Glossary for the Tenchi Muyo series: Strange Days and Possibilities Are Endless Several of my prereaders suggested I should compile a glossary to help readers with my story since I use so my Nihongo words and idioms. As more stories are written for this series I will update the glossary although I will try to limit the number of new words I add. To understand my reasons for using them just read the notes at the end of Book One. Again, I would like to thank Lita Eagle, BGlanders, Kuuta Kutani, Achariyth, Sasami-chan, Donald Dortmund and Fuzzy Bunny, for their help as my prereaders. WORDS: A Aaaa Ohhh, a Standard Nihongo exclamation. Adana Nickname. Nihonjin love giving nicknames to persons, places or things. Ai Love. The word corresponds to the luminous Greek term agape. Most Nihonjin avoid using this word because of its very force might make the talker sound aggressive or rash. Ai shite'ru yo I love you! This is the strongest Nihongo expression to tell someone you love him/her. Ai suru To Love. Standard slang to describe love between couples. Aidoru Idol singer Akachan The affectionate word for baby or child. Akapori Red Police, policewoman. Can have sexist overtones depending on the speaker. Akurei Demon. Amerikajin kakus American detectives. Anata Darling when used by a female for her husband or lover. Anata no Your. Anozoki-ma Peeping demon, standard slang for a specific hentai. Aobuta Big pig officer, Yakuza slang for a police officer. Ara Oh, standard exclamation. Arigatai Thank goodness! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Arigato Thanks. Asoke This is the number one Nihongo slang word, used by both sexes and by all ages, for describing either female or male private parts. Kanojo no asoke (her over there) can mean her thing (the whole sex organ or just her pussy) while kare no asoke (his over there) can mean his thing (his penis, his testicles or both). This word and its slang use pops up in subtitled anime a lot. Atashi warui I'm at fault. As spoken by a female person. Ayame Iris, in many Tenchi fanfic stories and artwork done by AIC artists and fans, Ayeka is associated with the purple iris. Aza A black eye. B Baka Stupid Baka wa Silly, as a female would say it. Bakemono Monster. Ayeka used this word as an insult to Ryoko. The word's literally meaning is a creature so stupid that it is dangerous. Bai-bai Bye-bye. Nihongo-Amerika slang usually used by children or when someone is talking to a child or is trying to sound cute. Bajin Virgin, girl or young woman. Beigun United States' armed forces. Beikoku United States. Benjo Toilet. In a Nihonjin house, the benjo is in a separate room from the rest of the furo. Bitamin esu Vitamin S. High school slang of sperm Boifurendo Amerika-Nihongo slang for boyfriend. Bokken Wooden Sword, usually a katana length piece of hardened wood used in practicing kendo (Nihonjin sword sport). Sometimes the bokken will have a rod of lead as its core to add weight to the wooden blade. Boku no kanojo My she, Standard Nihongo slang used to describe someone as your girlfriend. Boku warui I'm at fault. This is the male form of a standard exclamation. C Chabudai Low Table. Used as a dinner table in most anime series although Western style tables are starting to be used in most upper and middle class homes. Chibi Kid, kiddo, derogatory word for a child (now I know the pun behind Chibi Usa) Chichi kurushii Pretty Boobs. Standard slang word to denote a male's esteem and appreciation for a woman's physical attractions. -Chan Little, an affectionate honorific for a child, animal or a love one although those close to each other will sometimes forgo using honorifics to denote relationships. Ayeka, Azusa, and Katsuhito don't use honorifics for family members. Ryoko and Tenchi don't use honorifics for each other nor does Mihoshi and Kiyone. Chikan Pervert. This is the most negative slang word for pervert, used mostly by females. There is nothing playful or cute about this word. Chikusho Damn, standard exclamation. Chinhoko Life-giving sword. The word is standard street slang. Chijo Standard slang for a female pervert. Chima Crazy Demon. Chitsu Formal Nihongo word for a vagina. Choshoku Breakfast. D Daisuki Really Like. Standard slang. Most will use this indirect way to say they love someone. Damare Be quiet Dankon Male root. Standard slang for penis. Darashinai onna Woman of loose morals. Standard Nihongo slang. Ayeka used this phase in episode 7 (Night of the Carnival). Dare mo No one. Standard exclamation. Deka Standard slang for the police. Dekashita Well done. Standard exclamation. Dekachin Osaka dialect slang for large, well-proportioned male sex organ Dewa Well . . . Standard exclamation. Dewa mata See you later! Standard Nihongo parting phrase. Do itashimashite My pleasure. Standard Nihongo reply. Do shimashita What happened? Standard Nihongo question. Doka gai ka What's wrong? Standard Nihongo exclamation. Doka shimashita ka Is anything wrong? Standard Nihongo exclamation. Domo arigato Thank you very much. Domo arigato gozaimasu Thank you very, very much. -dono Honorific used to show respect or closeness but not love. Dobutsu Animal Dokufu Femme fatale. Yakuza slang word. Donata Who Dotei Virginity. Usually used to denote male virginity. Dozo Please. Dozo yoroshiku Nice to meet you. Standard greeting. E Ee Yes. Efu emu Piece of ass. Nihongo slang for girlfriend or lover. Eigo English. Esu efu Sex friend. High school slang for lover. Etchi Na Koto Suruna! Kya! Kya! Don't be gross! Standard exclamation. Eteko Apes. Yakuza slang for the police. Etto Let me see. Standard exclamation. F Fuhai Decay. Fundoshi Loincloth. Nowadays only sumo wrestlers and very traditional priests wear them. Most Nihonjin men wear Western style boxers and jockey shorts while the women wear Western style panties and bra. In fact, women don't dare hang their washed underwear outside to dry because of the extra ordinary number panty raiders that exist in Nihon. Many a gaijin female tourist has lost her unmentionables to these perverts (even from tall hotel apartments) and getting replacements is a real bear (cup and panty sizes in Nihon run on the small side). G Gaijin Standard slang used to describe a Western foreigner. Gaki Brat. Standard slang. Garufurendo Nihongo-Amerika slang for a girlfriend. Gei Gay. Genkan Entryway, where people take off and put on their shoes. Geta Wooden sandals. Gimu Duty. Gohan desu Meal is ready. "With these words the Japanese family is summoned to the dinner table. So basic is rice to the traditional Japanese the gohan, 'cooked rice', also means 'meal' ("Cooking with Japanese Foods" by Jan and John Belleme)." Gomen nasai I'm sorry. Gomon Lamp and chair treatment, police torture. While the Nihon police are polite and helpful to the average Nihonjin and to gaijins, you don't want to get on their bad side. The techniques used to extract information from suspects are very similar to those used by American police in the 1930s to the 1940s. A suspect can be held for any length of time and will only be released if the evidence is very weak or you have a very good lawyer. Once the police decide you are guilty of the crime, a trial before a judge is really a formality since it is very rare for him to go against the police (think kangaroo court). So it is not unusual for a criminal to confess his crime just to avoid the police torture. In fact, just like in the United States the Nihon police have to deal with people willing to confess to any crime. If you want to see an anime series that deal with the Nihon police on a professional and personal level (with a great dose of humor), get "You're Under Arrest" (OAV is available in most stores and the TV series and the movie can be found as fan subs). Goseiko o Good Luck! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Goshinsetsu o makoto ni arigato Thank you very much for your time. Gu Good. Standard exclamation. Gyoza Potstickers. H Haha A child's affectionate word for mother. Hamoru Twin orgasm, this Nihongo slang word is an idiom from the show business world, where its used to describe a successful duet between a male and a female singer. Hentai Pervert. Hai Yes Hime(s) Princess(es). In Yakuza slang, it is a derogatory term for a female police officer. Himusuko Great-grandson Hojus Precious gems. Priest slang for testicles. Honto honto Very true. In Nihongo, saying a word twice is meant to show emphasis. Honto ni Truly Honto ni, bishojo Truly, a beautiful girl. Here one of the Clamp girls is commenting about MacClean looking and acting like a beautiful girl from a boy's doujinshi manga, specially boy's yaoi (same sex lemons). Unlike girl's yaoi, where both partners are male, boy's yaoi have the partner as females, one with a tomboyish personality while the other has a passive, effeminate personality. During the 1990's, both types of stories have moved into mainstream manga but some of the best ones can still be found in the doujinshi conventions. Some of the yaoi influence can be seen in manga artist/writers who started in doujinshi (Clamp and others) and has leaked into anime (Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon and others). Hotaru Firefly. Fireflies are identified with the human spirit and are looked upon by the Nihonjin as the spirits of the dead visiting the living, especially during the Festival of the Dead in August. I Ibokyodai Half-brother. Ii wa Okay Ii ne Alright. Ii zo Okay then, as a male speaker would say it. Iie No. Iie wa yo Oh no! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Ikasu Neat! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Ikibari A lively needle, derogatory Nihongo slang for an underdeveloped penis. Ima Now Imo Potato, Nihongo slang for hick (for generations the potato has been a symbol of the hick in Nihon). Imoto Younger sister. Inazuke Fiancé. Iro Otoko Sexy man, originally a medieval Nihongo slang for a man who worked or frequented 'the city of sex', its now a popular word for an attractive young man. Itadakimasu I shall eat. Expression given just before someone starts to eat. Itoko Cousin. Itoshii Beloved J Ja'akuna Wicked Ja'akuna otoko Wicked man. Jieitai JSDP. Japanese Self-Defense Force. Jiichan Affectionate word for grandfather. Jiisan Standard word for grandfather but can also mean old man. Jinkoro Police. Standard slang Jodan Joke, humor, Juncho desu Fine! Standard Nihongo exclamation. K Kaibutsu Wicked creature, monster. Kakko no ii Well shaped. Kanojo no My she. Standard, indirect slang used by a male to call their girlfriend. Karasugai Nihongo slang for very dense public hair. Some of the oldest taboo words in Nihongo slang come from the shellfish group (karasugai normally means fresh-water mussel shell). Kawaii Cute. Kaugaru Cowgirl Kazoku Family. Ke Fur. Also a popular slang word for pubic hair. Keisatsu Police. Keisatsukan Police officer Kemomo Hair peach, Yakuza slang for a vagina. Ketsu Standard slang for ass Ketsu-nuke jan Assless jerk. Standard Nihongo slang. Ki Depending on the kanji used it can mean spirit or tree. When I first notice this, it made me wonder if the use of the Space Trees as sentient beings created by Tsunami-megami (a Kimi: Spirit of the Tree) matches up with the word for the human spirit (ki). Kirei (na) Pretty Kitsune Like in English, a sly person is known as a fox in standard slang. Kine Pounder, Nihongo slang for a huge penis. Kintama Standard slang for testicles. Full meaning is golden balls. Kinodoku I'm sorry for using your time, standard Nihongo apology. Kimi Depending on the speaker it can mean either you or God. Kimi kirei wa yo! You're beautiful! Standard exclamation as spoken by a female or someone trying to sound effeminate. Kirei na Beautiful. Koban A police box. Kobanwa, otetsudai shimasho ka Good evening, may I help you? Standard Nihongo greeting. Kochan Affectionate word for child. Kochikan Pedophile Kodomo Child Kogo Empress Koibito Beloved person. Standard slang used to call someone your sweetheart. Kojiin Orphanage. Kokoro Heart Komatta na Oh darn! Standard exclamation. Konnichiwa Good morning, good afternoon, good day. Kore When combined with a hand expression, it can mean either a male lover (fist with the thumb up and the nail facing away from the speaker) or a female lover (fist with the little finger up and the nail facing the speaker); used a lot in Nihon anime. Kuni Land. Kuso Shit. This word is a common Nihongo expletive Kya Oh! Standard exclamation. Kya iie zo Oh no! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Kyuri Cucumber, Nihongo slang for a penis. M Maa Well. It is also used as a soothing sound to calm and comfort someone. Mago Grandchild Magomusume Granddaughter Magomusuko Grandson Manzuri Ten-thousand-rubs, most used Nihongo slang word for female masturbation. Masaka Jeez. Standard exclamation. Mechakucha gu Fucked-up good, Nihongo slang expression. Mei Nieces. Meiyo Honor -Megami Goddess. Honorific usually used to show respect to Tsunami. Mekake Concubine, in Nihon, it was normal for male lords to have more than one wife. The lord would have a wife-of-record while the others would be considered his concubines. While the wife was usually of the same caste as her lord, a concubine could come from any caste. When Ayeka used mekake to describe the relationship between the space pirate husbands and their Jurain wives, it means the men didn't treat the women as wives. Mo No. Mochi Nihonjin rice cake. These rice cakes can come in many favors. Mono Thing. Standard slang, to indirectly refer to a male's or a female's genitalia. Moshi-moshi Greetings. Used when answering a telephone. Mujin no Wild. Standard slang for a wild person. Mune saiko wa yo First class tits! Although mune can be used to describe any part of the chest, in Nihongo slang it is used to call female breasts as tits. Musuko Son. Musume Daughter. Myoji Surname. N Na C'mon. Level one masculine particle. Naku Howl, Nihongo slang for a male orgasm. Nama enso Raw performance. Indirect standard slang for fellatio without a condom (more expensive since the onset of AIDS). Nani What Nanto How? Nauii Groovy. Trendy slang for good. Naze no Why? As it would be spoken by either gender. Naze wa yo Why? As it would be spoken by a female. Nazukeoya Godmother. The position of godparent(s) is found in most societies and its rights and responsibilities are usually the same: to be a parent to the godchild should both biological parents be unable to fulfill those duties because of other obligations. A bond of love can develop between the godparent(s) and the godchild with the godchild treating him/her as a third parent while the godparent will look upon him/her as a daughter/son. Nazukrgo Godchild. Neechan Affectionate word for sister (used a lot by Sasami for Ryoko, Mihoshi, Washu and Scully). Neko Cat, used extensively in standard slang for women and in gay slang for passive, effeminate partner. Ne ne! Ohhh! Standard exclamation used by females or someone trying to sound effeminate. Netachi This is Gay slang for someone who acts masculine but is really effeminate. Nezumi Mouse Nigeru Run away. Nikkunemu Nickname, Nihonjin love giving nicknames to persons, places or things. Nihonjin People, culture of Nihon. Niisan Brother. Niichan Affectionate word for brother (used a lot by Sasami for Tenchi). Ninjin(s) Carrot(s). Notarin Brainless, Nihongo slang for calling someone stupid. Nozarubo Field-monkey priest, Yakuza slang for the chief of police. Nureta asoke A wet over there. Indirect slang for a wet pussy, asoke is used a lot in anime. Nyuji Baby O Obasama Very formal word for grandmother Obasan Formal word for grandmother Odoriko Danseuses, Yakuza slang for the toughest thugs. Ofukuro gyaru Mom girl, Nihongo slang for a girl who is assertive, who likes to fix, organize, arrange and mother everyone and everything in sight. Ohayo Good morning. Oi Depending on the kanji used it can mean nephew or the exclamation, Oh! Oi, kore wa nan desu ka? Oh, What's this? Standard Nihongo exclamation. Oi ni Very. Standard exclamation. Ojisan Formal word for uncle. Ojiisama Very formal word for grandfather. Ojiisan Formal word for grandfather. Ojisama Prince Ojosan Young girl, someone else's daughter. Okachan Affectionate word for mother. Okasama Very formal word for mother. Okasan Mother. Oke Okay. Nihongo-Amerika slang for agreement. Okii Chichi Big tits, breast fixation is a recent phenomenon caused by Nihon's Westernization. Before the last world war no one (except for a visiting gaijin) paid any attention to topless farm girls working in the rice fields. Okusan Wife. Ome Hey! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Omeko Vagina, standard Nihongo slang. Onee Sister. With onee-san it is used in gay slang as a cute or girlish form of address. Oneesama Very formal word for sister (Sasami uses it as a nickname for Ayeka). Ongakukashu Musician-singer. Onna Woman. When I saw how similar onna and oni were I couldn't resist using them. Oni Demon. Standard slang to describe women (women are sometimes described as having horns). Oniisama Very formal word for brother. Oniisan Formal word for brother Ototo Younger brother Otouchan The affectionate word for father. Otousan Formal word for father. Otousama Very formal word for father. Otto Husband Oujosama Very formal word for princess. Oya, Maa Oh, my! Standard exclamation. Oyasumi Goodnight. Oyasumi, redi, soredewa nochihodo Goodnight, ladies, see you later. Standard Nihongo parting. P Petto Pet Pinku rozu-chan Little pink rose. Nihongo-Amerika high school slang for a little virgin. R Raba Amerika-Nihongo slang used exclusively for male lovers (should be used only when speaker is sure his listeners know what he means since the word can also be used to mean a condom, a rubber). Rabujusu Love juice. Nihongo-Amerika slang for sperm. Ragiri Penis cut. Nihongo slang for a sex-change operation. Ryosei Both sexes. Formal Nihongo word for a hermaphrodite. Ryoshin Parents. Ryu Dragon (tatsu can also be used). S -Sama Mr. Miss. or Mrs., honorific to a very formal relationship. -San Mr. Miss. or Mrs., honorific to show a normal relationship. Sarariman Salary-man, name given to white-collar workers in Nihon. Satooya Foster parent, this is not an unusual practice among the noble houses of Nihon and the West. Satsujin hannin Murderer. Sawari-ma Touch-Devil. Standard slang for a specific hentai. Sayonara Goodbye Segare My son. Sencha Nihon green tea. Seppuku Ritual suicide. Shinjare'kka yo Man! Unbelievable! Standard Nihongo exclamation. Shinjinnai I don't believe it. Standard Nihongo exclamation. Shinkai A new shell, Nihongo slang for a virgin. Shinshi Gentlemen. Shitei Children Shojo Girl. Shonen Boy. Shukujo Noblewoman Subarashii Magnificent, wonderful, standard Nihongo exclamation. Suge gu Totally awesome. Standard slang. Suke Bitch. Standard derogatory slang for a woman. Suri Standard slang for a pickpocket. T Tadshii Correct. Standard exclamation. Tachiyaku Masculine homosexual, this Nihongo slang word comes from the Kabuki theater where its used to describe the dynamic male role, the samurai with his katana ready for action. Teme Yo Asshole! The most extreme masculine word for you, it is considered especially violent when used to call out to someone. Teppo Gun, just like in America a rough Nihongo male will use more aggressive stick slang words to describe his penis. -Tono Honorific used when addressing a superior or master. Tora-onna Tigress Torii Sacred Gate. Marks the boundary between the normal world and the sacred world. Tsukami Gripper, Standard slang for a pickpocket. Tsunbi Virgin. Tsuriouto Tourist. U Uaa Wow. Standard exclamation. Un Yes or that's right. Standard exclamation. Uso Fib W Wa I. Also the female particle for right in its strongest form. Wakai josei Young women Watashi no kare My she, standard, indirect slang used by a female to call their boyfriend. Y Ya da atashi! No Way! A Standard exclamation. Yachigari Twat kid, Yakuza slang for a pre-teen girl. Yaappii Yippee, Yeah. Standard exclamation. Yakichi Dwarfs, a derogatory Yakuza slang word for pickpockets (pickpockets are looked upon by the elitist criminals as the bottom feeders of crime). Yakisoba Noodles. Yancha Naughty. Standard slang. Yanchashojo Naughty girl. Standard slang. Yatta Cool! Yatsu Guy. Standard slang. Yokereba If you like. Standard Nihongo phase. Yubizeme Finger attack, depending on the situation this Nihongo slang word can either mean a woman fingering a man's anus or a man fingering a woman's vagina. Yukata A lightweight kimono. Yuki na kirimanjaro Can mean either the cum of a young vagina or the cum of a virgin. This Nihongo slang word is an upbeat pun from the name of the African mountain, Kilimanjaro (Kiri > cut, man > vagina, with jaro left on to clinch the naughty word game). Yushoku Dinner Z -Zoku Family. IDIOMS: A real dancer A reckless person. Adding a tail and fins to his story To exaggerate. Belly boiling over To be angry. Break a bone To make an extra effort. Breathing hard through their noses To be keyed up. Don't hurt your heart To worry Don't return my words to me To talk back. Don't spread your mind To worry. Doesn't like it boiled or grilled. Hide's his intentions. Drawing a dream in my mind To imagine. Earn a star To win, to gain favor. End in smoke To waste, to dissipate. Eye of ocha A playful, mischievous child. Face to lose color To lose composure. Feelings for their work To enjoy your work. Feel the sunshine instead of the rain To prefer praise. Find the end of the thread To find the solution of a problem. Flipped out To have an orgasm. Flesh and bones aren't as strong as they use to be To be old, without youth. Free your mind of that doubt To trust. Heard water sprinkle So quiet you can hear a pin drop. Her sorrow has torn asunder her intestines Heartbroken. His body is scorched To be consumed with love for another. Hoist an innocent for a blood festival To make someone a scapegoat. I can do it before choshoku Very easy to do. I erect a vow to you To make a vow. I grind my mind To rack one's mind. I knew not the world enough Naïve. I'm an akurei in heaven Perverse person. I'm eager with vigor To be rash I make your eyes grow dizzy To be dazzled by something. I sigh with a blue breath To be suffering. It takes a strong man to cross a dangerous bridge To take risks. It's your eighteenth skill level One's forte. I was so much a tigress To get roaring drunk. Keep our appetites from advancing our weight To have a big appetite. Knees have always mingled To have an intimate talk. To be intimate like mother-to-daughter or sister-to-sister. Leave it thin To feel uneasy (One's heart is thin). Leave my hips To be scared stiff. Like flipping my palm Easily. Make my heart jump To get excited. Merit in his liver Like in the West, the liver was where one's soul reside before the influence of the Romance period shifted it to the heart. The same has happened in Nihon. My hand loses contact To lose courage. My legs are so thin To be inexperienced, a fish-out-of-water. My mouth will be enriched by your food To be a gourmet. My oil is low To be exhausted. Need to distribute all our eyes To watch carefully. No scales covering my eyes To see the light. Pain in my chest To be worried about something. Place needles in my words Nasty tone. Polish your martial arms To polish one's skill. Putting your heart into something Putting your heart into your thoughts To be thoughtful. Rain of blood Destruction, death. Ripples in the water To create a stir. Show the legs of my horse To reveal one's thoughts, plans. Someone under false gilding To disguise one's true intentions or nature, flying under false colors. Stretching my attention to its fullest To be fully alert. Swallow the tune of the words To learn another language's words. Tears of blood Tears of anguish. Time to leave dream's streets Time to wake up. The head I held up high was brought low To be humble. To pick up my hips To take action. To steal my eyes To be blind or unable to see. To wrap herself in smoke To be evasive Unsealed ears can hear Where spies can hear. Using your mouth wrongly To say something nasty. Your quick hands A lady-killer or a make-out artist with a quick technique. You're exposing your shame To make a spectacle of oneself. Water Bubble To go down the drain. Words of thorns Harsh language TITLES: Aka Dokutsu Red Cavern, a name that could easily be found in any Nihongo red-light district since it is also slang for a menstruating vagina. Aka-san Miss Red. Ryoko's nickname for Scully. Aka is also standard slang for menstruation. Akakani Red Crab. The name of Seto's Tree. Akaruime Brighteyes. Katsuhito's nickname for Achika and Sasami. Akurei no hakai Demon of Destruction. Title given to Ryoko in the True Tenchi Novels for her career as a space pirate. Originally I created this title for Ryoko before I found out about it in TTN. Aoi Ai Blue Love, a fairly common name for a brothel in any Nihongo red-light district. Ayame Ayeka uses the name as an alias and Tatsu uses it as a nickname for her. Aza Productions Black Eye Productions is one of the major media studios on Jurai. Most of its success is built on finding successes shows in small regional markets and selling them to Jurain and Galactic channels. Buchou Leader, the Nihongo word for a head of a business, a club or any organized body. Cho-Ai Okori (Super-Love Dance) A Pretty Sami's attack spell. Diebaga An alien food. Don't ask me what it is, I just made it up for the series. Futatsu Kaga Two Shadows. Name given to Ryoko and Handover by the Galaxy Police. Ginga Yunion The Galactic Union. According to the True Tenchi Novels, at the time of Ryoko's attack on Jurai, relations between Jurai and the Galactic Union were poor due to a cold war relationship between Jurai and Seniwa, another member of the Union. By the time of the Tenchi OVA, this political climate seemed to have changed because Jurai is now the major economic power within the Union. Gohei The gohei is a dark-lacquered pole with lightening-shaped streamers attached to the top of it. The gohei represents the tree the Kami resides in after he/she has been asked to join the worshippers. The streamers represent the power of the Kami. When the guji uses the gohei, he/she is bringing forth the power of Kami to perform its function much as the wine and the bread in a Christian ceremony is transformed into the blood and body of Christ. Guji Chief priest at a Shinto shrine. Haiden Hall of worship. Depending on when a Shinto shrine is built, the haiden and the honden can either be two separate buildings or combined as one. If the haiden and the honden are combined, a part of the room is partitioned from the rest of the room. The haiden is usually a very plain room with the floor covered with tatami mats (hemp-fiber mats) and a modest size altar in front with the gohei (a dark lacquered pole) next to it. The simpleness of the room is meant to emphasis the ceremonies performed in the hall and the participants. This doesn't mean that Shinto rituals can only be performed at a Shinto shrine. Every shrine has a portable altar and a priest, whose responsibility is to go to appointments to bless sites, weddings (if the couple want to do the wedding at home, wedding hall or some natural place) and other functions. Himawari Sunflower is Mihoshi's nickname. Honden Hall Hall of the Kami, this is where the sacred items of the shrine are kept. These sacred items are usually a sword, a mirror and/or a necklace but they are some different ones too. It's been hinted by the chief priest at the Nagasaki Suwa-jinja that one of the shrine's sacred item is from the first Catholic Church built there in the 17th Century, which would be unique since Shinto Shrine's tend to borrow from already existing customs, rituals and sacred items in an attempt to entice those who follow them. Most rural Shinto Shrines still have a sacred tree or some natural landscape where the Kami is suppose to reside too (some of them can still be found at the urban shrines but they are harder to discover). Only Shinto priests are allowed into this room. Honoo-chan Little flame. Katsuhito's nickname for Scully. -isha Doctor Inkushimi Inkspot. Achika's nickname for Nobuyuki. Isekiwari Ruin Breaker is a nickname given to Kagato. Jigoku Buddhist Hell, where all demons come from and where very wicked people will end up in. Juraigo Language of Jurai. -jinja Shinto Shrine. Joshu Assistant. Juraijin People or culture of Jurai. Kaishaku This title denotes a person who is responsible for beheading a person commenting seppuku. It is usually someone that is trusted by the person commenting seppuku, even an honorable enemy. Kaizoku Hoten The Pirate Code. You wouldn't think this was possible but pirate groups also had code of behavior for its members. The code was usually voted on by the members and enforced by an elected council. Such a code covered the way loot was divided among members, the compensation for crippled members, the protection of family members, the member's behavior during combat (the non-killing of defenseless or unresisting people) and a list of prohibited targets (the most well known Pirate Code was the one enforced by Jean Laffete). Kawatta-san Mr. Weird. Nickname given to Anthony MacClean. Keibu Saisho Kaikyu Detective First Class Ki-chan Sapling, Ryoko's nickname for Handover. Kishi Jurai Knight of Jurai. An organization developed by Tsunami-megami for those who can't be bondmates but want to serve her and Jurai. Bodyguards, agents and specialists come from this body. Ko-Oh-Yoku Lighthawk Wings, in most of the reference material I've seen (Tenchi 101 on the Tenchi OAV DVD and GOO Tenchi Muyo RPG and Resource Book), the lighthawk wings are the manifestation of the Kami's aura. First-generation and second-generation treeships and their bondmates can manifest lighthawk wings on their own while it takes several third generation ships and their bondmates to do it together. The source of this ability is most likely Tsunami but this isn't true for Ryoko and it might not be true for Tenchi. Ryoko is suppose to be able to manifest lighthawk wings when she possesses all three of Washu's Gems. Tenchi has an internal ability to create three lighthawk wings but how he was born with this power is unknown. Kotei Jurai Emperor of Jurai. Murasaki-san Miss. Purple. Ryoko's nickname for Ayeka. Nakodo Oken Jurai Kon'in Matchmaker of Royal Jurai Weddings, this is the title and position held by Ayeka-Tatsu at the end of Teardrops of Startica. The position of matchmaker is of extreme importance in most societies until just the last forty years. Still, in some places like Nihon, a person will go to a matchmaker to arrange meetings with individuals of the opposite sex. Used as a way to break-the-ice, it can led to dates between two persons but not necessary to marriage. It is not uncommon for a person go through several meetings before finding the right mate. Mostly young people trust in love to find their soulmate but it is not unusual to have a matchmaker involved in the marriage ceremony and the reception. Neko-onna Catwoman. Nickname for Ryoko. Niji-dono Rainbow. Mihoshi's family nickname for Seto. Ninjin-chan Little Carrot. Scully's Nihongo nickname. Oken Iinkai Jurai Royal Council of Jurai Oken Uchu Akademi Royal Space Academy. Originally founded by Jurai, the academy remained under their control until Washu became chairman. Washu made the academy independent of Jurai's direct influence, expanded its physical form to cover several planets and changed its title to Ginga Akademi (Galaxy Academy). Washu was still its chairman when she disappeared. Oni Hime Jurai Demon Princess of Jurai, Seto's unofficial Jurain title. Onna Jurai Women of Jurai, a title used to describe those women who married the invading space pirates as part of a pact between Tsunami and the space pirates. The invaders wanted to use Tsunami's offspring to create powerful ships. Otoko Yamome Widower Oujo-chan Little Princess. Ayeka's nickname used by her mother and other family members as well as by Ryoko. Oujosama no Jurai Princess of Jurai is Sasami's official title. Ryokoakurei Demon Ryoko. Title for Ryoko in local legends. Saishono Kantai First Navy, this fleet's responsibility is to protect Jurai. Saishono Ki Jurai First Tree of Jurai, one of Tsunami's many titles. Saishono Kishi Jurai First Knight of Jurai. Title given to Horosha by the bondmates. It's considered a great loss of face for anyone else to use this title. Saishono Oujosama Jurai First Princess of Jurai. Title given to the eldest daughter of the Emperor, currently held by Masaki Ayeka Jurai. Seijingi This is a childhood ritual performed between a Juraijin child's fourth to eighth birthday. If the child has the ability to be a bondmate, Tsunami will appear. For those who are lucky, this is usually the first meeting a person has with Tsunami. I created this ceremony to mirror the Shichi-Go-San with a little twist. Sempai Title for fellow students, club members and other members of a organized body. Shingu-chan Little pearl, Ayeka's nickname to Yoko. Shinshoku Shinto Priest. Sobakasu Freckles, Horosha's nickname for Sasami. Takarazuka Revue Founded in 1914 by Kobayashi Ishizo, the theatre produces musicals with a mixture a West-East styles. With an all-female cast, it creates some of the best musicals in Nihon (many of them based on successful manga stories and Western plays). Tatami Mats Tatami mats are hemp-fiber mats that cover many traditional Nihonjin homes. Most modern Nihonjin homes only have the mats in certain locations but originally they were used to keep the hardwood floors of most homes clean and unmarked. The mats were changed annually (there's a special day for you to do this) and even today the size of a room is measured in tatami mats (the average Nihonjin apartment is usually three to five tatami mats, very small by Western standards). Uchu Kaizoku Space Pirate. A title I created for Ryoko because in Nihonjin a pirate was more than just a raider. Pirates from China and Korea founded many of Nihon's noble houses and later on, Nihonjin pirates were the eyes and ears of the Emperor and the Shogun, which earned them a certain amount of respect or at least tolerance. Uchu Kaizoku Kunshu Space Pirate Lord. These few make up the elected pirate council that controls the Kaizoku Guild and enforces the Kaizoku Hoten, the Pirate Code. An example of an Uchu Kaizoku Kunshu is Seto. Umeboshi Pickled Nihon plum. Pickled vegetables are found in every Nihonjin meal. One of the interesting use of a umeboshi is in school kids' bentos (also called obento: honorable lunch box). "The indispensable ingredient is a field of pure, bright, white rice with a plump, red, pickled plum set in the middle, the inspirational rising sun of Japan." Japanese Women by Deborah Fallows, National Geographic, April 1990 pg. 52-83. Versailles no Bara The Rose of Versailles. One of the most popular girl's manga ever published, the story is "a tale of a young woman raised as a man in the family of the captain of Marie Antoinette's palace guard." This has been a hit musical play for the Takarazuka Revue. Yachitoro Bogmaster, Nihongo slang for a prostitute's john or for someone who punishes prostitutes for breaking the rules. Yomotsu no Kuni Land of Shadows, the Nihon land of the dead. All the spirits of the dead come here, even dead deities. Yonnozoku Gang of Four. The townhouse occupants' nickname for the Clamp girls (all four girls are very reclusive individuals, rarely making public appearances but because of their stories, I believe all four are big time pranksters). Bibliography Random House Japanese-English, English-Japanese Dictionary Japanese Idioms Japanese Street Slang Japanese Slang Uncensored The Anime Companion See my notes for Strange Days to get a full description of these wonderful books.