Tales of Scimitar Prologue Disclaimer: None of the characters in this story are mine, except the main guy, so don't bother to scare me into thinking I'm gonna be sued, cuz I don't got money. Normal Text: English Text with * on both sides: Thoughts Text with < >: Japanese Text with / on both sides: Telepathy Skuld stood before Kami-sama, wondering why he wanted to see her. "Skuld," he began, "as you know, a lot of parallel universes are seen in other worlds as anime." "Yes, but why are you telling me this?" "Well, since I let King Enma of the Spirit World have agents on one Earth, I believe we should have one to watch over the aniverse, as it is known, for us." "So, who is it going to be?" Skuld asked. "Well he is due to die in a car crash, but Enma agreed that he would be good for what I want him for." *Great. An otaku, probably* thought Skuld. "I heard that," said Kami-sama with a sweatdrop on the side of his face. "So, whats his name?" "He will be called 'Scimitar'." Skuld was confused now. Why name a person after a weapon? *Well it went well in Teknoman* "Indeed it did," Kami said with a slight grin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The place: LA The time: 3 pm The person: An anime fan who was severly late. *Oh crap, shouldn't have stayed at the store too long* he mentally yelled while he rollerbladed down the street. *Although I did hagle to a good deal* he smiled at the bag with a pirate copy of Tenchi Muyo! in Love 2. Once he fansubbed it, He might actually be able to pay back his brother for the favors he borrowed for the fansub equipment. He never saw the black GT swerve round the corner. Skuld watched the poor boy go flying through the air. She decided to check what he was thinking. Her mind reached out to the boy. /I can't die!/ she heard. That was normal for a dying person. /I haven't watched TMiL2 yet!/ Skuld facefaulted. *Yep. Kami-sama chose the right guy to watch over the aniverse.* She looked at his body hit the curb. His hands were in the air, thumb, index and little finger extended. *An otaku to the end* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *I can't be dead. I just can't be dead!!* the otaku, as we will call him, thought with his last mental breath. Suddenly he saw.... A kawai girl riding an oar!? *Good! I'm not dead! I'm just halucinating! YAY!* "Sorry, you're not" said a voice from behind him. He turned around and saw.. A little girl with weird marks on her head with a mallet in her hands. "Well, I guess I'm not halucinating," he said. "Why?" "Cause I don't watch 'Ah! Megami-sama!' that much for you to be in my halucination." _BAM!_ "What the hell was that for?!!" the otaku asked as he rubbed his head. *Why did he have to be such an otaku!?* she mentally screamed. "Well, anyway, on to business." she said with her best kawai smile. "Why do I have a bad feeling?" the otaku asked. "Well from now on, your name is Scimitar," Skuld began, but... "Well screw that! I'm leaving!" 'Scimitar' said as he walked towards the girl on the oar. "Botan, right? I was wondering, maybe you can go to Earth and gather the Dragonballs and wish me back, ne? Just ask Shenlong to bring back..." _BAM!!!!!!BAM!BAM!BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ "You _DO_ realise that hurts, right?!" Scimitar was now beginning to feel like Ranma at an Akane Convention. _BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ "WHAT THE HELL WAS _THAT_FOR!!?!?!?!" "Don't compare me to Akane, ok?" said Skuld as she put her mallet down "Listen I'm gonna make you an investigator for Kami-sama assigned to the aniverse, OK?! GOT THAT!?" Scimitar thought about this. "Well, since I'm dead in my world anyway, lets go for it. "Right, 1st some cool wardrobe," Skuld said quickly as Scimitar was decked out in a leather jacket, jeans, sneakers, a tank top and a black baseball cap. "_LAST_ time I let Urd set up the wardrobe after making Terry Bogard fall in love again!" she screamed. "Are you sure you're not related to Akane?" _BAM!_ "owowowowowowowowowowowowowowow!" "Right, next, powers. Well, enhanced strength, speed, agility and endurance that can be improved will do." she said as he felt a surge of power go through him. "Oh yeah, and this," she said as she jolted his hand. "What was that?" "Now you have a ki blade resembling a scimitar. Figured your name should mean something." "So whats my 1st job?" "Well, I have to test you, and theres gonna be a dimension breach in this one Earth so, off you go!" Suddenly, Scimitar was falling from the sky. Then he smashed through some glass. And landed on something. That something was Ryoko, taking a bath. *I'm dead* he thought as she got up and saw him. " _SMASH!ZAP!BOOM!!!!_ "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Preview: Scimitar: I really didn't mean it. Ryoko: Hentai. Sasami: so you know a lot about us? Washu: something trapped there. Next time, Down the cabbit hole, Ch 1. No need for battle! Coming at ya! Author's notes: Well I wanted a guy who anime fans who sympythise with, so here's Scimitar! And I plan after this Tenchi fic, to move on to Other animes, ie.Ranma, Eva etc. Hope you all enjoyed it! ^_^