Chapter 1 Here Comes Ranma, what again? Brad Wall Saotome, his stepson Ranma and daughter Raye were hovering just above the outskirts of the Nermia Ward of Tokyo. Each of them were dressed almost alike, except Brad was wearing a black leather trench coat and gloves with the fingers missing. They all wore black and red (remember the two prologues, clothing style hasn't change for Brad and his kids have adopted the same style). Ranma turned to his father with a look of irritation in his eyes. "I can't believe your agreeing with this whole fiancee thing, that Genma and mom arranged." Brad sighed and crossed his arms. "Trust me Ranma. I argued for you until I'd turned blue in the face, but your mother wouldn't budge. So your going to have to grin and bare it, kiddo." Raye snickered a bit before Ranma gave a mean glare. "What, It's not my fault mom's old fashion." Ranma grumbled turning back to look at the street below. "I just hope they're not ugly." Brad smiled softly. "I doubt you can get ugly from beauty unless Mrs. Tendo dropped those three girls on their faces when they were five," he stated. "Why? Have you met the Tendos, dad?" Raye asked. Brad nodded. "Yep, they're a very nice family. They would do anything for you," he said pulling out a map of the ward and flew up higher to get a better look at the area. Ranma and Raye followed him, looking over his shoulder as he trace the streets until he came to a red circle. He smiled putting the map away. "Let's go." Akane Tendo sat quietly in her room staring across at her mirror that right now held the image of the Goddess of the Present, Belldandy instead of her own image. She was dressed in her martial arts gi. "So, what about the wish?" she asked. Belldandy smiled. "It has been granted, you'll meet Ranma and his father shortly although it won't be Genma at the door. Plus there is no curse, no Neko-Ken, and no multiple fiancee's." Akane's eyes widen a bit. "Really, but what about Ranma is he the same person, that he was when he arrived." Belldandy shook her head. "His new father trained him in the art of anything goes as well as Kamesinsin. He's not as sheltered socially as he had been with Genma, he has a half sister, and his thoughts toward the opposite sex is one of respect, because of what his step father went through after Ranma was born involving a female android." Akane thought for a second, she realized many of the things that made Ranma unique had been changed. One he had been macho, discriminated the opposite sex, insensitive, perverted, and a just plain jerk. "How much of his original personality is still there?" "A lot actually, his sense of fairness, his blind loyality, and his compassion. You'll see it for yourself shortly, you'll even meet his friends tomorrow morning," Belldandy smiled softly. "Ranma is also somewhat a romantic and I believe he like the counterpart you knew, will love you for who you are, Akane. I'll be keeping an eye on you, but we won't meet again, goodbye, Akane." Akane's throat caught when she heard the last part Belldandy said. "He loved me," she paused remembering what happened in China, when Ranma fought Saffron. She realized Ranma almost said it there. "I loved him, too." Then she heard a voice she never thought she ever would here from again, she heard her mother's voice. "Kasumi, Nabiki, Akane, come down to the dining area. You're father and I have something to tell you." Akane's heart froze in wishing that voice had been real, when it didn't repeat her heart sunk. Her door opened a few minutes later and a woman Akane hadn't seen since she was five walked in. Akane's heart skipped a beat and her eyes started to water. "M-M-Momma." Kimiko Tendo frowned slightly as her youngest daughter suddenly started crying. Kimiko immediately walked up to her daughter and was glomped into a fierce hug. "What's wrong, Akane dear?" she asked concerned. Akane needed to cover up her strange behavior. "I just woke up from a terrible nightmare, that you died of cancer when I was little." Kimiko smiled softly. "I almost did, Akane. Don't you remember. If it wasn't for friends like Brad and Goku, collecting the dragonballs and wishing that the cancer I had would be cured. So, here I am, now let's go downstairs. Your father and I have announcement that's very important to the family's future." Akane unwrapped her arms from around her mother's waist and followed her down the stairs. They appeared in the dining area, Akane saw Kasumi and Nabiki seated both dressed very differently then they normally dressed. Kasumi was dressed in jeans and tank-top, her hair was down, but the gentleness in her eye's was still there. Nabiki was dressed pretty much way she had upon Ranma's first arrival orange tanktop and shorts, but she also notice there was no mercenary gleam in Nabiki's eyes. Her father was the biggest surprise. Soun Tendo was dressed in a dress shirt and slacks, his hair was cut short and his bushy mustache was gone. She could also sense more confidence in him before then she had in her past. Shortly afterward she and her mother sat down, the announcement was made and Akane made the same complaints she remembered the engagement had been annouced using her acting skills to hide this fact. She heard Kasumi and Nabiki also protest and more forcibly then she had. "Mom, did you forget that I'm engaged to Dr. Tofu." Kasumi stated showing the engagement ring. Kimiko blushed slightly. "I'm sorry Kasumi, I did forget," she said turning to Nabiki and Akane. Nabiki sneered briefly. "Can't we wait until until we meet this, guy." Kimiko nodded and looked at Akane a pleading look entering her eyes. Akane gave a reluctant nod, although she was inwardly she was happy. A few minutes later there was a knock on the front door, Kimiko stood up and went to answer the door. Akane heard a pleasent exchange of hello's and heard Ranma's voice among them as well as a strange female voice and a deep older male. Seconds later her mother returned escorting Ranma, which she recognized easily, a white male a full head taller than everybody else present, and exotic looking girl with long raven black hair and dark eyes. All three wore the same black and red outfit. Akane could also sense a incredible power that would put Cologne and Happosai to serious shame. She watched as the Saotomes take seatsis across from her and her sisters. Ranma sat directly across from Akane and seemed to be annoyed about something. "So Brad how was your trip?" Soun Tendo asked. Brad shrugged. "It was okay, I suppose you told the girls about the agreement." Kimiko nodded. "Yes, but only two of my daughters are open to the arrangement. Kasumi is already engaged to the local doctor." Brad chuckled lightly. "Marrying, a doctor. Congratualations, Kasumi I hope you'll be happy." Kasumi smiled bowed slightly. "Thank you, Mr. Saotome." Ranma meanwhile sat with his eyes pointed at the table waiting for his dad to place him in the hot seat. He was annoyed, bored, and worried about this whole thing. He glanced over at Raye who seemed to be happy with the world right now, she had huge smile on her face as their father exchange pleasantries with the Tendos. <She only has that smile on her face because she knows how much this arrange marriage stuff bugs me.> he thought. Brad glanced down at his son and notice how miserable he was, he smiled briefly. "Ranma, why don't you go to the dojo and let some steam off before you blow the Tendo's house up. The whole arrangement won't take place until your mom gets here tomorrow," he stated and notice the immediate change in his son's mood. Ranma looked up at him and let loose his killer smile. He vanished from sight for a second, when he reappeared he was standing and literally flew toward the dojo. "I knew that cheer him up," Brad smiled broadly. Akane and Raye got up ran after him. Akane was in shock, she saw Ranma partially vanish from sight then fly toward the dojo. She wondered what other changes had occured because of her wish. Brad watched the trio as they entered the dojo then turned to the remaining Tendos and cleared his throat to get their attention. "Now while were waiting for Nodoka. I need to understand more about what's at stake." Ranma was going through some basic slow moving katas, when he came out of them he turned to his sister and the youngest Tendo daughter. "So what about it spark plug, want to spar?" he sneered at Raye. Raye snarled at him, but stayed put. "Don't call me that, sausage brain and you know I'm on my period." Akane stared at Raye then at Ranma. "What does having PMS, got to do with sparring?" Ranma smiled slightly. "Well, Dad found out thanks to Auntie 18. That powering up during PMS causes severe cramps, so he told Raye when she started her periods that she can't spar while under it's influence. Mom, agrees with him." Akane smiled. "Well, I'm not on my period. So, can I spar with you?" Ranma looked at her seemily judging her capabilites. "Well, you have the power level. But, do you know how to power up?" Akane gave a blank look. "Uh. What's powering up?" she asked half expecting Ranma to make one of his insults about tomboys not knowing anything. Instead she saw Ranma smile brightly. Ranma smiled and turned to Raye. "Finally," he immediately left the dojo and flew over to the dining area to talk to his father. Akane looked to Raye. "What was that about?" "Well, I'm not sure. It involves some wish dad made when he was here last, as I recall it was right after the wish to heal your mom of cancer," Raye replied. Ranma returned the smile even brighter this time. "Nevermind, the powering up thing just attack me." Akane shrugged, "Just don't dodge anything I throw at you." Ranma sighed, "Don't worry I'm not the typical male pig, who doesn't believe in hitting girls." Raye snickered, "Besides the last time he tried that act, dad introduced him to Auntie Bulma." "Did she hit him?" Akane asked. "No, but spent two days yelling at me and telling me how much of insensitive jerk I was. By the end of the first day I was willing to commit seppuku," Ranma shuddered. Akane almost laughed at the picture it was presenting. "Do you have picture of your aunt?" Ranma nodded handing her small group picture. "Auntie Bulma is the small blue haired woman standing behind me." Akane looked at the woman, she found it hard to believe the beautiful woman smiling in the picture was the same person Ranma described. She also saw five other beautiful women, she recognized her mother and Mrs. Saotome in the picture, and her father. She also notice how young Ranma was in the picture. "When was this taken?" "Just after the world martial arts tournament, when I was ten. My buddies Trunks and Goten are standing next to me. I beat them both in the juniors tournament, and was crowned junior world champ," Ranma sighed happily. "I had a lot fun." Akane took this distraction and made her move. She kicked at Ranma who caught her foot, she spun about to try a back kick only to be flipped. She landed on her stomach knocking the wind out of her. Akane looked up at him, in surprise. He bent down and gently picked her up, his smile melted any complaints she had. "Guess I lost, huh?" "Yeah, but nice technique. It would of worked if you hadn't telegraph it by raising your power level before attacking," Ranma said explaining what caused her to loose. "Can you help me then?" Akane asked. Ranma nodded, "Let me think about it." Brad smiled slightly watching the duo's exchange, he then stood up and walked up the stairway toward the bathroom. <Tomorrow, is going to be a busy day.> Post Chapter Note's- Welcome to the revised version of Starting Over: Chapter 1, in this first of many post note's I am going to say to anybody who thinks Ranma+Akane fan fics suck it's time for you to leave the story now, because I'm so pro Ranma and Akane, they are the intended Rumiko Takahashi couple for Ranma 1/2. Now to point out a few things, the dragon ball wish cure for Kimiko Tendo's cancer is no doubt going to be scrutinized, so I'll explained. The dragon balls can grant a wish if it's within the power of the guardian to the earth. Well, Dende is the current guardian and he has the power to heal, so therefore it's plausible. If your wondering what the Sailor Scouts are doing in this world, you'll be surprised what I have in store for them, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!