Ranma Muyo! episode 3

title: What Have You Done Now, Washuu!?
       The Amazing Gyaku-nichuan Mystery Solved.

(Open with a close-up of Washuu thoughtfully resting her finger on her

Washuu: So this is what caused the energy spike.

(Pan shot of Washuu's sub-dimensional lab where Team Ranma,
Tenchi, and Ryoko are now also present. Washuu surveys the group.)

Washuu: I wonder why the ripple was so large.

(Washuu's gaze wanders until Team Ranma all look toward Akane,

Akane: (angered) Why is everybody looking at me?

Ranma: Isn't it obvious? Your thighs are too thick, you're built --

(Akane punches Ranma across the lab into Tenchi's arms. Ranma and
Tenchi exchange worried looks and Tenchi immediately drops Ranma
who stands up quickly. Their voices are tense.)

Ranma: Uh, thanks.

Tenchi: You're welcome.

Ranma: M-Make sure it doesn't happen again.

Ryoga: Ranma, you're disgusting.

Kuno: I agree fully, you are unworthy of the fair Akane Tendo.

(Ranma balls his fists and grits his teeth. Washuu looks on,

Ranma: Ryoga, you better shut up.

Ryoga: Oh, yah? Make me.

(Ranma charges Ryoga but stops cold when he hears a young
female's voice.)

Sasami: Tenchi told me we were having a few guests over for dinner.
What would --

(Sasami's eyes widen as she makes a head count.)

Sasami: Uh, would someone like to help me in the kitchen?

Kasumi: I'd be delighted to help you. My name is Kasumi.

Sasami: I am Sasami!

Soun: And I'm sure my lovely daughter, Nabiki, would be more than
happy to lend a hand. Isn't that right, Nabiki?

Nabiki: (sighs) Of course, dad.

Ukyou: I can cook!

Cologne: Shampoo and I would gladly offer our services in exchange
for your hospitality.

Mousse: My darling Shampoo! I will help you!

Shampoo: Stu-pid Mousse, when you learn how cook?

Mousse: Uh, er, uhm...

Akane: I'd like to help!

(Ranma and Genma are in the background shaking their heads and
waving their arms violently as if trying to tell Sasami, "Don't! It's a

Sasami: Oh, that's alright. Mr. Mousse? Nice lady? Thank you for the
offer, but I have plenty of help now!

(Sasami smiles sweetly and exits, followed by her cooking procession --
Kasumi, Nabiki, Ukyou, Shampoo, and Cologne. Akane blinks. Ranma
and Genma sit back down, relieved. Ryoga takes his seat also. Ryoga
glares at Ranma who glares right back.)

Mousse: Oh, Shampoo...

Washuu: I assume you found my Chinese Gyaku-nichuan.

Ranma: We found it alright, but how come it worked even though I
didn't stand on my head while rubbing my belly?

Washuu: (laughing) Oh, that! Just for fun! All you really had to do was
say my name.

(Genma falls over and quickly stands back up.)

Akane: So where exactly are we?

Washuu: Kurashiki, Japan.

(Team Ranma all fall over. Ryoko and Tenchi blink. Washuu observes
impassively as they get back to their feet. Ryoga and Ranma become

Ryoga: Do you mean to say that we went all the way to China to end
up in Japan again!?

Ranma: I was nice to Kuno for nothing!?!

Kuno: Hm?

Washuu: Well, when you put it like that...yep!

(Ranma and Ryoga laugh insanely. Akane looks at them uneasily.)

Genma: Control yourself, boy! You're a Saotome.

Soun: Very good advice, Saotome!

Genma: Yes, it was. I've surpassed myself!

(Soun and Genma laugh and pat each on the back. Ranma and
Ryoga stare at them blankly.)

Happosai: Soun! Genma! Stop that!

Soun and Genma: Yes, Master!

Washuu: Although you're in Japan, this is an alternate universe. The
Gyaku-nichuan's purpose is to reverse dimensions.

Team Ranma: Hmm...

Tenchi: Are you saying that these people don't actually exist, Lil' 

Washuu: Not exactly. There's a possibility that they may or may not,
just as there is a possibility that we may or may not. They're from a
different possibility, benefit of Washuu's Amazing Reversal Spring!

Ranma: So, since it was so easy to get here, there's an easy way
back, right?

Washuu: All you have to do is stand in Ryoko's crypt again and say
my name backwards. That wouldn't normally be a problem, but my
computers tell me that the cave was utterly destroyed...must have
been the impact of so large an arrival.

(Ryoga and Ryoko start backing toward the door.)

Ranma: De-Destroyed!?

Ranma's voice: Ryoga...

(Flashback: Ryoga screams, "Bakusai tenketsu," and destroys a wall.
Ryoko turns her energy sword into a fireball and finishes off Ryoga.)

Tenchi's voice: Ryoko...

(Flashback: Tenchi surveying the damage.)

Tenchi: Ryoko!

Ranma: Ryoga!

(Tenchi and Ranma look at each other.)

Tenchi: Ryoga?

Ranma: Ryoko?

(Ryoga and Ryoko laugh innocently and make a mad dash for the
door. Genma, Soun, Kuno, and Happosai catch Ryoga and Ryoko
and start stomping them. Mousse races to join them and runs into a
wall. Washuu, Tenchi, Ranma, and Akane watch for a moment.)

Akane: Will you stop that!? Grow up!

Washuu: You know, it's not impossible to get back.

(Team Ranma all freeze and look at Washuu.)

Washuu: First, we need to repair the structural damage caused in
Ryoko's cave. Second, we will require some of Jurai's water of life.
And last but not least you need the cute, brilliant scientist, Washuu,
to supervise!

(Sasami enters.)

Sasami: Dinner is ready!

(Cut to the Masaki dining room. Everyone, including Ayeka, Yosho,
Nobuyuki, and Ryo-Ohki, is just finishing the last few bites of

Ayeka: I still don't understand why the water of life is necessary.

Washuu: When Ryoko's cave was decimated, so was the energy.
The water of life is the only acceptable substitute.

Ranma: So all we gotta do is get this water of life stuff from Jurai and
we're home free, right?

Yosho: Easier said than done, young man. The planet Jurai is in an
entirely different solar system. You can't just fill up the car and
drive there.

Washuu: It would take something at least as complex as the Souja
to get you there.

Nabiki: So where can we find ourselves a Souja?

Washuu: Unfortunately, the only Souja in existance was destroyed.

(Flashback: Tenchi kills Kagato with a swing of his sword and also
accidentally cuts Kagato's ship, the Souja, in half which blows up --
see Tenchi Muyo OAV 6.)

Akane: So it's hopeless.

Washuu: Not quite, there is a way.

Ryoga: (interrupting) So how do we find this place?

Ranma: You're a fine one to be asking directions, Ryoga.

Ryoga: Shut up, Ranma.

(A loud metallic scream is heard descending outside. Everyone rushes
out of the house to see what's happening. Washuu looks up at
Mihoshi's ship -- about to make a crash-landing.)

Washuu: I do not believe there will be a way shortly.

Akane: Huh?

Ryoko: I thought I was rid of that bubble-head for longer than this.

Ayeka: What's she doing back so soon?


Kuno: Me thinks --

Ranma: We don't care what you think, Kuno.

Kuno: How dare you address me in such an impertinent manner?

(Ranma ignores Kuno. The shriek is getting louder. Soun is crying.)

Genma: Do something, boy!

Ranma: What do you want me to do? I don't even know what
that is!

Tenchi: Oh, don't worry. It's only Mihoshi.

Kasumi: Oh, you mean that big metal thing is a Mihoshi?

Sasami: No, silly, that's Mihoshi's space ship! She's our friend!

Happosai: Another pretty lady? Yeah!

Ranma: You old pervert.

Akane: Look who you're calling a pervert, Ranma

Nobuyuki: A man after my own heart...

Ryoga: Say, Ranma. When that thing crashes in the lake, do you
think it'll splash?

(Ranma's eyes widen with worry. Ryoga, who is standing between
Ranma and the lake, whips out his umbrella, opens it, and twirls it
smoothly in front of him. The ship crashes, causing waves. A large
spray of water is shown coming straight at Ryoga and Ranma. Ryoga
side-steps, allowing Ranma to get drenched. Ryoga puts his umbrella
away and grins wickedly at Ranma-chan. A farther away shot shows
Genma in Panda-type, Shampoo in Cat-type, Mousse in Duck-type,
and Ranma in Girl-type. Team Tenchi looks stunned. Washuu looks
intrigued. Mihoshi looks like she's drowning.)

Nabiki: Would anyone like to save the drowing girl in the lake?

Kuno: Fear not, sweet lady! I, Tatewaki Kuno, the rising star of high
school Kendo, The Blue Thunder of Furinkan High, shall save thee!

(Kuno dives into the shallows, hits his head on a rock, and is knocked
unconscious. Mihoshi swims over and saves him. His hands make
the traditional gesture formed by extending the thumb, pointer, and
pinky fingers -- if you know what this gesture is called, email me!.)

Mihoshi: Ooh, are you alright?

Kuno: Stars, stars, pretty stars...

Mihoshi: Maybe this was meant to be!

(Tenchi cocks an eyebrow.)

Kuno: (weakly) Help...me...

Mihoshi: Who are these people?

(Mihoshi looks at Panda.)

Mihoshi: Are they with the circus? Hello, Mr. Panda!

Panda: (sign) Is she always like this?

(Akane swats away Panda's sign. Panda tries to look innocent.)

Ayeka: Eek! Where did these filthy creatures come from?

(Cat hisses. Sasami goes and plays patti-cake with Panda. Ryoko
kicks Duck out of her way and walks up to Washuu.)

Ryoko: Ok, mom. How do you explain all these cute, furry critters?

Washuu: It would appear that their genetic configuration is altered
when it comes in contact with a cold hydrogen/oxygen mixture.

(Ryoko looks blankly at Washuu.)

Washuu: They met the business end of a Jusenkyo Spring or two.

Sasami: What's a Jusenkyo?

Washuu: Jusenkyo is a training ground that exists in only one alternate
China. The springs there are cursed so that anyone who falls into one
becomes whoever -- or whatever -- drowned there last when splashed
with cold water. Hot water reverses the effect, but only until the next

Tenchi: (not paying attention to Washuu) You're the most beautiful girl
I've ever seen...

(Everyone turns to see Tenchi holding Ranma-chan's hands and
looking into her eyes. Ranma-chan is stunned speechless like a deer
caught in the headlights of an oncoming Mac Truck. Ryoko and
Ayeka slump, then faint.)

Ranma-chan: Uh, uhm, er...I'm a...not a...

Tenchi: I think I'm in love with you!

(Ranma-chan screams and runs away. Everyone else looks on in
shock, except for Ryoga who is smirking contentedly. Kuno stands up,

Tenchi: Wha-What did I say?

Akane: (to herself) If you knew who you just said that to, you wouldn't
be too happy either.

Kuno: Keep your hands off the pig-tailed girl!

Tenchi: And what is she to you?

Kuno: I love her and would date with her! As well as the virtuous
Akane Tendo!

(Mihoshi sighs. Kuno lunges at Akane, arms spread. Ryoga strikes
Kuno over the head with his umbrella, stopping Kuno in mid-flight.
Mihoshi runs to Kuno's side.)

Tenchi: What was all that about?

Washuu: (truly blank) I have no idea.

(Washuu scans transformed Team Ranma. Ranma-chan is peeking
out from behind a tree at a 100 yard distance.)

Washuu: Would you like to be my guinea pigs?

(Panda, Cat, and Duck back away swiftly. Ranma-chan climbs up a
tree and enjoys the show. Washuu summons a sub-dimensional warp
underneath Cat, who is swallowed. Duck quacks loudly and blindly
charges Ryoko, who grabs him by the neck and hands him to
Washuu. Washuu drops Duck into a warp also. Panda is trying to
climb Ranma-chan's tree unsuccessfully. Ranma-chan sticks her
tongue out at Panda. Washuu opens a warp under the whole tree.
Tree and Panda are apprehended. Ranma-chan escapes and dashes
toward Washuu, ready to attack.)

Ranma-chan: Kachu tenshin amaguri-ken!

(Washuu creates the same blast to banish the demon in Tenchi Muyo
OAV 7 -- it shall hence be known as hellfire. Washuu releases the
energy at Ranma-chan. By this time, all spectators have backed away.
Ranma-chan goes to her knees, blocking the attack with her arms
crossed in front of her face.)

Washuu's voice: Amazing...a boy who can become a girl who can 
block my legendary hellfire attack...

Ranma-chan's voice: She's almost as powerful as the old pervert...

(Screen shows a quick shot of Happosai watching the pretty ladies
and not the fight. Washuu launches a stone attack -- please refer to
Tenchi Muyo OAV 6 -- the stone touch. Washuu lunges at Ranma-
chan, finger extended. Ranma-chan reflexively jumps back, expecting
the bakusai tenketsu. Washuu's finger makes contact with the
ground, turning a 5 foot radius into gray stone.)

Ranma-chan: Whoa! What was that!?

Washuu: My invincible stone touch!

(Washuu charges Ranma-chan again, finger extended. Ranma-chan
blocks by catching Washuu's pointer fingers between her pointer and
middle fingers.)

Ranma-chan: Bakusai tenketsu block, revised! Stone touch block!

Washuu's voice: Incredible...

Washuu: I want to make him mine!

Ranma-chan: Hm?

Washuu: Why not put our differences behind us? Just promise to let
me study you.

(Ranma-chan's face goes red as she becomes embarrassed.)

Ranma-chan: Oh, who? Me? Well, I'm no one special. Gee, I guess,
if you really want to...but I don't know really...

(A warp appears. Panda sticks his head out the warp.)

Panda: (sign) Shut up, boy.

(Washuu touches Panda and he turns to stone, falling back into the
warp. The warp closes. Ranma-chan blinks.)

Washuu: So what do you say?

Ranma-chan: O-Okay.

Akane: Oh, puh-lease...

Ranma-chan: What's wrong with her wanting to study me?

Akane: What's to study, Ranma?

Ranma-chan: Well, first off I have a beautiful body!

(Ranma-chan poses, Washuu blinks.)

Akane: Is that so?

(Screen fades and closes on Akane and Ranma-chan trying to out-do
each other by posing.)