be a major player. Besides, if anyone, the most of Ranma you're going to see in this fic are Furinkan, Kuno, Nabiki, and Pantyhose Tarou. Also, you may be wondering, why Kuno's sword didn't cut through Scimitar's armguards. They were given to him by Skuld, which means that they must have some power.