I do not own these characters, they belong to Pioneer and not me so please dont sew me, i have (GET THIS!!) $7.67 in my bank account =( "Dont ask!!" <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Sasamis Undescribable Fate! It was a strangely akward day for everyone in the household, as usuall Sasami (you guessed it!) was cleaning the house, but not in the happy cheerfull way. Aparently, the whole day was silent, the type of silence that comes only when death is near, unfortunately everyone in the Masaki home could feel it, Hey Aeika...um...do you feel something strange going on today?. No...well..As a matter of fact, I do. something is going to happen but i dont know what..its like...i can feel it in the air then Ryoko phased into the room. Well same here, i dont like the way this feels! hey girls, do you feel something strange going on around here? Hello everyone, can you all feel the strangeness of today? yes... i am going to take a walk with Ryo-oki As Sasami walked to the shrine, she felt a little uneasy but kept walking none the less. As she got to the top she wondered what was going on and just sat there in the stairs wondering why everything was quiet. So what do you think is going to happen today Ryo-oky? frankly i wish that I kn... She was interrupted by a strange man she had never seen before in black robes, he moved up to her and looked like he hugged her. Back at the house... I dont get it, i feel a powerfull force here but i havent seen anyone around I can feel something too Where was Sasami going again? Huh...? Ohh yeah, up to the shrine why? Then, they heard the most terrifying thing they had ever heard, the loud scream of Sasami herself!! I feel the force coming from there!! Oh no!! SASAMI!! OK LETS GO EVERYONE WE HAVE TO HURRY!! Back at the shrine... Sasami was now facing a strange dark figure, they both seem to be very close to each other, then as the whole group arrived they saw the man drop Sasami while at the same time, a blade slid out of her stomach!! Sasami landed on her knees, looked up in a face of horror. then he stabbed her aggain, and slashed a whole out of her stomach, making her intestines and insides leak out.then she just fell on her back layng there as large ammounts of blood leaked out of her body!! SASAMI!! then as the man finished and turned around, they saw a bright light come right next to the man in black robes. Then a kid apeared where the light had recently disapeared, Tenchi and the girls saw he had golden hair, blue eyes and a strange golden aura covering him sometimes static shocks emitting from the aura(you guessed yet?) Im too late!... How could you!! You are a little late Gohan!! HAHAHHAHA!! You...ARE...GOING...TO..PAY...!!! Yeah right!! she is dead and there is nothing you can do!!! KaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaMeeeeeee HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!... NO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, HOW DID YOU GENERATE THAT MUCH POWER!! Gohan was now in the air with the man in Black robes, they both flew into the air and both fired a kamehameja wave at eachother and was making a large energy wave at each other. ""WHAIT GOHAN, NOOOO!!"" the energy ball disapeared into the man ripping him into millons of pieces and scattering them everywhere, the head landed at the feet of Ryoko, then Ryoko stared at it and stomped it, causing it to spray brains and bones everywhere. ""DIE YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH!!!!"" Gohan now flew next to the weak Sasami, in the arms of Tenchi. everyone was now around her trying to cure her and cover her injury that was at its own account...FATAL!! Wh... wh..why is everything getting c...cold and dar...dark?. "Sasami, DONT LET GO PLEASE DONT LET GO!!" Sasami slowly turned her head over to Tenchi, and staired at is eyes and smiled Te...Ten...chi, I L...love...Y...You. Sasami now gave a long sight, and slanted her head to the oposite side of Tenchi's arms, with her eyes still wide open in horror giving the ovious truth that she was now dead!!. Gohan just stared from the sky and started to come down slowly Tenchi just collapsed and started to sob and cry uncontrollably staryng in the dead eyes of the once lively Sasami. Then Gohan came close to him and closed Sasamis eyes with his fingers. then he said something no one expected at the time. Dont worry, I will bring her back to life!! Tenchi was now crying, when Tenchi heard what gohan said, his sad face turned into a face of pure anger and hatred towards the small boy!. H...how could you say that!!, How Can you think of playng games like this now!! HOW...COULD..YOU MAKE THAT REMARK!! THAT IS AN INSULT THAT MUST GO UNPUNISHED!! Before Tenchi or anyone else was about to say or do anything to Gohan, he pulled out some strange orange spheres with one and upto seven stars inside of each ball. I cant revive her until next week, it will be the aniversary of the drgon balls. the Dragonballs, when activated call the "Eternal Dragon. this dragon can grant any wish you ask it. Every one now had a ray of hope towards the small boy but then something hit Tenchi (a realisation) as he saw Sasamis lifeless body in a pool of her own blood. how are we going to preserve her body for one week without it rotting boy? I can rig something up so her body will regulate blood through the body, she wont be alive but it will keep her well preserved for a limit of 7 months, after that, who knows what will happen to the body. It will either explode or it will desintigrate. we made the last wish about a year ago, but we still need a week before it can be done. LETS DO IT!! what do we have to lose!! That night, no one could sleep, they all sat at the living room sad and tired, but then a stran of curiosity fell on Tenchi and the three girls, and like a flash, they all opened their mouths and asked the same question at the same time!!. Why did that man killedl Sasami? They all looked stunned.. Well you see, in the future, Sasami will have special powers that come from the goddes Tsunami, she will be able to Transform into the character called "Pretty Sasami!" A very powerfull character at that. and the man that I killed, is or was going to be one of Pretty Sasami's enemys unfortunately he can travel time and dimensions, so by a miscalculation he found me and my family, and fought a large battle, he lost, and as he was going into this wierd portal thingy, he said "what I will do is eliminate my enemys in the past so in the future i will never encounter them" and so ofcourse, I followed correcting what he did, until i killed him here. How could he.. Even I the Most tretorous and formuly evil space pirate in the galixy would not pull something that cowardly!! The rest of the night went on and so they all started speaking about the old times and how they missed Sasami. <><><><><><><><><><><>One Week Later<><><><><><><> They where all at the lake with Sasamis lifeless body now healed, and placed her near the dragon balls, then Gohan called the eternal dragon(i dont know exacly what he says to do it) and made the wish, by now the dragon didint do anything and then he just spoke and said... The wish is done!! she is sleeping and will wake soon with the goddess Tsunami still in her!! Goodbye!! Then the dragon balls flew in the air and went in all directions! then they all stared at Sasami's body whaiting and then, the once lifeless body gave a quick sight sucking up air into her lungs they all cheered and saw Sasami just jump up and started asking questions ""WHAT...WHERE AM I... WASNT I JUST IN THE SHRINE!!?, What happened to the man in black!!!?? He is dead, i killed him. You should have seen it kid!! Who are you...um...whats your name? my name is Gohan. thank you for protecting me, even if it was a whole lot late...last thing I remember was seeeing the sword through my stomach, and me droping on the floor and then ...I...I...I cant remember, By now she was blushing madly. No one noticed exept Tenchi who just winked at her, but that just made her blush even more. You dont know how much i apreciate what you did for my sister, I thank you. Yeah, I have to admit...You are one impressive speci...I mean boy Well I must go back to my dimention and my time, it has been a real pleasure, and I hope you all do ok. are you sure you cant stay one more night. Naah, I have my orders from my dad, and I hafto go. But thank you for the offer.!! Then they all looked at Sasami sleeping in the grass peacefully See i am no longer needed here anyway. They all gave him thanks, and told him to come back aggain, and wished him well in his journey. Then a ball of energy apeared infront of him and he just disapeared when he passed through it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Well, this was my first story and I hope you like it, the ending might have sucked a little but like I said, this is my first story, I know I didint add anything sexual here but it has intestines and guts so that should be enough to qualify it as a lemon so there. Anyway if you have any comments, contact me at dan__2003_98@yahoo.com