Disclaimer: Characters from Sailor Moon were created by Naoko Takeuchi, characters from Tenchi Muyo are property of Pioneer. All characters used without permission. This story may not be sold or used for profit. Incident On Cherry Hill - A Sailor Moon/Tenchi Muyo crossover Scene 1 "Rei, is everything ready for study buddies? I have to really work hard if I want to stay ten chapter ahead." Rei says nothing but looks serious. Ami, along with Serina, Lita and Mina understand. Something was up and a fire ceremony was needed. They nod their heads in agreement. "What's going on?" "Rini, we'll explain inside. Don't worry, I brought my famous rice balls." "Yippie! Lita, you're the best." The Scouts enter the fire ceremony room. Rei shuts the door. "Rini, we mustn't talk freely about Scout business outside with the interns roaming about. Loose lips slide off faces." "That's loose lips sink ships!" Ami sighs. "Mina, I wish you would pay more attention to your English proverbs book." "Rei, who is that intern with the mini-pony tail? He reminds me of my ex-boyfriend." Serina slumps and bows her head. "Who doesn't remind Lita of her old boy friend?" "Serina, you didn't think he was cute?" "I must have missed him. I've been worried about math." "That's Tenchi Masaki. He's from a very old shrine in the country" said Rei. "The Masaki Shire?" "Why, yes Serina, have you been there?" "Once, when I was six. There was a very nice lady who lived there with a son a little older than me. She made the best cookies ever, but I heard that she passed away the next year." "The boy was probably Tenchi." "Wow, Lita, so you think a little kid is hunky?" Rei shakes her head. "Serina, he's no longer a little boy! Anyway, Tenchi is the subject of our fire ceremony!" The other five gasp. "Rei, do you think Tenchi is from the Negaverse?" Ami inquired. "I don't think so, but there's just something odd about him, like he's hiding from demons." Scene 2 A cute girl with long pig tails runs up the stairs. An older girl sleeps on one of the rafters. "Ryoko, wake up! You're missing a perfect afternoon!" "Oh, Sasami, I was dreaming of Tenchi." "I'm sorry." "I just miss him so much, sometimes I just feel sick." "So do I, but I saved you some lunch." Ryoko disappears and reappears in the kitchen. "Yummy!" "There's a letter from Tenchi, and a picture of the shrine on the table." Ryoko looks at the picture which has Tenchi, Rei, Chad, and Grandpa Hino mugging. "Sasami, who's that girl?" "That's Rei Hino!" Ryoko jumps three feet. "Washu, you scared me!" "I don't know Ryoko, I think Tenchi might be in danger, my instruments tell me that Rei is no ordinary temple maiden." Sasami gasps. "But she looks so capable and sincere." "Washu, let me spy on them. Please, please, please." "But, Ryoko, we told Tenchi we wouldn't." "Yes?" "And, that means that we shouldn't." "Yes?" "But when has that ever stopped us?" Sasami and Ryoko look stunned. "Yes, Ryoko, this is a special occasion so yes, you should spy on Tenchi, but use a disguise, so Tenchi won't get mad." "But, how should I disguise myself?" "Ryoko, you're always so glamorous. If you dressed as a nerd girl, no one would recognize you." "Sasami, what a great idea!" Ryoko transforms into a big glasses wearing, silly clothes wearing nerd. "How's this?" "Perfect!" "Washu, how far is it to the Hino Shrine from the other shrine?" "Ten blocks West." "Taa taa!" Ryoko vanishes. "Sasami, how did you keep a straight face?" "It's fun making Ryoko look silly. We should of taken a picture." "I have my mobile spy satellites. We should get some good footage." "I just hope Tenchi is okay." "I know Sasami, who knows what evil lies waiting in Tokyo?" Scene 3 Five rats stand on their hind legs, side by side. They are surrounded by an army of rodents, plastering the walls of the sewer junction. The rat in the middle waves his hands. The squeaking stops. The center rat falls into a meditation position with his head down. "It has been six months since the passing of our savior Zoecite! Zoecite the mighty! Zoecite, the one who gave the five of us telepathy! "Since that time we have toiled with out end for this day. We have used our sense of scent to find and collect artifacts from the Negaverse! Behold, moon dust and cursed cherry blossoms!" Much loud squeaking as a rock is rolled over to reveal the artifacts. "Now, concentrate your minds. Help us raise a guardian!" The other four rats assume the position. The rat army grows quiet and many fail into a heap, shaking. Energy waves flow toward the artifacts. The pile rises and forms into a half human half rat form. "I am Zoerat. You are my army of darkness. Zoy!!" Energy waves spread out from Zoerat. Collars appear on all the rats. "With these collars you will gather energy so we may take over the world! Ha, ha, ha, ha. Yatta!" Commercial break Scene 4 Ryoko, walks happily on the streets of Tokyo. Unknown to her ominous small eyes shine out of every shadow. Ryoko stops and ponders. A sly look comes on her face. She can see the Hino Shrine. "Ryoko, get back in character!" Ryoko first looks up at what appears to be a small bird, then looks at her watch which shows Washu's face. "Spy in the sky, Washu?" "Hey you're looking at the universe's greatest genius!" The face on the watch pops out of the watch, winking and holding up one finger. "Okay, okay. I was just thinking that Tenchi will be able to see through my disguise so I had better sneak in." "Good idea! I must be rubbing off on you." Scene 5 Rei throws some stuff in the fire. A picture emerges from the smoke showing "nerd girl Ryoko" hiding in a tree right of the shrine. Ami speaks first. "Rei, your instincts were correct. She looks like a demon, all right." Mina shakes her head, "Those Negaverse monsters have no fashion sense at all." Lita stands up. "We need to kick some Negaverse butt!" Rei holds up her finger. "Wait, that evil spirit is in my Shrine. I'll take care of it." Serina sulks. "Who made Rei the leader?" "Serina, Rei has a point. If this is a spy for a new enemy, we shouldn't show all our power if it's not needed." "Thanks, Ami." "But we'll need to back her up, in case it's a powerful demon." "Right" they say in unison. "Okay, keep back but be prepared to transform. Mars ..." A knock is heard from the door. "Rei, are you in there?" Rei puts her transformation pen back in her kimono. "Yes, Tenchi?" "I'm leaving now for school." "Did you sweep the back path?" "Yes, it was very peaceful back there." "Tenchi, come in for a second. I want you to meet my study buddies." Tenchi enters. "Tenchi, this is Lita," Lita winks and make a "V" sign with her fingers. "This is Ami," Ami holds her hands behind her back and looks up from a bowed head. "This is Rini," Rini does a twirl. "This is Mina," Mina does a curtsy. "And, this is..." "Serina." Serina gasps. "You remember me from when I visited your shrine eight years ago?" "No, that was a long time ago. It's actually an embarrassing story." All six girls lean in. "My dad was worried about me getting a girl because we don't get many young ladies at our shrine, it's mostly an older crowd. So, five years ago, my dad thought it would be a good idea to arrange a marriage for me." Flashback to chibi-Tenchi and father. "My father showed me a picture of a young blond girl with long pigtails done up in grommets." "My hair was just long enough then to wear them." "My dad said it was the daughter of one of his friends at work. I said I wasn't interested in girls yet and to ask me again in five years." Back to the present. "Wow." Serina says softly. Tenchi holds his head in embarrassment. "Actually, I think it was five years ago today." "I, I" "Gotta go, going to be late for class!" Tenchi runs out. Rei checks the door. "Mars power, make up!" Rei transforms. "Okay, lets worry about the soap opera after that demon is moon dust!" Scene 6 Ryoko is high in a tree. "Oh, drat. Tenchi is already leaving." Mars is at the bottom of the tree. She kicks the tree and Ryoko falls to the ground. "Hey who are you? Why did you do that?" Ryoko rubs her butt. "I am Sailor Mars. I am sworn to champion justice and fight evil and I will not allow a demon at this shrine!" Unseen by both girls are the tiny pinpricks of light reflecting from the eyes of the rats in the bushes. "Who me? A demon? Why I wouldn't hurt a fly." Ryoko poses and tries to act cute. "You're not fooling me at all. Mars celestial fire surround!" Fire balls stream at Ryoko who blocks them with a force field. However, this is almost unneeded as the fire balls gets sucked into the shadows under the bushes. The rat's collars glow. "My turn." Ryoko wills an energy ball into her hand. "Try this one on for size." Ryoko throws the energy ball. Rei ducks, but the energy is sucked off to the bushes again. "Ryoko, get out of there!" Ryoko looks at her watch. "Grrr, just when the fun starts." Ryoko disappears. The other girls surround Rei. "She was a tough demon. My fire ball had no effect." Back in the Masaki kitchen, Ryoko says "Wow, she was a tough demon, my energy blast had no effect." Scene 7 Zoerat faces the five head rats. He holds a mini crystal ball. Energy waves flow into it. "Excellent! With this energy I can now transform you five. Arise Jedrat, Nefrat, Malirat, Doomrat and Gloomrat!" The five rats transform into half rat, half Negaverse soldiers. "Ah ha ha ha ha!!" End credits (We are pioneers)