Disclaimer :I do not own these characters, they are not mine, Pioneer owns them, and incase you are wondering, I don’t make money out of this (I lost five dollars in the bank!!) I just do it for fun( I now have $2.67 in the bank!!! I am not kidding.) so anyway enjoy! Sasami’s Undescribable Fate - Part 2 More than a day had passed since Gohan had left to his dimension and time, everyone now was looking at Sasami in a strange way that made Sasami feel a little guilty. She didn’t worry about tenchi though, he was still in the fields tending the carrots, but Sasami blushed every time she thought of tenchi, remembering what she said in the shrine the day she …died. She still didn’t believe she died, it all seemed to go so fast, she remembered being on the floor next to the shrine, but it still was hard to believe. First of all, she had no scars, and no ruptured, or even Damaged Intestines (or she thought), but it was strange, she remembered the blade in her stomach and the way it felt. Sasami was now sleeping in the couch (that’s because no one let her do anything in the house) as Tenchi came in from the fields. Oh hello Tenchi, how was the Sun outside? It was ok I guess, the carrots should be ready by next week or so. MEEEEAAOW!! OK OK Ryo-oki, don’t worry the carrots aren’t going anywhere. Anyway Sasami, how are you feeling today? Need any thing? Water, but that’s ok I will get it myself thank you. Sasami was now blushing madly, her face was almost completely red. Tenchi knew why Sasami’s face was all red. So without hesitation, Tenchi gave Sasami a big hug, and went to the kitchen for a glass of water. Sasami was stunned, She couldn’t move cause of what she thought just happened, then lost her balance on the couch and fell on the floor. OUCH!! Damn it! Aeika came running from the kitchen to see what was wrong and why Sasami cried out. “”Sasami, are you ok, did you hurt yourself, why are you on the floor? !!”” Sasami had now immediately got up form the floor and tried to make Aeika slow down for a sec. Sasami now grabbed Aeika’s arms and held her steady for her to listen. Just then they heard a large explosion and flash, come from the woods. As soon as the building stopped shaking, everyone except Tenchi, headed to where Sasami was to check on her, they where all talking hysterically around Sasami asking her questions like if she was alright and was she hurt. By now Sasami was about to yell as loud as she could, for everyone to shut the hell up, when a nock was heard on the door. Everyone then stopped and stared at the door in wonder. Who could it be at this hour? I don’t know go and answer the door Aeika. why don’t you do it Ryoko, you are the one who never does anything in this house. well that is a lie, I do a lot of things in this house in order to please Ten… Ryoko was interrupted by Sasami’s voice, coming from the door as she opened it. Hello Gohan! How are you, and who is this gentlemen here with you? Hello Sasami, this is my father, may we come in? Sure come on in, make yourselves at home! Everyone was now in the living room (except Tenchi who was making dinner out of a recipe book) talking about what happened in the shrine, with the battle between the man in black robes and Gohan. Well son, it seems you made a lot of friends here in this dimension. Yes I guess I did… Well from all this talk we didn’t catch your name dear sir. Well my name is Goku, and I guess from all this chatter I didn’t catch yours? OK let me introduce everyone. I am Aeika, first princess of Juri’s royal family and this is Ryoko the ex-space pirate, Tenchi is in the kitchen, Kione is a galaxy police officer, Mihoshi her partner, Sasami my sister, and finally little Washu, the greatest scientist in the universe. Nice to meet you all anyway what are you doing back kid? Just as Gohan was about to say anything Goku interrupted him My son forgot to recover the dragon balls after they dispersed! Yeah sorry!!… The night went on like that for a while until Tenchi served dinner (which was surprisingly good) then after dinner, they all went to bed Goku and Gohan slept in the sofas on the living room and the others slept on their own beds. The next morning, Goku and Gohan left to go find the dragon balls ( that Gohan had forgotten in this dimension) and Sasami woke up extra early, so no one would stop her from doing Breakfast and her chores. By the time everyone was done eating, they all complimented Sasami on her great cooking, and went about their business, Kione and Mihoshi had to go away for a couple of weeks for a special assignment on Jupiter, Aeika and Ryoko (As usual ) where outside fighting for Tenchi, Tenchi was working on the fields, Washu was studying Goku’s and Gohan’s scans from last night (she scanned them secretly) and Sasami was finishing her breakfast. While she was doing chores she started to get extremely nauseated and her stomach started to hurt. AAAAAAHH!! MY HEAD AND…AND STOMACH……WHATS… GOING ON!!! With that Sasami fell on her knees on the living room floor, then she coughed and blood spilled from her mouth, and finally fell unconscious on the floor from all the pain, then she stood up to find every thing was dark and empty, then everything went bright again, but this time she was on Juri. Then as she looked on the scenery, she turned around to see a very familiar face. It was Tsunami!!. Tsunami, what’s going on, why am I back in Juri? Don’t worry Sasami, this is just a dream. This was the only way to communicate with you. So you where the one who gave me that disorienting headache and that awfull pain in my stomach!!. no, actually the cause of that was your insides, all that time it took for the dragon balls to recharge, made a small amount of your bodily insides to go bad. So that’s why I felt so bad, can it be fixed? Yes I can fix it, except it will hurt a lot for the first 30 minutes, and you have to be awake for this to happen, after the pain is gone you may rest for one or two days. “Really…th…that sounds b…bad!” I would have waited for your own body to regenerate itself, but if I, or we wait that long, you will die, and the dragon balls wont have enough power to revive you again. I understand Goodbye for now Sasami. when she woke up, it was night time and she was on the small sofa, with covers and a pillow, she saw Tenchi sleeping in the big couch, and Aeika also sleeping in a chair next to her, Suprisingly Ryoko was sleeping on the floor next to her as well. she then stood up and thought of the dream she just had, but then started to feel pain, like if someone where to be cutting her with a knife, then a strange bright aura started to cover her up completely. She tried to hold her yells in in order for her not to wake anyone, but her efforts where in vain. She then started screaming and moaning really loud. Sasami what’s wrong, tell us please!! what’s wrong with Sasami!!? “Sasami please tell us what is wrong!”. Ryoko, get a bowl of warm water and a towel, Hurry.!! Right By now, Gohan and Goku came back with all seven dragon balls in a bag. What’s wrong with Sasami!! Why is she screaming Goku then started to wonder what was going on, since there was a bright aura covering her, and her energy level had risen a lot since before. Then it hit him like a brick. Everyone!!, don’t worry from what I can tell, she will be ok. “How can you say that, she is screaming in pain“!! Yes please explain I don’t seem to understand!! Sasami is regenerating herself from her death, that is why she is in pain, it is a painful process, but I myself have never seen it happen before to anyone I have revived. Just like Tsunami said, 30 minutes passed and she was now silent, the aura had disappeared, and she was now ok. A few days had passed and Sasami was now ok, she woke up at 4:18 am and looked around, she was still in the small couch, her sister was in the same spot as before but with a strange reclining floating chair (Washu’s work ), Tenchi had one just like it, she then saw Goku on the couch also sleeping and Gohan on the floor sleeping as well. This time Sasami got up slowly and carefully (she was still afraid of what happened last time she got up so suddenly) and just sat there then she saw Ryoko sleeping but in the air (she can float you know!) she then got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of water, drank it and went back to the sofa, but before she did she leaned over where Tenchi was and kissed him in the cheek then she leaned back and went to sleep. The next morning after everyone had awaken, they all asked Sasami what happened to her and why was she in so much pain. After I got a bad headache and that painful stomach ache after I ate, Tsunami went to my dream, and told me that I had some insides that where rotten, so she told me I needed to be cured or I would die. Exactly, who is Tsunami? Yeah you never told me Sasami? Well, when I was small, Ryoko made an attack on planet Juri. Sorry about that!! Anyway, she attacked Juri, while I was playing in the tree gardens, I think the building got hit, and the shock of the explosion shook the building hard enough to nock me over the passageway plunging me to my death, the goddess Tsunami, assimilated with me and gave me my life back. Oh we get it! well anyway she told me she needed to replace my insides, but it would take 30 minutes of excruciating pain, and 2 or more days of rest, then the process would be complete. Other than that that’s all there is to it. Then after breakfast was done, the gang all went outside to bid their friends goodbye, and give them thanks. The day was sure to be a good day, the sun was out, the wind was calm, and the temperature was perfectly comfortable. Then, just like before, a bright ball of energy appeared in front of Goku and Gohan, each one stepped in it, one at a time, then they disappeared, and as soon as this happened, the energy ball disappeared. and as soon as it did, they all heard a voice yelling goodbye. Then Sasami went inside to (you guessed it) do her chores, Tenchi went to the fields and Ryoko and Aeika went somewhere unknown. they sure have been a little nice to each other these couple of days? <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Well that was my second part to the story and I hope you all like it, personally I tried different endings to this but out of all the possible endings, I found this one which I think was the best, if you have any comments of how my story went along. Send me your comments at dan__2003_98@yahoo.com hope you all liked it bye.