Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to Pioneer, so please don't sew me, in fact NONE of these characters mentioned here belong to me, other than that enjoy my fic!. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The day started as usual with the exception that Sasami was not allowed to get out of bed, apparently her trauma of being dead really scared everyone, but for some reason Sasami was an exception, some weeks have passed since the whole incident with Gohan and the others, with the exception that now strange things have been happening, some sort of dimensional vortex portals had been appearing and disappearing around the world, and no one knew why, except for Washu of course, but for another reason, every time someone asked Washu what happened, she would just freeze for a sec, and leave like the wind. We know begin in Sasami's room: A.Aeika? Yes Sasami what is it, are you feeling ok, need water, don't get up ill get it for you? NO. its not that, I want to get out of bed now, nothing is going to happen to me, I'm fine.really. Are you sure!? I do have a small stomach ache, I'm sure it will go away soon. With that, Aeika gave Sasami a hug, they both layer there in bed, laughing at memories past, and finally fell asleep. Meanwhile outside there was a strange and unusual light appearing technically in the front house, at first an alien appeared then disappeared, and then a man with an orange and unusual suit (for the gamers out there that was freeman, sorry I had to do it), with many weapons and finally a boy and a man, they both had golden hair and looked very intimidating, they looked at each other and approached the household: So dad how will we stop all this weird stuff going on here again? (sigh) Well we first have to get the dragon balls and return them to our dimension, that will stop the dimensional disruption YOU caused. oops .um.sorry dad. that's ok son, now lets just fix this and go home, I'm starved. They both started to approach the household again and knocked at the door.(if you don't remember my last fic, Gohan left the dragon balls in this dimension after wishing Sasami back to life) Meanwhile Tenchi, Ryoko, and Aeika, were watching TV (more Sasami than the TV.). With Mihoshi and Kione, Sasami was now happy to be in the kitchen again and to their surprise Washu was not in her lab but instead in the living room just staring out the window, then they heard the door. Ill get it, (I wonder who could it be at this hour) They were all curious as to who it was, when they all heard Sasami scream! Sasami what's wrong why did you ye!!? Gohan, How are you, Why did you come back!!? At first they were all scared as to why Sasami screamed until they all understood what Sasami said.or screamed Gohan what are you doing back, does it have something to do with the weird stuff that's been going on around here? as a matter of fact it does, you see I forgot the dragon balls in this dimension and that caused a disruption in all dimensions, it will all end when we get them back. Speaking of "WE" who is this with you? Yes.who are you dear sir? My name is Goku, I am the father of Gohan, I was the one who sent my son to rescue the princess. You know, Gohan never told us why he saved Sasami? We were trying to prevent what is happening now, you see, in this dimension, if something is altered by someone who isn't from this dimension, it creates a very dangerous dimensional vortex, and as you may or may not know, the man who originally killed Sasami, was from our dimension, we had to stop him so I sent my son, but apparently he arrived too late. So your saying that if the spheres you call Dragon balls are back to your dimension this mess will all stop? YES!! Now I have a very important question. WHATS THAT? It is really important. WHAT, WHAT IS IT!!? Do you have any food, I'm starving!? ""SIGH!!"" The night went on, after dinner Goku had a head start on collecting the dragon balls while Gohan stayed home with the gang, except that the only ones awake were Gohan and Sasami, Sasami noticed that Gohan kept looking at her strangely like if something was going to happen, she then ignored it and went to bed, she noticed her stomach ache was getting a lot worse, but ignored it, or tried and went to bed. Gohan stayed in the small couch also thinking about what had happened earlier, until finally he fell asleep to. The next day they all had a very rude awakening, Goku and Gohan were fighting together, or what they call, "training". When they all stepped out (Except Sasami) into the balcony to see, they saw the most incredible thing they had ever seen all they saw was balls of energy flying everywhere and appearing and disappearing Goku and Gohan, this continued for quite some time now. At last, Goku defeated Gohan by punching him with his elbow, Gohan only groaned and fell to the earth at an incredible speed finally crashing into the ground creating a small crater. Goku teleported on the balcony and greeted everyone, while Gohan flew very slowly and weak to the same spot where his father was. Hello good morning everyone, how did you sleep? I cant. believe. you beat me. again uuggh! Then Goku and Gohan looked at the group in slight curiosity, as to why their eyes were completely round, and their mouths wide open, looking at them. Um.hello? Then they all fell into the ground with their feet up in the air. They discovered that Goku had recovered 5 dragon balls, and put them in a small sack, but. for some reason the dimensional Vortex had not stopped at all, the same things kept going on and on, so they decided to leave and find the rest. THIS dimension was having problems. By now Sasami's stomach ache was getting worse, and no one knew what was going on until. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! The yell could be heard all over the house then in a flash they all ran into the house to Sasami's room , Goku and Gohan, who heard the scream a few yards away from the Masaki home, teleported so they got there first. Sasami what's wrong what's happening to you!! O my, please tell us what's wrong Sasami please!!! .....MY.MY STOMACH!!!..IT. HU.HURTS AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Then the strangest thing happened, her whole body started to glow a very bright light, so bright the only ones able to see it were the two super-sayans. Then like a flash the little girl disappeared, while they were getting up, they noticed that she was gone, during the whole ordeal no one noticed that Goku had gone too. Where is that little girl!!? OH NO SASAMI!! Where did she go!! well it was only a matter of time before it happened what are you talking about. let me explain. Sasami woke up in a strange place, everything was very quiet, she started to walk towards the direction she thought was east, everything was different in a way, but no more than 100 steps away she started to teleport again, except this time, there was no pain, she then appeared at the Masaki shrine, but it was strange, it looked old and beaten, like no one had lived there for a long tome, she ran towards the house and discovered it too looked old, she then found some skeletons scattered around, she immediately knew a battle had taken place, and immediately knew it was her friends who lost. what is wrong with my friends, what happened!!? Then she ran back to the shrine and saw something she missed, a skeleton about her size, on the floor with its mouth open and what looked like a old sword placed in the skeletons stomach, where there once was flesh and blood, the odd part was that the sword was stuck on the stone beneath the once called Sasami. I know, this must be another dimension where everyone is dead, that means my friends are still alive, but how do I find them in my own dimension? All of a sudden she appeared in the place where you might consider the most.unexpected places of all.the "KAME HOUSE" she saw that there were some people inside that small pink house, so she decided to go inside, there was an old man sleeping there, a pig with clothes and a strange blue rat, also there was a woman with black hair and another with blue. Excuse me, hello Then the blue haired woman woke up, saw Sasami and screamed waking everybody up excuse me but can you tell me where I am? hello I'm Bulma what's your name? My name is Sasami, who are they?. oh the old man over there is Master Roshi, and the woman there is Chi-Chi, Wife of Goku an. Did you say Goku? Why yes I did Have you seen Goku, and above all my dear sweet Gohan!!? um.yes as a mater of fact I have they are in my dimension. I take it they got the dragon balls Yes almost, Goku did, he is now in..AAAAAAAHHH!!!!..OH NO.MY..STOMACH. AG.AGGAIN..AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Now Sasami felt pain like she never had before, the problem was that she was being transported again, except this time she didn't know where, Sasami somehow knew this, only because of the reason that when she left HER dimension, her stomach hurt and that was the only time it did during dimensional travel, until now that is. What's wrong Sasami speak to me come on speak to me... By now everything was getting darker and darker until she was fully asleep, then she woke up in Washu's lab on the operating table all she heard was "The operation was a complete success, all her insides have been repaired, she should recover in less than two days with the drugs I gave her". Then she fainted, some time later, she woke up again, in her room. She discovered her stomach was in bandages, and saw Tenchi sleeping on one side of the bed, Aeika sleeping on the other side, and to her surprise, Ryoko floating in the air above her as well. There also was Gohan and Goku. So then as she tried to get up the pain was so unbearable that she decided to stay there in bed, she got sleepy again and fell asleep, when she awoke this time only Tenchi was next to her bed, she then got up, removed her bandages and saw that there was no scars she went down and said hello to everyone. Everyone was extremely happy to see her. A few weeks had passed and all of the dragon balls had been found, it was time again for Goku and the young Gohan to leave, but as they were about to leave, the same man that killed Sasami in the first place appeared and started to charge at Goku and Gohan!!. Gohan WATCH OUT!! Then the whole gang decided to help out, even Sasami (with the exception of the space galaxy police force) Tenchi called out the Light hawk wings. YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!! DIDN'T WE FINISH YOU OFF ALREADY!!!? How dare you show your face here again!! By now, Ryoko emitted a sword out of her hand, and Sasami was about to summon Ryo-oki when her stomach started to ache again, this time it was from the operation of course, the pain was so bad that she fell on her knees and just dazed out until she was totally unconscious, no one noticed of course. GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! KAAAAAAME.HAAAAAAAAME. NO I will not die in vain again!!! I WILL NOT!!! The man now approached Sasami and raised his hand toward her head!!. if I go down, she will go down with me!! NO, LEAVE HER ALONE, she has been through enough!! BE QUIET!!! By then Goku and Gohan had their beams ready and looked at each others eyes and decided on something they pulled on a previous adversary. NOW!! They instantly teleported in front and below the man and threw their beams at him before his energy blast hit Sasami. HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!.. NOOOOOOO.AAAAAARRGGGHH!!!!! The man was instantly pulverized as both beams incinerated him. By now everyone was recovering because of the hits, so Goku and Gohan stayed for one last dinner and decided it would be wise to leave in the morning. well thank you for your hospitality, it was fun. Yes, and Sasami.? Y.yes here is the chemical recipe for making sensubeans, give it to Washu, she will figure it out, as soon as they are done please take one. I w.will well son, it is time to go ok dad, SEE YOU LATER AND THANK YOU!! your welcome come back anytime you wish!! <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Did you like my fic, well I hope you did if so or if not so contact me at dan__2003_98@yahoo.com I needed a sequel that totally involved Sasami so here it is.