Tales of Scimitar Part 1: Down the Cabbit Hole! The Birth of Scimitar! By Ksawarrior Normal text is a character speaking Text with * on both ends: thoughts Text with / on both ends: telepathy Disclaimer: Blah blah blah, no one here is mine, yakety yak, don't waste time suing me, its pointless. Sasami walked out into the courtyard outside Tenchi's house. Today was a very beautiful spring day. Birds were singing, sakura trees were in bloom. Earth was quite beautiful when there weren't any fights. Suddenly, an explosion could be heard throughout the valley. *Ayeka and Ryoko must be fighting in the flying onsen again* the blue haired princess thought. "Oh, Sasami. What are you doing here?" the girl in question nearly fell when she heard her sister. *Ayeka's _here_. So why is there an explosion?* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scimitar broke through the glass dome of the onsen, with a fully armed (and thankfully, fully dressed) Ryoko chasing him, energy blade in one hand, energy blasts being fired from the other. *Why did this happen to me?* thought the otaku. *Oh yeah. Cause that stupid, under-developed, violent midget drafted me in* Suddenly, he was not sure how, but a mallet, not unlike that of a certain goddess nailed him in the fore head. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "How _DARE_ he call me an under-developed midget!?" Skuld yelled from where she was watching in Heaven. "Well, if the shoe fits, as they say" chuckled her sister. "Shut up, Urd! I have to think of a way to severly punish him when he gets back!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ryoko was having a bad morning. She managed to get up earlier than that annoying Ayeka, actually managed to get a good morning from Tenchi, and now this hentai pissed her off. "You can't excape from me!" she yelled. "Doesn't mean I can't try, spirit-caller!" Scimitar yelled back. He could see her flinch at being called by the true meaning of her name, just before diving behind a tree for cover. Then the tree was slashed down by Ryoko. He had already leapt 20 feet into the air and was still going. She teleported behind him and swung her sword at his head... _ZWISH!BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!_ but was blocked as a scimitar went into a death lock with her blade. "Oh just to be nice, the name is Scimitar! Pleased to meet ya!" he said in a mocking tone. "Well now I know what to put on your grave!" _SLASH!CLANG!ZWISH!_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washu was having an alright day. She was doing a check-up on Mayuka's health, while at the same time, trying to figure out the strange life-form that seemed to be trapped in a dead zone she discovered. Then, all her sensors went off! Something big was going down. *Hmm, a transdimensional door way has briefly opened, and deposited something.* It was this something that caught her attention. It seemed to have a lot of spiritual power within it, and had the potential to match Tenchi, if it developed. The subject was automatically on her view screen. It was wearing a black leather jacket, jeans, sneakers and a tank top, with a black baseball cap. It also seemed to be in a duel with Ryoko. Mayuka cheered as best she could when Ryoko scored several good slashes at its arms. "Well then, lets go see it ourselves, Mayuka." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scimitar was severly wasted. Sure, his skill with his sword was a match for hers, and all his physical attributes had helped out so far, but he was running out of ideas. Suddenly he felt a great surge of power flow though him. _BAM!!_ Then he went smashing through several trees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Urd, what did you do to him?!" Skuld demanded. She noticed that spell being cast on him, so naturally she asked her most beloved sister. "I swear, I didn't cast that! Besides, if its what I think it is, then Blade-boy there may just make it after all" *Damn! If Urd didn't cast it,* Skuld thought, *then who did?* Belldandy smiled from her hiding place. She just hoped that Scimitar would figure out the techniques she gave him soon. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tenchi, Nobuyuki, and Katsuhito were sitting quietly in the shrine, sipping tea. For those who knew what went on in this house, it was a strange sight. All of them were completly relaxed. _BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ Well, so much for that. Tenchi and Katsuhito were both outside watching as the continuing match between Ryoko and Scimitar raged on. *Great* Scimitar thought. *What am I going to do? How can I score a good hit?* /Think of a wolf/ *Huh?* Scimitar did as the voice said and realised the gift he had been given. *Arigoto, Bell-chan* "Well, you do realise now you're gonna _DIE_!" she cackled. "Oh yeah!? OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" yelled out the otaku as his fists shot out at amazing speeds. His fists had ignited into flames, and were now impacting with Ryoko's face "Now that's an impressive move." mused Katsuhito. "Grandpa, we gotta help her. If I strike from the front, and you go behind.." Tenchi began but Kastuhito interrupted him. "And what about Ryoko's pride, Tenchi? We'll wait untill we have no choice but to help." The fight had gone back to sword play again, which was getting no where fast. By now, the fight had gone to the house, with everyone watching. Ayeka was the only one cheering Scimitar on with cries of "Kill the monster woman! Kill kill kill!!!" *After this, I'm gonna beat that stuck-up princess up as well* Scimitar decided. Now Ryoko had gone to the air, and began to charge up an energy barrage of great proportions. "NOW FINALLY _DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE_!!!!!!" "Not today, Ryoko-chan. OOKAMI RECCA HA!!!" A wolf's howl eminated from his body as Scimitar fired a concentrated blast of ki flame. It was slowed down by Ryoko's blasts, but managed to do considerable damage. Of course, the blasts that weren't aimed at his ki-shot did mess him up quite a lot. "Now we finish it." said Ryoko as she poured all her strength into her next shot. "Couldn't have said it better myself," Scimitar's leg began to glow a bright blue as he charged up his final attack. If it was Belldandy who gave him these attacks, he'd have to thank her. The battle field became silent, except for Mihoshi crying "Please, can't we just sit down and talk!?" Ryoko fired in a 10ft diameter blast. With a cry of "OOKAMI GUFUU!!!" Scimitar brought his leg up in a kick, with a wolf shape blast flying straight at Ryoko. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, I guess you can stay a bit Scimitar, if you don't have anymore fights with Ryoko." Tenchi explained to the Masaki house's new guest. It took half an hour to revive them. Ryoko fried Scimitar, but he sent her flying in a whirlwind. Then he awoke and explained why he was there, and how he knew them. //FLASHBACK\\ "Ow. What hit me?" "Ryoko, actually." Scimitar laughed. Since he was nailed by that car, he seriously needed to laugh. "I guess I better ask Kami-sama if I get health insurance." "Kami-sama?" Sasami gave a confused look. "You know him?" "Well, I haven't met him, but I will. Hopefully." "Why would Kami-sama send you here?" Tenchi had seen a lot, and he didn't need someone from the almighty living with him. "Well, it kinda goes like this.." Scimitar began. //END FLASHBACK\\ "Hey, she started it. I just fall in and she over-reacts. With all the other times she's been nude in front of you, you'd think she wouldn't have problems with a guy from another world dropping in." "How do you know about how I been in front of Tenchi? Are you some kind of peeper?" Ryoko asked. "Like I said, on my earth, you guys are the stars of a hit anime series." "It is possible." Washu said. "Well, I gotta go check on a dead zone I found." *Dead zone? Why does that sound familiar?* Scimitar thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Skuld wanted to grab him and beat some sense into him. *Doesn't he remember that? Oooh, I just hope he has enough sense to realise it soon.* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Washu's lab exploded. A huge, green demon of some kind threw Washu through the wall, into the kitchen. Ryoko and Tenchi were knocked aside. Ayeka, Kiyone and Mihoshi were getting Sasami and Mayuka outside to hide. As Scimitar began to lose conciousness, with the demon's grip on his throat, he managed to utter its name. "Garlic Jr." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keichi walked into Urd's room, surprised to see all 3 goddesses watching TV. "What are you guys watching?" he asked "Well you see,(Note: this is the recap for those who weren't paying attention) Skuld got an otaku to be the investigator of the aniverse," began Urd. "Scimitar-kun got into a big battle with Ryoko, of the Tenchiverse, so I gave him some techniques to help out" added Belldandy. "But now he's gotta save the earth from Garlic Jr. who Washu accidently freed" concluded Skuld. "And now," the goddesses said together, "on with the show!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ On board the Ryo-Ohki spaceship, tension was so thick, you'd need a Light Hawk Sword to cut it. *I should have seen this coming!* Scimitar thought as he tore through another training droid Washu made. He asked as soon as they started the journy to make them. *I should have been able to stop him! And now..* When he came to, Ryoko and Tenchi were already helping Mihoshi and Kiyone to Washu's lab to heal up. Ryoko naturally blamed him for Garlic's attack. Worse, Garlic took Sasami and Mayuka to make them his disciples. And if he only figured out that dead zone comment by Washu, they'd be safe. "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!" another droid slagged. *I _SHOULD_ HAVE DONE SOMETHING!* "OOKAMI GUFUU!!!!!" the wolf blast shot upwards and twisted back down to him. _BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ Now, he felt a little better. He made his way to the bridge, where Washu was giving directions to Ryo-Ohki. "Mind telling us what we're up against?" He turned around and stared at Ryoko. "Fine. His name is Garlic Jr. and he is immortal." he said solomenly. "Is that meant to scare me?" "I'm serious. A wish from the dragon god Shenlong granted him eternal life." He walked straight up to Ryoko's face. "HE _CAN'T_ DIE." he said slowly. "There has to be a way to beat him, right?" Tenchi asked. "If we can get him back into the dead zone and seal it, then yes." Washu looked up from her laptop. "I can open the gateway, but we have to force him into it." "Which is easier said then done." Scimitar added. " Never stopped us from trying before." Tenchi said. "Well, here's the plan..." Scimitar began, as Ryo-Ohki closed in on a point where Garlic was. The Red Sea. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sasami held Mayuka gently in her arms, trying to rock her to sleep. "Its funny. Kids seem to be getting stronger all the time." the green demon, had shrunk, so now it was smaller than Sasami. That didn't help the fact that she could tell he was as strong like this. "You see, I was banished into that dead zone, WHICH I MADE!!!!" he screamed. "by a little kid." Garlic was curious about several things. Kami should have sensed his return. Goku and Piccollo too. So why hasn't anyone come after him? In fact, the strongest powers he sensed were those of the people that had these children with them. *It is no matter* he thought as he looked out over the fortress he made, just like his old one. *If they do come, my armies will be waiting* he looked at his undead army. Why didn't he use them on Goku and the others? He began preparations to throw the world into darkness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ryo-Ohki floated 20 meters above the fortress. Inside, everyone was getting ready for the fight. Kiyone and Mihoshi put the finishing touches on their new blasters. Could blow holes in mountains. Ryoko and Ayeka were in their battle suits. Tenchi, in his Light Hawk armor, took a few practice swings with his sword. Washu was in that outfit that she wore when she fought Dr. Clay. Scimitar had gotten rid of the jacket and tanktop. Now he had arm guards, from wrist to elbow, on. They were black leather, and the one on his right had a wolf on it. The left had a dragon. "Do you guys know your jobs?" he asked. The others nodded. *Well, you're never too young to die* "Let's go!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Garlic Jr. waited out in the garden. The kids were hidden well. Now, if humans are as cliche' as he thought... "RETURN THE CHILDREN!!!" Right on time. There were four of them standing there. The one on the left was female, with two braids of purple hair, and strange armor. To the right, a female with cyan hair in a hairstyle like Goku's. Up front, was a man in glowing white armor, with a bright sword. The most predominant power, though, came from the rear. He knew that kind of ki. It was the kind that helped send him to the dead zone. Anger. In the rear of the group, was a man, with a baseball cap, and arm guards, minus a jacket and shirt. "So, who are you?" he asked with a smirk of arrogance. "And where is Goku?" "My name is Scimitar, and I'm the guardian of this world. Goku is dead" Scimitar knew it might not work, but that was the plan. //FLASH BACK\\ "If I can get him to think that I'm important, especially to Kami, he'll go after me." "And what the hell do we do?" Ryoko said. "You get the kids." Scimitar then turned to Washu. "Now here is your part." //END FLASH BACK\\ "You? Guardian? What happened to Kami?" Garlic was enraged. No revenge on Kami or Goku. "Kami made me guardian, after he and Piccolo remerged. He warned me to keep an eye out for you, Garlic!" Garlic was enraged. He lost his chance! *Well then, I have to kill him instead* "Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, go find the children." Scimitar glared at Garlic Jr. "I'll deal with him." The others ran past Garlic and into the fortress. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you sure this will work!?" Kiyone yelled as she blasted another undead soldier. "Are you _doubting_ the skills of the great Washu!?" Washu and the others landed on the outskirts of the fortress. She was busy setting up the dimensional cannon. She'd have to ask Scimitar how he knew about it. *Now if only the others are doing their part* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ZWISH!_ Another demon fell down in pieces before Ryoko. Another lept out at her from behind... _SLASH!_ and was intercepted by Tenchi's Light Hawk Sword. The room began to cackle with energy as Ayeka charged her force field, and... _BZZZZZZZZZZZ!BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ The room was cleared out. *This is annoying! I want that Garlic guy!* Ryoko fumed. *But first, we have to save the kids* Suddenly, she sensed something. 3 perculiar demons were standing in front of our favorite trio. "Hello. I'm Ginger" "And I'm Nikki" "I'm called Sansho" The 3 began to grow larger. Tenchi sighed. *Why can't it be easy?* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outside, the garden had become a war zone. "WHATS A MATTER?!! CAN'T YOU HIT ME!?!" Scimitar was backflipping away from Garlic's energy blasts. Then he leaped up in the air, concentrated and... "OOKAMI RECCA HA!!!!!" _AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!_ Garlic casually took a side step and it blew a hole in the wall. He then flew up at an amazing speed and nailed Scimitar in the stomach. *Hurry up Washu!* he thought before... "OOKAMI HONOU KEN!!" _BAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAMBAM!!!!_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ayeka watched as her energy blast burned Sansho leaving barely anything left but a fried piece of meat. Ryoko leapt up into the air, as she and Nikki drew their swords and... _SLASH!!_ They stood there, not moving, for three seconds. Then, Nikki's body fell, in _pieces_. "Never try to beat a demon who's older, boys." she said with a grin. Both girls looked to Tenchi. He was in a deathlock with Ginger, then Ginger jumped up, thinking he could make a diving strike. _VZISH!!_ Tenchi got him before he got four feet away. "WAAAAAH!" "Mayuka!" he smashed down the wall. There were the girls, safe and sound. "Let's get them to the ship" he said, as he and the girls flew through the window. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The extior of the fortress was in ruins. Walls smashed, bridges torn down, pillars knocked into the sea. Garlic and Scimitar were still going at it. *Blast! This 'Scimitar' is as tough as Goku. Maybe even tougher* Garlic thought. In fact, Scimitar had actually forced Garlic to transform to his monster state. Scimitar was bloody, tired, and running out of good ideas. He hadn't used his sword, or the Ookami Gufuu. He had to save it up for... _ZWAAAAAAAAAASSHHHH!!!!!!_ Suddenly, above the fortress, a gateway opened. Garlic looked at it and knew what it was. "You're aren't sending me back to that hell!!!" "Like you had a choice!" Scimitar charged as much of his ki as he could to his leg. Then he brought it up in an upwards spin kick. "SHIN OOKAMI GUFUU!!!!!!!" In a ten meter radius, a huge wolf flew up towards the dead zone, taking Garlic with it. Scimitar rooted himself to the ground with his ki-blade. Then he dived into the sea. Washu's dimensional cannon fired into the dead zone, destroying it, and Garlic Jr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well I hope we meet again." Scimitar said as he shook Tenchi's hand. "Same here" "I still say he's just another hentai." "I'll miss you too, Ryoko." "Come on, lets go!" said Urd. She couldn't wait to see his face when he meets Kami-Sama. "Well, sayonara!" he yelled as he jumped into the TV with Urd and went back to Heaven. Next time: Skuld: Oh that Scimitar! He is the most obnoxious mortal I've met. Scimitar: I'm now a what?! Kami-sama: Thats right. Belldandy: Scimitar, you should have a partner. Scimitar: Not him! Urd: Next up, "Gods, goddesses and Zoanoids! Oh my!" Author's notes: Yeah I know using a DBZ villian may seem lame, but Garlic was the coolest bad guy on DragonBall Z. And now, Scimitar's attacks: Ookami Honou Ken = Wolf Flame Fist -Scimitar's hand ignites into flame. When it is like this, he can just punch people with it but also can use it as a flame thrower. Ookami Recca Ha = Wolf Fiery Rage Wave. -ki blast of concentrated rage flame where the only sound is a wolf howl. Ookami Gufuu = Wolf Tornado -Hiryu Shoten Ha-like. Scimitar lifts up his foot, chi gathers around it, and he makes a sideways high kick. (Kinda like doing the splits standing up.) Result is a blast that looks like a wolf, causing a hurricane. Authors notes: Shin Ookami Gufuu: True Wolf Tornado. A Ookami Gufuu of epic proportions. Thanx to Chris Angel, author of Ranma 1/2 Siblings, for letting me use the Ookami Gufuu.