DISCLAIMER: Tenchi Muyo! and its characters are owned by Pioneer and AIC. Resident Evil and its characters are owned by Capcom. So don't sue me because I just got enough for college. Plus I couldn't afford a lawyer anyways. I'm including all of the main characters of Resident Evil. Even though I've only played Resident Evil 2, 3, and Survivor. Plus i'm including some things from Tenchi In Tokyo. Like when Ryo-Ohki transforms into that pink bunny mobile suit. Warning: there are explicit scenes of violence and gore in this fanfic. If you are offended by this or is too young to read this material. Please don't read it then. Mainly because I don't want you to have nightmares. Sasami kept running from the mutated dogs. Ryo-Ohki is on her shoulder trying to hold on. Sasami runs around a corner. Sasami sees a semi truckand runs to it. Sasami then opens the door and enters. then closes the door. ????: who's there? Sasami: my name is Sasami. who are you? Sherry: my name is Sherry. Sherry Birkins Sasami pulls out a light and turns it on. Sherry see Ryo-Ohki and freaks out. Sherry: AHHHHH What is that thing!? Sasami: it's a cabbit. her name is Ryo-Ohki. Sherry: what's a cabbit? Sasami: it's half cat half rabbit. plus she can change into a ship and a mobile suit. Sherry: wow Sherry and Sasami continue talking. Meanwhile Tenchi and the others are now looking for Sasami. Ayeka: Sasami. Sasami. where are you princess Sasami? Tenchi: (talking to Washu on the communicator) anything yet on your scanners Washu. Washu: not yet Tenchi but i'm still checking. as you know I've placed a homing device in each one of your communicators just for emergencys like this. Just then a man holds his shotgun at them. ????: FREEZE! Tenchi: who are you ????: i'll be answering the questions around her. now who are you guys? Tenchi: my name is Tenchi Masaki.(points to the others) over is Ryoko, Kiyone, Ayeka, and Mihoshi. Carlos: my name is Carlos. nice to meet you. sorry about that i thought you with Umbrella. Tenchi: that's ok. Carlos: what are you doing here? Ayeka: right now we're looking for my sister Sasami. have you seen her? Carlos: no i haven't i've been watching you guys. Tenchi: could you help us Carlos? Carlos: sure but right now i have to meet some of my friends. why don't you come with me? we all could fin Sasami together. Tenchi: ok Ayeka: that's sounds great to me. Kiyone: let's go Ryoko: sure thing Mihoshi: do we have to? Carlos and evrybody else head to where he is supposed to meet Chris and the others. Ayeka: oh Carlos could i ask you something? Carlos: sure. Ayeka: were you in the building that we just came out? Carlos: yes i was. Kiyone: so it was you who fired those shots. Carlos: yes it was. let's keep going. Meanwhile Chris and the rest of the S.T.A.R.S. Team are waiting for Carlos. Chris is talking to Barry on his radio. Chris looks a bit upset. Chris: i can't believe it Claire: what is it? Chris: Sherry stowed away on our helicopter. Claire: how are we going to find her now. (begins crying) Chris: (comforts Claire) don't worry sis. we'll find her. Ark: it will be even quicker with this (shows them a tracking device) Chris: how did you give her the receiver? Ark: the receiver is a wrist watch that i gave her. Leon: good job Ark. Ark: thank you Carlos and the others arrive. Chris: hey Carlos. who are these people? Carlos: these are some people I found. their names are Tenchi, Ryoko, Kiyone, Sasami, Ayeka and Mihoshi. Tenchi: nice to meet you Chirs: (shakes Tenchi's hand) nice to meet you too. Carlos: they're looking for Ayeka's sister Sasami. Chris: well we're also looking for someone also. Carlos: who? Chris: Sherry Carlos: WHAT SHE'S HERE! Chris: yeah Carlos: well let's get going. Everybody leaves to find Sasami and Sherry using the two tracking devices. Back at the truck Sasami has discovered that they were in a truck carrying packages of rice. So Sasami pulls out a battery operated rice cooker and cooks rice for the both of them. Then she gets bowls and they start eating. Ryo-Ohki is eating a carrot. Sherry: so Ryo-Ohki eats carrots huh? Sasami: yeah she does. Sherry: have you been able to contact anybody? Sasami: no i haven't. I wonder if it's because of this truck but I'll keep trying. Back in Washu's Lab. Washu is trying to communicate with Sasami. Washu: DARNIT! I can't communicate with Sasami. I wonder why. It might be because she is in a semi-truck trailer. I must keep trying. Tenchi and others reach the spot where Sasami ran and finds her blaster. Kiyone: what now? Ark: we go this way (points to the direction on his tracking radar.) Ayeka: don't worry Sasami. we're on our way. Minutes later Sasami and Sherry hear something trying to open the doors. Ryo-Ohki is hissing. Soon Leon and Chris open the doors. Sherry reconizes them and runs to them. Sherry: Chris, Leon! Leon: Sherry your safe. Sasami sees Ayeka and runs to her. Sasami: Ayeka! Ayeka: Sasami! Sasami and Ayeka hug each other Ayeka: don't ever do that again Sasami. Their reunion is broken by a giant monster with a bazooka for a arm. It was Nemesis. Claire: guys look! Carlos: It's Nemesis. but I thought we destroyed it. Leon: looks like it is new model. Ryoko charges up a energy bal and throws it at Nemesis. Ryoko: TAKE THAT! The energy ball explodes against Nemesis. It doesn't even phase him. Ryoko: What the heck. he should be dead by now. Chris: EVERYBODY RUN! Everybody runs away from the monster. They run into the Tokyo Police Department and find a room that is secure from any monsters or zombies. Chris: ok I think we have some stories to tell. so let's get started. Tenchi you guys start first. Tenchi explains how they all met and about their adventures. The S.T.A.R.S. team is in shock. then Chris explains their run-ins with Umbrella. Tenchi: wow that is amamzing. Chris: yours is unbelievable. Claire: I can't believe there are other races in our universe. Ayeka: you'd be surprised. Washu calls Tenchi on the communicator. Washu: Tenchi you there? Tenchi: yeah I am Washu. what's wrong? Washu: I'm detecting five zombies heading towards you. Tenchi: just great. Tenchi ends his talk with Washu and turns to the others. Tenchi: we've got company coming. Chris: let's get ready Everybody stands behind a table with their weapons ready. Suddenly five zombies break through. Tenchi slices two of them in half. Chris with a machine gun fires at one of them thezombie falls to the ground with blood oozing out of it. Leon blows the head of one. Claire and Carlos gun down the last one. Jill: well that's that Chris: we better get out of here. Everyone leaves making sure there are no zombies after them. Meanwhile someone in a spaceship heading towards Earth. The woman's name is Nagi. Nagi: well Ryoko. I have come back to fight you. this time i have a new weapon. Nagi pulls out a light sword with a purple blade. with this I shall win. Nagi puts her sword back. Nagi: go Ken-Ohki Ken-Ohki meows and heads into the earth's atmosphere. Nagi looks at map and finds Ryoko is in Tokyo. Nagi: head to Tokyo Ken-Ohki. Next Chapter: Nagi decides to join with the others. Nemesis continues to down the new S.T.A.R.S. team. Plus a old enemy revels himself to everyone. Well this is my first fanfic. I hope you all like it. Send Commits and Criticisms to SPTL1234@neo.rr.com. I've always wanted to do a fanfic involving Resident Evil. I may write more crossover fanfics in the future.